Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "J26 - Retirement ; Retirement Policies"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 121.


Стайков, Ивайло (2006): Предпоставки за придобиване на право на пенсия за осигурителен стаж и възраст по § 4, ал. 3 от ПЗР на КСО. Published in: Научни трудове на Русенския университет – 2006. Том 45, серия 5.3 – История, етнология, фолклор и правни науки. Сборник с доклади от научна конференция, гр. Русе, 10-11 ноември 2006 г. Русе: Издателство на РУ „Ангел Кънчев”. ISSN 1311-3321. (2006): pp. 73-76.


Zou, Tieding (2017): 延迟退休的制约因素、政策效果与动态研究方法评价.


Aaron George, Grech (2014): Pension policy design: The core issues.

Adenutsi, Deodat E. (2009): Retirement planning: conceptualisation, challenges and policy options.

Alonso Ortiz, Jorge (2009): Social Security and Retirement across OECD Countries.

Alonso Ortiz, Jorge (2014): Social Security and Retirement across the OECD. Published in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control , Vol. 47, (1 October 2014): pp. 300-316.

Alonso Ortiz, Jorge (2009): Social security and retirement across OECD countries.

Alonso-Ortiz, Jorge (2010): Social security and retirement across the OECD.

Aristovnik, Aleksander and Jaklič, Ksenja (2013): Job Satisfaction of Older Workers as a Factor of Promoting Labour Market Participation in the EU: The Case of Slovenia. Published in: Croatian Journal of Social Policy , Vol. 20, No. 2 (August 2013): pp. 123-148.

Bassetti, Thomas and Rebba, Vincenzo (2015): Getting to the Roots of Long-Term Care Needs: A Regression Tree Analysis.

Bayari, Celal (2014): Labour Management in China: Legislation, Stratification, and Wages. Published in: Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Administrative Science Proceedings , Vol. 17, No. 2014 (8 November 2014): pp. 419-424.

Bell, William Paul (2005): An evaluation of policies to reduce fiscal pressure induced by population ageing in Australia.

Bertranou, Fabio and Casali, Pablo and Velasco, Juan Jacobo (2018): The future of social protection in Latin America in a context of accelerated changes.

Bertranou, Fabio and Cetrángolo, Oscar and Grushka, Oscar and Casanova, Luis (2012): Beyond the privatization and re-nationalisation of the Argentine pension system: coverage, fragmentation, and sustainability.

Bianco, Dominique (2007): R&D, Competition and Growth with Human Capital Accumulation : A Comment.

Blake, David and Boardman, Tom (2010): Spend more today: Using behavioural economics to improve retirement expenditure decisions.

Bodor, Andras and Robalino, David and Rutkowski, Michal (2008): How Mandatory Pensions Affect Labor Supply Decisions and Human Capital Accumulation? Options to Bridge the Gap between Economic Theory and Policy Analysis. Published in: Bank i Kredyt (July 2008): pp. 3-18.

Calvo, Esteban (2006): Does Working Longer Make People Healthier and Happier?

Calvo, Esteban and Haverstick, Kelly and Sass, Steven (2007): A Gradual Exit may Not Make for a Happier Retirement? Published in: Issue Brief, Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. No. #7-16 (October 2007)

Calvo, Esteban and Haverstick, Kelly and Sass, Steven (2007): What Makes Retirees Happier: A Gradual or 'Cold Turkey' Retirement?

Canegrati, Emanuele (2007): The Decision to Retire: Some Microeconomic Hints.

Canegrati, Emanuele (2007): On redistribution effects of public debt amongst single-minded generations.

Canegrati, Emanuele (2006): The Single-Mindedness Theory: Micro-foundation and Applications to Social Security Systems.

Canegrati, Emanuele (2006): The Single-Mindedness Theory: Micro-foundation and Applications to Social Security Systems.

Canegrati, Emanuele (2007): The Single-Mindedness of Labor Unions: Theory and Empirical Evidence.

Canegrati, Emanuele (2006): The Single-Mindedness theory: micro-foundation and applications to social security systems.

Cantarero-Prieto, David and Pascual-Sáez, Marta and Blázquez-Fernández, Carla (2018): Well-being and intended early retirement among older European workers: does job satisfaction matter? A 6-Wave follow-up.

Carone, Giuseppe and Denis, Cécile and Mc Morrow, Kieran and Mourre, Gilles and Röger, Werner (2006): Long-term labour productivity and GDP projections for the EU25 Member States : a production function framework. Published in: European Economy-Economic Papers, European Commission-DG ECFIN No. 253 (June 2006): pp. 1-92.

Carone, Giuseppe and Eckefeldt, Per and Giamboni, Luigi and Laine, Veli and Pamies, Stephanie (2016): Pension reforms in the EU since the early 2000's: achievements and challenges ahead. Published in: Discussion Paper

Carrino, Ludovico and Glaser, Karen and Avendano, Mauricio (2018): Later Pension, Poorer Health? Evidence from the New State Pension Age in the UK.

Chatterjee, Swarn and Zahirovic-Herbert, Velma (2009): Retirement Plan Participation in the United States: Do Public Sector Employees Save More? Published in: European Journal of Social Sciences , Vol. 7, No. 4 (February 2009): pp. 30-40.

Chen, Hung-Ju (2015): Fertility and PAYG Pensions in an Overlapping Generations Model with Endogenous Retirement.

Chen, Hung-Ju (2015): Fertility, Official Pension Age, and PAYG Pensions.

Chen, Hung-Ju (2016): Fertility, Retirement Age, and PAYG Pensions.

Chen, Hung-Ju and Miyazaki, Koichi (2019): Labor productivity, labor supply of the old, and economic growth.

Chen, Hung-Ju and Miyazaki, Koichi (2021): Pay-as-you-go social security and educational subsidy in an overlapping generations model with endogenous fertility and endogenous retirement.

Cheron, Arnaud and Khaskhoussi, Fouad and Khaskhoussi, Tarek and Langot, François (2004): Voluntary and involuntary retirement decision : does real wage rigidity affects the effectiveness of pension reforms ?

Dang, Thang (2017): The Causal Effect of Retirement on Health Services Utilization: Evidence from Urban Vietnam.

Das, Debasmita (2022): Child-rearing, Social Security and Married Women’s Labor Supply over the Life Cycle.

Datta Gupta, Nabanita and Larsen, Mona (2007): Health Shocks and Retirement: The Role of Welfare State Institutions. Published in: European Journal of Ageing , Vol. 4, : pp. 183-190.

Disney, Richard and Whitehouse, Edward (1999): Pension plans and retirement incentives. Published in: Social Protection Discussion Paper

EL-HOUJJAJI, Hind and ECHAOUI, Abdellah (2020): Assessing the financial sustainability of parametric pension system reforms: The case of Morocco.

Emanuele, Canegrati (2007): A Single-Mindedness model with n generations.

Fanti, Luciano and Gori, Luca (2010): Economic growth and stability with public PAYG pensions and private intra-family old-age insurance.

Fanti, Luciano and Gori, Luca (2010): Fertility and PAYG pensions in the overlapping generations model.

Fanti, Luciano and Gori, Luca (2010): Fertility-related pensions and cyclical instability.

Fanti, Luciano and Gori, Luca (2010): PAYG pensions and economic cycles.

Fanti, Luciano and Gori, Luca (2010): PAYG pensions, tax-cum-subsidy and optimality.

Fe, Eduardo and Hollingsworth, Bruce (2012): Estimating the eect of retirement on mental health via panel discontinuity designs.

Fe, Eduardo and Hollingsworth, Bruce (2015): Short and long run estimates of the local effects of retirement on health.

Finamor, Lucas (2024): Labor Market Informality, Risk, and Insurance.

Fischer, Justina AV and Sousa-Poza, Alfonso (2009): The Effect of Pension Generosity on Early Retirement: A Microdata Analysis for Europe from 1967 to 2004.

Fischer, Justina AV and Sousa-Poza, Alfonso (2010): The impact of institutions on firms’ rejuvenation policies: Early retirement with severance pay versus simple lay-off. A Cross-European Analysis.

Galor, Oded and Özak, Ömer (2016): The Agricultural Origins of Time Preference.

Gonzalez-Eiras, Martin and Niepelt, Dirk (2012): Ageing, government budgets, retirement, and growth. Published in: European Economic Review , Vol. 56, No. 1 (January 2012): pp. 97-115.

Grech, Aaron George (2010): Assessing the sustainability of pension reforms in Europe. Published in: CASE Paper 140 (September 2010)

Grech, Aaron George (2013): Assessing the sustainability of pension reforms in Europe. Published in: Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy , Vol. 29, No. 2 (November 2013): pp. 1-20.

Grech, Aaron George (2014): Assessing the sustainability of pension reforms in Europe: a pension wealth approach.

Grech, Aaron George (2014): Evaluating the possible impact of pension reforms on elderly poverty in Europe. Forthcoming in: Social Policy and Administration No. Online early view version (2 July 2014)

Grech, Aaron George (2012): Evaluating the possible impact of pension reforms on future living standards in Europe. Published in:

Grech, Aaron George (2013): How best to measure pension adequacy.

Grech, Aaron George (2013): Pension reform sustainability in the EU: a pension wealth-based framework.

Grech, Aaron George (2015): Pension reforms in the 1990s and during the financial crisis: More of the same?

Gugushvili, Alexi (2007): Giving the ageing of the population how can countries afford pay-as-you-go social insurance pensions?

Gumus, Erdal (2005): Benefit-Cost Analysis of Reforming the Turkish Social Insurance Institution for the Self-Employed (Bağ-Kur). Published in: METU Studies in Development , Vol. 33, No. 2 (December 2006): pp. 169-206.

Gumus, Erdal (2005): Benefit-Cost Analysis of Turkish Social Insurance Institute Gradual Privatization Proposal. Published in: Journal of Economic Cooperation , Vol. 26, No. 4 (2005): pp. 87-126.

Haan, Peter and Prowse, Victoria (2012): Longevity, life-cycle behavior and pension reform.

Heng, Stefab (2009): Age-appropriate information technology on the advance: Putting paid to olden times. Published in: E-conomics No. 74 (29 December 2009)

Herani, Gobind M. (2010): Microfinance And self-help finance system to reduce poverty from Pakistan: an it-based solution. Published in: Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences No. , 4(1): (2010): pp. 55-63.

Ilmakunnas, Pekka and Ilmakunnas, Seija (2012): Age segregation and hiring of older employees: low mobility revisited.

Ilmakunnas, Pekka and Ilmakunnas, Seija (2006): Gradual retirement and lengthening of working life.

Ilmakunnas, Pekka and Ilmakunnas, Seija (2018): Health and retirement age: Comparison of expectations and actual retirement. Published in: Scandinavian Journal of Public Health , Vol. 46, No. 19, Supplement (2018): pp. 18-31.

Ilmakunnas, Pekka and Ilmakunnas, Seija (2011): Hiring older employees: Do incentives of early retirement channels matter?

Inderst, Georg and Stewart, Fiona (2014): Institutional Investment in Infrastructure in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies. Published in: PPIAF Publication (March 2014)

Karakaya, Güngör (2008): Early cessation of activity in the labour market: impact of supply and demand factors.

Kayam, Saime S. and Parkın, Mehmet Koray and Çeliktopuz, Merih (2013): Features that influence the exit decision from the private pension system in Turkey.

Kruse, Herman and Myhre, Andreas (2021): Early Retirement Provision for Elderly Displaced Workers.

Kruse, Herman and Myhre, Andreas (2021): Early Retirement Provision for Elderly Displaced Workers.

Lazarevski, Dimche and Mrsik, Jadranka (2012): Reformed Pensions Systems in Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges to future safe pension benefits. Published in: Development Economics: Microeconomic Issues in Developing Economies eJournal , Vol. 1, No. 48 (12 September 2012)

Linden, Mikael (2023): Retirement Age Trap: RDD Approach to Terminated Retirement Spells.

Littlewood, Michael (2014): Ageing populations, retirement incomes and public policy: what really matters.

MAVROZACHARAKIS, EMMANOUIL (2022): The end of hypocrisy and the questioning of democracy.

Meng, Channarith and Pfau, Wade Donald (2011): Retirement savings guidelines for residents of emerging market countries.

Meng, Channarith and Pfau, Wade Donald (2011): Safe withdrawal rates from retirement savings for residents of emerging market countries.

Miyake, Yusuke and Yasuoka, Masaya (2016): Subsidy Policy and Elderly Labor.

Miyazaki, Koichi (2014): Optimal pay-as-you-go social security when retirement is endogenous and labor productivity depreciates.

Miyazaki, Koichi (2015): Optimal pay-as-you-go social security with endogenous retirement.

Motegi, Hiroyuki and Nishimura, Yoshinori and Oikawa, Masato (2019): Retirement and Health Investment Behaviors: An International Comparison.

Moussaly, Karim (2010): Participation in private retirement savings plans, 1997 to 2008.

Müller, Tobias and Shaikh, Mujaheed (2016): Your Retirement and My Health Behaviour: Evidence on Retirement Externalities from a Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Design.

Müller, Tobias and Shaikh, Mujaheed (2016): Your Retirement and My Health Behaviour: Evidence on Retirement Externalities from a Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Design.

Ndiaye, Abdoulaye (2018): Flexible Retirement and Optimal Taxation.

Nikolov, Plamen and Adelman, Alan (2019): Do Private Household Transfers to the Elderly Respond to Public Pension Benefits? Evidence from Rural China.

Nikolov, Plamen and Adelman, Alan (2018): Short-Run Health Consequences of Retirement and Pension Benefits: Evidence from China.

Nishimura, Yoshinori and Oikawa, Masato (2017): Mental Retirement: Evidence from Global Aging Data.

Nishimura, Yoshinori and Oikawa, Masato and Motegi, Hiroyuki (2016): What Explains the Difference in the Effect of Retirement on Health?: Evidence from Global Aging Data.

Peeters, Marga (2011): “Better Safe than Sorry” - Individual Risk-free Pension Schemes in the European Union - Macroeconomic Benefits, the Mobile Working Citizen’s Perspective and Why Nots.

Polanec, Sašo and Ahčan, Aleš and Verbič, Miroslav (2010): Retirement Decisions in Transition: Microeconometric Evidence from Slovenia.

Raab, Roman (2015): Pension wealth gaps in a system with disintegrated retirement arrangements.

Ranzani, Marco (2006): Social Security and Labour Supply: the Italian 1992 Reform as a Natural Experiment.

Scopelliti, Alessandro Diego (2009): Current Features and Future Problems of the Italian Pension System.

Syed, Jawad (2006): Older workers in Australia: A policy perspective. Published in: Journal of Economic and Social Policy , Vol. 11, No. 1 (2006): pp. 21-43.

Vinokurov, Evgeny and Pereboyev, Vladimir (2016): Mapping the Potential EU-EAEU Cooperation Agenda: Readmission Agreements, Visa-Free Regime, Labour Migration, Mobility of Pensions, Large-Scale Educational Exchanges, Recognition of Professional Diplomas and Certificates.

Whitehouse, Edward (2009): Pensions at a glance: Asia/Pacific. Published in: (January 2009)

Whitehouse, Edward (2007): Pensions panorama: retirement-income systems in 53 countries.

Wu, Qi and Gao, Xin (2020): The Effects of Parental Retirement on Adult Children’s Labor Supply: Evidence From China.

canegrati, emanuele (2006): The Single-Mindedness Theory: Micro-foundation and Applications to Social Security Systems.

canegrati, emanuele (2007): The single-mindedness of labor unions when transfers are not Lump-Sum.


Linden, Mikael and Väänänen, Niko (2024): Tulot, eläke ja eläkeikä: empiirisiä tuloksia vuoden 1947 ikäkohortin kohdalta.


Loumrhari, Ghizlan (2016): Pensions sociales et réduction de la pauvreté. Le cas du Maroc.

Loumrhari, Ghizlan (2016): Vieillissement démographique et réforme paramétrique des retraites. Les enseignements d’un modèle EGC-GI pour le Maroc.


Biehl, Kai and Fent, Thomas (2007): Vorausschätzungen für die Entwicklung der Gesamtbevölkerung und der Beschäftigung in Österreich bis 2035.

Dräther, Hendrik and Fachinger, Uwe and Oelschläger, Angelika (2001): Selbständige und ihre Altersvorsorge: Möglichkeiten der Analyse anhand der Mikrozensen und erste Ergebnisse.

Ginn, Jay and Fachinger, Uwe and Schmähl, Winfried (2007): Reformen der Alterssicherung und der sozioökonomische Status Älterer in Großbritannien und Deutschland. Published in: Working Paper of the Centre for Social Policy Research No. 4 (April 2007)

Schatz, Christof and Merz, Joachim (2000): Die Rentenreform in der Diskussion Ein Mikrosimulationsmodell für die Altersvorsorge in Deutschland (AVID-PRO).

Schatz, Christof and Merz, Joachim (2000): Die Rentenreform in der Diskussion Ein Mikrosimulationsmodell für die Altersvorsorge in Deutschland (AVID-PRO).


SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): Demografia, Occupazione e Produttività in Europa e Us [quarta parte del progetto "Il presente e il futuro del Pay-Go in Italia, Europa e Us"].

SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): Demografia, Occupazione e Produttività in Italia e nelle Regioni italiane [terza parte del progetto "Il presente e il futuro del Pay-Go in Italia, Europa e Us"].


Даниелян, Владимир (2016): Детерминанты пенсионного возраста: обзор исследований. Published in: Препринт ЦЭМИ РАН No. WP/2016/319 (2016)


Balmaseda, Manuel and Melguizo, Angel and Taguas, David (2006): Las reformas necesarias en el sistema de pensiones contributivas en España. Published in: Moneda y Credito No. 222 (1 April 2006): pp. 313-340.

Olivera, Javier (2002): La tasa de reemplazo en el Sistema Privado de Pensiones. Published in: Documentos de Trabajo SBS (June 2002): pp. 1-10.

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