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Items where Subject is "D02 - Institutions: Design, Formation, Operations, and Impact"

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Abitbol, Pablo and Botero, Felipe (2006): Teoría de Elección Racional: estructura conceptual y evolución reciente. Published in: Colombia Internacional No. 62 : pp. 132-145.

Adriani, Fabrizio and Sonderegger, Silvia (2009): Trust, Introspection, and Market Participation: an Evolutionary Approach.

Ahmad, Sayed Javed (2008): State of Governance in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects.

Ajide, Kazeem and Alimi, Olorunfemi and Asongu, Simplice (2019): Ethnic Diversity and Inequality in sub-Saharan Africa: Do Institutions Reduce the Noise? Forthcoming in: Social Indicators Research

Al-Ubaydli, Omar and Jones, Garett and Weel, Jaap (2014): Average player traits as predictors of cooperation in a repeated prisoner's dilemma.

Al-Ubaydli, Omar and Jones, Garett and Weel, Jaap (2010): Patience, cognitive skill and coordination in the repeated stag hunt.

Alali, Walid Y. (2010): Role of Political Institutions on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence.

Alyamutty, siti Nasirah (2017): Firm Risk and Performance: The Role of Corporate Governance in Dutch Lady Malaysia.

Anton, Roman (2014): Sustainable Intrapreneurship - The GSI Concept and Strategy - Unfolding Competitive Advantage via Fair Entrepreneurship. Forthcoming in: Open Science , Vol. 2, No. 1 (1 March 2016): pp. 1-46.

Anttiroiko, Ari-Veikko (2014): Good governance in context: Learning from anti-corruption policies of Finland and Singapore.

Asongu, Simplice and Kodila-Tedika, Oasis (2016): Tribalism and Government Effectiveness. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 37, No. 1 (December 2016): pp. 156-167.

Asuaga, Carolina and Peombo, Carina (2004): La Economía del Arte bajo la óptica de la Teoría General del Costo. Published in: XXVII Congreso del IAPUCO. (November 2004)

Athias, Laure (2024): Common Good Institutions, Identity in the Workplace, and Value Dynamics.


Bacha, Obiyathulla I. (2008): The Islamic Inter bank Money Market and a Dual Banking System : The Malaysian Experience. Published in: International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management , Vol. 1, No. 3 (2008): pp. 210-226.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Agro-Ecosystem Services – Governance Needs and Efficiency.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Framework for Analysis of Agrarian Contracts.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Governing of Agro-Ecosystem Services.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Mechanisms of Governance of Sustainable Development.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Needs, Modes and Efficiency of Economic Organizations and Public Interventions in Agriculture.

Bandyopadhyay, Siddhartha and Cabrales, Antonio (2020): Pricing group membership.

Barbos, Andrei (2012): Imperfect Evaluation in Project Screening.

Barbos, Andrei (2012): Project Screening with Tiered Evaluation.

Basuchoudhary, Atin and Allen, Sam and Siemers, Troy (2008): Civilization and the evolution of short sighted agents.

Bayrak, Oben (2016): Another Solution for Allais Paradox: Preference Imprecision, Dispersion and Pessimism.

Bayrak, Oben and Hey, John (2015): Preference Cloud Theory: Imprecise Preferences and Preference Reversals.

Behlen, Lars and Himmler, Oliver and Jaeckle, Robert (2022): Can defaults change behavior when post-intervention effort is required?

Bennett, Matthew and Fletcher, Amelia and Giovannetti, Emanuele and Stallibrass, David (2010): Resale price maintenance: Explaining the controversy, and small steps towards a more nuanced policy.

Bhanu Murthy, K.V. (2007): Business ethics and corporate responsibility:a new perspective.

Bonga, Wellington Garikai (2019): Measuring Macroeconomic Uncertainty in Zimbabwe.

Bos, Iwan and Marini, Marco A. and Saulle, Riccardo (2019): Cartel Formation with Quality Differentiation.

Brams, Steven J and Kilgour, D. Marc (2010): Satisfaction approval voting.

Brams, Steven J. and Camilo, Gustavo and Franz, Alexandra D. (2011): Coalition formation in the U.S. Supreme Court: 1969-2009.

Brams, Steven J. and Kaplan, Todd R and Kilgour, D. Marc (2011): A Simple Bargaining Mechanism That Elicits Truthful Reservation Prices.

Branea, Silvia and Marinescu, Valentina (2005): Jurnalistii si factorul politic in anul 2004. Published in: Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication No. Summer 2005 (2005): pp. 49-56.

Brinca, Pedro (2005): Are Kant's categorical imperative and instrumental rationality incompatible? The case for the prisoner's dilemma.

Bušs, Ginters (2007): The role of authoritative media in Economics.


Caleiro, António (2018): On how can higher education institutions contribute, or not, to the success, or not, of public policies of social cohesion.

Chakravarty, Surajeet and Fonseca, Miguel A. (2010): Social identity, group composition and public good provision: an experimental study.

Chen, Jong-Rong and Chen, Kong-Pin and Chou, Chien-Fu and Huang, Ching-I (2006): A dynamic model of auctions with buy-it-now: theory and evidence.

Chen, Kong-Pin and Liu, Yu-Sheng and Yu, Ya-Ting (2012): The Seller's listing strategy in online auctions: evidence from eBay.

Chen, Kong-Pin and Yen-Chi, Huang (2009): A search-matching model of the buyer-seller platforms.

Cok, Mitja and Domadenik, Polona and Redek, Tjasa and Verbic, Miroslav (2008): Labour Market Reforms in the Context of Political Power Theory: The Case of Slovenia. Published in: Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics , Vol. 27, No. 1 (2009): pp. 57-82.

Colignatus, Thomas (2018): The Math War between traditional and “realistic” mathematics education and its research. An analysis in institutional economics on research on education in arithmetic and algebra, with a focus on long term memory of pupils and using a causal model for valid testing on competence.

Coman, Adela and Pop, Izabela (2012): Why Do Museums Matter? A Case Study on the Maramures County Museums. Published in: The International Conference in Economics and Administration (8 June 2012): pp. 121-133.

Correani, Luca and Di Dio, Fabio and Garofalo, Giuseppe (2009): The evolutionary dynamics of tolerance.

Cotton, Christopher and Li, Cheng (2013): Profiling, screening and criminal recruitment. Forthcoming in: Journal of Public Economic Theory


D'Agostino, Elena and Lisciandra, Maurizio (2014): Binding and Non-Binding Contracts: A Theoretical Appraisal.

Dang, Duc Anh (2015): Social Networks and Employment Performances: Evidence from Rural – Urban Migration in Vietnam.

Danielyan, Vladimir and Polterovich, Victor (2021): Пенсионные реформы и теневой сектор: моделирование поведения доходных групп.

Davies, Ben and Richards, Caspian and Spash, Clive L. and Carter, Claudia (2004): Genetically modified organisms in agriculture: social and economic implications.

Demirgil, Hakan and Karaoz, Murat and Baptista, Rui and Sungur, Onur (2011): Networking Activities and Growth of Newly Founded Firms under Incubation.

Diwan, Ishac and Haidar, Jamal Ibrahim (2020): Political Connections Reduce Job Creation: Firm-level Evidence from Lebanon. Published in: Journal of Development Studies , Vol. 8, No. 57 (1 August 2021): pp. 1373-1396.

Donna, Javier and Espin-Sanchez, Jose (2018): The Illiquidity of Water Markets: Efficient Institutions for Water Allocation in Southeastern Spain.

Donna, Javier D. and Espin-Sanchez, Jose-A. (2021): The Illiquidity of Water Markets.

Driver, Ciaran (2007): Varieties of governance. Published in: Louvain Economic Review , Vol. 74, No. 4 (October 2008): pp. 425-453.

Dutrénit, gabriela and Capdevielle, Mario and Corona, Juan Manuel and Puchet, Martin and Santiago, Fernando and Vera-Cruz, Alexandre (2010): El sistema nacional de innovación mexicano: estructuras, políticas, desempeño y desafíos. Published in: (February 2010)

Dzhumashev, Ratbek (2008): Corruption and regulatory burden.

dumludag, devrim (2007): An analysis of the determinants of foreign direct investment in Turkey: the role of the institutional context. Published in: Journal of Business Economics and Management , Vol. 1, No. 10 (January 2009): pp. 15-30.


Elsner, Wolfram (2015): Policy Implications of Economic Complexity and Complexity Economics.

Elsner, Wolfram (2011): The theory of institutional change revisited: the institutional dichotomy, its dynamic, and policy implications in a more formal analysis.

Elsner, Wolfram and Schwardt, Henning (2015): The (dis-)embedded firm: Complex structure and dynamics in inter-firm relations. Adding institutionalization as a Veblenian dimension to the Coase-Williamson approach – An emerging triangular organizational space.

Evenson, Robert and Roumasset, James (1986): MARKETS, institutions and family size in rural Philippine households. Published in: Journal of Philippine Development , Vol. 18, No. 23 (1986): pp. 141-162.


Faias, Marta and Moreno, Emma and Wooders, Myrna (2009): A Strategic market game approach for the private provision of public goods.

Fehr, Nils-Henrik M. von der and Harbord, David (2018): On the Enforcement of Trade Embargoes by the Merchant Guilds.

Fischer, Justina A.V. (2012): Globalization and Political Trust.

Fischer, Justina A.V. (2012): Globalization and Political Trust.

Fitzsimons, Vincent G. (2006): Information society: networks, collective action and the role of institutions. Published in: International Journal of the Humanities , Vol. 3, No. 6 (2006): pp. 19-32.


Galashin, Mikhail and Popov, Sergey (2014): Teamwork Efficiency and Company Size.

Garzarelli, Giampaolo and Thomassen, Bjørn (2006): Is State Building the Road to World Order? Published in: Prometheus , Vol. 24, No. 2 (June 2006): pp. 312-322.

Gillet, Joris (2017): Voting For a Cartel as a Sign of Cooperativeness.

Grammatikos, Theoharry and Papanikolaou, Nikolaos I. (2013): What lies behind the “too-small-to-survive” banks? Published in: Luxembourg School of Finance Research Working Paper Series No. 13-12 (November 2013)

Gross, Till and Servátka, Maroš and Vadovič, Radovan (2019): Sequential vs. Simultaneous Trust.

Guerrazzi, Marco (2024): Private and social welfare gains in the Diamond-Dybvig model: A rationale for the existence of banks.

Guha, Brishti (2016): Grandparents as Guards: A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Inheritance and Post-Marital Residence in a world of Uncertain Paternity.

Gupta, Abhay (2005): Inequality: An explanation using State-Utility and Information Asymmetry.

Göbel, Jürgen (2009): Hayek’s approach to cognitive and social order.


Haeussler, Carolin (2010): Information-Sharing in Academia and the Industry: A Comparative Study. Forthcoming in: Research Policy

Hegadekatti, Kartik (2017): The K-Y Paradox: Problems in Creating a Centralised Sovereign Backed Cryptocurrency on a Decentralised Platform. Published in: Financial Engineering eJournal , Vol. 10, No. 08 (12 April 2017)

Howell, William and Shepsle, Kenneth and Wolton, Stephane (2020): Executive Absolutism: A Model.


Janoska, Wilfried (2012): The other side of the coin: The privatization phenomenon and realization of public welfare in a Single European Health Care System? A sketch from the perspective of the economic theory of law. Published in: Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Conference Proceedings, Szeged, University of Szeged , Vol. ISBN 9, (2012): pp. 391-411.

Johnson, Noel D and Matthew, Mitchell and Yamarik, Steven (2012): Pick Your Poison: Do Politicians Regulate When They Can’t Spend?


Kamei, Kenju and Tabero, Katy (2023): Free Riding, Democracy and Sacrifice in the Workplace: Evidence from a Real Effort Experiment.

Kamei, Kenju and Tabero, Katy (2021): The Individual-Team Discontinuity Effect on Institutional Choices: Experimental Evidence in Voluntary Public Goods Provision.

Khan, Haider (2008): Causal Depth: Aspects of a Scientific Realist Approach to Causal Explanation contra Humean Empiricism.

Kiss, Hubert Janos and Rosa-García, Alfonso (2011): Why do Facebook and Twitter facilitate revolutions more than TV and radio?

Kleiner, George (2003): От теории предприятия к теории стратегического управления. Published in: Russian Management Journal No. 1 (January 2003): pp. 31-56.

Kodila Tedika, Oasis (2012): CONSEQUENCES DE LA CORRUPTION : PANORAMA EMPIRIQUE. Forthcoming in: Mondes en développement

Kodila Tedika, Oasis (2012): Empirical Survey on the Causes of the Corruption.

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis (2013): Forget your gods: African evidence on the relation between state capacity and cognitive ability of leading politicians.

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis (2012): Governance and Intelligence: Empirical Analysis from African Data. Published in: Journal of African Development , Vol. 16, No. 1 (8 October 2014): pp. 83-97.

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis and Asongu, Simplice (2015): An Empirical Note on Tribalism and Government Effectiveness.

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis and Asongu, Simplice and Azia-Dimbu, Florentin (2015): Statistics and IQ in Developing Countries: A Note.

Kohnert, Dirk (2023): Is water a blessing or a curse? How to address water conflicts in West Africa.

Kohnert, Dirk (2023): L'eau, une bénédiction et une malédiction: comment résoudre les conflits liés à l'eau en Afrique de l'Ouest?

Korpela, Ville and Lombardi, Michele and Saulle, Riccardo (2021): An Implementation Approach to Rotation Programs.

Koçak, Emrah (2017): Does institutional quality drive innovation? Evidence from system-GMM estimates. Published in: The Empirical Economics Letters , Vol. 12, No. 16 (15 December 2017): pp. 1367-1374.

Krammer, Sorin and Gören, Erkan (2021): Wired in? Genetic traits and entrepreneurship around the world. Published in: Technological Forecasting and Social Change No. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120788 (21 April 2021)

Kyriacou, Andreas (2015): Individualism-Collectivism, Governance and Economic Development.


Lacatus, Viorel Dorin and Vaidean, Viorela Ligia (2007): Control Reluctance and Legitimacy for SMEs Applying Bank Loans. Published in: Analele Universităţii din Oradea , Vol. II, No. Știinţe Economice, TOM XVI, Volumul II – Secțiunea: Finance, Accounting and Banks (2007): pp. 415-418.

Lages, André Maia Gomes and Barbosa, Luciano Celso Brandão Guerreiro (2007): A Comercialização dos Produtos Orgânicos na Feira Agroecológica de Maceió/AL: Uma Avaliação sob a Lógica da Teoria dos Custos de Transação. Published in: Economia Política do Desenvolvimento , Vol. vol 01, No. number 01 (January 2008): pp. 65-86.

Langlais, Eric (2010): Safety and the Allocation of Costs in Large Accidents.

Lelkes, Orsolya (2013): Minimising Misery: A New Strategy for Public Policies Instead of Maximising Happiness? Forthcoming in: Social Indicators Research (2013)

Lelkes, Orsolya (2013): Minimising misery: a new strategy for public policies instead of maximising happiness?

Li, Lingfang (Ivy) and Xiao, Erte (2010): Money Talks? An Experimental Study of Rebate in Reputation System Design.

Linkow, Benjamin (2009): Fraying of the Ties that Bind: HIV/AIDS and Informal Contract Enforcement in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.

Linkow, Benjamin (2010): Whose incentives? The evolution of inheritance practices, intergenerational conflict, and women’s control over land in rural Kenya.

Lo, Alex Y. and Spash, Clive L. (2011): Articulation of Plural Values in Deliberative Monetary Valuation: Beyond Preference Economisation and Moralisation.

Lopez-Rodriguez, Patricia and De la Torre Garcia, Rodolfo (2000): Closing the gap: the link between social capital and microfinance services.


Machín, Alejandra (2012): Estrategia contracíclica de los bancos de desarrollo.

Mahmoud, Chowdhury Shameem and Khalily, M. A. Baqui and Wadood, Syed Naimul (2009): Dynamics of market share in the microfinance industry in Bangladesh.

Marengo, Luigi and Pasquali, Corrado (2006): Non rivalry and complementarity in computer software.

Martins, J. Albuquerque (2008): Reforma da Administração Pública: Antes e Depois da Democracia.

Meacci, Ferdinando (2008): The new Italian graduation system and the new institutions for raising university funds in Italy.

Mekvabishvili, Rati (2023): Weak and Strong Formal Institutions in Resolving Social Dilemmas: Are They Double-Edged Swords? Published in: Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy , Vol. 7, No. 2 (20 December 2023): pp. 11-20.

Mekvabishvili, Rati (2021): Can Formal Institutions Lead to the Spillover Effect of Cooperation? Published in: Theoretical Economic Letters , Vol. 2, No. 11 (31 March 2021): pp. 186-193.

Mekvabishvili, Rati and Mekvabishvili, Elguja and Natsvaladze, Marine and Sirbiladze, Rusudan and Mzhavanadze, Giorgi and Deisadze, Salome (2023): Prosocial Behavior and the Individual Normative Standard of Fairness within a Dynamic Context: Experimental Evidence. Published in: Open Journal of Social Sciences , Vol. 3, No. 11 (20 March 2023): pp. 204-221.

Menudo, Jose M. (2011): Market Stability in Adam Smith: Competitive Process and Institutions.

Mezgebo, Taddese and Dereje, Fikadu (2010): Structure, conduct and performance of grain trading in Tigray and its impact on demand for commodity exchange: The case Maychew, Mokone, Alemata, Mekelle and Himora.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2011): Challenges of formal social security systems in Sudan.

Morone, Andrea and Nuzzo, Simone (2016): Do Markets (Institutions) Drive Out Lemmings or Vice Versa?

Morone, Andrea and Nuzzo, Simone (2015): Market Efficiency, Trading Institutions and Information Mirages: evidence from an experimental asset market.

Morrow, John and Sivan, Yoav (2006): Strategic Interaction in the Sex Market.

Murat, Karaoz and Murat Ali, Dulupcu and Mesut, Albeni and Hakan, Demirgil and Onur, Sungur (2012): İşletme Kuluçkalarında Sunulan Destek Hizmetlerinin Yeni Kurulan Firmaların Hayatta Kalabilirliği Üzerine Etkisi: İş Geliştirme Merkezleri (İŞGEM) Örneği. Published in: Global Journal of Economics and Business Studies , Vol. 1, No. 1 (June 2012): pp. 13-21.


NWAOBI, GODWIN (2013): African Development,Partnership and Rationality Challenge:An Exposition.

NWAOBI, GODWIN (2013): African Jobless Growth Morphology:Vulnerabilities and Policy Responses.

Najda-Janoszka, Marta and Wach, Krzysztof (2010): Międzynarodowe powiązania kooperacyjne małopolskich przedsiębiorstw w procesie europejskiej integracji gospodarczej. Published in: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie (ISSN 1898-6447) No. 812 (2010): pp. 99-114.

Noel D., Johnson and Mark, Koyama (2012): Standardizing the fiscal state: cabal tax farming as an Intermediate Institution in early-modern England and France.

Nogueira, Leticia and Wigger, Karin and Jolly, Suyash (2021): Common‐pool Resources and Governance in Sustainability Transitions. Published in: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions , Vol. 41, No. Celebrating a decade of EIST: What’s next for transition studies? (December 2021): pp. 35-38.

Ntuli, Herbert and Crepin, Anne-Sophie and Schill, Caroline and Muchapondwa, Edwin (2020): Sanctioned Quotas Versus Information Provisioning for Community Wildlife Conservation in Zimbabwe: A Framed Field Experiment Approach. Published in: Environmental and Resource Economics (22 February 2023)

Nwaobi, Godwin (2024): Nigerian Firms and Digital Transformation:Incubations, Unipoding and Prospects.


Oasis, Kodila-Tedika and Remy, Bolito-Losembe (2013): Corruption et Etats fragiles africains. Published in: African Development Review , Vol. 26,, No. 1 (March 2013): pp. 50-58.

Obregon, Carlos (2020): New Economics. Published in:

Obregon, Carlos (2021): Today’s Problems: In The Minds of The Great Economists. Published in:

Ojo, Marianne (2012): Bailouts and longer term refinancing operations (LTROs): when temporary cures generate longer term economic concerns.

Ojo, Marianne (2013): „Volcker/Vickers hybrid“?: The Liikanen Report and justifications for ring fencing and separate legal entities.

Ojo, Marianne (2012): A global perspective on the changing perceptions of the role of the external auditor and the significance of audit developments.

Owen-Smith, Jason and Riccaboni, Massimo and Pammolli, Fabio and Powell, Walter W. (2002): A Comparison of U.S. and European University-Industry Relations in the Life Sciences. Published in: Management Science , Vol. 48, No. 1 (January 2002): pp. 24-43.

Ozcan, Rasim (2018): Why Companies Fail? The Boiling Frog Syndrome.


POTERAJ, Jarosław (2005): Zmiany na rynku powszechnych towarzystw emerytalnych w Polsce po przystąpieniu do Unii Europejskiej. Published in: Przekształcenia rynku finansowego w Polsce , Vol. vol. I, (2005): pp. 201-215.

Parinov, Sergey (2024): Универсальный инструмент координации.

Parinov, Sergey (2024): Universal Coordination Instrument of Economic Individuals.

Parkhurst, Gregory M and Shogren, Jason F and Crocker, Thomas (2011): Tradable Set-Aside Requirements (TSARs): Conserving Spatially Dependent Environmental Amenities.

Pastore, Mario H (1990): Factor Proportions, Public Finances, and Property Rights: A Test and Reformulation of Domar's Hypothesis on Serfdom or Slavery. Published in: RHE .A Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History No. Autumn 1990 (1990)

Pastore, Mario H. (1994): Trade contraction and economic regression: the Paraguayan economy under Francia, 1814-1840. Published in: Journal of Latin American Studies , Vol. 26, No. 3 (October 1994): pp. 539-595.

Pau, Louis-François (2007): Discovering the dynamics of smart business networks.

Pelagidis, Theodore and Mitsopoulos, Michael (2019): Deeping the single market and enhancing EU democracy: A justification for 'more Europe'. Published in: European View , Vol. 18, No. 1 (2019)

Pelikan, Pavel (2008): The government economic agenda in a society of unequally rational individuals.

Pilon, André Francisco / A. F. (2010): “The Right to the City” An Ecosystemic Approach to Better Cities, Better Life.

Pinto, Hugo (2008): Existe um Institucionalismo? Caminhos para uma teoria económica satisfatória. Published in: e-Cadernos do CES No. 2 (December 2008)

Plammoottil, George and Saraogi, Ravi (2007): The market for development.

Polterovich, Victor (2023): Догоняющее развитие в условиях санкций: стратегия позитивного сотрудничества.

Polterovich, Victor (2024): Формирование отечественных сетей добавленной стоимости.

Polterovich, Victor (2013): Институциональный эксперимент.

Polterovich, Victor (2014): Куда идти: двадцать четыре тезиса. Published in: ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS , Vol. 66, No. 3 (23 October 2014): pp. 7-16.

Polterovich, Victor (2015): Корпоративные программы помощи сотрудникам в приобретении жилья: проблема выбора институциональной структуры. Published in: CEMI RAS : pp. 1-81.

Polterovich, Victor (2016): Институциональные реформы и гражданская культура.

Polterovich, Victor (2016): Институты догоняющего развития.

Polterovich, Victor (2022): Библиометрическое равновесие.

Polterovich, Victor (2012): Приватизация и рациональная структура собственности. Часть 1. Приватизация: проблема эффективности. Published in: Actual Problems of Economics , Vol. 59, No. 4 (7 October 2012): pp. 7-23.

Polterovich, Victor (2013): Приватизация и рациональная структура собственности. Часть 2. Рационализация структуры собственности. Published in: Actual Problems of Economics , Vol. 60, No. 1 (20 January 2013): pp. 7-24.

Polterovich, Victor (2014): Institutional Reform Design: А New Chapter of Economics.

Polterovich, Victor (2012): Приватизация и рациональная структура собственности (Privatizatsiya i ratsional’naya struktura sobstvennosti).

Polterovich, Victor (2012): Проектирование реформ: как искать промежуточные институты (Proektirovanie reform: kak iskat' promezhutochnye instituty). Forthcoming in: Montenegrin Journal of Economics , Vol. 2, No. 8 (2012)

Polterovich, Victor (2017): Разработка стратегий социально-экономического развития: наука vs идеология.

Polterovich, Victor and Ilinskiy, Dmitry (2021): К теории рынка жилья: модель дифференциации цен на квартиры в зависимости от их готовности.

Polterovich, Victor and Ilinskiy, Dmitry and Boltonosov, Igor and Starkov, Oleg and Tutundzhyan, Artem and Zhikhareva, Alina (2019): Институты коллективных жилищных сбережений.

Polterovich, Victor and Starkov, Oleg and Ilinskiy, Dmitry (2013): Разработка и исследование ссудо-сберегательных программ ипотечного кредитования: динамическая модель. Forthcoming in: Economics and Mathematical Methods No. 02,2014

Polterovich, Victor and Starkov, Oleg and Ilinskiy, Dmitry (2014): Линейки ссудо-сберегательных тарифных планов: обобщение идеи стройсберкасс. Forthcoming in: Economics and Mathematical Methods , Vol. 50, No. 4 (2014)

Polterovich (Полтерович), Victor (Виктор) (2012): Приватизация и рациональная структура собственности. Часть 1. Приватизация: проблема эффективности. Published in: Actual Problems of Economics , Vol. 59, No. 4 (7 October 2012): pp. 7-23.

Polterovich (Полтерович), Victor (Виктор) (2013): Приватизация и рациональная структура собственности. Часть 2. Рационализация структуры собственности. Published in: Actual Problems of Economics , Vol. 60, No. 1 (20 January 2013): pp. 7-24.

Pradiptyo, Rimawan (2012): Does Corruption Pay in Indonesia? If So, Who are Benefited the Most?

Publishers, KMF and Vasant Jagdale, Divya and Dr Heena, Ganatra (2021): Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic on Tourism Industry of India. Published in: Asian Microeconomic Review , Vol. 1, No. 1 (15 October 2021): pp. 39-45.

Pyastolov, S.M. (2007): Norms as indicators of human capital investments effectiveness. Published in: Investment Research and Analysis Journal , Vol. 1, No. II (2007): pp. 25-37.


Rapold, Ingo (2009): Das Goodwill-Modell des Wettbewerbsmarktes: Vertrauen ermöglichen und Arbeitsplätze schaffen.

Ricci, Chiara Assunta and Biagetti, Marco and Reggi, Luigi (2015): La pubblicazione dei dati sui beneficiari dei Fondi Strutturali: quali strategie per le regioni europee? Forthcoming in: Prisma Economia-Società-Lavoro No. 3/2014

Rigdon, Mary (2005): Trust and reciprocity in incentive contracting.

Rigdon, Mary and McCabe, Kevin and Smith, Vernon (2001): Sustaining cooperation in trust games. Forthcoming in: The Economic Journal No. June 2007

Roth, Christopher and Sumarto, Sudarno (2015): Does Education Increase Interethnic and Interreligious Tolerance? Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Published in: SMERU Working Paper (18 May 2015)

Roumasset, James (1978): The new institutional economics and agricultural organization. Published in: The Philippine Economic Journal , Vol. 17, No. 3 (1978): pp. 331-348.


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