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Items where Subject is "E37 - Forecasting and Simulation: Models and Applications"

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Number of items at this level: 408.


Accolley, Delali (2018): Accounting for Busines Cycles in Canada: II. The Role of Money.

Accolley, Delali (2016): Physical and Human Capital over the Business Cycle.

Ackon, Kwabena Meneabe (2015): US Domestic Money, Output, Inflation and Unemployment. Forthcoming in:

Acuña, Andrés and Oyarzún, Carlos (2005): Money and real fluctuations in the Chilean economy. Published in: Economía y Administración , Vol. 42, No. 65 (December 2005): pp. 55-79.

Aguiar-Conraria, Luis and Brinca, Pedro and Gudjonsson, Haukur and Soares, Joana (2015): Optimal currency area and business cycle synchronization across U.S. states.

Ahec Šonje, Amina and Katarina, Bacic (2006): A composite leading indicator for a small transition economy: the case of Croatia.

Akande, Emmanuel (2013): Investment Shocks: Sources of Fluctuations in Small Open Economy. Published in: Economic and Business Review , Vol. 15, No. 3 (October 2013): pp. 213-232.

Albers, Scott (2019): An attitude of complexity: thirteen essays on the nature and construction of reality under the challenge of Zeno's Paradox.

Albers, Scott and Albers, Andrew L. (2011): The Golden Mean, the Arab Spring and a 10-step analysis of American economic history. Published in: The Middle East Studies Online Journal , Vol. 3, No. 6 (3 August 2011): pp. 199-253.

Albers, Scott and Albers, Andrew L. (2012): On the mathematic prediction of economic and social crises: toward a harmonic interpretation of the Kondratiev wave.

Alfaro, Rodrigo and Sagner, Andres (2010): Financial Forecast for the Relative Strength Index.

Aliyu, Shehu Usman Rano (2009): Oil Price Shocks and the Macroeconomy of Nigeria: A Non-linear Approach.

Aliyu, Shehu Usman Rano and Englama, Abwaku (2009): Is Nigeria Ready for Inflation Targeting?

Alkhareif, Ryadh M. and Barnett, William A. (2020): Nowcasting Real GDP for Saudi Arabia.

Alnaa, Samuel Erasmus and Matey, Juabin (2024): Financial Deepening in Ghana; Does Macroeconomics Matter. Published in: International Journal of Scientific Research in Multidisciplinary Studies , Vol. 10, No. 04 (30 April 2024): pp. 39-46.

Andreou, A. S. and Zombanakis, George A. and Likothanassis, S. D. and Georgakopoulos, E. (1998): Modeling And Forecasting Exchange-Rate Shocks. Published in: Proceedings of the 60th BNP/Applied Econometrics Association , Vol. 1, No. Special Issue on Financial Instruments and Emerging Markets (6 June 1998): pp. 1-29.

Andriantomanga, Zo (2023): The role of survey-based expectations in real-time forecasting of US inflation.

Anwar, Dr. Mumtaz and Shabbir, Dr. Ghulam and Shahid, M. Hassam and Samreen, Wajiha (2015): Determinants of Potato Prices and its Forecasting: A Case Study of Punjab, Pakistan.

Ardakani, Omid and Kishor, N. Kundan (2014): Examining the Success of the Central Banks in Inflation Targeting Countries: The Dynamics of Inflation Gap and the Institutional Characteristics.

Armstrong, J. Scott and C., Michael (1972): A Comparative Study of Methods for Long-Range Market Forecasting. Published in: Management Science No. 19 (1972): pp. 211-221.

Arora, Vipin (2014): Estimates of the Price Elasticities of Natural Gas Supply and Demand in the United States.

Arora, Vipin (2018): Natural Gas and the US Economy: Some Preliminary Rules of Thumb.

Arora, Vipin and Lieskovsky, Jozef (2013): Natural Gas and U.S. Economic Activity.

Artiach, Miguel (2012): Leverage, skewness and amplitude asymmetric cycles.

AsadUllah, Muhammad and Mujahid, Hira and I. Tabash, Mosab and Ayubi, Sharique and Sabri, Rabia (2020): Forecasting indian rupee/us dollar: arima, exponential smoothing, naïve, nardl, combination techniques. Published in: Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal , Vol. 25, No. 3 (April 2021)

Asafo, Shuffield Seyram (2019): Exchange Rate Pass-through to Prices : Bayesian VAR Evidence for Ghana. Forthcoming in:

Augustyniak, Hanna and Leszczyński, Robert and Łaszek, Jacek and Olszewski, Krzysztof and Waszczuk, Joanna (2014): On the dynamics of the primary housing market and the forecasting of house prices.

Augustyniak, Hanna and Łaszek, Jacek and Olszewski, Krzysztof and Waszczuk, Joanna (2014): Housing market cycles – a disequilibrium model and its application to the primary housing market in Warsaw. Published in: Ekonomia No. 35 (2014): pp. 5-23.

Ayala, Alfonso (2011): Un modelo de predicción de crisis financieras en los mercados emergentes: 1970 – 2009.


BLINOV, Sergey (2015): Как удвоить ВВП России.

BLINOV, Sergey (2017): Использование взаимосвязи между ВВП и денежной массой для экономического прогнозирования.

BLINOV, Sergey (2017): Economic Forecasting Based on the Relationship between GDP and Real Money Supply.

BLINOV, Sergey (2015): How to Double Russia’s GDP.

Barnett, William A. and Duzhak, Evgeniya (2006): Non-Robust Dynamic Inferences from Macroeconometric Models: Bifurcation Stratification of Confidence Regions.

Barnett, William A. and Duzhak, Evgeniya A. (2008): Empirical assessment of bifurcation regions within new Keynesian models.

Barnett, William A. and Duzhak, Evgeniya A. (2014): Structural Stability of the Generalized Taylor Rule.

Barnett, William A. and Eryilmaz, Unal (2012): Hopf bifurcation in the Clarida, Gali, and Gertler model.

Barnett, William A. and Eryilmaz, Unal (2022): Monetary Policy and Determinacy: An Inquiry in Open Economy New Keynesian Framework.

Barnett, William A. and Eryilmaz, Unal (2012): An analytical and numerical search for bifurcations in open economy New Keynesian models.

Barnett, William A. and He, Susan (2009): Existence of Singularity Bifurcation in an Euler-Equations Model of the United States Economy: Grandmont was Right.

Barrera, Carlos (2022): Characterizing the Anchoring Effects of Official Forecasts on Private Expectations.

Barrera, Carlos (2022): Les Prévisions des Prévisionnistes Professionnels? Perou, 2009-2017.

Barrera Chaupis, Carlos (2016): Expectations' Dispersion & Convergence towards Central Banks' IR forecasts: Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru & United Kingdom, 2004-2014.

Barrie, Mohamed Samba and Jackson, Emerson Abraham (2022): Impact of Technological Shock on the Sierra Leone Economy: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) Approach. Published in: Economic Insights - Trends and Challenges , Vol. 12, No. 2 (28 September 2022): pp. 1-19.

Bataa, Erdenebat (2012): The Composite Leading Indicator of Mongolia.

Belanger, Gilles (2016): Inequality Causes Recessions: A Fallout from Ramsey's Conjecture.

Belhadj, ARAM and Bouguezzi, WAJDI and Jedlane, NABIL (2009): A Common Monetary Policy For The Maghreb: The Winners and The Losers?

Bell, Peter N (2010): Introduction of the Profit Surface.

Bell, William Paul (2008): Adaptive interactive profit expectations using small world networks and runtime weighted model averaging. Published in: Biomedical Applications of Micro- and Nanoengineering IV and Complex Systems (Proceedings Volume) , Vol. 7270, (30 December 2008)

Benchimol, Jonathan (2016): Money and monetary policy in Israel during the last decade. Published in: Journal of Policy Modeling , Vol. 38, No. 1 (9 February 2016): pp. 103-124.

Benhima, Kenza and Bolliger, Elio (2022): Do Local Forecasters Have Better Information?

Berg, Tim Oliver (2015): Multivariate Forecasting with BVARs and DSGE Models.

Bessonovs, Andrejs (2011): GDP Modelling with Factor Model: an Impact of Nested Data on Forecasting Accuracy.

Bezemer, Dirk J (2009): “No One Saw This Coming”: Understanding Financial Crisis Through Accounting Models.

Bhattacharya, Rudrani and Sen Gupta, Abhijit (2017): Drivers and Impact of Food Inflation in India. Published in: Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies , Vol. 2, No. 11 (May 2018): pp. 146-168.

Bilgili, Faik (2011): City price convergence in Turkey with structural breaks.

Bilgili, Faik (2000): Forecasting the Macro Targets of Turkish Economy for the Year 2000: An Application of Box-Jenkins and Exponential Smoothing Methods. Published in: Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal , Vol. 15, No. 2 (March 2000): pp. 85-99.

Bilgili, Faik and Mugaloglu, Erhan and Koçak, Emrah (2018): The impact of oil prices on CO2 emissions in China: A Wavelet coherence approach.

Boer, Lukas and Pescatori, Andrea and Stuermer, Martin (2021): Energy Transition Metals.

Bongers, Anelí and Molinari, Benedetto and Torres, José L. (2022): Computers, Programming and Dynamic General Equilibrium Macroeconomic Modeling.

Boschi, Melisso and Girardi, Alessandro (2005): Does one monetary policy fit all? the determinants of inflation in EMU countries. Published in: Current Politics and Economics of Europe , Vol. 1/2, No. 19 (January 2008): pp. 31-62.

Branimir, Jovanovic and Magdalena, Petrovska (2010): Forecasting Macedonian GDP: Evaluation of different models for short-term forecasting. Published in: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia Working Paper (August 2010)

Brinca, Pedro and Costa-Filho, João and Loria, Francesca (2020): Business Cycle Accounting: what have we learned so far?

Brinca, Pedro and Iskrev, Nikolay and Loria, Francesca (2018): On Identification Issues in Business Cycle Accounting Models.

Brinca, Pedro and João, Costa-Filho (2021): Output falls and the international transmission of crises.

Brissimis, Sophocles and Migiakis, Petros (2011): Inflation persistence and the rationality of inflation expectations.

Bruno, Giancarlo and Malgarini, Marco (2002): An Indicator of Economic Sentiment for the Italian Economy.

Buncic, Daniel and Melecky, Martin (2007): An estimated New Keynesian policy model for Australia.


Cavallari, Lilia (2012): Markups and Entry in a DSGE Model.

Cebula, Richard (2014): An Investigation into the Impact of Federal Government Budget Deficits on the Ex Ante Real Interest Rate Yield on Treasury Notes in the U.S.

Chan, Joshua and Koop, Gary and Potter, Simon (2012): A new model of trend inflation.

Chang, Chia-Lin and Franses, Philip Hans and McAleer, Michael (2013): Are Forecast Updates Progressive?

Checo, Ariadne and Pradel, Salome and Ramirez, Francisco A. (2015): Measuring the Effects of the ‘Normalization’ of US Monetary Policy on Central America and the Dominican Republic.

Chen, Nan-Kuang and Cheng, Han-Liang (2020): A Study of Financial Cycles and the Macroeconomy in Taiwan.

Christoffel, Kai and Coenen, Gunter and Warne, Anders (2007): Conditional versus unconditional forecasting with the New Area-Wide Model of the euro area.

Cobb, Marcus P A (2017): Aggregate Density Forecasting from Disaggregate Components Using Large VARs.

Cobb, Marcus P A (2017): Forecasting Economic Aggregates Using Dynamic Component Grouping.

Cobb, Marcus P A (2018): Improving Underlying Scenarios for Aggregate Forecasts: A Multi-level Combination Approach.

Cobb, Marcus P A (2017): Joint Forecast Combination of Macroeconomic Aggregates and Their Components.

Coenen, Gunter (2009): Extending the NAWM with a partial indexation mechanism linking wages and trend productivitiy.

Coenen, Gunter and Vetlov, Igor (2009): Extending the NAWM for the import content of exports.

Colasante, Annarita and Alfarano, Simone and Camacho-Cuena, Eva and Gallegati, Mauro (2016): Long-run expectations in a Learning-to-Forecast Experiment.

Costa Junior, Celso Jose and Sampaio, Armando Vaz and Gonçalves, Flávio de Oliveria (2012): Income Transfer as Model of Economic Growth. Published in: Revista Economia & Tecnologia , Vol. 8, (2012): pp. 17-32.

Cruz, Christopher John and Mapa, Dennis (2013): An Early Warning System for Inflation in the Philippines Using Markov-Switching and Logistic Regression Models.


D'Agostino, A and Surico, P (2007): Does global liquidity help to forecast US inflation? Forthcoming in:

D'Agostino, Antonello and McQuinn, Kieran and Whelan, Karl (2011): Are some forecasters really better than others?

D'Amuri, Francesco and Marcucci, Juri (2009): "Google it!" Forecasting the US unemployment rate with a Google job search index.

D'Ecclesia, Rita Laura and Gallo, Crescenzio (2002): Price-caps and Efficient Pricing for the Electricity Italian Market. Published in: Quaderni del Dipartimento di Matematica Statistica, Informatica ed Applicazioni No. 5 (2002)

Dahem, Ahlem (2015): Short term Bayesian inflation forecasting for Tunisia. Published in: ECOFORUM JOURNAL , Vol. 5, No. 1 (8) (2016)

Dale, Charles (1990): From Kondratieff to Chaos: Some Perspectives on Long-Term and Short-Term Business Cycles. Published in: Futures Research Quarterly , Vol. 6, No. 4 (1990): pp. 71-83.

Damdinsuren, Batnyam and Doojav, Gan-Ochir and Łyziak, Tomasz (2008): Small Inflation Model of Mongolia (SIMOM).

Dasgupta, Dipak and Dubey, R.N. and Sathish, R (2011): Domestic Wheat Price Formation and Food Inflation in India. Published in: Working Paper Series, MOF, India No. Working Paper No. 2, 2011 (15 May 2011): pp. 1-58.

Degiannakis, Stavros and Filis, George (2020): Oil price assumptions for macroeconomic policy.

Delavari, Majid and Gandali Alikhani, Nadiya and Naderi, Esmaeil (2013): Does long memory matter in forecasting oil price volatility?

DiGabriele, Jim and Ojo, Marianne (2019): The wage growth puzzle and the Philips Curve explained: recent developments. Published in: Centre & Institute for Innovation and Sustainable Development Economic Review

Doojav, Gan-Ochir and Luvsannyam, Davaajargal (2017): Forecasting inflation in Mongolia: A dynamic model averaging approach.

Doshchyn, Artur and Giommetti, Nicola (2013): Learning, Expectations, and Endogenous Business Cycles.

Durevall, Dick and Loening, Josef (2009): Ethiopia: Updated Inflation Forecasts.

Dybczak, Kamil and Melecky, Martin (2012): EU Fiscal Stance Vulnerability: Are the Old Members the Gold Members?

Dybczak, Kamil and Melecky, Martin (2011): Macroeconomic Shocks and the Fiscal Stance within the EU: A Panel Regression Analysis.

da Silva Filho, Tito Nícias Teixeira (2005): Is there too much certainty when measuring uncertainty.

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Ellul, Reuben (2016): A real-time measure of business conditions in Malta. Published in: Central Bank of Malta working paper

Engemann, Kristie and Owyang, Michael T. and Wall, Howard J. (2011): Where is an oil shock?

Ermişoğlu, Ergun and Akcelik, Yasin and Oduncu, Arif (2013): GDP Growth and Credit Data.

Escañuela Romana, Ignacio (2011): Empirical Evidence on the Predictability of Stock Market Cycles: the Behaviour of the Dow Jones Index Industrial Average in the Stock Market Crises of 1929, 1987 and 2007.

Esquivel Monge, Manfred and Gomez Rodriguez, Jose Fabio (2010): Asymmetries of the Exchange Rate Pass Through to Domestic Prices: The Case of Costa Rica. Published in: CEMLA (June 2010)

Everett, Craig R. and Paglia, John K. (2013): Private Businesses Predict Limited Growth for 2013. Published in: Graziadio Business Review , Vol. 16, No. 1 (January 2013)

Everts, Martin (2006): Duration of Business Cycles.

Everts, Martin (2006): Sectoral and Industrial Business Cycles.

Eyler, Robert and Sonora, Robert (2010): Is a National Monetary Policy Optimal?


Fabbri, Giorgio and Iacopetta, Maurizio (2007): Dynamic Programming, Maximum Principle and Vintage Capital.

Fajar, Muhammad and Prasetyo, Octavia Rizky and Nonalisa, Septiarida and Wahyudi, Wahyudi (2020): Forecasting unemployment rate in the time of COVID-19 pandemic using Google trends data (case of Indonesia). Published in: International Journal of Scientific Research in Multidisciplinary Studies , Vol. 6, No. 11 (30 November 2020): pp. 29-33.

Falnita, Eugen and Sipos, Ciprian (2007): A multiple regression model for inflation rate in Romania in the enlarged EU. Published in: Economic integration, competition and cooperation (1 August 2007)

Farzanegan, Mohammad Reza (2012): Does the Iranian oil supply matter for the oil prices?

Fioramanti, Marco (2016): Potential Output, Output Gap and Fiscal Stance: is the EC estimation of the NAWRU too sensitive to be reliable? Forthcoming in: Italian Fiscal Policy Review , Vol. 1, (2015)

Firouzi Naeim, Peyman and Rahimzadeh, golnoush (2013): Inflation Skewness and Price Indexation.

Fokin, Nikita and Polbin, Andrey (2019): A Bivariate Forecasting Model For Russian GDP Under Structural Changes In Monetary Policy and Long-Term Growth.

Foresti, Pasquale (2006): Testing for Granger causality between stock prices and economic growth.

Fornaro, Paolo (2015): Forecasting U.S. Recessions with a Large Set of Predictors.

Francisco, Ramirez (2011): Modelos de Estimación de la Brecha de Producto: Aplicación al PIB de la República Dominicana.

Franco, Ray John Gabriel and Mapa, Dennis S. (2014): The Dynamics of Inflation and GDP Growth: A Mixed Frequency Model Approach.

Frank, Luis (2023): Revisión del traslado a precios de la devaluación del tipo de cambio oficial durante el período 2017-2023 en Argentina.

Freeman, Alan (2015): Heavens above: what equilibrium means for economics. With an appendix on temporality, equilibrium, endogeneity and exogeneity, in the inductive sciences and in economics.

Freeman, Alan (1997): An endogenous profit rate cycle.

Fry, J. M. (2010): Bubbles and crashes in finance: A phase transition from random to deterministic behaviour in prices.


G.K., Chetan Kumar and K.B., Rangappa and S., Suchitra (2022): Normative analysis of the impact of Covid-19 on prominent sectors of Indian economy by using ARCH Model. Published in: Theoretical and Applied Economics , Vol. 29, No. No. 2 / 2022 (631), Summer (20 June 2022): pp. 151-164.

Gaglianone, Wagner Piazza and Pereira, Ana Luiza Louzada (2005): Um ensaio sobre expectativas da taxa de câmbio no Brasil. Published in: Revista Brasileira de Finanças , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2005): pp. 55-100.

Gallic, Ewen and Vermandel, Gauthier (2017): Weather Shocks.

Ganev, Kaloyan (2015): A Small Model for Output Gap and Potential Growth Estimation. An Application to Bulgaria.

Gao, Xu (2007): Business Cycle Accounting for the Chinese Economy.

Garnitz, Johanna and Lehmann, Robert and Wohlrabe, Klaus (2017): Forecasting GDP all over the World: Evidence from Comprehensive Survey Data.

Garratt, Anthony and Petrella, Ivan and Zhang, Yunyi (2022): Asymmetry and Interdependence when Evaluating U.S. Energy Information Administration Forecasts.

Garratt, Anthony and Petrella, Ivan and Zhang, Yunyi (2022): Asymmetry and Interdependence when Evaluating U.S. Energy Information Agency Forecasts.

Gatt, William (2014): Communicating uncertainty - a fan chart for HICP projections. Published in: Central Bank of Malta Quarterly Review 2014:2 (September 2014): pp. 40-44.

Gatt, William (2013): Forecasting inflation at the Central Bank of Malta. Published in: Central Bank of Malta Quarterly Review 2012 No. 4 (March 2013): pp. 68-71.

Gerunov, Anton (2016): Automating Analytics: Forecasting Time Series in Economics and Business.

Ghent, Andra (2006): Comparing Models of Macroeconomic Fluctuations: How Big Are the Differences?

Giannoulakis, Stelios (2015): Monetary Policy in a New Keynesian Model with Tobin’s Q Investment Theory Features.

Givens, Gregory and Salemi, Michael (2012): Inferring monetary policy objectives with a partially observed state.

Glocker, Christian and Kaniovski, Serguei (2020): Structural modeling and forecasting using a cluster of dynamic factor models.

Gogas, Periklis and Chionis, Dionisios and Pragkidis, Ioannis (2009): Predicting European Union recessions in the euro era: The yield curve as a forecasting tool of economic activity.

Goyal, Ashima (1998): Labour Market Institutions, Real Wages and Macroeconomic Outcomes. Published in: The Indian Journal of Labour Economics , Vol. 42, No. 4 (October 1999): pp. 767-783.

Grilli, Luca and Santoro, Domenico (2020): Dualism in Bitcoin Dynamics: existence of an Upper Bound in Poincaré Recurrence Theorem for Deterministic vs Stochastic Behavior.

Grilli, Luca and Santoro, Domenico (2020): Generative Adversarial Network for Market Hourly Discrimination.

Grilli, Luca and Santoro, Domenico (2020): How Boltzmann Entropy Improves Prediction with LSTM.

Grothe, Magdalena and Meyler, Aidan (2015): Inflation forecasts: Are market-based and survey-based measures informative?

Gutierrez Girault, Matias Alfredo (2008): Modeling extreme but plausible losses for credit risk: a stress testing framework for the Argentine Financial System.

Guzman, Giselle (2007): Using sentiment surveys to predict GDP growth and stock returns. Published in: The Making of National Economic Forecasts No. Edward Elgar Publishing LTD (2009): pp. 319-351.

Guzman, Giselle C. (2010): The case for higher frequency inflation expectations.

Guzman, Giselle C. (2009): An inflation expectations horserace.

Guénette, Justin Damien and Kose, M. Ayhan and Sugawara, Naotaka (2022): Is a Global Recession Imminent?

Guérin, Pierre and Leiva-Leon, Danilo (2014): Model Averaging in Markov-Switching Models: Predicting National Recessions with Regional Data.


Ha, Jongrim and Kose, Ayhan M. and Ohnsorge, Franziska (2022): From Low to High Inflation: Implications for Emerging Market and Developing Economies.

Hacıoğlu, Volkan (2015): Bayesian Expectations and Strategic Complementarity: Implications for Macroeconomic Stability. Published in: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences , Vol. 195, (3 July 2015): pp. 580-291.

Haider, Adnan and Din, Musleh-ud and Ghani, Ejaz (2012): Monetary policy, informality and business cycle fluctuations in a developing economy vulnerable to external shocks.

Haider, Adnan and Hanif, Muhammad Nadeem (2007): Inflation Forecasting in Pakistan using Artificial Neural Networks.

Haider, Adnan and Safdar Ullah, Khan (2008): Estimating Output Gap for Pakistan Economy:Structural and Statistical Approaches. Published in: SBP Research Bulletin , Vol. 4, No. 1 (15 October 2008): pp. 31-60.

Hanif, Muhammad Nadim and Malik, Muhammad Jahanzeb (2015): Evaluating Performance of Inflation Forecasting Models of Pakistan. Forthcoming in: SBP Research Bulletin , Vol. 11, No. 1 (2015)

Harashima, Taiji (2024): Numerical Simulation of Economic Depression.

Harashima, Taiji (2022): A Theory of the Credit-to-GDP Gap: Using Credit Gaps to Predict Financial Crises.

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Hecq, Alain and Issler, João Victor and Telg, Sean (2017): Mixed Causal-Noncausal Autoregressions with Strictly Exogenous Regressors.

Hecq, Alain and Telg, Sean and Lieb, Lenard (2016): Do Seasonal Adjustments Induce Noncausal Dynamics in Inflation Rates?

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Heinrich, Torsten (2015): Growth Cycles, Network Effects, and Intersectoral Dependence: An Agent-Based Model and Simulation Analysis.

Henzel, Steffen and Lehmann, Robert and Wohlrabe, Klaus (2015): Nowcasting Regional GDP: The Case of the Free State of Saxony.

Hertrich, Markus (2015): Does Credit Risk Impact Liquidity Risk? Evidence from Credit Default Swap Markets. Published in: International Journal of Applied Economics , Vol. 2, No. 12 (September 2015): pp. 1-46.

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Kilic Celic, Sinem and Kose, M. Ayhan and Ohnsorge, Franziska (2023): Potential Growth Prospects: Risks, Rewards, and Policies.

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