Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "R1 - General Regional Economics"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 229.


Ukaj, Fatos (2009): Trashëgimia kulturore dhe historike si potencial i zhvillimit të turizmit- me fokus në regjionet e Kosovës. Published in: Buletini Shkencor- Ekonomiku 1 , Vol. 1, (February 2009): pp. 1-7.


Alasrag, Hussien (2010): المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة ودورها في التشغيل فى الدول العربية.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2010): The Impacts of Water Pollution on Economic Development in Sudan.


Hadjinikolov, Dimitar (2014): Кохезионната политика на ЕС и регионалните различия в България. Published in: Европейският съюз на кръстопът No. ISBN 978-954-8702-30-0 (May 2014): pp. 126-137.

Ivanov, Bodjidar and Bachev, Hrabrin and Che, Shenquan and Dimitrova, Daniela and Liang, Anze and Mitova, Dilyana and Stoychev, Vasil (2019): Изследване на екологическите дадености и културни ресурси за развитие на туризма в селските райони на България и Китай.

Marinov, Eduard (2014): Конкурентоспособност на българските региони - мястото на България в ЕС. Published in: Management, Effectiveness, Integration: In a Search for Current Solutions No. ISBN 978-954-392-323-6 (November 2015): pp. 96-106.

Marinov, Eduard (2021): Обобщена оценка на конкурентоспособността на Южен Централен район: Приложение на индекса за регионална конкурентоспособност. Published in: Академично списание Управление и образование , Vol. 1/2021, (2021): pp. 26-34.


XIE, Xiao-ting and LIAO, Le-huan (2015): 云南省县域经济差异的空间分析. Published in: Journal of Yunnan University of Nationalities , Vol. 24, No. 6 (20 November 2015): pp. 521-527.


ADAM, Elena and TRIȘCAȘ, Floarea Elena and NICOARĂ, Raluca-Maria and IVAN, Ruben Ioan and DUȚĂ, Paul and PANAIT, Ion and MANOLACHE, Viorella and ANDRONACHE, Alin and TRANDAFIR, Andreea and TAROPA-IACOB, Anda and DUȚĂ, Andreea Emilia and IORDAN, Costel and ALEXA, Oana Alexandra and CIOREI, Mihaela Andreea and MARCAU, Flavius-Cristian and SIMA, Isabella Cristiana and MATEIU, Mihaela and NISIPEANU, Elena and CĂLIN, Alexandra and HARANGUS, Katalin and EDU, Filip Vladimir and MARIN, Aurelia Camelia and AŞER, Nica and BOGDAN, Laura and MOGA, Monika and VULPAȘU, Dana and COSTESCU, Elena-Alis and CIUNTUC, Cristina-Elena and NECHIFOR, Caleb Otniel Traian and CRISTESCU, Cosmina and PIPOŞ, Cristina (2013): Research and Science Today No. 1(5)/2013. Published in: Research and Science Today No. 1(5)/2013 (1 March 2013)

Abraham, Vinoj (2010): Regional Skill Supplies and Location of Firms: The Case of Information Technology Industry in India.

Aizawa, Hiroki and Kono, Tatsuhito (2022): Two-dimensional Geographical Position as a Factor in Determining the Growth and Decline of Retail Agglomeration.

Akbari, Ather H. (2010): Labour market performance of immigrants in smaller regions of western countries: some evidence from Atlantic Canada. Forthcoming in: Journal of International Migration and Integration

Aldieri, Luigi and Vinci, Concetto Paolo (2017): Innovation Effects on Employment in High-Tech and Low-Tech industries: Evidence from Large International Firms within the Triad.

Alvi, Mohsin Hassan (2018): Difference in the Population Size between Rural and Urban Areas of Pakistan.

Antonescu, Daniela (2015): Export specialisation and regional growth, in Romania.

Antonescu, Daniela (2012): Identifying regional disparities in Romania: a convergence process perspective in relation to European Union's territorial structures. Published in: Procedia Economics and Finance Volume , Vol. 3, (3 November 2012): pp. 1148-1155.

Antonescu, Daniela (2019): Impact of Regional Operational Programme on cultural heritage. The Romanian Case. Published in: Journal of Urban and Landscape Planning No. 4/2019 - SUSTAINABILITY (3 November 2019)

Antonescu, Daniela (2017): Liveable city from an economic perspective.

Antonescu, Daniela (2020): New cohesion and regional policy in 2021-2027 period. Forthcoming in:

Antonescu, Daniela (2013): Regional development policy in context of Europe 2020 Strategy.

Antonescu, Daniela (2001): Tendinte si provocari in implementarea Programului Operational Regional 2007-2013.

Antonescu, Daniela (2020): Territorial inequalities and convergence – techniques and analysis methods. Forthcoming in:

Antonescu, Daniela (2015): Theoretical and Practical Approaches of Innovation at Regional Level.

Antonescu, Daniela (2015): Theoretical approaches of endogenous regional development.

Antonescu, Daniela (2014): The mountain regions in context of 2020 Strategy.

Antonescu, Daniela and Dumitrascu, Monica and Geacu, Sorin and Grigorescu, Ines (2015): Overview and perspectives of protected natural areas in Romania.

Antonescu, Daniela and Platon, Victor (2010): Trends and challenges in the absorption of EU Funds through the Regional Operational programm 2007-2013. Published in: Geographica Timisiensis, vol. 19, nr. 1, 2010 (pp. 11-21 ) , Vol. 19, No. Geographica Timisiensis, vol. 19, nr. 1, 2010 (pp. 11-21 ) (1 May 2010): pp. 1-21.

Arapoglou, Vassilis and Palaskas, Theodosios and Tsampra, Maria (2005): Regional innovation systems in the global information technology industry: the non-internationalisation of greek smes.

Arapoglou, Vassilis and Palaskas, Theodosios and Tsampra, Maria (2001): The impact of socio-economic inputs on rtd, innovativeness, and competitiveness of european and east asian smes: comparative analysis and policy suggestions for regional convergence.

Ariff, Syamimi and Hans-Dieter, Evers and Anthony Banyouko, Ngah and Farah, Purwaningrum (2014): Governing Knowledge for Development: Knowledge Clusters in Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia. Published in: ZEF Working Paper Series No. 125 (2014): pp. 1-24.

Aristovnik, Aleksander (2014): Development of the information society and its impact on the education sector in the EU: Efficiency at the regional (NUTS 2) level. Published in: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology , Vol. 2, No. 13 (April 2014): pp. 54-60.

Aristovnik, Aleksander (2014): Efficiency of the R&D Sector in the EU-27 at the Regional Level: An Application of DEA. Published in: Lex Localis , Vol. 12, No. 3 (July 2014): pp. 519-531.

BARANYAI, NÓRA and LUX, GÁBOR (2015): Upper Silesia: The revival of a traditional industrial region in Poland. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 4, No. 2 (February 2015): pp. 126-144.

BODOR, ÁKOS and GRÜNHUT, ZOLTÁN and HORECZKI, RÉKA (2015): Socio-cultural Cleavages in Europe. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 4, No. 2 (February 2015): pp. 106-125.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ito, Fusao (2015): March 2011 earthquake, tsunami, and Fukushima nuclear disaster - impacts on Japanese agriculture and food sector.

Bakari, Sayef and El Weriemmi, Malek (2022): Which is the best for Tunisian Economic Growth: Urbanization or Ruralization?

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Nijkamp, Peter (2014): Some properties of the technology gap between leading and lagging regions. Published in: Theoretical Economics Letters , Vol. 4, (23 February 2014): pp. 1-6.

Batten, David and Fischer, Manfred M. (1992): Two Alternative Macro-Based Approaches to Model Telecommunication Traffic. Published in: Sistemi Urbani , Vol. 15, No. 2/3 (1993): pp. 137-144.

Bayari, Celal (2025): Japanese women doctors in the hospital system: Gender gap, professional burnout, and the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic.

Belegri-Roboli, Athena and Demertzi, Aggeliki and Markaki, Maria and Michaelides, Panayotis G. (2011): Labour Gap, Output Gap and Inflation by Economic Sector: The case of Greece and the Peloponnese Region (2000-2007).

Bliska, Flávia Maria de Mello and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2001): The world meat market and Brazilian economy: an econometric input-out analysis. Published in:

Blonigen, Bruce A. and Cristea, Anca D. (2012): Airports and Urban Growth: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Policy Experiment.

Brata, Aloysius Gunadi (2010): Regional Development for a Disastrous Country.

Brie, Mircea and MÉSZÁROS, Edina Lilla (2014): Regionalization and historical–cultural dimension of Northwest Romania. Forthcoming in: Transylvanian Review , Vol. XIX, 1, (2014)

Brito, Paulo (2011): Global endogenous growth and distributional dynamics.

Burkey, Mark L. (2018): A Short Course on Spatial Econometrics and GIS.

Burnquist, H. L. and Costa, C. C. and Guilhoto, J. J. M. (2004): Impacts of Changes In Regional Sugar and Ethanol Exports Upon Brazilian Overall Economy.

Cassimon, Danny and Engelen, Peter-Jan and Reyntjens, Filip (2013): Rwanda’s involvement in Eastern DRC: A criminal real options approach. Published in: Crime, Law, and Social Change No. 59 (2013): pp. 39-62.

Cattivelli, Valentina and Stawinoga, Agnieszka (2019): A revised application of 3Ts´ Florida in peri-urban areas.

Chan, Sewin and Gedal, Michael and Been, Vicki and Haughwout, Andrew (2011): The role of neighborhood characteristics in mortgage default risk: evidence from New York City.

Chen, Anping and Dai, Tianshi and Partridge, Mark (2017): Agglomeration and Firm Wage Inequality: Evidence from China.

Cinzia, Rienzo (2010): Real Wages, Wage Inequality and the Regional Cost-of-living in the UK.

Crawley, Andrew and Hallowell, Angela (2020): A thematic approach to regional economic development: Technical report for the state of Maine development strategy 2020-2029.

DOSSOU, TOYO AMEGNONNA MARCEL (2018): The impact of China’s one belt one road Initiative in Africa: the Evidence from Kenya.

De, Utpal Kumar (2011): Globalisation and cointegration among the states and convergence across the continents: a panel data analysis.

De, Utpal Kumar and Das, Manjit (2007): Ericulture as a Remedy of Rural Poverty in Assam: A Micro Level Study in Barpeta District.

De Silva, Dakshina G. and McComb, Robert P. and Schiller, Anita R. (2014): What blows in with the wind?

Di Caro, Paolo (2014): Recessions, recoveries and regional resilience: Evidence on Italy. Forthcoming in: Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society (2014)

Di Caro, Paolo (2014): Regional recessions and recoveries in theory and practice: a resilience-based overview.

Di Caro, Paolo (2014): Testing and explaining economic resilience with an application to Italian regions.

Dietlmeier, Simon Frederic and Floetgen, Rob Jago and Urmetzer, Florian (2024): Performance of B2B Platform Partnership Management.

Dietlmeier, Simon Frederic and Fogel, Benjamin A. (2023): The Interconnected Century of Technology. How Ecosystems, Platforms, and Alliances Determine Global Innovation. Forthcoming in: Blog "Marshall Plan 75" (21 April 2023)

Doran, Justin and Jordan, Declan and O'Leary, Eoin (2012): The effects of national and international interaction on innovation: evidence from the Irish CIS: 2004-6. Published in: Industry and Innovation , Vol. 19, No. 5 (2012): pp. 371-390.

Drichoutis, Andreas C. and Nayga, Rodolfo M. and Rouse, Heather L. and Thomsen, Michael R. (2014): Food environment and childhood obesity: The effect of dollar stores.

Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros and Kyriazis, Nicholas (2015): The Aetolians, the Europeans and the Pakistanis: Lessons for modern federations.

Ekong, Christopher N. and Onye, Kenneth U. (2013): Building Sustainable Cities in Nigeria: The Need for Mass and Social Housing Provision. Published in: Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities , Vol. 2, No. 4 (November 2013): pp. 256-273.

Eliasson, Jonas and Fosgerau, Mogens (2019): Cost-benefit analysis of transport improvements in the presence of spillovers, matching and an income tax. Forthcoming in: Economics of Transportation

Ermini, Barbara and Santolini, Raffaella (2015): Differentiated property tax and urban sprawl in Italian urbanized areas.

Etzo, Ivan (2007): Determinants of interregional migration in Italy:A panel data analysis.

Favaro, Donata and Ninka, Eniel and Turvani, Margherita (2014): Knowledge externalities and knowledge creation: the role of inventors’ working relationships and mobility.

Ferreira, João and Marques, Carla and Couto, Alcino and Alberto, Deolinda (2010): Is the Triple Helix Model Suitable to Approach Low Density Regions Competitiveness? Insights from a Portuguese Case Study.

Fieger, Peter and Rice, John (2016): Modelling Chinese Inbound Tourism Arrivals into Christchurch.

Fiore, Annamaria (2016): A three dimensional approach to regional Smart Specialization Strategy; An application to Puglia Region.

Fischer, Manfred M. and Essletzbichler, Jürgen and Gassler, Helmut and Trichtl, Gerhard (1992): Interregional and International Telephone Communication. Aggregate Traffic Model and Empirical Evidence for Austria. Published in: Sistemi Urbani , Vol. 15, No. 2/3 (1993): pp. 121-135.

Fleischer, Tamás (2003): Infrastructure Networks and the Competitiveness of the Economy. Published in: Working Papers, Ministry of Finance of Hungary, Budapest , Vol. 2, (2003): 38p.

Flores, Miguel and Rodriguez-Oreggia, Eduardo (2014): Spillover Effects of Homicides across Mexican Municipalities: A Spatial Regime Model Approach.

Fosu, Prince (2019): The Determinants of Economic Growth: The Role of Infrastructure.

Fu, Shihe and Shan, Liwei (2011): Agglomeration Economies and Local Comovement of Stock Returns.

Fuerst, Franz (2006): The Aftermath of the 9/11 Attack in the New York City Office Market: A Review of Key Figures and Developments.

Gabe, Todd (2022): The Recovery of U.S. Cities and States from the COVID-19 Employment Declines of Early 2020.

George, Justine (2016): An Assessment of Inclusiveness in the Urban Agglomeration of Kochi City: The need for a change in approach of urban planning.

Giuranno, Michele G. and Rongili, Biswas (2012): Inter-jurisdictional migration and the size of government.

Giuranno, Michele G. and Rongili, Biswas (2012): Internal migration and public policy.

Goetz, Stephen and Partridge, Mark and Stephens, Heather (2017): The Economic Status of Rural America in the Trump Era.

Goli, Srinivas and Perianayagam, Arokiasamy and Bheemeshwar, Reddy (2013): Socioeconomic Progress across the Major Indian states: Converging or Diverging.

Griffith, Ronnie and Waithe, Kimberly and Lorde, Troy and Craigwell, Roland (2009): The contribution of credit unions to the national development of Barbados. Published in: Journal of Public Policy Analysis , Vol. 4, (2009): pp. 20-42.

Guittard, Alice and Akinsete, Ebun and Koundouri, Phoebe and Tiller, Rachel and Viaene, Peter (2022): A systems approach for the sustainable development of coastal-rural regions. Published in:

Guizzardi, Andrea and Stacchini, Annalisa and Costa, Michele (2020): Modelling perceived value as a driver of tourism development.

Gómez, Manuel and Ventosa-Santaulària, Daniel (2007): Trade liberalization and regional income convergence in Mexico: a time-series analysis. Published in: El Trimestre Económico , Vol. LXXVI, No. 2 (2009): pp. 215-235.

Hasan, Lubna Hasan (2007): On Measuring the Complexity of Urban Living.

He, Yong (2018): An Empirical Test on Regional Spillovers through Intra- and International Trade.

Herault, Romain and Willis, Craig (2021): European Union Structural and Investment Funds and Celtic Language: An analysis of the 2007-2020 funding period in relation to Breton, Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Welsh.

Ho Dan Doan, Tam and Thai Thuong Le, Quan and Nguyen, Quyen Le Hoang Thuy To and Nguyen, Phong Thanh and Thi Ngoc Dang, The (2022): Integrating of PLS-SEM and the Importance Performance Matrix Analysis to Exploring the Role of Provincial Competitiveness Index to Growth. Published in: Journal of System & Management Sciences , Vol. 04, No. 12 (October 2022): pp. 365-382.

Holtermann, Linus and Rische, Marie-Christin (2020): The Subnational Effect of Temperature on Economic Production: A Disaggregated Analysis in European Regions.

Holz, Carsten (2013): The Quality of China's GDP Statistics.

Holz, Carsten A (2013): Chinese statistics: classification systems and data sources.

Hu, Zongyi and Tang, Liwei (2013): Exploring the relation between urbanization and residential CO2 emissions in China: a PTR approach.

Imori, Denise and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and David, Leticia Scretas and Gutierre, Leopoldo Millan and Waisman, Caio (2011): The development of the brazilian amazon region and greenhouse gases emission: a dilemma to be faced!

Irimie, Sabin Ioan and Munteanu, Rares (2013): Sustainable development of Romania through the structural funds. Published in: Scientific Reports on Resource Issues, Efficiency and Sustainability in the Mineral Industry - Innovations in Geology, Mining, Processing, Economics, Safety and Environmental Management, Technische University Bergakademie Freiberg , Vol. vol. 1, No. part 1 (13 June 2013): pp. 213-221.

Islam, Kamrul and Majumder, Sahadeb Chandra (2015): Economic evaluation of Foy’s lake, Chittagong using travel cost method. Published in: Indian Journal of Economics and Development , Vol. 3, No. 8 (August 2015): pp. 1-6.

Jairo, Acuna-Alfaro and Nguyen, Cuong and Tran, Anh and Phung, Tung (2014): The Urban-Rural Gap in Governance: Evidence from Vietnam. Published in: International Public Management Review , Vol. 16, No. 1 (10 May 2015)

Jebwab, Remi and Johnson, Noel D and Koyama, Mark (2017): Negative Shocks and Mass Persecutions: Evidence from the Black Death.

Jia, Ruixue and Ma, Xiao and Xie, Victoria Wenxin (2022): Expecting Floods: Firm Entry, Employment, and Aggregate Implications.

Kalan, Arezou and Oliveira, Eduardo (2014): A sustainable architecture approach to the economic and social aspects of the bazaar of Tabriz.

Ken, Crucita (2008): Belize’s Northern Region; Its Economic Performance in the post-independence period. Published in: Taking Stock: Belize at 25 years of Independence. Economy,Environment, Society and Culture , Vol. 1, (2007)

Kincses, Áron and Nagy, Zoltán and Tóth, Géza (2015): Modelling the spatial structure of Europe. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 4, No. 2 (February 2015): pp. 40-54.

Knez, Klemen (2022): Domestic Supplier Spillovers of Global Value Chains in Central and Eastern European Countries.

Kono, Tatsuhito and Kitamura, Naoki and Yamasaki, Kiyoshi and Iwakami, Kazuki (2016): Quantitative Analysis of Dynamic Inconsistencies in Infrastructure Planning: An example of coastal levee improvement. Published in: Environment and Planning B , Vol. 43, No. 2 (2016): pp. 401-418.

Kono, Tatsuhito and Tatano, Hirokazu and Ushiki, Kenji and Nakazono, Daisuke and Sugisawa, Fumihito (2022): The effects of hazard risk information on locations of firms by industry in tsunami-prone coastal areas.

Lambert, Thomas and Catchen, James (2013): The Impact of Urban Sprawl on Disaster Relief Spending: An Exploratory Study.

Lau, Evan and Lee, Koon Po (2007): Interdependence of Income between China and ASEAN-5 Countries.

Lepore, Amedeo (2011): Italy and development policies from the golden age to the current crisis: the role of the “nuovo meridionalismo”. Forthcoming in: Journal of Studies in Economics and Society, “Aleksander Moisiu” University, Durrës (2012)

Li, Minghao and Goetz, Stephan J. and Partridge, Mark and Fleming, David A. (2015): Location Determinants of high Growth Firms.

Li, Yao Amber (2013): Borders and Distance in Knowledge Spillovers: Dying Over Time or Dying with Age? - Evidence from Patent Citations.

Linares Sanchez, Jose (2020): Employment Agglomerations and Spatial Mismatch in the Metropolitan Area of Bogota.

Liu, Min and Xu, Wenli and Zhang, Hangyu and Chen, Huang and Bie, Qiang and Han, Guodong and Yu, Xiaohua (2022): Livestock production, greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and grassland conservation: Quasi-natural experimental evidence.

Lopez, Claude and Roh, Hyeongyul and Switek, Maggie (2022): The Community Explorer How to Inform Effectively Policy on U.S. Diversity with County Level Data.

Lord, Montague (2010): Impact of the EWEC on Development in Border Provinces: Case Study of Savannakhet Province in Lao PDR.

Lord, Montague (2002): Jordan and the WTO Government Procurement Agreement: An Economic Impact Assessment.

Lord, Montague (1999): Modeling ASEAN Global Linkages.

Lord, Montague (2009): Prospects for Decoupling in Asia’s Growth Model.

Lord, Montague (2009): East-West Economic Corridor (EWEC)Strategy and Action Plan. Published in:

Lu, Jiangyong and Tao, Zhigang (2007): Trends and Determinants of China’s Industrial Agglomeration.

Marinov, Eduard (2022): Regional Competitiveness of Bulgarian Regions and their Place in the European Union. Published in: Gligorijević, Ž. and T. Đukić (eds.) Regionalni Razvoj i Demografski Tokovi Zemalja Jugoistocne Evrope (July 2022): pp. 37-47.

Marques, Bruno Pereira (2008): Local development initiatives: the case of São Paulo and ABCD municipalities. Published in: 14th Portuguese Association for Regional Development Congress Proceedings (2008): pp. 253-279.

Marques, Bruno Pereira (2011): Territorial strategic planning as a support instrument for regional and local development: a comparative analysis between Lisbon and Barcelona metropolitan areas. Published in: 17th Portuguese Association for Regional Development Congress Proceedings (2011): pp. 1265-1272.

Marques, Bruno Pereira and Carvalho, Rui (2010): Local development initiatives in metropolitan areas' suburban municipalities: a comparative case-study between Amadora (Lisbon-PT) and Diadema (São Paulo-BR). Published in: 16th Portuguese Association for Regional Development Congress Proceedings (2010): pp. 1053-1083.

Matysiak, George and Olszewski, Krzysztof (2019): Panel Analysis of Polish Regional Cities: Residential Price Convergence in the Primary Market.

Maulana, Ardian and Hokky, Situngkir (2024): Exploring The Spatial Structure of Interregional Supply Chain: A Multilayer Network Approach. Published in: BFI Working Paper Series No. WP-2-2024 (7 May 2024)

Measham, Thomas and Fleming, David and Schandl, Heinz (2015): A Conceptual Model of the Socioeconomic Impacts of Unconventional Fossil Fuel Extraction. Published in: Global Environmental Change , Vol. 36, (8 January 2016): pp. 101-110.

Mehta, Niti (2015): Changing Inter-Sectoral Linkages: Role of Technology Adoption in Agricultural Growth. Published in: Agricultural Economics Research Review , Vol. 28, No. Conference Number 2015 (November 2015): pp. 35-46.

Michaelides, Panayotis G. and Economakis, George and Lagos, Dimitrios (2006): Clustering Analysis Methodology for employment and Regional Planning in Greece.

Michaelides, Panayotis G. and Economakis, George and Lagos, Dimitrios (2005): Regional Employment in Greece by means of Cluster Analysis.

Mikhailova, Tatiana (2012): Where Russians Should Live: a Counterfactual Alternative to Soviet Location Policy.

Mischke, Peggy (2013): China's energy statistics in a global context: A methodology to develop regional energy balances for East, Central and West China.

Mogens, Fosgerau and André, de Palma (2012): Congestion in a city with a central bottleneck. Published in: Journal of Urban Economics , Vol. 71, No. 3 (2012): pp. 269-277.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2011): Introduction to the Macroeconomic Structure of Yemen.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2010): The economic and environmental factors of water in arid regions: Study of the rural water use in Northern Darfur Region, Sudan.

Mohsin, Hasan M and Gilbert, Scott (2010): Relative City Price Convergence in Pakistan: Empirical Evidence from Spatial GLS. Forthcoming in: Pakistan Development Review (2011)

Moreira, Paulo Pires (2013): The port of Sines:contribution for the emergence of a regional cluster.

Munir, Kashif and Sultan, Maryam (2016): Export Performance with Border Sharing Countries: An Assessment of Pakistan.

Mário, Hošala and Filip, Flaška and Stanislav, Kološta and Ivan, Sokáč (2008): Miesto marketingu v regionálnom rozvoji. Published in: Studia Universitatis „Vasile Goldis“, Seria Stiinte Economice , Vol. 2-A, No. 18 (2008): pp. 66-73.

NAGY, GÁBOR and KOÓS, BÁLINT (2015): First results in modelling objective well-being in Hungary at lower territorial level. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 4, No. 2 (February 2015): pp. 71-86.

NWAOBI, GODWIN (2013): African Jobless Growth Morphology:Vulnerabilities and Policy Responses.

Nagayasu, Jun (2020): Economic Activities and Regional Correlation During Economic and Natural Disasters.

Nagayasu, Jun (2016): Inflation and Bubbles in the Japanese Condominium Market.

Nagayasu, Jun (2015): Regional Inflation and Consumption Behaviors.

Nagayasu, Jun (2012): Regional inflation and industrial structure in monetary union.

Nagayasu, Jun (2014): Regional inflation, spatial location and the Balassa-Samuelson effect.

Naticchioni, Paolo and Rustichelli, Emiliano and Scialà, Antonio (2006): Employment protection and regional worker flows in Italy. Forthcoming in: Economia Politica , Vol. 13, No. 3 (November 2006)

Naude, Cliff (2018): Using Road Freight Movements Survey data to estimate road freight transport quotients and regional road freight flows in Australia. Published in: Refereed Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Regional Science Association International , Vol. 2018, No. 42 (February 2019): pp. 70-90.

Novak, Branko and Matić, Branko and Stjepanović, Slobodanka (2003): ISSUING POLICIES IN CURRENCIES DENOMINATED IN EUROS AND EUROCENTS. Published in: ICES 2003, From Transition to Development: Globalisation and Political Economy of Evelopment in Transition Economies. (2004): pp. 911-923.

O'Connor, Sean (2016): Distance and Decision Makers – The heterogeneity in Irish Sports Capital Funding.

P, Devi Priya and M, Helen Mary Jacqueline (2020): Literacy Differentials in Tamil Nadu: A District Level Analysis.

Patnaik, Unmesh and Narayanan, K. (2009): Vulnerability and Climate Change: An Analysis of the Eastern Coastal Districts of India.

Pazhanisamy, R. (2018): Re examination of Kinked Demand Oligopoly Market: Theory, Evidence and Policy Implications from Lakshadweep.

Pelagidis, Theodore and Papasotiriou, Harry (2002): Globalisation or regionalism? States, markets and the structure of international trade. Published in: Review of International Studies , Vol. 28, No. 3 (2002): pp. 519-535.

Pessoa, Argentino (2012): Regional cluster policy: The Asian model vs. the OECD approach.

Petranov, Stefan (2021): Shadow economy and regional development - an argument in favor of fiscal decentralization. Published in: Trakia Journal of Sciences , Vol. 19, No. Supl. 1 (15 November 2021): pp. 62-67.

Piecuch, Jakub (2007): Development of agriculture in Portuguese regions. Published in: Economic Science for Rural Development , Vol. 12, (2007): pp. 89-104.

Piecuch, Jakub (2006): Influence of European Structural Funds on Social and Economic Performance in Spanish and Portuguese Regions. Published in: Social Research , Vol. 7, No. 1 (2006): pp. 105-113.

Piecuch, Jakub (2006): Regional Decentralization in Spain: a Way to Increase Dynamics of Economic Growth. Published in: Šiuolaikinės tarporganizacinės sąveikos formos viešajame sektoriuje (2006): pp. 24-29.

Piecuch, Jakub (2007): Two decades in the European Union - economic success of Spanish regions. Published in: Ekonomika Ir Vadyba , Vol. 1, No. 8 (2007): pp. 222-229.

PÁGER, BALÁZS and ZSIBÓK, ZSUZSANNA (2015): The measurement of territorial differences in the information infrastructure in Hungary and the South Transdanubian Region. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 4, No. 2 (February 2015): pp. 55-70.

R, Albert Christopher Dhas (2020): Socio-Economic Status of Urban Madurai Street Vendors-A Micro-Level Analysis.

Ramos-Murillo, Erick and Kronberger, Benedikt (2007): Poverty and Banking Exclusion in Mexico: How can remittances and technology contribute to improve access?

Rouhani, Omid (2024): An overview of Value of Statistical Life Estimations- Transportation Perspective.

Rácz, Szilárd (2015): Regional Development in Croatia from the turn of Millennium to the EU accession. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 4, No. 2 (February 2015): pp. 87-105.

Salvary, Stanley (2007): The impact of firm-type dominance on regional manufacturing growth.

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