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Items where Subject is "I30 - General"

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Number of items at this level: 231.


Abozaid, Abdulazeem (2014): وقفات شرعية في صيغ التأمين الإسلامية. Published in: Ajman Journal for Studies & Researches , Vol. 13, No. 2 (2014)

Adeabah, David and Asongu, Simplice (2021): Agricultural Export, Growth and the Poor in Africa: A Meta Analysis.

Ahsan, Syed M and Mahmud, Minhaj (2011): Microinsurance: The Choice among Delivery and Regulatory Mechanisms.

Ali, Sharafat (2013): The Small and Medium Enterprises and Poverty in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis. Published in: European Journal of Business and Economics , Vol. 8, No. 2 (September 2013): pp. 25-30.

Amjad, Rashid (2010): Remittances and poverty in Pakistan: a note. Published in: Development, Equity and Poverty No. Chapter 9 (2010): pp. 171-181.

Annim, Samuel Kobina (2009): Sensitivity of loan size to lending rates: Evidence from Ghana’s microfinance sector.

Annim, Samuel Kobina and Dasmani, Isaac and Armah, Mark (2011): Does Access and Use OF Financial Service Smoothen Household Food Consumption?

Arbelaez, Maria Angelica and Camacho, Carolina and Fajardo, Johanna (2011): Low-income housing finance in Colombia. Published in: IDB WORKING PAPER SERIES No. 256

Asalatha, B. P. and Pillai N., Vijayamohanan (2010): ‘One hen’ or ‘a basket of bangles’: women development and micro-credit in Tamil Nadu.

Asongu, Simplice (2017): Does Globalization Promote Good Governance in Africa? An Empirical Study Across 51 countries. Published in: World Affairs , Vol. 180, No. 2 (October 2017): pp. 105-141.

Asongu, Simplice (2014): May the Soul of the IFS Financial System Definition RIP in Developing Countries.

Asongu, Simplice (2013): New financial development indicators: with a critical contribution to inequality empirics.

Asongu, Simplice (2019): Technology, Education, Life and Non-life Insurance in Africa. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Public Administration

Asongu, Simplice and De Moor, Lieven (2015): Recent advances in finance for inclusive development: a survey.

Asongu, Simplice and Efobi, Uchenna and Tchamyou, Vanessa (2016): Globalization and Governance: A Critical Contribution to the Empirics.

Asongu, Simplice and Gupta, Rangan (2015): Trust and Quality of Growth: A Note.

Asongu, Simplice and Leke, Ivo (2017): External Flows and Inclusive Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Happiness and Development

Asongu, Simplice and Nnanna, Joseph and Acha-Anyi, Paul (2019): Information Technology, Governance and Insurance in Sub-Saharan Africa. Forthcoming in: Social Responsibility Journal

Asongu, Simplice and Nting, Rexon (2020): The Comparative Economics of Financial Access in Gender Economic Inclusion. Forthcoming in: African Journal of Economic and Management Studies

Asongu, Simplice and Nwachukwu, Jacinta (2017): Recent finance advances in information technology for inclusive development: a survey.

Asongu, Simplice and Nwachukwu, Jacinta (2018): Recent finance advances in information technology for inclusive development: a systematic review. Published in: NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking , Vol. 19, No. 1-2 (December 2018): pp. 65-93.

Asongu, Simplice and Odhiambo, Nicholas (2018): Doing Business and Inclusive Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Forthcoming in: African Journal of Economic and Management Studies

Asongu, Simplice and Odhiambo, Nicholas (2019): Enhancing ICT for Insurance in Africa. Published in: Review of Development Finance , Vol. 9, No. 2 (December 2019): pp. 16-27.

Asongu, Simplice and Odhiambo, Nicholas (2020): Finance, Governance and Inclusive Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Forthcoming in: Social Responsibility Journal

Asongu, Simplice and Odhiambo, Nicholas (2019): Financial Access, Governance and Insurance Sector Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Studies

Asongu, Simplice and Odhiambo, Nicholas (2020): Information Asymmetry and Insurance in Africa. Forthcoming in: Journal of African Business

Asongu, Simplice and Odhiambo, Nicholas (2019): Insurance Policy Thresholds for Economic Growth in Africa. Forthcoming in: The European Journal of Development Research

Asongu, Simplice and Odhiambo, Nicholas (2020): Insurance and Inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policy Thresholds. Forthcoming in: International Social Science Journal

Asongu, Simplice and Soumtang, Valentine and Edoh, Ofeh (2021): Financial institutions, poverty and severity of poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Asongu, Simplice and Tchamyou, Vanessa (2015): Inequality, Finance and Pro-Poor Investment in Africa.

Asongu, Simplice and Uduji, Joseph and Okolo-Obasi, Elda (2019): Thresholds of External Flows for Inclusive Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Published in: International Journal of Community Well-Being , Vol. 2, No. 3-4 (December 2019): pp. 213-233.

Asongu, Simplice A (2012): The impact of mobile phone penetration on African inequality. Forthcoming in:

Asongu, Simplice A (2013): How do financial reforms affect inequality through financial sector competition? Evidence from Africa. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 1, No. 33 (15 February 2013)

Asongu, Simplice A (2013): How do institutions matter in the income-equalizing effect of mobile phone penetration? Published in: European Economics Letters , Vol. 2, No. 2 (December 2013): pp. 56-61.

Atilano-Tang, Lesley Ann (2023): Disaster risk management: Vulnerability and resilience in the coastal barangays of Zamboanga City, Philippines.

Audi, Marc and Poulin, Marc and Ali, Amjad (2023): Determinants of Human Wellbeing and its Prospect Under the Role of Financial Inclusion in South Asian Countries.


Baah-Ennumh, Theresa Yaaba and Forson, Joseph Ato (2015): The Impact of Artisanal Small-Scale Mining on Sustainable Livelihoods: A Case Study of Mining Communities in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality of Ghana. Published in: World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development , Vol. 13, No. 3 (10 July 2017): pp. 204-222.

Baidoo, Samuel Tawiah and Yusif, Hadrat and Anwar, Umar (2016): The effect of smallholder livestock production on income of farm households in Northern Ghana. Published in: Journal of Science and Technology , Vol. 36, No. 3 (December 2016): pp. 8-19.

Balisacan, Arsenio M. (2020): Toward a Fairer Society: Inequality and Competition Policy in Developing Asia. Forthcoming in: Philippine Review of Economics

Banerjee, Sudeshna and Diallo, Amadou and Wodon, Quentin (2007): Measuring trends in access to modern infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa: Results from Demographic and Health Surveys. Published in: e-Findings (World Bank Africa Region) No. 281 (October 2007): pp. 1-6.

Beja Jr, Edsel (2013): Does economic prosperity bring about a happier society? Mathematical remarks on the Easterlin Paradox debate.

Beja Jr, Edsel and Yap, David B. (2012): Counting happiness from the individual level to the group level.

Beja Jr., Edsel (2014): Income growth and happiness: Reassessment of the Easterlin Paradox.

Beja Jr., Edsel L. (2011): Subjective Well-Being Approach to Environmental Valuation: Evidence for Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

Beja Jr., Edsel L. (2011): Subjective Well-Being Approach to the Valuation of International Development: Evidence for the Millennium Development Goals.

Bellù, Lorenzo G. and Liberati, Paolo (2005): Charting Income Inequality: The Lorenz Curve. Published in: (1 November 2005)

Bellù, Lorenzo Giovanni and Liberati, Paolo (2005): Social Welfare Analysis of Income Distributions: Ranking Income Distributions with Crossing Generalised Lorenz Curves. Published in: (1 November 2005)

Bellù, Lorenzo Giovanni and Liberati, Paolo (2005): Social Welfare Analysis of Income Distributions: Ranking Income Distributions with Lorenz Curves. Published in: (1 November 2005)

Blanchard, Caroline and Godinot, Xavier and Laureau, Chantal and Wodon, Quentin (2007): Learning from the Extreme Poor: Participatory Approaches to Fostering Child Health in Madagascar. Published in: e-Findings (World Bank Africa Region) No. 277 (1 August 2007): pp. 1-5.

Boukraine, Wissem (2020): The finance-inequality nexus in the BRICS countries: evidence from an ARDL bound testing approach.

Brañas-Garza, Pablo and Bucheli, Marisa and Espinosa, Maria Paz (2018): Altruism and information.

Burhan, Nik Ahmad Sufian and Sidek, Abdul Halim and Ibrahim, Saifuzzaman (2016): Eradicating the Crime of Child Labour in Africa: The Roles of Income, Schooling, Fertility, and Foreign Direct Investment. Published in: Journal of Defence and Security , Vol. 7, No. 1 (2016): pp. 1-16.

Burkhauser, Richard V. and Smeeding, Timothy M. and Merz, Joachim (1994): Relative Inequality and Poverty in Germany and the United States Using Alternative Equivalence Scales.

Burkhauser, Richard V. and Smeeding, Timothy M. and Merz, Joachim (1994): Relative Inequality and Poverty in Germany and the United States Using Alternative Equivalence Scales.


Cabrera, José María and Cid, Alejandro and Bernatzky, Marianne Bernatzky (2016): The effect of one-on-one assistance on the compliance with labor regulation. A field experiment in extremely vulnerable settings.

Campos-Vazquez, Raymundo M. and Chavez, Emmanuel and Esquivel, Gerardo (2013): Growth is (really) good for the (really) rich.

Cerami, Alfio (2023): In the Shadow of War: Social, Distributive and Civil Conflicts in Belarus, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan and Ukraine.

Chatterjee, Sidharta (2022): Rationalizing decision choices: what influences our social decision making?

Choudhary, Akanksha and Singh, Ashish (2016): Socio-economic differentials in intergenerational educational mobility among women in India.

Cordero, Jose M. and Salinas-Jiménez, Javier and Salinas-Jiménez, Mª Mar (2014): Assessing the level of happiness across countries: A robust frontier approach.


Dekkers, Gijs (2008): Are the old poor? A discussion and some cursory evidence.

Digdowiseiso, Kumba (2009): Education inequality, economic growth, and income inequality: Evidence from Indonesia, 1996-2005.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2005): Pattern of Distribution of Global CO2 Emission by Countries. Published in: International Journal of Global Environmental Issues , Vol. 9, No. 1&2 (2009): pp. 130-136.

Diop, Samba and Asongu, Simplice (2020): The Covid-19 Pandemic and the New Poor in Africa: the Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back. Forthcoming in: Forum for Social Economics

Dragomirescu-Gaina, Catalin and Freitas, Maria (2017): The social and economic preferences of a tech-savvy generation.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. (2023): The Economics of Wellbeing and Psychology: An Historical and Methodological Viewpoint.

Drakopoulos, Stavros (2011): Hierarchical Needs, Income Comparisons and Happiness Levels. Published in: Quality of Life: A Positive Psychology Perspective, A. Efklides and D. Moraitou (eds), New York: Springer (2013): pp. 17-32.

de Vil, Greet and Dekkers, gijs and Desmet, Raphaël and Festjens, Marie-Jeanne (2010): Toereikendheid van het pensioen en budgettaire kosten van de vergrijzing - evaluatie van beleidsmaatregelen en van alternatieve scenario’s/Adéquation des pensions et coût budgétaire du vieillissement - impacts de réformes et de scénarios alternatifs.


Efobi, Uchenna and Tanankem, Belmondo and Asongu, Simplice and Beecroft, Ibukun (2016): Exploring Multidimensional Financial Inclusion and Manufacturing Firms Performance in a Developing Country: The Case of Nigeria.

Entorf, Horst (2013): Der Wert der Sicherheit: Anmerkungen zur Ökonomie der Sicherheit.


Fabio, Bertranou and Roxana, Maurizio (2011): The role of labour market and social protection in reducing inequality and eradicating poverty in Latin America.

Farmanesh, Amir and Ashton, Melanie and Davila-Ortega, Luis and Freeburg, Emily and Kamping, Catherine and Marquez, Solange and Neil, Cameron and Bartlett, Richard (2005): Youth and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): Challenges and Opportunities for Implementation. Published in: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) (April 2005)

Fernandes, Cristina and Crespo, Nuno and Simoes, Nadia (2013): Poverty, Richness, and Inequality: Evidence for Portugal Using a Housing Comfort Index.

Fischer, Justina A.V. and Torgler, Benno (2011): Do Positional Concerns Destroy Social Capital: Evidence from 26 Countries.


Garza-Rodriguez, Jorge and Fernández-Ramos, Jennifer and Garcia-Guerra, Ana K. and Morales-Ramirez, Gabriela (2015): The dynamics of poverty in Mexico: A multinomial logistic regression analysis. Published in: International Journal of Social Economics , Vol. 43, No. 11 (2016): pp. 1082-1095.

Gasparini, Leonardo and Gluzmann, Pablo (2009): Estimating income poverty and inequality from the Gallup World Poll: The case of Latin America and the Caribbean. Published in: Documentos de Trabajo - CEDLAS - UNLP , Vol. 83, (April 2009): pp. 1-33.

Giovanis, Eleftherios and Ozdamar, Oznur (2016): The Effect of Survivors’ Benefits on Poverty and Health Status of Widowed Women: A Turkish Case Study. Published in: Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research , Vol. 6, No. 3 (September 2016): pp. 232-250.

Gray, Matthew and Altman, Jon and Halasz, Natane (2005): The Economic Value of Wild Resources to the Indigenous Community of the Wallis Lakes Catchment. Published in: Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research No. 272 (2005)

Günther, Isabel and Horst, Alexandra and Lüthi, Christoph and Mosler, Hans-Joachim and Niwagaba, Charles B. and Tumwebaze, Innocent K. (2011): Where do Kampala’s poor “go”? - Urban sanitation conditions in Kampala’s low-income areas.

Günther, Isabel and Niwagaba, Charles B. and Lüthi, Christoph and Horst, Alexandra and Mosler, Hans-Joachim and Tumwebaze, Innocent K. (2012): When is shared sanitation improved sanitation? - The correlation between number of users and toilet hygiene.


Halkos, George and Gkargkavouzi, Anastasia (2024): Environmentalism in the light of Behavioral Economics.

Halkos, George and Gkargkavouzi, Anastasia (2024): Personality traits and associations with pro-environmental and economically-relevant behaviors: A brief overview of research evidence.

Hameed, Abdul and Qaiser, Zara (2017): Estimating Sustainable Development and Social Exclusion in Rural Pakistan. Forthcoming in:

Hamel, Jean-Yves (2010): ICT4D and the human development and capabilities approach: the potentials of information and communication technology. Published in: Human Development Research Paper Series (HDRP) , Vol. 37, No. 2010 (27 September 2010): pp. 1-77.

Harashima, Taiji (2025): Numerical Simulation of Economic Inequality Widened by the Persistent Effects of Temporary Rent Income.

Harashima, Taiji (2023): Numerical Simulation of Reaching a Steady State: Effects of Economic Rents on Development of Economic Inequality.

Harashima, Taiji (2018): An Acceleration Mechanism of Within-Country Inequality by Globalization.

Harashima, Taiji (2021): Mechanisms that Make Economic Inequality Increase in Democratic Countries.

Harashima, Taiji (2022): Numerical Simulations of Reaching a Steady State: No Need to Generate Any Rational Expectations.

Harashima, Taiji (2010): Sustainable Heterogeneity: Inequality, Growth, and Social Welfare in a Heterogeneous Population.

Heise, Arne and Serfraz Khan, Ayesha (2019): The Welfare State and Liberal Democracy - A Political Economy Approach. Published in: World Review of Political Economy , Vol. 10, No. 2 (2019): pp. 220-245.

Herrmann, Peter and van der Maesen, Laurent J.G. (2008): Social Quality and Precarity: Approaching New Patterns of Societal (Dis)Integration.

Hirschel, Dierk and Merz, Joachim (2004): Was erklärt hohe Arbeitseinkommen der Selbständigen? Eine Mikroanalyse mit Daten des Sozio-ökonomischen Panels.

Hussey, Andrew and Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy, Alex and Walker, Jay (2010): AIDing Contraception: HIV and Recent Trends in Abortion Rates.


Ibrahimov, Oktay (2022): Qlobal İnternet İqtisadiyyatı: müasir çağırışlar, imkanlar və Azərbaycan üçün açılan perspektivlər.

Islahi, Abdul Azim (2006): Cash waqf: is it a usurious piety? Published in: Hiwar al-Arba`a’ (WEDNESDAY DISCUSSION) 1427-28/2006-07 (2007): pp. 27-30.

Islahi, Abdul Azim (1992): Islamic distributive scheme: a concise statement. Published in: Journal of Objective Studies , Vol. 5, No. 1 (January 1993): pp. 98-111.

Izu, Akhenaton (2015): Vérité sociale ou fausseté économique. Published in: Jeune économiste , Vol. 20, No. 23 (17 September 2015): pp. 25-44.


James Nyarkoh, Bright (2017): Modelling Trade Liberalisation-Poverty Nexus for Ghana.

Jayasuriya, Ruwan and Wodon, Quentin (2003): Development Targets and Efficiency in Improving Education and Health Outcomes in Mexico’s Southern States.

Jomo, Kwame Sundaram and Popov, Vladimir (2013): Whither Income Inequalities?

Joshi, Niraj Prakash and Maharjan, Keshav Lall and Piya, Luni (2010): Poverty and Food Insecurity in Nepal A Review. Published in: Journal of International Development and Cooperation , Vol. 16, No. 2 (2010): pp. 1-19.


K P, Kannan and Pillai N., Vijayamohanan (2007): Social Security in India: The Long Lane Treaded and the Longer Road Ahead Towards Universalization.

Khan, Abdul Razzaq and Khan, Abuturab and Razzaq, Sadia (2013): Conceptualizing Local Knowledge and Disaster Management.

Khan, Himayatullah and Khan, Abuturab (2008): Natural hazards and disaster management in Pakistan.

Khan, Wajid and Sun, Shaorong and Khan, Ikramullah (2015): Sustainable Institutions or Sustainable Poverty Targeting: The Case of Microfinance.

Khim Yong, Goh and Kai-Lung, Hui and I.P.L., Png (2008): Social Interaction, Observational Learning, and Privacy: the "Do Not Call" Registry.

Kim, Jongsung and Tebaldi, Edinaldo (2009): The Immigrants Odds of Slipping into Poverty during Business Cycles: Double Jeopardy?

Kim, Young-Chul and Loury, Glenn (2012): Social Externalities, Overlap and the Poverty Trap. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Inequality

Kotroyannos, Dimitrios (2016): Thatchers Erbe und die Sozialdemokratie.

Kouam, Jean and Asongu, Simplice (2022): Effects of Taxation on Social Innovation and Implications for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Developing Countries: A Literature Review. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Innovation Studies

Kroeger, Sarah and Monahan, Tess and Perry, Brendan (2022): How Can Research Improve Foster Care Policy and Practice?

Kulsoom, Rafia (2009): Child Labor at District Level: A Case Study of Rawalpindi.

Kumari, Pavitra and Aithal, Sreeramana (2020): Stress Inducing Factors and Relevant Strategies Deployed to Overcome Stress in the Aviation Industry Sector – A Systematic Literature Review and Further Research Agendas. Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) , Vol. 5, No. 2 (17 December 2020): pp. 347-371.


LEBIHAN, Laetitia and MAO TAKONGMO, Charles Olivier (2019): The Effect of Paid Parental Leave on Breastfeeding, Parental Health and Behavior.

LEBIHAN, Laetitia and MAO TAKONGMO, Charles Olivier and McKELLIPS, Fanny (2017): Health Inequalities for Immigrants in Canada : Quebec versus the Rest of Canada.

LaGarda, Guillermo and Gallagher, Kevin and Linares, Jennifer (2016): Capital Openness and Income Inequality: A Cross-Country Study and The Role of CCT in Latin America.

Laczó, Sarolta (2008): Informal Insurance and Income Inequality.

Lebihan, Laetitia and Mao Takongmo, Charles Olivier and McKellips, Fanny (2018): Health Disparities for Immigrants: Theory and Evidence from Canada.

Lechman, Ewa and Kaur, Harleen (2016): Social development and ICT adoption. Developing world perspective.

Lettieri, Antonio (2012): Diseguaglianza, conflitto sociale e sindacati in America. Published in: Moneta e Credito , Vol. Vol 65, No. N° 258 (June 2012): pp. 115-144.

Loening, Josef L. (2010): Chad: rural policy note.

Lopez-Calva, Luis Felipe and Ortiz-Juarez, Eduardo (2009): Evidence and Policy Lessons on the Links between Disaster Risk and Poverty in Latin America.

Lopez-Feldman, Alejandro (2011): Poverty and commercialization of non-timber forest products. Forthcoming in: Forest Resources and Mathematical Modeling , Vol. 10, (2011): pp. 219-234.


MAVROZACHARAKIS, EMMANOUIL (2022): The end of hypocrisy and the questioning of democracy.

Magazzino, Cosimo (2009): Sul Welfare State. Considerazioni critiche e proposte di riforma. Published in: Poteri pubblici e mercati No. 2 (2010)

Majeed, Muhammad Tariq and Malik, Muhammad Nauman (2014): Determinants of Household Poverty: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan.

Majumder, Rajarshi and Ray, Jhilam (2016): Development and Exclusion: Intergenerational Stickiness in India.

Mamatzakis, E and Christodoulakis, G (2009): Transition of Social Welfare in the European Country Clubs.

Mamoon, Dawood (2007): How May International Trade affect Poverty in a Developing Country Setup? The Inequality Channel.

Marco, Marini and Alberto, Zevi (2010): 'Just one of us': Consumers playing oligopoly in mixed markets. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economics

Mariscal de Gante, Álvaro and Rodríguez, Víctor (2018): Retrato de la pobreza económica en España diez años después del inicio de la crisis: Un análisis descriptivo, bivariante y logístico de la insuficiencia de ingresos en 2018.

Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil (2019): Modern Democracy-Welfare State and Public Goods. A current consequence for Greece.

Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil (2022): The crisis of the social democratic movement.

Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil and Tzagkarakis, Stylianos Ioannis (2018): Der Wohlfahrtstaat als Grundbestandteil des modernen demokratischen Staatsgefüges.


Medel-Ramírez, Carlos and Medel-López, Hilario (2020): Vision of sustainability and justice in the town of Totonacapan: The philosophy of lightning children.

Merz, Joachim (2009): Time Use and Time Budgets – Improvements, Future Challenges and Recommendations.

Merz, Joachim and Faik, Jürgen (1994): Equivalence Scales Based on Revealed Preference Consumption Expenditure Microdata - The Case of West Germany.

Merz, Joachim and Garner, Thesia and Smeeding, Timothy M. and Faik, Jürgen and Johnson, David (1994): Two Scales, One Methodology - Expenditure Based Equivalence Scales for the United States and Germany.

Milanovic, Branko (2016): Towards an explanation of inequality in pre-modern societies:the role of colonies and high population density.

Mitra, Sudeshna and Gupta, Kausik (2017): Liberalization and Welfare Conditions of a Developing Economy: A General Equilibrium Analysis.

Mora-Alfaro, Jorge (2006): Desarrollo Territorial Rural en America Latina: Discurso y Realidades.

Mora-Alfaro, Jorge (2005): Desarrollo socioeconómico y pobreza en América Latina y el Caribe.

Mora-Alfaro, Jorge and Fernández-Alvarado, Luis Fernando (2005): Hacia la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional en Mesoamérica. Estado de la Inseguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional y notas sobre políticas para su superación.

Moreno, Frede (2004): Good governance in microcredit strategy for poverty reduction: focus on western Mindanao, Philippines.

Motkuri, Venkatanarayana (2008): Deprivation of Basic Amenities in Andhra Pradesh.

Motkuri, Venkatanarayana (2007): Measuring the Human Development or Deprivation : A Review of (Different Composite Index) Methods.

Motkuri, Venkatanarayana (2009): Reaching Out of Noon Meal Scheme in India.

Motkuri, Venkatanarayana (2013): Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Tribes (STs) in Andhra Pradesh: A Situation Assessment Analysis.

Motkuri, Venkatanarayana and Joe, William (2005): On the Deprivation of Basic Amenities in Rural India: An Analysis of Census 2001.

Motkuri, Venkatanarayana and Mishra, Uday Shankar (2005): Should Poverty Measurement Discount Expenditure on Pan, Tobacco and Alcohol? The Indian case.

Munro, John H. (2004): Before and after the Black Death: money, prices, and wages in fourteenth-century England. Published in: New Approaches to the History of Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Selected Proceedings of Two International Conferences at The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters in Copenhagen, Historisk-filosofiske Meddelser , Vol. 104, (February 2009): pp. 335-364.

Mutascu, Mihai (2009): The effect of the government intervention in economy on corruption. Published in: Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics , Vol. 2, No. 3 (May 2009): pp. 55-71.


NWAOBI, GODWIN (2013): African Jobless Growth Morphology:Vulnerabilities and Policy Responses.

Naithani, Pranav (2016): Impact of health and recreation on work-life balance: A case study of expatriates. Published in: International Journal of Social Science and Business , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2016): pp. 33-45.

Ngasuko, Tri Achya (2019): Berinvestasi pada SDM, Berinvestasi pada Ekonomi. Published in: Warta Fiskal , Vol. 2, No. Memperkuat Human Capital (31 April 2019): pp. 21-24.

Ngasuko, Tri Achya (2018): Mengejar Ketertinggalan Indonesia di Era Digital. Published in: Warta Fiskal , Vol. 6, No. Penguatan Kemitraan Regional dan Bilateral (1 December 2018): pp. 30-33.

Ngasuko, Tri Achya (2018): Tantangan Ekonomi di Era Digital. Published in: Warta Fiskal , Vol. 2, No. Lembaga Ekonomi yang Merakyat (1 April 2018): pp. 33-37.

Nguyen, Cuong (2012): Does Urbanization Help Poverty Reduction in Rural Areas?Evidence from a Developing Country.

Nguyen, Cuong and Tran Ngoc, Truong and Van der Weide, Roy (2009): Rural Poverty and Inequality Maps in Vietnam: Estimation using Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey 2006 and Rural Agriculture and Fishery Census 2006.

Nguyen, Viet and McGrath, Tim and Pamela, White (2006): Agricultural Land Distribution in Vietnam: Emerging Issues and Policy Implications.

Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel and Santillán Hernández, Alma (2021): The political economy of social protection adoption. Published in: Handbook on Social Protection Systems (August 2021): pp. 520-536.

Notten, Geranda and de Neubourg, Chris (2007): The policy relevance of absolute and relative poverty headcounts: What's in a number?

Nwaobi, Godwin (2024): Gig Sector in the African Economy: Frameworks, Challenges and Prospects.

Nwaobi, Godwin (2023): An Impact Evaluation of Digital Cash Transfers Scheme on Income Poverty in Nigeria.


Odozi, John C. and Awoyemi, Timothy T. (2010): Poverty reduction efforts in Nigeria 1996 – 2004: a micro level analysis of the relative importance of income growth and redistribution.

Ofori, Isaac K. and Armah, Mark K. and Taale, Francis and Ofori, Pamela Efua (2021): Addressing the Severity and Intensity of Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: How Relevant is the ICT and Financial Development Pathway? Forthcoming in: Heliyon Business and Economics

Ozili, Peterson K (2024): Impact of terrorism on financial inclusion: evidence from the most terrorized countries in the world. Forthcoming in:

Ozili, Peterson K (2024): Role of embedded finance in increasing financial inclusion. Forthcoming in:

Ozturk, Orgul and Chyi, hau (2006): The Effects of Single Mothers' Welfare Participation and Work Decisions on Children's Attainments.



Pandey, Alok Kumar and Dixit, Annapurna (2011): Inequality, Decomposition of Inequality and Stationarity of State Domestic Product: An Empirical Evidence from Twenty Indian States. Published in: The Indian Journal Of Economics , Vol. XIIC, No. 367 (1 April 2012): pp. 571-645.

Pathan, Pervez.A and Khan, A. Razzaq and Razzaq, S and Jariko, Gulam.A (2012): Reduction of disaster vulnerability through Indigenous knowledge.

Petit, Gillian and Tedds, Lindsay M. (2021): The Effect of Asset Thresholds on Income Assistance Flows in British Columbia.

Pillai N., Vijayamohanan and B. P., Asalatha (2012): Women Empowerment: An Epistemic Quest.

Pivato, Marcus (2010): Aggregation of incomplete ordinal preferences with approximate interpersonal comparisons.


Qayyum, Abdul and Javid, Muhammad and Arif, Umaima (2008): Impact of Remittances on Economic Growth and Poverty: Evidence from Pakistan.


Raihan, Selim (2009): Impact of Food Price Rise on School Enrollment and Dropout in the Poor and Vulnerable Households in Selected Areas of Bangladesh. Published in: (March 2009)

Ranjan, Harshali (2021): Urban-rural differences in health outcomes in the United Republic of Tanzania.

Reggiani, Tommaso (2008): Survey on Child Labour Statistics.

Rena, Ravinder (2007): THE IMPACT OF HIV/ AIDS ON POVERTY AND EDUCATION IN AFRICA. Published in: Accountancy Business and Public Interest , Vol. 7, No. 1 (5 January 2008): pp. 92-104.


SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): Demografia, Occupazione e Produttività in Europa e Us [quarta parte del progetto "Il presente e il futuro del Pay-Go in Italia, Europa e Us"].

SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): Un Test sulle Ipotesi delle Proiezioni a Medio-Lungo Termine della Spesa Farmaceutica.

Sapkota, Jeet Bahadur and Neupane, Pramila (2018): Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) Organisations and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Nepal. Published in: Global Social Welfare , Vol. 8, (2021): pp. 47-58.

Sarkar, Sandip (2014): Pro poor growth : a partial ordering approach.

Schatz, Christof and Merz, Joachim (2000): Die Rentenreform in der Diskussion Ein Mikrosimulationsmodell für die Altersvorsorge in Deutschland (AVID-PRO).

Schatz, Christof and Merz, Joachim (2000): Die Rentenreform in der Diskussion Ein Mikrosimulationsmodell für die Altersvorsorge in Deutschland (AVID-PRO).

Schilirò, Daniele (2003): Dibattito sulla globalizzazione. Un commento.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Globalization and Africa: implications for human development.

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Globalization, (fighting) corruption and development: how are these phenomena linearly and nonlinearly related in wealth effects?

Simplice A, Asongu (2012): Politics and Consumer Prices in Africa.

Simplice A., Asongu (2011): Finance and inequality: exploring pro-poor investment channels in Africa.

Simplice A., Asongu (2011): Investment and inequality in Africa: which financial channels are good for the poor?

Singh, Ajit (1999): The role of employment and work in poverty eradication and empowerment and advancement of women.

Singh, Sunny and Jha, Chandan (2021): Are Financial Development and Financial Stability Complements or Substitutes in Poverty Reduction?

Srinivas, Smita (2010): Industrial welfare and the state: nation and city reconsidered. Published in: Theory and Society , Vol. 39, (20 March 2010): pp. 451-470.

Stark, Oded (2005): The new economics of the brain drain. Published in: World Economics , Vol. 6, No. 2 (2005): pp. 137-140.

Steinhoff, Brigitte (2024): The impact of social and affordable housing on societal attitude - a systematic review of the literature.

Stávková, Jana and Procházková, Zuzana (2011): Income differentiation of households in various regions of the Czech Republic. Published in: Acta Universitatis Bohemiae Meridionales : vědecký časopis pro ekonomiku, řízení a obchod = The Scientific journal for economics, management and trade No. ISSN 1212-3285 (2011): pp. 57-65.

Sulasula, Josephine (2023): Effects of social media addiction on daily work performance of government employees.


Tamilina, Larysa (2024): The Analysis of Life Satisfaction Predictors Among Ukrainian Students During Times of Conflict. Forthcoming in:

Tamilina, Larysa (2011): The Impact of Welfare States on Social Trust Formation: A Multidimensional Approach.

Tamilina, Larysa and Tamilina, Natalya (2019): Social Trust Formation in the Workplace: Applying the Job Strain Model to Explain Variations in Social Trust Levels among Employed Individuals.

Tavares, Aida Isabel (2021): Cuidados continuados e cuidadores informais na Europa.

Tchamyou, Vanessa and Asongu, Simplice and Odhiambo, Nicholas (2019): The role of ICT in modulating the effect of education and lifelong learning on income inequality and economic growth in Africa. Published in: African Development Review , Vol. 31, No. 3 (December 2019): pp. 261-274.

Thomas, Duncan and Contreras, Dante and Frankerberg, Elizabeth (2002): Distribution of power within the household and child health.

Tirziu, Andreea-Maria (2016): Boosting social change through social innovation labs. Published in: Holistica - Journal of Business and Public Administration , Vol. 7, No. 2 (2016): pp. 111-122.

Todorova, Tamara and Dzharova, Veselina (2010): Optimal Time and Opportunity Cost of Job Search in Low-Income Groups: an Out-of-the-job Search Model. Forthcoming in:

Todorova, Tamara and Dzharova, Veselina (2010): Optimal Time and Opportunity Cost of Job Search in Low-Income Groups: an Out-of-the-job Search Model. Published in: Modern Economy , Vol. Volume, No. No. 3 (November 2010)

Tripathi, Sabyasachi (2021): Causes and Consequences of Higher COVID 19 cases in India.

Tripathi, Sabyasachi and Yenneti, Komali (2019): Measurement of Multi-Dimensional Poverty in India: A state level analysis.


Umar, Maida and Asghar, Zahid (2018): SDG Index for Pakistan at Provincial Level.

Unal, Umut (2018): Sahra Altı Afrika Ülkelerinde Yoksulluğun Doğası ve Sebepleri Üzerine. Published in:

Usman-Laput, Lea (2005): Magison-ison: A parallel reality construction of war among Joloano Muslim Survivors in Sulu, Philippines.


Vijayamohanan, Pillai N. and Asalatha, B. P. (2011): Empowering the frailty: dissecting the role of microcredit.

van Hoorn, Andre (2016): Reliability and Validity of the Happiness Approach to Measuring Preferences.


Wodon, Quentin (2007): Is there a divergence between objective measures and subjective perceptions of poverty trends? Evidence from West and Central Africa. Published in: e-Findings (World Bank Africa Region) No. 283 (October 2007): pp. 1-4.

Wodon, Quentin and Angel-Urdinola, Diego and Gonzalez-Konig, Gabriel and Ojeda Revah, Diana and Siaens, Corinne (2003): Migration and Poverty in Mexico’s Southern States.

Wodon, Quentin and Lopez-Acevedo, Gladys and Siaens, Corinne (2003): Poverty in Mexico's Southern States.


Yadav, Manoj K (2011): Microfinance Impact Evaluation: A Managerial Perspective.

Yamamura, Eiji (2010): Comparison of long-term changes in teenage body mass index between urban and other areas in Japan from 1986 to 2003.

Yamamura, Eiji (2010): Influence of body image in urbanized areas: Differences in long-term changes in teenage body mass index between boys and girls in Japan.

Yao, Ye (2008): Dalai Lama et Laurens van den Muyzenberg, Ce que le bouddhisme peutapporter aux managers. Published in: Librairie Vuibert, Paris (2008)


Zabala, Cedrick (2023): Coastal Zone Management in Zamboanga City, Philippines: Experiences and Lessons Learned.

Zaman, Md Monowaruz (2010): An Unbiased Pareto Improvement strategy for poverty alleviation.

Zaman, Md Monowaruz (2007): The theoretical aspect of Muhammad Yunus’s dream-'putting poverty in museums'.

Zaman, Nadeem Uz and Ghutai, Gul and Khan, Kaneez Raza (2012): The nature, sources and the socio-economic effects of terrorism in Balochistan.

Zelinsky, Tomas (2014): Chudoba a deprivácia na Slovensku: Metodologické aspekty a empíria. Published in:


Ávalos, Eloy (2014): Envidia, intolerancia y bienestar social.


Çoban, Serap (2008): The Relationships among Mortality Rates, Income and Educational Inequality in Terms of Economic Growth: A Comparison between Turkey and the Euro Area.

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