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Items where Subject is "H11 - Structure, Scope, and Performance of Government"

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Number of items at this level: 353.


Abuselidze, George (2020): Optimality of tax policy on the basis of comparative analysis of income taxation. Published in: European Journal of Sustainable Development , Vol. 9, No. 1 : pp. 272-293.

Ackon, Kwabena Meneabe (2020): Fiscal Policy Innovations In Advanced Economies. Forthcoming in:

Acocella, Nicola and Di Bartolomeo, Giovanni and Papa, Stefano (2006): L’evoluzione dei patti sociali in una prospettiva analitica.

Adam, Antonis and Delis, Manthos D and Kammas, Pantelis (2012): Fiscal decentralization and public sector efficiency: Evidence from OECD countries.

Adam, Antonis and Delis, Manthos D and Kammas, Pantelis (2008): Public sector efficiency: Leveling the playing field between OECD countries.

Adam, Antonis and Tsarsitalidou, Sofia (2017): Do Democracies Have Higher Current Account Deficits?

Ahmad, Sayed Javed (2008): State of Governance in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects.

Ajayi, Temitope Abraham (2021): Democratic Government, Corruption Control, and Economic Development: Evidence from Nigeria with Cointegration Approach. Published in: European Journal of Business and Management , Vol. 13, No. 15 (31 August 2021): pp. 1-12.

Alda, Erik (2020): The effects of body-worn cameras on police efficiency: A study of local police agencies in the US.

Alda, Erik (2020): The effects of body-worn cameras on police efficiency: A study of local police agencies in the US.

Alimi, R. Santos (2020): Public Spending and Economic Welfare in ECOWAS Countries: Does Level of Development Matter?

Amegashie, J. Atsu (2008): Autocratic rule in ethnically-diverse societies.


Anttiroiko, Ari-Veikko (2014): Good governance in context: Learning from anti-corruption policies of Finland and Singapore.

Anttiroiko, Ari-Veikko (2015): Networks in Manuel Castells’ theory of the network society.

Antón, José-Ignacio and Muñoz de Bustillo, Rafael and Fernández-Macías, Enrique and Rivera, Jesús (2012): Effects of health care decentralization in Spain from a citizens’ perspective.

Aristovnik, Aleksander and Seljak, Janko (2009): Performance budgeting: selected international experiences and some lessons for Slovenia. Published in: Journal of Economics , Vol. 58, No. 3 (2010): pp. 271-291.

Aronsson, Thomas and Ghosh, Sugata and Wendner, Ronald (2020): Positional Preferences and Efficiency in a Dynamic Economy.

Aronsson, Thomas and Ghosh, Sugata and Wendner, Ronald (2020): Positional Preferences and Efficiency in a Dynamic Economy.

Asif, Rehman and Dawood, Mamoon (2017): Does New Public Management Practices Lead to Effective Public Welfare Responses in Pakistan.

Athias, Laure (2024): Common Good Institutions, Identity in the Workplace, and Value Dynamics.

Athias, Laure and Wicht, Pascal (2024): Make or Buy for Public Services: Culture Matters for Efficiency Considerations.

Athias, Laure and Macina, Moudo and Wicht, Pascal (2017): Public Private Partnerships: The Swiss Specificity.

Athias, Laure and Nunez, Antonio (2008): The more the merrier? Number of bidders, information dispersion, renegotiation and winner’s curse in toll road concessions.

Athias, Laure and Saussier, Stéphane (2007): Contractual flexibility or rigidity for public private partnerships? Theory and evidence from infrastructure concession contracts.

Avramescu, Tiberiu Cristian and Popescu, Ramona Florina (2008): Tourism - Part of Sustainable Local Development. Forthcoming in: Management of International Business and Economic Systems , Vol. -, No. 2008 (4 July 2008): pp. 572-580.

Awode, Segun and Akpa, Emeka (2018): Testing Wagner’s Law in Nigeria in the Short and Long-run. Published in: AUDŒ , Vol. 14, No. 7 (2018): pp. 7-23.

Aykut, Arslan (2008): Assessment of the Turkish Local e-Governments: An Empirical Study. Published in: International Journal of Human Sciences , Vol. 5, No. 2 (2008): pp. 1-20.

Aykut, Arslan (2009): Cross-Cultural Analysiis of European e-Government Adoption. Published in: World Applied Sciences Journal , Vol. 7, No. 9 (2009): pp. 1124-1130.

Aykut, Arslan (2007): Turkish Local e-Governments: a Longitudinal Study. Published in: Electronic Journal of E-government , Vol. 5, No. 2 (2007): pp. 95-106.

Ayub, Mehar and Ahsanuddin, Muhammad (2001): When Military Restrain the Rule: Philosophy and Indications. Published in: Journal of Management and Social Sciences , Vol. 2, No. 1 (April 2006): pp. 49-54.

Azzoni, Carlos Roberto and Menezes, Tatiane and Silveira, Fernando and Haddad, Eduardo A. and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and C. E. Carmo, Heron (2003): Assessing the impacts of agricultural policy and structural reforms on income distribution and poverty in Brazil. Published in: OECD Global Forum on Agriculture


Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Needs, Modes and Efficiency of Economic Organizations and Public Interventions in Agriculture.

Backiny-Yetna, Prospere and Wodon, Quentin (2009): Comparing the Performance of Faith-Based and Government Schools in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Published in: Emerging Evidence on Vouchers and Faith-Based Providers in Education: Case Studies from Africa, Latin America, and Asia, edited by F. Barrera-Osorio, H. A. Patinos, and Q. Wodon, Directions in Development, World Bank, Washington, DC (June 2009): pp. 119-135.

Backiny-Yetna, Prospere and Wodon, Quentin (2009): Comparing the Private Cost of Education at Public, Private, and Faith-Based Schools in Cameroon. Published in: Emerging Evidence on Vouchers and Faith-Based Providers in Education: Case Studies from Africa, Latin America, and Asia, edited by F. Barrera-Osorio, H. A. Patinos, and Q. Wodon, Directions in Development, World Bank, Washington, DC (June 2009): pp. 165-178.

Baldi, Guido (2013): How do Different Government Spending Categories Impact on Private Consumption and the Real Exchange Rate?

Barkowski, Scott and McLaughlin, Joanne Song and Ray, Alex (2018): A Reevaluation of the Effects of State and Federal Dependent Coverage Mandates on Health Insurance Coverage.

Barra, Patricio (2006): La Simplicidad de los Sistemas Tributarios: El Caso de Chile.

Bayari, Celal (2012): The Origin of Minimum Wage Determination in Australia: The Political and Legal Institutions. Published in: Journal of Global Politics , Vol. 5, No. 1 (1 December 2012): pp. 163-198.

Belloc, Filippo (2013): Innovation in State-owned Enterprises: Reconsidering the Conventional Wisdom.

Benedetto Francesco, Ballatore (2013): The reform of the Public Administration in Singapore: a model to follow in Italy?

Benner, Maximilian (2012): How to Save Greece? A Menu for Rebuilding the Greek Economy through Industrial Policy. Published in:

Benzarour, Choukri (2014): التغيير وإدارة التغيير في قطاع الصناعة التقليدية: استكشاف المقومات و بحث في الأدوات.

Benzarour, Choukri (2016): الإدارة العامة: كيف يمكن الإفلات من لعنة أمراضها؟.

Benzarour, Choukri (2016): الإدارة العامة: بعض الأمراض المستعصية و طرق مواجهتها. Published in: Algerian Journal of Economic Performance , Vol. vol 1, No. n° 1 (2016): pp. 19-41.

Berceanu, Ionut Bogdan and Mititelu, Cristina (2016): The Impact of Economic Crisis on the Emerging Administrations from Southeastern Europe. Case Study: Romania. Published in: Dogaru T. , Cărăușan M. V., Peculea - Dumitrescu A., Berceanu I.B. (eds.). Re(forming) Public Administration Paradigms in Global Governance Context, Economica Publishing House, Bucharest , Vol. 1, No. ISBN 978-973-709-805-4 (2016): pp. 145-162.

Bettareli, Luca and Cella, Michela and Iannantuoni, Giovanna and Manzoni, Elena (2017): It's a matter of confidence: Institutions, government stability and economic outcomes.

Binhadab, Nouf and Breen, Michael and Gillanders, Robert (2018): The Role of a Free Press in Combating Business Corruption.

Blake, David and Boardman, Tom and Cairns, Andrew (2010): Sharing longevity risk: Why governments should issue longevity bonds.

Blankart, Charles Beat and Gehrmann, Björn (2006): Der Dritte Sektor in der Europäischen Union: die Daseinsvorsorge aus ökonomischer Sicht. Published in: Jahrbuch Recht und Ökonomik des Dritten Sektors: RÖDS , Vol. I, No. 2005/2006 (2006): pp. 36-71.

Borooah, Vani (2005): Public Choice: an Overview. Published in: Readings in Public Finance (2005): pp. 135-155.

Borooah, Vani and tagat, Anirudh (2015): Political Participation in Rural India: A Village Level Study. Published in: State Institutions and Democracy (Schofield and Cabalerro eds), Springer No. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44582-3 (2016): pp. 159-192.


CHABANI, Madjid and BOUCETTA, Mohamed (2017): La gestion du changement dans les organisations publiques algériennes.

Canegrati, Emanuele (2007): On redistribution effects of public debt amongst single-minded generations.

Carney, Richard W. and Liu, Wai-Man (Raymond) and Ngo, Phong T. H. (2012): Responding to Financial Crisis: The Rise of State Ownership and Implications for Firm Performance.

Cassidy, Traviss and Dincecco, Mark and Troiano, Ugo Antonio (2017): The introduction of the income tax, fiscal capacity, and migration: evidence from U.S. States.

Cepparulo, Alessandra and Eusepi, Giuseppe and Giuriato, Luisa (2020): Public finances and Public Private Partnerships in the European Union.

Cerqueti, Roy and Sabatini, Fabio and Ventura, Marco (2016): Civic capital and support for the welfare state.

Chaturvedi, Sugat and Das, Sabyasachi (2018): Group Size and Political Representation Under Alternate Electoral Systems.

Cioclea, Alexandra Ema (2011): Critical considerations on defining and measuring performance in public organizations.

Cizakca, Murat (2010): Was Shari'ah indeed the culprit?

Clayton, Bernard (2022): The Role of Technology and Mobile Governance in Today’s Society: Analyzing How Apps Are Used in Governance. Published in: European Journal of Management Issues , Vol. 2, No. 3 (5 September 2022): pp. 9-16.

Clemens, Jeffrey (2013): State Fiscal Adjustment During Times of Stress: Possible Causes of the Severity and Composition of Budget Cuts.

Consoli, Andrea and Spagano, Salvatore (2008): Law and Institutions: two reasons for Sicilian backwardness?

Corsi, Marcella and D'Ippoliti, Carlo (2010): The productivity of the public sector in OECD countries: eGovernment as driver of efficiency and efficacy.

Corsi, Marcella and D'Ippoliti, Carlo and Gumina, Andrea and Battisti, Michele (2006): eGEP Economic Model: Final Report on the Benefits, Costs and Financing of eGovernment.

Cărămidariu, Dan (2012): Dismantling a weak state: The crisis as a pretext for even more neoliberalism in the Romanian economic policies. Published in: Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Conference Proceedings, Szeged, University of Szeged , Vol. ISBN 9, (2012): pp. 196-206.


DASKALOPOULOU, EIRINI (2018): Voting turnout in Greece: expressive or instrumental?

Daimer, Stephanie and Havas, Attila and Cuhls, Kerstin and Yorulmaz, Merve and Vrgovic, Petar (2021): Multiple futures for society, research, and innovation in the European Union: Jumping to 2038. Published in: Journal of Responsible Innovation , Vol. 8, No. 2 (6 October 2021): pp. 148-174.

Danne, Christian (2009): Commitment devices, opportunity windows, and institution building in Central Asia.

Das, Nimai (2017): In Search of Long Run Stability for Fiscal Transfers in Indian Federalism.

Davis, Brent (2016): “Attitudes to Leadership and Voting: Finding the Efficient Frontier”.

De, Indranil and Pohit, Sanjib and Das, Samantak (2008): Health Sector Reforms in India: A Situation Analysis.

DeBacker, Jason (2008): Flip-Flopping: Ideological Adjustment Costs in the United States Senate.

Deepak, Shah (2012): Special economic zones in India: investment, trade, employment generation and impact assessment.

Dhaoui, Iyad (2019): Electronic governance: An overview of opportunities and challenges. Published in:

Dhaoui, Iyad (2019): Good governance for sustainable development. Published in:

DiMaria, charles-henri (2024): Let’s all get pessimistic about ill-being: civil society and political organisation mediations.

Diaz-Serrano, Luis and Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés (2014): Decentralization and the Welfare State: What Do Citizens Perceive? Forthcoming in: Social Indicators Research

Dincecco, Mark and Katz, Gabriel (2012): State capacity and long-run performance.

Dincecco, Mark and Prado, Mauricio (2012): Warfare, Fiscal Capacity, and Performance. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Growth

Dogaru, Tatiana - Camelia (2015): Less for Better: Effects of Restructuring Public Administration on Organizational Effectiveness. Published in: Global Journal on Humanities and Social Science , Vol. 2, No. 2 (2015): pp. 229-236.

Dogaru, Tatiana-Camelia (2016): The Effect of Public Administration Reforms under the Post-New Public Management Paradigm. Published in: Economic and Social Development - Book of Proceedings (2016): pp. 743-753.

Duduiala-Popescu, Lorena (2009): The priorities of the EU budget for 2009.

Duduiala-Popescu, Lorena (2009): The prospects for Romania and state of the conduct ISPA Program.

Däubler, Thomas and Linek, Lukáš (2024): Party selectors, voters, and the choice of productive representatives under different types of list proportional representation.


Ekor, Maxwell and Damisah, Osikwemhe and Kefas, Thomas (2020): An evaluation of social sector budgeting in Sokoto State, Nigeria. Published in: International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management , Vol. 8, No. 6 (2020): pp. 321-339.

Emanuele, Canegrati (2007): A Single-Mindedness model with n generations.

Erdem, Erkan and Prada, Sergio I (2011): Creation of public use files: lessons learned from the comparative effectiveness research public use files data pilot project. Published in: The 2011 JSM Proceedings (19 December 2011): pp. 4095-4109.

Erkoc, Taptuk Emre (2013): Efficiency of Public Sector Organizations: Perspectives from Theories of Bureaucracy.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Antinomias del capitalismo: Una reseña sobre El malestar en la globalización de Joseph Stiglitz.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Por qué fracasan los países: breves notas sobre Colombia.

Ezcurra, Roberto and Zuazu, Izaskun (2019): Political equality and quality of government.


Facchini, François (2014): Retour sur la crise et les politiques mises en œuvre : une perspective autrichienne.

Faggini, Marisa and Parziale, Anna (2011): Fitness landscape and tax planning: NK model for fiscal federalism.

Farmanesh, Amir and Ashton, Melanie and Davila-Ortega, Luis and Freeburg, Emily and Kamping, Catherine and Marquez, Solange and Neil, Cameron and Bartlett, Richard (2005): Youth and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): Challenges and Opportunities for Implementation. Published in: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) (April 2005)

Farzanegan, Mohammad Reza (2009): Macroeconomic of populism in Iran.

Fasoranti, Modupe Mary and Alimi, Rasaq Santos (2017): Government Size, Political Institutions and Output Growth in Nigeria.

Fatica, Serena (2011): Preferences for redistribution, the size of government and the tax system.

Ferrarese, Cataldo and Nannariello, Guido (2014): Fondi strutturali: un’analisi della concentrazione degli interventi su base regionale.

Fischer, Justina (2011): Living under the ‘right’ government: does political ideology matter to trust in political institutions? An analysis for OECD countries.

Fischer, Justina AV (2009): Development of Direct Democracy in Swiss Cantons between 1997 and 2003.


Garofalo, Maria Rosaria and Senatore, Luigi (2002): Rules of the Game and Rules Inside the Game: a Complex Framework of European Development Policies.

Garzarelli, Giampaolo (2018): Internal Organization in a Public Theory of the Firm: Toward a Coase-Oates Federalism Nexus.

Garzarelli, Giampaolo and Thomassen, Bjørn (2006): Is State Building the Road to World Order? Published in: Prometheus , Vol. 24, No. 2 (June 2006): pp. 312-322.

Go, Kotera and Okada, Keisuke and Samreth, Sovannroeun (2010): A panel study on the relationship between corruption and government size.

Golden, Miriam and Picci, Lucio (2011): Redistribution and Reelection under Proportional Representation: The Postwar Italian Chamber of Deputies.

Goyal, Ashima (2010): Making politicians and bureaucrats deliver: decentralization and interlinked tasks. Published in: Indian Economic Journal , Vol. 57, No. 4 (2010): pp. 3-19.

Grechyna, Daryna (2017): Mandatory Spending, Political Polarization, and Macroeconomic Volatility.

Grechyna, Daryna (2015): Quantifying the Impact of Political Frictions on Public Policy.

Greco, Salvatore and Ishizaka, Alessio and Resce, Giuliano and Torrisi, Gianpiero (2017): Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side of the fence? Composite Index of Well-Being Taking into Account the Local Relative Appreciations in Better Life Index.

Green, Keith (2005): Decentralization and good governance: The case of Indonesia.

Green, Kesten C. and Armstrong, J. Scott (2012): Evidence on the effects of mandatory disclaimers in advertising.

Grigorescu, Adriana (2010): Serviciile publice între nevoia cetăţeanului şi posibilităţile administraţiei. Forthcoming in: CAIETUL ŞTIINŢIFIC al I.S.A. Paul Negulescu , Vol. no.12/, (2010)

Gu, Gyun Cheol (2012): Developing Composite Indicators for Fiscal Decentralization: Which Is The Best Measure For Whom?

Göbel, Jürgen (2009): How can the power of Leviathans be measured?

Göbel, Jürgen (2009): How can the power of Leviathans be measured?

Göbel, Jürgen (2009): In search of an appropriate tax base for local Leviathans.

gong, rukai and yao, dongmin (2014): 省直管县改革的扩权模式选择:全面直管还是省内单列?. Forthcoming in:


Hadili, Abduraawf and Raab, Roman and Wenzelburger, Jan (2016): Trade Liberalization in Arab Maghreb Union Countries.

Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos (2012): Carbon dioxide emissions and governance: A nonparametric analysis for the G-20.

Handler, Heinz (2020): Revamping Policy Governance in Austria: The EU’s impact 25 years on. Published in:

Hardt, Lukasz and de Jong, Maarten (2011): Improving the quality of governance in Poland through performance based budgeting. Published in:

Hati, Koushik Kumar and Majumder, Rajarshi (2012): Proximate Determinants of School Dropout: A study on Rural West Bengal.

Hati, Koushik Kumar and Majumder, Rajarshi (2012): Proximate Determinants of School Dropout: A study on Rural West Bengal.

Hausken, Kjell and Mattli, Walter and Plümper, Thomas (2006): Widening versus Deepening of International Unions. Published in: SSRN eLibrary

Hayat, Azmat and Muhammad Shafiai, Muhammad Hakimi (2019): The nature of Public Interest in Muslim and Non-Muslim writers.

Herani, Gobind M. (2002): A Comparison of Demographic, Social and Economic Conditions of Tharparkar with Canal Barrage Area Sindh (1988-2000): An Introduction. Published in: An Agro-based Industry of Tharparkar with Canal Barrage Area, Sindh (1988-2000) Suggested Techniques Leading to An Industrial Economy , Vol. Chapte, No. Ph.D Thesis : pp. 1-50.

Hessami, Zohal (2010): Corruption and the Composition of Public Expenditures: Evidence from OECD Countries.

Hessami, Zohal (2010): The Size and Composition of Government Spending in Europe and Its Impact on Well-Being.

Hirota, Haruaki and Yunoue, Hideo (2011): 平成の大合併と歳出削減‐類似団体別市町村財政指数表を用いた実証分析‐.

Hirota, Haruaki and Yunoue, Hideo (2015): 基準財政需要額の算定構造の再検証―都道府県パネルデータによる実証分析―.

Hirota, Haruaki and Yunoue, Hideo (2012): Local government expenditure and council size: Quasi-experimental evidence from Japan.

Hirota, Haruaki and Yunoue, Hideo (2011): Municipal mergers and special provisions of local council members in Japan. Published in: The Japanese Political Economy , Vol. 40, No. 3-4 (2 October 2014): pp. 96-116.

Hoppe, Eva I. and Schmitz, Patrick W. (2019): How (Not) to Foster Innovations in Public Infrastructure Projects.

Hoppe, Eva I. and Schmitz, Patrick W. (2012): Public-private partnerships versus traditional procurement: Innovation incentives and information gathering.

Hossain, Md. Amir and Zhou, Dong Sheng and Hossain, Md Ekram (2012): Leadership Approach in Human Resources Management Aspect of Bangladeshi Organizations. Published in: The 11th conference of International Federation of East Asian management Associations, Nanjing, China , Vol. 02, No. 01 (30 December 2012): pp. 66-72.

Howell, William and Shepsle, Kenneth and Wolton, Stephane (2020): Executive Absolutism: A Model.


Ioannidis, Yiorgos (2013): Creating Markets out of Nothing:The Case of the Continuing Education System in Greece.


Jaaidane, Touria and Musy, Olivier and Tallec, Ronan (2022): Rent-seeking, Reform and Conflict: French Parliaments at the End of the Ancien Régime.

Jaelani, Aan (2013): Institusi Pasar dan Hisbah: Teori Pasar dalam Sejarah Pemikiran Ekonomi Islam. Published in: Syari'ah Nurjati Press, Cirebon , Vol. 1, (1 December 2013): pp. 1-177.

Jaelani, Aan (2014): KEUANGAN PUBLIK ISLAM:Refleksi APBN dan Politik Anggaran di Indonesia. Forthcoming in: (1 November 2014): pp. 1-145.

Jaelani, Aan (2017): Manajemen pengeluaran publik di Indonesia: Tinjauan ekonomi Islam pada APBN 2017.

Jaelani, Aan (2012): PENGELOLAAN APBN DAN POLITIK ANGGARAN DI INDONESIA DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM. Published in: Jurnal Al-Qalam, IAIN Sultan Maulana Hasanudin Banten , Vol. 1, No. Islam dan Ekonomi (5 July 2012): pp. 1-24.

Jaelani, Aan (2018): Public expenditure management in Indonesia: Islamic economic review on state budget 2017.

Jaelani, Aan (2018): Relasi negara dan pasar bebas dalam mewujudkan keadilan ekonomi: Analisis sejarah keuangan publik Islam. Published in: Al-Mustashfa: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Ekonomi Islam , Vol. 3, No. 2 (26 December 2018): pp. 169-186.

Jang, Youngsoo (2023): On the Time Consistency of Universal Basic Income.

Jang, Youngsoo (2023): On the Time Consistency of Universal Basic Income.

Jang, Youngsoo (2021): Democracy or Optimal Policy: Income Tax Decisions without Commitment.

Jellal, Mohamed and Bouzahzah, Mohamed and Asongu, Simplice (2015): Institutional Governance, Education and Growth. Published in: Theoretical Economics Letters , Vol. 2016, No. 6 (April 2016): pp. 131-137.

Johnson, Noel D and Matthew, Mitchell and Yamarik, Steven (2012): Pick Your Poison: Do Politicians Regulate When They Can’t Spend?

Jones, Peter (2006): How To Win A General Election By A Landslide Victory.

Jonung, Lars (2004): To be or not to be in the euro? Benefits and costs of monetary unification as perceived by voters in the Swedish euro referendum 2003. Published in: The Cato Journal , Vol. 24, No. numbers 1-2 (2004): pp. 123-149.

Jürgen, Göbel (2009): How can the Power of Leviathans be Measured?


KASMAOUI, Kamal and BOURHABA, Othmane (2017): Happiness and Public Expenditure: Evidence from a panel analysis.

Kaluzhsky, M.L. (2006): Генезис цивитальной организации: идеология нового мира. Published in: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co, KG , Vol. full, No. - (2012): pp. 1-416.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2005): Рецензия на монографию А.И. Казанника «Научная организация управленческого труда в государственных и муниципальных учреждениях России». Published in: Вестник Омского отделения Академии гуманитарных наук No. 7 (2005): pp. 93-94.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2009): Перспективы реформирования регионального экономического управления в Российской Федерации на современном этапе. Published in: Социально-экономические проблемы развития рыночной экономики: Сборник научных трудов No. Омск: ОмГТУ, 2009. – С. 80-93. – ISBN 978-5-8149-0706-6. (2009): pp. 80-93.

Kanev, Dimitar (2016): Социална политика и обществен избор.

Khaleque, Khaleque and Suborna, Bubarna and Baqui, Baqui (2008): Impact of Social Safety Net Programs In Seasonal Deprivation.

Khan, Karim (2024): A Review on Fiscal and Debt Policies in Pakistan.

Kirdina, Svetlana (2010): Prospects of liberalization for S&T policies in Russia: institutional analysis. Published in: Sociology of Science and Technology , Vol. 1, No. 2 (June 2010): pp. 10-28.

Klimov, Blagoy (2010): Challenging path dependence? Ideational mapping of nationalism and the EU’s transformative power: The case of infrastructural politics in SEE.

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis (2013): Forget your gods: African evidence on the relation between state capacity and cognitive ability of leading politicians.

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis (2018): Natural Resource Governance: Does Social Media Matter?

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis and Asongu, Simplice (2020): Tribalism and Finance. Forthcoming in: Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis and Asongu, Simplice (2015): Tribalism and Financial Development.

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis and Khalifa, Sherif (2020): African Junta and Defense Spending: A Capture Effect or Self-Preservation? Forthcoming in: Journal of African Economies. No. forthcoming

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis and Khalifa, Sherif (2021): Do Leader’s Visits Increase Trade Flows?

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis and Khalifa, Sherif (2020): The Effect of Leader’s Visits on Foreign Aid.

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis and Khalifa, Sherif (2020): The Effect of U.S. Officials’ Visits on Conflict.

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis and Khalifa, Sherif (2020): Leaders’ Foreign Travel and Democracy.

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis and Khalifa, Sherif (2020): Leaders’ Foreign Travel and Democracy.

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis and Khalifa, Sherif (2020): Leaders’ Foreign Travel and Foreign Debt.

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis and Khalifa, Sherif (2020): Leaders’ Foreign Travel and Foreign Investment Inflows.

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis and Mutascu, Mihai (2013): Shadow economy and tax revenue in Africa.

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis and Mutascu, Mihai (2014): Tax Revenues and Intelligence: A Cross-Sectional Evidence.

Kohnert, Dirk (2022): 'Enlightened' West African dictatorship challenged by state capture ? Insights from Benin, Togo and Senegal.

Kohnert, Dirk (2022): Des dictatures ouest-africaines « éclairées » contestées par la capture de l'État ? Perspectives du Bénin, du Togo et du Sénégal.

Kohnert, Dirk (2018): Togo - 2017: domestic politics, foreign affairs and socio-economic development. Forthcoming in: Africa Yearbook , Vol. 14, (November 2018)

Kosuliev, Aleksandar (2009): Институционална среда, дерегулация и естественото равнище на транзакционни разходи. Published in: Научни трудове на Русенския университет , Vol. 48, No. 5.1. (2009): pp. 7-11.

Kotera, Go and Okada, Keisuke and Samreth, Sovannroeun (2010): A study on the relationship between corruption and government size: the role of democracy.

Kotroyannos, Dimitrios (2016): Alexis Tsipras und der rhetorische Diskurs als Politik.

Kotroyannos, Dimitrios (2016): Tsipras and the rhetorical speech as policy.

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