Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "B52 - Institutional ; Evolutionary"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 299.


Chobanov, George and Egbert, Henrik and Gyuredzheklieva, Albena (2006): Предложения за измерване на „Транзакционния сектор“ от официалната статистика. Published in: Statistica , Vol. 2006, No. 2 (1 June 2006): pp. 49-63.

Chobanov, George and Egbert, Henrik and Sedlarski, Teodor (2007): Методи за статистическо извличане на данни за транзакционните операции на микро ниво. Published in: Statistica , Vol. 2007, No. 1 (1 February 2007): pp. 5-14.

Sedlarski, Teodor (2007): Трансакционни разходи и икономически растеж. Published in: Statistics Journal , Vol. 2, (March 2008): pp. 18-36.

Sedlarski, Teodor (2012): Институционална еволюция на обществата към отворен достъп и пазарна размяна? Published in: Economic Alternatives , Vol. 3, (October 2012): pp. 81-102.

Sedlarski, Teodor (2014): Социалнопсихологически аспекти на пазарната размяна в институционалната икономика. Published in: Economic Thought (Икономическа мисъл) No. 1 (31 January 2014): pp. 95-114.

Sedlarski, Teodor (2011): Професор Георги Данаилов – предвестник на институционализма в България. Published in: Yearbook of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" , Vol. 10, (1 November 2012): pp. 5-23.

Sedlarski, Teodor and Ankova, Iliana (2010): Възможност за счетоводно отчитане на транзакционните разходи в предприятията. Published in: Statistics Journal , Vol. 3-4, (October 2010): pp. 60-80.

Tchipev, Plamen D (2016): Фирмата в Теорията на транзакционните разходи/The Firm as Transaction Cost Economics Concept. Published in: Сборник материали от "Трета национална научна конференция по политическа икономия", Русенски университет „Ангел Кънчев“, Русе, 29-30 септември 2016г. (December 2016): pp. 106-115.

Косулиев, Александър (2009): Същност и особености на социалния капитал.


Dai, Darong (2012): An Economic Response to “Why Inefficient Institutions Always Exist?” from the Micro-Perspective. Forthcoming in: Accepted by Review of New Political Economy.

Huang, Weiting (2008): 改革的时空之纬.

Pang, Xiaobo and Huang, Weiting (2008): 中国改革的“新政治经济学”:速度与均衡.


Acevedo, Alejandra and Mold, Andrew and Perez Caldentey, Esteban (2009): The Analysis of ‘Leading Sectors’: A Long term view of 18 Latin American economies.

Albers, Scott (2012): Predicting crises: Five essays on the mathematic prediction of economic and social crises. Published in: Middle East Studies On-line Journal , Vol. Volume, No. Issue 6 (8 August 2011): pp. 199-253.

Albers, Scott (2019): An attitude of complexity: thirteen essays on the nature and construction of reality under the challenge of Zeno's Paradox.

Ambrosino, Angela (2009): Institutions as game theory outcomes: toward a cognitive-experimental inquiry. Published in: International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences , Vol. 2, No. 2 (2012): pp. 129-150.

Anttiroiko, Ari-Veikko (2015): Networks in Manuel Castells’ theory of the network society.

Attila Havas, Attila (2000): Foresight in a small country in transition: Preliminary lessons of the Hungarian Technology Foresight Programme. Published in: Haeder, M. and Haeder, S. (eds): Die Delphi-Technik in den Sozialwissenschaften: methodische Forschungen und innovative Anwendungen (2000): pp. 95-107.

Attila Havas, Attila (2000): Foresight in a small country in transition: Preliminary lessons of the Hungarian Technology Programme. Published in: Haeder, M. and Haeder, S. (eds): Die Delphi-Technik in den Sozialwissenschaften: methodische Forschungen und innovative Anwendungen (2000): pp. 95-107.

Audi, Marc and Ali, Amjad (2024): Determinants of Business Freedom in Developing Countries: The Role of Institutional Development and Policy Mix.

Aydinonat, N. Emrah (2006): Institutions: Theory, History and Context-Specific Analysis. Published in: History of Economic Ideas , Vol. XIV, No. 3 (2006): pp. 145-158.

Babayev, Bahruz (2015): The Rise of New Institutional Economics and Assessment its Contributions to the Post Washington Consensus. Published in: The Journal of Economic Sciences: Theory and Practice , Vol. 72, No. 2 (2015): pp. 87-97.

Bachtrögler-Unger, Julia and Balland, Pierre-Alexandre and Boschma, Ron and Schwab, Thomas (2023): Technological capabilities and the twin transition in Europe: Opportunities for regional collaboration and economic cohesion. Published in:

Bandhyopadhyay, Tirthankar and Dinda, Soumyananda (2013): Neo-Liberalism and Protest in West Bengal: An Analysis through the Media lens. Published in: Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences & Humanities , Vol. 3, No. 7 (6 July 2013): pp. 32-59.

Bantilan, MCS and Ravula, P and Parthasarathy, D and Gandhi, BVJ (2006): Gender and Social Capital Mediated Technology Adoption. Published in: ICRISAT Impact Series no 12

Basu, Rahul and Pegg, Scott (2020): Minerals are a shared inheritance: Accounting for the resource curse.

Bayari, Celal (2014): Labour-centred Politics and Judicial Institutionalisation: The Lineaments of an Early Proto-Regulatory State Model in Australia. Published in: Discourses on Global Studies , Vol. 1, No. 4 (14 September 2014): pp. 42-60.

Bayari, Celal (2012): The Origin of Minimum Wage Determination in Australia: The Political and Legal Institutions. Published in: Journal of Global Politics , Vol. 5, No. 1 (1 December 2012): pp. 163-198.

Bayari, Celal (2020): South Korean Economy and the Free Trade Agreement with China. Published in: The Journal of East Asian Affairs , Vol. 33, No. 1 (30 July 2020): pp. 89-122.

Bell, William Paul (2009): Network Averaging: a technique for determining a proxy for the dynamics of networks.

Bensassi, Sami (2010): From Regional to Intercontinental Trade: the Successive European Trade Empires from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century in Asia.

Berg, Nathan and Kim, Jeong-Yoo (2010): Demand for Self Control: A model of Consumer Response to Programs and Products that Moderate Consumption.

Bianco, Antonio (2015): Out of Equilibrium: Bases, Basics, Policies, and Accounts.

Bianco, Antonio (2015): Relationship Banking, Shadow Banking, and the Economics of Depression.

Binder, Martin (2006): Evolutionary Economics and Moral Relativism - Some Thoughts.

Blind, Georg (2011): Investigating entrepreneurial spirit with the rule approach: why self-employment is on the decline in Japan. Published in: Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review , Vol. 1, No. 9 (2012): pp. 183-198.

Boettke, Peter (2010): The two social philosophies of Ostroms' institutionalism. Published in: The Policy Studies Journal , Vol. 39, No. 1 (2011): pp. 29-49.

Boettke, Peter and Fink, Alexander (2011): Institutions first.

Bonaventura, Luigi and Caserta, Maurizio (2004): An adaptive evolutionary behaviour for the demand-led growth adjustment.

Brenner, Thomas and Werker, Claudia (2009): Policy Advice Derived From Simulation Models.

Burns, Tom and DeVille, Philippe and Gauci, Bernard and Baumgartner, Tom (2003): The three faces of the coin : a socio-economic approach to the institution of money. Published in: European Journal of Econimic and Social Systems , Vol. 16, No. 2 (2003): pp. 149-195.

Butzbach, Olivier (2014): Trust in banks: a tentative conceptual framework.

Böhm, Robert and Rusch, Hannes and Gürerk, Özgür (2015): What Makes People Go to War? Defensive Intentions Motivate Retaliatory and Preemptive Intergroup Aggression.

Castellacci, Fulvio (2005): A critical realist interpretation of evolutionary growth theorising.

Cavalli, Fausto and Naimzada, Ahmad and Pecora, Nicolò and Pireddu, Marina (2018): Market sentiment and heterogeneous fundamentalists in an evolutive financial market mode.

Choudhury, Saswati (2009): Information asymmetry and institutions: re-looking at autonomous councils in the hills district of Assam. Published in: SOCIAL CHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT , Vol. VOL.VI, No. NO.1 (July 2011): pp. 159-185.

Corbu, Ion (2023): European doctrine of mutual respect and cooperation. Published in: Partidul Acțiunea pentru Bunăstarea Românilor PABR

Da Silva, Sergio (2013): The mutual gains from trade moderate the parent-offspring conflict.

Dai, Shuanping (2012): The Emergence of Efficient Institutions and Social Interactions.

Dasgupta, Utteeyo and Jha, Chandan Kumar and Sarangi, Sudipta (2020): Persistent patterns of behavior: Two infectious disease outbreaks 350 years apart. Forthcoming in: Economic Inquiry

Demiessie, Habtamu (2020): Institutional and Behavioral Modeling of the Economic Fabric of Urban Eastern Ethiopian Communities: Shared Value System, Group Decision Making Behavior and Wellbeing.

Demiessie, Habtamu (2020): Modeling Consumption and Saving Decision Making Behavior of People in the Settings of Urban Eastern Ethiopian Communities : A Heterodox Economics Approach.

Dietlmeier, Simon Frederic (2024): Industrial Policy for Emerging Technologies: The Case of Narrow AI and the Manufacturing Value Chain as Blueprint for the Industrial Metaverse.

Dorman, Peter and Nolte, Heike (2015): Worker problem-solving and the nature of the firm: new theory, new evidence.

Egbert, Henrik (1998): Entrepreneurial Advantages and Disadvantages of Belonging. Published in: GeoJournal , Vol. 46, No. 2 (1 June 1998): pp. 129-134.

Egbert, Henrik and Sedlarski, Teodor (2011): Exploring Impact: Negative Effects of Social Networks. Published in: International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance and Economic Sciences , Vol. 1, No. 2 (1 June 2011): pp. 80-86.

El Makhloufi, Abdel and Kaal, Harm (2011): From Airfield to Airport: An Institutionalist-Historical Approach to the Early Development of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, 1916-1940. Published in: Journal of Urban History , Vol. 37, No. 4 (July 2011): pp. 497-518.

Elsner, Wolfram (2011): The theory of institutional change revisited: the institutional dichotomy, its dynamic, and policy implications in a more formal analysis.

Elsner, Wolfram and Schwardt, Henning (2012): Trust and Arena Size. Expectations, Trust, and Institutions Co-Evolving, and Their Critical Population and Group Sizes.

Elsner, Wolfram and Schwardt, Henning (2015): The (dis-)embedded firm: Complex structure and dynamics in inter-firm relations. Adding institutionalization as a Veblenian dimension to the Coase-Williamson approach – An emerging triangular organizational space.

Ermanno C., Tortia (2018): A comparative institutional approach to co-operative self-finance: locked assets, divisible and indivisible reserves.

Faggini, Marisa and Parziale, Anna (2011): Fitness landscape and tax planning: NK model for fiscal federalism.

Foss, Nicolai and Garzarelli, Giampaolo (2006): Institutions as Knowledge Capital: Ludwig M. Lachmann’s Interpretative Institutionalism.

Foster, John (2021): In search of a suitable heuristic for evolutionary economics: from generalized Darwinism to economic self-organisation.

Frolov, Daniil (2019): Блокчейн и институциональная сложность: постинституционализм vs. неоинституционализм.

Frolov, Daniil and Lavrentyeva, Anna (2014): Metaphors and Analogies in Institutional Economic Theory.

Frolov, Daniil and Shulimova, Anna (2014): The Institutionalization of Socio-Responsible Business: Global Trends and Regional Features.

Fumagalli, Andrea and Lucarelli, Stefano (2008): Cognitive Capitalism as a Financial Economy of Production. Published in: Andrea Fumagalli, Carlo Vercellone and Vladimir Cvijanović (eds.), "Cognitive Capitalism and its Reflections in South-Eastern Europe, Frankfurt", Peter Lang (2010)

Fusari, Angelo (2013): Methodological Misconceptions in the Social Sciences. Rethinking social thought and social processes. Published in: (2014): pp. 1-64.

Gao, Lin (2017): Between Trust and Performance: Exploring Socio-Economic Mechanisms on Directed Weighted Regular Ring with Agent-Based Modeling.

Gao, Lin (2016): Trust and Performance: Exploring Socio-Economic Mechanisms in the “Deep” Network Structure with Agent-Based Modeling.

Gao, Lin (2017): What Affects General Trust? A Perspective from Institutional Economics and Empirical Evidence from China.

Gentilucci, Eleonora (2018): Intellectual property rights and the commodification of nature: the case of seeds.

Goetter, Johanna Friederike (2020): It’s a kind of suicide: Dynamics of funerary gift-giving and institutional change in South-West Madagascar.

Graziano, Mario and Schilirò, Daniele (2012): Rationality and choices in economics: behavioral and evolutionary approaches.

Green, Mitchell R. (2012): Recent evidence in the support of oligopolistic cooperation: a network approach. Published in: Oeconomicus , Vol. 12, (January 2012)

Greif, Avner (2008): Contract enforcement and institutions among the Maghribi Traders: Refuting Edwards and Ogilvie.

Gräbner, Claudius (2014): Agent-Based Computational Models - A Formal Heuristic for Institutionalist Pattern Modelling?

Gräbner, Claudius (2015): Formal Approaches to Socio Economic Policy Analysis - Past and Perspectives.

Gräbner, Claudius (2016): The complementary relationship between institutional and complexity economics: The example of deep mechanismic explanations.

Gräbner, Claudius and Kapeller, Jakop (2015): New Perspectives on Institutionalist Pattern Modeling: Systemism, Complexity, and Agent-Based Modeling. Published in: Journal of Economic Issues , Vol. 49, No. 2 (19 June 2015): pp. 433-440.

Gupta, Avinash (2018): Book-review India's Long Road: The Search for Prosperity.

Gupta, Avinash (2018): ‘Economics’ of prosperity: Why the dominant perspectives may be unhelpful to make sense of underdevelopment.

Hanappi, Hardy (2020): Alarm. The evolutionary jump of global political economy needed.

Hanappi, Hardy (2022): Atlantis Rising A Blueprint for a Better World.

Hanappi, Hardy (2021): Complex World Money.

Hanappi, Hardy (2015): From Political Crisis to Europe’s Second Renaissance? An interpretation of recent events and some ideas for the future.

Hanappi, Hardy (2011): Signs of reality - reality of signs. Explorations of a pending revolution in political economy.

Hanappi, Hardy and Scholz-Waeckerle, Manuel (2015): Evolutionary Political Economy: Content and Methods.

Havas, Attila and Schartinger, Doris and Weber, Matthias K. (2023): Innovation Studies, Social Innovation, and Sustainability Transitions Research: From mutual ignorance towards an integrative perspective? Published in: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions , Vol. 48, (September 2023): pp. 1-23.

Havas, Attila (2004): EU enlargement and innovation policy in Central European countries: The case of Hungary. Published in: Salavisa, I., W. Rodrigues, S. Mendonça (eds): Inovação e Globalização: Estratégias para o desenvolvimento económico e territorial, Porto: Campo das Letras, 2007 (2007): pp. 83-113.

Havas, Attila (2007): Locating foresight.

Havas, Attila (2016): Recent economic theorising on innovation: Lessons for analysing social innovation.

Havas, Attila (2005): Terminology and Methodology for Benchmarking Foresight Programmes.

Havas, Attila (2014): Trapped by the high-tech myth: The need and chances for a new policy rationale. Published in: Hirsch-Kreinsen H, Schwinge I (eds) Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship in Low-Tech Sectors: The Prospects of Traditional Economic Industries (May 2014): pp. 193-217.

He, Yong (2018): A Testable Theory of Institutional Change in Authoritarian Regimes.

Hederer, Christian (2007): Political Entrepreneurship and Institutional Change: an Evolutionary Approach.

Hegadekatti, Kartik (2017): Blockchain Technology - An Instrument of Economic Evolution? Published in: Information Systems & Economics eJournal , Vol. 09, No. 40 (3 May 2017)

Heinrich, Torsten (2015): Evolution-Based Approaches in Economics and Evolutionary Loss of Information.

Heinrich, Torsten (2016): The Narrow and the Broad Approach to Evolutionary Modeling in Economics.

Iheonu, Chimere and Ihedimma, Godfrey and Onwuanaku, Chigozie (2017): Institutional Quality and Economic Performance in West Africa.

Islahi, Abdul Azim and Obaidullah, Mohammed (2002): Zakah on stocks: some unsettled issues. Published in: Journal of King Abdulaziz University -Islamic Economics , Vol. 17, No. 2 (2004): pp. 3-17.

Javed, Omer (2013): Determinants of Institutional Quality: A Case Study of IMF Programme Countries.

Javed, Omer (2014): Institutional quality, macroeconomic stabilization and economic growth: a case study of IMF programme countries.

Jennings, Frederic (2023): What Went So Wrong in Economics.

Jo, Tae-Hee (2016): A Heterodox Theory of the Business Enterprise.

Jo, Tae-Hee (2018): The Institutionalist Theory of the Business Enterprise: Past, Present, and Future.

Jo, Tae-Hee (2016): The Social Provisioning Process and Heterodox Economics.

Jo, Tae-Hee (2011): Social Provisioning Process and Socio-Economic Modeling.

Jo, Tae-Hee (2020): A Veblenian Critique of Nelson and Winter’s Evolutionary Theory.

Kaldasch, Joachim (2011): The experience curve and the market size of competitive consumer durable markets.

Kalvet, Tarmo (2009): Innovation Policy and Development in the ICT Paradigm: Regional and Theoretical Perspectives. Published in: Tallinn University of Technology Doctoral Theses , Vol. 9, No. 1 (9 March 2009)

Kemal, M Ali (2007): Property Rights and Corruption.

Khalil, Elias (2006): The Roadblock of Culturalist Economics: Economic Change á la Douglass North.

Khan, Haider (2008): Building an Innovative Economy through Managed Creative Destruction: A Theory with Applications to South Korea.

Khan, Haider (2008): Making Globalization Work: Towards Global Economic Justice.

Kirdina, Svetlana (2003): Institutional matrices and institutional changes. Published in: Economic Transformation and Evolutionary Theory of J. Schumpeter. The 5th International Symposium on Evolutionary Economics, Pushchino, Moscow region, Russia, 25-27 September, 2003. (September 2003): pp. 182-195.

Kirdina, Svetlana (2010): Prospects of liberalization for S&T policies in Russia: institutional analysis. Published in: Sociology of Science and Technology , Vol. 1, No. 2 (June 2010): pp. 10-28.

Kirdina, Svetlana and Sandstrom, Gregory (2010): Institutional matrices theory as a framework for both western and non-western people to understand the global village”.

Klebaner, Samuel (2024): The régulation of the corporate welfare policy. Evidences from France.

Kotsemir, Maxim and Abroskin, Alexander (2013): Innovation Concepts and Typology – An Evolutionary Discussion. Published in: Higher School of Economics Research Papers No. WP BRP 05/STI/2013 (20 February 2013)

Koutsobinas, Theodore (2003): The design of new policies in the global economy and society: The case of star markets and cultural change. Published in: International Journal of the Humanities , Vol. Volume, : pp. 1567-1579.

Kuzmin, Evgeny A. and Barbakov, Oleg M. (2015): Institutional Efficiency and Processes of Institutional Changes (as Seen by the Russian Academic Tradition). Published in: Asian Social Science , Vol. 11, No. 6 (February 2015): pp. 163-170.

Kümpel, Arndt (2011): Sustainable regional development, innovation and state capacity.

LENGYEL, BALÁZS and LEYDESDORFF, LOET (2015): The Effects of FDI on Innovation Systems in Hungarian Regions: Where is the Synergy Generated? Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 1, No. 5 (July 2015): pp. 3-24.

Lambert, Thomas (2024): Displaced Worker Angst and Far Right Populism.

Lambert, Thomas (2023): The Economic Surplus, the Baran Ratio, and Long Wave Cycles.

Lambert, Thomas (2024): Horses, Serfs, Slaves and Transitions.

Lambert, Thomas and Tobe, Christopher (2024): “Safe” Annuity Retirement Products and a Possible US Retirement Crisis.

Lambert, Thomas (2022): British Public Investment, Government Spending, Housing, and the Industrial Revolution: A Study of Governmental and Social Surplus Absorption.

Lambert, Thomas (2018): Monopoly Capital and Innovation: An Exploratory Assessment of R&D Effectiveness.

Lanteri, Alessandro and Yalcintas, Altug (2006): The Economics of Rhetoric: On Metaphors as Institutions. Published in: Ankara University GETA Working Papers No. 94 (April 2006)

Liang, Zhao (2009): Reexamination of Individual Knowledge and Common Behavior Rules: A Cross-disciplinary View Based on Empirical Evidences.

Mallick, Indrajit (2000): A Development Banker from Bengal. Published in: Money and Credit in In Indian History: From Early Medieval Times (edited by Amiya Bagchi) published by Tulika Books , Vol. NA, No. NA (1 January 2004): pp. 203-218.

Mann, Stefan and Wüstemann, Henry (2012): The fading scope of labour – remarks about the lost rationale of a common term.

Marengo, Luigi and Pasquali, Corrado (2006): Non rivalry and complementarity in computer software.

Marletto, Gerardo (2009): Heterodox environmental economics: theoretical strands in search of a paradigm. Published in: Economia delle fonti di energia e dell'ambiente (Economics and policy of energy and the environment) , Vol. 52, No. 1 (2009): pp. 25-33.

Marletto, Gerardo (2010): Structure, agency and change in the car regime: A review of the literature. Published in: European Transport No. 47 (April 2011): pp. 71-88.

Marletto, Gerardo (2012): Which conceptual foundations for environmental policies? An institutional and evolutionary framework of economic change. Published in: CREI Working Papers No. 1 : pp. 1-19.

Maslov, Alexander and Volchik, Vyacheslav (2010): Neutral Markets, Non-neutral Institutions and Economic Evolution. Published in: Economic Herald of Donbas Quaterly No. 4 (22) (2010): pp. 26-33.

Mezgebo, Taddese (2014): Beyond Extended Phenotype Evolution of extended identity in order to reconcile study of humanity with biological evolution.

Mishra, SK (2014): The Economic Philosophy of Micro-Credit System.

Mishra, SK (2016): Growth, Stagnation and Decline of a Village: An Autobiographical Essay (A Nostalgic Socio-economic History of Tarar, Bihar, India). Published in: Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences , Vol. 4, No. 1 (12 March 2017): pp. 105-123.

Monasso, Ton and van Leijden, Fabian (2007): Telecommunication regulation as a game: deepening theoretical understanding.

Mughal, Adil Ahmad (2023): Separability & Permissiveness for Separation of Powers.

Nannen, Volker and van den Bergh, Jeroen C. J. M. (2010): Policy Instruments for Evolution of Bounded Rationality: Application to Climate-Energy Problems. Published in: Technological Forecasting & Social Change , Vol. 77, (January 2010): pp. 76-93.

Nannen, Volker and van den Bergh, Jeroen C. J. M. and Eiben, A. E. (2013): Impact of environmental dynamics on economic evolution: A stylized agent-based policy analysis. Published in: Technological Forecasting and Social Change No. 80 (February 2013): pp. 329-350.

Nifo, Annamaria and Scalera, Domenico and Vecchione, Gaetano (2016): What do you want to be when you grow up? Local institutional quality and the choice of the fields of study in Italy (2004-2007). Forthcoming in:

Nishi, Hiroshi (2022): Industrial sources and unevenness of regional employment resilience in Japan.

Nitzan, Jonathan (1992): Inflation as restructuring. A theoretical and empirical account of the U.S. experience.

Noë, Ronald (2016): How do biological markets compare to the markets of economics?

Noë, Ronald (2016): How do biological markets compare to the markets of economics?

Otten, Jordan J.A. and Heugens, Pursey P.M.A.R (2007): Extending the managerial power theory of executive pay: A cross national test. Published in: ERIM Report Series Research in Management No. ERS-2007-090-ORG (December 2007): pp. 1-70.

Owen-Smith, Jason and Riccaboni, Massimo and Pammolli, Fabio and Powell, Walter W. (2002): A Comparison of U.S. and European University-Industry Relations in the Life Sciences. Published in: Management Science , Vol. 48, No. 1 (January 2002): pp. 24-43.

Pachankis, Yang (2022): A Self-help Guide to Psychoanalysis in Cisgender Homosexual Male from Consciousness. Published in: Journal of Marketing Management and Consumer Behavior , Vol. 4, No. 2 (13 November 2022): pp. 93-110.

Passarella, Marco (2011): From the village fair to Wall Street. The Italian reception of Minsky’s economic thought. Published in: Rassegna Economica , Vol. 1, No. 74 (2011): pp. 111-132.

Pastore, Mario H. (1990): "Coerced indigenous labor and free mestizo peasantry: a property-rights, rent-seeking view of colonial Paraguay.". Published in: Book title: Early modern conceptions of property No. http://books.google.com/books?id=wV87AG6Pb3UC&pg=PA567&lpg=PA567&dq=jerry+cooney+bureaucrats+growers+defense&source=bl&ots=YfF11j78_M&sig=x0vIfZVFMhLNcxHrqmBizTDsWtc&hl=en&ei=mUz6TILHKsqgnAfGuNHICg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CBUQ6AE (1996): pp. 544-569.

Paul, Bénédique (2009): Institutional capital: A new analytical framework on theory and actions for economic development.

Paul, Bénédique (2009): Reclaiming Institutions as a Form of Capital. Published in: Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Economic Association 2009 Conference : pp. 137-148.

Paul, Bénédique (2012): Technology and institutions: Theoretical aspects of institutional innovation and its deficiency in Haiti.

Rainer, A. (2012): Technical change in a combined Classical - Evolutionary multi-sector economy: Causes, Effects and implications for economic and social policy.

Rengs, Bernhard and Scholz-Waeckerle, Manuel (2017): Consumption & Class in Evolutionary Macroeconomics.

Richter, Rudolf (2001): New economic sociology and new institutional economics.

Rossi, Federica (2002): An introductory overview of innovation studies.

Schilirò, Daniele (2012): Bounded rationality and perfect rationality: psychology into economics.

Schilirò, Daniele (2012): Bounded rationality and perfect rationality:psychology into economics. Published in: Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Fields , Vol. 3, No. 2 (December 2012): pp. 101-111.

Schilirò, Daniele (2012): Bounded rationality: psychology, economics and the financial crisis.

Schilirò, Daniele (2013): Bounded rationality:psychology, economics and the financial crises. Published in: Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Fields , Vol. 4, No. 1 (June 2013): pp. 97-108.

Schilirò, Daniele (2011): Economics and psychology.Perfect rationality versus bounded rationality.

Selim, Tarek and Salevurakis, John (2008): Social Consensus and Economic Behavior.

Senatore, Luigi (2006): Institutions and Development Processes: the Role of Strategic Complementarities. A Review of main Literature.

Shaikh, Salman (2009): A Comparative Study of the Major Economic Systems in the aftermath of the Great Recession.

Shaikh, Salman Ahmed (2009): Islamic Philosophy and the Challenge of Post Modernism: A Sociological Perspective.

Simarmata, Djamester A. (2005): Institutions for Healthy Assets Market and Economy: A Retrospect for Indonesia before 1997. Published in: Economic Jounal. Journal of Faculty of Economics Padjadjaran Universty , Vol. Volume, No. No. 2 (September 2005): pp. 149-180.

Situngkir, Hokky and Prasetyo, Yanu Endar (2012): On social and economic spheres: an observation of the “gantangan” Indonesian tradition. Published in: BFI Working Paper Series No. WP-5-2012 (22 June 2012)

Spagano, Salvatore (2021): Generalized Darwinism: An Auxiliary Hypothesis.

Strachman, Eduardo (2001): Institutions: a critical analysis of their main characteristics. Published in: Economia , Vol. 3, No. 1 (January 2002): pp. 113-157.

Strachman, Eduardo (2001): Relations between institutions and industrial policies.

Su, Tong-Yaa (2016): Competition between Firms in Economic Evolution: Its Characteristics and Differences to the Biological Sphere.

Sucháček, Jan (2008): Chosen informal institutions and their spatial implications in the Czech Republic. Published in: ECON '07 , Vol. 14, No. 1 (February 2007): pp. 212-218.

Sucháček, Jan (2008): On the Emergence of Glocalisation.

Sucháček, Jan (2008): Territorial development reconsidered. Published in: (December 2008)

Sucháček, Jan (2009): The role of selected soft factors in the transformation of old industrial regions. Published in: ECON '08. Journal of Economics, Management and Business. , Vol. 15, No. No.1 : pp. 114-124.

Tavoni, Alessandro (2008): The role of fairness motives and spatial considerations in explaining departures from Nash equilibrium: stationary and evolutionary lessons from 2x2 games.

Tchipev, Plamen D (2016): The Firm as Transaction Cost Economics Concept.

Tchipev, Plamen D (2000): The concept of the ownership in the late 'socialist economics'.

Termini, Valeria A. (1981): Logical, mechanical and historical time in economics. Published in: Economic Notes, Monte dei Paschi di Siena , Vol. vol 10, No. n. 3 (March 1981): pp. 2-48.

Thieme, Sebastian (2011): Economic thinking and ethics: an ethical approach for economical issues.

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