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Items where Subject is "J70 - General"

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Number of items at this level: 43.


Antón, José-Ignacio and Muñoz de Bustillo, Rafael and Carrera, Miguel (2010): Raining stones? Female immigrants in the Spanish Labor Market.

Appleton, Simon and Song, Lina and Xia, Qingjie (2008): Growing out of poverty: trends and patterns of urban poverty in China 1988–2002.


BAGDE, RAKSHIT (2019): भारत मे बेरोजगारो का मेला. Published in: Research Guru , Vol. 12, No. 4 (4 March 2019): pp. 1192-1195.

BI, Sheng and LI, Yuanyuan (2015): Holdup and hiring discrimination with search friction.

Bonaventura, Luigi and Cellini, Roberto and Sambataro, Mario (2018): Gender differences in Okun's law across the Italian regions.


Chagas Lopes, Margarida (2006): Portuguese Women in Science and Technology (S&T): Some Gender Features Behind MSc. and PhD. Achievement.

Christafore, David and Leguizamon, Sebastian (2012): Earnings differences between homosexuals and heterosexuals and the effects of anti-discriminatory laws: equal but still unmarried.


DSOUZA, ALWIN and SINGH, SUDERSHAN and RANJAN, RAHUL (2015): Existence of Structural Disadvantage among socio-religious groups: Is it a reality? An Analysis of Indian Labour Market.

Daniela, Georgieva and Rossitsa, Chobanova (2017): Women in forestry sector in Bulgaria. Published in: Czech university of life sciences Prague No. 10 (May 2017): pp. 114-121.

Della Giusta, Marina and Di Girolamo, Amalia (2018): Have your cake and eat it too: real effort and risk aversion in schoolchildren.

Dewan, Torun and Wolton, Stephane (2019): A Political Economy of Social Discrimination.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. (2024): Non-orthodox Economic Approaches to Labor Unions and Union Leadership. Forthcoming in: Encyclopedia of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Spirituality (edited by Marques, J.). (2024)


Fu, Shihe and Shan, Liwei (2009): Corporate equality and equity prices: Doing well while doing good?


Gaurav, Jayant (2020): The authoritarian bias for labours in India during COVID-19 and its distorting effect on labour relations.

Georgieva, Daniela and Chobanova, Rossitsa (2017): Innovative ideas for improving attractiveness of forestry sector for women (survey results). Published in: Innovations in forestry, wood processing and furniture manifacturing (2017): pp. 109-119.

Guifu, Chen and Shigeyuki, Hamori (2009): Formal Employment, Informal Employment and Income Differentials in Urban China.

Günalp, Burak and Cilasun, Seyit Mümin and Acar, Elif Öznur (2013): Male-Female Labor Market Participation and the Extent of Gender-Based Wage Discrimination in Turkey.


Jewell, Sarah and Razzu, Giovanni and Singleton, Carl (2018): Who works for whom and the UK gender pay gap.


Kim, Young Chul (2009): Lifetime Network Externality and the Dynamics of Group Inequality.

Kim, Young-Chul (2009): Group Reputation and the Endogenous Group Formation.

Kohler, Pierre (2012): Three essays on the economic and cultural integration of migrants in Switzerland: putting into perspective the influence of economic discrimination and of host society culture. Published in: Thesis of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies No. 940 (2012): pp. 1-251.

Kotroyannos, Dimitrios (2016): Thatchers Erbe und die Sozialdemokratie.


Mc Quaid, Ronald and Bergmann, Ariel (2008): Employer recruitment preferences and discrimination: a stated preference experiment.

Miamo Wendji, Clovis and Kouhomou, Clemence Zite (2020): Les écarts salariaux de genre dans les entreprises au Cameroun.

Minelli, Liliana and Pigini, Claudia and Chiavarini, Manuela and Bartolucci, Francesco (2014): Employment status and perceived health condition: longitudinal data from Italy.

Mouganie, Pierre and Wang, Yaojing (2017): High Performing Peers and Female STEM Choices in School.


NWAOBI, GODWIN (2013): African Jobless Growth Morphology:Vulnerabilities and Policy Responses.

Narayan, Laxmi (2016): Women’s Labour Force Participation in Haryana: A Disaggregated Analysis. Published in: Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) , Vol. 02, No. 11 (1 November 2016): pp. 1076-1085.

Nguyen, Duy Loi and Nguyen, Binh Giang and Tran, Thi Ha and Vo, Thi Minh Le and Nguyen, Dinh Ngan (2014): Employment, Earnings and Social Protection for Female Workers in Vietnam’s Informal Sector. Published in:


Ochsenfeld, Fabian (2012): The gender income gap and the influence of family formation reconsidered.


Parwez, Sazzad (2014): Modified Labor Welfare Measures for Special Economic Zone & Implications. Published in: The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations , Vol. 50, No. 3 (31 January 2015): pp. 386-396.

Pothier, David (2012): Referral networks and the allocation of talent.


Rahman, Mustafizur and Al-Hasan, Md. (2018): Male-Female wage gap and informal employment in Bangladesh: A quantile regression approach.

Rao, Surekha and O'Dell, CYnthia (2007): Business Practices of Wal-Mart in Northwest Indiana. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives (2008)


Schilirò, Daniele (2012): Quale economia per i migranti? Published in: Rivista di diritto dell’economia, dei trasporti e dell’ambiente , Vol. X, (April 2012): pp. 119-128.

Silasi, Grigore and Simina, Ovidiu Laurian (2008): Romania and the new economy of migration: costs, decision, networks, development.

Singh, K.M. and Kumari, Priyanka and Ahmad, Nasim (2019): An Analysis of Women’s Participation in Agriculture in Bihar.

Stoilova, Rumiana and Simeonova-Ganeva, Ralitsa and Kotzeva, Tatyana (2011): The Impact of Gender on Mid-Career Labour Income: The Case of Bulgaria. Published in: Social Sciences Research Network TransEurope, University of Bamberg No. Working Paper No. 32 (2011)


Tondji, Jean-Baptiste (2015): Wage of Immigrants in the Canadian Labour Market.


Westling, Tatu (2011): Incentive pay and gender gaps in the Nordic countries.


Георгиева, Даниела (2017): Заетост на жените в горския сектор в България и неговата конкурентоспособност. Published in: Научни трудове, МВБУ, Ботевград No. 9 (2017): pp. 135-158.


Стайков, Ивайло (2018): Уредба на забраната за дискриминация в универсалните международноправни актове. Published in: Сборник с доклади от международна научна конференция на тема „Ролята и значението на международното и наднационалното право в съвременния свят”, организирана по повод 90-годишнината на проф. д-р Иван Владимиров, 27.10.2017 г. София: Издат. комплекс - УНСС (2018): pp. 499-509.

Стайков, Ивайло (2004): Задължения на работодателя за предотвратяване на дискриминационни актове на работното място. Published in: Юридически свят. ISSN 1311-3488 No. 1 (2004): pp. 117-134.

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