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Items where Subject is "J23 - Labor Demand"

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Number of items at this level: 285.


Abdel-Rahman, Alaa (2016): Linking education to employment:how to establish a successful and uninterrupted connection.

Adenutsi, Deodat E. (2009): Entrepreneurship, job creation, income empowerment and poverty reduction in low-income economies.

Agnese, Pablo (2009): Employment effects of offshoring. An application to Japanese industries, 1980-2005.

Agnese, Pablo (2009): Japan and her dealings with offshoring: An empirical analysis with aggregate data.

Aksoy, Cevat Giray (2014): Are Fertility Responses to Local Unemployment Shocks Homogenous Across Social Strata? Evidence from England, 1994 to 2010.

Almeida, Derick and Sequeira, Tiago (2023): Robots at work: new evidence with recent data.

Amjad, Rashid and Nasim (edited), Anjum (1992): The employment challenges for Pakistan in the 1990s. Published in: Financing Pakistan’s Development in the 1990s, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Oxford University Press, Karachi, 1992

Antón, José-Ignacio and Muñoz de Bustillo, Rafael (2011): The impact of the minimum wage on Spanish youth: Evidence from a natural experiment.

Anwar, Mumtaz and Faridi, Muhammad Zahir and Chaudhry, Imran Sharif and Majeed, Asma (2010): The Determinants of Self-Eployment in Pakistan: Evidence From Primary Data Analysis. Published in: Journal of Political Studies , Vol. 17, No. Summer (30 June 2010): pp. 151-165.

Araujo, Ricardo Azevedo (2011): Lyapunov Stability in an Evolutionary Game Theory Model of the Labor Market.

Araujo, Ricardo Azevedo and Loureiro, Paulo Roberto and Souza, Nathalia Almeida (2011): An Empirical Evaluation of an Evolutionary Game Theory Model of the Labor Market.

Araujo, Ricardo Azevedo and Moreira, Helmar Nunes (2011): Lyapunov stability in an evolutionary game theory model of the labor market.

Araujo, Ricardo Azevedo and Moreira, Helmar Nunes (2011): Lyapunov stability in an evolutionary game theory model of the labor market.


BESSO, CHRISTOPHE RAOUL (2010): Employment intensity of growth and its macroeconomics determinants.

Balan, A. Ana Maria (2011): Theoretical approach and practical analysis on employment measures- case study on Romania, 2010.

Banga, Rashmi and Bansal, Renu (2009): Impact of trade in services on gender employment in India.

Baranowska, Anna and Bukowski, Maciej and Bober, Magda and Lewandowski, Piotr and Magda, Iga and Sarzalska, Malgorzata and Szydlowski, Arkadiusz and Zawistowski, Julian (2006): Zatrudnienie w Polsce 2006: Produktywnosc dla pracy. Published in: (2007)

Bastani, Spencer and Giebe, Thomas and Gürtler, Oliver (2019): Simple Equilibria in General Contests.

Bayari, Celal (2018): Economy and Market in China: The State, Wage Labour and the Construction of the ‘China Price’. Published in: Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review , Vol. 14, No. 1 (5 July 2018): pp. 13-29.

Bayari, Celal (2001): How Does Labour Work Now? A Quantitative Survey of Labour Practices in Japanese Multinationals Post 1996 Workplace Relations Act (Commonwealth). Published in: Proceedings of the 2001 Australian Sociological Association Annual Conference No. 2001 (1 December 2001): pp. 1-14.

Bayari, Celal (2014): Labour Management in China: Legislation, Stratification, and Wages. Published in: Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Administrative Science Proceedings , Vol. 17, No. 2014 (8 November 2014): pp. 419-424.

Bechlioulis, Alexandros and Chletsos, Michael (2021): The differentiated effects of minimum wage reforms on unemployment Evidence from the Greek labor market.

Bedi, Jatinder S. (2002): Discrepancies in offcicial estimates of production and employment in textile and clothing sector. Published in: The Journal of Income and Wealth , Vol. 24, No. 1&2 (18 January 2002): pp. 95-116.

Bedi, Jatinder S. (2002): Scope of ethanol blending with gasonline and its impact on direct and indirect employment generation in rural and urban India. Published in: The Indian Journal of Labour Economics , Vol. 45, No. 4 (28 October 2002): pp. 950-963.

Beleva, Iskra (2011): The EU labour market crisis and recovery policies. The Bulgarian response to the crisis. Published in:

Beleva, Iskra (2011): European labour markets challenges in the context of the “Europe 2020” srategy. Published in:

Beleva, Iskra and Tzanov, Vasil and Noncheva, Teodora and Zareva, Iren (1999): Background Study on Labour Market and Employment in Bulgaria.

Blind, Georg and Lottanti von Mandach, Stefania (2017): When Vultures Bring Blessings: Employment Growth in Japanese businesses under Private Equity Ownership.

Block, Joern and Sandner, Philipp and Spiegel, Frank (2009): Do risk attitudes differ within the group of entrepreneurs?

Block, Joern and Wagner, Marcus (2006): Necessity and Opportunity Entrepreneurs in Germany: Characteristics and Earnings Differentials.

Bockerman, Petri and Vainiomäki, Jari (2012): Stature and life-time labor market outcomes: Accounting for unobserved differences.

Boegenhold, Dieter and Fachinger, Uwe (2007): Renaissance of Entrepreneurship? Some remarks and empirical evidence for Germany. Published in: Working Paper of the Centre for Social Policy Research No. 2 (February 2007)

Boicu, Ruxandra (2007): Pragmatic identity and alterity in political discourse. Published in: University of Bucharest Review, A Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies , Vol. Vol IX, No. no. 4/2007 : pp. 76-83.

Buil, Carlos (2022): El emprendimiento juvenil: Factores determinantes en Europa.

Bukowski, Maciej and Lewandowski, Piotr and Koloch, Grzegorz and Baranowska, Anna and Magda, Iga and Szydlowski, Arkadiusz and Bober, Magda and Bieliński, Jacek and Zawistowski, Julian and Sarzalska, Malgorzata (2008): Employment in Poland 2007: Security on flexible labour market. Published in:

Burachik, Gustavo and Gorenstein, Silvia (1999): Creacion de locales industriales en Bahia Blanca (1984-1993): caracterizacion de los principales factores de atracción y desplazamiento. Published in: Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbanos Regionales , Vol. 24, No. 71 (March 1998): pp. 57-74.

Burachik, Gustavo and Gorenstein, Silvia (1999): Empleo, pequeñas empresas locales y estrategias de desarrollo endogeno. Experiencias en Argentina. Published in: Revista de Estudios Regionales No. 53 (1999): pp. 131-157.

Burgert, Derik (2006): Betriebliche Weiterbildung und der Verbleib Älterer im Betrieb.

Burgert, Derik (2006): Einstellungschancen von Älteren – Wie wirkt der Schwellenwert im Kündigungsschutz?

Burgert, Derik (2005): The Impact of German Job Protection Legislation on Job Creation in Small Establishments - An Application of the Regression Discontinuity Design.

Burgert, Derik (2005): Schwellenwerte im deutschen Kündigungsschutzrecht Ein Beschäftigungshindernis für kleine Unternehmen?

Butler, Ines and Giuliodori, David and Guiñazu, Sebastian and Martinez Correa, Julian and Rodríguez, Alejandro (2017): Programas de Financiamiento Productivo a pymes, acceso al crédito y desempeño de las firmas: Evidencia de Argentina.

Böckerman, Petri and Johansson, Edvard and Kiiskinen, Urpo and Heliövaara, Markku (2010): Does physical capacity explain the height premium?

Bögenhold, Dieter and Fachinger, Uwe (2009): Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Spatial Disparities: Divisions and Changes of Self-employment and Firms.

Bögenhold, Dieter and Fachinger, Uwe (2010): How Diverse is Entrepreneurship? Observations on the social heterogeneity of self-employment in Germany.

Bögenhold, Dieter and Fachinger, Uwe (2004): Struktureller Wandel selbständiger Erwerbsarbeit: Analysen auf der Grundlage der Scientific Use Files der Mikrozensen.

Böhm, Paul and Merz, Joachim (2008): Reichtum in Niedersachsen und anderen Bundesländern – Ergebnisse aus der Einkommensteuer-Geschäftsstatistik 2003 für Selbständige (Freie Berufe und Unternehmer) und abhängige Beschäftigte.


Cabo, Francisco and Martín-Román, Ángel L. (2017): Dynamic collective bargaining. Frictional effects under open-shop industrial relations.

Calzaroni, Manlio and Cappiello, Antonio and Della Rocca, Giorgio and Di Zio, Marco and Martelli, Cristina and Pieraccini, Guido and Profili, Francesco and Tembe, Cirilo (2006): Metodologia - O Sector Informal em Moçambique: Resultados do Primeiro Inquérito Nacional (2005). Published in: , Vol. O Sect, No. © 2006 Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Maputo, Moçambique (2006)

Carbunaru, Andra Florentina (2019): Influence of push and pull factors on female entrepreneurship in Romania. Published in: JUNIOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHER , Vol. 5, No. 1 (May 2019): pp. 55-69.

Cebula, Richard (1978): The Determinants of Human Migration. Published in: The Determinants of Human Migration (15 September 1979): pp. 1-148.

Ceesay, Masanneh Landing and Kakengi, Veronica (2020): What prolongs youth unemployment in The Gambia?

Cerqua, Augusto and Pellegrini, Guido (2018): Local multipliers at work.

Charpe, Matthieu (2022): Convergence Heterogeneity at the Local Level in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Charpe, Matthieu (2022): Tradable Jobs and Local Labour Market in sub-Saharan Africa.

Chaudhary, Amatul R. and Chani, Muhammad Irfan and Pervaiz, Zahid (2012): An analysis of different approaches to women empowerment: a case study of Pakistan. Published in: World Applied Sciences Journal , Vol. 16, No. 7 (2012): pp. 971-980.

Chen, Siyan and Desiderio, Saul (2014): Sticky wages, labor demand elasticity and rational unemployment.

Chobanova, Rossitsa (2003): Flows in Europe - Bulgaria. Published in:

Cid, Alejandro and Cabrera, José María and Blanco, Magdalena (2016): Beware: a woman is looking after your car.

Ciżkowicz, Piotr and Kowalczuk, Michał and Rzońca, Andrzej (2014): Heterogeneous determinants of local unemployment in Poland.

Contreras, Juan (2006): An Empirical Model of Factor Adjustment Dynamics.

Coombs, Christopher and Cebula, Richard (2009): Are there rewards for language skills? Evidence from the earnings of registered nurses. Published in: The Social Science Journal , Vol. 47, No. 3 (28 September 2010): pp. 659-677.

Corseuil, Carlos H. L. (2009): Alternative Ways of Measuring and Interpreting Worker Flows.

Costa Storti, Cláudia and Grauwe, Paul and Sabadash, Anna and Montanari, Linda (2011): Unemployment and drug treatment. Published in: International Journal of Drug Policy , Vol. 22, No. 5 (September 2011): pp. 366-373.

Crespi, Gustavo and Tacsir, Ezequiel (2011): Effects of innovation on employment in Latin America.

canegrati, emanuele (2007): The single-mindedness of labor unions when transfers are not Lump-Sum.


De Dominicis, Piero (2020): Routinization and Covid-19: a comparison between United States and Portugal.

Decreuse, Bruno (2008): Search externalities with crowding-out effects.

Deneke, Volrad (2007): Freie Berufe- Herausforderungen an die Wissenschaft.

Dhaoui, Iayd (2013): Human Capital Investment through Education and Training: an Overview. Published in: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention , Vol. 2, No. 5 (May 2013): pp. 74-85.

Dräther, Hendrik and Fachinger, Uwe and Oelschläger, Angelika (2001): Selbständige und ihre Altersvorsorge: Möglichkeiten der Analyse anhand der Mikrozensen und erste Ergebnisse.

Duvvuru, Narasimha Reddy and Motkuri, Venkatanarayana (2013): Declining Labour Use in Agriculture : A Case of Rice Cultivation in Andhra Pradesh.

Duvvuru, Narasimha Reddy and Motkuri, Venkatanarayana (2013): Labour in Rice Production and Value Chain : Field Observations from Jangaon, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh.


Ecobici, N and Paliu-Popa, L (2007): Active Measures for Stimulating the Employment of Labour Force and its Impact in the Gorj County. Published in: Labour market and the role of education, Proceedings of International Scientific Round Table, Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Ljubljana Sofia, University of Maribor, Slovenia, Faculty of Economics, Constantin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu No. ISBN 978-961-6354-74-5 (2008): pp. 42-62.

Eder, Andreas and Koller, Wolfgang and Mahlberg, Bernhard (2021): Economy 4.0: Employment effects by occupation, industry, and gender.

Elitas, Zeynep and Ercan, Hakan and Tumen, Semih (2014): Reassessing the Trends in the Relative Supply of College-Equivalent Workers in the U.S.: A Selection-Correction Approach.

Emran, M. Shahe and Morshed, A.K.M Mahbub and Stiglitz, Joseph E. (2011): Microfinance and Missing Markets.

Erhardt, Eva (2017): Microfinance beyond self-employment: Evidence for firms in Bulgaria. Forthcoming in: Labour Economics (2017)

Erhardt, Eva (2017): Who persistently creates jobs? Absolute versus relative high-growth firms.

Erhardt, Eva (2017): Who persistently creates jobs? Absolute versus relative high-growth firms.

Erhardt, Eva (2017): Who persistently creates jobs? Absolute versus relative high-growth firms.

Erhardt, Eva Christine (2018): Firm performance after high growth: A comparison of absolute and relative growth measures.


Fachinelli, Angel dos Santos and Moretto, Antonio Carlos and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Rodrigues, Rossana Lott and Sesso Filho, Umberto Antonio (2012): Multiplicador de emprego e salário: estudo comparativo para a região sul e restante do Brasil em 1999 e 2004.

Fachinger, Uwe (2003): Selbständige in der EU: Einige Anmerkungen zu den Problemen ihrer sozialen Absicherung.

Fairris, David and Jonasson, Erik (2016): Determinants of Changing Informal Employment in Brazil, 2000–2010.

Faria, Joao and Jellal, Mohamed (2009): Dynamic of Employment and Wages Incentives.

Faria, Joao and Jellal, Mohamed (2009): A Socio-Psychological Theory of Efficiency Wage Growth.

Ferrante, Francesco and Sabatini, Fabio (2007): Education, social capital and entrepreneurial selection in Italy.

Filippova, Irina and Balakhnin, Hary (2010): Інституціональна пастка: моделювання ринку праці в Україні. Published in: Formation of a market economy: a collection of papers. Kyiv National Economic University , Vol. 3, (2010): pp. 369-377.

Freni, Giuseppe and Salvadori, Neri (2016): Ricardo on Machinery: A Textual Analysis.

Frik, Olga (2006): Профессиональная биография и развитие идентичности женщин-поздних переселенок в Германии. Published in: Немцы Сибири: История и культура: материалы V Международной научно-практической конференции. – Омск: Издательский дом «Наука», 2006. (2006): pp. 144-147.


Ghassan, Hassan B. and Alhajhoj, Hassan R. and Balli, Faruk (2020): Bi-Demographic and Current Account Dynamics using SVAR Model: Evidence from Saudi Arabia. Published in: Economic Change and Restructuring , Vol. 55, No. 3 (1 August 2022): pp. 1327-1363.

Ghassan, Hassan and Alhajhoj, Hassan R. and Balli, Faruk (2018): Bi-Demographic Changes and Current Account using SVAR Modeling: Evidence from Saudi Arabia.

Gilroy, Bernard Michael (1999): Beschäftigungswirkungen multinationaler Unternehmungen. Published in:

Grady, Patrick (2010): An Analysis of the Underlying Causes of the Poor Performance of Recent Immigrants Using the 2006 Census PUMF and Some Observations on Their Implications for Immigration Policy.

Grady, Patrick (2013): Conservative Immigration Policy Reform Has Not Yet Produced Any Significant Improvement in the Aggregate Labour Market Performance of Recent Immigrants.

Grady, Patrick (2006): The Economic Impact on Canada of Immigration.

Grady, Patrick (2011): How are the Children of Visible Minority Immigrants Doing in the Canadian Labour Market?

Grady, Patrick (1977): Tax Credits For Employment Rather Than Investment: A Comment.

Grady, Patrick (2011): An analysis of the poor performance of recent immigrants and observations on immigration policy.

Guo, Audrey (2020): The Effects of Unemployment Insurance Taxation on Multi-Establishment Firms.

Gutierrez-Lythgoe, Antonio (2023): Redes y autoempleo: Evidencia con datos de Facebook.

Gutierrez-Lythgoe, Antonio (2023): Teletrabajo en Twitter: Análisis mediante Deep Learning.

Gutiérrez, Antonio and Velilla, Jorge (2022): La transmisión intergeneracional en el autoempleo: El efecto de la situación financiera familiar.


H, Gopi and S, Megha and K B, Rangappa (2022): A Study on the Relationship between the Ground Water Resources and the Sustainability of Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Aspects. Published in: IPEM Law Journal , Vol. 06, (10 December 2022): pp. 47-53.

Handel, Michael J. (2020): Job Skill Requirements: Levels and Trends.

Harabi, Najib (2000): Employment Effects of Ecological Innovations: An Empirical Analysis.

Harabi, Najib and Meyer, Rolf and Alt, Marion and Hüffmeyer, Kerstin (2000): Selbständigerwerbende und ihre jungen Unternehmen: 9 Fallbeispiele.

Harabi, Najib and Schoch, Rolf and Hespeler, Frank (2001): DIE DIFFUSION VON TELEARBEIT: Wo steht die Schweiz heute im internationalen Vergleich? Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung.

He, Dong and Tressel, Thierry (2004): A Family Divided-Labor Market Duality in Korea. Published in: Republic of Korea: Selected Issues No. IMF Country Report No. 04/45 (February 2004)

Heijs, Joost and Arenas Díaz, Guillermo and Vergara Reyes, Delia Margarita (2019): Impact of innovation on employment in quantitative terms: review of empirical literature based on microdata.

Herani, Gobind M. (2010): Global Poverty Reduction, Geographical Information System, Donations, Aids And Some Issues: A Proposed Model For Proper Dissemination In Real Time. Published in: Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences No. 4(1): (2010): pp. 64-69.

Herani, Gobind M. (2010): Microfinance And self-help finance system to reduce poverty from Pakistan: an it-based solution. Published in: Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences No. , 4(1): (2010): pp. 55-63.

Herani, Gobind M. (2010): Microfinance and Self-Help Finance System to Reduce Poverty from Pakistan: An It-Based Solution. Published in: National Conference on Community Development. on ” Women Empowerment the Key for Development (10 March 2010): pp. 1-7.

Herrmann, Harald (2007): Freie Berufe – Europäische Entwicklungen.

Herrmann, Harald (2007): Freie Berufe- Europäische Entwicklungen.

Hirschel, Dierk and Merz, Joachim (2004): Was erklärt hohe Arbeitseinkommen der Selbständigen? Eine Mikroanalyse mit Daten des Sozio-ökonomischen Panels.

Horii, Ryo and Sasaki, Masaru (2008): Dual Poverty Trap: Intra- and Intergenerational Linkages in Frictional Labor Markets.

Hotchkiss, Julie L. and Moore, Robert E. and Zobay, Stephanie M. (2002): The impact of the 1996 Summer Olympic Games on employment and wages in Georgia. Published in: Southern Economic Journal , Vol. 69, No. 3 (2003): pp. 691-704.

Hotchkiss, Julie L. and Sjoquist, David L. and Zobay, Stephanie M. (1999): Employment impact of inner-city development projects: the case of Underground Atlanta. Published in: Urban Studies , Vol. 36, No. 7 : pp. 1079-1093.

Hühne, Philipp (2014): Is inequality an unavoidable by-product of skill-biased technical change? No, not necessarily!


Ichihara, Silvio Massaru and Guilhoto, Joaquim J.M. and Amorim, Márcio Guerra (2007): Mudanças estruturais do emprego na economia brasileira: 1996 e 2002 comparados.

Ilmakunnas, Pekka and Ilmakunnas, Seija (2012): Age segregation and hiring of older employees: low mobility revisited.

Iskra, Beleva (2016): Пазарът на труда с хоризонт 2020: стратегически цели, оценки и политики.


Jellal, Mohamed (2012): Maroc salaire minimum emploi et pauvreté.

Jellal, Mohamed (2012): Maroc éducation et emploi une analyse théorique.

Jellal, Mohamed (2014): Une théorie des relations sociales emploi et inégalité.

Jeong, Deokjae (2022): How the reduction of Temporary Foreign Workers led to a rise in vacancy rates in South Korea.

Jeong, Deokjae and Baek, Seungjin and Peri, Giovanni (2024): Automation, Human Task Innovation, and Labor Share: Unveiling the Role of Elasticity of Substitution.

Jiménez-Rodríguez, Rebeca and Russo, Giuseppe (2007): Institutional rigidities and employment rigidity on the Italian labour larket.

Jithitikulchai, Theepakorn (2020): Labour Skills, Economic Returns, and Automatability in Thailand. Published in: Southeast Asian Journal of Economics , Vol. 8, No. 2 (2020): pp. 51-90.

Joachim, Merz (2001): Freie Berufe im Wandel der Arbeitsmärkte.

Joachim, Merz and Henning, Stolz and Markus, Zwick (2002): Professions, entrepreneurs, employees and the new German tax (cut) reform 2000 - A MICSIM microsimulation analysis of distributional impacts.

Joachim, Merz and Markus, Zwick (2002): Verteilungswirkungen der Steuerreform 2000/2005 im Vergleich zum ‚Karlsruher Entwurf'.

Judzik, Dario (2014): Heterogeneous labor demand: sectoral elasticity and trade effects in the U.S., Germany and Sweden.


Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (1999): Региональные интересы и региональная политика в сфере занятости на территории Омской области. Published in: Социальный диалог на рынке труда: Материалы межрегион. научно-практич. конференции (1999): pp. 50-54.

Kapelyuk, Sergey and Karelin, Iliya (2023): Digital Skills: Classification, Empirical Estimates of the Demand.

Kar, Saibal (2009): International labor migration, asymmetric information and occupational choice. Published in: Trade and Development Review , Vol. 2, No. 1 (April 2009): pp. 34-48.

Kar, Saibal and Mukherjee, Vivekananda (2006): Entrepreneurial culture, occupational choice and tax policy. Published in: Development Challenges: Some Contemporary Issues (Eds.) Joyashree Roy and Ajitava Raychaudhuri, New Delhi: Allied Publishers (2006): pp. 1-19.

Khaleque, Abdul (2011): Does microfinance move the households toward self employment?

Khan, Rana Ejaz Ali and Khan, Tasnim and Maqsood, Muhammad Farqan (2010): Export potential of cottage industry: a case study of Sialkot (Pakistan). Published in: European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences , Vol. 27, (1 November 2010): pp. 158-164.

Kiviet, Jan (2019): Microeconometric Dynamic Panel Data Methods: Model Specification and Selection Issues.

Kleemann, Michael and Wiegand, Manuel (2013): The causal effect of restrictive bank lending on employment growth: A matching approach.

Koomson, Isaac and Asongu, Simplice (2015): Relative Contribution of Child Labour to Household Farm and Non-Farm Income in Ghana: Simulation with Child's Education. Forthcoming in: African Development Review

Koshy, Perumal (2010): Role and relevance of business incubators in ICT led global educational system: case for eco-enterprise village.

Kovács, Ilona and Chagas Lopes, Margarida (2010): Employment and sustainable development: education, training and R&D in the regulation of the labour market.

Krickhahn, Thomas (1993): Lobbyismus und Mittelstand: Zur Identifikation der Interessenverbände des Mittelstands in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

Kuriakose, Francis and Kylasam Iyer, Deepa (2018): Job Polarisation in India: Structural Causes and Policy Implications. Forthcoming in: Indian Journal of Labour Economics

Kölling, Arnd (2023): Does skill shortage pay off for nursing staff in Germany? Wage premiums for hiring problems, industrial relations, and profitability.


La, Jung Joo (2019): Can a reduction in credit card processing fees offset the effect of a hike in the minimum wage? Published in: EconModels.com (31 December 2019): pp. 1-36.

Lassassi, Moundir and Hammouda, Nacer-Eddine (2009): Déterminants de la participation au marché du travail et choix occupationnel: une analyse microéconométrique appliquée au cas de l'Algérie.

Lavecchia, Luciano and Stagnaro, Carlo (2010): Are Green Jobs Real Jobs? The Case of Italy. Published in: IBL Working Paper

Lawless, Martina and Murphy, Alan (2008): Job Turnover in Irish Manufacturing, 1972-2006.

Lazonick, William (2012): Financialization of the U.S. corporation: what has been lost, and how it can be regained.

Lipishree Das, Dr. (2012): Microfinance in India: self help groups - bank linkage model.

Lisi, Gaetano (2010): The unemployment volatility puzzle: the role of the underground economy.


MARINESCU, Gabriela (2023): NOILE TEHNOLOGII ȘI PIAȚA MUNCII ÎN ROMÂNIA. Published in: EcoSoEn , Vol. 1, No. 1 (22 February 2023): pp. 22-36.

Maiti, Abhradeep and Indra, Debarshi (2014): Regional Variations in Labor Demand Elasticities: Evidence from U.S. Counties.

Maiti, Abhradeep and Indra, Debarshi (2014): Regional variations in Labor Demand Elasticities: evidence from U.S. Counties.

Majumder, Rajarshi (2020): Globalisation, technology and employment: looking back.

Majumder, Rajarshi (2006): Wages and Employment in the Liberalised Regime: A Study of Indian Manufacturing Sector. Published in: Indian Journal of Labour Economics , Vol. 49, No. 4 (December 2006)

Majumder, Rajarshi and Mukherjee, Dipa (2008): State Intervention and Labour Market in India: Issues and Options. Published in: K.K. Bagchi (ed) State, Labour and Development: An Indian Perspective, Abhijeet Publications (2008)

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Majumder, Rajarshi and Mukherjee, Dipa (2013): Unemployment among educated youth: implications for India’s demographic dividend.

Mamoon, Dawood (2017): Skilled-Unskilled Wage Asymmetries as an Outcome of Skewed International Trade Patterns in the South.

Martin-Barroso, David and Nuñez-Serrano, Juan Andres and Turrion, Jaime and Velazquez, Francisco J. (2011): The European Map of Job Flows.

Matei, Lucica and Matei, Ani (2010): Local employment policies in the context of the economic crisis:Influences of the European Community structural instruments. Published in: 2010 Sino-US International Conference on Public Administration (5th) June 14-17, 2010,Xiamen City, P.R. China (17 June 2010)

Matsue, Toyoki (2025): Strategy for securing employment that considers job filling, separation, and productivity shocks.

Matsue, Toyoki (2019): Employment fluctuations in a dynamic model with long-term and short-term contracts.

Matsue, Toyoki (2019): Employment fluctuations in a dynamic model with long-term and short-term contracts.

Matsue, Toyoki (2019): Employment fluctuations in a dynamic model with long-term and short-term contracts.

Mattesini, Fabrizio and Rossi, Lorenza (2005): Productivity shocks and Optimal Monetary Policy in a Unionized Labor Market Economy.

Mattesini, Fabrizio and Rossi, Lorenza (2006): Productivity shocks and Optimal Monetary Policy in a Unionized Labor Market Economy.

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Meer, Jonathan (2018): Recent Research on the Minimum Wage: Implications for Missouri. Published in: Missouri Policy Journal No. 7 (2018): pp. 1-11.

Mehta, Niti (2015): Changing Inter-Sectoral Linkages: Role of Technology Adoption in Agricultural Growth. Published in: Agricultural Economics Research Review , Vol. 28, No. Conference Number 2015 (November 2015): pp. 35-46.

Mendez, Ildefonso (2008): Promoting Permanent Employment: Lessons from Spain.

Mersland, Roy and Strøm, Reidar Øystein (2007): Performance and corporate governance in microfinance institutions.

Mersland, Roy and Strøm, Reidar Øystein (2007): Performance and corporate governance in microfinance institutions.

Merz, Joachim (2000): The Distribution of Income of Self-employed, Entrepreneurs and Professions as Revealed from Micro Income Tax Statistics in Germany.

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