Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "C01 - Econometrics"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 455.


Almosabbeh, Imadeddin (2008): العوامل المؤثرة في البطالة في الجمهورية العربية السورية دراسة تطبيقية باستخدام منهجية التكامل المشترك.


ALAMI CHENTOUFI, Reda (2024): Penalized Convex Estimation in Dynamic Location-Scale models.

ANDRIANADY, Ravahiny Josué and RAZANAJATOVO, H. Yves and RAVELOMANANTSOA, M. Fabienne (2024): Unraveling the Nexus:Oil Price Dynamics and Inflation. Published in: AfricArXIV

Abito, Jose Miguel (2019): Estimating Production Functions with Fixed Effects.

Abonazel, Mohamed R. (2016): Bias Correction Methods for Dynamic Panel Data Models with Fixed Effects.

Abonazel, Mohamed R. (2016): Bias Correction Methods for Dynamic Panel Data Models with Fixed Effects. Published in: MJ Journal on Statistics and Probability , Vol. 1, No. 1 (June 2016): pp. 37-51.

Adeniji, Sesan and Evans, Olaniyi (2013): Searching for the Relative Potency of Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Selected African Countries: A Panel Data Approach to St. Louis Equation.

Aguirregabiria, Victor (2008): Comment: The Identification Power of Equilibrium in Simple Games. Published in: Journal of Business and Economic Statistics , Vol. 26, No. 3 (1 July 2008): pp. 283-289.

Aguirregabiria, Victor (2009): Econometric Issues and Methods in the Estimation of Production Functions.

Aguirregabiria, Victor (2009): Some Notes on Sample Selection Models.

Ahec Šonje, Amina and Katarina, Bacic (2006): A composite leading indicator for a small transition economy: the case of Croatia.

Ahmadzadeh Mashinchi, Sina (2010): The impact of the global economic crisis on non-oil operations of ports in Iran. Published in: Middle East Journal of Scientific Research (ISI Indexed) , Vol. 9, No. 5 (15 November 2011): pp. 596-601.

Ahmed, Muhammad Ashfaq and Nawaz, Nasreen (2023): A Sufficient Statistical Test for Dynamic Stability.

Ahmed, Shaghil and Hyder, Kalim and Areeb, Tabinda (2005): The Economy in the Aftermath of the Earthquake. Published in: Research Report No. RR63

Ahmed, Vaqar and O' Donoghue, Cathal (2008): Welfare impact of external balance in pakistan: CGE-microsimulation analysis.

Ahmed, Walid M.A. (2008): Cointegration and dynamic linkages of international stock markets: an emerging market perspective.

Aknouche, Abdelhakim (2024): Periodically homogeneous Markov chains: The discrete state space case.

Aknouche, Abdelhakim and Bendjeddou, Sara and Touche, Nassim (2016): Negative binomial quasi-likelihood inference for general integer-valued time series models. Forthcoming in: Journal of Time Series Analysis

Aknouche, Abdelhakim and Scotto, Manuel (2022): A multiplicative thinning-based integer-valued GARCH model.

Albers, Scott (2013): Of Jane Austen and the secret life of econometric quantities, or as otherwise entitled on Okun's Law and the 'multiplicative inverse surprise'.

Albers, Scott (2014): On the architecture of the rings of Saturn: An “identity” theory of the distribution of gaps within rings.

Albers, Scott (2015): An attitude of complexity: thirteen essays on the nature and construction of reality under the challenge of Zeno's Paradox.

Albers, Scott and Albers, Andrew (2015): On the mathematic prediction of economic and social crises: toward a harmonic interpretation of the Kondratiev Wave, revised and corrected, with a new appendix, February 12, 2015.

Albers, Scott and Albers, Andrew L. (2013): Does “Okun’s Law” state a Pi:1 ratio? Toward a harmonic interpretation of why Okun’s Law works.

Albu, Lucian-Liviu and Diaconescu, Tiberiu (2009): Simulation on long-term correlation between demographic variables and economic growth.

Alfarano, Simone and Lux, Thomas (2010): Extreme Value Theory as a Theoretical Background for Power Law Behavior.

Alghalith, Moawia (2019): A New Price of the Arithmetic Asian Option: A Simple Formula.

Alghalith, Moawia (2019): The distribution of the average of log-normal variables and exact Pricing of the Arithmetic Asian Options: A Simple, closed-form Formula.

Alvi, Mohsin (2012): Attitude Differentiates The Brand Selection (From the view of Generation Y people).

Alvi, Mohsin (2012): The impact of packet size on inventory turnover of fmcg products in Pakistan [wholesaler & retailer perspective]. Published in: International Journal of Empirical Finance , Vol. 4, No. 3 (June 2015): pp. 165-169.

Anastasopoulos, Lefteris (2016): Estimating the gender penalty in House of Representative elections using a regression discontinuity design. Published in: Electoral Studies

Andreas, Brunhart (2011): Stock market’s reactions to revelation of tax evasion: an empirical assessment. Published in: KOFL Working Papers No. 9 (2012)

Andrianady, Josué R. (2023): Comparing Econometric Models for Forecasting GDP in Madagascar.

Apicella, Giovanna and Dacorogna, Michel M (2016): A General framework for modelling mortality to better estimate its relationship with interest rate risks.

Ardliansyah, Rifqi (2012): Stock Market Integration and International Portfolio Diversification between U.S. and ASEAN Equity Markets.

Arezki, Rabah and Alichi, Ali (2009): An Alternative Explanation for the Resource Curse: The Income Effect Channel.

Ari, Yakup (2012): Volatility modelling of foreign exchange rate: discrete GARCH family versus continuous GARCH. Published in: 13th International Conference on Econometrics, Operations Research and Statistics Proceeding Book (May 2012)

Ari, Yakup and Unal, Gazanfer (2010): Continuous Modeling of Foreign Exchange Rate of USD versus TRY. Published in: International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies , Vol. 3, No. 1 (2011): pp. 251-261.

Arikan, Cengiz and Yalcin, Yeliz (2017): Do The Countries’ Monetary Policies Have Spatial Impact?

Aritenang, Adiwan F. (2009): The Impact of Government Budget shifts to Regional Disparities in Indonesia: Before and After Decentralisation.

Armstrong, J. Scott (1970): An Application of Econometric Models to International Marketing. Published in: Journal of Marketing Research No. 7 (1970): pp. 190-198.

Armstrong, J. Scott (1978): Forecasting with Econometric Methods: Folklore Versus Fact. Published in: Journal of Business No. 51 (1978): pp. 549-564.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Green, Kesten C. and Graefe, Andreas (2014): Golden Rule of Forecasting: Be conservative.

Arpino, Bruno and Mealli, Fabrizia (2008): The specification of the propensity score in multilevel observational studies.

Asghar, Zahid (2009): ELG hypothesis is valid for India: An Evidence from Structural Causality.

Asghar, Zahid and Abid, Irum (2007): Performance of lag length selection criteria in three different situations. Published in: Interstat No. April 2007 (April 2007)

Atiq-ur-Rehman, Atiq-ur-Rehman and Zaman, Asad (2009): Impact of Model Specification Decisions on Unit Root Tests.

Atiq-ur-Rehman, Atiq-ur-Rehman and Zaman, Asad (2008): Model specification, observational equivalence and performance of unit root tests.

Babkina, Tatiana and Myagkov, Mikhail and Lukinova, Evgeniya and Peshkovskaya, Anastasiya and Menshikova, Olga and Berkman, Elliot T. (2016): Choice of the Group Increases Intra-Cooperation. Published in: CEUR-WS , Vol. 1627, No. urn:nbn:de:0074-1627-1 (25 July 2016): pp. 13-23.

Bai, Jushan and Liao, Yuan (2012): Efficient Estimation of Approximate Factor Models via Regularized Maximum Likelihood.

Bai, Jushan and Wang, Peng (2011): Conditional Markov chain and its application in economic time series analysis. Published in: Journal of Applied Econometrics , Vol. 26, No. 5 (August 2011): pp. 715-734.

Bai, Zhidong and Hui, Yongchang and Wong, Wing-Keung (2012): New Non-Linearity Test to Circumvent the Limitation of Volterra Expansion.

Balcombe, Kelvin (2006): Cross-Entropy Estimation of Linear Cointegrated Equations.

Balcombe, Kelvin (2009): The Nature and Determinants of Volatility in Agricultural Prices.

Bandi, Federico and Corradi, Valentina and Moloche, Guillermo (2009): Bandwidth selection for continuous-time Markov processes.

Bandi, Federico and Moloche, Guillermo (2008): On the functional estimation of multivariate diffusion processes.

Bandyopadhyay, Kaushik Ranjan (2008): Implication of Fuel Price Deregulation on Fuel Demand and CO2 Emission: A Case Study of Car Ownership and Utilisation in India.

Barra, Cristian and Boccia, Marinella (2019): “The determinants of students' achievement: a difference between OECD and not OECD countries”.

Bayraci, Selcuk (2010): Econometric testing of the CAPM: A granger causality analysis on the Turkish banking industry.

Bayraci, Selcuk (2007): Modeling the volatility of FTSE All Share Index Returns.

Bayraci, Selcuk and Ari, Yakup and Yildirim, Yavuz (2011): A Vector Auto-Regressıve (VAR) Model for the Turkish Financial Markets.

Bayraci, Selcuk and UNAL, GAZANFER (2010): Continuous time modeling of interest rates: An empirical study on the Turkish short rate.

Benos, Nikos and Zotou, Stefania (2013): Education and Economic Growth: A Meta-Regression Analysis.

Bentes, Sonia R and Menezes, Rui (2012): On the predictive power of implied volatility indexes: A comparative analysis with GARCH forecasted volatility.

Bernardi, Mauro and Maruotti, Antonello and Lea, Petrella (2012): Skew mixture models for loss distributions: a Bayesian approach.

Bespalova, Olga (2013): Do the Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) promote the renewable electricity generation in the USA? Evidence from panel data econometric study. Published in: US Association for Energy Economics: Energy Dialogue , Vol. 1, No. 22 (2014): pp. 1-12.

Bildirici, Melike (2012): Economic growth and electricity consumption in Africa and ASIA: MS-VAR and MS-GRANGER causality analysis.

Bildirici, Melike and Ersin, Özgür (2012): Nonlinear volatility models in economics: smooth transition and neural network augmented GARCH, APGARCH, FIGARCH and FIAPGARCH models.

Bonga, Wellington G. (2018): Trade Balance Analysis in Zimbabwe: Import and Export Examination Using Vector Auto-Regression Model.

Borooah, Vani and Iyer, Sriya (2005): The Decomposition of Inter-Group Differences in a Logit Model: Extending the Oaxaca-Blinder Approach with an Application to School Enrolment in India. Published in: Journal of Economic and Social Measurement , Vol. 30, (2005): pp. 279-293.

Boubacar Mainassara, Yacouba (2009): Multivariate portmanteau test for structural VARMA models with uncorrelated but non-independent error terms.

Boubacar Mainassara, Yacouba (2010): Selection of weak VARMA models by Akaïke's information criteria.

Boubacar Mainassara, Yacouba (2010): Selection of weak VARMA models by modified Akaike's information criteria.

Boubacar Mainassara, Yacouba and Carbon, Michel and Francq, Christian (2010): Computing and estimating information matrices of weak arma models.

Boukraine, Wissem (2020): Short and long-run determinants of inflation in Tunisia.

Bouye, Eric and Durlleman, Valdo and Nikeghbali, Ashkan and Riboulet, Gaël and Roncalli, Thierry (2000): Copulas for finance.

Bulla, Jan (2006): Application of Hidden Markov Models and Hidden Semi-Markov Models to Financial Time Series. Published in:

Caner, Mehmet and Sandler Morrill, Melinda (2009): A New Paradigm: A Joint Test of Structural and Correlation Parameters in Instrumental Variables Regression When Perfect Exogeneity is Violated.

Carrera, Jorge Eduardo and Cusolito, Ana Paula and Féliz, Mariano and Panigo, Demian (2001): An econometric approach to macroeconomic risk. A cross country study.

Castro, Lucio (2007): Infrastructure and the Location of Foreign Direct Investment A Regional Analysis. Forthcoming in:

Cengiz, Sibel and Sahin, Afsin (2013): Modelling Nonlinear Behavior of Labor Force Participation Rate by STAR: An Application for Turkey.

Chambers, Marcus J. and Kyriacou, Maria (2012): Jackknife bias reduction in autoregressive models with a unit root.

Chani, Muhammad Irfan and Pervaiz, Zahid and Jan, Sajjad Ahmad and Ali, Amjad and Chaudhary, Amatul R. (2011): Poverty, inflation and economic growth: empirical evidence from Pakistan. Published in: World Applied Sciences Journal , Vol. 14, No. 7 (2011): pp. 1058-1063.

Chappell, Daniel (2018): Regime heteroskedasticity in Bitcoin: A comparison of Markov switching models.

Chatti, Mohamed Ali and Kablan, Sandrine and Yousfi, Ouidad (2010): Activity diversification and performance of Islamic banks in Malaysia.

Chatti, Mohamed Ali and Kablan, Sandrine and Yousfi, Ouidad (2010): Activity diversification and performance of Islamic banks in Malaysia.

Chaudhry, Naveed Iqbal and Mehmood, Mian Saqib and Mehmood, Asif and Mujtaba, Bahaudin G. (2014): Exchange Rate, Market Size and Human Capital Nexus Foreign Direct Investment – A Bound Testing Approach for Pakistan. Published in: Wulfenia Journal (ISI Impact Factor 0.267) , Vol. 21, No. 8 (21 August 2014): pp. 151-169.

Chen, Liang (2012): Identifying observed factors in approximate factor models: estimation and hypothesis testing.

Chen, Pu (2010): A time series causal model.

Cheng, Yebin and De Gooijer, Jan and Zerom, Dawit (2009): Efficient Estimation of an Additive Quantile Regression Model.

Chin, Wencheong (2008): Spurious long-range dependence: evidence from Malaysian equity markets.

Christopoulos, Dimitris and Siourounis, Gregorios and Vlachaki, Irene (2010): Democratic Reforms, Foreign Aid and Production Inefficiency.

Christopoulos, Dimitris and Siourounis, Gregorios and Vlachaki, Irene (2010): Democratic Reforms, Foreign Aid and Production Inefficiency.

Ciftci, Muhsin (2021): Uneven Consequences of Coronavirus Pandemic: Evidence from a Real Time Survey.

Clarke, Damian and Matta, Benjamín (2017): Practical Considerations for Questionable IVs.

Corduneanu, Carmen and Turcas, Daniela (2008): Optimizing models of a stock portfolio issued by Financial Investment Companies.

Cvijanović, Drago and Andrei, Jean and Subić, Jonel and Ion, Raluca (2011): Proceedings"Agro-food and rural economy competitiveness in terms of global crisis". Published in: Economics of Agriculture , Vol. 59, No. Special Issue 1 (23 September 2011): pp. 1-445.

DeBacker, Jason (2008): Flip-Flopping: Ideological Adjustment Costs in the United States Senate.

Deluna, Roperto Jr (2008): Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Emmision in Asia: Effect of Population, Affluence and Energy Effeciency. Published in: Southern Philippines Research and Development Journal

Deluna, Roperto Jr (2011): Factors Affecting the Magnitude of Poor Families Across the Philippines: A Cross Section Data Analysis.

Dezhbakhsh, Hashem and Levy, Daniel (2022): Interpolation and Shock Persistence of Prewar U.S. Macroeconomic Time Series: A Reconsideration. Forthcoming in: Economics Letters , Vol. 213, (2022): pp. 1-7.

Dhas, Albert Christopher (2008): Determinants of Work Animal Density in Tamil Nadu: An Econometric Analysis.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2011): China’s Trade in Asia and the World: Long run Relation with Short run Dynamics.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2020): A Circular Economy Approach for Sustainable Economic Development. Published in: International Journal of Green Economics , Vol. 14, No. 2 (September 2020): pp. 174-189.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2011): Climate Change and Development: Trade Opportunities of Climate Smart Goods and Technologies in Asia.

Dogru, Bülent (2013): Modeling Voting Behavior in the Eurovision Song Contest.

Doko Tchatoka, Firmin (2012): On the Validity of Durbin-Wu-Hausman Tests for Assessing Partial Exogeneity Hypotheses with Possibly Weak Instruments.

Dovonon, Prosper (2008): Conditionally heteroskedastic factor models with skewness and leverage effects.

Dovonon, Prosper (2008): Large sample properties of the three-step euclidean likelihood estimators under model misspecification.

Dovonon, Prosper and Goncalves, Silvia and Meddahi, Nour (2010): Bootstrapping realized multivariate volatility measures.

Dovonon, Prosper and Renault, Eric (2011): Testing for Common GARCH Factors.

Drezner, Zvi and Turel, Ofir and Zerom, Dawit (2008): A modified Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normality.

Drichoutis, Andreas and Nayga, Rodolfo and Lazaridis, Panagiotis and Park, Beom Su (2010): A consistent econometric test for bid interdependence in repeated second-price auctions with posted prices.

Duvendack, Maren (2010): Smoke and Mirrors: Evidence of Microfinance Impact from an Evaluation of SEWA Bank in India.

EZZAHID, Elhadj and ELOUAOURTI, Zakaria (2017): Financial development and total factors productivity channel: Evidence from Africa.

Efayena, Obukohwo Oba and Olele, Hilda Enoh (2020): A Validation of the Phillips Curve Hypothesis in Nigeria: A Quarterly Data-Based Approach.

Ellul, Reuben (2016): A real-time measure of business conditions in Malta. Published in: Central Bank of Malta working paper

Eruygur, H. Ozan (2005): Generalized maximum entropy (GME) estimator: formulation and a monte carlo study.

Eruygur, H. Ozan (2003): The skill biased technological change in Turkish manufacturing industries.

Faghih, Nezameddin and Faghih, Ali (2008): Nyquist Frequency in Sequentially Sampled Data.

Fajardo, José (2019): Bitcoin's return behaviour: What do We know so far?

Fan, Jianqing and Liao, Yuan (2012): Endogeneity in ultrahigh dimension.

Fan, Jianqing and Liao, Yuan and Mincheva, Martina (2011): Large covariance estimation by thresholding principal orthogonal complements.

Fan, Yanqin and Park, Sang Soo (2010): Confidence sets for some partially identified parameters. Published in: Economics, Management, and Financial Market , Vol. 5, (2010): pp. 37-87.

Fan, Yanqin and Park, Sang Soo (2009): Partial identification of the distribution of treatment effects and its confidence sets. Published in: Advances in Econometrics: Nonparametric Econometric Methods , Vol. 24, (2009): pp. 3-70.

Ferman, Bruno and Ponczek, Vladimir (2017): Should we drop covariate cells with attrition problems?

Forson, Joseph Ato and Janrattanagul, Jakkaphong (2014): Selected Macroeconomic Variables and Stock Market Movements: Empirical evidence from Thailand. Published in: Contemporary Economics , Vol. 8, No. 2 (30 June 2014): pp. 154-174.

Fourie, Justin and Pretorius, Theuns and Harvey, Rhett and Henrico, Van Niekerk and Phiri, Andrew (2016): Nonlinear relationship between exchange rate volatility and economic growth: A South African perspective.

Frachot, Antoine and Roncalli, Thierry and Salomon, Eric (2004): The Correlation Problem in Operational Risk. Published in: Operational Risk (May 2004)

Francq, Christian and Zakoian, Jean-Michel (2014): Estimating multivariate GARCH and stochastic correlation models equation by equation.

Francq, Christian and Zakoian, Jean-Michel (2013): Inference in non stationary asymmetric garch models.

Francq, Christian and Zakoian, Jean-Michel (2010): Optimal predictions of powers of conditionally heteroskedastic processes.

Francq, Christian and Zakoian, Jean-Michel (2010): QML estimation of a class of multivariate GARCH models without moment conditions on the observed process.

Francq, Christian and Zakoian, Jean-Michel (2010): Strict stationarity testing and estimation of explosive ARCH models.

Francq, Christian and Zakoian, Jean-Michel (2008): Testing the nullity of GARCH coefficients : correction of the standard tests and relative efficiency comparisons.

Fraser, Iain and Balcombe, Kelvin and Sharma, Abhijit (2007): Bayesian Model Averaging and Identification of Structural Breaks in Time Series.

Fulli-Lemaire, Nicolas (2013): Alternative inflation hedging strategies for ALM.

Gan, Jumwu (2009): Burnout from pools to loans: Modeling refinancing prepayments as a self-selection process.

Garrouste, Christelle (2007): Determinants and Consequences of Language-in-Education Policies: Essays in Economics of Education. Published in: Studies in International and Comparative Education No. 74 (2007): pp. 1-141.

Geurdes, Han / J. F. (2011): On the mathematical form of CVA in Basel III.

Geurdes, Han / J.F. (2011): Macro-economy in models for default probability.

Gomez-Ruano, Gerardo (2020): Data Science: A Primer for Economists.

Griffith, Ronnie and Waithe, Kimberly and Lorde, Troy and Craigwell, Roland (2009): The contribution of credit unions to the national development of Barbados. Published in: Journal of Public Policy Analysis , Vol. 4, (2009): pp. 20-42.

Grivas, Charisios (2021): An Automatic Portmanteau Test For Nonlinear Dependence.

Grønneberg, Steffen and Sucarrat, Genaro (2014): Risk Estimation when the Zero Probability of Financial Return is Time-Varying.

Guo, Xu and Lam, Kin and Wong, Wing-Keung and Zhu, Lixing (2012): A New Pseudo-Bayesian Model of Investors' Behavior in Financial Crises.

Gurgul, Henryk and Lach, Lukasz and Mestel, Roland (2011): The relationship between budgetary expenditure and economic growth in Poland. Published in: CEJOR

Guzman, Giselle (2007): Using sentiment surveys to predict GDP growth and stock returns. Published in: The Making of National Economic Forecasts No. Edward Elgar Publishing LTD (2009): pp. 319-351.

Guzman, Giselle C. (2007): Using sentiment to predict GDP growth and stock returns. Published in: The Making of National Economic Forecasts No. Edward Elgar Publishing LTD (2009): pp. 319-351.

Guzman, Giselle C. (2010): The case for higher frequency inflation expectations.

Guzman, Giselle C. (2009): An inflation expectations horserace.

HASHIGUCHI, Yoshihiro and HAMORI, Shigeyuki (2010): Small sample properties of CIPS panel unit root test under conditional and unconditional heteroscedasticity.

Hahn, Jinyong and Hirano, Keisuke and Karlan, Dean (2008): Adaptive Experimental Design Using the Propensity Score.

Halkos, George and Tsirivis, Apostolos (2019): Using Value-at-Risk for effective energy portfolio risk management.

Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos (2011): Kuznets curve and environmental performance: evidence from China.

Halkos, George and Tzirivis, Apostolos (2018): Effective energy commodities’ risk management: Econometric modeling of price volatility.

Hall, Alastair R. and Han, Sanggohn and Boldea, Otilia (2008): Inference regarding multiple structural changes in linear models estimated via two stage least squares.

Hamrita, Mohamed Essaied and Ben Abdallah, Nidhal and Ben Ammou, Samir (2009): The Multi-Scale Interaction between Interest Rate, Exchange Rate and Stock Price.

Harding, Don (2008): FoolWatch - Further Discussion of Econometric Analysis Undertaken By ACCC.

Harding, Don (2008): FoolWatch: A Case study of econometric analysis and evidenced-based-policy making in the Australian Government.

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2011): Marketing is all about taking money from customers (an application of Tobit model). Forthcoming in: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics

He, Zhongfang (2018): A Class of Generalized Dynamic Correlation Models.

Herrera Gómez, Marcos and Ruiz Marín, Manuel and Mur Lacambra, Jesús (2014): Testing Spatial Causality in Cross-section Data.

Herrera Gómez, Marcos and Ruiz Marín, Manuel and Mur Lacambra, Jesús and Paelinck, Jean (2010): A Non-Parametric Approach to Spatial Causality.

Hillier, Grant (1986): Joint Tests for Zero Restrictions on Non-negative Regression Coefficients. Published in: Biometrika , Vol. 73, No. 3 (1986): pp. 657-669.

Hillier, Grant and Martellosio, Federico (2006): Spatial design matrices and associated quadratic forms: structure and properties. Published in: Journal of Multivariate Analysis , Vol. 97, (2006): pp. 1-18.

Hlongwane, Nyiko Worship and Daw, Olebogeng David (2021): An increase of electricity generation can lead to economic growth in South Africa.

Hlongwane, Nyiko Worship and Daw, Olebogeng David and Sithole, Mixo Sweetness (2022): Determinants of taxation in South Africa: an econometric approach.

Hlongwane, Nyiko Worship and Mmutle, Tumelo Donald and Daw, Olebogeng David (2021): The relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth in SADC region from 2000 to 2019: An econometric view.

Hooy, Chee-Wooi and Chan, Tze-Haw (2008): Examining Exchange Rates Exposure, J-Curve and the Marshall-Lerner Condition for High Frequency Trade Series between China and Malaysia.

Hui, Yongchang and Wong, Wing-Keung and BAI, ZHIDONG and Zhu, Zhen-Zhen (2017): A New Nonlinearity Test to Circumvent the Limitation of Volterra Expansion with Application. Forthcoming in: Journal of the Korean Statistical Society (2017)

Hui, Yongchang and Wong, Wing-Keung and Bai, Zhidong and Zhu, Zhenzhen (2016): A New Nonlinearity Test to Circumvent the Limitation of Volterra Expansion with Applications.

Hurvich, Cliiford and Wang, Yi (2006): A Pure-Jump Transaction-Level Price Model Yielding Cointegration, Leverage, and Nonsynchronous Trading Effects.

Hussain, Karrar (2009): Causal Ordering Between Inflation and Productivity of Labor and Capital: An Empirical Approach for Pakistan.

Hwang, Tsorng-Chyi and Chen, Meng-Gu and Chang, Chia-Lin (2010): Price Stabilization in the Taiwan Hog and Broiler Industries: Evidence from a STAR Approach.

INSEL, Aysu and TEKCE, Mahmut (2010): Econometric Analysis of the Bilateral Trade Flows in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries.

INSEL, Aysu and TEKCE, Mahmut (2010): Econometric analysis of the bilateral trade flows in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries.

Iheonu, Chimere and Ihedimma, Godfrey and Onwuanaku, Chigozie (2017): Institutional Quality and Economic Performance in West Africa.

Iqbal, Javed and Mehmood, Sultan (2012): Terrorism & Its Impact On Foreign Flows: Lessons From Pakistan.

Islam, Tanweer ul (2008): Normality Testing- A New Direction.

Izatov, Asset (2015): The Role of Oil Prices, Real Effective Exchange Rate and Inflation in Economic Activity of Russia: An Empirical Investigation. Published in: Eastern European Business and Economics Journal , Vol. Vol.1, No. 2015 (16 January 0005): pp. 48-70.

Izatov, Asset (2014): Testing the Effect of the Conflict in Georgia in 2008 on Energy Market.

Izhar, Ahmad and Tariq, Masood (2009): Impact of Institutional Credit on Aggregate Agricultural Production in India during Post Reform Period.

Jadidzadeh, Ali (2022): An Application of Smooth Transition Regression Models to Homeless Research.

Kahia, Montassar (2017): The key factors of export intensity in Tunisia: A Logistic regression with random effect model.

Kalantzis, Fotis and Sakellaris, Kostis (2012): Investigating the Impact of the Greek Electricity Market Reforms on its Day-Ahead Market Prices.

Kamal, Mona (2011): Bayesian Estimation of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model Using UK Data.

Karkowska, Renata (2014): Is the Central and Eastern European banking systems stable? Evidence from the recent financial crisis.

Khan, Shakeeb and Ponomareva, Maria and Tamer, Elie (2011): Identification of Panel Data Models with Endogenous Censoring.

Khan, Zahid and Asghar, Zahid (2009): Determination of stochastic vs. deterministic trend in quarterly GDP of Pakistan.

Khobai, Hlalefang and Mbeki, Zizipho Mihlali (2018): Health and economic growth in Vista countries: An ARDL bounds test approach.

Kirkpatrick, Colin and Raihan, Selim and Bleser, Adam and Prud'homme, Dan and Mayrand, Karel and Morin, Jean Frederic and Pollitt, Hector and Hinojosa, Leonith and Williams, Michael (2011): Trade sustainability impact assessment (SIA) on the comprehensive economic and trade agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada: Final report. Published in: European Commission Trade Assessments (September 2011)

Kociecki, Andrzej (2010): Algebraic theory of identification in parametric models.

Kociecki, Andrzej (2013): Bayesian Approach and Identification.

Konstantakis, Konstantinos N. and Michaelides, Panayotis G. (2017): Technology and Business Cycles: A Schumpeterian Investigation for the USA.

Kontek, Krzysztof (2010): Density Based Regression for Inhomogeneous Data: Application to Lottery Experiments.

Kontek, Krzysztof (2010): Estimation of Peaked Densities Over the Interval [0,1] Using Two-Sided Power Distribution: Application to Lottery Experiments.

Kontek, Krzysztof (2010): Mean, Median or Mode? A Striking Conclusion From Lottery Experiments.

Korobilis, Dimitris (2019): High-dimensional macroeconomic forecasting using message passing algorithms.

Koundouri, Phoebe (2004): Econometrics Informing Natural Resources Management:Selected Empirical Analyses. Published in: (2004)

Kozhurin, Fedir (2011): Supramacroeconomics: the newest management technology.

Kristoufek, Ladislav (2009): Distinguishing between short and long range dependence: Finite sample properties of rescaled range and modified rescaled range.

Kristoufek, Ladislav (2009): R/S analysis and DFA: finite sample properties and confidence intervals.

Lallmahomed, Naguib and Taubert, Peter (1989): What can we learn from univariate time series models? The case of sugar production in Mauritius 1879-1987. Published in: Bulletin du GREED, Groupe de Recherche en Economie de Developpement, Universite de Paris I (Pentheon-Sorbonne) , Vol. No. 10, No. February 1989 (23 February 1989): pp. 39-51.

Lau, Evan and Hamzah, Siti Nur Zahara (2012): Crimonometric Analysis: Testing the Deterrence Hypothesis in Sabah.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2014): On the winning virtuous strategies for ultra high frequency electronic trading in foreign currencies exchange markets.

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