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Items where Subject is "R10 - General"

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Acosta Reveles, Irma Lorena (2007): La legalidad en las políticas agrarias: México 1990–2005. Published in: Investigación Científica. Revista digital de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Nueva época. , Vol. Volume, No. Issue 2 (August 2007): pp. 1-25.

Acuña, Andres A. (2011): Determinants of Chilean youth voter registration: Evidence for the Bio Bio region.

Acuña, Andrés (2006): Desempleo y Actividad Económica Regional: Un Enfoque Cíclico. Published in: Taller de Empleo Regional , Vol. 23, (March 2006): pp. 14-47.

Aginta, Harry and Gunawan, Anang Budi and Mendez, Carlos (2020): Regional Income Disparities and Convergence Clubs in Indonesia: New District-Level Evidence 2000-2017.

Ahmad, Mahyudin and Hall, Stephen G. (2012): Institutions and growth: Testing the spatial effect using weight matrix based on the institutional distance concept.

Ahmad, Mahyudin and Hall, Stephen G. (2012): Institutions-growth spatial dependence: An empirical test. Forthcoming in: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences (1 December 2012)

Ajmal, Sana and Hasan, Lubna and Ahmed, Iftikhar (2020): A Tale of Two Punjabs and CPEC.

Alexiadis, Stilianos (2012): Aggregate efficiency and interregional equity: a contradiction?

Alexiadis, Stilianos and Eleftheriou, Konstantinos (2010): The Morphology of Income Convergence in US States: New Evidence using an Error-Correction-Model.

Alpek B., Levente and Tésits, Róbert and Bokor, László (2016): Group-specific analysis of commuting in the most disadvantaged areas of Hungary. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 6, No. 1 (October 2016): pp. 54-81.

Amendola, Nicola and Vecchi, Giovanni and Al Kiswani, Bilal (2010): Il costo della vita al Nord e al Sud d'Italia dal dopoguerra a oggi. Stime di prima generazione.

Anitori, Paola and De Gregorio, Carlo and Reale, Alessandra and Sforzi, Fabio (2020): Determinazione di aree economiche per la valutazione dell’impatto sul sistema produttivo italiano delle misure di contrasto all’epidemia da Covid-19.

Antonescu, Daniela (2017): Liveable city from an economic perspective.

Antonescu, Daniela (2020): Territorial inequalities and convergence – techniques and analysis methods. Forthcoming in:

Antonescu, Daniela (2015): Theoretical and Practical Approaches of Innovation at Regional Level.

Antonescu, Daniela (2022): The relation between digitalization and regional development in Romania. Published in: Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development , Vol. 4, No. 2 (27 December 2022): pp. 64-77.

asif, numra and Asghar, Zahid (2016): The Costs and Benefits of Alternative Development Patterns: A Paradigm of Two Universities.


Badura, Ondrej and Melecky, Ales and Melecky, Martin (2022): Liberalizing Passenger Rail: The Effect of Competition on Local Unemployment.

Barreto Nieto, Carlos Alberto and Linares, Jose and Armenta, Rosa María (2011): Natural resources royalties and local development in Colombia.

Bartha, Zoltán and Szita Tóthné, Klára (2016): Divergence in the Socioeconomic Development Paths of Hungary and Slovakia. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 2, No. 5 (February 2016): pp. 125-143.

Benos, Christos and Angelopoulou, Ioanna and Metaxas, Theodore (2017): “Decentralization” of income per capita and its relationship to administrative decentralization in the context of European Union members.

Benos, Nikos and Karagiannis, Stelios (2013): Do Cross-Section Dependence and Parameter Heterogeneity Matter? Evidence on Human Capital and Productivity in Greece.

Bergs, Rolf (2010): Cross-border co-operation and European economic integration: an empirical analysis.

Bertello, Nicolas and Uña, Gerardo (2009): Propuestas para mejorar el Federalismo Fiscal en Argentina: Un nuevo esquema para la distribución del Impuesto a las Ganancias. Published in: Fundación Siena Website No. Publicación No. 8 (2009): 01-36.

Blyde, Juan (2010): Paving the road to export: the trade impacts of domestic transport costs and road quality.

Bourdin, Sebastien (2010): Repenser le futur de la politique de cohésion européenne pour les pays d’europe centrale et orientale : la prise en compte de l’espace géographique comme piste de recherche. Published in: Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège , Vol. 55, No. Geography (2010): pp. 43-59.

Broekel, Tom and Alfken, Christoph (2015): Gone with the wind? The impact of wind turbines on tourism demand. Forthcoming in: Energy Policy

Bucur, Sorinel Ionel (2017): Complex development alternatives in South-Muntenia region – prospective assessments. Published in: "Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania" , Vol. 8, No. ISSN 2285-6803, ISSN-L 2285-6803 (16 November 2017): pp. 130-137.

Bukvić, Rajko (2018): Пољопривреда Краснодарске покрајине и АгроХолдинг Кубањ. Published in: Ekonomski vidici , Vol. 23, No. 1-2 (2018): pp. 23-48.

Bukvić, Rajko (2016): Краснодарска покрајина и Република Србија: могућности и перспективе сарадње. Published in: IV simpozijum Ekološko-duhovne vrednosti u multietničkom prostoru Srbije, zapadnog Balkana, Evrope i sveta, Centar za strateška istraživanja nacionalne bezbednosti, Beograd – Novi Pazar (2016): pp. 171-194.

Bukvić, Rajko (2014): Развитие региональной проблемы в Югославии в 1918–1941 гг.: централизм, федерализм и межнациональные проблемы. Published in: Регионология (Regionology) No. 2 (87) (2014): pp. 5-21.

Bukvić, Rajko (2014): Региональная проблема социалистической Югославии в 1945–1991 гг. Published in: Вестник Мордовского университета (Mordovia University Bulletin) No. 3 (2014): pp. 129-146.

Bukvić, Rajko (2014): Krasnodar Krai – agro-industrial giant and tourist jewel of the Russian Federation. Published in: Journal of the Geographical Institute „Jovan Cvijić” SASA , Vol. 64, No. 3 (2014): pp. 329-346.

Bukvić, Rajko and Aleksić, Dragan and Aničić, Jugoslav and Laketa, Marko and Todorić, Jovana and Zakić, Nebojša and Vuković, Darko and Miletić, Dalibor and Vukotić, Svetlana and Vukmirović, Dragan and Vukmirović, Jovanka and Majdarević, Aleksandra (2017): Национална економија. Published in: Географија Србије (Geography of Serbia) (2017): pp. 614-751.

Burkey, Mark L. and Simkins, Scott P. (2004): Factors affecting the location of payday lending and traditional banking services in North Carolina. Published in: The Review of Regional Studies , Vol. 34, No. 2 (2004): pp. 191-205.


Cebula, Richard (2007): Impact of Property Taxes and Public Education Outlays on Housing Costs: Recent Empirical Evidence. Published in: The Journal of Global Business Issues , Vol. 2, No. 1 (30 April 2008): pp. 47-51.

Cebula, Richard and Toma, Michael (2007): An Empirical Analysis of Determinants of Interstate Living-Cost Differentials, 2005. Published in: Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy , Vol. 38, No. 3 (30 December 2008): pp. 222-228.

Chen, Nana and Xu, Hangtian (2021): Why has the birth rate relatively increased in China's wealthy cities?

Chiba, Asako (2021): The effectiveness of mobility control, shortening of restaurants’ opening hours, and working from home in Japan.

Clemente, Jesús and Lazaro, Angelina and Montanes, Antonio (2016): Public health expenditure in Spain: is there partisan behaviour?

Cogliandro, Gisell and Ariel, Melamud (2010): Análisis del Gasto Público Social en el Presupuesto Nacional 2010. Published in: Fundación Siena Website , Vol. 1, No. Documento de Trabajo (2010): 01-56.

Costa, Cinthia Cabral da and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2011): Impactos sociais, econômicos e ambientais da melhoria no saneamento básico rural no Brasil.

Coughlin, Cletus C and Wall, Howard J. (2011): Ethnic networks and trade: Intensive vs. extensive margins.

Courtemanche, Charles and Carden, Art (2009): The skinny on big box retailing: Wal-Mart, warehouse clubs, and obesity.


DOSSOU, TOYO AMEGNONNA MARCEL (2018): The impact of China’s one belt one road Initiative in Africa: the Evidence from Kenya.

Dekolo, Samuel and Oduwaye, Leke and Nwokoro, Immaculata (2016): Urban Sprawl and Loss of Agricultural Land in Peri-urban Areas of Lagos. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 2, No. 5 (February 2016): pp. 20-33.

Deluna, Roperto Jr (2011): Factors Affecting the Magnitude of Poor Families Across the Philippines: A Cross Section Data Analysis.

Destefanis, Sergio (2000): Differenziali territoriali di produttività ed efficienza e sviluppo dualistico. Published in: Lavoro e Relazioni Industriali , Vol. --, No. 2, Lug.-Dic. (23 December 2000): pp. 103-150.

Di Bartolomeo, Anna and Di Bartolomeo, Giovanni (2007): Integration of migrants in Italy: A simple general and objective measure.

Dickinson, Jeffrey (2020): Planes, trains, and automobiles: what drives human-made light?

Dickinson, Jeffrey (2020): Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: Night-time Lights of the USA.

Dickinson, Jeffrey (2020): Planes, trains, and automobiles: what drives human-made light?

Doran, Justin and Jordan, Declan (2013): Decomposing European NUTS2 regional inequality from 1980 to 2009: national and European policy implications. Published in: Journal of Economic Studies , Vol. 40, No. 1 (2013): pp. 22-38.

Doran, Justin and Jordan, Declan and O'Leary, Eoin (2012): The effects of national and international interaction on innovation: evidence from the Irish CIS: 2004-6. Published in: Industry and Innovation , Vol. 19, No. 5 (2012): pp. 371-390.

Doran, Justin and Jordan, Declan and O'Leary, Eoin (2012): The effects of the frequency of spatially proximate and distant interaction on innovation by Irish SMEs. Published in: Entrepreneurship & Regional Development: An International Journal , Vol. 24, No. 7-8 (2012): pp. 705-727.

Driouchi, Ahmed and Zouag, Nada (2011): Local Universities as Engines for Innovation and Regional Development in Southern Economies with Reference to MOROCCO.

Dudás, Gábor and Boros, Lajos and Pál, Viktor and Pernyész, Péter (2016): Analysis of the lowest airfares considering the different business models of airlines, the case of Budapest. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 6, No. 1 (October 2016): pp. 119-138.

de la Fuente, Ignacio (2020): Determinantes del emprendimiento en La Rioja (España).


Egri, Zoltán and Tánczos, Tamás (2016): Spatial Layers and Spatial Structure in Central and Eastern Europe. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 2, No. 5 (February 2016): pp. 34-61.

El Makhloufi, Abdel and Davids, Karel (2013): Air, Money and Space: How Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Transformed the Region. Published in: Megastructure Schiphol Design in Spectacular Simplicity (November 2013): pp. 1-22.

Erdősi, Ferenc (2016): The Role Weight of Key Factors Determining the (Infrastructure and Traffic) Intensity of Aviation for the Countries of the World. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 2, No. 5 (February 2016): pp. 82-107.

Ermini, Barbara and Santolini, Raffaella (2015): Differentiated property tax and urban sprawl in Italian urbanized areas.

Espinosa Espinosa, Aarón and Alvis Arrieta, Jorge and Toro González, Daniel (2007): Bolívar frente a los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio.


Fischer, Manfred M. and Openshaw, Stan (1995): A Framework for Research on Spatial Analysis Relevant to Geo-Statistical Informations Systems in Europe. Published in: Geographical Systems , Vol. 2, No. 4 (1995): pp. 325-337.

Forte, Francesco and Magazzino, Cosimo and Mantovani, Michela (2010): On the failure of European planning for less developed regions. The case of Calabria. Forthcoming in:

Fuenfzig, Michael (2013): Regional Disparities in Georgia: Evidence from Microdata.


Garcia-López, Miquel-Àngel and Jofre-Monseny, Jordi and Martínez Mazza, Rodrigo and Segú, Mariona (2019): Do short-term rent platforms affect housing markets? Evidence from Airbnb in Barcelona.

García Riazuelo, Alvaro (2020): Determinantes del emprendimiento en el Pais Vasco.

Gascón Salillas, Patricia (2020): La actividad emprendedora: Análisis transversal en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra.

Gaspar, José M. and Ikeda, Kiyohiro and Onda, Mikihisa (2019): Global bifurcation mechanism and local stability of identical and equidistant regions.

Gelan, Ayele (2003): Trade Policy and Mega-Cities in LDCs: A General Equilibrium Model with Numerical Simulations. Published in: Integrative Modelling of Biophysical, Social, and Economic Systems for Resource Management Solutions – Proceeding of MODSIM 2003 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Post, David (ed) , Vol. 4, (2003): pp. 1938-1943.

George, Justine (2016): An Assessment of Inclusiveness in the Urban Agglomeration of Kochi City: The need for a change in approach of urban planning.

Gerardo, Uña and Nicolás, Bertello and Luciano, Strazza (2009): Solvencia fiscal para la sustentabilidad del gasto social: Un desafío pendiente en Argentina. Published in: Fundacion Siena Website No. 08 (2009): 01-12.

Gerse, József and Szilágyi, Dániel (2016): Commuting links between settlement hierarchy levels in Hungary. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 6, No. 1 (October 2016): pp. 221-224.

Giannola, Adriano and Scalera, Domenico and Petraglia, Carmelo (2014): Net fiscal flows and interregional redistribution in Italy: a long run perspective (1951-2010).

Giannola, Adriano and Scalera, Domenico and Petraglia, Carmelo (2014): Net fiscal flows and interregional redistribution in Italy: a long run perspective (1951-2010).

Gluschenko, Konstantin (2022): Costs of Living and Real Incomes in the Russian Regions.

Gluschenko, Konstantin (2020): Long-Term Evolution of Russia’s Market Integration.

Gluschenko, Konstantin (2015): ‘Williamson’s Fallacy’ in Estimation of Inter-Regional Inequality.

Gluschenko, Konstantin (2015): ‘Williamson’s Fallacy’ in Estimation of Inter-Regional Inequality.

Gluschenko, Konstantin and Karandashova, Maria (2016): Price Levels across Russian Regions.

Gunawan, Anang and Mendez, Carlos and Santos-Marquez, Felipe (2019): Regional Income Disparities, Distributional Convergence, and Spatial Effects: Evidence from Indonesia.

Gunawan, Anang and Mendez, Carlos and Santos-Marquez, Felipe (2019): Regional Income Disparities, Distributional Convergence, and Spatial Effects: Evidence from Indonesia.


Halkos, George and Zisiadou, Argyro and Aslanidis, Panagiotis-Stavros and Koundouri, Phoebe (2024): Valuation of Marine Ecosystem Services in the Black Sea.

Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos (2012): A conditional directional distance function approach for measuring regional environmental efficiency: Evidence from the UK regions.

Hameed, Abdul and Padda, Ihtsham ul Haq and Dahar, Muhammad Arshad (2017): Micro-Supply Capacity Assessment and Quality of Education for the Public Sector Schools in Punjab (Pakistan). Forthcoming in:

Hasan, Lubna (2007): Cities and Quality of Life-Should We Monitor Pakistani Cities?

Hasan, Lubna (2007): On Measuring the Complexity of Urban Living.

Hasan, Lubna Hasan (2006): Myths and Realities of Long-run Development: A Look at Deeper Determinants.

Hasan, Lubna Hasan (2006): Myths and Realities of Long-run Development: A Look at Deeper Determinants.

Heinrich, Gregor (2011): Basilea III y la relevancia para la banca de desarrollo en América Latina.

Horváth, István (2016): Internal migration transition in Romania? Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 6, No. 1 (October 2016): pp. 42-53.

Hudec, Oto and Urbančíková, Nataša and Džupka, Peter and Šebová, Miriam and Klimovský, Daniel and Suhányi, Ladislav and Želinský, Tomáš (2009): Podoby regionálneho a miestneho rozvoja.


Iritié, B. G. Jean-Jacques (2015): Conditions of Diffusion of Competitiveness Clusters' Technologies: a Brief Theoretical Note. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Economics and Finance , Vol. 7, No. 10 (October 2015)

Iritié, B. G. Jean-Jacques (2014): Enjeux des politiques industrielles basées sur les clusters d'innovation: cas des pôles de compétitivité.

Iritié, Jean-Jacques B-G. (2012): Effets des pôles de compétitivité dans les industries de haute technologie : une analyse d'économie industrielle de l'innovation.


Jantsch, Antje and Piper, Alan (2024): An investigation into the relationship between town size and well-being in Latin America and the role of education.

Jóna, György (2015): New trajectories of the Hungarian regional development: balanced and rush growth of territorial capital. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 5, No. 1 (July 2015): pp. 121-136.


KOMLÓSI, ÉVA and PÁGER, BALÁZS (2016): The impact of urban concentration on countries’ competitiveness and entrepreneurial performance. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 5, No. 1 (July 2016): pp. 97-120.

Kapelyuk, Sergey and Karelin, Iliya (2023): Digital Skills: Classification, Empirical Estimates of the Demand.

Karlström, Anders and Ceccato, Vania (2000): A new information theoretical measure of global and local spatial association. Published in: The Review of Regional Research (Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaf) , Vol. 22, (2002): pp. 13-40.

Khavandkar, Ehsan and Theodorakopoulos, Nicholas and Hart, Mark and Preston, Jude (2015): Leading the Diffusion of Intellectual Capital Management Practices in Science Parks. Published in: Human Resource Management, Innovation and Performance , Vol. 1, (17 November 2016): pp. 213-231.

Kincses, Áron (2016): International Migration Diversity in Hungary in the 2011 Population Census Data. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 2, No. 5 (February 2016): pp. 108-124.

Klimczuk, Andrzej (2012): Experts and Cultural Narcissism: Relations in the Early 21st Century. Published in: (2012)

Klimczuk, Andrzej (2011): Transfer technologii w kształtowaniu srebrnej gospodarki. Published in: Transfer wiedzy w ekonomii i zarządzaniu (2011): pp. 57-75.

Klimczuk, Andrzej and Tomczyk, Łukasz (2016): Inteligentne miasta przyjazne starzeniu się - przykłady z krajów Grupy Wyszehradzkiej. Published in: Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna No. 34 (2016): pp. 79-97.

Kogure, Yosuke and Ikeda, Kiyohiro (2021): Group-theoretic analysis of a scalar field on a square lattice.

Kotios, Angelos and Saratsis, Yiannis and Kallioras, Dimitris and Metaxas, Theodore (2005): Balkans and Europe: identifying spatial development dimensions.

Kotosz, Balázs and Lukovics, Miklós and Molnár, Gabriella and Zuti, Bence (2016): How to Measure the Local Economic Impact of Universities? Methodological Overview. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 2, No. 5 (February 2016): pp. 3-19.

Kotosz, Balázs and Lukovics, Miklós and Zuti, Bence and Molnár, Gabriella (2016): Egyetemi funkciók és helyi gazdasági hatások: módszertani problémák és lehetséges megoldások. Published in: In Lengyel I. – Nagy B. (szerk.): Térségek versenyképessége, intelligens szakosodása és újraiparosodása. Szeged, JATEPress Kiadó. ISBN:978­963­315­290­4 (2016): pp. 185-203.


Lanzafame, Matteo (2013): Crime and regional growth in Italy.

Leung, Charles Ka Yui and Ma, Wai Yip and Zhang, Jun (2013): The Market Valuation of Interior Design and Developers strategies: a simple Theory and some Evidence.

Leung, Charles Ka Yui and Sarpca, Sinan and Yilmaz, Kuzey (2012): Public housing units vs. housing vouchers: accessibility, local public goods, and welfare.

Leung, Charles Ka Yui and Teo, Wing Leong (2010): Should the optimal portfolio be region-specific? A multi-region model with monetary policy and asset price co-movements.

Liarte Blasco, Cristian (2020): Determinantes del emprendimiento en Cataluña: un análisis con datos GEM.

Liu, Taoxiong and Huang, Mengdan (2015): Land Supply and Money Growth in China.

Loaiza Quintero, Osmar Leandro and Moncada Mesa, Jhonny (2013): Un estudio sobre las disparidades regionales en Colombia a través del análisis exploratorio y confirmatorio de datos espaciales, 1985 – 2010.

Lucas, David and Boudreaux, Christopher (2018): Federal Regulation, Job Creation, and the Moderating Effect of State Economic Freedom.

Lukovics, Miklós and Prof. Lengyel, Imre and Imreh, Szabolcs and Zuti, Bence (2013): Cross-Border European Funding Opportunities. Published in: Brochure - Project ID: HURO/1001/148/2.3.1 No. April 2013 (2013): pp. 1-10.

Lukovics, Miklós and Zuti, Bence (2015): New Functions of Universities in Century XXI Towards “Fourth Generation” Universities. Published in: Journal Transition Studies Review , Vol. 22, No. 2 (December 2015): pp. 33-48.

Lukovics, Miklós and Zuti, Bence (2013): Successful universities towards the improvement of regional competitiveness: „Fourth Generation” universities. Published in: ERSA conference papers - 2013. Paper ersa13p1348. (2013): pp. 1-17.


Majumder, Rajarshi (2003): Infrastructural Facilities in India: District Level Availability Index. Published in: Indian Journal of Regional Science , Vol. Vol. 3, No. No. 2 (December 2003)

Marinov, Eduard (2014): Конкурентоспособност на Черноморските региони на ЕС. Published in: The Black Sea Region – Global and Regional Challenges No. ISBN 978–954–715–636–4 : pp. 15-25.

Mark D., Partridge and M. Rose, Olfert (2010): The Winner's Choice: Sustainable Economic Strategies for Successful 21st Century Regions. Forthcoming in: Applied Economic Policy Perspectives

Martin-Barroso, David and Nuñez Serrano, Juan Andres and Velazquez, Francisco J. (2010): A different look at aglomeration effects in Spain.

Martinho, Vítor João Pereira Domingues (2011): What said the economic theory about Portugal.

Martinho, Vítor João Pereira Domingues (2011): What said the economic theory about Portugal. Another approach.

Matkovskyy, Roman (2010): Теоретичні засади розвитку мезоекономічних систем. Published in: Економіка і прогнозування No. N4 (2010): pp. 9-21.

Mendez, Carlos and Gonzales, Erick (2020): Human Capital Constraints, Spatial Dependence, and Regionalization in Bolivia: A Spatial Clustering Approach.

Mendez-Guerra, Carlos (2019): Environmental Efficiency and Regional Convergence Clusters in Japan: A Nonparametric Density Approach.

Mendez-Guerra, Carlos and Kataoka, Mitsuhiko (2020): Disparities in Regional Productivity, Capital Accumulation, and Efficiency across Indonesia: A Convergence Clubs Approach.

Mendez-Guerra, Carlos and Santos-Marquez, Felipe (2020): Regional Convergence and Spatial Dependence across Subnational Regions of ASEAN: Evidence from Satellite Nighttime Light Data. Forthcoming in:

Metaxas, Theodore and Kallioras, Dimitris (2004): Medium size cities economic development and regional competitiveness: the case of Larissa – Volos dipole in Thessaly region of Greece. Published in: Discussion Papers Series, University of Thessaly , Vol. 10, No. 7 (2004): pp. 161-200.

Michael, Davidsson and Dan S., Rickman (2012): U.S. Micropolitan Area Growth: A Spatial Equilibrium Growth Analysis.

Mishra, SK and Lyngskor, JW (2003): Real Wages of Casual Labourers in Shillong (India).

Molnár, Ernő and Lengyel, István Máté (2016): Understanding the Changing Geography of Labour-Intensive Industries from a GPN Perspective: Case Study of the Hungarian Leather and Footwear Sector. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 2, No. 5 (February 2016): pp. 144-160.

Molnár, Gabriella and Zuti, Bence (2015): Egyetemek gazdaságfejlesztési hatásainak mérése. Published in: „Első szárnypróbálgatások” , Vol. II., No. TDK Műhelytanulmányok (2015): pp. 52-65.

Molnár, Gabriella and Zuti, Bence (2014): Egyetemi kontextusú globális-lokális paradoxon a tanuló régiók keretfeltételei között: a „negyedik generációs” egyetemek irányába. Published in: Conference Proceedings. TDK-Műhelytanulmányok-Első szárnypróbálgatások (2014): pp. 90-111.

Montañés, Antonio and Olmos, Lorena and Reyes, Marcelo (2016): Does crisis affect convergence process? The case of the Spanish provinces.

Montes-Solla, Paulino and Faiña Medín, J. Andres and Lopez-Rodriguez, Jesus (2015): Regional development in Spain 1989-2010: capital widening and productivity stagnation.

Motkuri, Venkatanarayana (2008): Deprivation of Basic Amenities in Andhra Pradesh.

Motkuri, Venkatanarayana (2012): Prospects of Rural Industry in Andhra Pradesh.

Mukherjee, Dipa (2005): Changing Role of Women: A Study of Small Manufacturing Enterprises in India. Published in: Journal of Economic & Social Development , Vol. II, No. 2 (2006)

Munir, Kashif and Sultan, Maryam (2016): Export Performance with Border Sharing Countries: An Assessment of Pakistan.


Nien, Benjamin Chih-Chien (2006): Study on Applications of Supply and Demand Theory of Microeconomics and Physics Field Theory to Central Place Theory.

Nwaobi, Godwin C (2011): Productive and cognitive innovation strategy:African framework design.


Ortega Palacios, Inés (2020): Análisis del emprendimiento usando datos GEM: evidencias para la Comunidad de Madrid.


Partridge, Mark D. and Yang, Benjian and Chen, Anping (2017): Do Border Effects Alter Regional Development: Evidence from China.

Pradhan, Jaya Prakash (2008): Indian Direct Investment in Developing Countries: Emerging Trends and Development Impacts.

Pradhan, Jaya Prakash and Zohair, Mohammad (2014): Subnational Export Performance and Determinants: Evidence from Two Indian States.

Prejmerean (Dan), Mihaela Cornelia (2011): The development potential of clusters in Romania.

PÁGER, BALÁZS and ZSIBÓK, ZSUZSANNA (2015): The measurement of territorial differences in the information infrastructure in Hungary and the South Transdanubian Region. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 4, No. 2 (February 2015): pp. 55-70.

Pálóczi, Gábor (2016): Researching commuting to work using the methods of complex network analysis. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 6, No. 1 (October 2016): pp. 3-22.

Pálóczi, Gábor and Pénzes, János and Hurbánek, Pavol and Halás, Marián and Klapka, Pavel (2016): Attempts to delineate functional regions in Hungary based on commuting data. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 6, No. 1 (October 2016): pp. 23-41.

Płoszaj, Adam and Wojnar, Katarzyna (2009): Network analysis of co-operation between research institutions - example of ESPON Programme.


Rashid, Muhammad Mustafa (2019): Berkeley Blues; Ford Community Corps Partnership: Integrating Environmental Ethic, Bioethics and the Ethics of Emerging Technology into a Comprehensive Leadership Philosophy. A Regional Study, Detroit Michigan. (Covid, Edition).

Robbiano, Simone (2021): The innovative impact of public research institutes: evidence from Italy.

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