Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "H83 - Public Administration ; Public Sector Accounting and Audits"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 139.


Vymetal, Dominik (2008): ICT ve veřejné správě a SMB sektoru: Čtyři roky nových výzev. Published in: Proceedings of Conference "Four years of Central and Eastern Europeann countires in the European Union: the effects and new calls for the national and regional labour markets , Vol. ISBN 9, (16 May 2008): pp. 897-906.


Abuselidze, George (2015): Formation of Tax Policy in the Aspect of the Optimal Tax Burden. Published in: International Review of Management and Business Research , Vol. 4, No. 3 (1 September 2015): pp. 601-610.

Ahmad, Sayed Javed (2008): State of Governance in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects.

Andrade, Monica and Göksel, Doç. Dr. Aykut (2017): Organizational alignment in public administration: case study of Ministry of Justice of Cape Verde.

Basu, Rahul and Vaze, Prashant and Chari, Ankita Navso (2024): Ethical Government Accounting. Published in: Review of Income and Wealth , Vol. 71, No. 2 (May 2025)

Carvalho, Pedro G. and Miragaia, Dina (2007): Leaning an University Department: a life experiment.

Chatterjee, Susmita and Datta, Debabrata and Banerjee, Ranjan (2016): Performance of mixed oligopoly model in the context of Indian telecom industry.

Colignatus, Thomas (2020): Forum Theory & A National Assembly of Science and Learning. Published in: MijnBestseller.nl No. ISBN 978 94 03602752 (10 July 2020): pp. 1-375.

Cordero, José Manuel and Pedraja-Chaparro, Francisco and Pisaflores, Elsa C. and Polo, Cristina (2016): Efficiency assessment of Portuguese municipalities using a conditional nonparametric approach.

Corsi, Marcella and D'Ippoliti, Carlo (2010): The productivity of the public sector in OECD countries: eGovernment as driver of efficiency and efficacy.

Corsi, Marcella and D'Ippoliti, Carlo and Gumina, Andrea and Battisti, Michele (2006): eGEP Economic Model: Final Report on the Benefits, Costs and Financing of eGovernment.

Cosma, Dorin and Cosma, Octavian (2009): Modern Risk Management Strategies for the Romanian State Treasury.

De Koning, Kees (2012): Profits:The Economic or Auditors' Assessment?

Dietlmeier, Simon Frederic and Urmetzer, Florian (2023): Policy-Driven Industrial Ecosystems.

Dixon, Keith (2011): Assessment at the centre of strategies of [accountant] learning in groups, substantiated with qualitative reflections in student assessments.

Dixon, Keith (2009): Calculative practices in higher education: a retrospective analysis of curricular accounting about learning.

Dost, Ahmad Najim (2015): Conducting Public Expenditure Tracking Survey (PETS) in Difficult Environments: Evidence from Afghanistan.

Duguay, Raphael and Minnis, Michael and Sutherland, Andrew (2019): Regulatory Spillovers in Common Audit Markets. Forthcoming in: Management Science

Ecobici, Nicolae (2008): Comparative Survey on the Records of Fixed Assets of Companies and Public Institutions. Forthcoming in: Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad

Ecobici, Nicolae (2008): IPSAS versus National Norms on Public Institutions' Own Capitals. Forthcoming in: Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad

Escobari, Diego (2011): Imperfect Detection of Tax Evasion in a Corrupt Tax Administration. Forthcoming in: Public Organization Review

Golden, Miriam and Picci, Lucio (2011): Redistribution and Reelection under Proportional Representation: The Postwar Italian Chamber of Deputies.

Grigorescu, Adriana (2008): Models of public – private partnership projects in tourism industry. Published in: Tourism & Hospitality Industry 2008, New trends in Tourism and Hospitality Management , Vol. ISBN 9, No. Fintrade & Tours d.o.o. Rijeka, Croaţia (2008): pp. 487-497.

Grigorescu, Adriana (2008): National policies and public marketing for cultural tourism destination. Forthcoming in: volume printed by Fintrade & Tours d.o.o. Rijeka No. ISSN 1846-288X (2008)

Grigorescu, Adriana (2006): Project management an useful tool for the European integration. Published in: Les Anales de l’Universite Valahia de Targoviste, Section Science Economiques No. ISSN 1453-8202 (2006)

Grigorescu, Adriana (2006): Public administration role in infrastructure development. Published in: Review Regional Development and Tourism , Vol. ISSN 1, No. Volume 4/2006 (2006)

Grigorescu, Adriana (2009): Renewal marketing management in public and business organizations. Published in: Review Of Management And Economical Engineering , Vol. VOL.9,, No. ISSN 1583-624X (2010)

Grigorescu, Adriana (2010): Romanian public marketing in terms of necessity, collaboration and mix. Published in: Analele Universităţii Ovidius Constanţa. Seria: Știinţe Economice ISSN 1582 – 9383 , Vol. Volumu, No. issue 1 (2010): pp. 72-76.

Grigorescu, Adriana (2008): Strategic Japanese business visions – possible transposes in public services. Published in: Anals of University fron Oradea – Series Economic Science,Tom XVII , Vol. ISSN-1, No. volume IV (2008): pp. 878-885.

Hardt, Lukasz and de Jong, Maarten (2011): Improving the quality of governance in Poland through performance based budgeting. Published in:

Hurbean, Luminita (2008): Issues with implementing ERP in the public administration.

Hurbean, Luminita (2008): Issues with implementing ERP in the public administration.

Idrobo, Nicolás and Kronick, Dorothy and Rodriguez, Francisco (2020): Do Shifts in Late-Counted Votes Signal Fraud? Evidence From Bolivia.

James, Simon and Alley, Clinton (2002): Tax compliance, self-assessment and tax administration. Published in: Journal of Finance and Management in Public Services , Vol. 2, No. 2 (2002): pp. 27-42.

James, Simon and Edwards, Alison (2010): An annotated bibliography of tax compliance and tax compliance costs.

Javier E., Contreras-Reyes (2016): Credit allocation based on journal impact factor and coauthorship contribution.


Josheski, Dushko and Jovanova, Blagica (2012): External audit and relation between internal auditors, supervisory body and external auditors of the banking sector in the Republic of Macedonia.

Klimczuk, Andrzej (2015): Public Policy: Ethics. Published in:

Lambert, Thomas and Srinivasan, Arun and Dufrene, Uric and Min, Hokey (2010): Urban Location and the Success of Casinos in Five States: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach. Published in:

Marques, Maria da Conceição da Costa (2010): The role of cost accounting in the university performance measurement in Portugal.

Matei, Ani and Iancu, Diana Camelia (2003): E-Administration as a Way of Increasing the Managerial Capacity in Public Sector.

Matei, Ani and Popa, Florin (2010): Meritocratic Aspects Concerning Civil Servant Career. Comparative Study In Central and Eastern European Countries.

Matei, Ani and Popa, Florin (2009): "State capture" versus "administrative corruption". A comparative study for the public health service in Romania.

Matei, Ani and Savulescu, Carmen (2009): Enhancing the efficiency of local government in the context of reducing the administrative expenditures.

Matei, Lucica and Iancu, Diana Camelia (2009): On the Way to Modernization: The 'Good Enough' Governance Making in Romania.

Matei, Lucica and Matei, Ani (2009): Compatibility of the Content of Bachelor Programs in Public Administration with the Needs of Good Governance - A Comparison: EU-US.

Matei, Lucica and Matei, Ani (2009): Corruption in the public organizations. Towards a model of cost-benefit analysis for the anticorruption strategies.

Maulana, Ardian and Situngkir, Hokky (2010): Some Inquiries to Spontaneous Opinions: A case with Twitter in Indonesia. Published in: BFI Working Paper Series No. WP-10-2010 (2 November 2010)

Maury Cruz, Luis Alberto and Cruz-Juárez, Alberto and Medel-Ramírez, Carlos (2021): INDICATORS FOR EVALUATION OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT.

Maury-Cruz, Luis Alberto and Medel-Ramírez, Carlos and Cruz-Juárez, Alberto (2019): From public information to democratic governance: a theoretical atlas from an axiomatic approach to the evaluation of public management.

Michael, Bryane and Gubin, Alexey (2012): Compliance Audit of Anti-Corruption Regulations: A Case Study from Carpatistan Customs. Published in: Internal Auditing , Vol. 2012, No. Sept/Oct (2012)

Mukerji, Anirban (2006): Rural Digital Services.

Nag, Bodhibrata (2012): Public procurement: a case study of the Indian Railways.

Nagy, Sándor (2012): The role of Supreme Audit Institutions in fight against the consequences of financial and economic crisis: A theoretical approach. Published in: Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Conference Proceedings, Szeged, University of Szeged , Vol. ISBN 9, (2012): pp. 270-282.

Nguyen, Hoang-Phuong (2007): Performance budgeting: Its rise and fall. Published in: Maxwell Review (2008): pp. 91-106.

Nguyen, Hoang-Phuong (2008): What is in it for the poor? Evidence from fiscal decentralization in Vietnam. Published in: Journal of Public and International Affairs No. 19 (June 2008): pp. 69-90.

Niu, Yongzhi (2010): Tax audit productivity in New York State.

Nozharov, Shteryo (2014): „Model of Effective Management of Bulgarian Public Administration Managing EU Funds“. Published in: Economic Alternatives Journal No. 4 (December 2014): pp. 64-77.

Nozharov, Shteryo (2015): Nozharov Sht.,”Efficiency of human resources management in the field of cultural heritage protection”, Conference Proceedings-XIII International Scientific conference “Management and Engineering ‘15”, TU-Sofia, Volume I, 2015, pp.404-413;. Published in: Conference Proceedings-XIII International Scientific conference “Management and Engineering ‘15” (27 June 2015): pp. 404-413.

Oehler-Sincai, Iulia Monica (2008): Strengths And Weaknesses Of The New Public Management (NPM)- Cross-Sectional And Longitudinal Analysis.

Ogawa, Akinobu and Kondoh, Haruo (2025): The impact of accrual accounting on the cost efficiency of municipally controlled enterprises: Evidence from the Japanese municipal sewerage system.

Onofrei, Mihaela and Lupu, Dan (2010): The dimension of public administration in Central and Eastern European countries in the current financial crisis. Published in: Tranylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences No. 29E (30 June 2010): pp. 109-124.

Orkodashvili, Mariam (2010): Quality education through Child-Friendly Schools: resource allocation for the protection of children’s rights.

Ortigueira, Luis C. (2010): Citizen Satisfaction with Local Public Policies: A Spanish Case Study Based on Image Strategy.

Ortigueira, Luis C. (2009): Communication and debate in a public environment: an analysis of Obama–McCain presidential debates.

Otterson, James (2024): On Principal-Agent Problems, Rogue Agencies and Systemic Government Failure: A Case Study.

Pacheco, Francisca and Sanchez, Rafael and Villena, Mauricio G. (2017): Estimating Local Government Efficiency using a Panel Data Parametric Approach: The Case of Chilean Municipalities.

Pacheco, Francisca and Sanchez, Rafael and Villena, Mauricio G. (2017): Estimating Local Government Efficiency using a Panel Data Parametric Approach: The Case of Chilean Municipalities.

Palacios, Robert (2006): Civil-service pension schemes around the world. Published in: Social Protection Discussion Paper

Paliu-Popa, Lucia and Dina, Ionela Claudia (2009): Analyzing the Classic Methods of Organizing the Administration Accountacy Used in the Carboniferous Mining Industry. Forthcoming in: ECO-TREND 2008

Peeters, Marga (2011): “Better Safe than Sorry” - Individual Risk-free Pension Schemes in the European Union - Macroeconomic Benefits, the Mobile Working Citizen’s Perspective and Why Nots.

Peichl, Andreas and Pestel, Nico and Siegloch, Sebastian (2011): The politicians’ wage gap: insights from German members of parliament.

Pethe, Abhay and Gandhi, Sahil and Tandel, Vaidehi (2011): Assessing the Mumbai metropolitan region: a governance perspective. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. 46, No. 26&27 (25 May 2011): pp. 187-195.

Popescu, Ramona and Ungureanu, Emilia (2008): Brief Assessment regarding the Situation of the Romanian Industrial Parks. Published in: Management of International Business and Economics Systems , Vol. -, No. 2008 (4 July 2008): pp. 668-674.

Roman, Monica and Gotiu (Lucaciu), Liliana (2017): Non-parametric methods applied in the efficiency analysis of European structural funding in Romania. Published in: Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods , Vol. 18, No. 2 (30 June 2017)

Rosta, Miklós (2015): Introduction of soft budget constraint to analyze public administration reforms. Some evidence from the Hungarian public administration reform.

Rosta, Miklós (2013): New Public Management: opportunity for the Centre, thread for the Periphery. Published in: (2013)

Saulitis, Andris and Chapkovski, Philipp (2023): Investigating Tax Compliance with Mixed-Methods Approach: The Effect of Normative Appeals Among the Firms in Latvia.

Schmuck, Roland (2011): Online Services of Municipal Websites. Published in: Human Resources - The Main Factor of Regional Development (Region Formation and Development Studies No. 5 (2011): pp. 225-235.

Schroeder, Gerhard (2009): Volatility Indexes seem to point to the Past.

Serikbayeva, Balzhan and Abdulla, Kanat and Oskenbayev, Yessengali (2020): State capacity in responding to COVID-19. Published in:

Shah, Syed Akhter Hussain and Khalid, Mahmood and Shah, Tariq (2006): Convergence Model of Governance: A Case Study of the Local Government System of Pakistan. Published in: The Pakistan Development Review , Vol. 45, No. 4 (2006): pp. 855-871.

Sharma, Chanchal Kumar (2010): Beyond Gaps and Imbalances: Re-Structuring the Debate on Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations. Published in: Public Administration , Vol. 89, (6 July 2011)

Sharma, Chanchal Kumar (2004): Decentralization Dilemma: Measuring the Degree and Evaluating the Outcomes. Published in: Indian Journal of Political Science , Vol. Vol. (, No. No. (1) (March 2006): pp. 49-64.

Sharma, Chanchal Kumar (2008): A Discursive Dominance Theory of Economic Reform Sustainability: The Case of India. Published in: India Review , Vol. 2, No. 10 (11 May 2011): 126 -184.

Sharma, Chanchal Kumar (2003): The Federal Approach to FiscalDecentralisation: Conceptual Contours for Policy Makers. Published in: Loyola Journal of Social Sciences , Vol. Vol. (, No. No.(2) (December 2005): pp. 169-188.

Sharma, Chanchal Kumar (2005): When Does decentralization deliver? The Dilemma of Design. Published in: South Asian Journal of Socio-political studies (SAJOSPS) , Vol. Vol:6, No. No:1 (December 2005): pp. 38-45.

Sharma, Chanchal Kumar (2004): Why Decentralization ? The Puzzle of causation. Published in: SYNTHESIS , Vol. Vol (3, No. NO (1) (December 2005): pp. 1-17.

Soldatos, Gerasimos T. (2016): A Short “Second Best” Narrative of the Ukrainian Economy/ Una Breve “Segunda Mejor Opción” de Narrativa de la Economía Ucraniana. Published in: Boletín de Estudios Económicos , Vol. 72, No. 221 (September 2017): pp. 361-389.

Sosay, Gül and Zenginobuz, Unal (2005): Independent regulatory agencies in emerging economies.

Spahn, Paul Bernd (2001): Institutional Arrangements for Coordination Among Governments in Germany. Published in: Frankfurter Volkswirtschaftliche Diskussionsbeiträge No. 106 (2001)

Subramaniam, Viswanatha (2013): Poverty : A Corporate Creation and Ratio Controls for Eradication. Published in: Create Space Book , Vol. 1, No. ISBN : 978-1484087442 (19 April 2013): pp. 1-37.

Sulasula, Josephine (2023): Capacity-building needs assessment for Futures Thinking in State Universities and Colleges in Zamboanga Peninsula Region, Philippines.

Sulasula, Josephine (2023): Exploring the viability of Smart Public Universities in the Philippines’ Zamboanga Peninsula Region.

Sulasula, Josephine and Moreno, Frede (2023): Public service delivery system in State Universities and Colleges: Controversies and best practices across frontline services.

Tchibozo, Guy (2024): A theory on specifying resource allocation dynamics in long-term multidimensional public policies. Published in:

Teodora, Vatuiu (2008): Informatics systems used to increase the efficiency of the activity within public administration. Published in: The proceedings of the 3rd International conference knowledge management projects, systems and technologies , Vol. 1, (23 October 2008): pp. 106-112.

Vahabi, Mehrdad (2011): Soft budget constraint and the parastatal sector.

Vatuiu, Teodora (2008): Informatics systems used to increase the efficiency of the activity within public administration. Published in: ASE Printing House Proceedings oh the 3rd International conference knowledge management projects, systems and technologies , Vol. 1, No. ISBN 978-606-505-124-9 (23 October 2008): pp. 106-112.

Vrabie, Catalin and Tirziu, Andreea-Maria (2017): Transparency and Responsibility in the Public Administration Institutions. The case of Romania. Published in: EIRP Proceedings , Vol. 12, No. 1 (19 May 2017): pp. 165-170.

Walkenhorst, Peter and Ghafele, Roya (2004): Regulatory Reflorm in Germany: Enhancing Market Openness through Regulatory Reform.

Wawak, Slawomir (2009): Information Security Issues within Local Government. Published in: Interdisciplinary Relationships in the Theory and Practice of Informatics, Management, Economics and Mathematics (2009): pp. 474-482.

Wenzel, Tina (2009): Beyond GDP - Measuring the Wealth of Nations. Published in: Munich, GRIN Verlag (March 2009)

Willmore, Larry (2005): Public sector performance, prestige and promotion. Published in: World Public Sector Report 2005 (2005): pp. 1-33.

santi, emanuele and santiso, Carlos and Campos, Indira (2009): Assessing Governance, Staff Guidance Note on the Governance Rating of the Bank’s Country Performance Assessment. Published in:

van der Hoek, M. Peter (1994): The Use Of Labor Market Supplements By Central Government In The Netherlands. Published in: Public Administration Quarterly , Vol. 18, No. 3 (1994): pp. 326-341.


benhamida, hichem and Arabi, mahfoud (2019): La pratique de la contractualisation interne hospitalière: vers une nouvelle gestion publique.


Egbert, Henrik and Greiff, Matthias (2023): Pay-What-You-Want für öffentliche Güter: Eine Fallstudie zu vhs.wissen live.


Febriantoko, Jovan and Rotama, Hendra (2018): Evaluasi Potensi Penerimaan Pendapatan Asli Daerah Bidang Pariwisata di Indonesia. Published in: Jurnal Ekuivalensi , Vol. 4, No. 2 (October 2018): pp. 1-15.


Bonaventura, Luigi and Consoli, Andrea (2009): La scelta dei criteri di priorità per il giudice penale: effetti sui carichi pendenti e sul costo sociale.

Franco, Daniel and LoFazio, Aurelio (2012): Da governo a governance: il possibile ruolo della partecipazione. Published in: Territori No. 10 (August 2012): pp. 1-7.



Martins, J. Albuquerque (2007): O Estado e a Gestão da Administração Pública. Published in:

Martins, J. Albuquerque (2008): Reforma da Administração Pública: Antes e Depois da Democracia.


Berica, Corina (2011): Fonduri Structurale - valoare adăugată şi costuri.

Grigorescu, Adriana (2009): Răspunsul administraţiei publice la cerinţele cetăţenilor în contextul crizei economice. Forthcoming in: CAIETUL ŞTIINŢIFIC al I.S.A. Paul Negulescu (2009)

Grigorescu, Adriana (2010): Serviciile publice între nevoia cetăţeanului şi posibilităţile administraţiei. Forthcoming in: CAIETUL ŞTIINŢIFIC al I.S.A. Paul Negulescu , Vol. no.12/, (2010)

Margea, Camelia (2009): Consideraţii privind migrarea către software-ul open source în administraţiile publice europene.


Iskakov, Aziz (2017): Совершенствование администрирования государственных программ в Республике Казахстан.

Iskakov, Aziz (2017): Казахстанская национальная программа открытого доступа: What is dead may never die.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (1997): Проблемы общественного самоуправления в свете теории самоорганизации. Published in: (1997): pp. 50-53.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2000): Стратегия развития системы городского самоуправления в новых экономических условиях. Published in: Информационно-аналитический бюллетень “Портал-инфо” администрации г.Омска No. 3 (2000): p. 6.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2010): Мировой экономический кризис и маркетинговая деятельность в России. Published in: Экономика. Организация производства. Предпринимательство. Инновации: Материалы Всероссийской научно-практической конференции. No. Омск: ОмГТУ, 2010. – С. 98-101. – ISBN 978-5-8149-0894-0. (2010): pp. 98-101.

Kuznetsova, Elena (2013): Изменение социальной сферы в контексте бюджетной реформы. Published in: Россия и мировые тенденции развития, Всеросс. науч.-практ. конф. (2013): pp. 155-159.

Kuznetsova, Elena (2005): Власть как субъект социализации. Published in: Власть и воздействие на массовое сознание: Сборник материалов I Всероссийской научно-практ. конф. – Пенза: РИО ПГСХА. (2005): pp. 162-165.

Kuznetsova, Elena (2012): Социальный контроль: сущность и методы реализации. Published in: Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG (2012): -185.


González Laxe, Fernando and Armesto Pina, José Francisco and Sánchez-Fernández, Patricio (2018): Los efectos de la crisis económica en Galicia a través de 25 cuadros. Published in: Informe de Conxuntura Socioeconómica , Vol. IV, No. No. IV 2018 (December 2018): pp. 38-59.

González Laxe, Fernando and Armesto Pina, José Francisco and Sánchez-Fernández, Patricio and Lago Peñas, Santiago (2017): Balance de la economía gallega en el año 2016. Published in: Informe de Conxuntura Socioeconómica , Vol. I, No. Informe de Conxuntura Socioeconómica , Vol. IV, No. IV 2016 (March 2017): pp. 5-21.

González-Laxe, Fernando and Armesto-Pina, José Francisco and Lago-Peñas, Santiago and Sanchez-Fernandez, Patricio (2016): Cuentas económicas de Galicia: Tercer trimestre de 2016. Published in: Informe de Conxuntura Socioeconómica , Vol. IV, No. IV 2016 (1 December 2016): pp. 5-21.

González-Laxe, Fernando and Armesto-Pina, José Francisco and Sánchez-Fernández, Patricio (2017): Los salarios en Galicia. Una visión a través de las fuentes estadísticas. Published in: Informe de Conxuntura Socioeconómica No. 4/2017 (December 2017): pp. 29-46.

Huayta Zapata, Katia and Tolentino Huaroto, Cinthia (2013): Evaluación del gasto y análisis de beneficiarios del Programa Nacional de Movimiento para la Alfabetización del Perú.

Huayta Zapata, Katia and Tolentino Huaroto, Cinthia (2013): Evaluación del gasto y análisis de beneficiarios del Programa Nacional de Movimiento para la Alfabetización del Perú.

Ken, Crucita Aurora (2013): Políticas públicas para abordar las desigualdades regionales en Quintana Roo. Una propuesta a partir del desarrollo regional de Othón P. Blanco. Published in: Problemas del desarrollo regional en la región sur sureste de México: política, economía y sociedad , Vol. 1, No. 1 (6 September 2014): pp. 160-171.

Marcel, Mario (2001): Balance Estructural del Gobierno Central. Metodología y Estimaciones para Chile. Published in:

Mauro, Raul (2007): Transferencias a los Gobiernos Locales: una mirada a las fuentes de su desigualdad.

Molero, Juan Carlos (2002): Gasto Público y Federalismo Fiscal en España. Período 1984-1998. Published in: Edit: Consejo Económica y Social (CES), España. (June 2002): pp. 1-310.

Ortigueira, Luis C. (2009): La Evaluación del Rendimiento en las Estructuras Humanas de los Entes Públicos.

Reuben Soto, Sergio (2004): La sociedad civil, el bienestar social y las transformaciones del Estado en Costa Rica. Published in: Reflexiones , Vol. 83, No. 1 (2004): pp. 21-30.

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