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Items where Subject is "C65 - Miscellaneous Mathematical Tools"

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A., Rjumohan (2017): Fuzzy Set Theory: A Primer.

ANDREOU, A.S. and MATEOU, N.H and Zombanakis, George A. (2004): Optimization in Genetically Evolved Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Supporting Decision-Making: The Limit Cycle Case. Published in: Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications ICTTA'04, , Vol. 1, No. 1 (19 April 2004): pp. 1-6.

ANDREOU, ANDREAS and PARSOPOULOS, KONSTANTINE and VRACHATIS, MICHAEL and Zombanakis, George A. (2003): Optimal Versus Required Defence Spending. Published in: INTELLIGENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS APPLIED TO COMPLICATED DEFENCE PROBLEMS (14 July 2003): pp. 78-117.

Abdala Rioja, Yamile E (2011): All things considered: the interaction of the reasons for the financial crisis.

Abueg, Luisito (2016): A historical walkthrough with L’Hospital, from indeterminates to applied problems in mathematics.

Afanasyev, Dmitriy and Fedorova, Elena and Popov, Viktor (2015): Fine structure of the price-demand relationship in the electricity market: multi-scale correlation analysis. Published in: Energy Economics , Vol. 51, (September 2015): pp. 215-226.

Ahmad, Mushfiq and Alam, Muhammad Shah (2014): Non-Associativity of Lorentz Transformation and Associative Reciprocal Symmetric Transformation. Published in: International Journal of Reciprocal Symmetry and Theoretical Physics , Vol. 1, No. 1 (15 April 2014): pp. 9-19.

Akamatsu, Takashi and Takayama, Yuki and Ikeda, Kiyohiro (2009): Spatial Discounting, Fourier, and Racetrack Economy: A Recipe for the Analysis of Spatial Agglomeration Models.

Albu, Lucian-Liviu and Ivan-Ungureanu, Clementina (1994): Coût ou bénéfice de la transition. Published in: L’Observateur de la Recherche Économique Roumaine No. 3 : pp. 5-17.

Allen, David (2021): Cryptocurrencies, Diversification and the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Andreou, A. S. and Mateou, N. H. and Zombanakis, George A. (2003): Crisis Management and Political Decision Making Using Genetically Evolved Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. Published in: Proceedings: Conference on Modelling, Control & Automation , Vol. 1, No. 1 (6 June 2003): pp. 1-64.

Andreou, A. S. and Mateou, N. H. and Zombanakis, George A. (2003): Evolutionary Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: A Hybrid System for Crisis Management and Political Decision Making. Published in: Conference Proceedings on Computational Intelligence for Modelling Control and Automation , Vol. 1, No. CIMCA 2003, Vienna, Austria (14 February 2003): pp. 1-12.

Andreou, Andreas and Zombanakis, George (2003): Measuring Relative Military Security. Published in: Intelligent Information Systems Applied to Complicated Defence Problems (14 July 2003): pp. 49-77.

Andreou, Andreas S. and Mateou, Nicos H. and Zombanakis, George A. (2003): The Cyprus Puzzle and the Greek – Turkish Arms Race. Published in: Intelligent Information Systems Applied to Complicated Defence Problems (14 July 2003): pp. 137-170.

Andreou, Andreas S. and Mateou, Nicos H. and Zombanakis, George A. (2005): Soft computing for crisis management and political decision making: the use of genetically evolved fuzzy cognitive maps. Published in: Soft Computing , Vol. 2005, No. 1 (1 January 2005): pp. 1-17.

Andreou, Andreas S. and Zombanakis, George (2003): The Greek-Turkish Arms Race Using Artificial Neural Networks. Published in: INTELLIGENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS APPLIED TO COMPLICATED DEFENCE PROBLEMS (14 July 2003): pp. 13-48.


Baggio, Rodolfo (2015): Looking into the future of complex dynamic systems.

Bell, Peter N (2015): Effects of Long Cycles in Cash Flows on Present Value.

Berg, Nathan and Kim, Jeong-Yoo (2010): Demand for Self Control: A model of Consumer Response to Programs and Products that Moderate Consumption.

Bonache, Adrien and Moris, Karen and Maurice, Jonathan (2009): Risque associé à l'utilisation de la loi de Benford pour détecter les fraudes dans le secteur de la mode.

Buda, Rodolphe (2001): Les algorithmes de la modélisation : une analyse critique pour la modélisation économique.


Carciola, Alessandro and Pascucci, Andrea and Polidoro, Sergio (2009): Harnack inequality and no-arbitrage bounds for self-financing portfolios.

Cerqueti, Roy and Falbo, Paolo and Pelizzari, Cristian (2010): Relevant States and Memory in Markov Chain Bootstrapping and Simulation.

Ciuiu, Daniel (2007): Gordon and Newell queueing networks and copulas. Published in: Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research , Vol. 19, No. 1 (July 2009): pp. 101-112.

Cocozza, Rosa and De Simone, Antonio (2011): One numerical procedure for two risk factors modeling.

Corbin, Charles (2014): Assessing Impact of Large-Scale Distributed Residential HVAC Control Optimization on Electricity Grid Operation and Renewable Energy Integration. Published in: (14 May 2014)

Corchon, Luis and Marini, Marco A. (2017): Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Volume I: Theory. An Introduction. Forthcoming in: Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization No. Edward Elgar (1 January 2018)

Cristea, Mirela (2008): Can Insurance Companies Control their Financial Stability? Practical Solutions.

Czinkota, Thomas (2012): Zeitpunktsignale zum aktiven Portfoliomanagement.


Dacorogna, Michel M (2017): Approaches and Techniques to Validate Internal Model Results.

Dale, Charles (1990): From Kondratieff to Chaos: Some Perspectives on Long-Term and Short-Term Business Cycles. Published in: Futures Research Quarterly , Vol. 6, No. 4 (1990): pp. 71-83.

Dale, Charles (1984): A Search for Business Cycles with Spectral Analysis. Published in: American Statistical Association, Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (14 August 1984): pp. 267-272.

Delavari, Majid and Baranpour, Naghmeh and Abdeshahi, Abbas (2014): Analyzing the Effect of Real Exchange Rate on Petrochemicals Exporting.

Dominique, C-Rene (2015): How Market Economies Come to Live and Grow on the Edge of Chaos.

Doval, E and Stoica, M (2007): Approaches on investments in continuing management knowledge turnover apprising. Published in: the Proceedings of the 34th ARA (American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Science) Congress , Vol. ISBN 9, No. Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal (25 July 2007): pp. 228-231.

Drechsler, Martin (2023): A game-theoretic systematic of interactions and dynamics in the conservation and management of spatial ecosystem services.

Dub, Bohdana (2019): Комплексне оцінювання економічної безпеки агрохолдингів України. Published in: Вісник Черкаського національного університету. Економічні науки No. 1 (2019): pp. 102-113.

Dub, Bohdana (2019): Complex assessment of Ukrainian agroholdings’ economic security. Published in: Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University. Economic sciences No. 1 (2019): pp. 102-113.

de Vilder, Robin G. and Visser, Marcel P. (2007): Volatility Proxies for Discrete Time Models.


Fugarolas Álvarez-Ude, Guadalupe and Hervés-Beloso, Carlos (2005): A unified differential information framework assessing that more information is preferred to less.


Garas, Antonios and Lapatinas, Athanasios (2017): The role of consumer networks in firms’ multi-characteristics competition and market-share inequality.

Gawlik, Remigiusz (2016): Methodological Aspects of Qualitative-Quantitative Analysis of Decision-Making Processes. Published in: Management and Production Engineering Review , Vol. 7, No. 2 (June 2016): pp. 3-11.

Geurdes, Han / J.F. (2011): Macro-economy in models for default probability.

Ghossoub, Mario (2010): Belief heterogeneity in the Arrow-Borch-Raviv insurance model.

Ghossoub, Mario (2011): Monotone equimeasurable rearrangements with non-additive probabilities.

Ghossoub, Mario (2010): Supplement to "Belief heterogeneity in the Arrow-Borch-Raviv insurance model".

Gonzales-Martínez, Rolando (2008): Medidas de Riesgo Financiero y una Aplicación a las Variaciones de Depósitos del Sistema Financiero Boliviano.

Gosselin, Pierre and Lotz, Aileen and Wambst, Marc (2013): On apparent irrational behaviors : interacting structures and the mind.

Gourdel, Pascal and Le Van, Cuong and Pham, Ngoc-Sang and Tran Viet, Cuong (2023): Hartman-Stampacchia theorem, Gale-Nikaido-Debreu lemma, and Brouwer and Kakutani fixed-point theorems.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Hasegawa, Marcos and Lopes, Ricardo Luis (2002): A estrutura teórica do modelo inter-regional para a economia brasileira - MIBRA. Published in: Anais do II Encontro de Estudos Regionais e Urbanos (2002)

Gómez-Sorzano, Gustavo (2007): Cycles of violence, and terrorist attacks index for the State of Oklahoma.


Halkos, George and Tsilika, Kyriaki (2016): Assessing classical input output structures with trade networks: A graph theory approach.

Heinemann, Hergen H. (1971): Ein allgemeines Dekompositionsverfahren fuer lineare Optimierungsprobleme. Published in: Zeitschrift fuer betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung No. 22 (1970): pp. 302-317.

Hinić, Branko and Bukvić, Rajko (1993): Dometi monetarne politike u uslovima izolacije (testiranje međuzavisnosti dinamike novčane mase, cena i privredne aktivnosti). Published in: Zbornik sa savetovanja Saveza ekonomista Jugoslavije Jugoslovenska preduzeća i privreda u sankcijama, 2–4. jun 1993. Beograd: Savez ekonomista Jugoslavije (1993): pp. 69-84.

Horvath, Denis and Sulikova, Veronika and Gazda, Vladimir and Sinicakova, Marianna (2013): The distance-based approach to the quantification of the world convergences and imbalances - comparisons across countries and factors.


Islam, Jamal and Mohajan, Haradhan and Moolio, Pahlaj (2011): Borda voting is non-manipulable but cloning manipulation is possible. Published in: International Journal of Development Research and Quantitative Techniques , Vol. 2, No. 1 (30 June 2012): pp. 28-37.

Islam, Jamal and Mohajan, Haradhan and Moolio, Pahlaj (2008): Preference of Social Choice in Mathematical Economics. Published in: Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences , Vol. 3, No. 1 (20 April 2009): pp. 18-38.

Izdebski, Adam and Koloch, Grzegorz and Słoczyński, Tymon and Tycner-Wolicka, Marta (2014): On the Use of Palynological Data in Economic History: New Methods and an Application to Agricultural Output in Central Europe, 0–2000 AD.


Johnson, Joseph F. (2013): Hilbert's Sixth Problem: Descriptive Statistics as New Foundations for Probability: Lévy Processes. Published in: Revista Investigación Operacional , Vol. 35, No. 2 (April 2014): pp. 173-179.

Jääskeläinen, Kristian and Pau, Louis-François (2009): ERP project’s internal stakeholder network and how it influences the project’s outcome.


KIKOMBA KAHUNGU, Michaël and MABELA MAKENGO MATENDO, Rostin and M. NGOIE, Ruffin-Benoît and MAKENGO MBAMBALU, Fréderic and OKITONYUMBE Y.F, Joseph (2013): Les fondements mathématiques pour une aide à la décision du réseau de transport aérien : cas de la République Démocratique du Congo.

KIKOMBA KAHUNGU, Michaël and OKITONYUMBE Y.F, Joseph and MABELA MAKENGO MATENDO, Rostin and NKUSU NDONGALA, Alexandre and M. NGOIE, Ruffin-Benoît and MAKENGO MBAMBALU, Fréderic (2015): Simultaneous optimization: sectorization and congolese air traffic assignment by the method of preferential reference of dominance. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research (IJSIMR) , Vol. 3, No. 12 (December 2015)

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2013): Settling the theory of saving.

Kaplanski, Guy (2005): Analytical Portfolio Value-at-Risk. Published in: Journal of Risk , Vol. 7, No. 2 (2005): pp. 33-54.

Kaplanski, Guy and Kroll, Yoram (2002): VaR Risk Measures versus Traditional Risk Measures: an Analysis and Survey. Published in: Journal of Risk , Vol. 4, No. 3 (2002): pp. 1-27.

Kombarov, Sayan (2021): Action in Economics: Mathematical Derivation of Laws of Economics from the Principle of Least Action in Physics. Published in: Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies (24 August 2021): pp. 123-129.

Koundouri, Phoebe and Aslanidis, Panagiotis-Stavros and Dellis, Konstantinos and Feretzakis, Georgios and Plataniotis, Angelos (2024): Uncovering the SDG content of Human Security Policies through a Machine Learning web application. Published in:


Lam, David C.L. and Swayne, David and Mariam, Yohannes and Wong, Isaac and Fong, Philip (1997): Application of Knowledge-based Tools in Environmental Decision Support Systems.


Mabrouk, Mohamed (2018): On the Extension and Decomposition of a Preorder under Translation Invariance.

Mabrouk, Mohamed (2018): On the extension of a preorder under translation invariance.

Mabrouk, Mohamed (2018): On the extension of a preorder under translation invariance.

Malliaris, A.G. and Malliaris, Mary (2011): Are foreign currency markets interdependent? evidence from data mining technologies. Forthcoming in: Stochastics: Finance and Risk No. 2012

Mateou, N. H. and Andreou, A. S. and Zombanakis, George A. (2004): Fuzzification and Defuzzification Process in Genetically Evolved Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (GEFCMs). Published in: Papers and Proceedings, The 8th WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC), (14 July 2004): pp. 1-6.

Maulana, Ardian and Situngkir, Hokky (2010): Some Inquiries to Spontaneous Opinions: A case with Twitter in Indonesia. Published in: BFI Working Paper Series No. WP-10-2010 (2 November 2010)

McCauley, Joseph L. and Gunaratne, Gemunu H. (2003): On CAPM and Black-Scholes, differing risk-return strategies. Published in: Physica A , Vol. 329, (0203): pp. 170-177.

Medel, Carlos A. (2014): A Comparison Between Direct and Indirect Seasonal Adjustment of the Chilean GDP 1986-2009 with X-12-ARIMA.

Medel-Ramírez, Carlos and Medel-López, Hilario (2020): Impact of (SARS-CoV-2) COVID 19 on the indigenous language-speaking population in Mexico.

Mendoza-Velázquez, Alfonso and Galvanovskis, Evalds (2009): Introducing the GED-Copula with an application to Financial Contagion in Latin America.

Mishra, SK (2004): On generating correlated random variables with a given valid or invalid Correlation matrix.

Mishra, SK (2006): Repulsive Particle Swarm Method on Some Difficult Test Problems of Global Optimization.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2023): The Responses of an Organization for the Increase in Wage Rates: Profit Maximization Cases. Published in: Law and Economy , Vol. 2, No. 8 (3 August 2023): pp. 14-29.

Mohajan, Haradhan (2014): Generating Function for M(m, n). Published in: Turkish Journal of Analysis and Number Theory , Vol. 2, No. 4 (31 July 2014): pp. 125-129.

Mohajan, Haradhan (2011): Majority judgment in an election with Borda majority count. Published in: International Journal of Management and Transformation , Vol. 6, No. 1 (30 June 2012): pp. 19-31.

Moreno Trujillo, John Freddy (2019): Modelo estocástico para el precio de activos riesgosos utilizando procesos Hawkes. Published in: odeon , Vol. 15, No. Núm. 15 (2018): Julio-Diciembre (May 2019): pp. 161-172.

Mukherjee, Soumyatanu (2011): Special Economic Zones and Agriculture with Increasing Returns.


Nazaryan, Robert and Nazaryan, Haik (2013): Armenian Theory of Special Relativity. Published in: International Journal of Reciprocal Symmetry and Theoretical Physics , Vol. 1, No. 1 (15 April 2014): pp. 36-42.

Ngobeni, Victor and Breitenbach, Marthinus C (2020): Technical Efficiency of Water Boards in South Africa: A Costing and Pricing Benchmarking Exercise.

Ngoie, Ruffin-Benoît M. and Ulungu, Berthold E.-L. (2014): Mean-median compromise method as an innovating voting rule in social choice theory. Published in: International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research , Vol. 4, No. 1 (27 January 2015): pp. 177-182.


Osti, Davide (2015): Dynamic optimization; lecture notes.


Palamarchuk, Victor (2013): An Algorithm for Making Value-Based Strategic Decisions. Published in: International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Review , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2013): pp. 77-88.

Pandey, S.S.D. (1991): Trafficking in drugs and economic theory. Published in: ISBN 81-85694-10-9 (1 May 1994): pp. 74-160.

Piasecki, Krzysztof (2011): Effectiveness of securities with fuzzy probabilistic return. Published in: Operations Research and Decisions No. 2 (2011): pp. 65-78.

Piasecki, Krzysztof (2011): Rozmyte zbiory probabilistyczne jako narzędzie finansów behawioralnych. Published in: (November 2011): pp. 1-132.

Pinelis, Iosif (2013): An optimal three-way stable and monotonic spectrum of bounds on quantiles: a spectrum of coherent measures of financial risk and economic inequality.

Przyłuski, K. Maciej (2014): On Infinite Dimensional Linear-Quadratic Problem with Fixed Endpoints. Continuity Question. Forthcoming in: Internationa Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science , Vol. 24, No. 4 (2014)


Rapacciuolo, Ciro (2002): L'aritmetica del congiunturalista: misure di confronto temporale e loro relazioni. Published in: CSC Working Paper No. n. 31 - 2002 (December 2002)

Rumyantsev, Mikhail I. (2006): Обобщенная математическая модель коммерческого банка. Published in: Georgian Electronic Scientific Journal: Computer Sciences and Telecommunications No. 4 (11) (30 December 2006): pp. 44-48.

Rumyantsev, Mikhail I. (2007): К проблеме формализации бизнес-процессов коммерческого банка. Published in: Kultura narodov Prichernomor’ya [Culture of the peoples of Prichernomorye] No. 120 (2007): pp. 137-141.

Rumyantsev, Mikhail I. (2011): Изоморфизм и гомоморфизм в имитационном моделировании. Published in: Proceedings of international scientific-practical conference "Modern problems and ways of their solution in science, transport, production and education ‘2011" in Odessa, Ukraine, December 20-27, 2011 (20 December 2011)

Rumyantsev, Mikhail I. (2008): Структурно-морфологический анализ бизнес-процессов коммерческого банка. Published in: Informatsionnye tekhnologii modelirovaniya i upravleniya [Information technologies of modeling and control] No. 9 (52) (2008): pp. 997-1005.


Sanchez-Perez, Joss (2015): A decomposition for the space of games with externalities.

Savadogo, Zoïnabo and Ngoie, Ruffin-Benoit M. and Ulungu, Berthold E.-L. and Somé, Blaise (2013): An aggregation function to solve multicriteria ranking problem involving several decision makers. Published in: , International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research , Vol. 3, No. 4 (November 2014): pp. 511-517.

Sax, Christoph and Steiner, Peter (2013): Temporal Disaggregation of Time Series. Published in: The R Journal , Vol. 5, No. 2 (December 2013): pp. 80-87.

Schneider, Herbert (2018): Zur mathematischen Struktur der Wertformen von Karl Marx in 'Das Kapital'.

Shipman, Arthur F. (2012): Measuring the erosion of debt.

Situngkir, Hokky (2011): Pengertian dari dan untuk ketakmengertian: Social Complexity sebagai cara pandang baru dalam memahami fenomena sosial. Published in: Seminar Nasional Statistika, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, 14 Mei 2011

Stacey, Brian (2016): A Standardized Treatment of Binary Similarity Measures with an Introduction to k-Vector Percentage Normalized Similarity.

Stijepic, Denis (2016): Empirical evidence on the topological properties of structural paths and some notes on its theoretical explanation.

Stijepic, Denis (2018): Models of Continuous Dynamics on the 2-Simplex and Applications in Economics.

Stijepic, Denis (2017): On the predictability of economic structural change by the Poincaré-Bendixson theory.

Stijepic, Denis (2016): Positivistic models of long-run labor allocation dynamics.

Stijepic, Denis (2016): A topological approach to structural change analysis and an application to long-run labor allocation dynamics.

Subochev, Andrey and Zakhlebin, Igor (2014): Alternative versions of the global competitive industrial performance ranking constructed by methods from social choice theory. Published in: National Research University Higher School of Economics Working Papers No. Working paper WP7/2014/06 (25 July 2014): pp. 1-28.


Tan, Fei (2018): A Frequency-Domain Approach to Dynamic Macroeconomic Models.

Tausch, Arno (2013): The hallmarks of crisis. A new center-periphery perspective on long cycles.

Todorova, Tamara and Kutrolli, Marin (2019): An Expanded Multiplier-Accelerator Model. Published in: Journal of Economics and Political Economy , Vol. 6, No. 4 (1 December 2019): pp. 368-382.

Tom, Daniel (2022): Measures Of Population Stability and Instability.


Vartanov, Sergey and Bogatova, Irina and Denisova, Irina and Kucheryanu, Valerian and Tourdyeva, Natalia and Chubarova, Tatyana and Shakleina, Marina and Polterovich, Victor (2020): Экономическая эффективность доклинической диагностики болезни Паркинсона: марковская модель. Forthcoming in: The bulletin of the Far Eastern Federal University. Economics and Management

Visser, Marcel P. (2008): Ranking and Combining Volatility Proxies for Garch and Stochastic Volatility Models.

Vorobyev, Oleg Yu. (2016): Blyth’s paradox «of three pies»: setwise vs. pairwise event preferences. Published in: Proceedings of the XV FAMEMS-2016 Conference and the Workshop on Hilbert's sixth problem, Krasnoyarsk, Russia (30 September 2016): pp. 102-108.

Vorobyev, Oleg Yu. (2016): Postulating the theory of experience and chance as a theory of co~events (co~beings). Published in: Proceedings of the XV FAMEMS-2016 Conference and the Workshop on Hilbert's sixth problem, Krasnoyarsk, Russia (30 September 2016): pp. 25-43.

Vorobyev, Oleg Yu. (2016): Triangle room paradox of negative probabilities of events. Published in: Proceedings of the XV FAMEMS-2016 Conference and the Workshop on Hilbert's sixth problem, Krasnoyarsk, Russia (30 September 2016): pp. 94-97.

Vorobyev, Oleg Yu. (2016): The bet on a bald. Published in: Proceedings of the XV FAMEMS-2016 Conference and the Workshop on Hilbert's sixth problem, Krasnoyarsk, Russia (30 September 2016): pp. 98-101.

Vorobyev, Oleg Yu. (2016): An element-set labelling a Cartesian product by measurable binary relations which leads to postulates of the theory of experience and chance as a theory of co~events. Published in: Proceedings of the XV FAMEMS Conference and the Workshop on Hilbert's sixth problem, Krasnoyarsk, Russia (30 September 2016): pp. 9-24.

Vorobyev, Oleg Yu. (2016): The theory of dual co~event means. Published in: Proceedings of the XV FAMEMS-2016 Conference and the Workshop on Hilbert's sixth problem, Krasnoyarsk, Russia (30 September 2016): pp. 44-93.


Yang, Bill Huajian (2017): Point-in-Time PD Term Structure Models with Loan Credit Quality as a Component.

Yang, Bill Huajian (2019): Resolutions to flip-over credit risk and beyond. Published in: Big Data and Information Analytics , Vol. 3, No. 2 (18 March 2019): pp. 54-67.

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