Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "K2 - Regulation and Business Law"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 315.


Abozaid, Abdulazeem (2012): قراءة فقهية نقدية للمعايير الشرعية في المختلط حلالا وحراما. Published in: Al-Tajdid Journal, International Islamic Univeristy Malaysia , Vol. 15, No. 31 (2012)

Abozaid, Abdulazeem (2016): أثر تغير قيمة العملة الحاد في وفاء الديون. Published in: Al-Tajdid , Vol. 20, No. 40 (2016): pp. 195-215.

Abozaid, Abdulazeem (2013): الأزمة المعرفية للاقتصاد الإسلامي تشخيص حالة التمويل الإسلامي. Published in: Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics , Vol. 26, (2013): pp. 75-103.


Georgieva, Kalina and Marinov, Eduard (2015): Отворен достъп – дефиниции, правна уредба, предимства. Published in: Education and Research in the Information Society No. ISSN 1314-0752 (May 2015): pp. 265-275.

Krastev, Vladislav (2015): Конфликтът на интереси в частния сектор. Published in: Проучвания по Стопанска история на социално-икономическата сфера в Югозападна България (2015): pp. 254-262.


Ajayi, Temitope Abraham (2021): Democratic Government, Corruption Control, and Economic Development: Evidence from Nigeria with Cointegration Approach. Published in: European Journal of Business and Management , Vol. 13, No. 15 (31 August 2021): pp. 1-12.

Alqatawni, Tahsen (2013): The Impact of the Dodd-Frank Act on Small Banks. Published in: Social Science Research Network , Vol. 10, No. 2347812 (30 October 2013): pp. 1-10.

Amaya Muñoz, Wilson Enrique and Barón Ortegón, Brayan Alexander and Páramo Herrera, Isis Catalina (2016): The role of innovation transfer mechanisms in economic development: perspectives and legal approach. Published in: Revista Justicia y Derecho , Vol. 3, (December 2015): pp. 7-16.

Anton, Roman (2016): On the Future Advances in Engineering and In-Vitro Culture of Human Embryos. Forthcoming in: Open Science , Vol. 3, No. 1 (18 May 2016): pp. 1-13.

Apostolache, Mihai (2015): The review of constitutional norms concerning local public administration in the view of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission). Published in: Journal of Law and Administrative Sciences (JOLAS) , Vol. 1, No. 3 (5 March 2015): pp. 105-111.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Green, Kesten C. and Graefe, Andreas (2014): Golden Rule of Forecasting: Be conservative.

Awdeh, Ali and EL-Moussawi, Chawki and Machrouh, Fouad (2011): The Effect of Capital Requirements on Banking Risk. Published in: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics No. 66 (2011): pp. 133-146.

Ayadi, Felix and Ojo, Marianne (2013): Central bank independence: monetary policies in selected jurisdictions (II).

Azaguagh, Ismail and Driouchi, Ahmed (2018): Understanding Commons and Anticommons in different economic contexts.

Azham, Ali and Teck Heang, Lee and Yusof, Nor Zalina and Ojo, Marianne (2007): Development of auditing in Malaysia: legal, political and historical influences. Published in: IGI Global (2016)

Babacan, Mehmet (2012): The Nature of Lobbying and Regulation in Turkey. Published in: Afro Eurasian Studies , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2012): pp. 173-194.

Barnes, Paul (2021): The use of contracts for difference (‘CFD’) spread bets and binary options (‘forbin’) to trade foreign exchange (‘forex’) commodities, and stocks and shares in volatile financial markets.

Bayari, Celal (2015): Economic Geography of the Australian Mining Industry. Published in: Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie , Vol. 107, No. 5 (1 December 2016): pp. 552-566.

Bayari, Celal (2010): Japanese Manufacturers in Australia: Analysing Their Quality Evaluation and Employee Participation. Published in: Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Administrative Science Proceedings , Vol. 13, (12 October 2010): pp. 369-374.

Bayari, Celal (2020): The Neoliberal Globalization Link to the Belt and Road Initiative: The State and State-Owned-Enterprises in China [alternative title: Bilateral and Multilateral Dualities of the Chinese State in the Construction of the Belt and Road Initiative].

Bayari, Celal (2012): The Origin of Minimum Wage Determination in Australia: The Political and Legal Institutions. Published in: Journal of Global Politics , Vol. 5, No. 1 (1 December 2012): pp. 163-198.

Bayari, Celal (2020): South Korean Economy and the Free Trade Agreement with China. Published in: The Journal of East Asian Affairs , Vol. 33, No. 1 (30 July 2020): pp. 89-122.

Berceanu, Ionut Bogdan and Cărăușan, Mihaela Victorita (2016): Monitoring the Anti-Crisis Measures in Romania through RIA Instruments. Published in: Dogaru T. , Cărăușan M. V., Peculea - Dumitrescu A., Berceanu I.B. (eds.). Re(forming) Public Administration Paradigms in Global Governance Context, Economica Publishing House, Bucharest , Vol. 1, No. ISBN 978-973-709-805-4 (2016): pp. 81-90.

Bonardi, Jean-Philippe and Urbiztondo, Santiago and Quelin, Bertrand (2008): The political economy of international regulatory convergence in public utilities.

Bostan, Ionel (2024): An Editorial Endeavor on Taxes and Duties: Legal Approaches to the Romanian Fiscal System.

Cave, Jonathan and Marsden, Christopher (2008): Quis custodiet ipsos custodies in the Internet: self-regulation as a threat and a promise.

Cebula, Richard and Toma, Michael (2006): Determinants of Interstate Differentials in the Real Median Price of Single Family Homes. Published in: REview of Business Research , Vol. 7, No. 4 (15 October 2007): pp. 25-30.

Chen, Yongmin and Sappington, david (2016): An Optimal Rule for Patent Damages Under Sequential Innovation.

Cherevykov, Ievgen (2013): Institutional environment for public-private partnership in Ukraine:Do institutions really matter? Published in: East European Studies No. 4 (2013): pp. 119-132.

Chowdhury, Emon (2023): The Impact of Commodity Market on the Economy of Developing Countries. Forthcoming in: Bazaar Parikrama , Vol. 12, No. 35 (28 December 2023): pp. 8-23.

Ciliberto, Federico and Schenone, Carola (2012): Are the Bankrupt Skies the Friendliest?

Ciliberto, Federico and Schenone, Carola (2012): Are the bankrupt skies the friendliest?

Ciliberto, Federico and Schenone, Carola (2010): Bankruptcy and Product-Market Competition: Evidence from the Airline Industry.

Ciliberto, Federico and Schenone, Carola (2012): Bankruptcy and product-market competition: evidence from the airline industry.

Cooke, Alex (2013): A new dawn for the crescent moon: is the fear of an influx of Turkish nationals driving European law?

Csereklyei, Zsuzsanna and Kallies, Anne (2022): A legal-economic framework of electricity markets: Assessing Australia’s transition.

Deakin, Simon and Singh, Ajit (2008): The stock market, the market for corporate control and the theory of the firm: legal and economic perspectives and implications for public policy. Published in: Bjuggren, P., and Mueller, D.C., (eds.) The Modern Firm, Corporate Governance and Investment, Elgar Publications (1 January 2009): pp. 185-222.

Di Foggia, Giacomo and Beccarello, Massimo (2018): Improving efficiency in the MSW collection and disposal service combining price cap and yardstick regulation: The Italian case. Published in: Waste Management No. 79 (2018): pp. 223-231.

Di Gabriele, James and Ojo, Marianne (2013): Objectivity and independence: the dual roles of external auditors and forensic accountants. Published in: Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting , Vol. 6, No. 2 (July 2014)

DiGabriele, Jim and Ojo, Marianne (2017): Bank secrecy laws and tax havens:Expanding areas and possible roles for computer forensic accounting. Published in: IGI Global

DiGabriele, Jim and Ojo, Marianne (2018): Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) and the Digital Economy: challenges and issues. Published in: Internet Taxation and E-Retailing Law in the Global Context IGI Global No. Projected Release Date: March, 2018 Copyright: © 2018 (March 2018)

DiGabriele, Jim and Ojo, Marianne (2017): Chameleons in the midst of hawks: The real meaning to be attributed to the definition of fraud. Forthcoming in: Amazon Publications

DiGabriele, Jim and Ojo, Marianne (2017): The Efficiency Wage Hypothesis and monetary policy channels of transmission: developments and progress of Basel III leverage ratios. Forthcoming in: American Journal of Economics No. Special Issue Preserving Global Trade Relations: Impacts of Recent Global Developments (2018)

DiGabriele, Jim and Ojo, Marianne (2019): The wage growth puzzle and the Philips Curve explained: recent developments. Published in: Centre & Institute for Innovation and Sustainable Development Economic Review

Driver, Ciaran (2015): Advertising’s Elusive Economic Rationale: is there a case for limiting tax relief? Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Surveys

Dunford, Michael and Louri, Helen and Rosenstock, Manfred (2001): Competition, competitiveness, and enterprise policies. Published in: Competitiveness and Cohesion in EU policies edited by Hall, R., Smith, A. and Tsoukalis, L. (2001): pp. 109-146.

Fabella, Raul (2016): The Market Testing of Power Supply Agreements: Rationale and Design Evolution in the Philippines. Forthcoming in: Electricity Policy in the Philippines: Generation, Institutions, and Prices No. Stand-alone book to be published by the University of the Philippine Press (2019)

Felix, Ayadi and Marianne, Ojo (2013): Central bank independence: monetary policies in selected jurisdictions (I). Published in: IGI Global (2016)

Fry, John and Serbera, Jean-Philippe (2017): Modelling and mitigation of Flash Crashes.

Gao, Pingyang (2008): Disclosure Quality, Cost of Capital, and Investors’ Welfare.

Gao, Pingyang (2007): Keynesian Beauty Contest, Accounting Disclosure, and Market Efficiency. Forthcoming in: Journal of Accounting Research

Handler, Heinz and Burger, Christina (2002): Competition and competitiveness in a new economy. Published in:

Hartogh, Matthew (2007): Electoral Economics: Proposition 209 and the Public Concensus.

Heng, Stefan (2010): Broadband infrastructure: The regulatory framework, market transparency and risk-sharing partnerships are the key factors. Published in: E-conomics No. 77 (26 May 2010)

Heng, Stefan (2008): Telecom regulation in the EU facing change of tack: Competition requires a clear policy line. Published in: E-conomics No. 66 (8 July 2008)

Hviid, Morten and Izquierdo Sanchez, Sofia and Jacques, Sabine (2017): Digitalisation and intermediaries in the music industry. Published in: CREATe Working Paper No. 2017/07 (1 March 2017)

Ilie, Livia and Horobet, Alexandra and Popescu, Corina (2007): LIBERALIZATION AND REGULATION IN THE EU ENERGY MARKET.

Islahi, Abdul Azim (2014): Book Review: Islamic Finance: Issues in Ṣukūk and Proposals for Reform. Published in: Journal of King Abdulaziz University - Islamic Economics , Vol. 28, No. 1 (2015): pp. 207-216.

Islahi, Abdul Azim (2014): Economic Ideas of Ibn ‘Ābidīn: A Legal Analysis. Published in: Islamic Studies, Islamabad , Vol. 53, No. 1-2 (2014): pp. 83-97.

Ismail, Abdul Ghafar and Tohirin, Achmad (2009): Finance and Growth: The Role of Islamic Contracts.

Jacquinet, Marc (2006): The economic doctrines in the wine trade and wine production sectors: the case of Bastiat and the Port wine sector: 1850-1908.

Jellal, Mohamed and Souam, Said (2014): Incentives and optimal antitrust policy.

Jemey, Nursyuhada binti and Kasim, Nor Hasniah binti (2023): The Impact of Covid-19 on Consumption Patterns Among Malaysian Youths. Published in: International Journal of Business and Social Science Research , Vol. 9, No. 4 (30 September 2023): pp. 1-14.

Kaufmann, Daniel (2004): Corruption, Governance and Security: Challenges for the Rich Countries and the World. Published in:

Khandaker Mursheda, Farhana and Kazi Abdul, Mannan (2024): The Socioeconomic Factors of Female Child Trafficking and Prostitution: An Empirical Study in the Capital City of Bangladesh. Published in: Social Sciences , Vol. 8, No. 13 (26 July 2024): pp. 1-19.

Kingston, Kato Gogo (2011): The Dilemma of Minerals Dependent Economy: The case of Foreign Direct Investment and Pollution in Nigeria. Published in: African Journal of Social Sciences , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2 February 2011): pp. 1-14.

Kingston, Kato Gogo (2010): Shell Oil Company in Nigeria: Impediment or Catalyst of Socio-Economic Development? Published in: African Journal of Social Sciences , Vol. 1, No. 1 (1 February 2011): pp. 14-34.

Krasniqi, Armand (2015): Functionality of the Kosovo Competition Authority on the basis of European Union standards a guarantee for loyal economy in Kosovo. Published in: Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences , Vol. Vol 1, No. Issue Nr.2 (10 July 2015): pp. 69-78.

Krasniqi, Armand (2016): Informality in Credit Relations Between Banks and Business Entities – a Risk on Standardization and Modernization of Kosovo Economy. Published in: International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) , Vol. 25, No. Nr.2 (6 February 2016): pp. 172-179.

Lazarow, Andrea (2015): Airbnb in New York City: Law and Policy Challenges. Published in: International Journal of Knowledge and Innovation in Business , Vol. 2, No. 3 (10 November 2015): pp. 24-52.

Levy, Daniel (2013): Discussion of "Change at the Checkout: Tracing the Impact of a Process Innovation" by Emek Basker.

Levy, Daniel (2013): Discussion of "Local News Online: Aggregators, Geo-Targeting and the Market for Local News" by George, L. and C. Hogendorn.

M. Rouhani, Omid (2013): The “Randomizer” Program: Procedure and Operating Methods.

Malkawi, Bashar H. (2006): E-Commerce in Light of International Trade Agreements: The WTO and the United States-Jordan Free Trade Agreement. Published in: International Journal of Law and Information Technology , Vol. 15, (20 July 2006): pp. 153-169.

Mamoon, Dawood (2005): Which Institutions are more relevant than others in inequality mitigation?

Marianne, Ojo (2013): Audits, audit quality and signalling mechanisms: concentrated ownership structures.

Marianne, Ojo (2013): Audits, audit quality and signalling mechanisms: concentrated ownership structures. Published in: American Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences , Vol. 1, No. 2 (April 2015)

Marianne, Ojo (2014): Central bank independence, policies and reforms: addressing political and economic linkages.

Marianne, Ojo (2015): Long term funding and regulation: facilitating financial stability and development (low income developing countries). Published in: International Conference Proceedings of the PSRC (April 2015)

Marianne, Ojo (2015): Long term funding and regulation: facilitating financial stability and development in low income developing countries.

Marianne, Ojo (2016): Ring fencing Volcker’s Rule? : The Liikanen Report and justifications for ring fencing and separate legal entities revisited.

Marianne, Ojo (2013): Role of regulation in micro finance: application of the Micro Savings Requirement Scheme in informal sectors. Published in: British Journal of Economics, Management and Trade (BJEMT) (December 2013)

Marianne, Ojo (2013): Sarbanes Oxley, Non Audit Services (NAS) and the mandatory rotation of audit firms. Published in: Designing Optimal Models of Financial Regulation in a Changing Financial Environment No. ISBN: 978-163484-829-9 (February 2016)

Marianne, Ojo (2014): Why integrity still constitutes the driving force behind ethical standards, the Sarbanes Oxley Act and other legislation. Published in: International Conference Proceedings of PSRC (Planetary Scientific Research Centre) No. ISBN 978-93-82242-80-2 (March 2014): pp. 90-95.

Marianne, Roedl (2013): Role of regulation and micro finance in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Forthcoming in: Global Development Finance Review (December 2013)

Marianne, Roedl (2013): Role of regulation in micro finance: application of the Micro Savings Requirement Scheme in informal sectors. Forthcoming in: British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade (December 2013)

Marković, Branimir and Matić, Branko and Karačić, Domagoj (2007): PROMISSORY NOTE AS PAYMENT SECURITY INSTRUMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA. Published in: INTERDISCIPLINARY MANAGEMENT RESEARCH III (2007): pp. 167-175.

Mazumdar, Surajit (2018): The Multi-Entity Structure and Control in Business Groups.

Mulaj, Isa (2006): Redefining Property Rights with Specific Reference to Social Ownership in the Successor States of the Former Yugoslavia: Did it Matter for Economic Efficiency? Published in: CEU Political Science Journal , Vol. 2, No. 3 (September 2007): pp. 225-254.

Mwenya, Mwenya (2013): Consumer Rights Bill 2013: what could it mean for us?

Nishimura, Yoshinori (2016): Did Government Intervention on Firm’s Employment Policies Have an Effect on the Employment of Elderly Workers?

O D Delaney, Marianne (2019): Parliamentary sovereignty and democratic accountability: matters of prerogative powers and legal reasoning. Published in: Centre & Institute for Innovation and Sustainable Development Economic Review , Vol. 2, (September 2019)

Oguz, Fuat (2020): Complexity of Electricity Markets and their Regulation: Insights from the Turkish Experience.

Ojo, Marianne (2014): Achieving an adequate balance between the level of complexity, objectivity and comparability which is required within the capital framework. Published in: International Conference Proceedings of the Planetary Scientific Research Committee (May 2015)

Ojo, Marianne (2011): Addressing risk challenges in a changing financial environment: the need for greater accountability in financial regulation and risk management.

Ojo, Marianne (2011): Addressing the inadequacies of private law in the regulation of contracts – during and post contract formation periods.

Ojo, Marianne (2021): Assessing COVID impacts, sustainable finance, current and future implications for banks and monetary policy: “Breaking the tragedy of the horizon, climate change and financial stability". Forthcoming in: Elsevier Journals (November 2021)

Ojo, Marianne (2019): Avoiding a “No Deal” Scenario: Free Trade Agreements, Citizenship and Economic Rights.

Ojo, Marianne (2010): BASEL III – Responses to consultative documents, vital aspects of the consultative processes and the journey culminating in the present framework. Published in: Bank for International Settlements Publications

Ojo, Marianne (2010): BASEL III: responses to consultative documents, vital aspects of the consultative processes and the journey culminating in the present framework (Part 1). Published in: Bank for International Settlements Publications and September - October 2011 issue of the Banking and Financial Services Policy Report.

Ojo, Marianne (2012): Bailouts and longer term refinancing operations (LTROs): when temporary cures generate longer term economic concerns.

Ojo, Marianne (2016): Basel II and the Capital Requirements Directive: Responding to the 2008/09 Financial Crisis.

Ojo, Marianne (2010): Basel III and responding to the recent Financial Crisis: progress made by the Basel Committee in relation to the need for increased bank capital and increased quality of loss absorbing capital. Forthcoming in:

Ojo, Marianne (2016): Basel III and responding to the recent Financial Crisis: progress made by the Basel Committee in relation to the need for increased bank capital and increased quality of loss absorbing capital. Forthcoming in:

Ojo, Marianne (2011): Basel III – responses to consultative documents, vital aspects of the consultative processes and the journey culminating in the present framework (Part 1). Published in: Banking and Financial Services Policy Report , Vol. 30, No. No 9 (September 2011): pp. 26-46.

Ojo, Marianne (2013): The Basel capital adequacy and regulatory framework: balancing risk sensitivity, simplicity and comparability. Published in: Bank for International Settlements Publications, Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS) ISSN (E): 2305-9249 ISSN (P): 2305-9494 Publisher: Centre of Excellence for Scientific & Research Journalism (October 2013)

Ojo, Marianne (2009): Beyond the Financial Crisis: Addressing risk challenges in a changing financial environment. Published in: Göttingen Journal of International Law (March 2010)

Ojo, Marianne (2017): Boeing -Bombardier trade dispute: an indication of the growing importance of regional agreements? Forthcoming in: American Journal of Economics (2018)

Ojo, Marianne (2010): Building on the trust of management: overcoming the paradoxes of principles based regulation. Published in: LAW AND PROSOCIALITY and Banking & Financial Services Policy Report Aspen Publishers/ Wolters Kluwer Law and Business, July 2011 , Vol. 30, No. 7 (July 2011)

Ojo, Marianne (2010): Building on the trust of management: overcoming the paradoxes of principles based regulation.

Ojo, Marianne (2010): Building on the trust of management: overcoming the paradoxes of principles based regulation. Published in:

Ojo, Marianne (2010): Building on the trust of management: overcoming the paradoxes of principles based regulation. Published in:

Ojo, Marianne (2011): Capital, liquidity standards and macro prudential policy tools in financial supervision: addressing sovereign debt problems.

Ojo, Marianne (2011): Capital, liquidity standards and macro prudential policy tools in financial supervision: addressing sovereign debt problems.

Ojo, Marianne (2016): Capital, liquidity standards and macro prudential policy tools in financial supervision: addressing sovereign debt problems. Forthcoming in: Business Expert Press No. forthcoming

Ojo, Marianne (2016): Central banks and different policies implemented in response to the recent Financial Crisis.

Ojo, Marianne (2009): Central bank’s role and involvement in bank regulation: Lender of last resort arrangements and the Special Resolution Regime (SRR). Published in: (February 2016)

Ojo, Marianne (2016): Central bank’s role and involvement in bank regulation: Lender of last resort arrangements and the Special Resolution Regime (SRR). Published in: Designing Optimal Models of Financial Regulation in a Changing Financial Environment No. ISBN: 978-163484-829-9 (February 2016)

Ojo, Marianne (2009): Central bank’s role and involvement in bank regulation: Lender of last resort arrangements and the Special Resolution Regime (SRR).

Ojo, Marianne (2010): Co-operative and competitive enforced self regulation: the role of governments, private actors and banks in corporate responsibility. Forthcoming in: Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance , Vol. 19, No. 2 (May 2011)

Ojo, Marianne (2014): Credit risk measurement, leverage ratios and Basel III: proposed Basel III leverage and supplementary leverage ratios.

Ojo, Marianne (2017): Diamonds and “the Golden Flute”: from the Golden Age of prodigies and geniuses to the Knowledge Based Digital Economy.

Ojo, Marianne (2015): Do competitive disadvantages really arise from „over complying“?: proposed Basel III Leverage and Supplementary Leverage Ratios re-visited.

Ojo, Marianne (2016): E commerce as a tool for resource expansion: postal partnerships, data protection legislation and the mitigation of implementation gaps. Published in: IGI Global No. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9921-2.ch002 (March 2016): pp. 25-48.

Ojo, Marianne (2015): Enhancing the reliability of performance measures in empirical based research: leverage ratios and theoretical based research.

Ojo, Marianne (2010): Extending the scope of prudential supervision: Regulatory developments during and beyond the “effective” periods of the Post BCCI and the Capital Requirements directives. Published in: Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2010)

Ojo, Marianne (2010): Extending the scope of prudential supervision: Regulatory developments during and beyond the “effective” periods of the Post BCCI and the Capital Requirements directives. Published in: Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics , Vol. 1, No. 1 (July 2010)

Ojo, Marianne (2005): The External Auditor's Role in Bank Regulation and Supervision : Helping the Regulator Avoid Regulatory Capture.

Ojo, Marianne (2005): The External Auditor's Role in Bank Regulation and Supervision : Helping the Regulator Avoid Regulatory Capture. Published in: Recovering From the Global Financial Crisis: Achieving Financial Stability in Terms of Uncertainty (ISBN: 978-1-60649-700-5) (June 2013)

Ojo, Marianne (2019): Facilitating Artificial Intelligence and block chain systems, partnerships and technologies: emerging global actors and players in Sustainable Development.

Ojo, Marianne (2011): Fair value accounting and procyclicality: mitigating regulatory and accounting policy differences through regulatory structure reforms and Enforced Self Regulation.

Ojo, Marianne (2009): Financial Regulation and Risk Management: Addressing Risk Challenges in a Changing Financial Environment.

Ojo, Marianne (2006): Financial regulation and risk management: addressing risk challenges in a changing financial environment. Published in: Contemporary Management Research (CMR) Journal, http://chinarisknet.cn/uploads/CRMR1001016.pdf (no transfer of copyrights involved with this and all other published works of the author)

Ojo, Marianne (2006): Financial regulation and risk management: addressing risk challenges in a changing financial environment. Published in: Contemporary Management Research (CMR) Journal, http://chinarisknet.cn/uploads/CRMR1001016.pdf (no transfer of copyrights involved with this and all other published works of the author)

Ojo, Marianne (2011): Financial stability, new macro prudential arrangements and shadow banking: regulatory arbitrage and stringent Basel III regulations. Published in: Business Expert Press (June 2013)

Ojo, Marianne (2012): Forensic accounting and the law: The forensic accountant in the capacity of an expert witness.

Ojo, Marianne (2011): Great expectations, predictable outcomes and the G20's response to the recent global financial crisis.

Ojo, Marianne (2009): The Growing Importance of Risk in Regulation. Published in: Journal of Risk Finance , Vol. 11, No. 3 (2010)

Ojo, Marianne (2011): Harmonising Basel III and the Dodd Frank Act. Published in: Kindle Direct Publishing, Amazon (2014)

Ojo, Marianne (2012): Harmonising Basel III and the Dodd Frank Act through greater collaboration between standard setters and national supervisors. Published in: Kindle Direct Publishing, Amazon (2014)

Ojo, Marianne (2012): Harmonising Basel III and the Dodd Frank Act through greater collaboration between standard setters and national supervisors. Published in: Kindle Direct Publishing, Amazon (2014)

Ojo, Marianne (2012): Harmonising Basel III and the Dodd Frank Act through international accounting standards: reasons why international accounting standards should serve as “thermostats”. Published in: Kindle Direct Publishing, Amazon (2014)

Ojo, Marianne (2015): Harmonising Hayek and Posner: revisiting Posner, Hayek & the economic analysis of Law.

Ojo, Marianne (2015): Harmonising Hayek and Posner: revisiting Posner, Hayek & the economic analysis of Law. Published in: Elsevier Journals (2016)

Ojo, Marianne (2016): Implementing Basel III through the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD) IV: leverage ratios and capital adequacy requirements. Published in: Journal of Business Law and Ethics , Vol. 3, No. 1 (June 2015)

Ojo, Marianne (2011): Integrity, respect for others, and ethics – three essential leadership qualities.

Ojo, Marianne (2016): International framework for liquidity risk measurement, standards and monitoring: corporate governance and internal controls. Forthcoming in: (April 2010)

Ojo, Marianne (2011): Juridical and financial considerations on the public recapitalisation and rescue of financial institutions during periods of financial crises (Part II).

Ojo, Marianne (2012): LIBOR, EURIBOR and the regulation of capital markets: The impact of Eurocurrency markets on monetary setting policies. Published in: Strategic Change, Wiley & Sons (February 2014)

Ojo, Marianne (2009): Limiting audit firms’ liability: A step in the right direction? (Proposals for a new audit liability regime in Europe revisited).

Ojo, Marianne (2010): Liquidity assistance and the provision of state aid to financial institutions. Published in: Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics , Vol. 1, No. Issue 2(2) (December 2010): pp. 137-157.

Ojo, Marianne (2016): Measures aimed at enhancing the loss absorbency of regulatory capital at the point of non viability. Forthcoming in: (2016)

Ojo, Marianne (2016): Measures aimed at mitigating pro cyclical effects of the Capital Requirements Framework: counter cyclical capital buffer proposals. Forthcoming in:

Ojo, Marianne (2009): The Need for Greater Pro Active Involvement by Regulators in Financial Regulation and Supervision: Lessons From the Legal and General Case. Published in: Regulation of Financial Institutions - CMBO Journal (June 2009)


Ojo, Marianne (2011): Pluralism and deformalisation as mechanisms in the achievement of more equitable and just outcomes – the move from „Classical Formalism“ to deformalisation.

Ojo, Marianne (2010): Preparing for Basel IV (whilst commending Basel III) : why liquidity risks still present a challenge to regulators in prudential supervision ( Part II).

Ojo, Marianne (2010): Preparing for Basel IV (whilst commending Basel III) : why liquidity risks still present a challenge to regulators in prudential supervision ( Part II).

Ojo, Marianne (2010): Preparing for Basel IV : why liquidity risks still present a challenge to regulators in prudential supervision (II).

Ojo, Marianne (2015): Preparing for Basel IV: why liquidity risks still present a challenge to regulators in prudential supervision.

Ojo, Marianne (2017): Preserving global trade relations: impacts of recent global developments. Forthcoming in: American Journal of Economics (2018)

Ojo, Marianne (2009): Proposals for a new audit liability regime in Europe. Published in: The Accountant No. 6068 (July 2009): p. 10.

Ojo, Marianne (2013): Recovering from the Global Financial Crisis: achieving financial stability in times of uncertainty. Published in: Business Expert Press No. ISBN 978-1-60649-700-5 : i-182.

Ojo, Marianne (2013): Recovering from the Global Financial Crisis: achieving financial stability in times of uncertainty. Published in: Business Expert Press, Amazon Books, Safari Online Books, Google Books No. ISBN 978-1-60649-700-5 : i-182.

Ojo, Marianne (2016): Redefining a role for central banks: The increased importance of central banks’ roles in the management of liquidity risks and macro prudential supervision in the aftermath of the Financial Crisis. Published in: Business Expert Press (June 2013)

Ojo, Marianne (2009): Regulating non audit services: Towards a principles based approach to regulation.

Ojo, Marianne (2009): Regulating the International Audit Market and the removal of barriers to entry: The provision of non audit services by audit firms and the 2006 Statutory Audit Directive. Published in: European Public Law Journal (January 2009)

Ojo, Marianne (2008): Regulatory Strategies.

Ojo, Marianne (2008): Regulatory strategies. Published in: LSN Journal: Law and Economics (June 2009)

Ojo, Marianne (2016): Responsive Regulation: Achieving the Right Balance Between Persuasion and Penalisation. Published in: Designing Optimal Models of Financial Regulation in a Changing Financial Environment (April 2016)

Ojo, Marianne (2009): Responsive regulation:achieving the right balance between persuasion and penalisation.

Ojo, Marianne (2013): Restoring the credibility of the legal and economic foundations of financial stability: The need for incorporation of economic theories?

Ojo, Marianne (2009): Reviewing regulatory objectives: should the scope of regulation be extended? Published in: Industrial Organization and Regulation Journal / Industrial Organization: Regulation, Antitrust and Privatization (July 2009)

Ojo, Marianne (2015): Revisions to the simpler approaches to operational risk: the need for enhanced disclosures and risk sensitive measures. Forthcoming in: Bank for International Settlements

Ojo, Marianne (2008): Risk Management by the Basel Committee: Evaluating Progress made from the 1988 Basel Accord to Recent Developments.

Ojo, Marianne (2008): Risk management by the Basel Committee: evaluating progress made from the 1988 Basel Accord to recent developments. Published in: Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance , Vol. 18, No. 4 (November 2010): pp. 305-315.

Ojo, Marianne (2010): Risk monitoring tools in bank regulation and supervision – developments since the collapse of Barings Plc.

Ojo, Marianne (2013): Role of regulation in micro finance: jurisdictional analysis.

Ojo, Marianne (2010): Social rights and economic objectives: The importance of competition at supra national level.

Ojo, Marianne (2010): Social rights and economic objectives: The importance of competition at supra national level.

Ojo, Marianne (2012): Sovereign debt crises and financial bailouts: the anatomy and components of an everlasting relationship (I).

Ojo, Marianne (2010): Strengthening the resilience of the banking sector: Proposals to strengthen global capital and liquidity regulations. Forthcoming in: Bank for International Settlements (BIS) (April 2010)

Ojo, Marianne (2011): Successfully implementing major financial stability regulatory reforms: the risk weighting based controversy (Basel v Dodd Frank) and the role of national supervisors. Published in: Business Expert Press (June 2013)

Ojo, Marianne (2013): „Volcker/Vickers hybrid“?: The Liikanen Report and justifications for ring fencing and separate legal entities.

Ojo, Marianne (2013): Why the traditional principal agent theory may no longer apply to concentrated ownership systems and structures.

Ojo, Marianne (2016): Why the traditional principal agent theory may no longer apply to concentrated ownership systems and structures. Published in: Planetary Scientific Research Centre (PSRC) Conference Proceedings (March 2014)

Ojo, Marianne (2012): Why the transfer of bank supervisory powers back to the Bank of England is a step in the right direction: Revisiting the role of external auditors in bank and financial services supervision.

Ojo, Marianne (2014): The evolution of common law: revisiting Posner, Hayek & the economic analysis of Law.

Ojo, Marianne (2019): The future of UK Carbon pricing: Artificial Intelligence and the Emissions Trading System. Published in: Centre and Institute for Innovation and Sustainable Development Economic Review

Ojo, Marianne (2012): A global perspective on the changing perceptions of the role of the external auditor and the significance of audit developments.

Ojo, Marianne (2009): The growing importance of risk in financial regulation. Forthcoming in: Journal of Risk Finance

Ojo, Marianne (2010): The impact of capital and disclosure requirements on risks and risk taking incentives. Published in: European Finance, Risk Management, Banking and Financial Institution Journals [(CMBO) and Financial Economics Network (FEN) eJournals] (February 2010)

Ojo, Marianne (2014): A justification for the role of audits?: adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and jurisdictional analyses (Brazil, China,Japan and South Africa). Published in: Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS) ISSN (E): 2305-9249 ISSN (P): 2305-9494 Publisher: Centre of Excellence for Scientific & Research Journalism , Vol. 3, No. 4 (October 2014)

Ojo, Marianne (2012): The need for global adoption and adaptation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): post Enron consequences and the restoration of confidence to capital markets following the 2008 financial and stock market crises.

Ojo, Marianne (2010): The need for government and central bank intervention in financial regulation: Free banking and the challenges of information uncertainty.

Ojo, Marianne (2011): The need for revised resolution regimes and supervisory arrangements.

Ojo, Marianne (2012): The need for the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): some explanations for the pace of implementation.

Ojo, Marianne (2009): The responsive approach by the Basel Committee (on Banking Supervision) to regulation: Meta risk regulation, the Internal Ratings Based Approaches and the Advanced Measurement Approaches. Published in: Recovering From the Global Financial Crisis: Achieving Financial Stability in Terms of Uncertainty Business Experts Press No. ISBN13:978-1-60649-700-5 (2013)

Ojo, Marianne (2010): The role of central banks and competition policies in the rescue and recapitalisation of financial institutions during (and in the aftermath of) the Financial Crisis.

Ojo, Marianne (2009): The role of external auditors in corporate governance: agency problems and the management of risk.

Ojo, Marianne (2009): The role of external auditors in corporate governance: agency problems and the management of risk.

Ojo, Marianne (2010): The role of monetary policy in matters relating to financial stability: Monetary policy responses adopted during the most recent Financial Crisis.

Ojo, Marianne (2009): The role of the IASB and auditing standards in the aftermath of the 2008/2009 Financial Crisis.

Ojo, Marianne (2010): The role of the IASB and auditing standards in the aftermath of the 2008/2009 Financial Crisis. Published in: European Law Journal , Vol. 16, No. 5 (September 2010): pp. 604-623.

Ojo, Marianne (2008): The role of the external auditor in bank regulation and supervision: A comparative analysis. Published in: VDM (April 2008)

Ojo, Marianne (2007): The role of the external auditor in the regulation and supervision of the UK banking system. Published in: Journal of Corporate Ownership and Control and Elsevier Journals , Vol. 5, No. 4 (May 2008)

Ojo, Marianne (2011): A tale of three countries, dispersed ownership and greater risk taking levels by management: risk monitoring tools in bank regulation and supervision – developments since the collapse of Barings Plc (re – visited).

Ojo, Marianne (2015): The unintended consequences and challenges of the Basel III Leverage Ratio: supplementary leverage ratios. Published in: (February 2016)

Ojo, Marianne (2015): The unintended consequences and challenges of the Basel III Leverage Ratio: supplementary leverage ratios. Published in: Designing Optimal Models of Financial Regulation in a Changing Financial Environment No. ISBN: 978-163484-829-9 (February 2016)

Ojo, Marianne and Ayadi, Felix (2013): Central bank independence: monetary policies in selected jurisdictions (III).

Ojo, Marianne and DiGabriele, Jim (2013): Achieving Amicable Settlements and Possible Reconciliations : The Role of Forensic Accountants in Equitable Distributions.

Ojo, Marianne and DiGabriele, Jim (2013): Achieving Amicable Settlements and Possible Reconciliations : The Role of Forensic Accountants in Equitable Distributions.

Ojo, Marianne and DiGabriele, Jim and Serrano Caballero, Enriqueta and Joshi, Amol and Lahiri, Nandini and Im, Hemmatian (2020): Trade negotiations and global relations: emerging players and actors (II). Published in: Lambert Academic Publishers No. ISBN 978 -620-0-78340

Ojo, Marianne and Dierker, Theodore (2021): Monetary policy implications of deviations in inflation targeting: the need for a global cooperative, coordinated and correlated response. Forthcoming in:

Ojo, Marianne and Dierker, Theodore (2021): Towards net zero carbon emissions: carbon pricing strategies and the role of innovative technologies. Forthcoming in:

Ojo, Marianne and Newton, Sarah (2016): Assessing the appropriateness of zero and negative interest rate regimes: recent developments and comparative analyses.

Ojo, Marianne and Rodriguez-Miguez, Jose (2010): Juridical and financial considerations on the public re capitalisation and rescue of financial institutions during periods of financial crises.

Ojo, Marianne and Rodríguez-Miguez, Jose (2010): Juridical and financial considerations on the public re capitalisation and rescue of financial institutions during periods of financial crises (Part I).

Ojo, Marianne and Rodríguez-Miguez, Jose (2010): Juridical and financial considerations on the public re capitalisation and rescue of financial institutions during periods of financial crises (Part I).

Ojo, Marianne and Rodríguez-Miguez, Jose (2010): Juridical and financial considerations on the public re capitalisation and rescue of financial institutions during periods of financial crises (Part I). Published in: Kindle Direct Publishing, Amazon (2014)

Ojo, Marianne and Roedl, Marianne (2021): Central Bank Independence and challenges during the global pandemic: balancing monetary and fiscal policy objectives. Published in: CIISD Economic Review

Ojo, Marianne and Van Akkeren, Jeanette (2015): Evolving roles of accountants as resources for greater accountability in financial reporting, legislative and judicial processes.

Ojo/Roedl, Marianne (2021): Sustainable finance, current and future implications for banks and monetary policy: assessing COVID impacts. Published in:

Ojo/Roedl, Marianne (2021): Decentralized finance and regulation : enhancing the role of innovative techniques through regulation. Published in: CIISD Economic Review , Vol. 5, No. 12

Ojo/Roedl, Marianne (2021): Sustainable finance, current and future implications for banks and monetary policy: assessing COVID impacts. Published in:

Ojo/Roedl, Marianne (2008): The role of the external auditor in bank regulation and supervision: A comparative analysis between the UK, Germany, Italy and the US (Third Edition: Financial Crises, Enron and Northern Rock). Published in: Lambert Academic Publishing No. ISBN 978-3-8473-7160-1 (September 2008)

Pandey, Ashish (2016): High Bids and Low Recovery: A Possible Case for Non-Performing Loan Auctions in India.

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Rashid, Muhammad Mustafa (2019): Berkeley Blues; Ford Community Corps Partnership: Integrating Environmental Ethic, Bioethics and the Ethics of Emerging Technology into a Comprehensive Leadership Philosophy. A Regional Study, Detroit Michigan. (Covid, Edition).

Rausser, Gordon and Stuermer, Martin (2020): A Dynamic Analysis of Collusive Action: The Case of the World Copper Market, 1882-2016.

Reddy, K. Srinivasa (2015): Institutional Laws, and Mergers and Acquisitions in India: A Review/Recommendation.

Reddy, Kotapati Srinivasa (2015): Determinants of Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions: A Comprehensive Review and Future Direction.

Reddy, Kotapati Srinivasa (2014): Institutional Dichotomy and Cross-Border Inbound Acquisitions: A Study of Three Cases.

Reddy, Kotapati Srinivasa (2015): Macroeconomic Change, and Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions: The Indian Experience, 1991-2010.

Reddy, Kotapati Srinivasa (2015): Revisiting and Reinforcing the Farmers Fox Theory: A Study (Test) of Three Cases in Cross-border Inbound Acquisitions.

Roedl, Marianne (2013): Leverage ratios and Basel III: proposed Basel III leverage and supplementary leverage ratios. Published in: Bank for International Settlements Publications (15 October 2013)

Roedl, Marianne (2013): The Liquidity Coverage Ratio: the need for further complementary ratios? Published in: Bank for International Settlements Publications (15 October 2013)

Roedl, Marianne (2013): Role of regulation in micro finance: jurisdictional analysis. Forthcoming in: Global Development Finance Review (27 November 2013)

Salahodjaev, Raufhon and Odilova, Shoirahon and Andrés, Antonio R. (2016): Intelligence and Crime: A novel evidence for software piracy.

Santella, Paolo and Baffi, Enrico and Drago, Carlo and Lattuca, Dino (2008): A Comparative Analysis of the Legal Obstacles to Institutional Investor Activism in Europe and in the US.

Sapovadia, Vrajlal and Patel, Akash (2013): Levers of Corporate Governance in India: Critical Analysis through Prism of Legal Framework.

Sen, Subir Kumar and Roy, Chinmoy (2011): Competitive Selection In Non-Competitive Structure– Some Methodological Issues. Published in: International Journal of Business Policy and Economics , Vol. 4, No. 2 (December 2011): pp. 193-200.

Serrano Caballero, Enriqueta and Ojo, Marianne (2019): Trade Negotiations and Global Relations: Emerging Players and Actors. Forthcoming in:

Simplice A., Asongu (2011): Law and finance in Africa.

Simplice A., Asongu (2011): Law, economic growth and human development.

Simplice A., Asongu (2011): Law, finance, economic growth and welfare: why does legal origin matter?

Sims, Martin (2007): WRC-07: the Technological and Market Pressures for Flexible Spectrum Access. Published in: Communications & Strategies No. 67 (2007): pp. 13-27.

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Yalincak, Orhun Hakan (2013): Freedom of Movement Rights of Turkish Nationals in the European Union. Published in: Columbia Journal of European Law , Vol. 19, No. 3 (1 September 2013): pp. 391-422.

Yalincak, Orhun hakan (2014): Critical Analysis of Acquitted Conduct Sentencing in the U.S.: "Kafka-esque," "Repugnant," "Uniquely Malevolent" and "Pernicious"? Published in: Santa Clara Law Review , Vol. 54, No. 3 (21 August 2014): pp. 675-722.

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Ojo, Marianne (2015): Harmonisation du Hayek et Posner: Posner, Hayek et l'analyse économique du droit.

Ojo, Marianne (2012): La nécessité d'une adoption (et l'adaptation) mondiale des IFRS (des normes internationales d'information financière): conséquences post-Enron et la restauration de la confiance aux marchés financiers à la suite des crises de 2008 financières et boursières.

Ojo, Marianne (2013): Restaurer la crédibilité des fondements juridiques et économiques de la stabilité financière: la nécessité d'incorporation des théories économiques?

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Ojo, Marianne (2013): Wiederherstellung der Glaubwürdigkeit der rechtlichen und wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen der finanziellen Stabilität: die Notwendigkeit für eine Gründung der Wirtschaftstheorien?


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Muravchenko, Viktor (2003): Законодательные требования субъектов Российской Федерации к муниципальным должностям муниципальной службы. Published in: Законодательные требования субъектов Российской Федерации к муниципальным должностям муниципальной службы / Актуальные проблемы правотворчества и правоприменения: Межвузовский сборник научных трудов. – Омск: НОУ ВПО «Омский юридический институт». (2003): pp. 184-194.

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Muravchenko, Viktor (2003): Правовое закрепление субъектами Российской Федерации принципов муниципальной службы. Published in: Катанаевские чтения: Сборник научных трудов, посвященный военному администратору и ученому генерал-лейтенанту Георгию Ефремовичу Катанаеву (1848-1921). (2003): pp. 203-218.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2003): Меры ответственности муниципальных служащих в законодательстве Российской Федерации. Published in: Материалы VIII семинара-совещания АСДГ руководителей юридических служб администраций городов Сибири и Дальнего Востока «Реформа местного самоуправления: очередной этап. Новое законодательство: арбитражный процесс и трудовое право», Новосибирск. No. № 67. (2003)

Muravchenko, Viktor (2005): Соотношение понятий должностное лицо и муниципальный служащий. Published in: Культурологическое исследование в Сибири. No. № 2 (16). (2005): pp. 132-140.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2004): Предмет муниципальной службы. Published in: Проблемы культуры городов: Материалы V всероссийского научно-практического семинара. Омск: Издательский дом «Наука». (2004): pp. 196-201.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Практическое использование основных понятий муниципальной службы в субъектах Российской Федерации.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Соотношение основных понятий и терминов муниципальной службы.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Учреждение муниципальных должностей.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Способы и порядок поступления на муниципальную службу.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Конкурсный порядок подбора кадров на муниципальную службу.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Квалификационные разряды муниципальной службы и порядок их присвоения.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Основные положения аттестации муниципального служащего.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Виды профессионального дополнительного образования муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Основные права муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Основные обязанности муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Основные ограничения муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Закрепление основных положений муниципальной службы.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Правовое закрепление принципа приоритета прав и свобод человека и гражданина в законодательстве муниципальной службы.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Правовое закрепление принципа ответственности муниципальных служащих за неисполнение или ненадлежащее исполнение своих должностных обязанностей.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Правовое закрепление принципа внепартийности муниципальной службы.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Правовое закрепление принципа законности муниципальной службы.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Правовое закрепление принципа равного доступа граждан к муниципальной службе.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Правовое закрепление принципа разграничения предметов ведения и полномочий между органами государственной власти и органами местного самоуправления.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Правовое закрепление принципа равенства прав и обязанностей муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Правовое закрепления принципа гласности в законодательстве о муниципальной службе.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Правовое закрепление субъектами Российской Федерации принципа стабильности муниципальной службы.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Дисциплинарная ответственность муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Материальная ответственность муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Уголовная ответственность муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Гражданско-правовая ответственность муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Административная ответственность муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Единые требования к муниципальным должностям муниципальной службы.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Процедура оценки муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Российское законодательство об установлении гарантий муниципальным служащим.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Состав денежного содержания муниципальных служащих.

Muravchenko, Viktor (2015): Система гарантий муниципальных служащих.

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Шумакова, Оксана and Стукач, Виктор (2006): Проблемно-ориентированный анализ трансакционных издержек в аграрной экономике региона:диагностика, решения. Published in: Вестник Омского государственного аграрного университета , Vol. 160, (2016): p. 153.


Estrada, Fernando and González, Jorge Iván (2014): Política tributaria y economía fiscal en los enfoques de Hayek y Brenann/Buchanan.

Ojo, Marianne (2013): Recuperar la credibilidad de los fundamentos jurídicos y económicos de estabilidad financiera: la necesidad de la incorporación de las teorías económicas?

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