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Items where Subject is "P25 - Urban, Rural, and Regional Economics"

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Number of items at this level: 81.


Achmad, Nurman and Harahap, R. Hamdani and Nasution, M. Arif and Subhilhar, Subhilhar (2018): To Become a Cawir Metua: Life Satisfaction of The Karo Elderly A Social Security Case Study on The Karo Elderly in Lingga Village, Simpang Empat Sub-District, Tanah Karo Regency. Published in: Junior Scientific Researcher , Vol. 4, No. 1 (May 2018): pp. 82-91.

Amoako, Frimpong and Asuamah Yeboah, Samuel (2023): "Community Voices and Financial Choices: Unravelling the Impact of Representation on Rural Cooperative Banks".

Andrew, Mark and Evans, Alan and Koundouri, Phoebe and Meen, Geoffrey (2003): Residential stamp duty:Time for a change. Published in: (April 2003)


Bandyopadhyay, Arindam and Kuvalekar, S V and Basu, Sanjay and Baid, Shilpa and Saha, Asish (2008): A Study of Residential Housing Demand in India.

Bukvić, Rajko (2014): Региональная проблема социалистической Югославии в 1945–1991 гг. Published in: Вестник Мордовского университета (Mordovia University Bulletin) No. 3 (2014): pp. 129-146.


Christoffoli, Pedro Ivan (2000): O desenvolvimento de cooperativas de produção coletiva de trabalhadores rurais no capitalismo. Limites e possibilidades.

Cruz, Ana Rita and Pinto, Hugo (2008): A cidade e o turismo: o urbano como produto turístico.


Delgado Narro, Augusto Ricardo (2020): Impact of Urbanization and Labor Vulnerability over the COVID-19 Dynamic across Countries: A survival analysis.

Delgado Narro, Augusto Ricardo (2020): The Process of Convergence among the Japanese Prefectures: 1955 - 2012.

Deodhar, Rahul Prakash (2009): How cities develop: Affinity Factor Model for forecasting city development and dispersion.

Dimitrov, Mitko (2004): Cooperation of the Enterprises in East European Countries and EU: Adjustment Problems. Published in: Russia and Countries of Central and Eastern Europe: Mutually Re-Opening Our Markets (2004): pp. 194-200.


Gluschenko, Konstantin (2009): Методы анализа межрегионального неравенства по доходам и их приложение к России.

Gluschenko, Konstantin (2010): Methodologies of Analyzing Inter-Regional Income Inequality and Their Applications to Russia. Published in: Регион: экономика и социология No. 1 (2010): pp. 54-87.

Gonzalez Corzo, Mario (2013): Los efectos de las transformaciones agrícolas en los antiguos países socialistas: Algunas consideraciones para Cuba. Published in: Delaware Review of Latin American Studies , Vol. 14, No. 2 (31 December 2013): pp. 1-20.

Gray, Patrick Francis and Epure, Manuela (2010): Private renting in Romania.


Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos (2005): A DEA approach to regional development.

Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos (2011): Population density and regional welfare efficiency.

Ho Dan Doan, Tam and Thai Thuong Le, Quan and Nguyen, Quyen Le Hoang Thuy To and Nguyen, Phong Thanh and Thi Ngoc Dang, The (2022): Integrating of PLS-SEM and the Importance Performance Matrix Analysis to Exploring the Role of Provincial Competitiveness Index to Growth. Published in: Journal of System & Management Sciences , Vol. 04, No. 12 (October 2022): pp. 365-382.

Horváth, Zsuzsanna E. (2016): Assessing the regional impact based on destination image. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 6, No. 1 (October 2016): pp. 164-192.

Hua, Yue (2014): Migration Decision and Rural Income Inequality in Northwestern China.

Huynh, Vy Dang Bich and Nguyen, Quyen Le Hoang Thuy To and Nguyen, Phong Thanh (2022): Modeling Quality of Urban Life Using Grey Analytical Hierarchy Process. Published in: Technology, Education, Management and Informatics , Vol. 1, No. 12 (February 2023): pp. 52-58.


Janda, Karel and Strielkowski, Wadim and Rausser, Gordon (2013): Determinants of profitability of Polish rural micro-enterprises.


Karne, Manisha and Venkatesh, Anand (2003): Ananlysis of productivity and efficiency in MSRTC. Published in: Working papers of the Department of Economics (2003): pp. 1-26.

Klimczuk, Andrzej (2012): Kapitał społeczny ludzi starych na przykładzie mieszkańców miasta Białystok. Published in: (24 June 2012): pp. 1-270.

Klimczuk, Andrzej (2013): Strategic Responses on Population Ageing in Regional Policy. Published in: Theory of Management 4. The Selected Problems for the Development Support of Management Knowledge Base (2011): pp. 261-265.

Klimczuk, Andrzej and Tomczyk, Łukasz (2016): Smart, Age-Friendly Cities and Communities: The Emergence of Socio-Technological Solutions in the Central and Eastern Europe. Published in: (2016): pp. 335-359.

Kohnert, Dirk (2005): Die UEMOA und die CFA-Zone: Eine neue Kooperations-Kultur im frankophonen Afrika? Published in: Schriften des Deutschen Übersee-Instituts, Hamburg No. Nr. 65 (2005): pp. 115-136.

Kostakis, Ioannis and Lolos, Sarantis and Doulgeraki, Charikleia (2020): Cultural Heritage led Growth: Regional evidence from Greece (1998-2016).

Kotosz, Balázs and Lukovics, Miklós and Molnár, Gabriella and Zuti, Bence (2016): How to Measure the Local Economic Impact of Universities? Methodological Overview. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 2, No. 5 (February 2016): pp. 3-19.

Kotosz, Balázs and Lukovics, Miklós and Zuti, Bence and Molnár, Gabriella (2016): Egyetemi funkciók és helyi gazdasági hatások: módszertani problémák és lehetséges megoldások. Published in: In Lengyel I. – Nagy B. (szerk.): Térségek versenyképessége, intelligens szakosodása és újraiparosodása. Szeged, JATEPress Kiadó. ISBN:978­963­315­290­4 (2016): pp. 185-203.

Kundu, AMIT (2012): Linkage between Microfinance participation and securing Employment through MGNREGP. Published in: Indian Journal of Economics and Research , Vol. 2, No. January -February 2013 (14 January 2013): pp. 22-29.

Kundu, Amitabh (2009): Urbanisation and Migration: An Analysis of Trends, Patterns and Policies in Asia. Published in: Human Development Research Paper (HDRP) Series , Vol. 16, No. 2009


LAGES, ANDRÉ MAIA GOMES and SANTOS, FABRÍCIO RIOS NASCIMENTO and FERREIRA, HUMBERTO BARBOSA (2016): Preference for Liquidity of Agents: An Analyse of Brasilian Case. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 5, No. 1 (July 2016): pp. 86-96.

LENGYEL, BALÁZS and LEYDESDORFF, LOET (2015): The Effects of FDI on Innovation Systems in Hungarian Regions: Where is the Synergy Generated? Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 1, No. 5 (July 2015): pp. 3-24.

Lambert, Thomas and Meyer, Peter (2006): Ex-urban sprawl as a factor in traffic fatalities and EMS response times in the southeastern United States. Published in: Journal of Economic Issues , Vol. 40, No. 4 : pp. 941-953.

Lambert, Thomas and Meyer, Peter (2008): New and fringe residential development and emergency medical services response times in the United States. Published in: STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW , Vol. 40, No. Issue 2 : pp. 115-124.

Lu, Zheng and Deng, Xiang (2011): Regional Specialization: A Measure Method and Trends in China.


MK, Sinha and JP, Dhaka (2013): Predicting risk of credit default using discriminant aproach:A study of tribal dairy darmers from Jharkhand.

MK, Sinha and JP, Dhaka (2013): Predicting risk of credit default using discriminant aproach:A study of tribal dairy darmers from Jharkhand.


Marcucci, Edoardo and Marini, Marco (2001): Individual uncertainty and the political acceptability of road pricing policies. Published in: Schade J., Schlabe, K. (eds.) Acceptability of Transport Pricing Strategies, Elsevier Science , Vol. Elsevi, (2003): pp. 279-297.

Marques, Bruno Pereira and Cardoso, Sónia Paulo and Salvador, Regina and Reis, Judite Lourenço (2012): Subvenciones para un entendimiento interdisciplinario de la ciudad y de lo urbano: diálogos entre la geografía, la arquitectura, la economía y la sociología - la experiencia del máster en metropolización, planificación estratégica y sustentabilidad. Published in: XIII Iberian Geography Colloquium Proceedings (2012): pp. 723-732.

Mikhailova, Tatiana (2012): Gulag, WWII and the Long-run Patterns of Soviet City Growth.

Mishra, SK and Ngullie, ML (2008): Hedonic demand for rented house in Kohima, Nagaland.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2010): Tyrannical Greed and National Disintegration of the Sudanese Nation.

Molina-flores, B. and Velasco, G. and Loza, S. and Soliman, I. (2012): Socio-cultural factors determining roles and responsibilities in traditional cattle production systems within rural communities of upper Egypt. Published in: European Association for Animal Production , Vol. 133, No. 1 (2012): pp. 241-247.

Mukherjee, Nandini and Chatterjee, Biswajit (2014): Poverty and Inequality in urban India with special reference to West Bengal.

Mukherjee, Sacchidananda and Shah, Zankhana and Kumar, M. Dinesh (2008): Large reservoirs: are they the last Oasis for the survival of cities in India? Published in: Published in: Proceedings of the IWMI-Tata Water Policy Research Program’s Seventh Annual Partners’ Meet, “Managing Water in the Face of Growing Scarcity, Inequity and Declining Returns: Exploring Fresh Approaches”, ICRISAT Campus, Andhra Pradesh, , Vol. Volume, (April 2008): pp. 908-923.

Muntean, Mihaela-Carmen and Nistor, Costel and Nistor, Rozalia (2009): Competitiveness of Romania’s South-East Region in the European Context. Published in: The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati No. Fascicle I – 2009. Economics and Applied Informatics. Years XV – no 2 - ISSN 1584-0409 (2009): pp. 323-336.

Myrzakhmet, Marat (2020): Методические аспекты оценки элементов структурных изменений в технологическом развитии промышленности регионов Казахстана.

Myrzakhmet, Marat and Myrzakhmet, Zhanat and Myrzakhmet, Bolat (2021): Активность и кооперация университета, бизнеса и государства в Акмолинской области Республики Казахстан.


Nakazawa, Katsuyoshi and Matsuoka, Hirokazu (2016): Change in Strategic Interaction after Introducing Policy.

Nguyen, Binh Giang (2011): Development of industrial estates, ports and metropolitan and alternative roads in the Greater Hanoi Area. Published in: Intra - and Inter - City Connectivity in the Mekong Region No. BRC Research Report No. 6 (2011): pp. 287-321.


Obregon, Carlos (2023): Institutionalism and Liberalism. Published in:


Parada, Jairo (2017): Innovaciones sociales para territorios “inteligentes”: ¿ficción o realidad? Published in: Problemas del Desarrollo , Vol. 190, No. 48 (1 July 2017): pp. 11-35.

Piecuch, Jakub (2006): Regional Decentralization in Spain: a Way to Increase Dynamics of Economic Growth. Published in: Šiuolaikinės tarporganizacinės sąveikos formos viešajame sektoriuje (2006): pp. 24-29.

Polishchuk, Leonid and Borisova, Ekaterina (2010): Performance assessment of Russian homeowners associations : The importance of being social. Published in:

Potashev, Roman (2009): Строительство и обеспеченность жильем: региональные различия. Published in: Формування ринкової економіки: зб. наук. прац. - Спец. вип. Регіональний розвиток України: проблеми та перспективи. (2009): pp. 543-549.

Pradhan, Jaya Prakash (2013): The Geography of Patenting In India: Patterns and Determinants.


Roman, Monica and Roman, Mihai (2004): Economic Development and Time Use in Romania’s Regions. Published in: Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research , Vol. 37, No. 1-4 (December 2004): pp. 65-80.


Santeramo, Fabio Gaetano and Albenzio, Marzia and Ciliberti, Maria Giovanna and Di Gioia, Leonardo and Lamonaca, Emilia and Tappi, Marco and Caroprese, Mariangela (2020): Individuazione e implementazione di indicatori di benessere animale: aspetti tecnici e impatto economico. Forthcoming in: Italian Review of Agricultural Economics No. Issue 2

Santeramo, Fabio Gaetano and Barbieri, Carla (2015): On the demand for agritourism: a cursory review of methodologies and practice. Forthcoming in: Tourism Planning & Development

Shcherbakova, Nadezda (2011): Социально-эколого-экономическая оценка эффективности существующей схемы обращения с твердыми бытовыми отходами Санкт-Петербурга. Published in: Modern economy: problems and decisions No. 10 (22) 2011 (October 2011): pp. 109-123.

Shcherbakova, Nadezda (2011): Social-ecological-economic efficiency assessment of the existing scheme of communal solid waste handling in St. Petersburg. Published in: Modern economy: problems and decisions No. 10 (22) 2011 (October 2011): pp. 109-123.

Shukurov, Sobir (2015): On the Regional Birth Rate Differences in Uzbekistan.

Siegfried, Patrick and Zhang, John Jiyuan (2021): Developing a Sustainable Concept for Urban Last-Mile Delivery. Published in: Open Journal of Business and Management (OJBM) , Vol. 9, No. 1 (25 January 2021): pp. 268-287.

Singh, Bhanu Pratap (2020): Impact of COVID-19 on Rural Economy in India.

Stanislav, Kološta and et., al. (2007): Regional disparities among countries and analysis of reasons of their creation. Published in: Studia Universitatis „Vasile Goldis“, Seria Stiinte Economice , Vol. 1, No. 17 (2007): pp. 1-8.

Sunanta, Owat and Viertl, Reinhard (2016): Fuzzy models in regional statistics. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 6, No. 1 (2016): pp. 104-118.


Tan, teck hong (2011): Neighborhood preferences of house buyers: the case of klang valley, malaysia. Published in: International Journal of Housing Market and Analysis , Vol. 4, No. 1 (March 2011): pp. 58-69.

Tien Ha Duong, My and Nguyen, Quyen Le Hoang Thuy To and Nguyen, Phong Thanh (2022): Measurement Quality of Life of Rural to Urban Migrants in Ho Chi Minh City by Using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model. Published in: Journal of Logistics, Informatics & Service Science , Vol. 3, No. 09 (December 2022): pp. 112-128.

Tripathi, Sabyasachi (2012): Large Agglomerations and Economic Growth in Urban India: An Application of Panel Data Model.

Tsvetkova, Alexandra and Partridge, Mark (2017): The shale revolution and entrepreneurship: an assessment of the relationship between energy sector expansion and small business entrepreneurship in US counties.

Tuleja, Pavel (2008): Možnosti měření regionálních disparit – Nový pohled. Published in: Regionální disparity – jejich pojetí, klasifikace a měření. Sborník přednášek. (13 November 2008): pp. 1-10.


Vaz, Margarida and Silva, Jorge and Baltazar, Emília and Marques, Tiago and Reis, Tiago (2012): Dynamic processes of an airport's system. A value network analysis.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2007): L’enclave russe de Kaliningrad : spécificité territoriale et intégration à l’économie mondiale.


Wang, Zigan and Zhu, Youwei (2011): A dynamic model of house price.


Zaman, Gheorghe and Georgescu, George (2015): Financing the endogenous development at regional and county levels. Particularities, trends and challenges.

Zaman, Gheorghe and Georgescu, George and Goschin, Zizi and Antonescu, Daniela and Popa, Florina (2015): Dezvoltarea economica endogena la nivel regional. Cazul Romaniei. Published in: (June 2015): pp. 1-270.

Zarzecki, Marcin and Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena and Wiśniewski, Rafał and Jaroszek, Karolina and Puchalska, Katarzyna and Turkowski, Karol (2010): Raport końcowy z badania marketingowego ex-ante w ramach realizacji Programu Promocji Polski Wschodniej działania I.4, Komponent Promocja i Priorytetu Programu Operacyjnego Rozwój Polski Wschodniej. Published in: (2010)

Zúniga González, Carlos Alberto (2010): Impacto de los Sistemas de Producción Agropecuarios en el Desarrollo Local Sostenible de Nicaragua, 1998-2005: Índice de Malmquist DEA con un producto Orientado. Published in: Universitas (León) , Vol. 1, No. 4 (10 November 2013): pp. 10-17.

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