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Items where Subject is "M40 - General"

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Number of items at this level: 101.


Abdul Azim, Islahi (2009): Book Review: Risk analysis for Islamic banks by Hennie Van Greuning and Zamir Iqbal. Published in: Journal of King Abdulaziz University - Islamic Economics , Vol. 22, No. 1 (2009): pp. 197-204.

Abdullah, Azrul and Ku Ismail, Ku Nor Izah (2016): The Effectiveness of Risk Management Committee and Hedge Accounting Practices in Malaysia. Published in: Information Journal , Vol. 7B, No. 19 (2016): pp. 2971-2976.

Alcouffe, Simon and Galy, Nadine and Gaté, Loïc (2016): Une méta-analyse qualitative de la littérature sur les déterminants de l'adoption de l'activity-based costing.

Alfonso, Galindo Lucas (2006): Repercusiones de la definición de tamaño empresarial en los resultados empíricos sobre eficiencia y financiación. Published in: Observatorio Iberoamericano del Desarrollo Local y la Economía Social , Vol. 1, No. 1 (5 September 2007): pp. 308-361.

Atanasov, Atanas (2019): Последващо оценяване на репутацията – преглед на съществуващата нормативна уредба. Published in: Управление и образование , Vol. 15, No. 1 (2019): pp. 102-110.

Ayachi, Ghoufrane (2018): La convergence de la comptabilité de l’Etat avec les normes IPSAS. Le cas du Maroc.


Bagus, Philipp and Howden, David (2016): Central Bank Balance Sheet Analysis. Published in: Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis , Vol. 2, No. 68 (2016): pp. 109-125.

Bagus, Philipp and Howden, David (2009): The Federal Reserve System and Eurosystem's Balance Sheet Policies During the Financial Crisis: A Comparative Analysis. Published in: Romanian Economic and Business Review , Vol. 3, No. 43 (2009): pp. 165-185.

Bagus, Philipp and Howden, David (2009): Qualitative Easing in Support of a Tumbling Financial System: A Recent Look at the Eurosystem´s Recent Balance Sheet Policies. Published in: Economic Affairs , Vol. 4, No. 29 (2009): pp. 60-65.

Baloch, Muhammad Saad and Hassan, Arshad (2016): Accrual Reversals And Company Performance: Analysis Of Emerging Market. Published in: Asian Journal of Accounting Perspectives , Vol. 9, No. 1 (1 December 2016): pp. 55-66.

Bianco, Antonio (2015): Relationship Banking, Shadow Banking, and the Economics of Depression.

Bonache, Adrien and Moris, Karen (2009): Nonlinear and chaotic patterns in Japanese video game console sales and consequences for management control.

Bukvić, Rajko (1995): Књиговодствено-финансијски показатељи пословања и њихово коришћење у интерним и екстерним анализама. Published in: Књиговодство , Vol. 40, No. 9 (1995): pp. 39-48.

Bukvić, Rajko and Pavlović, Radica (2016): Современный финансовый и управленческий бухучёт как предпосылка продвижения корпоративного управления. Published in: XVI Международная научная конференция «Модернизация России: приоритеты, проблемы, решения», 20–21 декабря 2016, Москва, Россия: тенденции и перспективы развития. Ежегодник. Вып. 12 / РАН. ИНИОН. Отд. науч. сотрудничества. – Москва, 2017. – Часть 2. , Vol. 2, (2017): pp. 227-228.

Bukvić, Rajko and Pavlović, Radica (2023): The Cash Flow Concept in Modern Financial Analysis of Internal Sources of Companies’ Investment Financing. Published in: Current Aspects in Business, Economics and Finance Vol. 7, ed. Prof. Olusegun Felix Ayadi, Hooghly, West Bengal – London: B P International, 2023 (2023): pp. 111-132.

Bukvić, Rajko and Pavlović, Radica and Gajić, Aleksandar (2017): Static and Dynamic Indicators in the Analysis of Internal Sources of Companies’ Investments Financing. Published in: Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing , Vol. 13, No. 3 (2017): pp. 108-120.

Bunget, Ovidiu-Constantin and Dumitrescu, Alin-Constantin and Farcane, Nicoleta and Caciuc, Leonora and Popa, Adina (2009): The impact of ias/ifrs on the romanian accounting rules.

Bunget, Ovidiu-Constantin and Farcane, Nicoleta and Dumitrescu, Alin-Constantin and Popa, Adina (2009): The accounting profession and professionist in romania.


CATRINA, Ersilia (2018): Insurance, A Guaranteed Risk Or A Risk Assumed? Published in: Junior Scientific Researcher , Vol. 4, No. 1 (May 2018): pp. 121-133.

Catrina, Ersilia (2017): Market insurance and risks in this field. Published in: Junior Scientific Researcher , Vol. 3, No. 2 (November 2017): pp. 52-69.

Cuthbert, James R. and Magni, Carlo Alberto (2016): Measuring the inadequacy of IRR in PFI schemes using profitability index and AIRR. Published in: International Journal of Production Economics No. 179 (2016): pp. 130-140.


Deaconu, Adela and Filip, Crina and Buiga, Anuta (2008): Solutii pentru masurarea calitatii informatiei contabile. Published in: Accounting and Management Information Systems , Vol. 1, No. 24 (June 2008): pp. 41-57.

Deaconu, Adela and Nistor, Cristina Silvia and Filip, Crina (2009): Legitimacy to develop fair value measurement standards: The Case of the IVSC Discussion Paper – Determination of fair value of intangible assets for IFRS reporting purposes. Forthcoming in: Research Business Review , Vol. 3, No. 9 (2009)

Dima, Bogdan and Cristea, Stefana Maria (2008): A web of intercorrelations: culture, financial reporting and social output.

Dima (Cristea), Stefana Maria and David, Delia and Păiuşan, Luminiţa (2010): A perspective on the recent developments in international financial reporting.

Duran-Vazquez, Rocio and Lorenzo-Valdes, Arturo and Ruiz-Porras, Antonio (2011): Valuación de acciones mexicanas mediante los modelos de Ohlson y Ohlson-Beta para firmas con ciclos de corto y largo plazos: Un análisis de cointegración.

Duran-Vazquez, Rocio and Lorenzo-Valdes, Arturo and Ruiz-Porras, Antonio (2011): Valuation of Latin-American stock prices with alternative versions of the Ohlson model: An investigation of cointegration relationships with time-series and panel-data. Forthcoming in: Espinosa-Ramirez, R. (coord.), "Topics on International Economic Relations", Universidad de Guadalajara, México

Duran-Vazquez, Rocio and Lorenzo-Valdes, Arturo and Ruiz-Porras, Antonio (2011): Valuation of Latin-American stock prices with alternative versions of the Ohlson model: An investigation of cointegration relationships with time-series and panel-data. Forthcoming in: Espinosa-Ramirez, R. (coord.), "Topics on International Economic Relations", Universidad de Guadalajara, México

Dutta, Probal and Bose, Sudipta (2007): Web-based Corporate Reporting in Bangladesh:An Exploratory Study. Published in: The Cost & Management , Vol. 35, No. 6 (January 2008): pp. 29-45.


Ecobici, Nicolae (2008): IPSAS versus National Norms on Public Institutions' Own Capitals. Forthcoming in: Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad


Febrianty, Febrianty and Febriantoko, Jovan (2017): Pengaruh Implementasi Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Manajemen (SIAM), Desentralisasi, dan Kejelasan Sasaran Anggaran Terhadap Kinerja Penyusunan Anggaran Kabupaten Empat Lawang. Published in: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis , Vol. 14, No. 2 (September 2017): pp. 181-194.

Fernández Guadaño, Josefina (2006): Diferentes consideraciones en torno al capital social de las sociedades cooperativas. Published in: REVESCO , Vol. 88, (2006): pp. 40-61.


Georgieva, Daniela (2017): Достоверното счетоводно дефиниране на научноизследователската и развойна дейност. Published in: Институт за икономически изследвания - БАН , Vol. 1, No. ISBN 978-954-9313-04-8 (February 2017): pp. 121-137.

Georgieva, Daniela (2017): Вербалната комуникация като част от ключовите компетенции на счетоводителите в България. Published in: Publishing house "Za bukvite - O pismeneh" , Vol. 3, No. 2534-9430 (June 2017): pp. 292-303.

Georgieva, Daniela (2018): Съдържателни аспекти на счетоводната политика на сдружения в България от гледна точка на ползвателите на документа. Published in: Knowledge international journal , Vol. 26, No. ISSN 2545-4439 (2018): pp. 235-241.

Georgieva, Daniela (2018): Дълготрайните материални и нематериални активи, и стоково-материалните запаси като елементи на счетоводната политика на хотели в България. Published in: Journal Socio-Economic Analysis , Vol. 10, No. 2 (2018): pp. 103-111.

Georgieva, Daniela (2018): Capitalization of tangible and intangible assets in non-profit organizations in Bulgaria. Published in: Synthesis of science and society in solving global problems No. ISBN 978-3-903115-47-3 (2018): pp. 86-91.

Govori, Fadil (2011): Analiza e pasqyrave financiare: Përdoruesit e treguesve financiarë.


Halkos, George and Salamouris, Dimitrios (2001): Efficiency Measures of the Greek Banking Sector: A Non-Parametric Approach for the Period 1997-1999.

Hirshleifer, David and Low, Angie and Teoh, Siew Hong (2010): Are Overconfident CEOs Better Innovators?

Hirshleifer, David and Teoh, Siew Hong (2009): The Psychological Attraction Approach to Accounting and Disclosure Policy.


Iacob, Constanta and Giurca Vasilescu, Laura and Dracea, Raluca (2008): A modern approach on modeling the cost behavior by ABC/ABM method.


M N, Nikhil and S Shenoy, Sandeep and Chakraborty, Suman and Abhilash, Abhilash (2024): Unraveling the determinants and consequences of mandatory IFRS convergence in India: insights from systematic literature review. Published in: Cogent Business and Management , Vol. 11, No. 1 (26 September 2024): p. 2411446.

MIREA, Marin (2018): Adapting Public Services to Citizen Requirements: Trend or Need? Published in: Junior Scientific Researcher , Vol. 4, No. 1 (May 2018): pp. 134-146.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): In search of the "lost capital". A theory for valuation, investment decisions, performance measurement.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): Measuring performance and valuing firms: In search of the lost capital.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): Measuring performance and valuing firms: In search of the lost capital.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): Residual income and value creation: An investigation into the lost-capital paradigm.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): Residual income and value creation: An investigation into the lost-capital paradigm.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): Residual income and value creation: An investigation into the lost-capital paradigm.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2007): A Sum&Discount method for appraising firms:An illustrative example.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2000): Systemic Value Added, Residual Income and Decomposition of a Cash Flow Stream.

Magni, Carlo Alberto and Vélez-Pareja, Ignacio (2009): Potential dividends versus actual cash flows in firm valuation. Forthcoming in: ICFAI Journal of Applied Finance

Mbumba, Richard P. and Mbaka, Ruffin B. (2014): Déterminants de la qualité du système d'information comptable dans les PME d'une entité décentralisée : Cas de la cité de Mbanza-Ngungu de 2013-2014. Published in: CRIDUPN , Vol. 061, No. c (November 2014): pp. 285-300.

Meira, Liliana and Peixoto, Joao Paulo (2017): Qual a importância da Auditoria Operacional nas PME Portuguesas? Published in: Qual a importância da Auditoria Operacional nas PME Portuguesas? (7 July 2017)

Melse, Eric (2006): The Financial Accounting Model from a System Dynamics' Perspective.

Minnis, Michael and Sutherland, Andrew and Vetter, Felix (2023): Financial Statements not Required.

Mirea, Marin (2017): Social assistance and its importance in economy. Published in: Junior Scientific Researcher , Vol. 3, No. 2 (November 2017): pp. 26-41.


Ojo, Marianne (2017): Diamonds and “the Golden Flute”: from the Golden Age of prodigies and geniuses to the Knowledge Based Digital Economy.

Okeke, Clement (2024): Board Specific Attributes and Financial Reporting Quality of Listed Consumer Goods Firms in Nigeria. Published in: International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Information System , Vol. 5, No. 2 (10 August 2024): pp. 206-2018.

Ozili, Peterson K (2023): Earnings management for sustainability: the surplus income model of sustainable development. Forthcoming in:

Ozili, Peterson K (2023): Forensic accounting research around the world. Forthcoming in:

Ozili, Peterson K (2021): Accounting and financial reporting during a pandemic.

Ozili, Peterson K (2021): Financial reporting under economic policy uncertainty. Forthcoming in:

Ozili, Peterson K (2020): Forensic accounting theory. Forthcoming in:

Ozili, Peterson K (2019): Impact of IAS 39 reclassification on income smoothing by European banks. Forthcoming in: Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting

Ozili, Peterson K (2023): What drives Bank Income Smoothing? Evidence from Africa.

Ozili, Peterson Kitakogelu (2021): Bank earnings management using loan loss provisions: comparing the UK, France, South Africa and Egypt. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic and Administrative Science

Ozili, Peterson Kitakogelu (2021): Big 4 auditors, bank earnings management and financial crisis in Africa. Published in: Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting


PAUNIĆ, ALIDA (2006): New ways of accountancy.

Pavlović, Radica and Bukvić, Rajko and Gajić, Aleksandar (2015): Internal Sources of Financing Companies on the Basis of Static and Dynamic Indicators: Comparative Analysis. Published in: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences , Vol. 221, (2016): pp. 270-277.

Peter, Winter (2005): Japanische Kostenrechnungssysteme - Analyse der Kostenrechnungssysteme nach dem japanischen Kostenrechnungsstandard.

Popoola, Oluwatoyin Muse Johnson and Ahmad, Ayoib B Che and Abdullah, Zaimah and Idris, Kamil Md and Abu Bakar, Fathiyyah (2016): An empirical effect of Fraud Specific Problem Representation on Accountants’ Skills and Fraud Risk Assessment. Published in: International Conference on Accounting Studies (ICAS 2016) , Vol. 3, No. 1 (30 December 2016): pp. 100-106.

Popoola, Oluwatoyin Muse Johnson and Ahmad, Ayoib B Che and Kehinde, Oyewumi Hassan (2016): Determinants of Internal Audit Task Performance in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions: A Conceptual Approach. Published in: International Conference on Accounting Studies (ICAS 2016) , Vol. 3, No. 1 (30 December 2016): pp. 277-282.

Popoola, Oluwatoyin Muse Johnson and Che-Ahmad, Ayoib and Samsudin, Rose Shamsiah (2014): An Empirical Investigation of Fraud Risk Assessment and Knowledge Requirement on Fraud Related Problem Representation in Nigeria. Published in: Accounting Research Journal , Vol. 28, No. 1 (June 2015): pp. 78-97.

Popoola, Oluwatoyin Muse Johnson and Che-Ahmad, Ayoib and Samsudin, Rose Shamsiah (2015): Forensic Accountant and Auditor Knowledge and Skills Requirements for Task Performance Fraud Risk Assessment in the Nigerian Public Sector. Forthcoming in: International Conference on Accounting Studies (ICAS, 2015) (18 August 2015)

Popoola, Oluwatoyin Muse Johnson and Che-Ahmad, Ayoib and Samsudin, Rose Shamsiah (2014): Forensic Accounting Knowledge and Mindset on Task Performance Fraud Risk Assessment. Published in: International Journal of Business and Management , Vol. 9, No. 9 (2014): pp. 118-133.

Popoola, Oluwatoyin Muse Johnson and Che-Ahmad, Ayoib and Samsudin, Rose Shamsiah (2013): Forensic Accounting Knowledge and Skills on Task Performance Fraud Risk Assessment: Nigerian Public Sector Experience. Published in: The Global Symposium on Social Sciences (IBSSS) 2013 Okinawa, Japan (22 November 2013): pp. 278-287.

Popoola, Oluwatoyin Muse Johnson and Che-Ahmad, Ayoib and Samsudin, Rose Shamsiah (2014): Forensic Accounting and Fraud: Capability and Competence Requirements in Malaysia. Published in: Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing , Vol. 10, No. 8 (2014): pp. 825-834.

Popoola, Oluwatoyin Muse Johnson and Che-Ahmad, Ayoib and Samsudin, Rose Shamsiah (2014): Fraud and Forensic Accounting: Knowledge and Risk Assessment Task Performance in Malaysian Public Sector – Conceptual study. Published in: 4th Annual International Conference on Accounting and Finance (AF 2014), Phuket, Thailand (2014): pp. 103-109.

Popoola, Oluwatoyin Muse Johnson and Che-Ahmad, Ayoib and Samsudin, Rose Shamsiah (2014): Impact of Task Performance Fraud Risk Assessment on Forensic Skills and Mindsets: Experience from Nigeria. Published in: International Journal of Business and Social Science , Vol. 5, No. 9 (August 2014): pp. 216-224.

Popoola, Oluwatoyin Muse Johnson and Che-Ahmad, Ayoib and Samsudin, Rose Shamsiah (2014): Task Performance Fraud Risk Assessment on Forensic Accountant and Auditor Knowledge and Mindset in Nigerian Public Sector. Published in: Financial Markets & Institutions , Vol. 4, No. 3 (2014): pp. 84-90.

Popoola, Oluwatoyin Muse Johnson and Che-Ahmad, Ayoib and Samsudin, Rose Shamsiah and Ahmad, Hartini (2013): An Examination of Task Performance Fraud Risk Assessment on Forensic Accountant Knowledge and Mindset in Nigerian Public Sector. Published in: International Conference on Business and Social Science (ICBASS) 2013, Seoul, South Korea (28 June 2013): pp. 290-297.

Popoola, Oluwatoyin Muse Johnson and Che-Ahmad, Ayoib and Samsudin, Rose Shamsiah and Yussof, Rushami Zien (2013): The Impact of Task Performance Fraud Risk Assessment on Forensic Skills and Mindsets: A Conceptual Model. Published in: 8th Asian Business Research Conference (WBI) 2013, Bangkok, Thailand (2013)

Popoola, Oluwatoyin Muse Johnson and Rayaan, Baz and Samsudin, Rose Shamsiah and Ahmad, Ayoib B. Che (2016): The Moderating role of Capability Element of Fraud on Internal Industry Factors and Fraud Prevention in Saudi Arabian Banking Sector. Published in: International Conference on Accounting Studies (ICAS 2016) , Vol. 3, No. 1 (30 December 2016): pp. 212-219.

Popoola, Oluwatoyin Muse Johnson and Shehu, Aliyu Mukhtar and Aminu, Ibrahim Murtala and Nik Mat, Nik Kamariah and Nasiru, Abdullahi and Tsagem, Musa Muhammad Tsagem and Kura, Kabiru Maitama (2012): The Mediating Effect between Some Determinants of SME Performance in Nigeria. Published in: Management 2013 , Vol. 3, No. 4 : pp. 237-242.


Skribans, Valerijs (2009): Latvijas būvniecības nozares uzņēmumu finansiālās stabilitātes novērtēšana. Published in: 50th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University: RTU FEEM Scientific Conference on Economics and Entrepreneurship (SCEE’2009). - Conference Proceedings (2009): pp. 344-356.

Spyridou, Anastasia (2019): Evaluating Factors of Small and Medium Hospitality Enterprises Business Failure: a conceptual approach. Published in: Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism , Vol. 1, No. 14 (15 April 2019): pp. 25-36.

suhardi, suhardi (2018): THE EFFECT OF EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE ON FRAUD DETECTION WITH INTUITION AS INTERVENING VARIABLE. Published in: JEM Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen , Vol. 4, No. 2 (December 2018): pp. 100-116.

suhardi, suhardi (2017): TELAAH KEPEMILIKAN KEBENARAN ILMIAH PADA PENGEMBANGAN PENGETAHUAN AKUNTANSI. Published in: JEM Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen , Vol. 3, No. 2 (December 2017): pp. 68-79.


Thapa, Priya Darshini Pun (2013): How does profitability get affected by working capital management in food and beverages industry?

Tsai, Ming-Hsiu and Chang, Jung-Hsin and Lin, Yuan-Sheng and Cheng, Kuo-Chih (2020): The Impact of Product innovation on Performance: The Influence of Uncertainty and Managerial Accounting Information Systems.


Verbic, Miroslav and Polanec, Sašo (2011): Innovativeness and intangibles in transition: the case of Slovenia.

Vélez-Pareja, Ignacio and Magni, Carlo Alberto (2008): Potential dividends and actual cash flows. Theoretical and empirical reasons for using ‘actual’ and dismissing ‘potential’, Or: How not to pull potential rabbits out of actual hats.


Winter, Peter (2008): Controlling-Konzeptionen revisited: Definition von Anforderungskriterien an Controlling-Konzeptionen und Thesen für die konzeptionelle Controlling-Forschung.


Yakubu, Ibrahim Nandom and Alhassan, Mohammed Mubarik and Iddrisu, Nasiru Alhassan and Adam, Jamaldeen and Sumaila, Mujeeb Rahman (2017): The Effectiveness of Internal Control System in Safeguarding Assets in the Ghanaian Banking Industry. Published in: International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations , Vol. 5, No. 1 (30 June 2017): pp. 544-557.


Георгиева, Даниела (2019): Счетоводно отчитане на разходи за иновационни проекти (основен курс за несчетоводители). Published in: МВБУ , Vol. 1, (September 2019): pp. 1-168.

Георгиева, Даниела (2019): Дигиталните компетенции на счетоводителите в контекста на четвъртата индустриална революция. Published in: Икономика 21 , Vol. 2/2019, (December 2019): pp. 37-63.

Георгиева, Даниела (2020): Изследване на дигиталните умения на счетоводителите в качеството им на потребители на информационни и комуникационни технологии. Published in: Цифровата трансформация – бизнес, образование, наука. Седемнадесета международна научна конференция на МВБУ, Издателство на МВБУ : pp. 254-268.

Георгиева, Даниела (2020): По някои въпроси относно непубликуването на оповестявания за научноизследователската и развойна дейност като част от финансовите отчети на Български иновативни предприятия. Published in: Бизнес управление No. 1/2021 (March 2021): pp. 56-72.

Георгиева, Даниела and Георгиева, Теодора (2020): Извършваните от счетоводителите дейности и задачи като фактори за определяне на необходимите дигитални компетенции. Published in: Цифровата трансформация – бизнес, образование, наука. Седемнадесета международна научна конференция на МВБУ, Издателство на МВБУ (2020): 147 -161.

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