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Items where Subject is "M11 - Production Management"

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Abdullah, Hariem and Aziz, Hemn (2017): Impact of Just-In-Time manufacturing on profit maximization. Published in: International Business Management , Vol. 11, No. 7 (2017): pp. 1462-1468.

Aithal, Sreeramana (2021): Business Excellence through the Theory of Accountability. Published in: International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT, and Education (IJCSBE) , Vol. 5, No. 1 (21 May 2021): pp. 88-115.

Akbar, Irfan and Muzaffar, Muhammad and Rehman, Khaliq Ur (2012): Entrepreneurial Supply Chain Management Competence: Performance of Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises. Published in: International Journal of Management & Organizational Studies , Vol. 2, No. 1 (December 2012): pp. 39-46.

Albici, Mihaela (2009): Setting the optimal type of equipment to be adopted and the optimal time to replace it.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Taha, Zahari (2010): The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs. Published in: In: The 11th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2010), Melaka, Malaysia. (9 December 2010): pp. 1-6.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Taha, Zahari (2010): Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs. Published in: Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies (MIMT 2011), Singapore. , Vol. 2, (27 February 2011): V2-114.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Taha, Zahari (2010): Virtual R&D Teams: A potential growth of education-industry collaboration. Published in: In: 2010 2nd International Congress on Engineering Education (ICEED 2010), 8th - 9th December Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (8 December 2010): pp. 7-9.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Taha, Zahari (2010): Virtual Teams: A New Opportunity to Develop a Business. Published in: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP ACROSS BOUNDARIES , Vol. Univer, No. Section For Co-curricular Courses, External Faculty Electives and TITAS (6 August 2010): pp. 1-5.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): Concurrent Collaboration in Research and Development. Published in: proceeding of National Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering (DECON) 2008, Melaka, Malaysia. (28 October 2008): pp. 1-4.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2010): Critical factors for new product developments in SMEs virtual team. Published in: African Journal of Business Management , Vol. 4, No. 11 (4 September 2010): pp. 2247-2257.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): Dealing with Virtual R&D Teams in New Product Development. Published in: The 9th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference, Nusa Dua, Bali - Indonesia (December 2008): pp. 795-806.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009): Envisages of New Product Developments in Small and Medium Enterprises through Virtual Team. Published in: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Dhaka, Bangladesh (9 January 2010): pp. 1-10.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009): Innovation and R&D Activities in Virtual Team. Published in: European Journal of Scientific Research , Vol. 34, No. 3 (2009): pp. 297-307.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): Literature, Principle and the basics of Network Value Creation in R&D: The relationship with economy. Published in: In: Seventh conference of Industries and Mines R&D Centers- R&D and Network Value Creation, Tehran, Iran. (29 June 2008): pp. 1-8.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009): Modified stage-gate: A conceptual model of virtual product development process. Published in: African Journal of Marketing Management , Vol. 1, No. 9 (2009): pp. 211-219.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): New Product Development in Virtual Environment. Published in: International Conference on Technology Management and Innovation in China: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century, CAMOT 2008, UIBE, Beijing, China, (22 October 2008): pp. 203-218.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): R&D Network and value Creation in SMEs. Published in: In: Seventh conference of Industries and Mines R&D Centers- R&D and Network Value Creation, Tehran, Iran. (30 June 2008): pp. 1-6.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2010): SMEs; Virtual research and development (R&D) teams and new product development: A literature review. Published in: International Journal of the Physical Sciences , Vol. 5, No. 7 (July 2010): pp. 916-930.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009): Virtual R & D teams in small and medium enterprises: A literature review. Published in: Scientific Research and Essays , Vol. 4, No. 13 (December 2009): pp. 1575-1590.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2010): Virtual R&D teams and SMEs growth: A comparative study between Iranian and Malaysian SMEs. Published in: African Journal of Business Management , Vol. 4, No. 11 (4 September 2010): pp. 2368-2379.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009): Virtual Teams for New Product Development – An Innovative Experience for R&D Engineers. Published in: European Journal of Educational Studies , Vol. 1, No. 3 (October 2009): pp. 109-123.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): Virtual teams: A literature review. Published in: Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences , Vol. 3, No. 3 (2009): pp. 2653-2669.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): Virtuality, Innovation and R&D Activities. Published in: 14th International Conference on Thinking (ICOT 2009). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (24 June 2009): pp. 515-529.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009): A conceptual model of virtual product development process. Published in: In: 2nd Seminar on Engineering and Information Technology, (SEIT 2009), Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. (8 July 2009): pp. 191-196.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ghazizadeh, Ali and Golnam, Arash and Tahbaz Tavakoli, Hamid (2007): R&D Management in Iran, Opportunities and Threats. Published in: 16th International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT 2007), "Management of Technology for the Service Economy", Miami Beach Resort & Spa, Miami Beach, Florida, USA. (15 May 2007): pp. 1-7.

Almeida, Anabela (2007): Práticas de Aprovisionamento nos Hospitais Públicos Portugueses: Estudo das Diferenças Regionais.

Almeida, Anabela and Lourenço, Anabela (2005): An Application of ABC Analysis in the Clothing Service at Centro Hospitalar Cova Da Beira (CHCB) - Portugal. Published in: Proceedings das XXV jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Salud (July 2005)

Alonso-Pauli, Eduard and Bru, Lluís (2018): Strategic delegation in procurement.

Alvarez, Lourdes and Huamaní, Edson and Coronado, Yngrid (2020): How Does Competition by Informal and Formal Firms Affect the Innovation and Productivity Performance in Peru? A CDM Approach. Published in: ECIE 2020 16th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship No. Academic Conferences and Publishing International ACPI (September 2020): pp. 61-68.

Amankwah-Amoah, Joseph (2014): An integrative framework of attributions after a business failure. Forthcoming in: European Business Review (2015)

Angelopoulos, Michail and Pollalis, Yannis (2017): Activity Based Costing (ABC) as a tool for Lean Transformation: The Case of the Greek Power Public Corporation (PPC).

Angelopoulos, Michail and Pollalis, Yannis (2019): Use of open data as a tool for successful lean management in public services: evidence from Greece.

Angelopoulos, Michail and Pollalis, Yannis (2017): Using ABC costing method with in a KPI- based framework to a Lean transformation of a Greek Public Company.

Asuaga, Carolina and Lecueder, Manon and Vigo, Silvia (2005): Las Artes Escénicas y la Teoría General del Costo. Published in: IX Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Costos (December 2005)

Asuaga, Carolina and Peombo, Carina (2010): Los Museos y el Cuadro de Mando Integral: Una adaptación de la perspectiva del cliente. Published in: V Congreso de Costos del Mercosur


Baaren, Terence and Galloway, Cornelia (2014): Consequence of Job Satisfaction Factors on the Productivity Level of Operating Core. Published in: JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOR , Vol. 7, No. 14 (5 July 2014): pp. 119-127.

Banica, Logica and Rosca, Doina and Stefan, Cristian (2009): A software for project management process. Published in: Proceedings of the Romanian Academy , Vol. 10, No. 2 (4 May 2009): pp. 1-9.


Bayari, Celal (2011): The Japanese Management and Production System in Australia Recruitment, Training and Bonus in Japanese Hybrid Factories. Published in: Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Administrative Science Proceedings. , Vol. 14, No. 14 (26 November 2011): pp. 331-336.

Bayari, Celal (2010): Japanese Manufacturers in Australia: Analysing Their Quality Evaluation and Employee Participation. Published in: Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Administrative Science Proceedings , Vol. 13, (12 October 2010): pp. 369-374.

Bell, Peter Newton (2014): Design of Financial Derivatives: Statistical Power does not Ensure Risk Management Power.

Blecker, Thorsten (2003): Changes in Operations Management due to Internet based Production Concepts — An Institution Economical Perspective. Published in: Discussionpaper series University of Klagenfurt No. No. 2003/02 (2003)

Blecker, Thorsten and Abdelkafi, Nizar (2005): Modularity and Delayed Product Differentiation in Assemble-to-order Systems: Analysis and Extensions from a Complexity Perspective. Published in: Blecker, Th./Friedrich, G. (Ed.): Mass Customization. Concepts – Tools – Realization. Proceedings of IMCM'05 (2005): pp. 29-46.

Blecker, Thorsten and Abdelkafi, Nizar (2006): Variety Management in Assemble-to-Order Supply Chains. Published in: (June 2006): pp. 39-56.

Blecker, Thorsten and Abdelkafi, Nizar and Kaluza, Bernd and Kreutler, Gerold (2004): A Framework for Understanding the Interdependencies between Mass Customization and Complexity. Published in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Business Economics, Management and Marketing, Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) (2004): pp. 291-306.

Blecker, Thorsten and Abdelkafi, Nizar and Kaluza, Bernd and Kreutler, Gerold (2004): Mass Customization vs. Complexity: A Gordian Knot? Published in: 2nd International Conference “An Enterprise Odyssey: Building Competitive Advantage” – Proceedings (2004): pp. 890-903.

Blecker, Thorsten and Abdelkafi, Nizar and Kreutler, Gerold (2004): A Multi-Agent based Configuration Process for Mass Customization. Published in: Conference Proceedings, International Conference on Economic, Technical and Organisational aspects of Product Configuration Systems (2004)

Blecker, Thorsten and Abdelkafi, Nizar and Kreutler, Gerold and Friedrich, Gerhard (2004): Dynamic Multi-Agent Based Variety Formation and Steering in Mass Customization. Published in: 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2004) (14 April 2004)

Blecker, Thorsten and Abdelkafi, Nizar and Kreutler, Gerold and Friedrich, Gerhard (2004): Product Configuration Systems: State of the Art, Conceptualization and Extensions. Published in: Génie logiciel & Intelligence artificielle. Eight Maghrebian Conference on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (MCSEAI 2004) (2004): pp. 25-36.

Blecker, Thorsten and Graf, Guenter (2004): Efficient Order and Resource Coordination in Mass Customization. Published in: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Manufacturing and Application (ISOMA) at the 6th Biannual World Automation Congress, 2004 (2004): pp. 419-424.

Bob, Constantin and Grigorescu, Adriana and Saseanu, Andreea (2007): Strategic concerns about technological research of the Romanian baking and flour products industry. Published in: Conference proceedings Edited by Predrag Dašiæ. Krusevac: Institute IMK "14. October" and Trstenik: High Technical Mechanical School No. . ISBN 86-83803-22-4. : pp. 358-362.

Bonev, Pavlin (2013): Бизнес моделиране в електронната търговия. Forthcoming in: ел. сп. Наука и Бизнес

Brañas-Garza, Pablo and Cabrales, Antonio and Mateu, Guillermo and Angel, Sanchez and Sutan, Angela (2020): Does pre-play social interaction improve negotiation outcomes?

Brañas-Garza, Pablo and Cabrales, Antonio and Mateu, Guillermo and Sanchez, Angel and Sutan, Angela (2018): Does pre-play social interaction improve negotiation outcomes?


Caldeirinha, Vitor R. and Felicio, J. Augusto (2011): A influência dos factores de caracterização dos portos no desempenho, medido por indicadores operacionais, financeiros e de eficiência.

Cheema, Khaliq Ur Rehman and Rehman, Fawad Ur (2011): Effect of RFID on Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of Supply Chain Performance. Published in: International Journal of Management & Organizational Studies , Vol. 1, No. 1 (30 October 2011): pp. 21-28.

Chetroiu, Rodica and Calin, Ion (2014): The system of indicators of estimation the economic efficiency in the production of goat milk. Published in: Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania , Vol. 5, No. ISSN 2285–6803 ISSN-L 2285–6803 (20 November 2014): pp. 296-304.

Cofas, Elena (2014): Computer system for farms (SITEFA) - an opportunity for performant agricultural management. Published in: Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania , Vol. 5, No. ISSN 2285–6803 ISSN-L 2285–6803 (20 November 2014): pp. 332-339.

Corbu, Ion (2023): Decizia, factor determinant în procesele manageriale și în activitatea de cercetare. Published in: https://www.academia.edu/101585174/Decizia_factor_determinant_%C3%AEn_procesele_manageriale_%C8%99i_%C3%AEn_activitatea_de_cercetare (11 May 2023)

Csizmazia, Roland Attila (2015): Sharing Economy - Downstream Extension of the Value Chain of German Automotive Manufacturers and of their Competitors. Published in: International Journal of Knowledge and Innovation in Business , Vol. 2, No. 3 (10 November 2015): pp. 1-24.


DI RENZO, Bernard and FELTUS, Christophe (2003): Développement et expérimentation d'un modèle de gestion collaborative des pratiques informatiques à l'usage des petites et moyennes entreprises. Published in: Actes du 8ième Colloque de l'Association Information et Management (AIM 2003), Grenoble, France

DI RENZO, Bernard and FELTUS, Christophe (2003): Process assessment for use in very small enterprises: the NOEMI assess-ment methodology. Published in: Proceedings of European Software Process Improvement Conference (EuroSPI'2003), Graz, Austria (2003)

DI RENZO, Bernard and FELTUS, Christophe (2003): Process assessment for use in very small enterprises: the NOEMI assessment methodology. Published in: Proceedings of European Software Process Improvement Conference (EuroSPI'2003), Graz, Austria No. Auflage: 1., Aufl. (8. Dezember 2003) (2003)

DI RENZO, Bernard and FELTUS, Christophe and PRIME, Sylvie (2004): NOEMI, a collaborative management for ICT process improvement in SME: experience report. Published in: Proceedings of European Software Process Improvement (EUROSPI'2004), Trondheim, Norway

Dachs, Bernhard and Kinkel, Steffen and Jäger, Angela (2017): Bringing it all back home? Backshoring of manufacturing activities and the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies.

Dalton, John (2013): A Theory of Just-in-Time and the Growth in Manufacturing Trade.

Dayal Saraswat, Kinshuk (2022): Technology-Based Risk Management for Rural Sectors and Natural Disasters in Developing Countries. Published in: Amity University Press , Vol. 4, No. 2 (16 October 2022): pp. 57-66.

Delis, Manthos D and Iosifidi, Maria and Kazakis, Pantelis and Ongena, Steven (2018): Management as the sine qua non for M&A success.

Dimitrov, Mitko and Ileva, Radka and Stefanov, Tsanko (2017): Синергия и конкурентоспособност на българските предприятия. Published in: Списание на БАН No. 3 (2017): pp. 5-15.

Dorman, Peter and Nolte, Heike (2015): Worker problem-solving and the nature of the firm: new theory, new evidence.

Dorobantu, Maria Roxana and Nistoreanu, Puiu (2012): Rural Tourism and Ecotourism – the Main Priorities in Sustainable Development Orientations of Rural Local Communities in Romania. Published in: Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition , Vol. XV, No. 2067 - 5046 (2012): pp. 259-266.


Fent, Thomas (1999): Adaptive agents in the House of Quality.

Ferreira, João and Leitão, João and Garrido Azevedo, Susana (2007): Configuration of Logistics Activities across Life-Cycle of the Firms and Performance: Proposal of a Conceptual Model.

Fildes, Robert and Goodwin, Paul and Onkal, Dilek (2015): Information use in supply chain forecasting.

Filippetti, Andrea (2010): Harnessing the 'essential tension' of design: The complex relationship between the firm and designer consultants.

Fioretti, Guido (2009): From men and machines to the organizational learning curve.


Garrido Azevedo, Susana and Ferreira, João and Leitão, João (2007): The Role of Logistics' Information and Communication Technologies in Promoting Competitive Advantages of the Firm.

González Ayestarán, Rodrigo and Garcia Fronti, Javier Ignacio (2024): Gestión del Riesgo en YPF (2007-2019).


Hachicha, Wafik and Masmoudi, Faouzi and Haddar, Mohamed (2008): A Taguchi method application for the part routing selection in Generalized Group Technology: A case Study.

Hadiwijaya, Hendra (2018): Pengaruh Komunikasi Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kinerja Perawat Di Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Palembang. Published in: International Journal of Social Science and Business , Vol. 2, No. 3 (26 August 2018): pp. 124-131.

Halkos, George and Kevork, Ilias (2012): Evaluating alternative estimators for optimal order quantities in the newsvendor model with skewed demand.

Halkos, George and Kevork, Ilias (2012): Evaluating alternative frequentist inferential approaches for optimal order quantities in the newsvendor model under exponential demand.

Halkos, George and Kevork, Ilias (2013): Forecasting the optimal order quantity in the newsvendor model under a correlated demand.

Halkos, George and Kevork, Ilias (2012): Unbiased estimation of maximum expected profits in the Newsvendor Model: a case study analysis.

Halkos, George and Kevork, Ilias (2012): Validity and precision of estimates in the classical newsvendor model with exponential and rayleigh demand.

Halkos, George and Kevork, Ilias (2012): The classical newsvendor model under normal demand with large coefficients of variation.

Halkos, George and Kevork, Ilias and Tziourtzioumis, Chris (2014): On the convexity of the cost function for the (Q,R) inventory model.

Halkos, George and Kevork, Ilias and Tziourtzioumis, Chris (2014): Optimal inventory policies with an exact cost function under large demand uncertainty.

Hayat, Khizer and Abbas, Aamir and Siddique, M. and Cheema, Khaliq Ur Rehman (2012): A Study of the Different Factors That Affecting the Supply Chain Responsiveness. Published in: Academic Research International , Vol. 3, No. 3 (November 2012): pp. 345-356.

Ho, Thi Thu and Huynh, Cong Minh (2022): Green Purchase Intention: An Investigation from Vietnamese Young Consumers.

Hossen, Sayed Mohibul (2015): A Statistical Analysis on Production of Chili and Its' Prospect in Bangladesh. Published in: Global Disclosure of Economics and Business , Vol. 4, No. 1 (6 June 2015): pp. 55-62.

Hunka, Frantisek and Hucka, Miroslav and Kasik, Josef and Vymetal, Dominik (2008): Could a Resource be Simultaneously a Schedule according to the REA Ontology. Published in: Working papers on REA workshop 2008

Hunka, Frantisek and Hucka, Miroslav and Kasik, Josef and Vymetal, Dominik (2008): Enterprise planning model using REA ontology.

Hunka, Frantisek and Hucka, Miroslav and Kasik, Josef and Vymetal, Dominik (2009): Some Ontological Issues of the REA Framework in Relation to Enterprise Business Process.


Islam, Rafikul (2005): MBNQA criteria in education: Assigning weights from a Malaysian perspective and proposition of an alternative evaluation scheme. Published in: International Transactions in Operational Research , Vol. 14, (2007): pp. 373-394.


Jääskeläinen, Kristian and Pau, Louis-François (2009): ERP project’s internal stakeholder network and how it influences the project’s outcome.


Kannan, Srinivasan and N, Sudha (2007): BPR in an Institute of Excellence in South India : A Study.

Karpov, Valery and Cement, Petr (2013): Подходы к повышению конкурентоспособности предпринимательской деятельности в сфере строительства. Published in: Актуальные вопросы развития региональной экономики: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции. (2013): pp. 81-86.

Kashefi, Mohammad Ali (2012): The Effect of Salvage Market on Strategic Technology Choice and Capacity Investment Decision of Firm under Demand Uncertainty.

Kashefi, Mohammad Ali (2012): Supply chain configuration under information sharing.

Khan, Muhammad Hamza and Khan, Muhammad Hassan and Maqsood, Muhammad Nawaz and Rehman, Khaliq Ur (2012): The Relationship between Supply Chain Fit and Return on Assets of the Firm. Published in: International Journal of Management & Organizational Studies , Vol. 2, No. 1 (December 2012): pp. 54-60.

Khrustalev, Evgeny and Larin, Sergey and Khrustalev, Oleg (2023): Развитие механизмов производства инновационной продукции военного назначения на предприятиях российского оборонно-промышленного комплекса. Published in: Eurasian space: economics, law, society No. 5 (3 June 2023): pp. 51-56.

Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena (2016): Wkład Petera F. Druckera w rozwój teorii zarządzania. Published in: Zarządzanie, organizacje i organizowanie - przegląd perspektyw teoretycznych (2016): pp. 68-79.

Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena and Marczewska, Magdalena (2016): Zarządzanie operacyjne. Published in: Zarządzanie, organizacje i organizowanie - przegląd perspektyw teoretycznych (2016): pp. 80-100.

Krummel, Daniel and Siegfried, Patrick (2021): The Dark Side of Samsung’s Value Chain: The Human Costs of Cobalt Mining “BLOOD, SWEAT AND COBALT”. Published in: Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection (GEP) , Vol. 9, No. 2 (26 February 2021): pp. 182-203.

Kumbhakar, Subal C. and Peresetsky, Anatoly and Shchetynin, Yevgenii and Zaytsev, Alexey (2020): Technical efficiency and inefficiency: Reassurance of standard SFA models and a misspecification problem. Forthcoming in: Econometrics and Statistics (23 December 2021)


Lai, Richard (2005): Bullwhip in a Spanish Shop.

Lai, Richard (2006): Does Public Infrastructure Reduce Private Inventory?

Lai, Richard (2006): Executive Quirks in Operational Decisions.

Lai, Richard (2005): The Geography of Retail Inventory.

Lai, Richard (2006): Inventory Signals.

Lai, Richard (2007): Inventory and the Shape of the Earth.

Lai, Richard (2006): Inventory and the Stock Market.

Lampón, Jesús F. and Cabanelas, Pablo and Frigant, Vincent (2017): The new automobile modular platforms: from the product architecture to the manufacturing network approach.

Li, Chuanfa and Feng, Lipan and Wang, Xuehong (2014): 随机需求下的WEEE双回收渠道管理研究.

Li, Chuanfa and Feng, Lipan and Wang, Xuehong (2014): 随机需求下的WEEE双回收渠道管理研究.

Li, Chunfa and Feng, Lipan (2014): 移动互联网背景下全渠道零售策略研究.


Matić, Branko (2005): Management in the Function of Enlargement of the Issuing Profit. Published in: Interdisciplinary Management Research (2005): pp. 115-122.

Michalski, Grzegorz (2008): Decreasing negative the delivery risk influence on the recepient's firm value: Portfolio approach. Published in: ICBE-CT 2008 (6 November 2008): pp. 50-56.

Moniz, António (2004): Discussão de temas de cenarização para a indústria automóvel para aplicação do método Delphi em Portugal. Published in: WorTiS Research Reports No. RPT_DELPHI_05 (June 2004): pp. 1-17.

Musso, Fabio (2000): La Qualità Totale nell'impresa turistica. Published in: Prisma No. n. 14/15 (May 2000): pp. 48-59.


Nadda, Vipin and Rafiq, Zaman and Tyagi, Pankaj (2017): Effectiveness and Challenges of Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) in the Indian Hotel Sector. Published in: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences , Vol. 7, No. 2 (20 February 2017): pp. 218-236.

Nakhoda, Aadil (2012): The effect of foreign competition on product switching activities: A firm level analysis.

Nakkeeran, Senthil kumar and Pugalendhi, Subburethina Bharathi (2010): Continuous supply chain collaboration : Road to achieve operational excellence. Forthcoming in: Management science letters , Vol. 1, No. 1 (1 January 2010): pp. 1-8.

Neyestani, Behnam (2016): Effectiveness of Quality Management System (QMS) on Construction Projects. Forthcoming in:

Neyestani, Behnam (2017): Effects of ISO 9001 on Non-Financial and Financial Performance in the Organizations: A Review. Forthcoming in:

Neyestani, Behnam (2016): Impact of ISO 9001 Certification on the Projects' Success of Large-Scale (AAA) Construction Firms in the Philippines. Published in: International Research Journal of Management, IT & Social Sciences , Vol. 3, No. 11 (30 November 2016): pp. 35-45.

Neyestani, Behnam (2017): Principles and Contributions of Total Quality Mangement (TQM) Gurus on Business Quality Improvement. Forthcoming in: : pp. 1-17.

Neyestani, Behnam (2017): Quality Costing Technique: An Appropriate Financial Indicator for Reducing Costs and Improving Quality in the Organizations. Forthcoming in:

Neyestani, Behnam (2017): Seven Basic Tools of Quality Control: The Appropriate Techniques for Solving Quality Problems in the Organizations. Forthcoming in:

Neyestani, Behnam and Juanzon, Joseph Berlin P. (2016): Identification of A Set of Appropriate Critical Success Factors for Successful TQM Implementation in Construction, and Other Industries. Published in: International Journal of Advanced Research , Vol. 4, No. 11 (30 November 2016): pp. 1581-1591.

Neyestani, Behnam and Juanzon, Joseph Berlin P. (2017): Impact of ISO 9001 Standard on the Quality Costs of Construction Projects in the Philippines. Published in: Proceedings of 2017 Manila International Conference on “Trends in Engineering and Technology” (MTET-17), Jan. 23-24, 2017 Manila, Philippines No. (ISBN: 978-93-84468-98-9). (24 January 2017): pp. 60-65.

Nguyen, Van Phuoc (2020): Evaluation of sustainability performance in supply chain management: an empirical research of Vietnam producers’ coordinates suppliers'.

Nikitina, Lyudmila and Shcherbakova, Darya and Flagina, Tuana (2019): Анализ методик оценки эффективности управления для внедрения в систему стратегического планирования на предприятиях легкой промышленности. Published in: SCIENCE AND BUSINESS: DEVELOPMENT WAYS No. № 4(94) 2019 (April 2019): pp. 57-63.


Oepping, Hardy (2016): Bayesian Process Networks: An approach to systemic process risk analysis by mapping process models onto Bayesian networks.


P. M., Suresh Kumar and Aithal, Sreeramana (2020): Time as a Strategic Resource in Management of Organizations. Published in: ICTACT Journal on Management Studies , Vol. 6, No. 1 (20 February 2020): pp. 1138-1143.

Pan, Jinrui and Shachat, Jason and Wei, Sijia (2018): Cognitive stress and learning Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) inventory management: An experimental investigation.

Pan, Jinrui and Shachat, Jason and Wei, Sijia (2018): Cognitive stress and learning Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) inventory management: An experimental investigation.

Piątkowski, Marcin J. (2020): Results of SME Investment Activities: A Comparative Analysis among Enterprises Using and Not Using EU Subsidies in Poland. Published in: Administrative Sciences , Vol. 10, No. 1 (8 January 2020): pp. 1-26.

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