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Items where Subject is "E5 - Monetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit"

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ABDELLAOUI, Okba and BEN AMARA, Naoual and SALHI, Nadjai (2014): التمويل بالمشاركة وأثره على التوازن الآني في سوقي النقد والسلع والخدمات.

AMAN, Moustapha (2018): Les sphères d’influence dans les régimes monétaires : l’expérience de la Corne de l’Afrique (1860-1950).

Abban, Stanley (2020): On the Computation and Essence of the Nominal Convergence Criteria for Africa Currency Union: ECOWAS in Perspective.

Abban, Stanley (2020): The Prospect of the Proposed Currency Union on Intra-regional Trade: Southern African Customs Union.

Abdullah, Muhammad and Chani, Muhammad Irfan and Ali, Amjad (2012): Determinants of Money Demand in Pakistan: Disaggregated Expenditure Approach. Published in: World Applied Sciences Journal , Vol. 24, No. 6 (2013): pp. 765-771.

Acharya, Sushant (2010): Costly Information, Planning Complementarity and the New Keynesian Phillips Curve.

Ackon, Kwabena Meneabe (2015): US Domestic Money, Output, Inflation and Unemployment. Forthcoming in:

Adamcik, Santiago (2008): Sobre la Elección de Regímenes de Tipo de Cambio en Economías Emergentes.

Adebiyi, Michael Adebayo (2007): An Evaluation of Foreign Exchange Intervention and Monetary Aggregates in Nigeria (1986- 2003).

Adenutsi, Deodat E. (2010): Financial development, bank savings mobilization and economic performance in Ghana: evidence from a multivariate structural VAR. Published in: International Journal of Development Research and Quantitative Techniques , Vol. 1, No. 2 (2011): pp. 3-24.

Afanasyeva, Olga and Riabichenko, Dmitry (2014): Operational Risk Governance: The Basel Approach. Published in: Problems and perspectives of Ukraine’s banking system No. 38 (2014): pp. 51-62.

Aginta, Harry and Soraya, Debby A and Santoso, Wahyu B (2018): Financial Development and Income Inequality in Indonesia: A Sub-national Level Analysis. Published in: Economics and Finance in Indonesia , Vol. 64, No. 2 (December 2018): pp. 111-130.

Akhtar, S. and Bannier, C. and Tyrell, M. and Elizalde, A. and Janda, K. and Lind, G. (2008): Basel II, External Ratings and Adverse Selection.

Al-Darwish, Ahmed and Cevik, Serhan and Chami, Ralph and Charap, Joshua and George, Susan and Gracia, Borja and Gray, Simon and Pattanayak, Sailendra (2012): Libya beyond the Revolution: Challenges and Opportunities. Published in:

Al-Jarhi, Mabid (1979): نحو نظام نقدي ومالي إسلامي: الهيكل والتطبيق. Published in: Arabic Publications Series No. 5 (June 1981): pp. 1-85.

Al-Jarhi, Mabid (2013): Gaps in the Theory and Practice of Islamic Economics. Published in: JKAU: Islamic Econ. , Vol. 26, No. No. 1 (2013): pp. 243-254.

Al-Jarhi, Mabid (2002): Macroeconomics: an Islamic Perspective. Published in: Proceeding book of International Seminar on Macroeconomics from Islamic Perspective: Theory and Contemporary Issues, September 22-24th, (22 September 2004)

Al-Jarhi, Mabid (1980): A Monetary and Financial Structure for an Interest-Free Economy: Institutions, Mechanism & Policy. Published in: Z. Ahmad, M. Iqbal and M.F. Khan, eds., Money and Banking in Islam No. Center for Research in Islamic Economics, Jeddah, and the Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad, (1983): pp. 1-38.

Al-Jarhi, Mabid (2004): The Philosophy of Islamic Banking and Finance. Published in: Salman Syed Ali & Ausaf Ahmad, eds., Islamic Banking and Finance: Fundamentals and Contemporary Issues, No. Research & Training Institute, Islamic Development Bank, 2007. (2007): pp. 1-24.

Al-Jarhi, Mabid (2004): Remedy for Banking Crises: What Chicago and Islam Have In Common: A Comment. Published in: Islamic Economic Studies , Vol. 11, No. 2 (2004): pp. 23-42.

Al-Jarhi, Mabid (2014): Towards an Economic Theory of Islamic Finance Regulation. Published in: Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance , Vol. 2, No. 1 (March 2014): pp. 345-366.

Al-Ubaydli, Omar (2020): Understanding How the Coronavirus Affects the Global Economy: A Guide for Non-Economists. Published in: Derasat Strategic Studies Series (13 April 2020)

Ali, Amjad and Hasan, Zohaib Ul and Abbasi, Qasim and Sulehri, Fiaz Ahmad (2023): Business or Politics: Exploring the Determinants of Policy Mix in South Asia.

Ali, Faran and Mamoon, Dawood and Tahir, Naveed (2016): Appropriate Exchange Rate Regime for economic structure of Pakistan.

Alimi, R. Santos (2012): The Quantity Theory of Money and Its Long Run Implications: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria. Published in: European Scientific Journal , Vol. 8, No. 12 : pp. 272-288.

Alkhareif, Ryadh M. and Barnett, William A. (2020): Nowcasting Real GDP for Saudi Arabia.

Alomar, Ibrahim (2006): Financial Intermediation in Muslim Community: Issues and Problems.

Altunok, Fatih and Mitchell, Karlyn and Pearce, Douglas (2015): The trade credit channel and monetary policy transmission: empirical evidence from U.S. panel data.

Aman, Moustapha and Nenovsky, Nikolay (2015): Stabilité du Currency Board et fuite des capitaux. Modèle théorique et application empirique au cas de Djibouti.

Amir, Md. Khaled (2019): Does Excess Bank Liquidity Impact Non-Performing Loan? A Study on Bangladeshi Economy. Published in: International Journal of Business and Technopreneurship , Vol. 9, No. 3 (6 October 2019): pp. 1-12.

Amstad, Marlene and Berentsen, Aleksander (2002): Search theory and applied economic research. Published in: Swiss National Bank Quarterly Bulletin No. 4/2002 (December 2002): pp. 76-85.

Andolfatto, David (2007): Bank Incentives, Contract Design, and Bank Runs. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Theory

Andrianady, Josué R. and Rajaonarison, Njakanasandratra R. (2023): Effet d’un choc monétaire sur l’inflation: une approche par un modèle DSGE.

Anulo, Olkamo, Degefe (2024): Exploring the Linkages between Financial Development, Savings, and Economic Growth in Ethiopia: An Empirical Evidence-Based Analysis.

Arby, Muhammad Farooq and Younus, Sayera and Tobgye, Sonam and Dema, Phurpa and Das, Praggya and Shafwath, Aminath and Bhatta, Siddha Raj and Raza, Bilal and Perera, W.S Navin (2021): The use of Unconventional Monetary Policy Instruments by South Asian Central Banks. Published in: SAARCFINANCE Working Papers , Vol. na, No. 2023 (1 April 2023): pp. 1-44.

Arby, Muhammad Farooq (2004): State Bank of Pakistan: Evolution, Functions and Organization.

Ardakani, Omid and Kishor, Kundan and Song, Suyong (2015): On the Effectiveness of Inflation Targeting: Evidence from a Semiparametric Approach.

Ardizzi, Guerino (2013): Card versus cash: empirical evidence of the impact of payment card interchange fees on end users’ choice of payment methods. Published in: Journal of Financial Market and Infrastructures , Vol. 1, No. 4 (27 June 2013): pp. 73-105.

Arend, Mario (2010): Financial Shocks, Financial Frictions and Financial Intermediaries in DSGE Models: Comments on the Recent Literature.

Argov, Eyal and Binyamini, Alon and Elkayam, David and Rozenshtrom, Irit (2007): A Small Macroeconomic Model to Support Inflation Targeting in Israel. Forthcoming in: Bank of Israel, Monetary Department

Asaduzzaman, Md (2021): Relationship between threshold level of inflation and economic growth in Bangladesh- a multivariate quadratic regression analysis. Published in: ERN: Other Development Economics: Macroeconomic Issues in Developing Economies (Topic) (18 March 2021): pp. 1-21.

Asafo, Shuffield Seyram (2019): Exchange Rate Pass-through to Prices : Bayesian VAR Evidence for Ghana. Forthcoming in:

Asongu, Simplice A (2012): Correcting inflation with financial dynamic fundamentals: which adjustments matter in Africa? Forthcoming in:

Atoi, Ngozi V (2020): Macroeconometric Assessment of Monetary Approach to Balance of Payments in a Small Open Economy: The Nigeria Experience. Published in: International Journal of Economics and Financial Research , Vol. 6, No. 3 (17 April 2020): pp. 41-50.

Ayadi, Felix and Ojo, Marianne (2013): Central bank independence: monetary policies in selected jurisdictions (II).

Azad, Abul Kalam (2016): The impact of monetary policy on exchange rate dynamics of Bangladesh: a co integration approach. Published in: The Dhaka University Studies , Vol. 71, No. 1 (1 July 2016): pp. 47-63.

Azad, Rohit (2016): Plurality in Teaching Macroeconomics.

Azad, Rohit and Bose, Prasenjit and Dasgupta, Zico (2016): Financial Globalisation and India: Internal and External Dimensions.

Azeem, Muhammad Mehtab and Ozari, Assit.Prof. Dr.Cidgem and Marsap, Prof.Dr.Akin and Arhab, Prof. Dr.Said and Jilani, Abdul Haseeb (2015): Impact of E-Commerce on Organization Performance; Evidence from Banking Sector of Pakistan. Published in: International Research Journal of York University , Vol. 2, No. 3 (June 2015): pp. 260-275.

Azizi, Karim and Canry, Nicolas and Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Tinel, Bruno (2013): Government Solvency, Austerity and Fiscal Consolidation in the OECD: A Keynesian Appraisal of Transversality and No Ponzi Game Conditions.



BIAYE, Abdoulaye and SECK, Massamba Souleymane (2019): La microfinance et la gestion des risques de vulnérabilité par les ménages ruraux au Sénégal.

Bacha, Obiyathulla I. (1997): The Asian Currency Crisis - A Fait Accompli? Published in: Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies , Vol. 34, No. 1-2 (1997): pp. 67-92.

Bagsic, Cristeta (2021): Linking the Cs of Financial Stability: Crises, Competition, and Concentration.

Bagsic, Cristeta and Paul, McNelis (2007): Output Gap Estimation for Inflation Forecasting: The Case of the Philippines. Published in: BSP Working Paper Series No. 2007-01 (August 2007): pp. 1-32.

Bagus, Philipp and Gabriel, Amadeus and Howden, David (2018): On the Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Legitimate Banking Contracts. Published in: Journal of Business Ethics , Vol. 3, No. 147 (1 January 2018): pp. 669-678.

Bagus, Philipp and Howden, David and Gabriel, Amadeus (2017): The Hubris of Hybrids. Published in: Journal of Business Ethics , Vol. 2, No. 145 (2017): pp. 373-382.

Balogun, Emmanuel Dele (2007): Monetary policy and economic performance of West African Monetary Zone Countries.

Balogun, Emmanuel Dele (2007): A review of Soludo's perspective of banking sector reforms in Nigeria.

Barnett, William (2015): Collaboration with and without Coauthorship: Rocket Science Versus Economic Science.

Barnett, William and Bella, Giobanni and Ghosh, Taniya and Mattana, Paolo and Venturi, Beatrice (2020): Shilnikov Chaos, Low Interest Rates, and New Keynesian Macroeconomics.

Barnett, William A. (2006): Divisia Monetary Index.

Barnett, William A. (2006): Supply of Money.

Barnett, William A. and Park, Hyun and Park, Sohee (2021): The Barnett Critique.

Barnett, William A. and Wang, Chan and Wang, Xue and Wu, Liyuan (2018): What inflation measure should a currency union target?

Batiz-Lazo, Bernardo and Maixe-Altes, J Carles and Peon, David (2023): Behavioral drivers of cashless payments in Africa.

Batiz-lazo, Bernardo and del Angel, Gustavo (2016): El nacimiento de la tarjeta de credito bancaria an Mexico y Espana, 1966-1975.

Bayangos, Veronica and Moreno, Ramon (2021): What Drives Cross-Border Flows?

Bensalma, Ahmed (2015): New Fractional Dickey and Fuller Test. Forthcoming in: IEEE Conference paper

Berentsen, Aleksander (1998): Money Inventories in Search Equilibrium. Published in: Money, Credit and Banking , Vol. 32, No. 2 (1 May 2000): pp. 168-178.

Berentsen, Aleksander (2005): On the Private Provision of Fiat Currency. Published in: European Economic Review , Vol. 50, No. 7 (7 October 2006): pp. 1683-1698.

Berentsen, Aleksander and Molico, Miguel and Wright, Randall (2002): Indivisibilities, Lotteries, and Monetary Exchange. Published in: Journal of Economic Theory , Vol. 1, No. 107 (November 2002): pp. 70-94.

Berentsen, Aleksander and Schär, Fabian (2016): Cash and Negative Interest Rates. Published in:

Bhaduri, Saumitra and Sethudurai, Raja (2013): Non-Linear Taylor Rule through Threshold Estimation.

Bhattacharya, Kaushik (2009): Demand and Supply of Currencies of Small Denominations: A Theoretical Framework.

Bilgili, Faik (2001): The unbiasedness and efficiency tests of the rational expectations hypothesis.

Bitros, George C. (2020): Thinking ahead of the next big crash: Clues from Athens in classical times.

Bonpasse, Morrison (2007): The Single Global Currency - Common Cents for Business. Published in: IABE-2007 Proceedings , Vol. III, No. Number 1 (10 November 2007): pp. 46-54.

Bonpasse, Morrison (2008): The Single Global Currency - Common Cents for Commerce.

Bonpasse, Morrison (2007): The Single Global Currency - Common Cents for the World (2007 Edition). Published in:

Borda, Patrie and Gaumont, Damien and Manioc, Olivier (2011): Unions’ Coordination and the Central Banker’s behavior in a Monetary Union.

Bose, Sukanya (2005): Rural Credit in India in Peril.

Brooks, Robert and Harris, Mark and Spencer, Christopher (2007): An Inflated Ordered Probit Model of Monetary Policy: Evidence from MPC Voting Data.

Bruni, Franco and Lopez, Claude (2019): Monetary Policy and Financial System Resilience.

Buiter, Willem (2014): Central Banks: Powerful, Political and Unaccountable? Forthcoming in: Journal of the British Academy (2014)


CHAFIK, Omar (2018): Financial cycle and conduct of monetary policy: The amplifier/divider theory.

CHAFIK, Omar (2018): Financial cycle and conduct of monetary policy: The amplifier/divider theory.

CHAFIK, Omar (2019): Monetary policy in oil exporting countries with fixed exchange rate and open capital account: expectations matter.

Capazario, Michele (2022): Developing an Income-Distribution- Sensitive Taylor Rule: An Application to South Africa.

Cavalieri, Duccio (2009): Il capitalismo storico e la scelta di fondo odierna. Published in: Economia&politica online , Vol. 2009, No. October 31 (31 October 2009)

Cavalieri, Duccio (2015): Structural interdependence in monetary economics: theoretical assessment and policy implications.

Cawley, Cormac and Finnegan, Marie (2019): Transmission channels of central bank asset purchases in the Irish economy. Published in: Economies , Vol. 7, No. 4 (23 September 2019): pp. 1-25.

Chakraborty, Lekha S (2014): Macroeconomics of “NaMo” Budget 2014 in India. Published in: Yojana No. 2014 (2014)

Chakraborty, Lekha S (2014): Monetary Seigniorage in an Emerging Economy: Is there a scope for "free lunch" in financing public investment?

Challoumis, Constantinos (2025): The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Tools on Maximizing Returns in Equity Investment Decisions.

Challoumis, Constantinos (2024): Riding The Wave - How To Adapt To The Emerging Economy Fueled By AI Technology.

Cham, Yaya (2023): Monetary Approach to Balance of Payments: Empirical Evidence from ECOWAS Countries.

Cham, Yaya (2023): Inflation and Public Debt Reversals in the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) Economies.

Chan, Jenny and Diz, Sebastian and Kanngiesser, Derrick (2022): Energy Prices and Household Heterogeneity: Monetary Policy in a Gas-TANK.

Chan, Jenny and Diz, Sebastian and Kanngiesser, Derrick (2022): Energy Prices and Household Heterogeneity: Monetary Policy in a Gas-TANK.

Chang, Juin-Jen and Lai, Ching-Chong and Liao, Chih-Hsing (2017): Welfare Cost of Inflation: The Role of Price Markups and Increasing Returns to Production Specialization.

Chaouech, Olfa (2012): La politique de ciblage d'inflation: fondements théoriques et validation empirique.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2020): Ramsey Optimal Policy versus Multiple Equilibria with Fiscal and Monetary Interactions. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 1, No. 40 (5 February 2020): pp. 140-147.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2012): The failure of financial macroeconomics and what to do about it.

Chattopadhyay, Siddhartha (2019): The Neo-Fisherianism to Escape Zero Lower Bound.

Checo, Ariadne and Pradel, Salome and Ramirez, Francisco A. (2015): Measuring the Effects of the ‘Normalization’ of US Monetary Policy on Central America and the Dominican Republic.

Chen, Heng and Luo, Yulei and Pei, Guangyu (2015): Attention Misallocation, Social Welfare and Policy Implications.

Chen, Zhengyang (2019): The Long-term Rate and Interest Rate Volatility in Monetary Policy Transmission.

Chizonde, Bright (2016): The Macroeconomic Determinants of Economic Growth in Zambia: Do Copper prices matter?

Choudhary, M. Ali and Hanif, M. Nadim and Khan, Sajawal and Rehman, Muhammad (2010): Procyclical Monetary Policy and Governance.

Choudhury, Saswati (2004): Bane of rural credit market: presence of money lender or absence of structural synchronicity.

Chowdhury, Emon Kalyan (2024): Role of Stock Exchanges in Regional Economic Progress: A South Asia Perspective. Forthcoming in: Portfolio , Vol. 4, No. 36 (12 January 2025): pp. 10-22.

Cissé, Aboubakar Sidiki (2009): Faible financement bancaire dans la zone uemoa : une analyse des causes de ce mal récurrent.

Cortuk, Orcan (2018): Sweden's Trilemma Trade-offs.

Cortuk, Orcan and Singh, Nirvikar (2011): Turkey’s trilemma trade-offs: is there a role for reserves?

Costa Cabral, Nazare (2022): The European Monetary Integration Trap: incomplete sovereignty and the State-mimicking method.


D'Avino, Carmela and Lucchetta, Marcella (2010): Opacity of banks and runs with solvency.

Dachraoui, Hajer and Smida, Mounir (2014): La Mesure de la Fuite des Capitaux et son Impact sur l’Investissement Domestique : Cas des Pays Émergents.

Dai, Meixing (2011): Motivations and strategies for a real revaluation of the Yuan.

Daly, Hounaida and Smida, Mounir (2014): Fiscal Theory of Price Level. Published in: International Journal of Economics , Commerce and management , Vol. II, No. 11 (18 November 2014): pp. 1-22.

Daly, Hounaida and Smida, Mounir (2013): La coordination des politiques monétaire et budgétaire: Aperçu théorique.

Daly, Hounaida and Smida, Mounir (2013): La coordination des politiques monétaire et budgétaire: Aperçu théorique.

Daskovskiy, Vadim and Kiselyov, Vladimir (2013): О неоиндустриальной модели и стратегии развития экономики. Published in: Экономист (The Economist (Russian) No. 6 (June 2013): pp. 34-49.

Daskovskiy, Vadim and Kiselyov, Vladimir (2013): Основы новой стратегии, модели и политики неоиндустриальной реконструкции. Published in: Экономист (Economist (Russian) No. 1 (January 2014): pp. 32-49.

Daskovskiy, Vadim and Kiselyov, Vladimir (2014): Об управлении экономическим ростом и развитием. Published in: Инвестиции в России No. 2 (February 2014): pp. 3-14.

De Koning, Kees (2022): The risk of a recession period in the U.S. and the possible role of home equity.

De Koning, Kees (2014): About winners and losers: the Euro Area example.

De Koning, Kees (2014): Are financial markets fit for purpose?

De Koning, Kees (2016): Collective Household Economics: Why borrowers rather than banks should have been rescued!

De Koning, Kees (2015): Collective Household Economics: a Wake Up Call for Central Banks?

De Koning, Kees (2018): Conversion Theory: the key to understanding economic developments before and after the 2008 financial crisis.

De Koning, Kees (2013): Debt, equity and income: the limits to the freedom of choice in an economy.

De Koning, Kees (2015): Debts should come with a serious economic health warning!

De Koning, Kees (2013): Do savings promote or hamper economic growth? The Euro area example.

De Koning, Kees (2021): How can household wealth be used to stimulate economic growth. The Italian example.

De Koning, Kees (2017): How savings can lower economic growth levels: the U.S. case.

De Koning, Kees (2017): How the U.S. financial crisis could have been averted.

De Koning, Kees (2020): Inequality as a Source of Recessions and Poverty.

De Koning, Kees (2019): Pension savings: A key question about returns.

De Koning, Kees (2021): Quantitative Easing Home Equity An Alternative Economic Management Tool.

De Koning, Kees (2020): Rebuilding the European Union Economies after the corona virus pandemic: a new Country by Country Home Equity Release Method: (E.U.HERM).

De Koning, Kees (2020): Rebuilding the U.K.economy after the corona virus pandemic: a new Home Equity Release Method (U.K. HERM).

De Koning, Kees (2020): Savings; the least understood economic concept, the U.S. case.

De Koning, Kees (2020): Tessa: A new economic tool; A Temporary Equity Spend and Save Again system.

De Koning, Kees (2023): The U.K. and the Flow of Funds involving: the Bank of England, U.K. households and the U.K. Government.

De Koning, Kees (2020): U.K.’s economic variables over the last decade in the context of the current corona crisis.

De Koning, Kees (2021): The U.S. Great Recession Experience. The Reasons why Losses in Jobs and in Home Equity Savings reinforced each other.

De Koning, Kees (2015): The U.S. experience, Free markets in money: a contradiction in terms!

De Koning, Kees (2022): A U.S. home equity withdrawal scheme.

De Koning, Kees (2015): Wealth, incomes and debt: the blocked channels.

De Koning, Kees (2022): When savings are not counted as savings: The missed opportunity to use home equity to stimulate the U.S. economy.

De Koning, Kees (2017): Why it makes economic sense to help the have-nots in times of a financial crisis.

De Koning, Kees (2017): Why it makes economic sense to help the have-nots in times of a financial crisis.

De Koning, Kees (2014): The benign neglect of the individual households' equity crisis.

De Koning, Kees (2020): A different economic growth strategy for the U.S.

De Koning, Kees (2015): The evil force of borrowing and the weakness of Quantitative Easing.

De Koning, Kees (2016): The myth of economic growth in the United States.

De Koning, Kees (2021): A proposal to use two interest rates in the U.S.; the FED Funds Rate and the Economic Recovery Rate.

De Koning, Kees (2016): A review of the global financial crisis and its effects on U.S. working class households - a tale of vulnerability and neglect.

De Koning, Kees (2014): The savings depreciation factor and economic growth.

De Koning, Kees (2020): The unique benefits of a Tessa system: the U.S. case.

De Koning, Kees (2013): The world's dream, economic growth revisited.

Dehghan Nejad, Omid (2010): A Note on the Post-Revolution Iranian Economy and the Banking Sector. Published in: Middle Eastern Finance and Economics No. 6 : pp. 91-98.

Dehghan Nejad, Omid (2011): The review of financial repression policies and banking system in Iran. Forthcoming in: International Bulletin of Business Administration No. 11

Delis, Manthos (2020): Understanding helicopter money.

Delis, Manthos and Karavias, Yiannis (2013): Optimal versus realized bank credit risk and monetary policy.

Demachi, Kazue (2012): The effect of crude oil price change and volatility on Nigerian economy.

Demir, Ishak (2012): ECB Policy Response to the Euro/US Dollar Exchange Rate.

Dennery, Charles (2019): Monopsony with nominal rigidities: An inverted Phillips Curve. Published in: Economics Letters , Vol. 191, (June 2020)

Desai, Milinf (2010): An exploration of money & interest in the theory of value.

DiGabriele, Jim and Ojo, Marianne (2017): Chameleons in the midst of hawks: The real meaning to be attributed to the definition of fraud. Forthcoming in: Amazon Publications

DiGabriele, Jim and Ojo, Marianne (2017): The Efficiency Wage Hypothesis and monetary policy channels of transmission: developments and progress of Basel III leverage ratios. Forthcoming in: American Journal of Economics No. Special Issue Preserving Global Trade Relations: Impacts of Recent Global Developments (2018)

DiGabriele, Jim and Ojo, Marianne (2017): The efficiency wage hypothesis and the role of corporate governance in firm performance. Forthcoming in: IGI Global

DiGabriele, Jim and Ojo, Marianne (2017): The efficiency wage hypothesis and the role of corporate governance in firm performance. Forthcoming in: IGI Global

DiGabriele, Jim and Ojo, Marianne (2019): The wage growth puzzle and the Philips Curve explained: recent developments. Published in: Centre & Institute for Innovation and Sustainable Development Economic Review

Dmitriev, Mikhail and Hoddenbagh, Jonathan (2012): The optimal design of a fiscal union.

Douanla Tayo, Lionel (2014): Assessing the effect of monetary policy on economic growth in franc zone.

Douanla Tayo, Lionel (2015): Sigma-convergence des politiques budgétaires au sein des pays de la zone CEMAC.

Douch, Mohamed (2005): The macroeconomic effects of monetary policy and financial crisis.

Drescher, Christian (2011): Reviewing Excess Liquidity Measures - A Comparison for Asset Markets.

Drescher, Christian and Herz, Bernhard (2010): Measuring Monetary Conditions in US Asset Markets - A Market Specific Approach.

de Groot, Oliver and Haas, Alexander (2019): The Signalling Channel of Negative Interest Rates.



Eagle, David M. (2012): Nominal GDP targeting for a speedier economic recovery.

Ekizceleroglu, Caner (2015): Balonun İçinden.

Ekong, Christopher N. and Onye, Kenneth U. (2016): Essay on Stock Market Performance and Dynamic Reactions to Monetary Policy Shocks in Nigeria. Published in: International Journal of Commerce and Management Research , Vol. 2, No. 2 (February 2016): pp. 54-69.

Ekong, Christopher N. and Onye, Kenneth U. (2013): The Failure of the Monetary Exchange Rate Model for the Naira-Dollar. Published in: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES , Vol. 4, No. 1 (2013): pp. 8-19.

Ekong, Christopher N. and Onye, Kenneth U. (2013): Matching Credit with Season: An Issue for Non Performing Agricultural Loans in Nigeria. Published in: IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS) , Vol. 3, No. 2 (May 2013): pp. 48-63.

Ekong, Christopher N. and Onye, Kenneth U. (2012): On The Feasibility of a Common Currency in West Africa: Evidence from a Multivariate Structural VAR. Published in: Current Research Journal of Economic Theory , Vol. 4, No. 4 (September 2012): pp. 120-131.

Ekor, Maxwell and Adeniyi, Oluwatosin and Saka, Jimoh (2013): Central Bank Communication and Monetary Policy Effectiveness: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria. Published in: West African Journal of Monetary and Economic Integration , Vol. 13, No. No.1 (June 2013): pp. 118-152.

Ekor, Maxwell and Saka, Jimoh and Adeniyi, Oluwatosin (2014): Monetary Policy Committee and Monetary Policy Conduct in Nigeria: A Preliminary Investigation. Published in: Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development , Vol. 5, No. 3 (2014): pp. 132-144.

El Baz, Osama (2014): The Determinants of Inflation in Egypt: An Empirical Study (1991-2012).

Elasrag, Hussein (2014): دور أدوات الحوكمة في تنظيم الرقابة الشرعية و تطويرها.

Eryilmaz, Unal (2021): Enflasyonist Koşullarda Türkiye Ekonomisine İlişkin Bir Para Arzı Tahmini.

Evans, Olaniyi (2013): On the Causality between Domestic Credit Aggregates and Economic Growth in a Multivariate VAR Framework: Evidence from Nigeria.


FAKHRI, ISSAOUI (2016): Reflection Around the Reality of Long-run concept: application to Money Neutrality.

FIodendji, Komlan (2011): Should Canadian monetary policy respond to asset prices? Evidence from a structural model.

Fantazzini, Dean (2014): Editorial for the Special Issue on 'Computational Methods for Russian Economic and Financial Modelling'. Published in: International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics , Vol. 1-2, No. 4 (2014): pp. 1-3.

Fernandez, Julian (2020): Exchange Rate Uncertainty and the Interest Rate Parity.

Fiodendji, Komlan (2015): Que Nous Révèlent les Fonctions de Réaction à Propos des Préférences des Banques Centrales?

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الرسول, أد/ أحمد أبواليزيد and عبدالراضي, صابرين صبره and عون, أد/ عون خيرالله and عبدالرازق, د ياسمين صلاح (2019): أثر التضخم على النمو الاقتصادي بالقطاع الزراعي المصري. Published in: مجلة العلوم الزراعية والبيئية، كلية الزراعة، جامعة دمنهور , Vol. 18, No. 3 (December 2019)

الرسول, أد/ أحمد أبواليزيد and عبدالراضي, صابرين صبره and عون, أد/ عون خيرالله and عبدالرازق, د ياسمين صلاح (2019): أثر التضخم على النمو الاقتصادي بالقطاع الزراعي المصري. Published in: مجلة العلوم الزراعية والبيئية، كلية الزراعة، جامعة دمنهور , Vol. 18, No. 3 (December 2019): pp. 44-65.

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