Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "J15 - Economics of Minorities, Races, Indigenous Peoples, and Immigrants ; Non-labor Discrimination"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 194.


André, Stéfani and Dronkers, Jaap and Fleischmann, Fenella (2008): Verschillen in groepsdiscriminatie, zoals waargenomen door immigranten uit verschillende herkomstlanden in veertien lidstaten van de Europese Unie. Published in: Mens & Maatschappij , Vol. 84, No. 4 (December 2009): pp. 448-482.

Dronkers, Jaap (2010): Positieve maar ook negatieve effecten van etnische diversiteit in scholen op onderwijsprestaties? Een empirische toets met internationale PISA-data.


Abarcar, Paolo (2013): The Return Motivations of Legal Permanent Migrants: Evidence from Exchange Rate Shocks and Immigrants in Australia.

Afanasyev, Sergey (2014): Meditation In The Emotional Intelligence Improvement Among Russian-Speakıng Migrants In Germany. Published in: International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Review , Vol. 2, No. 3 (August 2014): pp. 225-243.

Ahmed, Manzoor and Baloch, Akhtar (2017): The Political Economy of Development: A Critical Assessment of Balochistan, Pakistan. Published in: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences , Vol. 7, No. 6 (10 August 2017): pp. 1026-1045.

Ahmed, Salma (2015): Dynamics and diversity: How are religious minorities faring in the labour Market in Bangladesh?

Aisa, Rosa and Larramona, Gemma (2014): Labour market outcomes in the Roma population of Spain.

Ajilore, Olugbenga and Smith, John (2010): Ethnic fragmentation and police spending.

Allen, Osvalso and Brown, Ava and Wang, Ersong (2021): Socioeconomic Disparities in the Effects of Pollution on Spread of Covid-19: Evidence from US Counties. Published in: Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies , Vol. 12, No. 6(J) (9 February 2021): pp. 33-42.

Anderson, R. Warren and Johnson, Noel D and Koyama, Mark (2013): From the Persecuting to the Protective State? Jewish Expulsions and Weather Shocks from 1100 to 1800.

Angelo, Mele (2009): Poisson Indices of Segregation.

Anghel, Remus Gabriel and Botezat, Alina and Cosciug, Anatolie and Manafi, Ioana and Roman, Monica (2016): International migration, return migration, and their effects. A comprehensive review on the Romanian case.

Arceo-Gomez, Eva O. and Campos-Vázquez, Raymundo M. (2013): Race and Marriage in the Labor Market: A Discrimination Correspondence Study in a Developing Country.

Artiles, Miriam (2023): Within-Group Heterogeneity in a Multi-Ethnic Society.

Asali, Muhammad (2017): Military Service and Future Earnings Revisited.

Asali, Muhammad and Pignatti, Norberto and Skhirtladze, Sophiko (2017): Employment Discrimination in Georgia: Evidence from a Field Experiment.

Ayan, Davut (2016): The Impact of Military Service on Post-Service Labor Market Performance of Female Veterans: Evidence from the United States.

Ayan, Davut (2016): Unemployment Among the Recent U.S. Veterans.

Baerg, Nicole Rae and Hotchkiss, Julie L. and Quispe-Agnoli, Myriam (2014): Unauthorized Immigration, Fiscal Conservatism, and Partisan Support for the Republicans.

Barbieri, Paolo Nicola (2016): When in America, do as the Americans? Exploring the heterogeneity in immigrants unhealthy assimilation.

Bayari, Celal (2018): Economy and Market in China: The State, Wage Labour and the Construction of the ‘China Price’. Published in: Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review , Vol. 14, No. 1 (5 July 2018): pp. 13-29.

Beleva, Iskra and Kotzeva, Mariana (2001): Bulgaria - Country Study on International Skilled Migration.

Benos, Nikos and Kammas, Pantelis (2022): The effect of ethnic diversity on the participation in social groups: Evidence from trade unions.

Berdellima, Arian and Naqvi, Nadeem (2012): Social diversification, injustices, and Pareto optimality with non-binary preferences.

Bezemer, Dirk J and Jong-A-Pin, Richard (2008): World on Fire? Democracy, Globalization and Ethnic Violence.

Bhowmik, Anuj and Sen, Arijit (2022): Segmented assimilation: a minority's dilemma.

Blaga, Daniela and Brie, Mircea (2013): Differentiated Integration - from Theory to Practice. Determiners in the Integration Process of the Western Balkans: Ethnicity. Published in: Analele Universităţii din Oradea. Relaţii Internaţionale şi Studii Europene , Vol. V, (2013): pp. 173-185.

Borooah, Vani (2012): The Killing Fields of Assam: The Myth and Reality of Its Muslim Immigration. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. 48, No. 4 (January 2013): pp. 43-52.

Borooah, Vani (2010): On the Risks of Belonging to Disadvantaged Groups: A Bayesian Analysis of Labour Market Outcomes. Published in: Oxford Handbook of Muslims (2010): pp. 199-220.

Borooah, Vani (2010): Social Exclusion and Jobs Reservation in India. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. XLV, No. 52 (25 December 2010): pp. 31-35.

Borooah, Vani and Dubey, Amaresh and Iyer, Sriya (2007): The Effectiveness of Jobs Reservation: Caste, Religion, and Economic Status in India. Published in: Development & Change , Vol. 38, No. 3 (2007): pp. 423-455.

Bortoletto, Gianluca (2022): The link between migratory background and crime perceptions. A repeated cross-sectional analysis with household data.

Bossavie, Laurent (2017): Immigrant Concentration at School and Natives’ Achievement: Does Length of Stay in the Host Country Matter?

Botti, Fabrizio and Conte, Anna and D'Ippoliti, Carlo (2015): Not so classy after all: Identity utility and the risk of discrimination of LGB people.

Braakmann, Nils (2013): Immigration and property prices: Evidence from England and Wales.

Braakmann, Nils and McDonald, Stephen (2018): Student exposure to socio-economic diversity and students’ university outcomes – Evidence from English administrative data.

Brañas-Garza, Pablo and Coulson, Mark and Kernohan, David and Oyediran, Olusegun and Rivas, M. Fernanda (2014): Reciprocal beliefs and out-group cooperation: evidence from a public good game.

Brañas-Garza, Pablo and Kernohan, David and Oyediran, Olusegun and Rivas, M. Fernanda (2014): Reciprocal beliefs and out-group cooperation: evidence from a public good game.

Brie, Mircea (2011): Ethnic Identity and the Issue of Otherness through Marriage in Northwest Transylvania (Second Half of the XIX - Early XX Century). Published in: Eurolimes , Vol. Suppli, No. Mircea Brie, Sorin Şipoş, Ioan Horga, Ethno-Confessional Realities in the Romanian Area: Historical Perspectives, Editura Universităţii din Oradea, supliment Eurolimes, Oradea (2011): pp. 89-104.

Brie, Mircea (2011): Ethnicity, Religion and Intercultural Dialogue in the European Border Space. Published in: Eurolimes , Vol. Suppli, No. Mircea Brie, Ioan Horga, Sorin Şipoş, Ethnicity, Confession and Intercultural Dialogue at the European Union’s East Border, Editura Universităţii din Oradea/Editura Universităţii din Debrecen, supliment Eurolimes, Oradea/Debrecen (2011): pp. 11-18.

Brie, Mircea (2008): Family and society in north-western Transylvania (2nd Half of the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century). General framework: concepts, methods and approaches. Published in: Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Fascicula Istorie (2008): pp. 105-128.

Brie, Mircea (2014): National minorities: levels of educational analysis. Published in: Vasile Cucerescu, Enrique Banus, Iordan Gheorghe Barbulescu, Ioan Horga (coord.), Ghidul Uniunii Europene în şcoală între educaţia formală şi neformală, Chisinau (2014): pp. 52-71.

Brie, Mircea and Pop, Cosmin Adrian and Polgar, Istvan (2012): Interculturality and ethnodiversity in post-comunist Romania. Published in: Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Seria Relaţii Internaţionale şi Studii Europene , Vol. IV, (2012): pp. 111-121.

Brie, Mircea and Şipoş, Sorin and Horga, Ioan (2011): Ethno-Confessional Realities in the Romanian Area: Historical Perspectives (XVIII-XX centuries). Published in: This present collective volume, coordinated by Mircea Brie, Sorin Şipoş and Ioan Horga, contains the papers of the international conference held in Oradea between 2nd-5th of June 2011 (2011): pp. 1-319.

Cameron, Anna and Tedds, Lindsay M. (2020): Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) of Two Policy Alternatives: Basic Income and Basic Services.

Cameron, Anna and Tedds, Lindsay M. (2020): Gender-based analyisis plus (GBA+) and Intersectionality: Overview, an enhanced framework, and B.C. Case Study.

Ceritoglu, Evren and Gurcihan Yunculer, H. Burcu and Torun, Huzeyfe and Tumen, Semih (2015): The Impact of Syrian Refugees on Natives' Labor Market Outcomes in Turkey: Evidence from a Quasi-Experimental Design.

Chani, Muhammad Irfan and Shahid, Muhammad and Hassan, Mahboob Ul (2011): Some socio-economic determinants of fertility in Pakistan: an empirical analysis. Published in: Actual Problems of Economics (May 2012)

Chletsos, Michael and Roupakias, Stelios (2016): Do Immigrants Compete with Natives in the Greek Labour Market? Evidence from the Skill-Cell Approach Before and During the Great Recession.

Chletsos, Michael and Roupakias, Stelios (2018): Immigration and far-right voting: Evidence from Greece.

Ciacci, Riccardo and Sansone, Dario (2020): The Impact of Sodomy Law Repeals on Crime.

Cole, Rebel (1999): Availability of credit to small and minority-owned businesses: Evidence from the 1993 National Survey of Small Business Finances.

Dai, Tianran and Schiff, Nathan (2021): The Structure and Growth of Ethnic Neighborhoods.

Darmadi, Salim (2010): Board diversity and firm performance: the Indonesian evidence. Published in: Corporate Ownership and Control , Vol. 1, No. 9 (2011): pp. 524-539.

Darova, Ornella and Duchene, Anne (2024): Diversity in Teams: Collaboration and Performance in Experiments with Different Tasks.

Darova, Ornella and Duchene, Anne (2024): Diversity in Teams: Collaboration and Performance in Experiments with Different Tasks.

Davia, María A. and Wang, Ting and Gámez, Matías (2019): Language proficiency and immigrants’ labor market outcomes in post-crisis Spain.

Deschamps, Pierre and De Sousa, Jose (2014): Labor Mobility and Racial Discrimination.

Di Bartolomeo, Anna and Di Bartolomeo, Giovanni (2007): Integration of migrants in Italy: A simple general and objective measure.

Dronkers, Jaap and Heus, Manon de (2009): Negative selectivity of Europe’s guest-worker immigration? Forthcoming in: From Information to Knowledge; from Knowledge to Wisdom: Challenges and Changes facing Higher Education in the Digital Age, (2010)

Díez-Amigo, Sandro (2014): The Impact of College Peers on Academic Performance: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Chile.

Díez-Amigo, Sandro (2014): Improving the Access to Higher Education for the Poor: Lessons from a Special Admission Program in Chile.

Díez-Amigo, Sandro (2014): Using "Cheat Sheets" to Distinguish Ability from Knowledge: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Chile.

Evers, Hans-Dieter and Yusoff, Anis and Shamsul, A.BB. (2010): Ethno-diversity and bio-diversity: Methods and measurement.

Fairlie, Robert (2020): The Impact of COVID-19 on Small Business Owners: The First Three Months after Social-Distancing Restrictions. Published in: Journal of Economics and Management Strategy

Fan, C. Simon and Stark, Oded (2007): A social proximity explanation of the reluctance to assimilate. Published in: Kyklos , Vol. 60, No. 1 (2007): pp. 55-63.

Fryer, Roland G. and Levitt, Steven D. and Kahn, Lisa and Spenkuch, Jörg L. (2010): The Plight of Mixed Race Adolescents.

Fryer, Roland G. and Pager, Devah and Spenkuch, Jörg L. (2011): Racial Disparities in Job Finding and Offered Wages.

Fu, Shihe (2008): Sexual orientation and neighborhood quality: Do same-sex couples make better communities?

Ghassan, Hassan and Alhajhoj, Hassan R. and Balli, Faruk (2018): Bi-Demographic Changes and Current Account using SVAR Modeling: Evidence from Saudi Arabia.

Ghassan, Hassan B. and Alhajhoj, Hassan R. and Balli, Faruk (2020): Bi-Demographic and Current Account Dynamics using SVAR Model: Evidence from Saudi Arabia. Published in: Economic Change and Restructuring No. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10644-021-09348-2 (19 September 2021): pp. 1-41.

Giovanis, Eleftherios (2023): Cultural Participation and Extra Disability and Health Costs of Syrian Migrants in Turkey. Published in: International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care

Glover, Stephen and Gott, Ceri and Loizillon, Anaïs and Portes, Jonathan and Price, Richard and Spencer, Sarah and Srinivasan, Vasanthi and Willis, Carole (2001): Migration: an economic and social analysis. Published in: Home Office Occasional Papers No. No 67 (January 2001)

Gomez-Ruano, Gerardo (2012): Discrimination and Freedom of Speech: Is there a Benefit from Political Correctness?

Grossbard, Shoshana Amyra (1983): A market approach to intermarriage. Published in:

Guzi, Martin and Kahanec, Martin (2015): Socioeconomic Cleavages between Workers from New Member States and Host-country Labour Forces in the EU during the Great Recession. Published in: London: Routledge (2015): pp. 97-121.

Harris, Matthew and Cronin, Christopher (2014): The effects of prospective mate quality on investments in healthy body weight among single women.

Harris, Timothy and Yelowitz, Aaron (2015): Racial Disparities in Life Insurance Coverage.

Hazans, Mihails (2019): Emigration from Latvia: A Brief History and Driving Forces in the 21st Century. Published in: Rita Kaša and Inta Mieriņa (eds.), The Emigrant Communities of Latvia: National Identity, Transnational Belonging and Return Migration. Berlin - Heidelberg: Springer Open (2019): pp. 35-68.

Hazans, Mihails (2013): Emigration from Latvia: Recent trends and economic impact. Published in: Coping with Emigration in Baltic and East European Countries, OECD Publishing (2013) (December 2013): pp. 65-110.

Hazans, Mihails (2018): Employment disparities in Latvia. Published in: European Centre of Expertise occasional paper (ad hoc request) : pp. 1-57.

Hazans, Mihails (2011): Labor market integration of ethnic minorities in Latvia. Published in: Martin Kahanec and Klaus F. Zimmermann (eds.), Ethnic diversity in European labor markets: Challenges and solutions, Cheltenham – Northampton: Edward Elgar (2011): pp. 163-197.

Hazans, Mihails (2016): Migration Experience of the Baltic Countries in the Context of Economic Crisis. Published in: Martin Kahanec and Klaus F. Zimmermann (eds), Labor Migration, EU Enlargement, and the Great Recession. Berlin - Heidelberg: Springer (2016): pp. 297-344.

Heijs, Joost and Cruz-Calderón, Selene Cruz (2023): A novel research strategy of measuring housing disadvantages of vulnerable populations for all income levels: the Propensity Score Matching approach.

Humpert, Stephan (2015): Gender-based Segregation before and after the Great Recession.

Humpert, Stephan (2014): Trends in occupational segregation: What happened with women and foreigners in Germany?

Igan, Deniz and Pinheiro, Marcelo and Smith, John (2012): Racial biases and market outcomes: "White men can't jump," but would you bet on it?

Igan, Deniz and Pinheiro, Marcelo and Smith, John (2011): "White men can't jump," but would you bet on it?

Ihlanfeldt, Keith and Yang, Cynthia Fan (2019): The Impact of Rental Housing on Neighborhood Racial and Social Integration.

Jain, Tarun and Narayan, Tulika (2011): Incentive to discriminate? An experimental investigation of teacher incentives in India.

Jakobsen, Kristian Thor and Kaarsen, Nicolai and Vasiljeva, Kristine (2016): Does reduced cash beneit worsen educational outcomes of refugee children?

Jebwab, Remi and Johnson, Noel D and Koyama, Mark (2017): Negative Shocks and Mass Persecutions: Evidence from the Black Death.

Jiang, Shiyu (2020): Task Specialization, Wage, and Immigration in Canada.

Jimenez Martínez, Antonio and Melguizo Lopez, Isabel (2022): Making friends: the role of assortative interests and capacity constraints. Published in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization , Vol. 203, (1 November 2022): pp. 431-465.

Jinno, Masatoshi (2018): Calculating the net benefi t of admitting immigrants under the de fined-return-ratio pay-as-you-go pension system. Published in: Keizai-kei No. 279 (March 2020): pp. 48-49.

Karachiwalla, Naureen (2013): A teacher unlike me: Social distance, learning, and intergenerational mobility in developing countries.

Kim, Young Chul (2009): Lifetime Network Externality and the Dynamics of Group Inequality.

Kim, Young-Chul (2009): Group Reputation and the Endogenous Group Formation.

Kim, Young-Chul and Loury, Glenn (2012): Collective Reputation and the Dynamics of Statistical Discrimination.

Kim, Young-Chul and Loury, Glenn (2012): Social Externalities, Overlap and the Poverty Trap. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Inequality

Kirdar, Murat (2007): Explaining Ethnic Disparities in School Enrollment in Turkey.

Kirdar, Murat G. and Dayioglu, Meltem and Koc, Ismet (2012): Does longer compulsory education equalize educational attainment by gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic background?

Kleemans, Marieke and Klugman, Jeni (2009): Understanding Attitudes Towards Migrants A Broader Perspective. Published in: Human Development Research Paper (HDRP) Series , Vol. 53, No. 2009

Kohler, Pierre (2012): Three essays on the economic and cultural integration of migrants in Switzerland: putting into perspective the influence of economic discrimination and of host society culture. Published in: Thesis of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies No. 940 (2012): pp. 1-251.

Kohnert, Dirk (2023): QAnon and other conspiracy ideologies’ impact on Sub-Saharan Africa in the age of Global capitalism.

Lahiri, Kajal and Pulungan, Zulkarnain (2007): Income-related health disparity and its determinants in New York state: racial/ethnic and geographical comparisons. Published in: Toward Equity in Health: A New Global Approach to Inequities in Health (2007): pp. 97-127.

Lanari, Donatella and Pieroni, Luca and Salmasi, Luca (2020): Regularization of Immigrants and Fertility in Italy.

Lee, Shu En and Lim, Jing Zhi and Shen, Lucas (2021): Segregation Across Neighborhoods in a Small City.

Lee, Shu En and Lim, Jing Zhi and Shen, Lucas (2021): Segregation across neighborhoods in a small city.

Leguizamon, Sebastian and Leguizamon, Susane and Christafore, David (2013): Education, race and revealed attitudes towards homosexual couples.

Li, Yifan and Miao, Zhuang and Wang, Junbo and Zhang, Yan (2023): The FDI liberalization and skill structure of labor market in China: The predicament of migrants.

Loitongbam, Bishwanjit Singh (2016): Influx of Immigrants in the North Eastern States of India: Exodus or Employment Evidence from Manipur. Published in: Kangla Lanpung , Vol. II, No. 1 (30 June 2017): pp. 21-45.

Maestri, Virginia (2009): Can ethnic diversity have a positive effect on school achievement?

Maestri, Virginia (2009): Can ethnic diversity have a positive effect on school achievement?

Makofske, Matthew (2020): Pretextual Traffic Stops and Racial Disparities in their Use.

Mannan, Kazi Abdul and Farhana, Khandaker Mursheda and Chowdhury, G. M. Omar Faruque (2020): The COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts on Manpower Export: An Econometric Analysis of Survival Strategies of Recruiting Agencies in Bangladesh. Published in: The Cost and Management , Vol. 48, No. 03 (May 2020): pp. 25-34.

Marcén, Miriam and Morales, Marina (2017): Remain single or live together: Does culture matter?

Marcén, Miriam and Morales, Marina (2019): The effect of same-sex marriage legalization on interstate migration in the United States.

Mask, Joshua (2018): Consequences of Immigrating During a Recession: Evidence from the US Refugee Resettlement Program. Published in: IZA Journal of Development and Migration , Vol. 11, No. 1 (2020): pp. 1-31.

Mason, Patrick (2009): Culture matters: America’s African Diaspora and labor market outcomes.

Mason, Patrick L. (2004): Annual income, hourly wages, and identity Among Mexican Americans and other Latinos. Published in: Industrial Relations , Vol. 43, No. 4 (2004): pp. 817-834.

Mason, Patrick L. (2010): Assessing difference: examining Florida’s initial teacher preparation programs and exploring alternative specifications of value-added models.

Mason, Patrick L. (2010): “Does teacher preparation matter? pupil academic achievement and teacher’s college preparation”.

Mason, Patrick L. (2007): Driving while black: do police pass the test? Published in: Driving while black: do police pass the test? , Vol. 14, (2007): pp. 79-113.

Mason, Patrick L. (2010): Examining FAMU’s supply of teachers: a value-added analysis of college of preparation on pupil academic achievement.

Mason, Patrick L. (2008): Excavating for economics in africana studies. Published in: Journal of Black Studies , Vol. 38, No. 5 (2008): pp. 731-757.

Mason, Patrick L. (2009): Identity matters: inter- and intra-racial disparity and labor market outcomes.

Mason, Patrick L. (2004): NEA presidential address: identity, markets, and persistent racial inequality. Published in: NEA presidential address: identity, markets, and persistent racial inequality , Vol. 32, No. 1 (September 2004): pp. 13-36.

Mason, Patrick L. (1997): Race, culture, and skill: interracial wage differentials among African Americans, Latinos, and whites. Published in: Review of Black Political Economy , Vol. 25, No. 3 (March 1997): pp. 5-39.

Mason, Patrick L. (2002): The janus face of race: Rhonda M. Williams on orthodox economics schizophrenia. Published in: Review of Black Political Economy , Vol. 29, No. 4 (March 2002): pp. 63-75.

McCully, Brett (2021): Immigrants, Legal Status, and Illegal Trade.

Medel-Ramírez, Carlos and Medel-López, Hilario (2018): Análisis de complementariedad del Programa de Desarrollo de Zonas Prioritarias y del Programa de Zonas de Atención Prioritaria en el Programa Cruzada Nacional contra el Hambre en municipios indígenas en el Estado de Veracruz México.

Monroy-Gómez-Franco, Luis and Vélez-Grajales, Roberto and Yalonetzky, Gastón (2021): Layers of inequality: Unequal opportunities and skin colour in Mexico.

Mulholland, Sean E. (2011): Hate Source: White Supremacist Hate Groups and Hate Crime.

Muravyev, Alexander and Talavera, Oleksandr (2015): Can State Language Policies Distort Students’ Demand for Education?

Naqvi, Nadeem (2012): Impossibility of interpersonal social identity diversification under binary preferences.

Naqvi, Nadeem (2012): Why is the Workplace Racially Segregated by Occupation?

Nathan, Max (2011): The Long Term Impacts of Migration in British Cities: Diversity, Wages, Employment and Prices.

Nguyen, Cuong and Nguyen, Phai (2016): Population Sex-Age Structure in Vietnam: New Evidences from the 2014 Intercensal Population and Housing Survey.

Nguyen, Ha and Duncan, Alan (2015): Macroeconomic fluctuations in home countries and immigrants’ well-being: New evidence from Down Under.

Nguyen, Ha Trong and Connelly, Luke and Le, Huong Thu and Mitrou, Francis and Taylor, Catherine and Zubrick, Stephen (2018): Explaining the evolution of ethnicity differentials in academic achievements: The role of time investments.

Nguyen, Ha Trong and Connelly, Luke B. and Le, Huong Thu and Mitrou, Francis and Taylor, Catherine and Zubrick, Stephen R. (2019): Sources of ethnicity differences in non-cognitive development in children and adolescents.

Nguyen, My (2018): The Relationship between Race-Congruent Students and Teachers: Does Racial Discrimination Exist?

Niemesh, Gregory and Shester, Katharine (2019): Racial Residential Segregation and Black Low Birth Weight, 1970-2010.

Nitz, Lawrence H. (2010): Who Loses: An examination of losses in housing net worth, non-housing assets, and total savings from 2007 to 2008 among American families.

NoghaniBehambari, Hamid and Tavassoli, Nahid and noghani, farzaneh (2020): Intergenerational Transmission of Culture among Immigrants: Gender Gap in Education among First and Second Generations. Published in: Journal of Economics and Political Economy , Vol. 7, No. 4 (December 2020)

Petit, Gillian and Tedds, Lindsay M. (2020): Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) of the Current System of Income and Social Supports in British Columbia.

Pieroni, Luca and d'Agostino, Giorgio and Lanari, Donatella (2019): The effects of language skills on immigrant employment and wages in Italy.

Pieroni, Luca and d'Agostino, Giorgio and Lanari, Donatella and Scarlato, Margherita (2022): Immigrant labour market outcomes: new insights from a lack of language proficiency in Italy.

Pitukhina, Maria and Pitukhin, Eugene and Radikov, Ivan and Tolstoguzov, Oleg and Kulakova, Lyubov (2020): Foreign Labor Migration Control in Russian Regions using Multicultural Barometer (The Case of the Republic of Karelia, Russia). Published in: Test Engineering and Management , Vol. 82, (7 January 2020): pp. 1444-1454.

Poeschel, Friedrich (2020): Out there on your own: Absence of the spouse and migrants' integration outcomes.

Quang Tran, Tuyen and Hong Nguyen, Son and Van Vu, Huong and Quoc Nguyen, Viet (2014): Determinants of poverty among ethnic minorities in the Northwest region, Vietnam.

R, Albert Christopher Dhas (2020): Socio-Economic Status of Urban Madurai Street Vendors-A Micro-Level Analysis.

Rademakers, Robbert and van Hoorn, André (2022): How Racial Measures Affect the Estimation of Racial Inequality.

Rademakers, Robbert and van Hoorn, Andre (2020): Choosing Your Ethnicity: A Longitudinal Analysis of Ethnic Identity Choice and Intra-Individual Ethnicity Change.

Riillo, Cesare Fabio Antonio and Peroni, Chiara (2022): Immigration and entrepreneurship in Europe: cross-country evidence.

Roupakias, Stelios and Dimou, Spiridoula (2020): Immigration, diversity and institutions.

Sansani, Shahar (2017): Are the Religiously Observant Discriminated Against in the Rental Housing Market? Experimental Evidence from Israel.

Sansone, Dario (2018): Pink Work: Same-Sex Marriage, Employment and Discrimination.

Scarlat, Valentin (2009): Employment and Social Cohesion.

Schilirò, Daniele (2015): Mediterranean, migrations and economic development. Published in: Journal of Advanced Research in Economics and International Business , Vol. 3, No. 4 (December 2015): pp. 1-7.

Singh, K.M. and Meena, M.S. and Singh, R.K.P. and Kumar, Abhay and Kumar, Anjani (2012): Rural Poverty in Jharkhand, India : An Empirical Study based on Panel Data.

Stojcic, Nebojsa and Bezic, Heri and Galovic, Tomislav (2019): Do we need more immigration? Socio-cultural diversity and export sophistication in EU 28 countries. Published in: Interdisciplinary Management Research , Vol. XV, (May 2019): pp. 1613-1632.

Syed Zwick, Hélène (2019): Narrative analysis of Syrians, South Sudanese and Libyans transiting in Egypt: A MOA approach.

Tamura, Robert and Simon, Curtis and Murphy, Kevin M. (2012): Black and White Fertility, Differential Baby Booms: The Value of Civil Rights.

Tausch, Arno (2016): Occidentalism, terrorism, and the Shari’a state: new multivariate perspectives on Islamism based on international survey data.

Tausch, Arno (2018): The return of religious Antisemitism? The evidence from World Values Survey data.

Toca, Constantin-Vasile (2013): Ethnical analysis within Bihor-Hajdú Bihar Euroregion. Published in: No. Ethnicity and Intercultural Dialogue at the European Union Eastern Border, Edited by Mircea Brie, Ioan Horga, Sorin Șipoș, 2013 (2013): pp. 111-119.

Tondji, Jean-Baptiste (2015): Wage of Immigrants in the Canadian Labour Market.

Tran, Nhan (2023): The effects of deferred action for childhood arrivals on labor market outcomes.

Tran Quang, Tuyen (2014): Determinants of nonfarm participation among ethnic minorities in the Northwest Mountains, Vietnam.

Wanner, R.A and Dronkers, J. (2005): The Effects of Immigration Policies and Labor Market Structures on the Income of Immigrants to the More Developed Countries of Europe and North America.

Weiss, Volkmar (2008): National IQ means, calibrated and transformed from educational attainment, and their underlying gene frequencies.

Winkler, Oliver (2014): Transitions into Stable Employment: The Effect of Relative Group Size for the Immigrant Second Generation in France. Published in: Der Hallesche Graureiher , Vol. 3, No. 2014 : pp. 3-29.

Woudstra, Jaco (2006): Giving meaning to identities. A case-study for the Romanian Banat region. Published in: Review of Historical Geography and Toponomastics , Vol. vol. I, No. no 3-4 (26 June 2007): pp. 69-84.

Yamamura, Eiji (2011): Frequency of contact with foreigners in a homogeneous society: perceived consequences of foreigner increases.

Yamamura, Eiji (2010): Frequency of contact with foreigners in a homogenous society: perceived consequences of foreigner increases in Japan.

Yamamura, Eiji (2009): Frequency of contact with foreigners in a homogenous society: perceived consequences of foreigner increases in Japan.

Yeutseyeva, Sasha and Deguilhem, Thibaud (2022): Race, Gender and Poverty: Evidence from Brazilian Data.

Yuki, Kazuhiro (2021): Language education and economic outcomes in a bilingual society.

Yuki, Kazuhiro (2013): Stereotypes, segregation, and ethnic inequality.

Zhang, Y. Jane (2013): Culture and the Gender Gap in Competitive Inclination: Evidence from the Communist Experiment in China.

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