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Items where Subject is "O21 - Planning Models ; Planning Policy"

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Number of items at this level: 224.


ABBUY, Kwami Edem (2018): Macroeconomic Determinants Of Infant Mortality in WAEMU Countries: Evidence From Panel Data Analysis.

Acosta Reveles, Irma Lorena (2008): El enfoque de la nueva ruralidad como eje de las políticas publicas. ¿Qué podemos esperar? Published in: Revista Electrónica Zacatecana sobre Población y Sociedad , Vol. Año 8,, No. Número 32 (June 2008): pp. 1-20.

Ahmed, Saira and Ahmed, Zafar and Sohail, Safder and Sarfraz, Irfan and Shafqat, Mohammad and Mamoon, Dawood and Saadia, Hissam (2012): Lessons Drawn From Pakistan-Sri Lanka FTA.

Akhabbar, Amanar and Antille, Gabrielle and Fontela, Emilio and Pulido, Antonio (2011): Input-Output in Europe: Trends in Research and Application. Published in: OEconomia , Vol. 1, No. 1

Alberto, Gabriele and Schettino, Francesco (2006): Child Mortality In China And Vietnam In A Comparative Perspective.

Antoniades, Andreas (2009): Social Europe and/or global Europe? Globalization and flexicurity as debates on the future of Europe.

Antoniou, Fabio and Koundouri, Phoebe and Tsakiris, Nikos (2010): Information Disclosure Under Di§erent Modes of Regulation. Published in:

Armstrong, J. Scott (1991): Strategic Planning Improves Manufacturing Performance. Published in: Long Range Planning No. 24 (1991): pp. 127-129.

Azhari, Mhd Karim (2011): An Introduction to the CenPRIS Ocean Research Cluster ‐ ORES.


Bartha, Zoltán and S. Gubik, Andrea (2014): Specifics of International Business Competitiveness in Visegrad Countries – Qualitative Analysis of Selected Case Studies. Published in:

Bataa, Erdenebat (2012): The Composite Leading Indicator of Mongolia.

Bayari, Celal (2008): Japanese auto manufacturers in the Australian market and the government industry assistance spending. Published in: The Otemon Journal of Australian Studies , Vol. 34, No. 34 (1 December 2008): pp. 87-107.

Bazhanov, Andrei and Belyaev, Alexander (2009): Адекватность закрытой модели для российской экономики в задаче сравнительного анализа Энергетической стратегии России.

Bellù, Lorenzo Giovanni and Liberati, Paolo (2005): Social Welfare Analysis of Income Distributions: Ranking Income Distributions with Generalised Lorenz Curves. Published in: (1 November 2005)

Bendikov, Michael and Braginsky, Oleg (2023): Стратегическое планирование на пути к экономике знаний и искусственного интеллекта. Published in:

Bertoldi, Paolo and Rezessy, Silvia and Anable, Jillian and Jochem, Patrick and Oikonomou, Vlasis (2011): Energy Saving Obligations and White Certificates: Ideas and Considerations for the Transport Sector. Published in: International Journal of Sustainable Transportation , Vol. 5, No. 6 (2011): pp. 345-374.

Bhruguwar, Ira (2023): What are the key factors of economic growth that affect rural development in India?

Bigerna, Simona and D'Errico, Maria Chiara and Polinori, Paolo (2022): Understanding the green-growth: which pathways cities undertake in their climate programs.

Bista, Raghu (2019): Push and Pull Factors of Urbanization in Nepal: Its impacts on Household Perspectives. Published in: Jounal of Advanced Research in Construction and Urban Achitecture , Vol. 4, No. 3 (8 July 2019): pp. 27-37.

Bonga, Wellington Garikai (2019): Measuring Macroeconomic Uncertainty in Zimbabwe.

Bratanova, Alexandra and Robinson, Jacqueline and Wagner, Liam and Kolegov, Vitaly and Nikitchenko, Aleksey and Nikitchenko, Anna (2015): Multiple criteria analysis of policy alternatives to improve energy efficiency in industry in Russia.

Brau, Rinaldo and Statzu, Vania (2017): The economic enhancement of military sites and landscapes: what are the lessons of international practice? Published in:

Buzaglo, Jorge and Calzadilla, Alvaro (2010): La pobreza y las clases: Dinámicas y estrategias en Bolivia.

Buzaglo, Jorge and Calzadilla, Alvaro (2008): Simulating extended reproduction: Poverty reduction and class dynamics in Bolivia.


Chelaru, Dan-Adrian and Oiste, Ana-Maria and Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2014): Quantifying the changes in landscape configuration using open source GIS. Case study: Bistrita subcarpathian valley. Published in: 14th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference on ECOLOGY, ECONOMICS, EDUCATION AND LEGISLATION SGEM 2014, Conference Proceedings , Vol. 1, : pp. 557-565.

Chelaru, Dan-Adrian and Ursu, Adrian and Rosca, Bogdan and Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2013): Analysing the spatio-temporal evolution of built-up area in Bistrita subcarpathian valley using G.I.S techniques. Published in: 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference on INFORMATICS, GEOINFORMATICS AND REMOTE SENSING SGEM 2013 , Vol. 1, (June 2013): pp. 637-644.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1976): Conference Report: Trends in mathematical modelling. Published in: Applied Mathematical Modelling , Vol. 1, (June 1977): p. 284.

Cohen, Joseph N (2011): “Economic freedom” and economic growth: questioning the claim that freer markets make societies more prosperous.

Cohen, Joseph N (2010): Neoliberalism’s relationship with economic growth in the developing world: Was it the power of the market or the resolution of financial crisis?

Cohen, Joseph N (2011): Neoliberalism’s relationship with economic growth in the developing world: Was it the power of the market or the resolution of financial crisis?

Corbu, Ion (2023): Decizia, factor determinant în procesele manageriale și în activitatea de cercetare. Published in: https://www.academia.edu/101585174/Decizia_factor_determinant_%C3%AEn_procesele_manageriale_%C8%99i_%C3%AEn_activitatea_de_cercetare (11 May 2023)

Costa, Cinthia Cabral da and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2012): Impactos da agricultura de precisão na economia brasileira. Published in: Revista de Economia e Agronegócio , Vol. 10, No. 2 : pp. 1-7.

Costa, Cinthia Cabral da and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Imori, Denise (2013): Importância nos setores agroindustriais na geração de renda e emprego para a economia brasileira. Published in: RESR , Vol. 51, No. 4 (February 2014): pp. 791-808.


D'Acci, Luca (2013): A Modern Postmodern Urbanism The Systemic Retroactive game (SyR) between Bottom-up and Top-down.

Daskovskiy, Vadim and Kiselyov, Vladimir (2011): О мере и формах государственного участия. Published in: Экономист (The Economist (Russian) No. No.8 (August 2011): pp. 27-50.

Daskovskiy, Vadim and Kiselyov, Vladimir (2013): О неоиндустриальной модели и стратегии развития экономики. Published in: Экономист (The Economist (Russian) No. 6 (June 2013): pp. 34-49.

Daskovskiy, Vadim and Kiselyov, Vladimir (2013): Основы новой стратегии, модели и политики неоиндустриальной реконструкции. Published in: Экономист (Economist (Russian) No. 1 (January 2014): pp. 32-49.

Daskovskiy, Vadim and Kiselyov, Vladimir (2014): Об управлении экономическим ростом и развитием. Published in: Инвестиции в России No. 2 (February 2014): pp. 3-14.

Deffner, Alex and Metaxas, Theodore (2009): The city and its canal: producing a place marketing pilot plan for Chester.

Deffner, Alex and Metaxas, Theodore (2008): The cultural and tourist policy dimension in city marketing: the case of the olympic municipality of Nea Ionia, Magnesia, Greece. Published in: Discussion Papers Series, University of Thessaly , Vol. 14, No. 18

Dinda, Soumyananda and Ghosh, Dibyendu (2015): A Search for Backward Blocks in Burdwan District, West Bengal: An Application of Composite Development Index.


Eggen, Andrea and Bezemer, Dirk J (2007): Do Poverty Reduction Strategies Help Achieve The Millennium Development Goals?

Ekong, Christopher N. and Onye, Kenneth U. (2012): Economic Development in Nigeria: The Basic Needs Approach. Published in: Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development , Vol. 3, No. 10 (2012): pp. 54-65.

Ekonomou, George and Halkos, George (2024): Establishing a benchmarking approach in tourism organizations and destinations.

Ekpeyong, Paul (2024): Public Policy Strategies for Poverty Alleviation in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Inclusive Approach.

El Makhloufi, Abdel and Bosma, Koos (2013): De ruimtelijke metamorfose van Schiphol: van polderdorp naar nevelstad. Published in: Nederland stedenland; Continuïteit en vernieuwing (September 2013): pp. 124-137.

El Makhloufi, Abdel and Davids, Karel (2013): Air, Money and Space: How Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Transformed the Region. Published in: Megastructure Schiphol Design in Spectacular Simplicity (November 2013): pp. 1-22.

Elkoussa, Hayssam and Williams, John (2019): Managing Small Business Human Resources: An International Approach. Forthcoming in:

Escalona Reynoso, Rafael (2010): Are Intellectual Property Rights Evolving Towards the Enclosure of the ‘Intangible Commons’? Published in: The Current, The Public Policy Journal of the Cornell Institute for Public Affairs , Vol. 14, No. 1 (2010): pp. 29-42.


Feeney, Katie and Brass, Daniel and Kua, Dominic and Yamamoto, Atsushi and Tourneboeuf, Elisabeth and Adams, David (2011): IMPACT OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES AND NATURAL GAS VEHICLES ON THE ENERGY MARKETS. Published in:

Forhad, Md. Abddur Rahman and Kamal, Mostafa Azad (2013): Inclusion and Access to Technology in ODL programs – A Case of Commonwealth Executive MBA Program in Bangladesh.

Friedman, Howard Steven (2013): Causal Inference and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): Assessing Whether There Was an Acceleration in MDG Development Indicators Following the MDG Declaration.


Gabriele, Alberto (2009): The Role of the State in China's Industrial Development: a Reassesment.

Gabriele, Alberto and Schettino, Francesco (2007): Child Malnutrition and Mortality in Developing Countries: Evidence from a Cross-Country Analysis.

Gade, Dipak S. and Aithal, Sreeramana (2020): Blockchain Technology: A Driving Force in Smart Cities Development. Published in: International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML) , Vol. 4, No. 2 (30 December 2020): pp. 237-252.

Garofalo, Maria Rosaria and Senatore, Luigi (2002): Rules of the Game and Rules Inside the Game: a Complex Framework of European Development Policies.

Giammetti, Raffaele (2019): Tariffs, Domestic Import Substitution and Trade Diversion in Input-Output Production Networks: how to deal with Brexit.

Giammetti, Raffaele (2019): Tariffs, Domestic Import Substitution and Trade Diversion in Input-Output Production Networks: how to deal with Brexit.

Grand, Nathalie and Kamaly, Ahmed (2017): On the guidelines of good planning : The case of the Arab region. Published in: Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, Technical papers No. 22 (14 December 2017): pp. 1-37.

Grand, Nathalie and Lorenz, Adam and Woodford, Georgina (2017): Documentation note ESCWA'S national plans database. Published in: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, Technical paper No. 23 (21 December 2017): pp. 1-22.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Marins and Moretto, Antonio Carlos and Rodrigues, Rosana Lott (2001): Decomposition & synergy: a study of the interactions and dependence among the 5 Brazilian macro regions. Published in: Economia Aplicada , Vol. 5, No. 2 (2001): pp. 345-362.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Crocomo, Francisco C. and Moretto, Antonio Carlos and Rodrigues, Rossana Lott (2001): Comparative analysis of Brazil’s national and regional economic structure, 1985, 1990, 1995.

Gács, János (1992): Az import liberalizálása Dél-Koreában. Published in: Külgazdaság , Vol. XXXVI, No. 1992. No. 11 (November 1992): pp. 46-64.


Hadjinikolov, Dimitar (2014): Кохезионната политика на ЕС и регионалните различия в България. Published in: Европейският съюз на кръстопът No. ISBN 978-954-8702-30-0 (May 2014): pp. 126-137.

Hajkowicz, Stefan and Reeson, Andrew and Evans, David B and Bratanova, Alexandra and Cameron, Lucy (2021): Industry Growth Opportunities: A technical report to support the Western Parkland City Economic Development Strategy. Published in: (30 August 2021)

Harutaka, Takahshi (2012): An unbalanced two-sector growth model with constant returns:a turnpike approach.

He, Qichun (2011): Home-bias Politics, Financial Deregulation and Economic Growth: A Causal Relationship.

Howden, David and Zhou, Yang (2014): Unintended Consequences of China´s One-Child Policy. Published in: Economic Affairs , Vol. 3, No. 34 (2014): pp. 353-369.

Hunka, Frantisek and Hucka, Miroslav and Kasik, Josef and Vymetal, Dominik (2008): Could a Resource be Simultaneously a Schedule according to the REA Ontology. Published in: Working papers on REA workshop 2008

Hunka, Frantisek and Hucka, Miroslav and Kasik, Josef and Vymetal, Dominik (2008): Enterprise planning model using REA ontology.

Hunka, Frantisek and Hucka, Miroslav and Kasik, Josef and Vymetal, Dominik (2009): Some Ontological Issues of the REA Framework in Relation to Enterprise Business Process.

Husain, M. Jami (2006): A SAM-based Multiplier Model to Track Growth-Poverty-Inequality Nexus in Bangladesh.


Ito, Sohei and Vymetal, Dominik (2011): Formal REA model at operational level.


K., Jothi Sivagnanam (2006): New approach to planning in Tamil Nadu: Targeting the growth process. Published in: The Hindu Business Line (29 December 2006): pp. 1-14.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (1997): Новая парадигма теории самоорганизации. Published in: Динамика систем, машин и механизмов: Тезисы докладов II междунар. конференции. , Vol. 3, (1997): p. 62.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2008): Анализ использования методов индексного прогнозирования для подготовки управленческих решений. Published in: Вестник филиала ВЗФЭИ в г. Омске. , Vol. 8, No. Инновационное развитие региона: опыт и перспективы. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции. (2008): pp. 402-404.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (1999): Системный мониторинг социально-экономических противоречий в Российской Федерации. Published in: Стратегические направления регионального развития Российской Федерации (1999): p. 91.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (1999): Методология системного анализа в экономике. Published in: Стратегические направления регионального развития Российской Федерации: Материалы Всероссийской. научно-практической конференции (1999): pp. 94-96.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2001): Общая теория систем и научная интерпретация социальной реальности.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2013): Институциональная интерпретация экономических циклов. Published in: Восемнадцатые Апрельские экономические чтения: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции. (2013): pp. 94-97.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2010): Мировой экономический кризис и маркетинговая деятельность в России. Published in: Экономика. Организация производства. Предпринимательство. Инновации: Материалы Всероссийской научно-практической конференции. No. Омск: ОмГТУ, 2010. – С. 98-101. – ISBN 978-5-8149-0894-0. (2010): pp. 98-101.

Kamal, Mona (2010): التحقق من أثر التنسيق بين السياستين المالية والنقدية على الأهداف الاقتصادية باستخدام نموذج قياسي.

Kannan, Srinivasan (2009): Program Management for Social Development.

Kapoor, Advik and Kaur, Vijay (2018): A novel Optimization Plan for Multiple-Area Economic Dispatch : An Electro Search Optimization Approach.

Karagiannis, Dimitris and Metaxas, Theodore (2017): Local Authorities’ contribution on Gastronomy Tourism Development: the case of Ontario, Canada.

Kartika, Dwintha Maya (2014): The Big Push: Early Development Economics (1945-1975).

Kebede, Yohannes (1992): Causality and Efficiency in the Coffee Futures Market. Published in: Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing , Vol. 5, No. 1 (1993): pp. 55-71.

Keskin, Hidayet and Sungur, Onur (2010): Bölgesel Politika Ekseninde Yaşanan Dönüşüm: Türkiye’de Kalkınma Planlarında Bölgesel Politikaların Değişimi. Published in: SDÜ Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi , Vol. 21, (May 2010): pp. 271-293.

Khan, Haider and Liu, Yibei (2008): Ecological Economics of Water in China: Towards A Strategy for Sustainable Development.

Khumalo, Bhekuzulu (2007): Managing a Societies Knowledge base A look at Opportunity Costs.

Kishtany, Naill and Taffesse, Alemayehu Seyoum (2004): Achieving the MDGs – A Note. Published in: Ethiopian Journal of Economics , Vol. 18, No. 1 (April 2009): pp. 101-116.

Kohnert, Dirk (2015): Donor’s double talk undermines African agency: Comparative study of civic agency in aid dependent countries. The case of Burkina Faso and Togo.

Kohnert, Dirk (1992): Können die Experten das, was sie sollen? - Schwachstellen des soziokulturellen Rahmenkonzeptes des BMZ. Published in: Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (E+Z) , Vol. 33, No. 7 : pp. 4-5.

Koushafard, Shirin (2013): Strategy in Crisis Management.


LY, Yahya Abou (2016): Barrières à l’accès aux services financiers bancaires par les entreprises en Mauritanie. Published in:

Levine, Sebastian (2006): Measuring progress towards global poverty goals: Challenges and lessons from southern Africa. Published in: African Statistical Journal , Vol. Vol 3, (November 2006): pp. 89-110.

Lord, Montague (1994): A Macroeconomic Model for Romania's Flexible Exchange Rate System.

Lord, Montague (2002): Modeling the Macro-Economy of Bangladesh.

Lorko, Matej and Servátka, Maroš and Zhang, Le (2019): Anchoring in Project Duration Estimation.

Lorko, Matej and Servátka, Maroš and Zhang, Le (2018): Anchoring in Project Duration Estimation.

Lorko, Matej and Servátka, Maroš and Zhang, Le (2020): Hidden inefficiency: Strategic inflation of project schedules.

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Maestracci, Aria (2023): Developing a framework for scaling M-governance in Asia: Issues and Challenges. Published in: Journal of Cyber Security Technology, Management and Research , Vol. 3, No. 5 (2 April 2023): pp. 6-13.

Majumder, Rajarshi (2008): Infrastructure for Sustainable Growth: A Demand Projection Exercise for India. Published in: Journal of Quantitative Economics , Vol. 5, No. 2 (December 2007)

Malki, Elli (2008): Systematic Approach to the Allocation of Budgets for humanitarian Aid Programs: A Practical Tool for International NGOs.

Mallick, Sanmoy and Mitra, Professor Debabrata and Ghosh, Dr Amlan (2021): SELECTION OF TOURIST DESTINATION FOR INVESTMENT DECISION: A HOLISTIC MODEL.

Marinov, Eduard (2015): Участието на България в политиката на ЕС за развитие. Published in: Bulgarian Economy in the European Union No. ISBN: 978-619-160-580-4 (2016): pp. 179-183.

Metaxas, Theodore (2013): From city marketing to museum marketing and opposed.

Metaxas, Theodore (2010): Planning, managing and implementing place/city marketing effectively: review and discussion of the last 25 years.

Metaxas, Theodore and Bati, Aristea and Filippopoulos, Dimitris and Drakos, Kostas and Tzellou, Vagia (2011): Strategic place marketing and place branding: 15 years of mega-events in Lisbon.

Metaxas, Theodore and Folinas, Sotiris (2016): Gambling Tourism and Economic Development: Some lessons from Macao.

Miine, Licarion (2021): Infrastructure for Project Affected People In Ghana.

Miley, Jose (2015): Subjective inclusive development in developing countries: An analysis of contributing factors.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2022): Sensitivity Analysis between Commodity and Budget: Utility Maximization Case. Published in: Law and Economy , Vol. 2, No. 3 (24 February 2023): pp. 10-21.

Mohajan, Haradhan (2017): The Roles of Knowledge Management for the Development of Organizations. Published in: Journal of Scientific Achievements , Vol. 2, No. 2 (28 February 2017): pp. 1-27.

Mongay, Jorge (2006): Strategic Marketing. A literature review on definitions, concepts and boundaries.

Moniz, António (2006): Foresight methodologies to understand changes in the labour process: Experience from Portugal. Published in: Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies No. 2 (November 2006): pp. 105-116.

Musso, Fabio (2011): Small retailing, town centres and inland territories: An “Extended Town Centre Management” perspective. Published in: Public Administration & Regional Studies , Vol. 6, No. 2 (2011): pp. 37-58.

Mwabukojo, Edson (2020): Technology Transfer Strategy: A Neglected Approach in Tanzania.

Müller, Alberto and Campana, Juan Manuel (2021): La profundización industrial como opción para un patrón sostenible para la Argentina. Published in: Revista Estado y Políticas Públicas No. 16 (May 2021): pp. 67-100.

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Naughtin, Claire and Hajkowicz, Stefan and Schleiger, Emma and Bratanova, Alexandra and Cameron, Alicia and Zamin, T and Dutta, A (2022): Our Future World: Global megatrends impacting the way we live over coming decades.

Nguyen, Binh Giang (2013): Vietnam's Industrial Policy. Published in:

Nlemfu Mukoko, J.Blaise and Wabenga Yango, James (2014): Croisssance Agricole et Options d'Investissement en R.D.Congo : une Analyse en Equilibre Général Calculable.

Nop, Sothun (2015): Towards active community participation in implementing Climate Change Adaptation Policy (CCAP) in Cambodia.

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Nwaobi, Godwin (2013): The Economics of Climate Change and Science of Global Warming Debate:African Perspectives.


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Papa, Javier (2022): Desenrollando el desarrollo económico argentino: Una metodología multi-criterio para la toma de decisiones de políticas.

Papa, Javier and et., al. (2022): Una propuesta de focalización en tarifas energéticas: El Programa Energizar. Published in: Revista de Energía de Latinoamérica y el Caribe - ENERLAC/OLADE , Vol. 2, No. 6 (15 February 2023): pp. 28-53.

Photis, Yorgos N. and Manetos, Panos (2007): Geographic information analysis and health infrastructure. Published in: Health Science Journal , Vol. 1, No. 3 (July 2007): pp. 55-67.

Photis, Yorgos N. and Manetos, Panos (2008): Primary care clinic location decision-making and spatial accessibility for the region of Thessaly. Published in: Health Science Journal , Vol. 2, No. 1 (March 2008): pp. 20-24.

Pilon, André Francisco (2024): "The Party of the Dead", a Tale that Repeats Itself.

Pilon, André Francisco (2009): Building a better world: an ecosystemic approach to education, culture, environment, health and quality of life.

Pilon, André Francisco (2008): Building new frontiers: An ecosystemic approach to development, culture, education, environment and quality of life.

Pilon, André Francisco (2016): A Global Voice for Survival: An Ecosystemic Approach for the Environment and the Quality of Life.

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Pilon, André Francisco (2018): Governance, Science–Policy Interfaces, Societal Organisation and the Transition to an Ecosystemic Model of Culture.

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Pilon, André Francisco (2011): Living Better in a Better World: An Ecosystemic Approach for Institutional, Cultural and Educational Development and Change.

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Pilon, André Francisco (2010): Living better in a better world: an ecosystemic approach for the governance of complex systems.

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Pilon, André Francisco / AF (2010): Living better in a better world: Guidance and counselling in an ecosystemic model of culture.

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Polterovich, Victor (2024): Математическая экономика в эпоху социализма и переход к рынку.

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