Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "Z18 - Public Policy"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 196.


Elasrag, Hussein (2014): الإسكان الميسر بدول الخليج.


Ivanova, Daniela and Vasileva, Elka and Tipova, Nina and Stefanov, Stilian (2013): Сертификационните схеми в хранителния сектор - инструмент на устойчиво производство (Certification scheme in food sector - instrument for sustainable production). Published in: International Conference “Sustainable development and management practices Bulgaria – Bavaria”, New Bulgarian University – Sofia No. Proceeding of Conference, Ed. “Avangard print” – Ruse (2014): pp. 301-308.

Kulinska, Emilia and Vasileva, Elka (2015): Иновационни модели за увеличаване на енергийната ефективност в българските домакинства. Forthcoming in: Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference, New Bulgarian University, 2015, 4 June, Sofia, Bulgaria

Vasileva, Elka and Ivanova, Daniela and Nikolov, Bogomil (2012): System for comparative testing of products with participation of stakeholders from the disclosure of consumers’ information in Bulgaria (Система за независими сравнителни продуктови изпитвания с участието на заинтересовените страни от представяне на потребителска информация в България). Published in: Economic and social alternatives , Vol. 3, (2012): pp. 41-50.


ADAM, Elena and TRIȘCAȘ, Floarea Elena and NICOARĂ, Raluca-Maria and IVAN, Ruben Ioan and DUȚĂ, Paul and PANAIT, Ion and MANOLACHE, Viorella and ANDRONACHE, Alin and TRANDAFIR, Andreea and TAROPA-IACOB, Anda and DUȚĂ, Andreea Emilia and IORDAN, Costel and ALEXA, Oana Alexandra and CIOREI, Mihaela Andreea and MARCAU, Flavius-Cristian and SIMA, Isabella Cristiana and MATEIU, Mihaela and NISIPEANU, Elena and CĂLIN, Alexandra and HARANGUS, Katalin and EDU, Filip Vladimir and MARIN, Aurelia Camelia and AŞER, Nica and BOGDAN, Laura and MOGA, Monika and VULPAȘU, Dana and COSTESCU, Elena-Alis and CIUNTUC, Cristina-Elena and NECHIFOR, Caleb Otniel Traian and CRISTESCU, Cosmina and PIPOŞ, Cristina (2013): Research and Science Today No. 1(5)/2013. Published in: Research and Science Today No. 1(5)/2013 (1 March 2013)

Aghaei Chadegani, Arezoo and Salehi, Hadi and Md Yunus, Melor and Farhadi, Hadi and Fooladi, Masood and Farhadi, Maryam and Ale Ebrahim, Nader (2013): A Comparison between Two Main Academic Literature Collections: Web of Science and Scopus Databases. Published in: Asian Social Science , Vol. 9, No. 5 (27 April 2013): pp. 18-26.

Akinola, Olanrewaju (2012): Power, Property, Publicity and Democracy in Nigeria. Published in: Media, Governance and Development in Nigeria: Issue and Trends (A Festschrift for Prof. Idowu Sobowale (OON). Primus Prints and Communication, Lagos, Nigeria.

Al-Jarhi, Mabid (2016): The Islamic Political System: A Basic Value Approach.

Ang, Joshua Ping and Guanlin, Gao and Sparks, Andrew (2022): A dichotomy between democracy and personal freedom on the spread of COVID-19. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Social Economics

Anton, Roman (2016): On the Future Advances in Engineering and In-Vitro Culture of Human Embryos. Forthcoming in: Open Science , Vol. 3, No. 1 (18 May 2016): pp. 1-13.

Anttiroiko, Ari-Veikko (2010): Creative city concept in local economic development: the case of Finnish cities.

Anttiroiko, Ari-Veikko (2014): Good governance in context: Learning from anti-corruption policies of Finland and Singapore.

Ariff, Syamimi and Hans-Dieter, Evers and Anthony Banyouko, Ngah and Farah, Purwaningrum (2014): Governing Knowledge for Development: Knowledge Clusters in Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia. Published in: ZEF Working Paper Series No. 125 (2014): pp. 1-24.

Athias, Laure (2024): Common Good Institutions, Identity in the Workplace, and Value Dynamics.

Azmat, Hayat and Saeed, Akhtar (2012): Is Bible and Quran the true word of God, "The Economist case against addictive substance".

Azuela Flores, José Ignacio and Cogco Calderón, Adolfo Rogelio (2013): Public Policy of Crafts in México: A Misconception.

Bernini, Cristina and Cerqua, Augusto (2019): Do sustainability policies finance local economies?

Bhattacherjee, Sanjay and Sarkar, Palash (2018): Voting in the Goods and Services Tax Council of India.

Bicchieri, Cristina and Marini, Annalisa (2015): Female Genital Cutting: Fundamentals, Social Expectations and Change.

Bista, Raghu (2015): Conflict and Internal Displacement in Nepal:Socio-Economic Query. Published in: Journal of South Asian Studies , Vol. 3, No. 3 (3 March 2015): pp. 307-314.

Bista, Raghu (2019): Industrial Waste and Urban Bio-diversity in Developing country: Mapping Aquatic Biodiversity in Nepal. Published in: Journal of Advanced Research in Business Law and Technology Management , Vol. 2, No. 2 (29 December 2019): pp. 11-17.

Bista, Raghu (2019): Measurement of Vulnerability of Single Women in Nepalese Households: Query about inclusion or exclusion. Published in: Quest Journal of Management and Social Sciences , Vol. 1, No. 2 (28 January 2020): pp. 210-222.

Cameron, Anna and Tedds, Lindsay M. (2021): Gender-Based Violence, Economic Security, and the Potential of Basic Income: A Discussion Paper.

Cerqueti, Roy and Sabatini, Fabio and Ventura, Marco (2016): Civic capital and support for the welfare state.

Challoumis, Constantinos (2024): AI And The Economy - How Technology Is Redefining Employment And Income Distribution.

Challoumis, Constantinos (2024): AI Startups And The Economy - Fueling Growth In The 21st Century.

Clemente, Marco and Roulet, Thomas (2015): Public Opinion as a Source of Deinstitutionalization: A 'Spiral of Silence' Approach. Forthcoming in: Academy of Management Review (January 2015)

Cuccia, Tiziana and Monaco, Luisa and Rizzo, Ilde (2015): Are less public funds bad? New strategies for cultural operators.

Das, Nimai and Kumar, Rajeev (2016): Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Healthcare Sector of India. Published in: http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/rg.2.2.30420.19845 (September 2016)

Daskalopoulou, Irene F. (2019): Culture and authenticity: regulating shadow economy to foster market growth.

Davila, Osiel Gonzalez and Koundouri, Phoebe and Souliotis, Ioannis and Kotroni, Erasmia and Chen, Wenting and Haggett, Claire and Lu, Shiau-Yun and Rudolph, David (2015): Supporting BLUE Growth: Eliciting Stakeholders' preferences for Multiple-Use Offshore Platforms. Published in:

Delgado Narro, Augusto Ricardo (2021): COVID-19 with Stigma: New Evidence from Mobility Data and “Go to Travel” Campaign.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2013): Inclusive Green Growth and Sustainable Development through Productive Consumption.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2011): Inclusive Growth Through Creation of Human and Social Capital. Published in: International Journal of Social Economics , Vol. 41, No. 10 (October 2014): pp. 878-895.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2016): Interrelationships between Social and human Capital, and Economic Growth. Published in: "Social capital and economic growth," Chapter in Sherman Folland and Eric Nauenberg Edited book: Elgar Companion to Social Capital and Health, chapter 18, pages 276-300 Edward Elgar Publishing. (31 August 2018): pp. 276-300.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2015): Land Acquisition and Compensation Policy for Development Activity. Published in: Journal of Land and Rural Studies , Vol. 4, No. 1 (January 2016): pp. 111-118.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2015): Land Acquisition and Compensation Policy for Development Activity. Published in: Journal of Land and Rural Studies , Vol. 1, No. 4 (4 January 2016): pp. 111-118.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2009): A Simple Complementary Development Mechanics for African Countries.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2015): Social Preference and Governance: A Case Study in India.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2013): A Theoretical Basis for Green Growth. Published in: International Journal of Green Economy , Vol. 8, No. 2 (1 December 2014): pp. 177-189.

Dixon, Keith (2013): Growth and dispersion of accounting research about New Zealand before and during a National Research Assessment Exercise: Five decades of academic journals bibliometrics.

Drymouras, Vasileios (2021): Proposal in ensuring social welfare during the period of the pandemic crisis.

Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros and Kyriazis, Nicholas (2014): Aetolians, Europeans and Canadians: A Comparative analysis of federations.

Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros and Kyriazis, Nicholas (2015): The Aetolians, the Europeans and the Pakistanis: Lessons for modern federations.

Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros and Kyriazis, Nicholas (2015): Athenian fiscal expansionary policy and peace versus war strategy.

Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros and Kyriazis, Nicholas (2017): Choosing the optimal public choice scenario through a democratic educational procedure: A history from ancient Athens.

Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros and Kyriazis, Nicholas (2015): The Greek democratic federations and the European Union’s integration.

Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros and Kyriazis, Nicholas (2013): The emergence and the development of the federations: The Achaean federation, the United Provinces and the EU.

Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros and Kyriazis, Nicholas and Zachilas, Loukas (2016): Interpreting sociopolitical change by using Chaos Theory: A lesson from Sparta and Athens.

Ekonomou, George and Halkos, George (2024): Enhancing responsible tourism by establishing ‘smartness’ at destinations.

Evers, Hans-Dieter (2013): The Governance of Knowledge.

Forson, Joseph Ato and Buracom, Ponlapat and Chen, Guojin and Baah-Ennumh, Theresa Yabaa (2014): Genuine Wealth Per Capita as a Measure of Sustainability and the Negative Impact of Corruption on Sustainable Growth in Sub-Sahara Africa. Published in: South Africa Journal of Economics , Vol. 85, No. 1 (10 February 2017): pp. 178-195.

Gawlik, Remigiusz and Gorynia, Marian and Teczke, Janusz (2005): Malopolska science and business units - in quest for the missing link. Published in: Proceedings of the Science Marketing 4th International Science-to-Business Conference (October 2005)

Gibson, John and Johnson, David and Alexi, Thompson (2020): Close Encounters of a Heterogeneous Kind: Understanding the Differential Impact of Social Distancing on COVID-19 Infections and Deaths.

Guittard, Alice and Akinsete, Ebun and Koundouri, Phoebe and Tiller, Rachel and Viaene, Peter (2022): A systems approach for the sustainable development of coastal-rural regions. Published in:

Hanappi, Hardy (2015): From Political Crisis to Europe’s Second Renaissance? An interpretation of recent events and some ideas for the future.

Hayat, Azmat (2017): Does Bible and Quran Represent the True Word of God, The Economist case against Addictive substances.

Helbing, Dirk and Balietti, Stefano (2011): Big data, privacy, and trusted web: What needs to be done. Published in: Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics No. 195 (30 May 2011): pp. 3-68.

Heusinger, Marcel (2013): Challenges of Critical and Emancipatory Design Science Research: The Design of ‘Possible Worlds’ as Response.

Hoedoafia, Mabel Akosua (2019): Private Sector Development in Ghana: An Overview.

Jackson, Emerson Abraham (2023): Economic anthropology insight: Narratives of livelihood exploration from fieldwork experience in Goderich-Sierra Leone. Published in: International Journal of Sustainable Society (IJSSoc) , Vol. 15, No. 3 (7 August 2023): pp. 225-238.

Jacob, Arun (2016): Mind the Gap: Analyzing the impact of data gap in Millennium Development Goals’ (MDGs) indicators on the progress towards MDGs.

Jithitikulchai, Theepakorn (2022): Improving Allocative Efficiency from Network Consolidation: A Solution for the Health Workforce Shortage. Published in: Human Resources for Health , Vol. 20, No. 59 (2022): pp. 1-12.

K.N, Nair and C.S, Krishnakumar (2014): Breeding, Feeding and Distribution of Milch Animal Holdings in India:An Analysis Based on the Data from the National Dairy Sample Survey.

KOLOMA, YAYA (2022): Mali’s Fragility: Root Causes and Potential Recovery Pathways.

Kauffmann, Howell (2021): Diverse Approaches to Multicultural Art Education: Some Policy Considerations.

Kelley, Jonathan (2014): Beware of feedback effects among trust, risk and public opinion: Quantitative estimates of rational versus emotional influences on attitudes toward genetic modification. Forthcoming in: Environmental Economics , Vol. 4, No. 5 : pp. 81-95.

Khan, Haider and Schettino, Francesco (2018): Income Polarization in the USA (1983-2016): what happened to the middle class?

Klimczuk, Andrzej (2013): Creative Ageing Policy in Regional Development. Published in: Regional Management. Theory, Practice and Development (2012): pp. 100-104.

Klimczuk, Andrzej (2016): Creative Aging: Drawing on the Arts to Enhance Healthy Aging. Published in:

Klimczuk, Andrzej (2012): Experts and Cultural Narcissism: Relations in the Early 21st Century. Published in: (2012)

Klimczuk, Andrzej (2015): Mixed Economy of Welfare Emerging in Poland: Outplacement and Non-Governmental Employment Agencies Examples. Published in: E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies , Vol. 4, No. 2 (May 2015): pp. 110-134.

Klimczuk, Andrzej (2015): Public Policy: Ethics. Published in:

Klimczuk, Andrzej (2013): Strategic Responses on Population Ageing in Regional Policy. Published in: Theory of Management 4. The Selected Problems for the Development Support of Management Knowledge Base (2011): pp. 261-265.

Klimczuk, Andrzej and Tomczyk, Łukasz (2015): Aging in the Social Space. Published in:

Klimczuk, Andrzej and Tomczyk, Łukasz (2017): Selected Contemporary Challenges of Ageing Policy. Published in:

Klimczuk, Andrzej and Česnuityte, Vida and Avram, Gabriela (2021): The Collaborative Economy in Action: Context and Outline of Country Reports. Published in: : pp. 6-21.

Klimczuk, Andrzej and Česnuityte, Vida and Avram, Gabriela (2021): The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives. Published in:

Koundouri, Phoebe and Alamanos, Angelos and Sachs, Jeffrey (2024): Innovating for Sustainability: The Global Climate Hub. Published in:

Koundouri, Phoebe and Gonzalez Davila, Osiel and Pantelidis, Theologos (2015): Measuring the Economic Value of Sustainable River Basin Management: The Full-Preference Rank Method. Published in:

Kuipers, Stijn (2021): Rethinking Anti-Corruption Efforts in International Development. Published in: Journal of Financial Crime No. EarlyCite

Kumar, Himangshu (2020): Hearts and Minds: What explains the intensity of insurgent violence in India’s NER?

Kumar, Himangshu and Nataraj, Manikantha (2020): The Impact of COVID-19 Mobility Restrictions in India: Comparing State and Central responses.

Mamoon, Dawood (2017): Politics Case Study: Bad News in Good Times of General Musharraf Presidency: Economics versus Politics.

Manheim, David (2023): Building less-flawed metrics: Understanding and creating better measurement and incentive systems. Published in: Patterns , Vol. 4, No. 10 (13 October 2023)

Marandici, Ion (2021): Nostalgic Voting? Explaining the Electoral Support for the Political Left in Post-Soviet Moldova. Published in: Eurasian Geography and Economics , Vol. 4, No. 63 (2022): pp. 514-542.

Maulana, Ardian and Hokky, Situngkir (2024): Exploring The Spatial Structure of Interregional Supply Chain: A Multilayer Network Approach. Published in: BFI Working Paper Series No. WP-2-2024 (7 May 2024)

Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil and Tsagarakis, Stelios and Kamekis, Apostolos (2015): Modern Populism in Greece. Published in: Open Democracy No. 4 November 2013 (4 November 2013)

Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil and Tsagarakis, Stelios and Kamekis, Apostolos (2015): Modern Populism in Greece. Published in: Open Democracy No. 4 November 2013 (4 November 2013)

Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2017): One Global Map but Different Worlds: Worldwide Survey of Human Access to Basic Utilities. Published in: Human Ecology , Vol. 45, No. 43 (June 2017): pp. 425-429.

Mirza, Arshad and Singh, Nirvikar (2018): Mental Health Policy in India: Seven Sets of Questions and Some Answers. Forthcoming in: Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics

Moreno, Frede (2023): Gender-responsive budgeting in the Philippines: Comparative review of best practices and challenges.

Moreno, Frede (2023): Stateless sea gypsies in Bangsamoro coastlines: Understanding the Sama Bajau ethnic tribe in the Philippines. Published in:

NWAOBI, GODWIN (2013): African Development,Partnership and Rationality Challenge:An Exposition.

NWAOBI, GODWIN (2013): African Jobless Growth Morphology:Vulnerabilities and Policy Responses.

Nasir, Tyabji (1984): Nature of Small Enterprise Development: Political Aims and Socio-Economic Reality. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. XIX, No. 31-33 (August 1984): pp. 1425-1433.

Naughtin, Claire and Hajkowicz, Stefan and Schleiger, Emma and Bratanova, Alexandra and Cameron, Alicia and Zamin, T and Dutta, A (2022): Our Future World: Global megatrends impacting the way we live over coming decades.

Nikolov, Bogomil and Vasileva, Elka and Ivanova, Daniela (2011): The information asymmetries and consumer policy issues in Bulgaria. Published in: International Symposium “Consumer Information – Market Regulation by Means of Transparency? , Vol. 7, No. Proceeding of Symposium, Potsdam, Germany (May 2011): pp. 122-128.

Nikolov, Bogomil and Vassileva, Elka and Ivanova, Daniela (2010): Quality labeling and information asymmetry: identification of quality labeling certification schemes in Bulgaria. Published in: 17th IGWT Symposium, “Facing the Challenges of the Future: Excellence in Business and Commodity Science” , Vol. I, No. Proceeding of Symposium, Bucharest, Romania, Special issue of the Romanian Journal “Quality – access to success”, Year 11, No 116 (September 2010): pp. 83-92.

Ologunebi, John and Taiwo, Ebenezer (2025): The Impact of Digital Communication on Governance, Political Dynamics, and Leadership; A Case Study of the Nigerian People and Process.

Osuagwu, Eze Simpson (2021): Balancing the principles of Federalism and intergovernmental relations under the Affordable Care Act.

Osuagwu, Eze Simpson (2021): Christian conception of Natural Law and the moral theory of the State.

Osuji, Emeka and Evans, Olaniyi (2020): Tourism Effects of Pandemics: New Insights from the Novel Coronavirus. Published in: SPOUDAI-Journal of Economics and Business , Vol. 70, No. 3 (2020): pp. 56-65.

Pachankis, Yang (2022): A Self-help Guide to Psychoanalysis in Cisgender Homosexual Male from Consciousness. Published in: Journal of Marketing Management and Consumer Behavior , Vol. 4, No. 2 (13 November 2022): pp. 93-110.

Papaioannou, Sotiris (2018): Does education affect economic liberty? The role of information and the media.

Pedrosa-Garcia, Jose Antonio (2016): Does Foreign Aid Reduce Poverty? Evidence from Niger.

Pedrosa-Garcia, Jose Antonio (2017): Trends and Features of Research on Foreign Aid: A Literature Review.

Petit, Gillian and Kesselman, Jonathan (2020): Reforms to Earnings Supplement Programs in British Columbia: Making Work Pay for Low-Income Workers.

Pilon, André Francisco (2024): "The Party of the Dead", a Tale that Repeats Itself.

Polemis, Michael (2020): The impact of COVID-19 on hotel performance: Evidence from a Difference-in-Differences approach.

Pradhan, Raj Kishor (2013): Naxal problem in India an economic analysis.

Prasetyono, Pipin (2017): Facilitating payments: an ethical problem in the Indonesian bureaucracy.

Quang Tran, Tuyen and Quy Nguyen, Thanh and Vu Van, Huong and Thanh Doan, Tinh (2015): Religiosity and life satisfaction among old people: Evidence from a transitional country. Published in: Applied Research in Quality of Life (8 December 2016): pp. 1-22.

Raghu, Prabhakaran T. and N.N., Kalaiselvan and V., Arivudai Nambi and B, Chandra Guptha and R.K., Mahana and G, Venkatesan and R, Arunraj and P.I., Maria Philip (2014): Assessment of Food and Nutrient Intake of Communities across Three Agro-biodiversity Hotspots in India. Published in: European Scientific Journal , Vol. 3, (2014): pp. 135-147.

Rashid, Muhammad Mustafa (2017): King, Fuller and Dworkin on Natural Law and Hard Cases.

Rondina, Leo Carlo (2018): Police Self-Image: A Galatea Effect.

Saccal, Alessandro (2022): A probabilistic analysis of governmental forms.

Sapovadia, Vrajlal (2014): Global Punctuality Index: A Tool to Save Trillion Man Hours.

Sarracino, Francesco and Gosset, Andrea (2015): The non-economic outcomes of social entrepreneurship in Luxembourg.

Scire', Giovanni (2021): Modelling and Assessing Public Health Policies to Counteract Italian Measles Outbreaks. Published in: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SIMULATION AND PROCESS MODELLING , Vol. 16, No. 4 (3 November 2021): pp. 271-284.

Situngkir, Hokky (2016): Agent-Based Model for River-Side Land-living: Portrait of Bandung Indonesian Cikapundung Park Case Study. Published in: BFI Working Paper Series, WP-3-2016 (2 May 2016)

Situngkir, Hokky and Lumbantobing, Andika Bernad (2020): The Pandemics in Artificial Society: Agent-Based Model to Reflect Strategies on COVID-19. Published in: BFI Working Paper Series No. WP-2020-02 (27 July 2020)

Sulasula, Josephine (2023): Entrepreneurial dimension of Public Universities in the Philippines' Zamboanga Peninsula Region: Best practices and controversies.

Sulasula, Josephine (2023): Exploring the viability of Smart Public Universities in the Philippines’ Zamboanga Peninsula Region.

Sulasula, Josephine (2023): Towards algorithmic university: Assessing the readiness of State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in Zamboanga Peninsula (Region IX), The Philippines.

Trofimov, Ivan D. (2017): Political economy of trade protection and liberalization: in search of agency-based and holistic framework of policy change.

Tyabji, Nasir (1984): Nature of Small Enterprise Development: Political Aims and Socio-Economic Reality. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. XIX, No. 31-33 (August 1984): pp. 1425-1433.

Tyabji, Nasir (1999): Science or Society? - The Social Function of Science Revisited. Published in: India International Centre Quarterly , Vol. 26, No. 3 (1999): pp. 91-98.

Tyabji, Nasir (1984): Small Enterprises and the Crisis in Indian Development. Published in: Social Scientist , Vol. 12, No. 7 (July 1984): pp. 35-46.

Valente, Jordan and Moreno, Frede (2014): Women’s representation in local politics: Evidence from The Philippines.

Vamakshi, Vamakshi (2022): Examining the effectiveness of One Nation One Ration Card Scheme. Published in: Economic & Political WEEKLY , Vol. 57, No. ISSUE NO 35 (27 August 2022): pp. 15-17.

Vanschoonbeek, Jakob (2024): The Spatial Political Economy of Discontent.

Vashkiv, Oleksandr and Vashkiv, Olesia (2017): Institutional traps in business: the subject-object approach. Published in: «Актуальні аспекти модернізації економіки та фінансової системи України» : матеріали доповідей Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (2016): pp. 8-10.

Wang, Yansong and Xu, Tao and Yuan, Cheng (2024): It Takes Three to Ceilidh: Pension System and Multidimensional Poverty Mitigation in China.

Wenzel, Tina (2009): Beyond GDP - Measuring the Wealth of Nations. Published in: Munich, GRIN Verlag (March 2009)

Xu, Tao (2024): Transformative Communication in Development Organisation: Strategic Engagement and Celebrity Influence.

Yamamura, Eiji (2019): Female teachers’ relative wage level in the 1930s and its long-term effects on current views on female labor participation: A case study from Japan.

Yamamura, Eiji (2014): Identity, Nostalgia and Happiness among Migrants: The Case of the Kōshien High School Baseball Tournament in Japan.

Yamamura, Eiji (2013): Natural disasters and social capital formation: The impact of the Great Hanshin-Awaji earthquake.

Yamamura, Eiji (2015): Social capital and views on suicide via the internet: a study using survey data.

Yamamura, Eiji and Shin, Inyong (2014): Effect of consuming imported cultural goods on tolerance for immigrants from trade partners: Case of Japanese anime in Korea.

Yamamura, Eiji and Shin, Inyong (2015): Effect of consuming imported cultural goods on trading partners’ tolerance toward immigrants: The case of Japanese anime in Korea.

Yamamura, Eiji and Tsutsui, Yoshiro and Ohtake, Fumio (2018): Altruistic and selfish motivations of charitable giving: The case of the hometown tax donation system (Furusato nozei) in Japan.

Zabala, Cedrick (2023): Coastal Zone Management in Zamboanga City, Philippines: Experiences and Lessons Learned.

Zaman, Khalid (2023): Navigating the Perils of a Banana Republic: Lessons from Pakistan's Economic Crisis. Published in: Politica , Vol. 1, No. 1 (10 February 2023): pp. 33-41.

Zaynutdinova, Alsu and Pisarevskaya, Dina and Zubov, Maxim and Makarov, Ilya (2019): Deception Detection in Online Media. Published in: CEUR Workshop Proceedings , Vol. 2479, (26 September 2019): pp. 121-127.

Zhorayev, Olzhas (2020): Determinants of Trust in Police: A Cross-National Analysis.


Ahohounkpanzon, Michel (2020): Formation et migration de la main-d’oeuvre rurale en Afrique. L'expérience du Club des jeunes agriculteurs d'Ayou, un projetpilote au Dahomey/Bénin (1967-1975). Published in: Chapter 7 Bierschenk, Thomas et Georg Elwert (éditeurs), 1993 : Entwicklungshilfe und ihre Folgen. Ergebnisse empirischer Untersuchungen in Afrika; Frankfurt/New York, Campus Verlag No. ISBN 3-593-34658-3 (1993): pp. 157-181.

Ahsina, Khalifa (2018): Les déterminants du taux de participation aux dernières élections locales en 2015 : essai d’explication et de modélisation.


Fischer, Justina A.V. (2013): Der Euro – ein Projekt ohne Zukunft? Ein Plädoyer für europäische Solidarität und Toleranz.

Klimczuk, Andrzej and Lüscher, Kurt and Hoff, Andreas and Lamura, Giovanni and Renzi, Marta and de Salles Oliveira, Paulo and Sánchez, Mariano and Viry, Gil and Widmer, Eric and Neményi, Ágnes and Veress, Enikő and Bjursell, Cecilia and Boström, Ann-Kristin and Rapolienė, Gražina and Mikulionienė, Sarmitė and Oğlak, Sema and Canatan, Ayşe and Vujović, Ana and Svetelšek, Ajda and Gavranović, Nedim and Ivashchenko, Olga and Shipovskaya, Valentina and Lin, Qing and Wang, Xiying (2017): Generationen, Generationenbeziehungen, Generationenpolitik. Ein mehrsprachiges Kompendium - Edition 2017. Published in:

Kotroyannos, Dimitrios (2016): Alexis Tsipras und der rhetorische Diskurs als Politik.

Lüscher, Kurt and Hoff, Andreas and Lamura, Giovanni and Renzi, Marta and Sánchez, Mariano and Viry, Gil and Widmer, Eric and Klimczuk, Andrzej and de Salles Oliveira, Paulo (2015): Generationen, Generationenbeziehungen, Generationenpolitik. Published in:

Lüscher, Kurt and Klimczuk, Andrzej and Hoff, Andreas and Lamura, Giovanni and Renzi, Marta and de Salles Oliveira, Paulo and Sánchez, Mariano and Viry, Gil and Widmer, Eric and Neményi, Ágnes and Veress, Enikő and Bjursell, Cecilia and Boström, Ann-Kristin and Rapolienė, Gražina and Mikulionienė, Sarmitė and Oğlak, Sema and Canatan, Ayşe (2016): Generationen, Generationenbeziehungen, Generationenpolitik. Ein mehrsprachiges Kompendium. Published in:

Rebeggiani, Luca and Janssen, Karin (2022): Regionalökonomische Analyse der Standorte der Spielbanken in Niedersachsen.

Tsatsos, Aristidis (2012): Die Liberalisierung des russischen Gassektors: 3 Szenarios?

Yildiz, Özgür (2014): Lehren aus der Verhaltensökonomik für die Gestaltung umweltpolitischer Maßnahmen.


Indra, Citra Asmara (2013): Dampak Dari Penambangan Timah Inkonvensional Di Desa Lampur Kabupaten Bangka Tengah. Published in: Society , Vol. 1, No. 2 (1 December 2013): pp. 148-164.

Jaelani, Aan (2014): KEUANGAN PUBLIK ISLAM:Refleksi APBN dan Politik Anggaran di Indonesia. Forthcoming in: (1 November 2014): pp. 1-145.

Jaelani, Aan (2018): Relasi negara dan pasar bebas dalam mewujudkan keadilan ekonomi: Analisis sejarah keuangan publik Islam. Published in: Al-Mustashfa: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Ekonomi Islam , Vol. 3, No. 2 (26 December 2018): pp. 169-186.

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