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Items where Subject is "C35 - Discrete Regression and Qualitative Choice Models ; Discrete Regressors ; Proportions"

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Number of items at this level: 144.


ABALO, Kodzovi (2011): Etude comparative des conditions de travail des enfants issus des ménages agricoles au Burkina Faso, en Cote d’Ivoire et au Mali.

Abraham, Vinoj (2011): Agrarian distress and rural non-farm sector employment in India.

Acevedo Rueda, Rafael Alexis (2009): Eficiencia gerencial: propuesta metodológica para su medición y evaluación en el sector eléctrico de Venezuela. Published in: Visión Gerencial , Vol. 1, No. 9 (June 2010): pp. 18-29.

Adaman, Fikret and Ardic, Oya Pinar and Tuzemen, Didem (2006): Network Effects in Risk Sharing and Credit Market Access: Evidence from Istanbul.

Aguirregabiria, Victor and Ho, Chun-Yu (2009): A Dynamic Oligopoly Game of the US Airline Industry: Estimation and Policy Experiments.

Aguirregabiria, Victor and Magesan, Arvind (2013): Euler Equations for the Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Choice Structural.

Aknouche, Abdelhakim and Dimitrakopoulos, Stefanos and Touche, Nassim (2019): Integer-valued stochastic volatility.

Alibrandi, Angela and Gitto, Lara and Limosani, Michele and Mustica, Paolo (2020): Improving health performances: To what extent patient satisfaction may influence quality?

Ardliansyah, Rifqi (2012): Stock Market Integration and International Portfolio Diversification between U.S. and ASEAN Equity Markets.

Arrieta, Alejandro (2007): A Structural Misclassifcation Model to Estimate the Impact of Physician Incentives on Healthcare Utilization.

Arroyo, Santiago and Tovar, Luís (2009): Accesibilidad al régimen contributivo de salud en Colombia: caso de la población rural migrante. Published in: Revista Desarrollo y Sociedad , Vol. 64, No. 0120-3584 (17 December 2009): pp. 153-172.


Cai, Lixin (2013): State-Dependence and Stepping Stone Effects of Low Pay Employment in Australia.

Camacho-Gutiérrez, Pablo and González-Cantú, Vanessa M. (2007): Moral hazard in a voluntary deposit insurance system: Revisited.

Cavatorta, Elisa and Pieroni, Luca (2010): A Competing Risk Model for Health and Food Insecurity in the West Bank.

Chandler, Vincent (2011): The Canada economic action plan as electoral tool.

Ching, Andrew and Hayashi, Fumiko (2008): Payment Card Rewards Programs and Consumer Payment Choice.

Ching, Andrew and Ishihara, Masakazu (2007): The Effects of Detailing on Prescribing Decisions under Quality Uncertainty.

Chiwaula, Levison/S (2009): Child labour and poverty linkages: A micro analysis from rural Malawian data. Forthcoming in: African Economic Research Consortium Research Paper

Chollete, Loran and Heinen, Andreas and Valdesogo, Alfonso (2008): Modeling International Financial Returns with a Multivariate Regime Switching Copula.

Ciliberto, Federico and Tamer, Elie (2009): Market structure and multiple equilibria in airline markets. Published in: Econometrica , Vol. 77, No. 6 (15 November 2009): pp. 1791-1828.

Crudu, Federico and Neri, Laura and Tiezzi, Silvia (2018): Family Ties and Children Obesity in Italy.


Damiano, Fiorillo and Lubrano Lavadera, Giuseppe and Nappo, Nunzia (2017): Individual heterogeneity in the association between social participation and self-rated health. A panel study on BHPS.

Della Giusta, Marina and Di Tommaso, Maria Laura and Bettio, Francesca and Jewell, Sarah (2018): Criminalising clients: some evidence from the UK.

Distante, Roberta (2010): Subjective well-being, income and relative concerns in the UK.

Dmitriy, Skrypnik and Marina, Shakleina (2019): Counter sanctions and well-being population of Russia: econometric analyses.


Elrod, Terry and Keane, Michael (1995): A Factor-Analytic Probit Model for Representing the Market Structure in Panel Data. Published in: Journal of Marketing Research , Vol. 32, (February 1995): pp. 1-16.

Emanuele, Canegrati (2007): The Single-mindedness theory: empirical evidence from the U.K.

Entorf, Horst (2011): Turning 18: What a Difference Application of Adult Criminal Law Makes.

Erard, Brian (2017): Modeling Qualitative Outcomes by Supplementing Participant Data with General Population Data: A New and More Versatile Approach.

Erard, Brian and Langetieg, Patrick and Payne, Mark and Plumley, Alan (2020): Ghosts in the Income Tax Machinery.

Erdem, Tulin and Broniarczyk, Susan and Charavarti, Dipankar and Kapferer, Jean-Noel and Keane, Michael and Roberts, John and Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict and Swait, Joffre and Zettelmeyer, Florian (1999): Brand Equity, Consumer Learning and Choice. Published in: Marketing Letters , Vol. 10:3, (1999): pp. 301-318.

Erdem, Tulin and Imai, Susumu and Keane, Michael (2003): Brand and Quantity Choice Dynamics Under Price Uncertainty. Published in: Quantitative Marketing and Economics , Vol. 1:1, (2003): pp. 5-64.


Faghih, Nezameddin and Faghih, Ali (2008): Nyquist Frequency in Sequentially Sampled Data.

Fantazzini, Dean (2023): Assessing the Credit Risk of Crypto-Assets Using Daily Range Volatility Models. Forthcoming in: Information

Fantazzini, Dean and Xiao, Yufeng (2023): Detecting Pump-and-Dumps with Crypto-Assets: Dealing with Imbalanced Datasets and Insiders’ Anticipated Purchases. Forthcoming in: Econometrics

Fantazzini, Dean (2022): Crypto Coins and Credit Risk: Modelling and Forecasting their Probability of Death. Forthcoming in: Journal of Risk and Financial Management

Fantazzini, Dean and Calabrese, Raffaella (2021): Crypto-exchanges and Credit Risk: Modelling and Forecasting the Probability of Closure. Published in: Journal of Risk and Financial Management , Vol. 11, No. 14 (2021)

Fernandez, Jose and Cataiefe, Guido (2009): Model of the 2000 Presidential Election: Instrumenting for Ideology.

Fiorillo, Damiano (2013): Friends and health of the workers in Italy.

Fiorillo, Damiano (2011): Household waste recycling: national survey evidence from Italy.

Fiorillo, Damiano (2017): Reasons for unmet needs for health care: the role of social capital and social support in some Western EU countries.

Fiorillo, Damiano (2014): Workers' health and social relations in Italy.

Fiorillo, Damiano and Nappo, Nunzia (2015): Formal volunteering and self-perceived health. Causal evidence from the UK-SILC.

Fosgerau, Mogens and Hjort, Katrine and Vincent Lyk-Jensen, Stéphanie (2007): An approach to the estimation of the distribution of marginal valuations from discrete choice data.

Fosgerau, Mogens and McFadden, Daniel and Bierlaire, Michel (2013): Choice probability generating functions. Published in: Journal of Choice Modelling , Vol. 8, (2013): pp. 1-18.


Gajdzik, Bożena and Gawlik, Remigiusz (2018): Choosing the Production Function Model for an Optimal Measurement of the Restructuring Efficiency of the Polish Metallurgical Sector in Years 2000–2015. Published in: Metals , Vol. 8, No. 1 (24 January 2018): p. 23.

Gawlik, Remigiusz (2019): Enhancing Managerial Decision-Making Through Multicriteria Modeling. Published in: Cracow: Cracow University of Economics (2019): pp. 1-158.

Gawlik, Remigiusz (2015): Zastosowanie jakościowych metod badawczych w naukach ekonomicznych - możliwości i perspektywy w warunkach globalizacji i regionalizacji gospodarki światowej i europejskiej. Published in: Miscellanea Oeconomicae - Studia i Materiały No. 1/2015 (October 2015): pp. 227-239.

Gawlik, Remigiusz and Titarenko, Roman and Titov, Sergei (2015): Perception of Quality of Life and its Components among Russian Students – Implications for Academic Teaching. Published in: Horizons of Politics , Vol. 16, No. 6 (2015): pp. 127-150.

Geweke, John and Houser, Dan and Keane, Michael (1999): Simulation Based Inference for Dynamic Multinomial Choice Models. Published in: Companion to Theoretical Econometrics No. Blackwell (2001): pp. 466-493.

González Chapela, Jorge (2020): Patience goes a long way: Evidence from Spain.

Grammig, Joachin and Heinen, Andreas and Rengifo, Erick (2004): Trading activity and liquidity supply in a pure limit order book market: An empirical analysis using a multivariate count data model.


Hamanaka, Shingo (2008): Inequality and Authoritarianism in the Developing Countries. Published in: International Political Economy , Vol. 22, (31 November 2008): pp. 57-74.

Harris, Mark and Spencer, Christopher (2008): Decade of dissent: explaining the dissent voting behavior of Bank of England MPC members.

Hidayat, Budi (2007): Are there differences between unconditional and conditional demand estimates? implications for future research and policy. Published in: Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation , Vol. 6, (5 August 2008)

Hjorth, Katrine and Fosgerau, Mogens (2012): Using prospect theory to investigate the low marginal value of travel time for small time changes. Published in: Transportation Research Part B , Vol. 46, : pp. 917-932.

Holian, Matthew and Joffe, Marc (2013): Assessing Municipal Bond Default Probabilities.

Horowitz, Joel and Keane, Michael and Bolduc, Denis and Divakar, Suresh and Geweke, John and Gonul, Fusun and Hajivassiliou, Vassilis and Koppelman, Frank and Matzkin, Rosa and Rossi, Peter and Ruud, Paul (1994): Advances in Random Utility Models. Published in: Marketing Letters , Vol. 5:4, (1994): pp. 311-322.

Hossain, Md. Mobarak and Chowdhury, Md Niaz Murshed (2019): Econometric Ways to Estimate the Age and Price of Abalone.

Huang, Biao (2007): The Use of Pseudo Panel Data for Forecasting Car Ownership.

Huang, Ching-I (2007): Estimating Demand for Cellular Phone Service under Nonlinear Pricing.

Huang, Ching-I (2008): Intra-Household Effects on Demand for Telephone Service: Empirical Evidence.

Husain, Zakir (2010): Gender disparities in completing school education in India: Analyzing regional variations.

Husain, Zakir and Dutta, Mousumi (2012): Proximate illiteracy and modern contraceptive use in India: Analysis of DHS data.

Husain, Zakir and Dutta, Mousumi and Ghosh, Sriparna (2011): Contraceptive use among illiterate women in India: does proximate illiteracy matter?

Husain, Zakir and Ghosh, Saswata (2010): Is health status of elderly worsening in India:A comparison of successive rounds of National Sample Survey data.


Ilmolelian, Peter (2005): Do study grants help refugees find jobs? A case study of the effects of the voluntary sector grants on the education, training and employment of refugees in the United Kingdom. Published in: EconPapers No. http://econpapers.repec.org/paper/wpawuwphe/0501004.htm (10 January 2005)


KOUADIO, Hugues and DESDOIGTS, Alain (2012): Déforestation, migrations, saturation et réformes foncières: La Côte d’Ivoire entre résilience rurale et litiges fonciers.

Kapsalis, Constantine (2010): Bridging logistic and OLS regression.

Kapsalis, Constantine (2010): Bridging logistic and OLS regression.

Keane, Michael (1997): Current Issues in Discrete Choice Modeling. Published in: Marketing Letters , Vol. 8:3, (1997): pp. 307-322.

Keane, Michael (2004): Modeling Health Insurance Choice Using the Heterogeneous Logit Model.

Keane, Michael (2004): Modeling Health Insurance Choices in “Competitive” Markets.

Keane, Michael (1993): Simulation estimation for panel data models with limited dependent variables. Published in: Handbook of Statistics , Vol. 11, (1993): pp. 545-571.


Klein, Torsten L. (2014): Communicating quantitative information: tables vs graphs.

Klein, Torsten L. (2014): The small multiple in econometrics – a redesign.

Korobova, Elena and Fantazzini, Dean (2024): Stablecoins and credit risk: when do they stop being stable? Forthcoming in: Applied Econometrics (2025): pp. 1-30.

Kumar, Santosh and Vollmer, Sebastian (2011): Does improved sanitation reduce diarrhea in children in rural India?

Kässi, Otto (2012): Uncertainty and Heterogeneity in Returns to Education: Evidence from Finland.

Kässi, Otto (2012): Uncertainty and heterogeneity in returns to education: evidence from Finland.


Lay, Sok Heng (2018): Mobile Phones and Financial Access: Evidence from the Finscope Surveys of Selected Asian Countries.

Lazarevski, Dimche (2011): Foreign investors’ influence towards small stock exchanges boom and bust: Macedonian stock exchange case. Published in: Capital Markets: Market Efficiency eJournal (29 August 2012)

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2013): Tracking and replication of hedge fund optimal investment portfolio strategies in global capital markets in presence of nonlinearities.

Lopez-Feldman, Alejandro (2012): Introduction to contingent valuation using Stata.


MAJUNE, Socrates (2015): A discrete time analysis of export duration in Kenya: 1995 -2014.

Magomedov, Said and Fantazzini, Dean (2025): Modeling and Forecasting the Probability of Crypto-Exchange Closures: A Forecast Combination Approach. Forthcoming in: Journal of Risk and Financial Management

Maiti, Abhradeep and Indra, Debarshi (2014): Regional Variations in Labor Demand Elasticities: Evidence from U.S. Counties.

Maiti, Abhradeep and Indra, Debarshi (2014): Regional variations in Labor Demand Elasticities: evidence from U.S. Counties.

Maksym, Obrizan (2010): A Bayesian Model of Sample Selection with a Discrete Outcome Variable.

Maldonado, Diego and Pazmiño, Mariela (2008): Nuevas Herramientas para la Administración del Riesgo Crediticio: El caso de una Cartera Crediticia Ecuatoriana. Published in: Cuestiones Económicas , Vol. 2, No. 2 (30 September 2008): pp. 5-75.

Martorana, Marco Ferdinando and Mazza, Isidoro (2012): The effect of social interaction and cultural consumption on voting turnout.

Mataloni, Raymond (2007): Do U.S. Multinationals Engage In Sequential Choice?: Evidence from New Manufacturing Operations in Europe.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2022): Sensitivity Analysis among Commodities and Coupons during Utility Maximization. Published in: Frontiers in Management Science , Vol. 1, No. 3 (6 December 2022): pp. 13-28.

Movahedi, Mohammad and Gaussens, Olivier (2011): Innovation, productivity, and export: Evidence from SMEs in Lower Normandy, France. Forthcoming in:

Muffels, Ruud and Fouarge, Didier and Dekker, Ronald (2000): Longitudinal Poverty and Income Inequality A Comparative Panel Study for The Netherlands, Germany and the UK.

Müller, Tobias and Boes, Stefan (2016): Disability Insurance Benefits and Labor Supply Choices: Evidence from a Discontinuity in Benefit Awards.

Müller, Tobias and Boes, Stefan (2016): Disability Insurance Benefits and Labor Supply Decisions: Evidence from a Discontinuity in Benefit Awards.


Nachane, D M and Ghosh, Saibal and Ray, Partha (2005): Bank nominee directors and corporate performance: micro evidence for India. Published in: Economic and Politcal Weekly , Vol. 40, (19 March 2005)

Nachane, D M and Ghosh, Saibal and Ray, Partha (2005): Bank nominee directors and corporate performance: micro evidence for India. Published in: Economic and Politcal Weekly , Vol. 40, No. 12 (19 March 2005): pp. 1216-1223.

Nelson, Gerald and Hellerstein, Daniel (1997): Do roads cause deforestation? Using satellite images in econometric analysis of land use. Published in: American Journal of Agricultural Economics , Vol. 1, No. 79 (February 1997): pp. 80-88.

Neog, Bhaskar Jyoti and Sahoo, Bimal (2015): Informality in Non-Cultivation Labour market in India with Special Reference to North-East India.

Neustadt, Ilja and Zweifel, Peter (2023): Redistribution in Whose Favor? Preferences with Regard to Types of Beneficiaries and Their Nationalities.

Neustadt, Ilja and Zweifel, Peter (2011): Income redistribution: how to divide the pie?

Neustadt, Ilja and Zweifel, Peter (2010): Is the Welfare State Sustainable? Experimental Evidence on Citizens' Preferences for Redistribution.

Nga Ndjobo, Patrick Marie and Abessolo, Yves André (2013): The Impact of Education on the Behaviour of Labor Supply in Cameroon: an Analysis using the Nested Multinomial Logit Model.

Nguefack-Tsague, Georges and Tanya K. N., Agatha (2011): Using weight-for-age for predicting wasted children.


Obrizan, Maksym (2011): Unobserved Factors Linking Functional Decline and Depression Among the Oldest Americans.

Oksuzler, Oktay (2008): Does Education Pay off in Turkey? An Ordered Logit Approach. Published in: The Empirical Economics Letters , Vol. 7(2), (February 2008): pp. 213-221.

Omotosho, Babatunde S. (2015): Is Real Exchange Rate Misalignment a Leading Indicator of Currency Crises in Nigeria? Published in: CBN Journal of Applied Statistics , Vol. 6, No. 1 (2015): pp. 153-179.

Onyenweaku, C.E and Okoye, B.C and Okorie, K.C (2007): Determinants of Fertilizer Adoption by Rice Farmers in Bende Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria. Published in: Nigerian Agricultural Journal , Vol. 41, No. 2 (18 October 2010)

Osti, Davide (2015): survival analysis: the analysis of transition data.

Otero, Karina V. (2016): Nonparametric identification of static multinomial choice models.


Pandey, Manoj K. (2009): Labor force participation among Indian elderly: does health matter?

Pfarr, Christian and Ulrich, Volker (2011): Discrete-Choice-Experimente zur Ermittlung der Präferenzen für Umverteilung.

Photis, Yorgos N. and Koutsopoulos, Kostis (1996): Defining Demographic Change in Locational Planning Problems. Published in: Proceedings of the 36th European Regional Science Association Congress , Vol. 19, No. 19 (1996): pp. 352-373.

Possebom, Vitor (2018): Sharp bounds on the MTE with sample selection.

Pulina, Manuela and Paba, Antonello (2010): A discrete choice approach to model credit card fraud.


RAVELOSON, Armel R. and Andrianady, Josué R. and Andrianavony, Kanto J. and RANDRIAMANANTENA, Rija R. and RANDRIAMANANTENA, Avo L. and RANDRIAMIZANA, Junot L. (2024): Modélisation de la résilience post-cyclonique à Mananjary : Une analyse Probit Multivariée.

Ramon Antonio, Rosales Alvarez and Jorge Andres, Perdomo Calvo and Carlos Andres, Morales Torrado and Jaime Alejandro, Urrego Mondragon (2009): Fundamentos de econometría intermedia: Teoría y aplicaciones. Published in: Apuntes de Clase CEDE , Vol. 1, No. 2010 (January 2010): pp. 1-414.

Rascher, Daniel and Rascher, Heather (2004): NBA Expansion and Relocation: A Viability Study of Various Cities. Published in: Journal of Sport Management No. 18 (2004): pp. 274-295.

Rodríguez Núñez, Juan Bautista and Guerra Salazar, Isaac Enmanuel and Ogando Montero, Freddy Manuel (2017): Determinantes sociales y económicos del empleo informal en la República Dominicana en el año 2016.

Rodríguez Núñez, Juan Bautista and Taveras Velez, Hamilton (2020): Determinantes de la Violencia entre Parejas (VEP) hacia la mujer en los hogares en la República Dominicana: un perfil basado en el Enfoque Ecológico de la Violencia (EEV).

Roselli, Luigi and Seccia, Antonio and Stasi, Antonio (2006): Atteggiamento dei consumatori nei confronti dell’evoluzione del sistema agro-alimentare: L’introduzione di alimenti geneticamente modificati. Published in: Rivista di Economia Agroalimentare , Vol. 1, (2006)


SALLADARRE, Frédéric and LE BOENNEC, Rémy and BEL, Marlène (2021): Robotaxis or autonomous shuttles? The role of urban representations and travel habits in tomorrow's mode choice in France. Published in: Journal of Transport Economics and Policy , Vol. 3, No. 55 : pp. 237-259.

Sabatini, Fabio (2011): The relationship between happiness and health: evidence from Italy.

Sahoo, Bimal and Neog, Bhaskar Jyoti (2015): Heterogeneity and participation in Informal employment among non-cultivator workers in India.


Tharavanij, Piyapas (2007): Capital Market Development, Frequency of Recession, and Fraction of Time the Economy in Recession.

Tharavanij, Piyapas (2007): Capital Market, Frequency of Recession, and Fraction of Time the Economy in Recession.

Tharavanij, Piyapas (2007): Capital Market, Severity of Business Cycle, and Probability of Economic Downturn.

Tharavanij, Piyapas (2007): Capital Market, Severity of Business Cycle, and Probability of an Economic Downturn.

Trujillo Sánchez, Jorge Enrique (2013): Efecto de las políticas públicas de vigilancia, control y regulación en el mercado del tabaco en Colombia.


Vargas, Martin (2003): Estimación del Modelo Probit Multivariante: Una Mejora.

Vargas, Martin (2003): Estimación del Modelo Probit Multivariante: Una Mejora.

Vargas Barrenechea, Martin (2007): First Derivatives of the log-L for the multivariate probit model.

Vargas Barrenechea, Martin (2007): First Derivatives of the log-L for the multivariate probit model.

Villena, Mauricio and Sanchez, Rafael and Rojas, Eugenio (2012): Credit Constraints in Higher Education in a Context of Unobserved Heterogeneity.


Wang, Fa (2017): Maximum likelihood estimation and inference for high dimensional nonlinear factor models with application to factor-augmented regressions.

Wang, Yafeng and Graham, Brett (2010): Identification and Estimation of a Discrete Game by Observing its Correlated Equilibria.

Wang, Yafeng and Graham, Brett (2010): Simulation Based Estimation of Discrete Sequential Move Games of Perfect Information.

Wittkowski, Knut M. (2003): Novel Methods for Multivariate Ordinal Data applied to Genetic Diplotypes, Genomic Pathways, Risk Profiles, and Pattern Similarity. Published in: Computational Science and Statistics , Vol. 35, (2003): pp. 626-646.


Xiao, Junji and Ju, Heng (2011): The impacts of air-pollution motivated automobile consumption tax adjustments of China.


Yoo, Hong Il (2019): lclogit2: An enhanced module to estimate latent class conditional logit models.


Zehra, Nasreen (2016): Training & Development Barometer for Effective Transformation of Organizational Commitment and Overall Performance in Banking Sectors of KPK, Pakistan: Qualitative study of Workforce of Bank of Khyber. Published in: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Science (IJ-ARBSS) , Vol. 6, No. 6 (20 June 2016): pp. 246-267.

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