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Items where Subject is "E63 - Comparative or Joint Analysis of Fiscal and Monetary Policy ; Stabilization ; Treasury Policy"

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Number of items at this level: 224.


ALJARHI, Mabid (2018): The Islamic macroeconomic model: How to Apply it. Forthcoming in: Islamic Monetary Economics, Edited by Taha Eğri and Zeyneb Hafsa Orhan No. Published by Routledge, 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN (December 2021): pp. 28-55.

Abban, Stanley (2020): On the Computation and Essence of the Nominal Convergence Criteria for Africa Currency Union: ECOWAS in Perspective.

Afolabi, Joseph Olarewaju and Atolagbe, Oluwafemi (2018): Empirical analysis of fiscal dominance and the conduct of monetary policy in Nigeria.

Al-Ubaydli, Omar (2020): Understanding How the Coronavirus Affects the Global Economy: A Guide for Non-Economists. Published in: Derasat Strategic Studies Series (13 April 2020)

Albonico, Alice (2010): Policy Games with Liquidity Constrained Consumers.

Angulo-Rodriguez, Hector E. and Castillo-Duran, Magda A. and Garza-Rodriguez, Jorge and Gonzalez-Hernandez, Monica and Puente-Ortiz, Ricardo (2011): The Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy in Mexico. Published in: The Empirical Economics Letters , Vol. 6, No. 10 (June 2011): pp. 597-602.

Annicchiarico, Barbara and Giammarioli, Nicola and Piergallini, Alessandro (2009): Budgetary Policies in a DSGE Model with Finite Horizons.

Aras, Osman Nuri and Erdoğan, Eren and Kök, Rukiye (2014): Türkiye’de Uygulanan Orta Vadeli Programın Ödemeler Dengesi Tahminleri Doğrultusunda Performansının Analizi. Published in: Finans Politik & Ekonomik Yorumlar , Vol. 595, No. 51 (2014): pp. 7-24.

Aras, Osman Nuri and Öztürk, Mustafa (2011): Constitutional Economics, Fiscal Policy Rules, and The Case of Turkey. Published in: International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies , Vol. 2, No. 3 (2011): pp. 399-410.

Assadi, Marzieh (2017): The Implication of Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions for the Price Levels: the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level Revisited.

Ayoki, Milton (2010): Response of the Financial Markets to the European Central Bank’s Policy Announcements during the Subprime and Global Financial Crisis.

Aysan, Ahmet Faruk and Güler, Mustafa Haluk and Orman, Cüneyt (2013): The Road to Sustainable Growth in Emerging Markets: The Role of Structural and Monetary Policies in Turkey.

Ayub, Mehar (2000): Stock market consequences of macro economic fundamentals. Published in: Conference Proceedings, Montreal: McGill University, (Canadian Economic Association) , Vol. 1, No. 2001 (2002): pp. 1-17.



BESSO, Christophe Raoul and Chameni Nembua, Célestin (2013): POLICY-MIX ET GAINS DE COOPERATION EN ZONE MONETAIRE HETEROGENE : Cas de la Zone Franc.

Bagus, Philipp and Howden, David (2014): Fiscal Considerations of Central Bank Recapitalization. Published in: Journal of Prices & Markets , Vol. 2, No. 2 (2014): pp. 36-47.

Bahl, Ojasvita and Ghate, Chetan and Mallick, Debdulal (2020): Redistributive Policy Shocks and Monetary Policy with Heterogeneous Agents.

Banerjee, Ritwik and Vashisht, Pankaj (2010): The financial crisis: impact on BRIC and policy response. Published in: Revista Tempo Do Mundo , Vol. 2, No. 2 (2010): pp. 57-80.

Barnett, William and Bella, Giobanni and Ghosh, Taniya and Mattana, Paolo and Venturi, Beatrice (2020): Shilnikov Chaos, Low Interest Rates, and New Keynesian Macroeconomics.

Barnett, William and Bella, Giovanni and Ghosh, Taniya and Mattana, Paolo and Venturi, Beatrice (2021): Chaos in the UK New Keynesian Macroeconomy.

Barnett, William A. and Bella, Giovanni and Ghosh, Taniya and Mattana, Paolo and Venturi, Beatrice (2022): Controlling Chaos in New Keynesian Macroeconomics.

Bazzaoui, Lamia and Nagayasu, Jun (2019): Is Inflation Fiscally Determined?

Belliveau, Stefan (2011): A St.-Louis equation to reassess the influence of macroeconomic-policy instruments.

Benzarour, Choukri (2001): إجراءات السياسات الاقتصادية لبرامج التعديل الهيكلي.

Berriel, Tiago and Sinigaglia, Daniel (2008): Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy under Sectorial Heterogeneity.

Berriel, Tiago and Sinigaglia, Daniel (2008): Technical Appendix to "Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy under Sectorial Heterogeneity".

Bessenyei, István and Horváth, Márton (2012): Economic growth with incomplete financial discipline. Published in: Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Conference Proceedings, Szeged, University of Szeged , Vol. ISBN 9, (2012): pp. 307-314.

Bodunrin, Olalekan Samuel (2016): The Impact of Fiscal and Monetary Policy on Nigerian Economic Growth.

Bogomyagkova, Olga (2015): Оценка функционирования механизма региональных финансов Омской области.

Boubaker, Sabri and Nguyen, Duc Khuong and Paltalidis, Nikos (2016): Fiscal Policy Interventions at the Zero Lower Bound. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control

Brack, Estelle and Elsen, Robert and Pons, Jean-François (2009): Financial services in the euro-mediterranean partnership : banking. Published in: Towards the free trade area, Euromed Market Programme (April 2009)

Breuer, Christian (2017): Expansionary Austerity and Reverse Causality.

Buiter, Willem (2014): Central Banks: Powerful, Political and Unaccountable? Forthcoming in: Journal of the British Academy (2014)

Bunea-Bontas, Cristina Aurora and Petre, Mihaela Cosmina (2009): Fiscal Policy during the current Crisis.

Byambasuren, Tsenguunjav and Erdenebold, Uranzaya and Otgonbayar, Baasansuren (2013): Policy Challenge and Single-Sector Growth Model Application of Resource-Rich Developing Countries: Case of Mongolia.


C, Prasanth and Chakraborty, Lekha and K Shihab, Nehla (2024): Interest Rate Determination in India: Analyzing RBI’s Post-Covid Monetary Policy Stance Using High Frequency Data.

Canale, Rosaria Rita (2010): Central bank reaction to public deficit and sound public finance: the case of the European Monetary Union. Published in: Journal of Advanced Studies in Finance , Vol. Volume, No. Issue 1, Summer 2010 (August 2010): pp. 4-17.

Canale, Rosaria Rita (1998): L'Unione monetaria europea fra integralismo monetario e dipendenza della politica fiscale. Alcune considerazioni. Published in: Studi e note di economia No. 1/1998 (1998): pp. 75-86.

Canale, Rosaria Rita and Foresti, Pasquale and Marani, Ugo and Napolitano, Oreste (2007): On Keynesian effects of (apparent) non-Keynesian fiscal policies.

Cangoz, Mehmet Coskun and Sulla, Olga and Wang, ChunLan and Dychala, Christopher Benjamin (2019): A Joint Foreign Currency Risk Management Approach for Sovereign Assets and Liabilities. Published in: Policy Research Working Paper , Vol. 1, No. WPS8728 (5 February 2019)

Cappiello, Antonio (2006): I currency board come strumento di stabilizzazione economica: come funzionano e dove sono adottati. Published in: Quaderni di Studi Europei (2006): pp. 41-63.

Cebula, Richard (1973): Macroeconomic Stability with a Positively Sloped IS Curve: A Further Examination. Published in: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DIE GESAMTE STAATSWISSENSCHAFT , Vol. 130, No. 3 (30 July 1974): pp. 446-454.

Chakraborty, Lekha S (2014): Monetary Seigniorage in an Emerging Economy: Is there a scope for "free lunch" in financing public investment?

Chakraborty, Lekha S and S, Harikrishnan (2021): Covid 19 and Fiscal-Monetary Policy Co-ordination: Empirical Evidence from India.

Cham, Yaya (2023): Inflation and Public Debt Reversals in the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) Economies.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2020): Ramsey Optimal Policy in the New-Keynesian Model with Public Debt. Forthcoming in: Macroeconomic Dynamics

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2020): Ramsey Optimal Policy versus Multiple Equilibria with Fiscal and Monetary Interactions. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 1, No. 40 (5 February 2020): pp. 140-147.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2019): A Simple Algorithm for Solving Ramsey Optimal Policy with Exogenous Forcing Variables. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 4, No. 39 (25 October 2019): pp. 2429-2440.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2017): A Simple Algorithm for Solving Ramsey Optimal Policy with Exogenous Forcing Variables.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2020): The Welfare of Ramsey Optimal Policy Facing Auto-Regressive Shocks. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 2, No. 40 (24 June 2020): pp. 1797-1803.

Chattopadhyay, Siddhartha and Daniel, Betty C. (2015): Taylor-Rule Exit Policies for the Zero Lower Bound.

Chattopadhyay, Siddhartha (2019): The Neo-Fisherianism to Escape Zero Lower Bound.

Chattopadhyay, Siddhartha and Daniel, Betty C. (2014): The Inflation Target at the Zero Lower Bound.

Chattopadhyay, Siddhartha and Ghosh, Taniya (2016): Cost Channel, Interest Rate Pass-Through and Optimal Policy under Zero Lower Bound.

Chronis, Panagiotis and Zombanakis, George A. (2016): An Evaluation of Policies for Fiscal and External Sustainability during the Recent Greek Economic Crisis. Published in: European Research Studies , Vol. XIX, No. 1 (30 January 2016): pp. 30-47.

Ciumag, Marin (2006): The Effects of Transfer into Fiscality Prices. Published in: Revista Finante No. 5 (26 May 2006): pp. 204-207.

Ciumag, Marin (2007): Tax Dodging in the Recycling Wastage Collecting Area. Published in: Sesiunea de cominucari stiintifice cu participare internationala , Vol. Univer, (2 June 2007)

Ciumag, Marin (2008): The Taxation and Accountancy of Luncheon Voucher. Forthcoming in: Conferinta Anuala Internationala AN White Head

Cole, Alexandre Lucas and Guerello, Chiara and Traficante, Guido (2023): Government Debt Deleveraging in the EMU. Forthcoming in: International Economics

Cole, Alexandre Lucas and Guerello, Chiara and Traficante, Guido (2018): One EMU Fiscal Policy for the EURO. Forthcoming in: Macroeconomic Dynamics

Colombier, Carsten (2011): Konjunktur und Wachstum. Published in: Die Volkswirtschaft - Magazin für Wirtschaftspolitik , Vol. 84, No. 6 (1 June 2011): pp. 14-17.

Costa Filho, João Ricardo (2015): A crise financeira e a política econômica: poderia ter sido diferente? Published in: Economia Ensaios , Vol. 30, No. 1 (2015): pp. 67-94.

Cruz-Rodríguez, Alexis (2014): Assessing fiscal sustainability in some selected countries.

Cruz-Rodríguez, Alexis (2006): El déficit cuasifiscal del Banco Central de la República Dominicana.


DJINKPO, Medard (2019): A DSGE model for Fiscal Policy Analysis in The Gambia.

Dai, Meixing and Sidiropoulos, Moise (2008): Fiscal Policy in a Monetary Union in the Presence of Uncertainty about the Central Bank Preferences.

Dai, Meixing and Sidiropoulos, Moïse (2011): Fiscal disciplining effect of central bank opacity: Stackelberg versus Nash equilibrium.

Dai, Meixing and Sidiropoulos, Moïse (2010): Monetary and fiscal policy interactions with central bank transparency and public investment.

Dai, Meixing and Sidiropoulos, Moïse (2009): Public investment, distortionary taxes and monetary policy transparency.

Dai, Meixing and Sidiropoulos, Moïse and Spyromitros, Eleftherios (2010): Fiscal policy, institutional quality and central bank transparency.

Dancourt, Óscar and Jiménez Sotelo, Renzo (2010): Perú: Lecciones de la recesión de 2008-2009. Published in: Documentos Técnicos , Vol. 2010, No. 73 (2011)

De Koning, Kees (2019): Conversion Theory II: the case for Recession Bonds.

Debalke, Negash Mulatu (2023): Investigating Volatility Transmissions among Sovereign Bonds in African and Emerging Markets Using Multivariate GARCH Models.

Desogus, Marco and Casu, Elisa (2022): Chaos, granularity, and instability in economic systems of countries with emerging market economies: relationships between GDP growth rate and increasing internal inequality. Published in: Journal of International Business and Economics , Vol. 22, No. 4 (December 2022): pp. 5-25.

Di Bartolomeo, Giovanni and Manzo, Marco (2007): Do tax distortions lead to more indeterminacy? A New Keynesian perspective.

Di Bartolomeo, Giovanni and Rossi, Lorenza (2005): Heterogeneous Consumers, Demand Regimes, Monetary Policy and Equilibrium Determinacy. Forthcoming in: Rivista di Politica Economica (2007): pp. 1-27.

Doojav, Gan-Ochir (2021): Macroeconomic modeling for optimal stabilization policy in Mongolia.


ERMİŞOĞLU, ERGUN and KANIK, BİROL (2013): Türkiye Ekonomik Politika Belirsizliği Endeksi.

Ekpeyong, Paul (2023): Analysis of the dynamic of inflation process in Nigeria: An application of GARCH modelling.

Ekpeyong, Paul (2024): Incorporating Model Uncertainty into Policy Analysis Frameworks: A Bayesian Averaging Approach combining computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Model with Metamodelling Techniques.

Ellul, Reuben (2017): Correlation between Maltese and euro area sovereign bond yields.

Estrada, Fernando (2012): Economy and power to tax.

Estrada, Fernando (2013): Estabilidad política y poder fiscal. Published in:

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Estabilidad política y tributación.

Estrada, Fernando (2012): Estado y poder fiscal. Published in: Cuadernos CIPE , Vol. IV, No. 22 (2013): p. 2013.

Estrada, Fernando and Trujillo, Marlyn Tatiana and Pardo, Diego (2018): Política Fiscal, Ingresos y Desigualdad en Colombia (1990-2015).


Ferlito, Carmelo (2011): Garrison's Capital-Based Macroeconomics: The Role of Deficit, Credit Control and Taxation. Published in: Public Finance: Lessons from the Past and Effects on the Future (2012): pp. 105-122.


Gabrisch, Hubert and Orlowski, Lucjan T. and Pusch, Toralf (2012): Sovereign default Risk in the Euro-Periphery and the Euro-Candidate Countries.

Ganev, Georgy (2025): Should Bulgaria wait for 90% real convergence before joining the Eurozone? Published in: Public Policy.bg , Vol. 15, No. 3 (November 2024): pp. 14-28.

Giannoulakis, Stelios (2015): Monetary Policy in a New Keynesian Model with Tobin’s Q Investment Theory Features.

Giudice, Gabriele and de Manuel Aramendía, Mirzha and Kontolemis, Zenon and Monteiro, Daniel P. (2019): A European safe asset to complement national government bonds.

Gmeiner, Robert and Larson, Sven (2023): The Fiscal Transmission Mechanism of Inflation.

Gong, Liutang and Zou, Heng-fu (2012): Foreigh Asset Accumulation and Macroeconomic Policies.

Gonzalez-Astudillo, Manuel (2013): Monetary-Fiscal Policy Interactions: Interdependent Policy Rule Coefficients.

Gonzalez-Astudillo, Manuel (2011): Policy Rule Coefficients Driven by Latent Factors: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions in an Endowment Economy.

Guillard, Michel and Sosa Navarro, Ramiro (2009): Fiscal Imbalances, Inflation and Sovereign Default Dynamics.


Hanif, Muhammad N. and Arby, Muhammad Farooq (2003): Monetary and Fiscal Policy Coordination. Published in: The Journal of National Institute of Management (2007): pp. 41-72.

Harashima, Taiji (2023): Numerical Simulations of How Economic Inequality Increases in Democratic Countries.

Harashima, Taiji (2007): Hyperinflation, disinflation, deflation, etc.: A unified and micro-founded explanation for inflation.

Harashima, Taiji (2011): A Mechanism of Inflation Differentials and Current Account Imbalances in the Euro Area.

Harashima, Taiji (2008): A Microfounded Mechanism of Observed Substantial Inflation Persistence.

Harashima, Taiji (2007): The Optimal Quantity of Money Consistent with Positive Nominal Interest Rates.

Harashima, Taiji (2013): The Phillips Curve and a Micro-foundation of Trend Inflation.

Harashima, Taiji (2015): A Way Out of the Euro Crisis: Fiscal Transfers Are Indispensable for Sustainability in a Union with Heterogeneous Members.

Harashima, Taiji (2007): Why should central banks be independent?

Hein, Eckhard (2011): Distribution, ‘Financialisation’ and the Financial and Economic Crisis – Implications for Post-crisis Economic Policies.

Hein, Eckhard (2012): Finance-dominated capitalism, re-distribution and the financial and economic crises - a European perspective.

Hein, Eckhard and Truger, Achim (2010): Finance-dominated capitalism in crisis – the case for a Global Keynesian New Deal. Published in: Institute for International Political Economy Working Paper No. 6 (February 2010)

Hertrich, Markus (2015): The Costs of Implementing a Unilateral One-Sided Exchange Rate Target Zone. Forthcoming in:

Hiermeyer, Martin (2016): Crowding Out of Monetary Policy as a Limitation of Fiscal Policy.

Himmels, Christoph and Kirsanova, Tatiana (2011): Expectations Traps and Monetary Policy with Limited Commitment.

Hoffmann, Andreas and Schnabl, Gunther (2009): A Vicious Cycle of Manias, Crashes and Asymmetric Policy Responses - An Overinvestment View.

Hossain, Md. Mobarak (2018): Dynamic Growth Rate of U.S. Economy.

Hristov, Atanas (2012): The Effects of Discretionary Fiscal Stimulus: A Survey.


Irigoin, Alejandra (2015): Representation without taxation, taxation without consent; the legacy of Spanish colonialism in America. Published in: LSE Economic History Dept Working Papers series No. 227 (15 December 2015): pp. 1-40.

Isaacs, Gilad (2014): The myth of “neutrality” and the rhetoric of “stability”: macroeconomic policy in democratic South Africa.


Jia, Pengfei (2020): Negative Interest Rates on Central Bank Digital Currency.


KAMGNA, Severin Yves and NGUENANG, Christian and TALABONG, Hervé and OULD, Isselmou (2009): Fonction de reaction de la banque centrale et credibilite de la politique monétaire: Cas de la BEAC.

Kamal, Mona (2015): Egypt Relative to the COMESA’s Member States: Do Fiscal Policy Rules Matter?

Kapur, Muneesh (2018): Macroeconomic Policies and Transmission Dynamics in India.

Kazi Abdul, Mannan and Khandaker Mursheda, Farhana (2023): The new fiscal sociology: a study of universal self-Assessment taxpayers in Bangladesh. Published in: The Cost and Management , Vol. 51, No. 1 (2023): pp. 22-37.

Khan, Safdar Ullah and Saqib, Omar Farooq (2008): Political Instability and Inflation in Pakistan.

Kim, Minseong (2020): Time-consistent decisions and rational expectation equilibrium existence in DSGE models.

Koffi, Siméon (2021): Analyse de la politique budgétaire en Côte d’ivoire à partir d’une estimation Bayésienne d’un modèle d'Equilibre Général Dynamique Stochastique (DSGE).

Koté, Lassine and Sorgho, Zakaria and Ouedraogo, Carine (2015): La Mobilité des Capitaux en Afrique de l'Ouest: Investigations sur des pays de la CEDEAO.

Kowalski, Tadeusz (2013): Globalization and Transformation in Central European Countries: The Case of Poland. Published in: Poznan University of Economics Press (2013): p. 1.


Larch, Martin and Jonung, Lars and Fischer, Jonas (2008): 101 proposals to reform the Stability and Growth Pact. Why so many? A survey. Published in: Public Finance and Management , Vol. 8, No. 3 (2008): pp. 502-560.

Larch, Martin and Turrini, Alessandro (2008): Received wisdom and beyond: Lessons from fiscal consolidations in the EU.

Larch, Martin and Van den Noord, Paul and Jonung, Lars (2010): The stability and growth pact: lessons from the great recession.

Li, Bing and Pei, Pei and Tan, Fei (2018): Credit Risk and Fiscal Inflation.

Libich, Jan and Nguyen, Dat and Stehlik, Petr (2014): Monetary Exit and Fiscal Spillovers.

Liu, Shih-fu and Huang, Wei-chi and Lai, Ching-chong (2020): Could Fiscal Policies Overcome a Deep Recession at the Zero Lower Bound?

Liu, Shih-fu and Huang, Wei-chi and Lai, Ching-chong (2020): Could Fiscal Policies Overcome a Deep Recession at the Zero Lower Bound?


MALATA, Alain K. and PINSHI, Christian P. (2020): Fading the effects of coronavirus with monetary policy.

Mackiewicz, Michał (2008): Determinants of Cyclicality of Fiscal Surpluses in The OECD Countries.

Mackiewicz, Michał (2005): Making The Stability Pact More Flexible: Can It Lead to Procyclical Fiscal Policies? Published in: Fiscal Studies , Vol. 28, No. 2 (2007): pp. 251-268.

Mackiewicz, Michał and Krajewski, Piotr (2007): On The Mechanisms of Achieving Fiscal (Un)Sustainability – The Case of Poland. Forthcoming in: Empirica (1 April 2009)

Makreshanska, Suzana and Petrevski, Goran (2015): Fiscal Decentralization and Inflation in Central and Eastern Europe.

Mandiefe, Piabuo Serge (2015): The impact of financial sector development on economic growth: analysis of the financial development gap between Cameroon and South Africa.

Marattin, Luigi (2007): Private and public consumption and counter-cyclical fiscal policy. Published in: International Journal of Economics , Vol. 2, No. 1 (June 2008)

Marattin, Luigi and Marzo, Massimiliano (2008): An (Un)Pleasant Arithmetic of Fiscal Policy: the Case of Italian Public Debt.

Marzo, Massimiliano and Zagaglia, Paolo (2011): Equilibrium selection in a cashless economy with transaction frictions in the bond market.

Metzger, Martina and Taube, Günther (2010): The rise of emerging markets' financial market architecture: constituting new roles in the global financial goverancen.

Miglo, Anton (2004): Pecking order theory for government finance.

Mikek, Peter (2009): Does trade integration contribute to synchronization of shocks in Europe?

Mitreska, Ana and Kadievska Vojnovic, Maja and Georgievska, Ljupka and Jovanovic, Branimir and Petkovska, Marija (2010): Did the Crisis Change it All? Evidence from Monetary and Fiscal Policy. Published in: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia Working Paper (November 2010)

Mitu, Narcis Eduard (2007): European Tax Practice. Published in: Annals of the University of Craiova, ISSN 1843-3723 , Vol. No.35, (2007): pp. 168-178.

Moayedi, Vafa and Aminfard, Matin (2011): The Impact of Policy Shocks on Financial Structure: Empirical Results from Japan.

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2023): Monetary-Fiscal Policy Interactions in Africa: Fiscal Dominance or Monetary Dominance?

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2015): Fiscal Cyclicality in the Anglophone West Africa and Guinea: Panel Data Assessments of Contemporaneous and Lagged Fiscal Rules.

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2017): Tests for Fiscal Dominance in the Anglophone West Africa and Guinea: A Quantile Regression Approach.

Moloche, Guillermo (2024): Inflation and Seigniorage-Financed Fiscal Deficits: The Case of Mexico.

Muhammad, Omer and de Haan, Jakob and Scholtens, Bert (2014): An Empirical Analysis of Excess Interbank Liquidity: A Case Study of Pakistan.

Mykhaylova, Olena (2009): Welfare implications of country size in a monetary union.


Nistor, Costel and Panico, Paolo and Nistor, Rozalia and Muntean, Mihaela-Carmen (2010): The American mortgage crisis implications on the international economics evolutions. Published in: The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati No. Fascicle I – 2010. Economics and Applied Informatics. Years XVI – no 1 - ISSN 1584-0409 (2010): pp. 299-310.

Nizar, Muhammad Afdi (2017): Pilar-pilar Kebijakan Fiskal. Published in: APBN Newsletter , Vol. 1, No. 4 (December 2017): pp. 5-9.


Obinyeluaku, Moses and Viegi, Nicola (2009): How does fiscal policy affect monetary policy in the Southern African Community (SADC)?

Obregon, Carlos (2020): New Economics. Published in:

Okunoye, Ismaila and Hammed, Sabuur (2020): Oil Price Shock and Fiscal-Monetary Policy Variables in Nigeria: A Structural VAR Approach. Forthcoming in: Asian Journal of Economics and Banking No. AJEB 2021

Olivo, Victor (2023): Hyperinflation in Venezuela. An Analysis Based on Cagan's Conceptual Framework.

Ozili, Peterson K (2024): Economic policy for sustainable development: role of monetary policy, fiscal policy and regulatory policy. Forthcoming in:

Ozili, Peterson K (2023): Correlated lending to government and the private sector: what do we learn from the Great Recession?


PINSHI, Christian P. and MALATA, Alain (2020): Canal d’incertitude de la COVID-19 : Quelles stratégies et tactiques pour la politique monétaire ?

Palazzo, Gabriel and Rapetti, Martin and Waldman, Joaquin (2023): Planes de estabilización: Evidencia de América Latina.

Palazzo, Gabriel and Rapetti, Martin and Waldman, Joaquin (2025): Stabilization programs in chronic-inflation countries: Evidence from Latin America.

Paternesi Meloni, Walter (2017): Austerity and Competitiveness in the Eurozone: a misleading linkage.

Pedro, Gomis-Porqueras and Benoit, Julien and Chengsi, Wang (2010): Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policies In a Search-theoretic Model of Money and Unemployment.

Pereira, Manuel C (2008): Empirical evidence on the stabilizing role of fiscal and monetary policies in the US.

Piergallini, Alessandro (2015): External Debt and Stabilizing Macroeconomic Policies.

Piergallini, Alessandro (2017): Fiscal Policy and Liquidity Traps with Heterogeneous Agents.

Piergallini, Alessandro (2012): Non-Linear Fiscal Regimes and Interest Rate Policy.

Piergallini, Alessandro (2018): Nonlinear Policy Behavior, Multiple Equilibria and Debt-Deflation Attractors.

Piergallini, Alessandro and Rodano, Giorgio (2009): Public Debt, Distortionary Taxation, and Monetary Policy.

Piergallini, Alessandro and Rodano, Giorgio (2010): Public Debt, Distortionary Taxation, and Monetary Policy.

Pincheira, Pablo and Hernández, Ana María (2019): Forecasting Unemployment Rates with International Factors.

Punabantu, Siize (2010): Market Myths in Contemporary Economics. Published in:

Putra, Adhitya (2019): Inflation: islam and conventional economic systems.


Ritter, Moritz (2007): The Optimum Quantity of Money Revisited: Distortionary Taxation in a Search Model of Money.


SHAHID, MUHAMMAD and QAYYUM, ABDUL and SHAHID MALIK, WASEEM (2016): Fiscal and Monetary Policy Interactions in Pakistan Using a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Framework. Published in: Research Journal Social Science , Vol. 6, No. 1 (2017): pp. 1-29.

Saccal, Alessandro (2023): A scientific note on the Italian Mini BOTs and the proposal of the CCCFs.

Schalck, Christophe (2006): Coordination des Politiques Budgétaires dans une Union Monétaires Hétérogène: Modélisation et Application à l'UEM.

Schalck, Christophe (2006): Coordination des Politiques Budgétaires dans une Union Monétaires Hétérogène: Modélisation et Application à l'UEM Coordination of Budgetary Policies in a Heterogeneous Monetary Union: Modelisation and Application.

Schalck, Christophe (2006): Règles Budgétaires et Gestion du Policy-Mix dans l'UEM Budgetary Rules and Management of the Policy-Mix in the UME.

Schilirò, Daniele (2012): Hans Werner Sinn and Timo Wollmershaeuser’s target loans, current account balances and capital flows: the ECB’s rescue facility. A comment.

Schilirò, Daniele (2006): L’euro, il patto di stabilità e di crescita e la sua riforma.

Schilirò, Daniele (2012): A new governance for EMU and the economic policy framework.

Shaikh, Salman (2012): Lessons from the Great Recession: Need for a New Paradigm. Published in: Journal of Economics & International Finance , Vol. 4(6), No. 2 (1 February 2012): pp. 131-136.

Shvets, Serhii (2020): The golden rule of public finance under active monetary stance: endogenous setting for a developing economy. Published in: Investment Management and Financial Innovations , Vol. 17, No. 2 (18 June 2020): pp. 216-230.

Siyan, Peter and Adegoriola, Adewale E. and Adolphus, James Ademola (2016): Unemployment and Inflation: Implication on Poverty Level in Nigeria. Published in: Journal of Development and Society , Vol. 3, No. 4 (10 November 2016): pp. 17-45.

Soldatos, Gerasimos T. (2016): A Short “Second Best” Narrative of the Ukrainian Economy/ Una Breve “Segunda Mejor Opción” de Narrativa de la Economía Ucraniana. Published in: Boletín de Estudios Económicos , Vol. 72, No. 221 (September 2017): pp. 361-389.

Stoian, Andreea and Alves, Rui Henrique (2014): High public debt in the euro area: still a fact.

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