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Items where Subject is "G29 - Other"

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Number of items at this level: 98.


Achim, Marian and Neamtu, Ion (2009): Risk’s and uncertainty in the knowledge economy.

Ali, Imran (2005): How to Bring Pakistani Credit Rating Agencies at Part with Foreign Credit Agencies.

Ali, Syed Babar (2012): Quality of Internal Risk Rating Frameworks at Commercial Banks in Pakistan.

Ali Zaidi, Syed Najaf and Ali, Syed Babar (2006): Risk and Scope of Debit Check Card in Competitive Market of Pakistan.

Alimi, R. Santos (2014): DOLS Cointegration Vector Estimation of the Effect of Inflation and Financial Deepening on Output Growth in Nigeria.

Annim, Samuel Kobina (2009): Sensitivity of loan size to lending rates: Evidence from Ghana’s microfinance sector.

Aras, Osman Nuri and Öztürk, Mustafa (2018): The Effect of the Macroeconomic Determinants on Sovereign Credit Rating of Turkey. Published in: Journal of Management, Economics, and Industrial Organization , Vol. 2, No. 2 (1 May 2018): pp. 62-75.

Aras, Osman Nuri and Öztürk, Mustafa (2011): Reel Ekonomiye Katkıları Bakımından katılım Bankalarının Kullandırdığı Fonların Analizi. Published in: Ekonomi Bilimleri Dergisi , Vol. 2, No. 3 (2011): pp. 167-179.

Asongu, Simplice and Odhiambo, Nicholas (2022): Information Sharing and Banking Efficiency in Africa: A Disaggregated Panel Data Analysis.

Asongu, Simplice (2017): The Effect of Reducing Information Asymmetry on Loan Price and Quantity in the African Banking Industry. Published in: Research in International Business and Finance , Vol. 41, No. October (October 2017): pp. 185-197.

Asongu, Simplice (2015): Financial development in Africa - a critical examination. Published in: PhD. Oxford Brookes University

Asongu, Simplice (2017): Improving financial access in Africa: insights from information sharing and financial sector development. Published in: Development Finance Agenda

Asongu, Simplice and Acha-Anyi, Paul (2017): ICT, Conflicts in Financial Intermediation and Financial Access: Evidence of Synergy and Threshold Effects. Published in: NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking , Vol. 18, No. 2-3 (December 2017): pp. 131-168.

Asongu, Simplice and Anyanwu, John and Tchamyou, Vanessa (2016): Information sharing and conditional financial development in Africa.

Asongu, Simplice and Anyanwu, John and Tchamyou, Vanessa (2017): Technology-driven information sharing and conditional financial development in Africa. Forthcoming in: Information Technology for Development

Asongu, Simplice and Batuo, Enowbi and Nwachukwu, Jacinta and Tchamyou, Vanessa (2016): Is information diffusion a threat to market power for financial access? Insights from the African banking industry.

Asongu, Simplice and Biekpe, Nicholas (2017): ICT, Information Asymmetry and Market Power in the African Banking Industry. Forthcoming in: Research in International Business and Finance

Asongu, Simplice and Le Roux, Sara (2016): Reducing Information Asymmetry with ICT: A critical review of loan price and quantity effects in Africa.

Asongu, Simplice and Le Roux, Sara and Tchamyou, Vanessa (2016): Essential Information Sharing Thresholds for Reducing Market Power in Financial Access: A Study of the African Banking Industry.

Asongu, Simplice and Moulin, Bertrand (2016): The Role of ICT in Reducing Information Asymmetry for Financial Access. Published in: Research in International Business and Finance , Vol. 38, No. September (September 2016): pp. 202-213.

Asongu, Simplice and Nnanna, Joseph (2018): ICT in Reducing Information Asymmetry for Financial Sector Competition. Forthcoming in: DBN Journal of Economics and Sustainable Growth

Asongu, Simplice and Nwachukwu, Jacinta (2017): At What Levels of Financial Development Does Information Sharing Matter? Published in: Financial Innovation , Vol. 3, No. 1 (September 2017): pp. 1-30.

Asongu, Simplice and Nwachukwu, Jacinta (2017): Bank Size, Information Sharing and Financial Access in Africa. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Managerial Finance

Asongu, Simplice and Nwachukwu, Jacinta (2017): ICT, Financial Sector Development and Financial Access. Forthcoming in: Journal of the Knowledge Economy

Asongu, Simplice and Nwachukwu, Jacinta (2017): Information Asymmetry and Conditional Financial Sector Development. Published in: Journal of Financial Economic Policy , Vol. 9, No. 4 (November 2017): pp. 372-392.

Asongu, Simplice and Nwachukwu, Jacinta (2017): The Synergy of Financial Sector Development and Information Sharing in Financial Access: Propositions and Empirical Evidence. Published in: Research in International Business and Finance , Vol. 40, No. April (April 2017): pp. 242-258.

Asongu, Simplice and Nwachukwu, Jacinta and Tchamyou, Vanessa (2015): Information Asymmetry and Financial Development Dynamics in Africa.

Asongu, Simplice and Odhiambo, Nicholas (2018): Information Asymmetry, Financialisation and Financial Access. Forthcoming in: International Finance

Asongu, Simplice and Odhiambo, Nicholas (2019): The Mobile Phone, Information Sharing and Financial Sector Development in Africa: A Quantile Regressions Approach. Forthcoming in: Journal of the Knowledge Economy

Asongu, Simplice and Odhiambo, Nicholas (2018): Testing the Quiet Life Hypothesis in the African Banking Industry. Forthcoming in: Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade

Avadanei, Andreea (2010): European corporate bond market integration: lessons from EMU.


Bacha, Obiyathulla I. (2004): Dual Banking Systems and Interest Rate Risk for Islamic Banks. Published in: The Journal of Accounting, Commerce & Finance – Islamic Perspective , Vol. 8, No. 1 (December 2004): pp. 1-42.

Bacha, Obiyathulla I. (2004): The Market for Financial Derivatives: Removing Impediments to Growth. Published in: Banker's Journal Malaysia No. 127 (December 2004)

Bacha, Obiyathulla I. and Abdullah, Mimi H. (2001): Halal Stock Designation and Impact on Price and Trading Volume. Published in: The Journal of Accounting, Commerce & Finance – Islamic Perspective , Vol. 5, No. 1 (June 2001): pp. 66-97.

Barlow, Renee and Phillips, Kerk L. (2010): Simple Financial Economic Models of Fremont Maize Storage and an Assessment of External Threat. Forthcoming in: Research in Economic Anthropology , Vol. 32, (2012)

Bessler, Wolfgang and Blake, David and Lückoff, Peter and Tonks, Ian (2010): Why does mutual fund performance not persist? The impact and interaction of fund flows and manager changes.

Boateng, Agyenim and Asongu, Simplice and Akamavi, Raphael and Tchamyou, Vanessa (2016): Information Asymmetry and Market Power in the African Banking Industry.

Brooks, Weston (2025): Environmental Challenges, COVID-19, and Economic Dynamics in the American Continent.


Chopard, Bertrand and Langlais, Eric (2007): Renégociation stratégique de la dette, risque comptable et risque juridique.


Dinc, Yusuf (2017): Comparative empirical analysis on the effect of mortgage loan on capital adequacy ratio. Published in: Journal of Emerging Economies & Islamic Research , Vol. 3, No. 5 (30 September 2017): pp. 6-20.

Dumitriu, Ramona and Stefanescu, Răzvan (2020): Iluzii financiare, Partea întâi.


Garcia Gonzalez, Javier (2018): Effects of Consumer Financial Protection Introduced after the Financial Crisis of 2007-2008.

Gete, Pedro and reher, Michael (2017): Mortgage Supply and Housing Rents. Forthcoming in: Review Financial Studies

Golovan, Sergei and Karminsky, Alexandr and Peresetsky, Anatoly (2008): Эффективность российских банков с точки зрения минимизации издержек, с учетом факторов риска. Published in: Экономика и математические методы , Vol. 44, No. 4 (2008): pp. 28-38.

Govori, Florije (2009): Sistemi Bankar ne Kosove dhe Roli i tij ne Zhvillimin Ekonomik.

Guych, Nuryyev and Anastasia, Spyridou and Simon, Yeh and Jennet, Achyldurdyyeva (2018): Factors influencing the intention to use cryptocurrency payments: An examination of blockchain economy. Published in: TOURMAN 2018 Conference Proceedings, Rhodes: Greece (28 October 2018): pp. 303-310.


Hasan, Iftekhar and Politsidis, Panagiotis and Sharma, Zenu (2020): Bank lending during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hasan, Iftekhar and Politsidis, Panagiotis N. and Sharma, Zenu (2021): Global syndicated lending during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Heinrich, Gregor (2003): CPSS Core Principles for Payment Systems. Published in: Current Developments in Monetary and Financial Law , Vol. 2, (30 October 2003): pp. 691-722.

Heng, Stefan (2007): E-commerce settles for established payment systems: Limited market potential for innovative payment systems. Published in: E-conomics No. 62 (14 May 2007)

Heng, Stefan and Meyer, Thomas and Stobbe, Antje (2007): Implications of Web 2.0 for financial institutions: Be a driver, not a passenger. Published in: E-conomics No. 63 (31 July 2007)

Hiya, Nirmadarningsih and Sadalia, Isfenti and Fachruddin, Khaira Amalia (2019): Determinants of capital structure decisions in Indonesia. Published in: JUNIOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHER , Vol. 5, No. 1 (May 2019): pp. 38-54.

Howard, Stacia and Craigwell, Roland (2010): Convergence of Caribbean Stock Exchanges. Forthcoming in:

Huian, Maria Carmen (2009): Some considerations on accounting for pawnshops in Romania. Forthcoming in:

Hussain, Zahir and Ali, Syed Babar (2009): Implementation of Operational Risk Regime: A Case of Commercial Banks in Pakistan.


Jarraya, Bilel and Bouri, Abdelfettah (2013): A Theoretical Assessment on Optimal Asset Allocations in Insurance Industry. Published in: International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies , Vol. 2, No. 4 (2013): pp. 30-44.


KAMGNA, Severin Yves and DIMOU, Leonnel (2008): Efficacité technique des banques de la CEMAC.

Klimczuk, Andrzej and Selecký, Erik (2020): Financial Gerontology. Published in:

Korkut, Cem and Kar, Muhsin (2018): İnsani Finans ve Değerler. Published in: Kurumlarda Değerler (July 2018): pp. 179-197.

Kumbhar, Vijay (2011): Financial Inclusion Through M-Banking Services: Scope and Problems in India.

Kuriakose, Francis (2017): Behavioural Finance: Beginnings and Applications.

Kusi, Baah and Agbloyor, Elikplimi and Gyeke-Dako, Agyapomaa and Asongu, Simplice (2020): Financial Sector Transparency and Net Interest Margins: Should the Private or Public Sector lead Financial Sector Transparency? Forthcoming in: Research in International Business and Finance


Lacatus, Viorel Dorin and Buda, Andrada (2008): Modalités pour apprécier les performances économiques et financières d’une entreprise. Published in: Analele Universităţii din Oradea , Vol. IV, No. Știinţe Economice, TOM XVII, Volumul IV – Management and Marketing (2008): pp. 350-354.

Lacatus, Viorel Dorin and Vaidean, Viorela Ligia (2007): Control Reluctance and Legitimacy for SMEs Applying Bank Loans. Published in: Analele Universităţii din Oradea , Vol. II, No. Știinţe Economice, TOM XVI, Volumul II – Secțiunea: Finance, Accounting and Banks (2007): pp. 415-418.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2015): Quantum money.

Lutey, Robert (2013): A Solar-Home Rental Business Model: Capturing Synergies from Solar Energy and Single Family Rental Properties.

Lyuta, Olga and Pigul, Nataliya (2012): Analysis of the financial ensuring of higher education institutions in Ukraine. Published in:


Mattarocci, Gianluca (2005): Il rapporto tra impresa e agenzia di rating: la soluzione del multi-rating.


Neily, Oussama and Neily, Mohamed (2022): Liquidity and credit problems and the effect on the soundness of Tunisian groups (GDA ).


Obregon, Carlos (2023): Institutionalism and Liberalism. Published in:

Obregon, Carlos (2022): The Resolution of Economic Conflicts: Beyond the Economic System. Published in:

Omarini, Anna (2017): The Digital Transformation in Banking and The Role of FinTechs in the New Financial Intermediation Scenario. Published in: International Journal of Finance, Economics and Trade (IJFET) , Vol. 1, No. 1 (22 October 2017): pp. 1-6.

Ozili, Peterson K (2024): Impact of Financial stability on economic growth in Nigeria. Forthcoming in:

Ozili, Peterson (2021): Bank profitability determinants: comparing the United States, Nigeria and South Africa. Published in:

Ozili, Peterson K (2023): Assessing global and local interest in eNaira CBDC and cryptocurrency information: implications for financial stability. Forthcoming in:

Ozili, Peterson K (2021): Basel III in Nigeria: making it work. Forthcoming in:

Ozili, Peterson K (2021): Circular economy, banks and other financial institutions: what’s in it for them? Forthcoming in:

Ozili, Peterson K (2022): Financial inclusion washing. Published in: (2022)

Ozili, Peterson Kitakogelu (2021): Bank earnings management using loan loss provisions: comparing the UK, France, South Africa and Egypt. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic and Administrative Science

Ozili, Peterson Kitakogelu (2022): Financial inclusion in Nigeria: an overview. Published in: International Journal of Banking and Finance

Ozili, Peterson Kitakogelu and Adamu, Ahmed (2021): Does financial inclusion reduce non-performing loans and loan loss provisions? Published in: Journal of Corporate Governance, Insurance, and Risk Management


Pancarini, Ans Shinta (2019): Pengelolaan Tabungan Wakaf Indonesia (Management of Indonesian Waqf Savings).

Pascalau, Razvan and Thomann, Christian and Gregoriou, Greg N. (2010): Unconditional mean, Volatility and the Fourier-Garch representation. Published in: Aestimatio No. 1 (December 2010): pp. 1-20.

Pinshi, Christian P. (2017): Une Perspective Macroprudentielle Pour La Stabilité Financière. Published in: Global Journal of Management and Business Research , Vol. 17, No. 5 (2017): pp. 26-42.

Priyo, Asad Karim Khan (2023): Investigating Excess Reserve Accumulation and Credit Crunch in U.S. Commercial Banks Focusing on the Financial Crisis.


Roy Trivedi, Smita (2012): Post-crises performance of Indian equity funds: A comparative analysis across different categories. Published in: Conference proceedings of "International Conference on Emerging Trends in Finance and Accounting" No. August 3-4,2012 (4 August 2012)


Sebayang, Minda Muliana and Bukit, Rina (2019): Companies characteristics and environmental quality disclosure in Indonesia. Published in: JUNIOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHER , Vol. 5, No. 1 (May 2019): pp. 32-37.

Sepulveda Velasquez, Jorge (2021): Bibliometric Review of Research in Financial Health.

Shachmurove, Yochanan and Vulanovic, Milos (2013): SPACs in Shipping.

Swamy, Vighneswara (2012): Financial Holding Company Structure for India.


Tchamyou, Vanessa and Asongu, Simplice (2016): Information Sharing and Financial Sector Development in Africa. Forthcoming in: Journal of African Business

Troaca, Victor (2008): Actual context of fight against the money laundring by means of credit institutions.


Valdivia Coria, Joab Dan and Valdivia Coria, Daney David (2021): Impacto del Stress Sistémico en el Crecimiento Económico: Caso Guatemala.


Waemustafa, Waeibrorheem and Sukri, Suriani (2015): Theory of Gharar and its interpretation of Risk and Uncertainty from the perspectives of Authentic Hadith and the Holy Quran: A Qualitative Analysis. Published in: International Journal of Economic Perspectives , Vol. 10, No. 2 (15 February 2017): pp. 1-27.

Wong, Kai Seng Kelly and M., Azali and Lee, Chin (2009): Financial Social Accounting Matrix: Concepts, Constructions and Theoretical Framework.

Wong, Kai Seng Kelly and M., Azali and Lee, Chin (2009): Financial social accounting matrix: concepts, constructions and theoretical framework.


Yamori, Nobuyoshi (2011): Commodity ETFs in the Japanese Stock Exchanges.


Стайков, Ивайло (2015): Правна уредба и правна същност на осигурителната каса. Published in: Научни трудове на Русенския университет – 2015. Том 54, серия 7 – Правни науки. Сборник с доклади от научна конференция РУ & СУ ’15. Русе: Издателство на РУ „Ангел Кънчев”. ISSN 1311-3321. (2015): pp. 88-97.

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