Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Year is 1996

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Number of items: 139.

Ahmad, Bashir and Ahmad, Munir (1996): Farmers' perceptions of problems using RRA methodology. Published in: Journal of Rural Development and Administration , Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, Autumn (1996): pp. 145-152.

Ahmad, Munir and Boris E., Bravo-Ureta (1996): Technical efficiency measures for dairy farms using panel data: a comparison of alternative model specifications. Published in: The Journal of Productivity Analysis No. 7 (1996): pp. 399-415.

Amjad, Rashid (1996): Philippines and Indonesia: On the way to a migration transition. Published in:

Anderson, Jock and Roumasset, James (1996): FOOD Insecurity and Stochastic Aspects of Poverty. Published in: Asian Journal of Agricultural Economics , Vol. 2, No. 1 (1996): pp. 53-66.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Collopy, Fred (1996): Competitor Orientation: Effects of Objectives and Information on Managerial Decisions and Profitability. Published in: Journal of Marketing Research No. 33 (1996): pp. 188-199.

Armstrong, Mark (1996): Nonlinear pricing with imperfectly informed consumers.

Bachev, Hrabrin (1996): Ефективни граници на аграрните организации. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство No. 8 (1996): pp. 1-16.

Bachev, Hrabrin (1996): Organisation of agrarian transactions in transitional economies. Published in: Redefining the Roles for European Agriculture No. 1 (3 September 1996): pp. 3-20.

Barbier, Edward B. and Burgess, J.C. (1996): Economic analysis of deforestation in Mexico. Published in: Environment and Development Economics , Vol. 1, No. 2 (1996): pp. 203-240.

Bartelsman, Eric and van Leeuwen, George and Nieuwenhuijsen, Henry and Zeelenberg, Kees (1996): R&D and productivity growth: evidence from firm-level data for the Netherlands. Published in: Netherlands Official Statistics , Vol. 1996, No. 3 (1996): pp. 52-69.

Bos, Frits (1996): The future of the national accounts. Published in: National occasional papers , Vol. 84,

Bukvić, Rajko (1996): Cene u prvoj polovini devedesetih. Published in: Ekonomika , Vol. 32, No. 11-12 (1996): pp. 516-523.

Calzolari, Giorgio and Di Iorio, Francesca and Fiorentini, Gabriele (1996): Control variates for variance reduction in indirect inference: interest rate models in continuous time. Published in: CEIBS - China Europe International Business School - Shanghai No. Working paper No. 6 (November 1996): pp. 1-20.

Cavalieri, Duccio (1996): Sullo statuto teorico dell'offerta di moneta: un dibattito con Augusto Graziani. Published in: Studi Economici , Vol. 51, No. 59 (1996): pp. 99-126.

Cebula, Richard (1996): An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Government Tax and Auditing Policies on the Size of the Underground Economy: The Case of the United States, 1973-94. Published in: The American Journal of Economics and Sociology , Vol. 56, No. 2 (30 April 1997): pp. 173-186.

Cebula, Richard (1996): An Empirical Note on the Impact of the Federal Budget Deficit on Ex Ante Real Long-Term, Interest Rates, 1973-1995. Published in: Southern Economic Journal , Vol. 63, No. 4 (28 April 1997): pp. 1094-1099.

Cebula, Richard (1996): The Impact of Net International Capital Inflows on Nominal Long-Term Interest Rates in France. Published in: Atlantic Economic Journal , Vol. 25, No. 2 (16 June 1997): pp. 179-190.

Cebula, Richard (1996): The Rate of Return on Savings and Loan Assets. Published in: Studies in Economics and Finance , Vol. 17, No. 2 (25 April 1997): pp. 3-24.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1996): Financial Innovation in Property Catastrophe Reinsurance: The Convergence of Insurance and Capital Markets. Published in: Risk Financing Newsletter , Vol. 13, No. No. 2 (June 1996)

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1996): The Future of Global Reinsurance. Published in: Global Reinsurance North American Special (1996): pp. 67-71.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1996): Markets and games: a simple equivalence among the core, equilibrium and limited arbitrage. Published in: Metroeconomica , Vol. 47, No. No. 3 (October 1996): pp. 266-287.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1996): Markets with endogenous uncertainty: theory and policy. Published in: Theory and Decision , Vol. 41, (1996): pp. 99-131.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1996): Property rights and the dynamics of North-South trade, chapter 8. Published in: Agriculture, Trade, and the Environment: Discovering and Measuring the Critical Linkages (1996): pp. 97-110.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1996): Trade regimes and GATT: resource-intensive vs. knowledge intensive growth. Published in: Economic Systems merged with Journal of International Comparative Economics , Vol. 20, (1996): pp. 147-181.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1996): Trade regimes and Gatt: resource intensive vs. knowledge intensive growth, Chapter 10. Published in: Handbook on Globalization of the World Economy (1998): pp. 226-249.

Clague, Christopher and Keefer, Philip and Knack, Stephen and Olson, Mancur (1996): Property and Contract Rights in Autocracies and Democracies. Published in: Journal of Economic Growth , Vol. 1, No. 2 (1996): pp. 243-276.

Cole, Rebel A. and Fenn, George W. (1996): The role of commercial real estate investments in the banking crisis of 1985-92.

Coleman, Stephen (1996): The Minnesota income tax compliance experiment: State tax results.

Cooper, Joseph C. and Keim, Russ (1996): Incentive payments to encourage farmer adoption of water quality protection practices. Published in: American Journal of Agricultural Economics , Vol. 78, No. 1 (February 1996): pp. 54-64.

Cosh, Andy and Hughes, Alan and Lee, Kevin and Singh, Ajit (1996): Takeovers, institutional investment and the persistence of profits. Published in: Centre for Business Research Working Paper Series No. WP030 (March 1996)

Daianu, Daniel and Albu, Lucian-Liviu (1996): Strain and the inflation - unemployment relationship: a conceptual and empirical investigation. Published in: Ace Project Memoranda, Department of Economics, University of Leicester , Vol. 96, No. 15 : pp. 1-39.

Dale, Charles and Zyren, John (1996): Noncommercial Trading in the Energy Futures Market. Published in: Petroleum Marketing Monthly (May 1996): xiii-xxiv.

Deng, Feng (1996): A Comparative Study on Landownership between China and England.

Dobrescu, Emilian (1996): Macromodels of the Romanian transition Economy. Published in: Macromodels of the Romanian transition Economy, Expert Publishing House, Bucharest, 1996 (October 1996): pp. 2-159.

Ewerhart, Christian and Schmitz, Patrick W. (1996): Die theoretische Fundierung unvollständiger Verträge. Published in: Homo Oeconomicus , Vol. XIII, No. 4 (1996): pp. 501-514.

Fischer, Stanley and Sahay, Ratna and Vegh, Carlos (1996): Stabilization and growth in transition economies: The early experience.

Freeman, Alan (1996): Die Armut von Nationen.

Freeman, Alan (1996): Ernest Mandel's Contribution to Economic Dynamics. Forthcoming in:

Freeman, Alan (1996): Mr Marx and the neoclassics.

Freeman, Alan (1996): Price, value and profit – a continuous, general, treatment. Published in: Marx and Non-Equilibrium Economics (book) (April 1996): pp. 180-233.

Freeman, Alan (1996): The Psychopathology of Walrasian Marxism. Published in: Freeman, A. and Guglielmo Carchedi 'Marx and non-equilibrium economics', Aldershot: Edward Elgar (1996): pp. 1-29.

Frenkel, Jacob and Razin, Assaf and Yuen, Chi-Wa (1996): Fiscal policies and growth in the world economy.

Garofalo, Giuseppe and Barbato, Fabio (1996): The Credibility of the Exchange Rate Regime: An Analysis trough “Derivatives” of the September 1992 Crisis.

Grady, Patrick (1996): Official Economic Forecasting: the Relevance of the Canadian Experience for Transitional Economies.

Graves, Philip E. and Sexton, Robert L. and Lee, Dwight R. (1996): Slope versus elasticity and the burden of taxation. Published in: Journal of Economic Education , Vol. 27, No. 3 : pp. 229-232.

Grimes, Arthur (1996): Public Standards and Private Monitoring: New Zealand's New Banking Supervision Regime. Published in: Agenda , Vol. 3, No. 3 (1996): pp. 277-286.

Grimes, Paul W. and Sanderson, Patricia L. and Ching, Geok H. (1996): Student Study Choices in the Principles of Economics: A Case Study of Computer Usage. Published in: Journal of Educational Computing Research , Vol. 16(1), (1997): pp. 65-81.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Conceição, Pedro H.Z. da and Crocomo, Francisco C. (1996): Estruturas de produção, consumo, e distribuição de renda na economia brasileira: 1975 e 1980 comparados. Published in: Economia & Empresa , Vol. 3, No. 3 (1996): pp. 1-126.

Gács, János and Dobrinsky, Rumen and Yaneva, Ira and Purju, .Alari and Csermely, Ágnes and Shteinbuka, Inna and Cirule, Alexandra and Pilat, Vasile and Ciocirlan, Laurentiu and Fidrmuc, Ján and Fidrmuc, Jarko and Štiblar, Franjo and Drebentsov, Vladimir (1996): Case Studies on Impediments to Exports in Small Transition Economies. Published in: IIASA Working Paper No. WP-96-145 (December 1996): pp. 1-383.

Halkos, George (1996): Evaluating the direct costs of controlling NOx emissions in Europe.

Hans, V. Basil (1996): Revival of classical political economy: An exposition.

Harabi, Najib (1996): Patents in Theory and Practice: Empirical Results from Switzerland.

Hasan, Zubair (1996): Book Review: “An Introduction to Islamic Economics” by Akram Khan. Published in: The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences , Vol. 13, No. 4 (December 1996): pp. 580-585.

Hein, Eckhard (1996): Die Aufgaben der Einkommenspolitik im Rahmen einer keynesianischen Beschäftigungspolitik: Eine Skizze. Published in: Diskussionsbeiträge des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Freien Universität Berlin No. 1996/18 (1996)

Hong, Yongmiao (1996): Testing for independence between two covariance stationary time series. Published in: Biometrika , Vol. 83, No. 3 (September 1996): pp. 615-625.

Hsiao, Chih-Ru (1996): Consistency of the Multi-Choice Shapley Value.

Huber, Peter and Nagaev, sergei and Wörgötter, Andreas (1996): The Relocation of Russian Industry 1987-1993.

Ida, Ferrara and Paul, Missios (1996): Transboundary Renewable Resource Management: A Dynamic Game with Differing Non-Cooperative Payoffs. Published in: Marine Resource Economics , Vol. 11, No. 4 (1996): pp. 239-245.

Islahi, Abdul Azim (1996): Islamic approach to human resource development and the condition of Indian Muslims. Published in: Journal of Objective Studies , Vol. 8, No. 1 (January 1996): pp. 19-32.

Jackwerth, Jens Carsten (1996): Generalized Binomial Trees. Published in: Journal of Derivatives , Vol. 5, No. 2 : pp. 7-17.

Johnson, Paul A. (1996): A test of the normality assumption in the ordered probit model. Published in: METRON , Vol. LIV, (1996): pp. 213-221.

Kapsalis, Constantine (1996): The Role of Employees in Training Decisions in Canada. Published in: Canadian Business Economics (September 1996): pp. 71-80.

Kapsalis, Constantine (1996): Social Assistance Benefit Rates and the Employment Rate of Lone Mothers. Published in: Human Resources and Skills Development Canada No. W-96-5E (September 1999)

Kasahara, Shigehisa (1996): The Role of Agriculture in the Early Phase of Industrialization: Policy implications of Japan's experience. Published in: EAST ASIAN DEVELOPMENT: Lessons for a new global environment , Vol. No.5, No. Prtoject sponsored by the Government of Japan (February 1996): pp. 1-21.

Kibritçioğlu, Aykut (1996): Friedrich List'in Bebek Endüstriler Tezi. Published in: Uluslararası (Makro)İktisat (1996): pp. 49-83.

Kirrane, Chris (1996): Maastricht and Monetary Cooperation. Published in: European Economic Integration Review , Vol. 14, (January 1996): pp. 49-59.

Klinge Jacobsen, Henrik and Morthorst, Poul Erik and Nielsen, Lise and Stephensen, Peter (1996): Sammenkobling af makroøkonomiske og teknisk-økonomiske modeller for energisektoren. Hybris.

Knack, Stephen and Keefer, Philip (1996): Does inequality harm growth only in democracies? A replication and extension. Published in: American Journal of Political Science , Vol. 41, No. 1 (January 1997): pp. 323-332.

Kocenda, Evzen (1996): An Alternative to the BDS Test: Integration Across the Correlation Integral. Published in: Econometric Reviews , Vol. 20, No. 3 (2001): pp. 337-351.

Kocenda, Evzen and Papell, David (1996): Inflation Convergence Within the European Union: A Panel Data Analysis. Published in: International Journal of Finance and Economics , Vol. 2, No. 3 (1997): pp. 189-198.

Kohnert, Dirk (1996): Magic and Witchcraft: Implications for Democratization and Poverty-Alleviating Aid in Africa. Published in: World Development , Vol. 24, No. 8 (1 September 1996): 1347 -1355.

Kohnert, Dirk (1996): Zur Kluft zwischen Verfassungsgebung und Verfassungswirklichkeit im Demokratisierungsprozess Benins. Published in: Nord-Sued aktuell , Vol. 1.1996, No. 1.1996 (1996): pp. 73-84.

Londero, Elio (1996): Shadow Pricing Rules for Partially Traded Goods. Published in: Project Appraisal , Vol. 11, No. 3 (1996): pp. 169-182.

Madden, Gary G and Simpson, Michael (1996): A probit model of household broadband service subscription intentions: A regional analysis. Published in: Information Economics and Policy No. 8 (1996): pp. 249-267.

Marco, Marini (1996): Property Rights and Market: Employee Privatization as a Cooperative Bargaining Process. Published in: Economic Systems , Vol. 20, No. 4 (1996): pp. 273-305.

Mariam, Yohannes and Barre, Mike (1996): VOCs’s Cost functions in the Design of Emission Abatement Strategies.

Matić, Branko (1996): Gondolatok az aprópénzrõl. Published in: Éremtani Lapok , Vol. 39, (1996): pp. 8-13.

Merz, Joachim (1996): Schattenwirtschaft und Arbeitsplatzschaffung.

Miller, Jeffrey and Petranov, Stefan (1996): Банковата система в България. Published in:

Mirucki, Jean (1996): A Visibility Analysis of the Scientific Production of Ukrainian Economists. Published in: Journal of Socio-Economics , Vol. 28, No. 2 (April 1999): pp. 185-196.

Moniz, António (1996): Novos modelos de produção na indústria automóvel? Análise de uma fábrica de motores em Portugal. Published in: Actas do Congresso Luso-Afro_Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, Rio de Janeiro , Vol. 4, (July 1996): pp. 1-9.

Moniz, António (1996): Organizational alternatives for flexible manufacturing systems.

Moniz, António and Dinis, Marco (1996): Study of Instruments and Tools to Anticipate the Effects of Industrial Change - Portuguese report.

Moniz, António and Oliveira, Paula and Bento, Sofia (1996): Hibridação de um sistema flexível de produção: possibilidades de aplicação do conceito de antropocentrismo. Published in: Proceedings das Jornadas de PPP/AC, Ordem dos Engenheiros No. 5 (February 1996): pp. 1-8.

Montoya, Marco Antônio and Parré, José Luiz and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (1996): Uma análise do impacto do Mercosul sobre o comércio de grãos e seus reflexos no setor agroindustrial e na economia brasileira.

Moore, Robert E. (1996): Ranking income distributions using the Geometric Mean and a related general measure. Published in: Southern Economic Journal , Vol. 63, No. 1 (July 1996): pp. 69-75.

Musso, Fabio (1996): Potere e stabilità nei rapporti di fornitura della grande distribuzione britannica. Published in: Economia e Diritto del Terziario No. 3 (1996): pp. 971-1011.

Otto, Glenn and Voss, Graham (1996): Public Capital and Private Production in Australia. Published in: Southern Economic Journal , Vol. 3, No. 62 (January 1996): pp. 723-738.

Owens, Jeffrey and Whitehouse, Edward (1996): Tax reform for the 21st century. Published in: Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation , Vol. 50, No. 11/12 (1996)

Peeters, H.M.M. and Van Rooij, M.C.J. (1996): Foreign direct investment in relation to domestic investment and international trade: a survey. Published in: Research Memorandum WO&E No. 482

Peeters, Marga (1996): Investment gestation lags: The difference between time-to-build and delivery lags. Published in: Applied Economics No. 28 : pp. 203-208.

Peeters, Marga (1996): The public-private savings mirror and causality relations among private savings, investment and (twin) deficits: A full modelling approach. Published in: Journal of Policy Modeling , Vol. 21, No. 5 (1999): pp. 579-605.

Petranov, Stefan (1996): The money market and monetary policy during economic transition. Published in: Bulgarian National Bank Monthly Bulletin No. 6 (1996): pp. 28-32.

Photis, Yorgos N. and Koutsopoulos, Kostis (1996): Decentralisation: a One-to-many Relationship. The Case of Greece. Published in: Book Mediterranean Multiregionality. Regional Analysis and Planning in the Mediterranean Regions (1996): pp. 144-155.

Photis, Yorgos N. and Koutsopoulos, Kostis (1996): Defining Demographic Change in Locational Planning Problems. Published in: Proceedings of the 36th European Regional Science Association Congress , Vol. 19, No. 19 (1996): pp. 352-373.


Poitras, Geoffrey and Tongzen, Jose and Li, Hongyu (1996): Measuring Port Efficiency: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis.

Polterovich, Victor (1996): Трансформационный спад в России. Published in: Eonomics and Mathematical Methods / Ekonomika i matematicheskie metody , Vol. 32, No. 1 (1996): pp. 54-69.

Quaas, Friedrun and Quaas, Georg (1996): Jenseits des Transformationsproblems. Vorläufiges Resümee einer Diskussion zum werttheoretischen Ansatz von F. Helmedag. Published in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik , Vol. 215/6, (1996): pp. 714-731.

Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo and Leiderman, Leonardo (1996): Inflows of capital to developing countries in the 1990s. Published in: Journal of Economic Perspectives , Vol. 10, No. 2 (1996): pp. 123-139.

Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Sara (1996): Capital Flows to Latin America: Is There Evidence of Contagion Effects?”. Published in: in Guillermo A. Calvo, Morris Goldstein, Eduard Hochreiter, eds. Private Capital Flows to Emerging Markets After the Mexican Crisis (Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics, 1996), : pp. 151-171.

Reinhart, Carmen and Dunnaway, Steve (1996): Dealing with capital inflows: Are there any lessons? Published in: United Nations University, WIDER Research for Action , Vol. 28, (1996): pp. 1-43.

Reinhart, Carmen and Ogaki, Masao and Ostry, Jonathan (1996): Saving Behavior in Low- and Middle-Income Developing Countries: A Comparison. Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 43, No. 1 (March 1996): pp. 38-71.

Reinhart, Carmen and Reinhart, Vincent (1996): Forecasting turning points in Canada. Published in: Canada’s 1996 International Monetary Fund Article IV Consultation (1996)

Ross, Bruce W. (1996): Towards an observational economics of business behaviour: the horizontal supply curve, 'fuzzy' demand and other anomalies for conventional theory. Published in: Working Papers in Economics, Department of Economics, The University of Sydney No. No. 234 : pp. 1-15.

Russo, Margherita (1996): Units of investigation for local economic development policies. Published in: Materiali di discussione No. 106 (1994): pp. 1-33.

Salant, David and Watkins, G.C. (1996): Cost-allocation principles for pipeline capacity and usage. Published in: Energy Studies Review , Vol. 8, No. 2 (1996): pp. 91-101.

Salant, Stephen W. and Sims, Theodore (1996): "Game Theory and the Law: Is Game Theory Ready for Prime Time?". Published in: Michigan Law Review , Vol. 94, (May 1996): pp. 1839-1882.

Salant, Stephen W. and Sims, Theodore (1996): Game theory and the law: ready for prime time? Published in: Michigan Law Review , Vol. 94, (May 1996): pp. 1839-1882.

Shikida, Pery Francisco Assis and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (1996): Um panorama das indústrias do açúcar e o álcool em 1980: Minas Gerais e Brasil comparados. Published in:

Singh, Ajit (1996): The Asia-Pacific developing countries and the new world trading system: a historical overview of emerging policy issues.

Singh, Ajit (1996): Catching up with the West: a perspective on Asian economic development. Published in: Economic and Social Development into the XXI Century, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC (1 January 1997): pp. 222-265.

Singh, Ajit (1996): Catching up with the West: a perspective on Asian economic development. Published in: Economic and Social Development into the XXI Century, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC (1 January 1997): pp. 222-265.

Singh, Ajit (1996): Expanding employment in the global economy: the high road or the low road? Published in: Book Chapter in Arestis, P., Palma, G. and Sawyer, M. (eds.), Essays in Honour of Geoff Harcourt, Edward Elgar, London. (1996): pp. 1-20.

Singh, Ajit (1996): Financial liberalisation,stockmarkets and economic development. Published in: Economic Journal , Vol. 107, No. 442 (1 May 1997): pp. 771-782.

Singh, Ajit (1996): Pension reform, the stock market, capital formation and economic growth: a critical commentary on the World Bank's proposals. Published in: International Social Security Review , Vol. 49, No. 3 (1 July 1996): pp. 21-44.

Singh, Ajit (1996): The post-Uruguay round world trading system, industrialisation, trade and development: implications for Asia-Pacific developing countries.

Singh, Ajit (1996): The stockmarket, the financing of corporate growth and Indian industrial development. Published in: Journal of International Finance, Vol. 4, No.2, pp. 1-17 , Vol. 4, No. 2 (1 October 1996): pp. 1-17.

Singh, Ajit and Zammit, Ann (1996): Liberalization and globalization: the issues at stake for the South and for UNCTAD. Published in: South Centre Background Policy Research Paper, Geneva (1 January 1997): pp. 1-50.

Singh, Ajit and Zammit, Ann (1996): Liberalization and globalization: the issues at stake for the South and the UNCTAD. Published in: Special Report - South Centre Background Paper (1996): pp. 1-52.

Sinha, Dipendra (1996): Saving and economic growth in India. Published in: Economia Internazionale , Vol. 49, No. 4 (1996): pp. 637-647.

Soliman, Ibrahim and Ewaida, Osama (1996): Impact of technological changes and economic liberalization on agricultural labor employment and Productivity. Published in: L’EGYPTE COTEMPORAIE, Revue Scientifique arbitrée Quart annual, De la Société Egyptienne d’Econnomie Politique de Statistique Et de Législation, LE CAIRE , Vol. LXXXVI, No. No. 445, (July 1997): pp. 3-21.

Spash, Clive L. (1996): Environmental managment without environmental valuation?

Swanson, Norman (1996): BOOK REVIEW of “Statistical Foundations for Econometric Techniques” by Asad Zaman. Published in: Econometric Reviews , Vol. 17, No. 2 (1998): pp. 221-225.

Tarp, Finn and Lau, Morten Igel (1996): Macroeconomic Performance and Critical Development Issues. Published in: (August 1996)

Tian, Guoqiang (1996): China's Economic Reform and Smooth Institutional Transition-A Three-Stage Economic Reform Method. Published in: In Search of A Chinese Road Towards Modernization (1996): pp. 22-46.

Tian, Guoqiang (1996): State-Owned Enterprise Reform and Smooth Institutional Transition in China -- A Three-Stage Economic Reform Method. Published in: The Reformability of China's State Sector (1996): pp. 220-240.

Vahabi, Mehrdad (1996): A critical survey of J. K. Arrow'S theory of knowledge. Published in: Cahiers d'Economie Politique No. No 29 (1997): pp. 35-65.

Weron, Rafal (1996): Correction to: "On the Chambers–Mallows–Stuck Method for Simulating Skewed Stable Random Variables".

Xing, Yuqing and Kolstad, Charles (1996): Environment and Trade: A Review of Theory and Issues.

Yannis, Athena (1996): Fiscal Federalism and EMU. Published in: European Economic Integration Review: , Vol. 14, (1 January 1996): pp. 31-48.

Zenginobuz, Unal (1996): Concern for relative position, rank-order contests, and contributions to public goods.

de Kam, C. A. and de Haan, J. and Giles, C. and Manresa, A. and Berenguer, E. and Calonge, S. (1996): Who pays the taxes?

de Kam, C. A. and de Haan, J. and Giles, C. and Manresa, A. and Berenguer, E. and Calonge, S. and Merz, J. and Venkatarama, K. (1996): The distribution of effective tax burdens in four EU countries.

van der Hoek, M. Peter (1996): FUND ACCOUNTING AND CAPITAL BUDGETING: EUROPEAN EXPERIENCES. Published in: Public Budgeting and Financial Management , Vol. 8, No. 1 (1996): pp. 26-46.

van der Hoek, M. Peter and Chong, Yen Yee (1996): FOCUSING THE BALTIC AGRICULTURAL SECTOR TOWARDS THE NEW CONSUMER: ESTONIA'S CASE. Published in: Journal of Baltic Studies , Vol. 27, No. 3 (1996): pp. 229-240.

Стайков, Ивайло (1996): Условия и ред за актуване на държавни недвижими имоти. Published in: Собственост и право. ISSN 1312-9473. No. 10 (1996): pp. 14-25.

Стайков, Ивайло (1996): Видове дружества с ограничена отговорност. Published in: Пазар и право, м. август. ISSN C633-1335 (1996): pp. 11-14.

Стайков, Ивайло (1996): Въпроси относно размера и структурата на капитала на фондовата борса.

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