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Items where Subject is "J52 - Dispute Resolution: Strikes, Arbitration, and Mediation ; Collective Bargaining"

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Number of items at this level: 46.


ASIANI, Freddy (2024): Relations professionnelles, syndicalisme et conflits sociaux dans le capitalisme en République Démocratique du Congo.

Aristovnik, Aleksander and Obadić, Alka (2011): The funding and efficiency of higher education in Croatia and Slovenia: a non-parametric comparison. Published in: Amfiteatru Economic , Vol. 13, No, (2011): pp. 362-376.


Bayari, Celal (2004): Japanese Business in Australia: A Management Survey of Industry Interaction with Locational Factors. Published in: The Otemon Journal of Australian Studies , Vol. 30, No. 2004 (1 December 2004): pp. 119-149.

Bayari, Celal (2014): Labour Management in China: Legislation, Stratification, and Wages. Published in: Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Administrative Science Proceedings , Vol. 17, No. 2014 (8 November 2014): pp. 419-424.

Bayari, Celal (2014): Labour-centred Politics and Judicial Institutionalisation: The Lineaments of an Early Proto-Regulatory State Model in Australia. Published in: Discourses on Global Studies , Vol. 1, No. 4 (14 September 2014): pp. 42-60.

Bayari, Celal (2012): The Origin of Minimum Wage Determination in Australia: The Political and Legal Institutions. Published in: Journal of Global Politics , Vol. 5, No. 1 (1 December 2012): pp. 163-198.

Bezabih, Adane K. (2022): The Role of Workers Militia in the Ethio-Somalia War,1977-78.

Bezabih, Adane. K (2022): The Formative Period of the Ethiopian Labour Movement, 1962-1974.

Borooah, Vani (2019): The Labour Market in India. Published in: Disparity and Discrimination in Labour Market Outcomes in India No. Palgrave Macmillan (July 2019): pp. 1-29.

Braakmann, Nils and Brandl, Bernd (2016): The Efficacy of Hybrid Collective Bargaining Systems: An Analysis of the Impact of Collective Bargaining on Company Performance in Europe.

Brams, Steven J. and Kaplan, Todd R and Kilgour, D. Marc (2011): A Simple Bargaining Mechanism That Elicits Truthful Reservation Prices.

Breiding, Torsten (2006): Die Arbeitslosenversicherung in Deutschland – Beitrag zur Bekämpfung oder Ursache von Arbeitslosigkeit.


Canegrati, Emanuele (2007): The Single-Mindedness of Labor Unions: Theory and Empirical Evidence.

Carbonai, Davide and Drago, Carlo (2014): What is a Workers’ Referendum for? Evidence from Italy.

Caruso, Raul (2007): Continuing Conflict and Stalemate: A Note.

Chaudhuri, Sarbajit (2014): Do Developing Countries Possess any Built-in Mechanism that Copes with External Terms-of-trade Shocks?

Chaudhuri, Sarbajit (2015): Endogenous Labour Market Imperfections, FDI and External Terms-of-Trade Shocks in a Developing Economy.

Costello, Thomas J (TJ) (2004): Pre-litigation Mediation as a Privacy Policy: Exploring the Interaction of Economics and Privacy. Published in: Mediate.com (2004)

canegrati, emanuele (2006): The Single Mindedness Theory of Labor Unions.

canegrati, emanuele (2007): The single-mindedness of labor unions when transfers are not Lump-Sum.


Gharyeni, Abdellatif and Mohamed, Yasmine (2016): Syndicalisme Québécois Face à l'Enjeu des Partenariats Public-Prive : cas de la Sous-traitance.

Giannakopoulos, Nicholas and Laliotis, Ioannis (2017): Decentralized Bargaining and the Greek Labour Relations Reform (Law 4024/2011).

Giannakopoulos, Nicholas and Laliotis, Ioannis (2017): Decentralized Bargaining and the Greek Labour Relations Reform (Law 4024/2011).

Graafland, J.J. (1991): From Phillips curve to wage curve. Published in: De Economist , Vol. 140, No. 4 (1992): pp. 501-514.

Graafland, J.J. and Huizinga, F.H. (1998): Taxes and benefits in a non-linear wage equation. Published in: De Economist , Vol. 147, No. 1 (1999): pp. 39-54.

Grimshaw, Damian and Bertranou, Fabio and Gontero, Sonia and Urrutia, Antonia (2024): Negociación colectiva coordinada y multinivel: experiencias internacionales y opciones de políticas para Chile. Published in: Informes Técnicos OIT Cono Sur No. 42 (2024)

Guerrazzi, Marco (2024): Wage bargaining and capital accumulation: A dynamic version of the monopoly union model.

Guerrazzi, Marco (2020): Wage bargaining as an optimal control problem: A dynamic version of the efficient bargaining model.


Hegadekatti, Kartik (2016): Analysis of Contracts in Various Formats of Blockchain. Published in: Contracts & Commercial Law eJournal , Vol. 18, No. 12 (1 March 2017)


Iyer, Karthik and Huhns, Michael (2005): Multiagent negotiation for fair and unbiased resource allocation. Published in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Vol. 3760, (October 2005): pp. 453-465.


Jurdziak, Leszek (2005): Czy integracja pionowa kopalń odkrywkowych węgla z elektrowniami jest korzystna i dla kogo? Published in: Biuletyn URE No. Nr 2 (February 2005)


Khundrakpam, Jeevan K. (2008): How Persistent is Indian Inflationary Process, Has it Changed? Published in: Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers , Vol. 29, No. No.2, Monsoon 2008 (March 2009): pp. 24-45.

Kölling, Arnd (2023): Does skill shortage pay off for nursing staff in Germany? Wage premiums for hiring problems, industrial relations, and profitability.


Malo, Miguel A. and Sanchez-sanchez, Nuria (2011): The legal form of labour conflicts and their time persistence: an empirical analysis with a large firms' panel.

Munro, John H. (2002): Gold, guilds, and government: the impact of monetary and labour policies on the Flemish cloth industry, 1390-1435. Published in: Jaarboek voor middeleeuwse geschiedenis , Vol. 5, No. 1 (2002): pp. 153-205.

Muysken, Joan and Vallizadeh, Ehsan and Ziesemer, Thomas (2012): Migration, Unemployment, and Over-qualification: A Specific-Factors Model Approach.


Panos, Georgios and Theodossiou, Ioannis (2009): Union Mediation and Adaptation to Reciprocal Loyalty Arrangements.

Pascalau, Razvan (2007): Productivity Shocks, Unemployment Persistence, and the Adjustment of Real Wages in OECD Countries.


Tavani, Daniele (2009): Wage Bargaining and Induced Technical Change in a Linear Economy: Model and Application to the US (1963-2003).


Vallizadeh, Ehsan and Joan, Muysken and Thomas, Ziesemer (2012): The impact of medium-skilled immigration: a general equilibrium approach.


Стайков, Ивайло (2013): Предварителната закрила при уволнение по чл. 333, ал. 4 от Кодекса на труда (становище относно тълкувателно дело № 4 от 2013 г. на ОСГК на ВКС). Published in: Норма. ISSN 1314-5126 No. 7 (2013): pp. 43-56.

Стайков, Ивайло (2007): Процесуални права на синдикалните организации за защита от дискриминация в трудовите отношения. Published in: Актуални проблеми на трудовото и осигурителното право. Том ІІ. 100 години трудово законодателство в България. София: УИ „Св. Кл. Охридски”. ISBN 978-954-07-2588-8 (2007): pp. 204-220.

Стайков, Ивайло (2007): Въвеждане на европейските изисквания относно допълнителното доброволно пенсионно осигуряване по професионални схеми. Published in: България в Европейския съюз: първи стъпки. Сборник с доклади от юбилейна научно-практическа конференция, 25-27 май 2007 г., организирана от ВТУ „Св. св. Кирил и Методий”, Икономически институт на БАН, и др. София: ГорексПрес. ISBN 978-954-616-185-7 (2007): pp. 391-402.

Стайков, Ивайло (2008): Принципи на медиацията. Published in: Правен преглед. ISSN 1310-9472. No. 1 (2008): pp. 91-100.

Стайков, Ивайло (2018): Осигурителен договор в полза на трето лице. Published in: Актуални въпроси на частното право. Сборник с доклади от национална научна конференция в чест на 95-ата годишнина на проф. д-р Емил Георгиев, гр. София, 15.12.2016 г. София: УИ „Св. Кл. Охридски”. ISBN 978-954-07-4468-1 (2018): pp. 106-116.

Стайков, Ивайло (2008): Европейското доброволно рамково междусекторно споразумение за работата от разстояние от 2002 г. Published in: България в Европейския съюз: първи резултати. Сборник с доклади от юбилейна научно-практическа конференция, посветена на 45-годишнината от създаването на ВТУ „Св. св. Кирил и Методий”, 30-31 май 2008 г. София: Горекс Прес. ISBN 954-616-139-Х, (2008): pp. 195-205.

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