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Items where Subject is "E50 - General"

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AMAN, Moustapha (2018): Les sphères d’influence dans les régimes monétaires : l’expérience de la Corne de l’Afrique (1860-1950).

Abdul Azim, Islahi (2009): Book Review: Risk analysis for Islamic banks by Hennie Van Greuning and Zamir Iqbal. Published in: Journal of King Abdulaziz University - Islamic Economics , Vol. 22, No. 1 (2009): pp. 197-204.

Acuña, Andrés and Oyarzún, Carlos (2005): Money and real fluctuations in the Chilean economy. Published in: Economía y Administración , Vol. 42, No. 65 (December 2005): pp. 55-79.

Ahiadorme, Johnson Worlanyo (2020): Monetary policy transmission and income inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Ahmad, Yamin and Murray, James (2022): Implications for Determinacy with Average Inflation Targeting.

Al-Jarhi, Mabid (2015): An Economic Theory of Islamic Finance Regulation. Published in: Islamic Economic Studies , Vol. 24, No. No. 2 (December 2016): pp. 1-44.

Al-Jarhi, Mabid (2016): The Nature of Money in Modern Economy – Implications and Consequences. Published in: JKAU: Islamic Econ , Vol. 29, No. No. 2, pp: 75-79 (July 2016) (July 2016): pp. 75-79.

Albanese, Claudio and Vidler, Alicia (2008): Dynamic Conditioning and Credit Correlation Baskets. Forthcoming in: The Complete Guide to CDOs - Market, Application, Valuation, and Hedging No. Book (1 July 2008)

Alsayyed, Nidal (2009): The Guide to Islamic Economics, Banking, and Finance.

Amarasekara, Chandranath (2009): Central Bank Objectives and Aggregate Disturbances. Published in: Papers Presented at the Central Bank of Sri Lanka International Research Conference , Vol. 2, (2009): pp. 41-57.

Anderson-Reid, Karen (2011): Excess reserves in Jamaican Commercial Banks: The implications for Monetary Policy.

Andolfatto, David (2007): Incentives and the Limits to Deflationary Policy.

Andolfatto, David (2007): Incentives and the Limits to Deflationary Policy.

Ansgar, Rannenberg (2009): Disinflation and the NAIRU in a New-Keynesian New-Growth Model (Extended Version).

Aras, Osman Nuri (2010): Effect of the Global Economic Crisis on Turkish Banking Sector. Published in: International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies , Vol. 1, No. 2 (2010): pp. 113-120.

Arby, Muhammad Farooq and Hanif, Muhammad Nadeem (2010): Monetary and fiscal policies coordination - Pakistan's experience. Published in: SBP Research Bulletin , Vol. 6, No. 1 (May 2010): pp. 3-13.

Arslan, Mesut Murat (2007): Dynamics of Sticky Information and Sticky Price Models in a New Keynesian DSGE Framework.

Arslan, Mesut Murat (2006): Optimal Monetary Policy in the Sticky Information Model of Price Adjustment: Inflation Targeting or Price-Level Targeting?

Asongu, Simplice and Minkoua N., Jules (2017): Dynamic Openness and Finance in Africa. Forthcoming in: The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development

Asongu, Simplice A (2013): Liberalization and financial sector competition: a critical contribution to the empirics with an African assessment.

Avadanei, Andreea (2010): European corporate bond market integration: lessons from EMU.



BLINOV, Sergey (2014): Денежная политика количественного смягчения при высоких ставках центрального банка.

BLINOV, Sergey (2015): Реальные деньги и экономический рост.

BLINOV, Sergey (2016): Три варианта экономической политики для России.

BLINOV, Sergey (2020): Место России в истории финансовых инноваций. Published in: Имущественные отношения в РФ , Vol. 4, (April 2020): pp. 7-15.

BLINOV, Sergey (2020): Место России в истории финансовых инноваций (часть 2). Published in: Имущественные отношения в РФ , Vol. 5, No. May 2020 (May 2020): pp. 7-19.

BLINOV, Sergey (2014): Monetary Policy of Quantitative Easing at the Central Bank’s High Interest Rates.

BLINOV, Sergey (2015): Real Money and Economic Growth.

Bagus, Philipp and Howden, David (2014): Central Bank Insolvency: Causes, Effects and Remedies. Published in: The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies , Vol. 1, No. 39 (2014): pp. 3-23.

Bagus, Philipp and Howden, David (2010): Fractional Reserve Banking: Some Quibbles. Published in: Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics , Vol. 4, No. 13 (2010): pp. 29-55.

Barnett, William A. (2010): Audit the Federal Reserve?

Barnett, William A. and Nguyen, Van H. (2021): Constructing Divisia monetary aggregates for Singapore.

Basher, Syed Abul and Elsamadisy, Elsayed Mousa (2010): Country Heterogeneity and Long-Run Determinants of Inflation in the Gulf Arab States.

Beja, Edsel Jr. (2007): Win or Lose, tt’s the policy we choose: Comparative economic performance of the inflation targeters. Published in: Loyola Schools Review , Vol. 7, (2008): pp. 243-263.

Bejan, Camelia and Bidian, Florin (2010): Limited enforcement, bubbles and trading in incomplete markets.

Belhadj, ARAM and Bouguezzi, WAJDI and Jedlane, NABIL (2009): A Common Monetary Policy For The Maghreb: The Winners and The Losers?

Belliveau, Stefan (2012): Money aggregates and economic activity during the Great Depression and 2007-11.

Belongia, Michael (2009): Reforming the Fed: what would real change look like?

Berendsen, Wilfred (2010): A phronesis antenarrative about the understanding of money and usage of money in more phronetic ways.

Berument, Hakan and Togay, Selahattin and Sahin, Afsin (2011): Identifying the Liquidity Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks For a Small Open Economy: Turkey. Published in: Open Economies Review , Vol. 22, No. 4 (September 2011): pp. 649-667.

Bitros, George C. (2016): Monetary policy, market structure and the income shares in the U.S.

Blampied, Nicolas and Cafferata, Alessia and Tibiletti, Luisa and Uberti, Mariacristina (2024): Optimal Monetary Policy and Taylor Rule Extensions.

Bokor, László (2007): Optimality criteria of hybrid inflation-price level targeting (outdated version).

Bose, Sukanya (2004): Financial Liberalization and the Agrarian Sector: India and Kenya Compared.

Brinca, Pedro and Costa-Filho, João (2022): Financial frictions and the economic the depression in Brazil.

Bukvić, Rajko (2012): Ново познанство с „несмењивим” министром. Published in: Зборник Матице српске за друштвене науке (Matica Srpska Social Science Quarterly) , Vol. 63, No. 140 (3) (2012): pp. 393-400.


COMBEY, Adama and NUBUKPO, Kako (2013): Coordination des Politiques Economiques au Sein de la Zone UEMOA : Bilan et Perspectives.

Calani, Mauricio (2007): Testing Globalization-Disinflation Hypothesis.

Canova, Luciano (2006): Estimating demand for money in Jamaica.

Cappiello, Antonio (2006): I currency board come strumento di stabilizzazione economica: come funzionano e dove sono adottati. Published in: Quaderni di Studi Europei (2006): pp. 41-63.

Cavalieri, Duccio (2006): The difficult task of integrating money in the theory of production. Published in: Storia del pensiero economico , Vol. 3 n.s., No. 2 : pp. 156-163.

Chin-Hong, Puah and Muzafar Shah, Habibullah and Venus Khim-Sen, Liew (2009): Is Money Neutral In Stock Market? The Case of Malaysia. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 30, No. 3 (19 July 2010): pp. 1852-1861.

Cizkowicz, Piotr and Rzonca, Andrzej (2011): Interest rates close to zero, post-crisis restructuring and natural interest rate.

Ciżkowicz, Piotr and Rzońca, Andrzej (2010): Inflation and corporate investment in selected OECD countries in the years 1960-2005 – an empirical analysis.

Clavero, Borja (2017): A contribution to the Quantity Theory of Disaggregated Credit.

Cole, Stephen (2015): Learning and the effectiveness of central bank forward guidance.

Cole, Stephen (2016): The limits of central bank forward guidance under learning.

Costa Junior, Celso Jose (2009): Análise da Dinâmica do Modelo IS-MP para a Economia Brasileira Contemporânea. Published in: Análise Econômica , Vol. 28, No. 54 (September 2010): pp. 141-161.

Cotter, John and Dowd, Kevin (2006): U.S. Core Inflation: A Wavelet Analysis.

Cruz-Rodríguez, Alexis (2005): ¿Es la dolarización oficial una opción real para las economías emergentes? Published in: Ciencia & Sociedad , Vol. XXX, No. 2 (June 2005): pp. 293-315.


Dai, Meixing and Sidiropoulos, Moise (2008): Fiscal Policy in a Monetary Union in the Presence of Uncertainty about the Central Bank Preferences.

Dancourt, Óscar and Jiménez Sotelo, Renzo (2017): The experience of development banking in Peru: 1990-2015. Published in:

Delis, Manthos (2020): Understanding helicopter money.

Dibartolomeo, Giovanni and Rossi, Lorenza and Tancioni, Massimiliano (2004): Monetary Policy under Rule-of-Thumb Consumers and External Habits: An International Empirical Comparison.

Dibartolomeo, Giovanni and Rossi, Lorenza and Tancioni, Massimiliano (2004): Monetary Policy under Rule-of-Thumb Consumers and External Habits: An International Empirical Comparison.

Diop, Samba and Asongu, Simplice (2020): An Index of African Monetary Integration (IAMI).

Direye, Eli and Khemraj, Tarron (2021): Central bank securities and FX market intervention in a developing economy. Published in: Review of Development Economics (7 October 2021)

Distefano, Rosaria (2022): The social cost of playing by the rules in the credit market.

Djimoudjiel, Djekonbe and T. Rostand, Dany Dombu and MBATINA NODJI, NDILENGAR (2024): What lessons does the COVID-19 pandemic teach us about banking liquidity and information share in the CEMAC zone?

Dmitriev, Mikhail and Hoddenbagh, Jonathan (2012): Price Stability In Small Open Economies.

Dmitriev, Mikhail and Hoddenbagh, Jonathan (2012): Price Stability In Small Open Economies.

Dramani, Latif (2007): Modèle multi pays dans les pays de la zone franc.

Duca, John V. (2010): Did the Commercial Paper Funding Facility Prevent a Great Depression Style Money Market Meltdown?

Dumitriu, Ramona and Stefanescu, Razvan (2013): Utilizarea cursurilor valutare drept ancore nominale antiinflaţioniste.

Dumitriu, Ramona and Stefanescu, Răzvan (2013): Decizii strategice ale politicii monetare.

Dumitriu, Ramona and Stefanescu, Răzvan (2020): Provocări pentru Finanţele Comportamentale în contextul COVID-19.


Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros (2016): Δημοκρατικότητα και μη συμβατικά μέτρα της κεντρικής τράπεζας; Μια ιστορική θεώρηση της αμερικανικής πιστωτικής πολιτικής σε σχέση με την ανισοκατανομή εισοδήματος.

Efthimiadis, Tilemahos and Tsintzos, Panagiotis (2009): On Central Bank Transparency, Independence and Public Debt Policy. Published in: The Journal of World Economic Review , Vol. 2, No. 4 (2009): pp. 139-153.

Egorova, Yana (2017): Инвестирование денежных средств в условиях экономического кризиса в 2017 году.

Escudero, Verónica (2009): Effects of the crisis on the financial sector: Trends and policy issues. Published in: International Labour Office (ILO), IILS Discussion Paper Series No. No. 197 (2009)


Firouzi Naeim, Peyman and Rahimzadeh, golnoush (2013): Inflation Skewness and Price Indexation.

Forte, Antonio (2012): Italy after the crisis: a case of recoveryless credit growth.

Fragetta, Matteo (2010): Monetary Policy and Identification in SVAR Models: A Data Oriented Perspective.

Fuentes, Miguel and Raddatz, Claudio and Reinhart, Carmen (2015): Capital Mobility and Monetary Policy: An Overview. Published in: Journal Economía Chilena , Vol. 18, No. 1 (April 2015): pp. 50-67.


Geromichalos, Athanasios and Jung, Kuk Mo (2016): Monetary Policy and Efficiency in Over-the-Counter Financial Trade.

Gharleghi, Behrooz (2019): Economic integration and macroeconomic shocks in Eurasia.

Ghosh, Taniya and Bhadury, Soumya Suvra (2017): Exchange Rate Overshooting: A Reassessment in a Monetary Framework. Published in: The Empirical Economics Letters , Vol. 16(11), No. ISSN 1681 8997 (November 2017): pp. 1143-1149.

Grady, Patrick (1991): The Economic Consequences of Quebec Sovereignty. Published in: Economic Consequences of Quebec Sovereignty (24 September 1991): pp. 143-162.

Gudaro, Amna Muhammad and Chhapra, Imran Umer and Sheikh, Salman Ahmed (2012): Impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth: A case study of Pakistan. Published in: Journal of Management and Social Sciences , Vol. 8 (2), No. Fall 2012 (2012): pp. 22-30.

Guler, Ozan and Mariathasan, Mike and Mulier, Klaas and Okatan, Nejat G. (2019): The Real Effects of Credit Supply: Review, Synthesis, and Future Directions.


HARIT, ADITYA (2024): Economic Model for Stubble Burning in India: A Keynesian Framework.

Halicioglu, Ferda (2004): The Gibson Paradox: An Empirical Investigation for Turkey. Published in: European Research Studies Journal , Vol. 7, No. 1-2 (2004): pp. 111-119.

Halkos, George (2010): Financial and real sector interactions:the case of Greece.

Hanappi, Hardy (2021): Complex World Money.

Harashima, Taiji (2019): A Theory of Inflation: The Law of Motion for Inflation under the MDC-based Procedure.

Harashima, Taiji (2019): A Theory of Inflation: The Law of Motion for Inflation under the MDC-based Procedure.

Hasan, Md Rashel and Islam, Md Ezazul (2016): Financial Inclusion Index at District Levels in Bangladesh: A Distance-based Approach. Published in: Bangladesh Bank Working Paper Series No. 1603 (May 2016)

Hasan, Zubair (2010): Islamic Finance:Sructure-objective mismatch and its consequences.

Hasan, Zubair (2010): Islamic Finance:Structure-objective mismatch and its consequences.

Hasan, Zubair (2010): Islamic finance: what does it change, what it does not - the structure - objectives mismatch and its consequences.

Heinrich, Gregor (2010): El fortalecimiento institucional de los bancos centrales. Published in: Boletín , Vol. LV, No. 1 (2010): pp. 18-27.

Heinrich, Gregor (2006): International Initiatives towards legal harmonisation in the field of Funds transfers, payments and payment systems - Annotated Bibliography.

Heinrich, Gregor and García Dubón, Enrique (2011): The development of a regional payment system in Central America: A step towards further integration and economic development. Published in: Journal of Payments Strategy & Systems , Vol. 5, No. 3 (September 2011): pp. 229-245.

Hermawan, Danny and Lie, Denny and Sasongko, Aryo and Yusan, Richard (2023): Money velocity, digital currency, and inflation dynamics.

Hernandez-Chanto, Allan (2016): The Extrinsic Value of Low-Denomination Money Holdings.

Herrenbrueck, Lucas (2014): Quantitative Easing and the Liquidity Channel of Monetary Policy.

Huang, Pidong and Igarashi, Yoske (2011): A comment on: 'Efficient propagation of shocks and the optimal return on money'. Published in: Journal of Economic Theory , Vol. 147, No. 1 (1 January 2012): p. 7.


Iheonu, Chimere and Asongu, Simplice and Odo, Kingsley and Ojiem, Patrick (2020): Financial Sector Development and Investment in Selected ECOWAS Countries: Empirical Evidence using Heterogeneous Panel Data Method. Forthcoming in: Financial Innovations

Ilu, Ahmad Ibraheem (2019): Impact of Remittances from Nigerians in diaspora on Exchange rate Stability.

Islahi, Abdul Azim (2006): Monetary thought of the sixteenth century muslim scholars. Published in: American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences , Vol. 25, No. 4 (2008): pp. 46-60.


Jerzmanowski, Michal and Cuberes, David (2011): Medium Term Growth: The Role of Policies and Institutions. Published in:

Jiménez Polanco, Miguel Alejandro and Paredes Encarnación, Evelio and Ramírez de León, Francisco (2014): Monetary Policy Effects in Output and Prices: Evidence for the Dominican Republic using a Structural VAR approach. Published in: Documento de Trabajo Banco Central de la República Dominicana No. 2014-02 (15 May 2014)

Jin, Gu and Zhu, Tao (2020): Heterogeneity, Decentralized Trade, and the Long-run Real Effects of Inflation.

Jin, Gu and Zhu, Tao (2017): Nonneutrality of Money in Dispersion: Hume Revisited.

Juhro, Solikin M. and Syarifuddin, Ferry and Sakti, Ali (2022): Inclusive Welfare: On The Role of Islamic Public-Social Finance and Monetary Economics.


KAMGNA, Severin Yves and Ndambendia, Houdou (2008): Excès de liquidité systémique et effectivité de la politique monétaire : cas des pays de la CEMAC.

KOUAKOU, Thiédjé Gaudens-Omer (2025): Volatilité et régulation des cryptomonnaies : approche monétaire orthodoxe versus approche monétaire hétérodoxe.

KOUAKOU, Thiédjé Gaudens-Omer (2025): The effects of Basel III on the intermediation and market activities of WAEMU banks.

Kacaribu, Febrio (2002): Measuring Core Inflation in Indonesia: An Asymmetric Trimmed-Mean Approach.

Kadish, Peter (2010): Credit Monitoring in the USA and EU Countries.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2012): General formal foundations of the virtuous deficit–profit symmetry and the vicious debt deflation.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2013): Redemption and Depression.

Kamal, Mona (2013): The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the Egyptian Banking Sector.

Kamalyan, Hayk (2021): The State-Dependent Effects of Monetary Policy: Calvo versus Rotemberg.

Kamat, Manoj and Kamat, Manasvi (2007): Does Financial Growth lead Economic Performance in India? Causality-Cointegration using Unrestricted Vector Error Correction Models.

Kang, Kee-Youn (2019): Cryptocurrency and Double Spending History: Transactions with Zero Confirmation.

Karan Singh, B and Kanakaraj, A and Sridevi, T.O (2010): Revisiting the empirical existence of the Phillips Curve for India. Published in: Journal of Asian Economics , Vol. 2, No. 22 (1 June 2011): pp. 1-20.

Kehrwald, Bernie (2014): The Excess Demand Theory of Money.

Kehrwald, Bernie (2014): The Interest Rate in a Monetary Economy.

Kelly, Logan and Barnett, William A. and Keating, John (2010): Rethinking the liquidity puzzle: application of a new measure of the economic money stock.

Kelly, Logan and Barnett, William A. and Keating, John W. (2010): Rethinking the Liquidity Puzzle: Application of a New Measure of the Economic Money Stock.

Kerényi, Ádám (2012): Need for rethinking of the Hungarian fiscal and monetary policy. Published in: Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Conference Proceedings, Szeged, University of Szeged , Vol. ISBN 9, (2012): pp. 234-241.

Khemraj, Tarron (2007): The missing link: the finance-growth nexus and the Guyanese growth stagnation. Published in: Social and Economic Studies , Vol. 57, No. 3&4 (2008): pp. 105-129.

Khemraj, Tarron and Pasha, Sukrishnalall (2009): The determinants of non-performing loans: an econometric case study of Guyana.

Khosravi, Taha (2015): The Impact of a Low Interest Rate Environment: Empirical Evidence from the Euro Area Bank Lending Survey.

Kibritçioğlu, Aykut (2010): Küresel Finans Krizinin Türkiye'ye Etkileri.

Kim, Minseong (2020): Re-assessing New Keynesian paradox of flexibility.

Kitov, Ivan (2021): The link between unemployment and real economic growth in developed countries.

Kosten, Dmitri (2015): Bitcoin Mission Statement. Or What does it mean Sharing Economy and Distributed Trust?

Kouam, H and Kouam, S (2022): The Impact of Public Sector Lending on Financial Stability in Central Africa. Published in: Journal of Economic Research & Reviews , Vol. 2, No. 2771-7763 (17 August 2022): pp. 394-399.

Kozmenko, Serhiy and Savchenko, Taras (2013): Development of an explicit rule of monetary policy for the economy of Ukraine. Published in: Investment Management and Financial Innovations, , Vol. 10, No. 1 (1 March 2013): pp. 8-19.


L. Arnaut, Javier (2008): Demanda de dinero y liberalizacion financiera en Mexico: Un enfoque de cointegracion.

LEUNG, K. Y. Charles and TANG, C. H. Edward (2011): Comparing two financial crises: the case of Hong Kong real estate markets.

Landais, Bernard (2012): Reformulation du modèle macroéconomique de la nouvelle synthèse : crédits, politique monétaire et écarts de taux.

Lauretta, Eliana and Chaudhry, Sajid and Mullineux, Andy (2015): Theory and Evidence on the Finance-Growth Relationship: The Virtuous and Unvirtuous Cycles.

Le, Anh H. (2022): Central bank digital currency and cryptocurrency in emerging markets.

Leandros, Panayota (2005): The Euro as an International Currency. Published in: SPOUDAI - Journal of Economics and Business , Vol. 76, (2005): pp. 88-93.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2015): Digital waves in economics.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2015): General information product theory in economics science.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2015): Information money fields of cyclic oscillations in nonlinear dynamic economic system.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2015): Information money fields of cyclic oscillations in nonlinear dynamic economic system.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2016): Precise measurement of macroeconomic variables in time domain using three dimensional wave diagrams.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2015): Quantum macroeconomics theory.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2015): Quantum macroeconomics theory.

Leon, Jorge and Vega, Melissa (2013): What is driving the Capital Inflows to Costa Rica? Risk Premium and Interest Rate Differentials.

Leung, Charles Ka Yui and CHEUNG, W. Y. Patrick and TANG, C. H. Edward (2011): Financial Crisis and the Comovements of Housing Sub-markets: Do relationships change after a crisis?

Levrero, Enrico Sergio and Deleidi, Matteo (2017): The money creation process: A theoretical and empirical analysis for the US.

Levy, Daniel (2007): Price Rigidity and Flexibility: New Empirical Evidence.

Levy, Daniel (2007): Price Rigidity and Flexibility: Recent Theoretical Developments.

Levy, Daniel and Müller, Georg and Chen, Haipeng (Allan) and Bergen, Mark and Dutta, Shantanu (2008): Holiday Price Rigidity and Cost of Price Adjustment.

Levy, Daniel and Smets, Frank (2010): Price Setting and Price Adjustment in Some European Union Countries: Introduction to the Special Issue. Forthcoming in: Managerial and Decision Economics

Liu, L. and Ni, Y.J (2009): Foreign Exchange Market Pressure and Monetary Policy: An Empirical Study Based on China’s Data. Forthcoming in:

Liu, Tao (2016): Trade finance and international currency: a moneatary search approach.

Liu, Taoxiong and Huang, Mengdan (2015): Land Supply and Money Growth in China.

Lo, Chi-Sheng (2016): Structural VAR analysis of monetary transmission mechanism and central bank’s response to equity volatility shock in Taiwan.

Lorca-Susino, Maria (2007): The Euro: The Economic Stabilizer of the Eurozone. Published in: European Union Miami Analysis (EUMA) , Vol. 4, (November 2007): pp. 1-24.

Lorca-Susino, Maria (2008): Is the Euro, as a Common Currency,a Tool for Integration? Published in: Miami-Florida European Union Center of Excellence , Vol. 5, (February 2008): pp. 1-11.


Magud, Nicolas and Reinhart, Carmen and Rogoff, Kenneth (2011): Capital Controls: A Meta-analysis Approach.

Maldonado, Leonardo (2010): Profundización financiera estadal en Venezuela: Enfoque alternativo usando la encuesta de hogares de propósitos múltiples. Published in: Revista Venezolana de Análisis de Coyuntura , Vol. 16, No. 2 (December 2010): pp. 59-93.

Malikane, Christopher (2012): Inflation dynamics and the cost channel in emerging markets.

Maslov, Alexander and Ivanchenko, Igor (2011): Money Field Theory: in Pursuit of Formalism. Published in: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science , Vol. 1, No. 8 (July 2011): pp. 19-29.

Matić, Branko (2000): Numismatic and Monetary Aspects of Introducing the Uniform European Union Currency. Published in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Numismatic Congress in Croatia (2000): pp. 227-233.

Matkovskyy, Roman (2013): To the Problem of Financial Safety Estimation: the Index of Financial Safety of Turkey.

Mattesini, Fabrizio and Rossi, Lorenza (2005): Productivity shocks and Optimal Monetary Policy in a Unionized Labor Market Economy.

Mattesini, Fabrizio and Rossi, Lorenza (2006): Productivity shocks and Optimal Monetary Policy in a Unionized Labor Market Economy.

Mattesini, Fabrizio and Rossi, Lorenza (2006): Productivity shocks and Optimal Monetary Policy in a Unionized Labor Market Economy.

Mattesini, Fabrizio and Rossi, Lorenza (2006): Productivity shocks and Optimal Monetary Policy in a Unionized Labor Market Economy. Forthcoming in: The Manchester School

Melecky, Martin (2010): Macroeconomic Dynamics in Macedonia and Slovakia: Structural Estimation and Comparison.

Melecky, Martin and Podpiera, Anca Maria (2012): Institutional structures of financial sector supervision, their drivers and emerging benchmark models.

Miru, Oana Maria and Hetes-Gavra, Roxana and Nicolescu, Ana Cristina (2008): Applying Basel II Requirements in Romania.

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2015): Policy Rule-based Stress Tests of Monetary Integration and Single Monetary Policy in the West African Monetary Zone.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2010): Banks' Reserves' Restrictions and Economic Performance in Sudan (2007-2009).

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2010): Islamic Banks Financing and Poverty Alleviation in Sudan.

Munro, John H. (2002): The medieval origins of the 'Financial Revolution': usury, rentes, and negotiablity. Published in: The International History Review , Vol. 25, No. 3 (September 2003): pp. 505-562.

Munro, John H. (1998): The symbiosis of towns and textiles: urban institutions and the changing fortunes of cloth manufacturing in the Low Countries and England, 1270 - 1570. Published in: The Journal of Early Modern History: Contacts, Comparisons, Contrasts , Vol. 3, No. 1 (February 1999): pp. 1-74.

Murray, James (2011): Learning and judgment shocks in U.S. business cycles.


Nagayasu, Jun (2009): Regional Inflation in China.

Naghshineh-Pour, Amir (2012): An Estimate for the Real Foreign Exchange Rate in Iran.

Nath, Golaka and Raja N, Aparna (2012): Indian money market dynamics. Published in: CCIL Monthly Rakshitra No. February 2012 (31 March 2012): 07-14.

Ngomba Bodi, Francis Ghislain and Onomo, Julie (2018): Analyse du multiplicateur monétaire en zone CEMAC.

Nguyen Van, Phuong (2014): Sources of exchange rate fluctuation in Vietnam: an application of the SVAR model.

Nizam, Ahmed Mehedi (2019): The Bank Multiplier and A New Mechanism for the Transmission of the Monetary Policy.

Nizam, Ahmed Mehedi (2021): On The Contribution of Interest Expense (Income) on Total Output. Published in: Open Economics , Vol. 4, No. 1 (January 2021)


Obregon, Carlos (2022): Supply Side Keynesianism. Published in:

Oeffner, Marc (2008): Agent–Based Keynesian Macroeconomics - An Evolutionary Model Embedded in an Agent–Based Computer Simulation.

Ojo, Marianne (2021): Assessing COVID impacts, sustainable finance, current and future implications for banks and monetary policy: “Breaking the tragedy of the horizon, climate change and financial stability". Forthcoming in: Elsevier Journals (November 2021)

Okahara, Naoto (2018): Banks' Disclosure of Information and Financial Stability Regulations.

Olkhov, Victor (2023): Market-Based Probability of Stock Returns.

Olujobi, Oluwatosin (2022): Macroeconomic implications of the new currency refurbishment and capital formation in Nigeria.

Ozili, Peterson K (2024): Artificial intelligence and central bank digital currency. Forthcoming in:

Ozili, Peterson K (2023): Economic research in banking – a survey. Forthcoming in:

Ozili, Peterson K (2023): A Survey of Central Bank Digital Currency Adoption in African countries. Forthcoming in:

Ozili, Peterson K (2024): Thinking Fast and Slow about Central Bank Digital Currencies. Forthcoming in:

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