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Items where Subject is "F17 - Trade Forecasting and Simulation"

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Number of items at this level: 182.


Abban, Stanley and Ofori-Abebrese, Grace (2019): The Prospect Of ECOWAS Currency Union On Intra-Regional Trade.

Ahmadzadeh Mashinchi, Sina (2010): The impact of the global economic crisis on non-oil operations of ports in Iran. Published in: Middle East Journal of Scientific Research (ISI Indexed) , Vol. 9, No. 5 (15 November 2011): pp. 596-601.

Ahmed, Saira and Ahmed, Vaqar and Sohail, Safdar (2010): Trade agreements between developing countries: a case study of Pakistan - Sri Lanka free trade agreement.

Ahmed, Shahid (2010): India-Korea CEPA: Potentials and Realities.

Aiello, Francesco and Bonanno, Graziella and Via, Alessia (2014): Do export price elasticities support tensions in currency markets? Evidence from China and six OECD countries.

Ajmani, Manmeet (2023): Examining the interplay between agri-food and trade competitiveness: A review of literature.

Ali, Ashfaque (2017): A CGE Analysis of Pakistan-Turkey Free Trade Agreement.

Alim Rosyadi, Saiful and Widodo, Tri (2017): Impacts of Donald Trump’s Tariff Increase against China on Global Economy: Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) Model.

Aliyu, Shehu Usman Rano (2008): Exchange Rate Volatility and Export Trade in Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation.

Alleyne, Antonio and Lorde, Troy and Moore, Winston (2022): The practicality of regional import substitution as a strategy for sustainable development in the Caribbean. Published in: Trade and development issues in CARICOM: Key considerations for navigating development : pp. 56-71.

Amiri, Arshiya (2011): Relationship between exports, imports, and economic growth in France (1990-2018).

Arce, Rafael de and Mahia, Ramón (2004): Estimación Analítica de los efectos de la creación de un área de libre comercio agrícola entre la UE y Marruecos. Published in: Información Comercial Española ICE , Vol. 819, (December 2004): pp. 191-210.

Arce, Rafael de and Mahia, Ramón (2000): A Euro-Mediterranean Agricultural Trade Agreement: Benefits for the South and Costs for the EU.

Aristovnik, Aleksander and Matevz, Meze (2009): The Economic and Monetary Union’s effect on (international) trade: the case of Slovenia before euro adoption.

Ayodele Idowu, Mr (2021): Econometric Modelling and Forecasting Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in Nigeria: ARIMA Model Approach.

Ayoki, Milton (2013): Computable General Equilibrium Micro Simulation Analysis of the Impact of Trade Policies on Poverty in Uganda. Published in:

Ayoki, Milton (2013): Pursuing a pro-poor trade liberalization agenda: Regionalism, multilateralism and poverty in Uganda. Published in:

Ayoki, Milton (2013): Trade Policies and Poverty in Uganda: A Computable General Equilibrium Micro Simulation Analysis. Published in:

Ayyub, Salahuddin (2012): Indo-China trade relations:present trends and future prospects. Published in: Iqra International Management Journal , Vol. 1, No. 1 (July 2012): pp. 34-51.

Ayyub, Salahuddin and Manral, Prerana (2017): A partial equilibrium analysis of India's agricultural export to GCC: looking beyond the status quo(2009-2015). Published in: International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research , Vol. 8, No. 7 (July 2017): pp. 40-61.


BANGA, RASHMI (2019): CPTPP: Implications for Malaysia’s Merchandise Trade Balance.

Bakari, Sayef and Khalfallah, Sirine and Zidi, Ahmed (2020): The Determinants of Agricultural Exports: Empirical Validation for the Case of Tunisia.

Banga, Rashmi (2017): Critique of Impact Assessment of Regional Trade Agreements using Non-Tariff Measures.

Banga, Rashmi (2019): Modelling Impact of Moratorium on Electronic Transmissions using CGE: A Critique.

Barón Ortegón, Brayan Alexander (2018): Cointegration of Economic growth and External balance in Colombia: 1963-2016.

Bayari, Celal (2020): The Neoliberal Globalization Link to the Belt and Road Initiative: The State and State-Owned-Enterprises in China [alternative title: Bilateral and Multilateral Dualities of the Chinese State in the Construction of the Belt and Road Initiative].

Beltramo, Theresa (2010): Changes in Bilateral Trade Costs between European Union Member States & Major Trading Partners: An Empirical Analysis from 1989 - 2006.

Ben Hammouda, Hakim and Oulmane, Nassim and Bchir, Hédi and Sadni Jallab, Mustapha (2006): The Cost of non-Maghreb: Achieving the Gains from Economic Integration. Published in: Journal of Economic Integration , Vol. 22, No. 3 (September 2007)

Benkovskis, Konstantins (2005): Econometric analysis and forecasting of Latvia's balance of payments.

Bista, Raghu (2019): Future Connectivity Chinese One Belt, One Road: Prospects and Implications to Nepal. Published in: The Journal of Economic Concerns , Vol. 10, No. 1 (1 January 2019): pp. 1-16.

Bitan Mondal, Bitan Mondal and Smita Sirohi, Smita Sirohi and Vishal Thorat, Vishal Thorat (2012): Impact of ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement on Indian Dairy Trade: A Quantitative Approach.

Bos, Frits and Teulings, Coen (2013): Short and long-term forecasting by the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB): science, witchcraft, or practical tool for policy? Published in: OECD Journal on Budgeting , Vol. 1, No. 2013 (2013): pp. 45-56.

Boussard, Jean-Marc (2006): Consequences of price volatility in evaluating the benefits of liberalisation.


Cadogan, Godfrey (2010): Modeling And Forecasting Imported Japanese Parts Content Of US Transplants: An Error Correction And State Space Approach.

Camlica, Ferhat and Orman, Cuneyt and Payzanoglu, Durukan and Yucel, Eray (2012): Southeastern Europe: post-crisis prospects and risks.

Carolan, Terrie and Mora, Jesse and Singh, Nirvikar (2012): Trade Dynamics in the East Asian Miracle: A Time Series Analysis of U.S.-East Asia Commodity Trade, 1962-1992.

Carrera, Jorge Eduardo and Cicowiez, Martín and Lacunza, Hernán and Saavedra, Marcelo (2005): Interdependencia y regímenes cambiarios en Mercosur: un modelo macroeconómico de equilibrio general computado para su medición.

Cassoni, Adriana and Flores, Manuel (2008): Methodological shortcomings in estimating Armington elasticities.

Castro, Lucio and Olarreaga, Marcelo and Saslavsky, Daniel (2006): The impact of trade with China and India on Argentina’s manufacturing employment.

Cernat, Lucian and Onguglo, Bonapas and Ito, Taisuke (2007): RTAs and WTO compatibility: Catch me if you can? The case of EPA negotiations.

Chandran, B.P. Sarath (2018): India in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) – Need for Caution. Published in: INDIA FOUNDATION JOURNAL , Vol. VI, No. 1 (10 January 2018): pp. 43-53.

Chisari, Omar O. and Maquieyra, Javier and Romero, Carlos A. (2009): Liberalization of trade in services: A CGE analysis for Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.

Costantiello, Alberto and Laureti, Lucio and Leogrande, Angelo (2021): Estimation and Machine Learning Prediction of Imports of Goods in European Countries in the Period 2010-2019.

Cotter, John and Bredin, Don (2005): Volatility and Irish Exports.

Cunedioglu, Ekrem and Yucel, Eray (2011): Does every stone fall in the same way? new gravity evidence on world trade.


Das, Gouranga (2009): How does trade-mediated technology transfer affect interregional and intersectoral competition? Exploring multi-sectoral effects in a global trade model. Published in: African Journal of Business Management , Vol. 5, No. 14 (1 April 2011): pp. 5871-5886.

Das, Gouranga Gopal and Alavalapati, Janaki (2001): Trade-mediated biotechnology transfer and its effective absorption: an application to the U.S. forestry sector. Published in: Technological forecasting and Social Change , Vol. 70, No. 6 (1 July 2003): pp. 545-562.

Diakantoni, Antonia and Escaith, Hubert (2012): Reassessing effective protection rates in a trade in tasks perspective: Evolution of trade policy in "Factory Asia".

Dmitriy, Skrypnik and Marina, Shakleina (2019): Counter sanctions and well-being population of Russia: econometric analyses.

Dogaru, Vasile (2007): Algorithm of Monetary Exchange in Manoilescu Generalised Scheme. Published in: ANNALS of the ORADEA UNIVERSITY, Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering , Vol. 1, No. Volume VI (XVI) (May 2007): pp. 2549-2557.

Dogaru, Vasile (2007): Trade Costs Algorithm in Manoilescu Generalised Scheme. Published in: ANNALS of the ORADEA UNIVERSITY, Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering , Vol. 1, No. Volume VI (XVI) (May 2007): pp. 2558-2571.

Drobot, Elena and Kristina, Ilyasova (2016): Анализ условий внешней торговли России.


Eita, Joel Hinaunye and Jordaan, Andre C. (2007): ESTIMATING THE TOURISM POTENTIAL IN NAMIBIA.

El Aynaoui, Karim and Ibourk, Aomar (2014): Les déterminants des exportations du Maroc : une investigation empirique sur données de panel.

Eromenko, Igor (2011): Accession to the WTO. Computable General Equilibrium Analysis: the Case of Ukraine. Published in: Lambert Academic Publishing No. ISBN 978-3-8433-9100-9 (2011)

Eromenko, Igor (2010): Accession to the WTO. Computable General Equilibrium Analysis: the Case of Ukraine. Part I. Published in: Ventus Publishing ApS No. ISBN 978-87-7681-664-3 (2010)

Eromenko, Igor (2010): Accession to the WTO. Computable General Equilibrium Analysis: the Case of Ukraine. Part II. Published in: Ventus Publishing ApS No. ISBN 978-87-7681-667-4 (2010)

Eromenko, Igor (2002): EU Enlargement to the East and its Impact on Non-accessing Countries, Applied General Equilibrium Analysis. Published in: Journal of European Economy , Vol. 1, No. 3 (December 2002): pp. 279-296.

Eromenko, Igor and Mankovska, Nadiya and Dean, James W (2003): Will WTO membership really improve market access for Ukrainian exports? Published in: "Ukraine’s WTO Accession: Challenges for Domestic Economic Reforms" Ihor Burakovsky, Lars Handrich, Lutz Hoffmann (Ed.) No. Hidelberg, Physica-Verlaf (2003): pp. 167-188.

Eruygur, H. Ozan and Cakmak, Erol H. (2005): trade implications of extending the turkey-eu customs union agreement to agricultural products.

Ervani, Eva and Widodo, Tri and M. Purnawan, Edhie (2018): East Asia’s Pattern of Export Specialization: Does Indonesia Compete with Japan, China, Hong Kong, Korea and Singapore?


Fuenfzig, Michael (2016): A Quantitative Assessment of the Proposed China-Georgia Free Trade Agreement.


G.K., Chetan Kumar and K.B., Rangappa and S., Suchitra (2022): American bilateral trade with emerging economies and its influence on world economic recovery post Covid-19: Analysis through VECM. Published in: Theoretical and Applied Economics , Vol. XXIX, No. No. 4(633) (22 December 2022): pp. 41-56.

GUEI, KORE MARC ANTOINE (2017): Revenue, Welfare and Trade Effects of European Union Free Trade Agreement on South Africa. Published in: South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences , Vol. 20, No. 1 (25 October 2017)

Gallego, Oscar D (2005): The Day �of� The� Week Effect in the Colombia Stock Exchange. Published in:

George, Clive and Miles, Oliver and Prud'homme, Dan (2010): The Impacts of the Proposed EU-Libya Trade Agreement. Published in: IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook No. Med. 2010 (November 2010): pp. 232-236.

Gharleghi, Behrooz and Popov, Vladimir (2018): Changes in the geographical structure of trade in Central Asia: Real flows in the 1989-2016 period versus gravity model predictions. Published in: Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute

Grilli, Luca and Santoro, Domenico (2020): Dualism in Bitcoin Dynamics: existence of an Upper Bound in Poincaré Recurrence Theorem for Deterministic vs Stochastic Behavior.

Grilli, Luca and Santoro, Domenico (2020): Generative Adversarial Network for Market Hourly Discrimination.

Grilli, Luca and Santoro, Domenico (2020): How Boltzmann Entropy Improves Prediction with LSTM.

Gács, János (1994): The Economic Interpenetration Between the EC and Eastern Europe: The Case of Hungary. Published in: IIASA Working Paper No. WP-94-043 (June 1994): pp. 1-59.


Hadjinikolov, Dimitar (2012): Bulgaria - EU: Dynamics of Approximation in Export Specialization. Published in: Economic Alternatives No. Issue 1, 2012 (March 2012): pp. 38-46.

Hajkowicz, Stefan and Bratanova, Alexandra and Schleiger, Emma and Brosnan, A (2020): Global trade and investment megatrends. Published in:

Harin, Alexander (2009): General correcting formula of forecasting?

Hegadekatti, Kartik and S G, Yatish (2017): The Programmable Economy: Envisaging an Entire Planned Economic System as a Single Computer through Blockchain Networks. Published in: Economic Growth eJournal , Vol. 09, No. 58 (11 July 2017)

Hossain, Md Ekram and Dechun, Huang and Quangdung, Tran (2012): Textile and Apparel Market Segmentation in China. Published in: The 11th conference of International Federation of East Asian management Associations, Nanjing, China , Vol. 02, No. 01 (12 October 2012): pp. 144-152.

haider, salman and Adil, Masudul hasan (2017): An Analysis of Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on the Indian Manufacturing Exports. Published in: The Empirical Economics Letters , Vol. 16, No. 12 (15 December 2017): pp. 1375-1382.

haq wani, Nassir ul and dhami, Jasdeep kaur (2016): India's merchandise trade with China: growth, prospects and future potential?


Indriya, Soca and Widodo, Tri (2011): Do Pollution Havens Exist? Evidence from East Asia.

Itakura, Ken and Lee, Hiro (2023): Should the United States Rejoin the Trans-Pacific Trade Deal? Published in: International Economics and Economic Policy , Vol. 20, No. 2 (May 2023): pp. 235-255.

Itakura, Ken and Lee, Hiro (2021): Should the United States Rejoin the Trans-Pacific Trade Deal? Published in: International Economics and Economic Policy , Vol. 20, (May 2023): pp. 235-255.


J., Julio (2019): Brexit trade impacts' and Mercosur's negotiations with Europe. Published in: Journal of World Trade , Vol. Vol 53, No. Issue 3 (2019): pp. 343-372.

Jacob, Arun and Graham, Louis and Moller, Anders K (2017): Implications of Brexit to the Asia-Pacific region: with a focus on least developed countries. Published in: United Nations ESCAP Trade Insight No. 20 (3 March 2017)


Khadan, Jeetendra and Hosein, Roger (2014): Trade, Economic and Welfare impacts of the CARICOM-Canada Free Trade Agreement.

Khan, Md. Tareq Ferdous and Kundu, Nobinkhor (2012): Future Contribution of Export and Import to GDP in Bangladesh: A Box-Jenkins Approach. Published in: The Journal of Comilla University , Vol. 1, No. 1 (30 June 2012): pp. 1-8.

Kirkpatrick, Colin and Raihan, Selim and Bleser, Adam and Prud'homme, Dan and Mayrand, Karel and Morin, Jean Frederic and Pollitt, Hector and Hinojosa, Leonith and Williams, Michael (2011): Trade sustainability impact assessment (SIA) on the comprehensive economic and trade agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada: Final report. Published in: European Commission Trade Assessments (September 2011)

Klein, Martin (2007): Ein Input-Output-Ansatz für die Außenhandelstheorie.


Lago-Peñas, Santiago and Prada, Albino and Sánchez, Patricio (2012): Sobre los determinantes de la propensión exportadora de las empresas: ¿Qué nos dicen los datos?

Latorre, María C. and Yonezawa, Hidemichi (2017): Stopped TTIP? Its potential impact on the world and the role of neglected FDI.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2014): On the winning virtuous strategies for ultra high frequency electronic trading in foreign currencies exchange markets.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2014): On the winning virtuous strategies for ultra high frequency electronic trading in foreign currencies exchange markets.

Lee, Hiro (2001): General equilibrium evaluation of Japan-Singapore free trade agreement. Published in: P. Drysdale and K. Ishigaki (eds.), East Asian Trade and Financial Integration: New Issues. (2002): pp. 110-126.

Lee, Hiro and Roland-Holst, David and van der Mensbrugghe, Dominique (2002): Emergent trilateralism in the Pacific Basin: How should China, Japan, and the United States respond to regional trade initiatives?

Lee, Hiro and Woodall, Brian (1998): Political feasibility and empirical assessments of a Pacific free trade area. Published in: In: H. Lee and D. W. Roland-Holst (eds.), Economic Development and Cooperation in the Pacific Basin (September 1998): pp. 160-198.

Lee, Hiro and van der Mensbrugghe, Dominique (2006): Deep integration and its impacts on non-members: EU enlargement and East Asia. Published in: In: M. G. Plummer and E. Jones (eds.), International Economic Integration and Asia (March 2006): pp. 213-241.

Lee, Hiro and van der Mensbrugghe, Dominique (2008): Regional integration, sectoral adjustments and natural groupings in East Asia. Published in: International Journal of Applied Economics , Vol. 5, No. 2 (September 2008): pp. 57-79.

Lee, Hiro and van der Mensbrugghe, Dominique (2005): The impact of the US safeguard measures on Northeast Asian producers: General equilibrium assessments. Published in: In: H. Lee, E. D. Ramstetter, and O. Movshuk (eds.), Restructuring of the Steel Industry in Northeast Asia (February 2005): pp. 152-176.

Lence, Sergio and Moschini, Giancarlo and Santeramo, Fabio Gaetano (2017): Threshold cointegration and spatial price transmission when expectations matter. Forthcoming in: Agricultural Economics

León, Sonia M. and Roitman, Mauricio E. and Romero, Carlos A. (2008): Acceso al mercado de productos lácteos de Europa: Un análisis de equilibrio parcial para evaluar las potenciales ganancias de los exportadores argentinos.

Li, Yao Amber (2010): International Trade, Technology Diffusion, and the Role of Diffusion Barriers.

Lord, Montague (2001): Economic Impact and Implications for Jordan of the U.S.–Jordan Free Trade Agreement.

Lord, Montague (1999): The Elasticities Approach to Egypt’s Balance of Payments and Equilibrium Exchange Rate.

Lord, Montague (2002): Jordan and the WTO Government Procurement Agreement: An Economic Impact Assessment.

Lord, Montague (2008): Moving towards a Common External Tariff Regime in ASEAN.

Lord, Montague (2009): Prospects for Decoupling in Asia’s Growth Model.

Lord, Montague (2000): Viet Nam: Small Scale Technical assistance for Capacity Building of Ministry of Finance to Support Tariff, Industry and Subsidy Analysis for the WTO Accession.

Lord, Montague (2004): Partial-Equilibrium and Industrial-Shift Analysis of the U.S.–Colombia FTA.

Lord, Montague (2005): Viet Nam: Small Scale Technical assistance for Capacity Building of Ministry of Finance to Support Tariff, Industry and Subsidy Analysis for the WTO Accession.

Lord, Montague (2002): Vietnam’s Export Competitiveness: Trade and Macroeconomic Policy Linkages.

Lord, Montague and Ahmadov, Vugar (2008): Azerbaijan’s WTO Accession Process and Its Potential Impact on Vulnerable Non-Competitive Segments of the Economy.

Lord, Montague and Chang, Susan (2018): Pre-Feasibility Study of Sabah-North Kalimantan Cross-Border Value Chains.

Lord, Montague and Chang, Susan (2019): Pre-Feasibility Study of Sarawak-West Kalimantan Cross-Border Value Chains.

Lorde, Troy and Alleyne, Antonio and Hosein, Roger and Yifei, Mu (2019): Should the Caribbean Look to the East? An Assessment of Caribbean Export Potential. Forthcoming in: The International Trade Journal


Maiorova, Ksenia and Fokin, Nikita (2020): Наукастинг темпов роста стоимостных объемов экспорта и импорта по товарным группам.

Mashal, Khalid Ahmad and Rasa, Muhammad Mirwais (2022): Impact of Cultural, Economic and Political Factors on FDI and Trade Scenario:Empirical evidence from Afghanistan.

Matyas, Laszlo and Balazsi, Laszlo (2011): The estimation of three-dimensional fixed effects panel data models.

Matyas, Laszlo and Hornok, Cecilia and Pus, Daria (2012): The formulation and estimation of random effects panel data models of trade.

Mazurek, Jiri (2014): The Flow Model of Exports: An Introduction.

Montalbano, Pierluigi (2006): The European Neighborhood policy: towards a new EU-MED partnership? Published in: EIU WP Law , Vol. 21, (2007): pp. 45-64.

Moreira, Paulo (2013): The Maritime Chain as a Complex Adaptive System.

Morgenroth, Edgar (2019): Brexit Impacts: Opportunities for German-Irish Trade.

mahmood, Hamid mahmood and gul, Sidra gul (2014): Assessing the impact of fta: a case study of pakistan- malaysia fta. Published in: Global Journal of Economics , Vol. Vol. 3, No. Bilateral FTA case study and trade liberalization (2014): pp. 5-21.


Nahmadova, Firuza (2021): Azerbaijan's integration in the BRI Middle Corridor: Is WTO accession needed. Published in: Baku Research Institute

Nizar, Muhammad Afdi and Wibowo, Heru (2007): ANALISIS POLA PERDAGANGAN INDONESIA DENGAN BEBERAPA NEGARA ASIA : PENDEKATAN INTRA-INDUSTRY TRADE (IIT). Published in: Kajian Ekonomi dan Keuangan , Vol. 11, No. 1 (March 2007)

Nogues, Julio (2018): Brexit trade impacts and Mercosur's negotiations with Europe.

Nugraheni, Reninta Dewi and Widodo, Tri (2018): The Impact of ASEAN’S FTAs with China, Japan, Korea and Australia-New Zealand: An Analysis in GTAP Framework.


Ofei, Edmund Okraku (2016): Trade Liberalization and Export Competitiveness: Evidence from the EU-ECOWAS Trade.

Ojo, Marianne (2019): The future of UK Carbon pricing: Artificial Intelligence and the Emissions Trading System. Published in: Centre and Institute for Innovation and Sustainable Development Economic Review

Olkhov, Victor (2023): Economic complexity limits accuracy of price probability predictions by gaussian distributions.


Papa, Javier and et., al. (2016): Forecasting Trade Deflators In Ireland. Published in: Ireland's Department of Finance - Technical Notes Series 12/2016 (December 2016)

Pimentel-Prenio, Ann and Ravago, Majah-Leah V. and Medalla, Erlinda (2007): THE AFTA-CEPT and the ASEAN-China Early Harvest Program: An Assessment of Potential Short-run Impact.

Pohit, Sanjib and Chadha, Rajesh and Pratap, Devender and Ghosh, B. K. (1999): Validating Prediction of a CGE Model of India: An Introspection. Published in: Journal of quantitative economics: (July 1999)

Popov, Sergey V. and Wiczer, David G. (2009): Equilibrium sovereign default with endogenous exchange rate depreciation.


Raihan, Selim (2011): Economic Corridors in South Asia: Exploring the Benefits of Market Access and Trade Facilitation. Forthcoming in:

Raihan, Selim (2011): Economic Reforms and Agriculture in Bangladesh: Assessment of Impacts using Economy-wide Simulation Models.

Raihan, Selim (2011): Employment Effects of FTA Agreements: The Perspectives from Bangladesh.

Raihan, Selim (2017): Enhanced Regional Economic Cooperation through Dealing with NTMs in the BBIN Sub-Region in South Asia: A Political Economy Approach.

Raihan, Selim (2010): Global Financial Crisis, Remittances, Exports and Poverty in Bangladesh.

Raihan, Selim (2012): Implications of the global economic crisis for the Bangladesh economy. Forthcoming in:

Raihan, Selim (2009): India’s PTAs and their Economic Impacts: Quantitative Assessments using a Partial Equilibrium Modeling Framework.

Raihan, Selim (2008): Rules of Origin and Sensitive List under SAFTA and Bilateral FTAs among South Asian Countries: Quantitative Assessments of Potential Implications for Nepal.

Raihan, Selim (2012): SAFTA and the South Asian Countries: Quantitative Assessments of Potential Implications.

Raihan, Selim (2014): South-South Trade: A Quantitative Assessment.

Raihan, Selim and Khondker, Bazlul Haque (2010): Doha Round Impacts on India: A Study in a Sequential Dynamic CGE Framework.

Raihan, Selim and Razzaque, Mohammad A (2007): WTO and regional trade negotiation outcomes: quantitative assessments of potential implications on Bangladesh. Published in: (June 2007)

Raihan, Selim and Razzaque, Mohammad A and Laurent, Edwin (2007): Economic Partnership Agreements: Assessing Potential Implications from Some Alternative Scenarios. Published in: Bilateralism and Development Emerging Trade Patterns No. Book Chapter. Published by Cameron May Ltd, London (2008)

Raihan, Selim and Razzaque, Mohammad A. (2020): Towards A Bi-lateral FTA with China: Potential Implications and Negotiation Strategies for Bangladesh.

Roesmara Donna, Duddy and Widodo, Tri and Adiningsih, Sri (2018): Do RTAs Increase Bilateral Trade in the MENA Region?

Roesmara Donna, Duddy and Widodo, Tri and Adiningsih, Sri (2018): Does Democracy Increase Bilateral Trade in MENA Region?

Roesmara Donna, Duddy and Widodo, Tri and Adiningsih, Sri (2017): Pattern of Comparative Advantage in Middle East and North Africa (MENA).

Rusali, Mirela-Adriana (2015): Dynamics and performances in the international trade of Romania’s agri-food products, by the processing level. Published in: Agricultural Economics and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania , Vol. 6, No. ISSN 2285–6803 ISSN-L 2285–6803 (20 November 2015): pp. 17-22.


Santeramo, Fabio Gaetano and Miljkovic, Dragan and Lamonaca, Emilia (2021): Agri-food trade and climate change. Forthcoming in: Economia Agroalimentare / Food Economy

Setyastuti, Rini and Adiningsih, Sri and Widodo, Tri (2018): ASEAN Economic Community: Theoretical versus Practical Economic Integration.

Setyastuti, Rini and Adiningsih, Sri and Widodo, Tri (2018): The Dynamics of Comparative Advantage in the ASEAN Region.

Setyastuti, Rini and Adiningsih, Sri and Widodo, Tri (2018): The Role of Governance Quality in Increasing Intra-ASEAN Trade.

Shikher, Serge (2009): International production, technology diffusion, and trade.

Shingal, Anirudh (2007): Examining responsiveness of India’s trade flows to exchange rate movements.

Skribans, Valerijs (2011): Development of System Dynamic Model of Latvia’s Economic Integration in the EU. Published in: Proceedings of the 29th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society (2011): pp. 1-16.

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Soliman, Ibrahim and Bassiony, Hala (2012): Egyptian Agricultural Exports Competitiveness. Published in: Quarterly review Of the Egyptian Society of Political Economy Statistics and Legislation , Vol. 103, No. 505 (18 October 2012)

Stojcic, Nebojsa (2020): Učinci pandemije Covid-19 na izvoznu konkurentnost poduzeća prerađivačke industrije u Hrvatskoj. Published in: Economic Thought and Practice , Vol. 29, No. 2 (December 2020): pp. 347-365.

Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms.Amber (2010): Factors affecting the decision making of out-sourcing in textile in Pakistan.


Tkachuk, Oleksandr and Popko, Denis (2007): On the patterns of trade convergence in European transition countries.

To, Minh Thu and Lee, Hiro (2014): Assessing the impacts of deeper trade reform in Vietnam in a general equilibrium framework. Published in: Journal of Southeast Asian Economies , Vol. 32, No. 1 (April 2015): pp. 140-162.


Verico, Kiki (2017): Indonesia towards 2030 and beyond: A Long-Run International Trade Foresight.

Vinokurov, Evgeny (2012): EDB Eurasian Integration Yearbook 2012. Published in:


Wang, Junbo and Ma, Zhenyu and Fan, Xiayang (2023): We are all in the same boat: The welfare and carbon abatement effects of the EU carbon border adjustment mechanism.

Widodo, Tri (2007): “Flying Geese” Paradigm: Review, Analytical Tool and Application. Published in:

Widodo, Tri (2009): Inter- and Intra-ASEAN Regional Trade.

Widodo, Tri (2009): Modified Grubel-Lloyd Index: Intra-industry Trade and Intra-regional Trade in East Asia.

Widodo, Tri (2008): “Products Mapping” and Dynamic Shift in the Patterns of Comparative Advantage: Could India catch up China? Published in: HUE Journal of Economics and Business , Vol. 31, No. 2 (30 September 2008): pp. 51-78.

Widodo, Tri and Setyastuti, Rini and Adiningsih, Sri (2018): “Flying Geese” Paradigm: Review, Analytical Tool, and Application.

Willenbockel, Dirk (2014): Computable General Equilibrium Simulations of the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Free Trade Agreement.

Willenbockel, Dirk (2009): From overhang to hangover: consequences of protectionist responses to the global crisis for low-income countries.

Willenbockel, Dirk (2013): General Equilibrium Assessment of the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite FTA.

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Willenbockel, Dirk (2006): Structural Effects of a Real Exchange Rate Revaluation in China: A CGE Assessment.

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Zaman, Gheorghe and Georgescu, George (2016): Stabilitatea financiară a României. Determinanți și proiecții pentru următoarele două decenii. Published in:

Zhou, Jing and Latorre, María C. (2013): The impact of FDI on the production networks between China and East Asia and the role of the U.S. and ROW as final markets.

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