Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "O2 - Development Planning and Policy"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 336.


El-Rasoul, Ahmed AbouElyazid and Anwar, Saied Mouhamed and Ebeid, Abd El-Naby Bassuoni and Oan, Oan Kheirallah (2017): الإنفاق الحكومي على القطاع الزراعي وعلاقته بالنمو الاقتصادي في مصر. Published in: مجلة الإسكندرية للبحوث الزراعية، كلية الزراعة، جامعة الإسكندرية، , Vol. 62, No. 4 (August 2017): pp. 521-537.

Elasrag, Hussein (2014): دور رأس المال الفكري في تنمية المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في الدول الخليجية.

الرسول, أد/ أحمد أبواليزيد and متولي, متولي صلاح and القاق, أ.د/ عبداللطيف عطيه and ناصر, أ.د/ محمد عماد عبدالوهاب and خروب, د/ محمد علي فتح الله (2018): التعريفة الجمركية وتأثيرها على سوق اللحوم الحمراء المجمدة في مصر. Published in: مجلة الإسكندرية للتبادل العلمي، كلية الزراعة، جامعة الإسكندرية، , Vol. 39, No. 1 (January 2018): pp. 16-29.


Matić, Branko and Serdarušić, Hrvoje (2008): Financiranje regionalnog razvitka putem subvencija i donacija. Published in: 1 st International Conference "Vallis Aurea" Proceedings (2008): pp. 581-587.


AKPOILIH, Roland and FARAYIBI, Adesoji (2012): Economic Growth and Inequality in Nigeria: Magnitudes and Challenges.

Acharya, Hem (2013): Employment Growth by Accelerated Manufacturing in India- A Comparative Study and Lessons to Be Learnt from China.

Achuo, Elvis and Nchofoung, Tii and Asongu, Simplice and Dinga, Gildas (2021): Unravelling the Mysteries of Underdevelopment in Africa.

Aggarwal, Aradhna (2020): The Concept, Evolution, Impacts and Critical Success Factors of Regional Economic Corridors.

Ahmad, Sayed Javed (2008): State of Governance in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects.

Ahmed, Ovais and Mashkoor, Aasim (2015): Theory of Economic Development (Pyramids of Development).

Ahmed, Ovais and Mashkoor, Aasim (2016): The wrong impact of Fiscal Imbalance on economic growth and Monetary Policy consequences (A case of Pakistan).

Aithal, Sreeramana (2021): Business Excellence through the Theory of Accountability. Published in: International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT, and Education (IJCSBE) , Vol. 5, No. 1 (21 May 2021): pp. 88-115.

Alali, Walid Y. (2011): The Contribution of Education to Economic Development.

Aldashev, Gani and Marini, Marco A. and Verdier, Thierry (2015): Governance of Non-Profit and Non-Governmental Organizations - Within- and Between- Organization Analyses: An Introduction. Published in: Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics , Vol. 86, No. 1 (1 January 2015): pp. 1-5.

Amankwah-Amoah, Joseph and Zhang, Hongxu (2015): Business failure research. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy (2015)

Anand, P B (2011): Developing a multi-dimensional environmental vulnerability (MEV) indicator for Mongolia. Published in:

Angulo, Laura and Godínez, Raúl (2021): The Lacking Issue: What is Missing from El Rama – Kukra Hill Highway Project.

Antonescu, Daniela and Platon, Victor (2009): The regional dimension of the SME Sector in Romania. Published in: Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis , Vol. vol.I, No. vol.I, 1, 2009 (2009): pp. 17-26.

Anttiroiko, Ari-Veikko (2015): Networks in Manuel Castells’ theory of the network society.

Antypas, Antonios and Koundouri, Phoebe and Kourogenis, Nikolaos (2013): Hotelling Rules: Oscillatory Versus Quadratic Trends in Natural Resource Prices. Published in:

Apostolache, Mihai (2014): The influence of European regulations on the Constitution and of certain infraconstitutional regulations regarding localpublic administration٭. Published in: Journal of Law and Administrative Sciences , Vol. 2, No. 1 (15 December 2014): pp. 135-144.

Arceo-Gómez, Eva Olimpia (2013): Drug-Related Violence and Forced Migration from Mexico to the United States. Published in: North American Integration: An Institutional Void in Migration, Security and Development (2013): pp. 221-230.

Ariff, Syamimi and Hans-Dieter, Evers and Anthony Banyouko, Ngah and Farah, Purwaningrum (2014): Governing Knowledge for Development: Knowledge Clusters in Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia. Published in: ZEF Working Paper Series No. 125 (2014): pp. 1-24.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Reibstein, David J. (1985): Evidence on the Value of Strategic Planning in Marketing: How Much Planning Should a Marketing Planner Plan?

Attia, Sayed Moawad (2009): The Role of USAID in Development in Egypt.

Azad, Abul Kalam (2015): Development: Where Do We Stand? Published in: The Financial Express (19 December 2015): pp. 1-5.

Baafi Antwi, Joseph and Oppong Kwakye, Francis (2010): Urban governance and planning for Economic growth.

Bakari, Sayef (2021): Are Domestic Investments in Spain a Source of Economic Growth?

Bakari, Sayef and Tiba, Sofien and Mabrouki, Mohamed (2020): An Exploratory Study of the Causality between Internet Use, Innovation, and Economic Growth in Tunisia: An indispensable Case Analysis.

Baruah, Joydeep (2009): BRGF and intra-district backwardness:towards a programmable index. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. XLV, No. 6 (6 February 2010): pp. 27-31.

Baruah, Joydeep (2012): Inclusive Growth under India's Neo-liberal Regime: Towards an Exposition. Published in: Social Change and Development , Vol. IX, No. No. 1 (July 2012)

Baruah, Joydeep (2012): On Identification of Backward Blocks. Published in: Research Paper Series No. 4 (November 2012)

Baruah, Joydeep (2009): Planning at the Grassroots: An Experiment with Integrated District Planning. Published in: Social Change and Development , Vol. VI, No. 1 (November 2009): pp. 219-236.

Bayari, Celal (2008): Japanese auto manufacturers in the Australian market and the government industry assistance spending. Published in: The Otemon Journal of Australian Studies , Vol. 34, No. 34 (1 December 2008): pp. 87-107.

Bell, William Paul (2012): The impact of climate change on generation and transmission in the Australian national electricity market. Published in: Analysis of institutional adaptability to redress electricity infrastructure vulnerability due to climate change (12 June 2013): pp. 36-50.

Bellù, Lorenzo Giovanni and Liberati, Paolo (2005): Impacts of Policies on Poverty: The Definition of Poverty. Published in: EASYPol : online resources for policy making www.fao.org/easypol (November 2005): pp. 1-16.

Berkley, Matt (2003): Economists' fatal flaws. Published in: Taipei Times (7 June 2003): p. 8.

Bista, Raghu (2019): Push and Pull Factors of Urbanization in Nepal: Its impacts on Household Perspectives. Published in: Jounal of Advanced Research in Construction and Urban Achitecture , Vol. 4, No. 3 (8 July 2019): pp. 27-37.

Blyde, Juan (2010): Paving the road to export: the trade impacts of domestic transport costs and road quality.

Boukbech, Rachid and Bousselhamia, Ahmed and Ezzahid, Elhadj (2018): Determinants of tax revenues: Evidence from a sample of Lower Middle Income countries. Published in: Applied Economics and Finance , Vol. 6, No. ISSN 2332-7294 E-ISSN 2332-7308 (January 2019): pp. 11-20.

Byrnes, Liam and Brown, Colin (2015): Australia’s renewable energy policy: the case for intervention.

Caruntu, Genu Alexandru and Damian, Ion (2010): Supporting Regional and Local Business Development.

Chagas Lopes, Margarida (2014): The Development of Knowledge in Portugal: A Slow and Unsustainable Progress. Published in: The IUP Journal of Knowledge Management , Vol. XII 3, No. nº 3 (15 July 2014): pp. 42-61.

Chakraborty, Lekha S and Garg, Shatakshi (2015): The Political Economy of Mining regulations 2015: Spatial Inequality and Resource Curse in Two New States, India.

Charlita de Freitas, Luciano and Fagundes Ferreira, Flávio and Bernardes da Silva Júnior, Osmar and Azevedo Marques Mello da Silva, João Marcelo and Vilas Boas de Freitas, Igor (2016): Towards the massification of broadband internet access in Brazil: an application of alternative dispute resolution settlement of administrative proceedings.

Chatterjee, Susmita and Datta Gupta, Sangita (2016): Re-imaging Capitalism through Social Entrepreneurship.

Chaudhuri, Sarbajit and Mukhopadhyay, Ujjaini (2009): Revisiting the Informal Sector: A General Equilibrium Approach. Published in: Book published by Springer, New York. http://www.springer.com/economics/development/book/978-1-4419-1193-3 No. ISBN: 978-1-4419-1193-3 (print) 978-1-4419-1194-0 (online) (October 2009): 01-243.

Chawarika, Admire (2016): Food Security and the Developing World-Emerging Issues.

Chen, Xi (2013): Relative Deprivation in China.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1977): Development patterns and the international order. Published in: Journal of International Affairs , Vol. 31, No. no. 2 (1977): pp. 275-304.

Chichilnisky, Graciela and Cole, Sam (1978): Technology distribution and north-south relations. Published in: UNITAR report, project on the future (August 1978): pp. 1-90.

Chițea, Lorena Florentina and Dona, Ion (2017): Defining aspects concerning the rural household and the sustainable socio-economic development in Romania. Published in: "Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania" , Vol. 8, No. ISSN 2285-6803, ISSN-L 2285-6803 (16 September 2017): pp. 92-99.

Choi, Seung Mo (2010): Institutional Foundations for Economic Growth. Published in: Collection of Essays on the Issues of Asia No. 8 (2010): pp. 25-40.

Chowdhury, Shyamal and Roy Chowdhury, Prabal and Sengupta, Kunal (2014): Sequential lending with dynamic joint liability in micro-finance.

Ciumag, Marin (2006): The Effects of Transfer into Fiscality Prices. Published in: Revista Finante No. 5 (26 May 2006): pp. 204-207.

Clarke, George (2010): Are Managers’ Perceptions of Constraints to Growth Reliable? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in South Africa.

Cobbe, Jim (2014): Managing Development and Public Policy: A Personal View.

Cohen, Joseph N. and Centeno, Miguel A. (2006): Neoliberalism and patterns of economic performance: 1980 to 2000. Published in: Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science No. 606 (July 2006): pp. 32-67.

Dao, Nga and McGrath, Tim and Nguyen, Cuong (2008): Impact of Provincial Rural Roads on Inclusive Development: Evidence from Vietnam.

Das, Rituparna (2003): How to Prevent Non Performing Assets in Small Scale Industries. Published in: Published as Chapter in the 'Book Research Methodology in Social Sciences and Management: Models on Indian Issues', ISBN-13: 978-3639295467 (24 September 2010): pp. 167-223.

Dasgupta, Aparajita (2014): Systematic Measurement Error in Self-Reported Health: Is anchoring vignettes the way out?

Daskalopoulou, Irene (2016): Democracy and social capital in Greece.

Datta, Polly and Kar, Saibal (2016): Bye-laws and user-charges at the panchayat level: a case study of West Bengal. Published in:

De Paoli, Rosa Grazia (2008): Historical centres as resources of development opportunity. Problems and improvements concearning the south of Italy. Published in: conference proceedings Responsabilities and Opportunities in architectural conservation , Vol. volume, (2008): pp. 259-270.

De Santis, Roberta and Fasano, Alessandra and Mignolli, Nadia and Villa, Anna (2014): Smart city: fact and fiction.

Destek, Mehmet Akif and Hossain, Mohammad Razib and Khan, Zeeshan (2023): Premature Deindustrialization and Environmental Degradation. Published in: Gondwana Research

Dhaoui, Iyad (2014): Geographic information system and local development: Panorama assets.

Dhaoui, Iyad (2014): Urban sprawl: The GIS and remote sensing data assessments.

Dietlmeier, Simon Frederic and Floetgen, Rob Jago and Urmetzer, Florian (2024): Performance of B2B Platform Partnership Management.

Dill, Alexander and Gebhart, Nicolas (2016): Redundancy, Unilateralism and Bias beyond GDP – results of a Global Index Benchmark.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2015): Social Preference and Governance: A Case Study in India.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2015): A Survey on Adaptation to Climate Change.

Do, Thu Trang and Le, Hai Chau and Nguyen, Viet Cuong and Nguyen, Hong Thuy and Phung, Thanh Thu and Phung, Duc Tung (2013): Impact Assessment of Poverty Reduction Programs of Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam.

Driouchi, Ahmed and El Alouani, Hajar (2014): Models of Green Economy in Arab Countries Using the Environmental Performance Index.

Ekong, Christopher N. and Onye, Kenneth U. (2013): Building Sustainable Cities in Nigeria: The Need for Mass and Social Housing Provision. Published in: Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities , Vol. 2, No. 4 (November 2013): pp. 256-273.

El-Sahli, Zouheir (2021): The Partial and General Equilibrium Effects of the Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement. Forthcoming in: The International Trade Journal

Elkoussa, Hayssam and Williams, John (2019): Managing Small Business Human Resources: An International Approach. Forthcoming in:

Evans, Olaniyi (2013): Correlations between the Petroleum Industry and the Per Capita Income in Nigeria: Cointegration and Error Correction Model Approach by Olaniyi Evans.

Evers, Hans-Dieter (2013): The Governance of Knowledge.

Evers, Hans-Dieter (2010): Measuring the maritime potential of nations. The CenPRIS ocean index, phase one (ASEAN). Published in: CenPRIS Working Paper Series , Vol. 10, No. 137 (1 December 2010): pp. 1-17.

Evers, Hans-Dieter and Anis, Yusuf and Shamsul, A.B. (2010): Ethnic Diversity in Malaysia-Lessons Learned from Bio-Diversity Research.

Evers, Hans-Dieter and Genschick, Sven and Schraven, Benjamin (2009): Constructing Epistemic Landscapes: Methods of GIS-Based Mapping. Published in: ZEF Working Paper Series No. 44 (2 August 2009): pp. 2-18.

Evers, Hans-Dieter and Gerke, Solvay and Menkhoff, Thomas (2010): Knowledge Clusters and Knowledge Hubs: Designing Epistemic Landscapes for Development. Published in: Journal of Knowledge Managementg , Vol. 14, No. 5 : pp. 678-689.

Feeney, Katie and Brass, Daniel and Kua, Dominic and Yamamoto, Atsushi and Tourneboeuf, Elisabeth and Adams, David (2011): IMPACT OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES AND NATURAL GAS VEHICLES ON THE ENERGY MARKETS. Published in:

Feeny, Simon and McGillivray, Mark (2009): Aid and Public Sector Fiscal Behaviour in Failing States.

Ferreira, João and Marques, Carla and Couto, Alcino and Alberto, Deolinda (2010): Is the Triple Helix Model Suitable to Approach Low Density Regions Competitiveness? Insights from a Portuguese Case Study.

Fiore, Annamaria (2016): A three dimensional approach to regional Smart Specialization Strategy; An application to Puglia Region.

Forhad, Md. Abddur Rahman and Kamal, Mostafa Azad (2013): Inclusion and Access to Technology in ODL programs – A Case of Commonwealth Executive MBA Program in Bangladesh.

Forson, Joseph Ato and Baah-Ennumh, Theresa Yaaba and Mensah, Sampson Obed (2014): Women’s Contribution to Local Economic Development: A Study of Women in Cassava Production and Processing in Central Tongu District of Ghana. Published in: Global Social Welfare , Vol. 4, No. 4 (15 January 2017): pp. 189-198.

Forson, Joseph Ato and Opoku, Rosemary Afrakomah and Peng, Zhen (2017): Innovation, Institutions and Economic Growth in Sub-Sahara Africa – an IV Estimation of a Panel Threshold Model. Published in: Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences (10 September 2020): pp. 1-28.

Friedman, Howard Steven (2013): Causal Inference and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): Assessing Whether There Was an Acceleration in MDG Development Indicators Following the MDG Declaration.

Gade, Dipak S. and Aithal, Sreeramana (2020): Blockchain Technology: A Driving Force in Smart Cities Development. Published in: International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML) , Vol. 4, No. 2 (30 December 2020): pp. 237-252.

García Muñiz, Ana Salomé and Ramos Carvajal, Carmen (2012): Linkages, contagion and resilience: an input-output scope from the demand and supply side.

George, Justine (2011): Growth and Development….. Inclusive Growth: What went wrong with Development?

Grand, Nathalie and Kamaly, Ahmed (2017): On the guidelines of good planning : The case of the Arab region. Published in: Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, Technical papers No. 22 (14 December 2017): pp. 1-37.

Grand, Nathalie and Lorenz, Adam and Woodford, Georgina (2017): Documentation note ESCWA'S national plans database. Published in: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, Technical paper No. 23 (21 December 2017): pp. 1-22.

Green, Kesten C and Armstrong, J. Scott and Soon, Willie (2008): Benchmark forecasts for climate change.

Green, Kesten C and Armstrong, J. Scott and Soon, Willie (2009): Validity of Climate Change Forecasting for Public Policy Decision Making.

Guittard, Alice and Akinsete, Ebun and Demian, Elias and Koundouri, Phoebe and Papadaki, Lydia and Tombrou, Xenia (2022): Tackling Single-Use-Plastic in small touristic islands to reduce marine litter: co-identifying the best mix of policies. Published in:

Guittard, Alice and Akinsete, Ebun and Koundouri, Phoebe and Tiller, Rachel and Viaene, Peter (2022): A systems approach for the sustainable development of coastal-rural regions. Published in:

Gupta, Avnesh Kumar (2016): Threats to Inclusive Growth in India: Unemployment and Informal Sector.

Haeri, Ali and Arabmazar, Abbas (2018): Designing an Industrial Policy for Developing Countries: a New Approach.

Haider, Khan and Szymanski-Burgos, Adam (2021): COVID-19 and Strategic Sectors in Brazil: A Socially-Embedded Intersectional Capabilities Approach.

Hamdi, Helmi (2010): Can e-payment systems revolutionize finance of the less developed countries? The case of mobile payment technology. Published in: International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues , Vol. vol. 1, No. June (June 2011): pp. 19-32.

Hansen, Henrik and Tarp, Finn (2000): Aid and Growth Regressions. Published in:

Harin, Alexander (2010): Theorem of existence of ruptures in probability scale. Preliminary short version.

Hasan, Zubair (2018): Deficit financing in developing countries: Application and consequences.

Hasan, Zubair (1995): Economic Development in Islamic Perspective: Concept, Objectives, and Some Issues. Published in: Journal of Islamic Economics, IIUM , Vol. 1, No. 1 (1995): pp. 80-111.

Herrmann, Michael and Khan, Haider (2008): Rapid urbanization, employment crisis and poverty in African LDCs:A new development strategy and aid policy.

Hmelnitchi, Carmen and Neamtu, Ion (2009): Aligning at ISO 9001 requirements - a true challange for Romanian SMEs.

Ho Dan Doan, Tam and Thai Thuong Le, Quan and Nguyen, Quyen Le Hoang Thuy To and Nguyen, Phong Thanh and Thi Ngoc Dang, The (2022): Integrating of PLS-SEM and the Importance Performance Matrix Analysis to Exploring the Role of Provincial Competitiveness Index to Growth. Published in: Journal of System & Management Sciences , Vol. 04, No. 12 (October 2022): pp. 365-382.

Inoue, Hiroyasu and Yamaguchi, Eiichi (2014): Evaluation of Small Business Innovation Research Programs in Japan. Published in:

Jakhotiya, Girish (2018): Redefining the development index of a nation.

Jensen, Henning Tarp and Tarp, Finn (2006): The Vietnamese Socio-economic Development Plan Revisited: Application of the 2003 Merged Model for Vietnam. Published in: (2006)

Jermy, Amanda (2016): How business governance challenges affect the common wealth.

Joseph, Joby and George K., Tharian and S.K, Dey (2010): Report on the socio-economic impact of Natural Rubber cultivation under the block planting scheme in Tripura. Published in: Working Paper

K, S Chalapati Rao and Dhar, Biswajit (2016): The Tenuous Relationship between Make in India and FDI Inflows. Published in:

K.N, Nair and C.S, Krishnakumar (2014): Breeding, Feeding and Distribution of Milch Animal Holdings in India:An Analysis Based on the Data from the National Dairy Sample Survey.

Kamal, Kamarul_Syahril and AbWahab, Lilawati and Ahmad, A_Ghafar (2008): Pilot Survey On The Conservation Of Historical Buildings In Malaysia.

Kannan, Srinivasan (2009): Program Management for Social Development.

Kartika, Dwintha Maya (2014): The Big Push: Early Development Economics (1945-1975).

Kaushal, Kaushalendra Kumar (2014): Pathway from nutrition intake to wage among elementary workers in India.

Khaled, Md. Khaled Bin Amir (2020): COVID-19 pandemic: A snapshot of global economic repercussions and possible retaliation. Published in: Political Economy - Development: Public Service Delivery eJournal , Vol. 8, No. 104 (3 June 2020): pp. 1-40.

Khalidi, Raja J. (1984): The Arab economy in Israel: dependency or development? Published in: Journal of Palestine Studies , Vol. Vol. 1, No. No. 3. (Spring, 1984) (March 1984)

Khalidi, Raja J. (2005): Reshaping Palestinian economic policy discourse: putting the development horse before the governance cart. Published in: Journal of Palestine Studies , Vol. XXXIV, No. 3 (January 2005)

Khalidi, Raja J. and Taghdisi-Rad, Sahar (2009): The economic dimensions of prolonged occupation: continuity and change in Israeli policy towards the Palestinian economy. Published in: UNCTAD No. UNCTAD/GDS/2009/2 (August 2009)

Khan, Haider (2024): Africa as Part of a New Non-neocolonial Global South: A Strategy for African Development beyond the East Asian Model in the 21st Century : Integrating Markets and the Enabling Developmental State.

Khan, Haider (2024): Uneven Development: Causal Explanations and Counterfactuals with Structural Depth.

Khan, Haider and Szymanski-Burgos, Adam (2021): Modeling the Social Economy of Pandemics in China: An Input-Output Approach.

Kharisma, Bayu (2016): Can A School Operational Assistance Fund Program (BOS) Reduce School Drop-Outs During The Post-Rising Fuel Prices In Indonesia? Evidence From Indonesia.

Khumalo, Bhekuzulu (2006): Measuring a Society’s Knowledge Base.

Kishtany, Naill and Taffesse, Alemayehu Seyoum (2004): Achieving the MDGs – A Note. Published in: Ethiopian Journal of Economics , Vol. 18, No. 1 (April 2009): pp. 101-116.

Kohnert, Dirk (2007): African Migration to Europe:Obscured Responsibilities and Common Misconceptions.

Kohnert, Dirk (2004): Country Concepts and the Rational Actor Trap - Limitations to Strategic Management of International NGOs.

Kohnert, Dirk (1996): Magic and Witchcraft: Implications for Democratization and Poverty-Alleviating Aid in Africa. Published in: World Development , Vol. 24, No. 8 (1 September 1996): 1347 -1355.

Kohnert, Dirk (2019): The ethics of African regional and continental integration.

Koundouri, Phoebe and Alamanos, Angelos and Sachs, Jeffrey (2024): Innovating for Sustainability: The Global Climate Hub. Published in:

Koundouri, Phoebe and Christantoni, Maria and Landis, Conrad and Loloni, Maria and Oikonomidis, Socratis and Plataniotis, Angelos (2023): Towards Sustainability of the Greek Port Sector – The Case Study of Lavrio. Published in:

Koundouri, Phoebe and Davila, Osiel and Stithou, Mavra and Babalos, Vassilios and Xepapadeas, Anastasios and Anastasiou, Ioannis and Antypas, Antonios and Kourogenis, Nikolaos and Mousoulides, Aris and Mousoulidou, Marianna and Ahrensberg, Nick and Zanuttigh, Barbara and Zagonari, Fabio and Lange, Manfred A. and Jimenez, Carlos and Charalambous, Elena and Rosen, Lars and Lindhe, Andreas and Norrman, Jenny and Diaz-Simal, Pedro and Guanche, Raul and de Bel, Mark and He, Wei and Kabdasli, Sedat and Elginöz, Nilay and Oguz, Elif and Bagci, Taylan and Bas, Bilge and Cantu, Matteo and Masotti, Matteo and Suffredini, Roberto and Stuiver, Marian (2013): Methodology for Integrated Socio-Economic Assessment of Offshore Platforms: Towards Facilitation of the Implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Published in:

Koundouri, Phoebe and Pittis, Nikitas and Samartzis, Panagiotis and Englezos, Nikolaos and Papandreou, Andreas (2017): Alternative Types of Ambiguity and their Effects on Climate Change Regulation. Published in:

Kuipers, Stijn (2021): Rethinking Anti-Corruption Efforts in International Development. Published in: Journal of Financial Crime No. EarlyCite

Kumar, Dr.B.Pradeep (2014): Access to Finance and Human Rights.

Kumar, Sudesh and Singh, Janet (2007): An action plan to assess the current situation of maternal & newborn care at government health facilities in Jharkhand, India. Forthcoming in:

Kwakwa, Paul Adjei and Alhassan, Hamdiyah and Adu, George (2018): Effect of natural resources extraction on energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission in Ghana.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2015): Multivector strategy vs quantum strategy by Apple Inc.

Lee, Keun (2013): Capability Failure and Industrial Policy to Move beyond the Middle-Income Trap: From Trade-based to Technology-based Specialization. Published in: Industrial Policy Revolution I No. eds. J. Lin and J. Stiglitz (2013): pp. 244-272.

Lee, Keun (2019): Economics of Technological Leapfrogging. Published in: UNIDO Working Paper (Dept of Policy, Research and Statistics) No. 17 (2019)

Lee, Keun (2017): Financing Industrial Development in Korea and Implications for Africa. Published in: African Development Bank, HDI (How they Did It) Series , Vol. 1, No. 3 (2017)

Lord, Montague (2000): The Economic Analysis of Tariff Reform in Egypt.

Lord, Montague (1999): Furniture Industry Assessment: Trade Policy and Market Opportunities.

Lord, Montague (2010): Impact of the EWEC on Development in Border Provinces: Case Study of Savannakhet Province in Lao PDR.

Lord, Montague (1994): A Macroeconomic Model for Romania's Flexible Exchange Rate System.

Lord, Montague (1999): Modeling ASEAN Global Linkages.

Lord, Montague (2008): Moving towards a Common External Tariff Regime in ASEAN.

Lord, Montague (2001): Trade-Related Policies and Practices in Honduras.

Lord, Montague (2009): East-West Economic Corridor (EWEC)Strategy and Action Plan. Published in:

Lungu, Ioana (2017): Neocolonialism or Balanced Partnership? Reframing Agricultural Relations Between the EU and Africa. Published in: Policy Crossover Center: Vienna - Europe Flash Paper Series No. 10/2017 (2017)

M. Sani, Nur Fatin Najwa and Ismail, Fathiyah and W. Mahmood, Wan Mansor (2014): Causal relationship between financial depth and economic growth: evidence from Asia-Pacific Countries.

METAXAS, IOANNIS and Metaxas, Theodore (2022): Putting cities in the framework of Sustainable Development; Evolution, Evaluation and Features of SDG 11.

Madsen, Theis and Kountouris, Ioannis and Bramstoft, Rasmus and Koundouri, Phoebe and Keles, Dogan (2024): Pathways for Pan-European Energy System Decarbonization: The Effect of Emission. Policies on Target Alignment. Published in:

Maestracci, Aria (2023): Developing a framework for scaling M-governance in Asia: Issues and Challenges. Published in: Journal of Cyber Security Technology, Management and Research , Vol. 3, No. 5 (2 April 2023): pp. 6-13.

Martins, Marco Martins (2018): Tourism Planning and Tourismphobia: An Analysis of the Strategic Tourism Plan of Barcelona 2010-2015. Published in: Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing , Vol. 4, No. 1 (15 May 2018): pp. 3-7.

Mashkoor, Aasim and Ahmed, Ovais (2015): Issues and barriers in economic development (Last stage of economic development).

Mashkoor, Aasim and Ahmed, Ovais (2015): Theory of Economic Development (Secondary Stage).

Matu, Jeffrey Ben (2008): Attracting Microfinance Investment Funds: Promoting Microfinance Growth through Increased Investments in Kenya.

Mazumdar, Surajit (2020): The Coronavirus and India’s Economic Crisis: Continuity and Change.

Mazumdar, Surajit (2008): Crony Capitalism and India: Before and After Liberalization.

Mazumdar, Surajit (2012): The State, Capital and Development in ‘Emerging’ India.

Mbazia, Nadia (2017): Inequality and Growth in Tunisia: Empirical evidence on the role of macroeconomic factors.

Meena, M.S. and Singh, K.M. and Singh, R.K.P. and Kumar, Abhay and Kumar, Anjani (2012): Dynamics of income in Jharkhand: evidences from village studies.

Mercado, Ruben (2013): Development indices, inequality, and applied development policy analysis: some issues for discussion.

Mesquita Moreira, Mauricio and Frischtack, Claudio (2014): Where is Brazil going? Taking stock of recent trends in industrial and trade policies and the challenges ahead.

Metaxas, Theodore and Deffner, Alex (2013): Using Critical Path Analysis (CPA) in Place Marketing process.

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Ken, Crucita Aurora and Pérez Medina, Ashanti (2014): Las características financieras de la deuda pública y su repercusión en el gasto social del municipio de Othón P. Blanco, Quintana Roo, 1993 -2013. Published in: Deuda Pública: Gran desafío de los gobiernos estatales y municipales , Vol. 1, No. 1 (16 June 2014): pp. 16-42.

Ken, Crucita Aurora and Solís, Karol (2012): EFECTO DE LAS EXPORTACIONES EN EL CRECIMIENTO ECONÓMICO DE BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR: UNA APLICACIÓN DEL MODELO DE BASE ECONÓMICA Y SU MULTIPLICADOR. Published in: Revista de Economía. UADY , Vol. xxx, No. 80 (14 March 2013): pp. 9-33.

Marongiu, Federico (2007): LA PROMOCIÓN INDUSTRIAL DURANTE EL GOBIERNO JUSTICIALISTA DE 1973 – 1976. Published in: Anales de las 1as Jornadas de Historia de la Industria y los Servicios (August 2007)

Sturla, Gino and Illanes, Camila (2014): La Política de Aguas en Chile y la Gran Minería del Cobre. Published in: Revista Análisis Público , Vol. 4, (4 November 2014): pp. 63-99.


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Bagis, Bilal (2018): Yerelden Kalkınmayı Yeniden Düşünmek.

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