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Items where Subject is "C73 - Stochastic and Dynamic Games ; Evolutionary Games ; Repeated Games"

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Number of items at this level: 279.


Abito, Jose Miguel (2015): How much can we identify from repeated games?

Accinelli, Elvio and Covarrubias, Enrique (2015): Evolution in a Walrasian setting.

Adriani, Fabrizio and Sonderegger, Silvia (2009): Trust, Introspection, and Market Participation: an Evolutionary Approach.

Aguirregabiria, Victor (2009): Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Games Using the Nested Pseudo Likelihood Algorithm: Code and Application.

Aguirregabiria, Victor and Ho, Chun-Yu (2009): A Dynamic Oligopoly Game of the US Airline Industry: Estimation and Policy Experiments.

Aguirregabiria, Victor and Vicentini, Gustavo (2007): Software for the Computation of Markov-Perfect Equilibria in a Dynamic Game of Store Location by Multi-Store Firms.

Akamatsu, Takashi and Fujishima, Shota and Takayama, Yuki (2016): Discrete-Space Agglomeration Model with Social Interactions: Multiplicity, Stability, and Continuous Limit of Equilibria.

Akamatsu, Takashi and Fujishima, Shota and Takayama, Yuki (2015): Discrete-Space Social Interaction Models: Stability and Continuous Limit.

Alali, Walid Y. (2010): Cross Countries Economic Performances - SPF Approach.

Alves, Vasco (2020): Endogenous queue number determination in G/M/s systems. Forthcoming in: 4OR A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research

Andrikopoulos, Athanasios and Markellos, Raphael. N (2012): Dynamic interaction between markets for leasing and selling automobiles.

Antoci, Angelo and Borghesi, Simone and Marletto, Gerardo (2012): To drive or not to drive? A simple evolutionary model.

Antoci, Angelo and Borghesi, Simone and Russu, Paolo (2011): Environmental protection mechanisms and technological dynamics. Forthcoming in: Economic Modelling

Antoci, Angelo and Delfino, Alexia and Paglieri, Fabio and Sabatini, Fabio (2016): The ecology of social interactions in online and offline environments.

Antoci, Angelo and Galeotti, Marcello and Geronazzo, Lucio (2007): Visitor and firm taxes versus environmental options in a dynamical context. Published in: Journal of Applied Mathematics , Vol. Articl, No. Volume 2007 : pp. 1-15.

Antoci, Angelo and Sabatini, Fabio (2016): Online Networks, Social Interaction and Segregation: An Evolutionary Approach.

Antoci, Angelo and Sabatini, Fabio (2016): Online Networks, Social Interaction and Segregation: An Evolutionary Approach.

Antoci, Angelo and Sabatini, Fabio and Sodini, Mauro (2014): Online and offline social participation and social poverty traps. Can social networks save human relations?

Antoci, Angelo and Sabatini, Fabio and Sodini, Mauro (2011): See you on Facebook! A framework for analyzing the role of computer-mediated interaction in the evolution of social capital.

Antoci, Angelo and Sabatini, Fabio and Sodini, Mauro (2010): See you on Facebook: the effect of social networking on human interaction.

Araujo, Ricardo Azevedo (2011): Lyapunov Stability in an Evolutionary Game Theory Model of the Labor Market.

Araujo, Ricardo Azevedo and Loureiro, Paulo Roberto and Souza, Nathalia Almeida (2011): An Empirical Evaluation of an Evolutionary Game Theory Model of the Labor Market.

Araujo, Ricardo Azevedo and Moreira, Helmar Nunes (2011): Lyapunov stability in an evolutionary game theory model of the labor market.

Araujo, Ricardo Azevedo and Moreira, Helmar Nunes (2011): Lyapunov stability in an evolutionary game theory model of the labor market.

Arias-R., Omar Fdo. (2014): A condition for determinacy of optimal strategies in zero-sum convex polynomial games.

Arigapudi, Srinivas and Heller, Yuval and Schreiber, Amnon (2023): Heterogeneous Noise and Stable Miscoordination.

Arigapudi, Srinivas and Heller, Yuval and Milchtaich, Igal (2021): Instability of defection in the prisoner’s dilemma under best experienced payoff dynamics. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Theory

Atakan, Alp Enver and Ekmekci, Mehmet (2014): Reputation in Repeated Moral Hazard Games.

Athanassoglou, Stergios (2009): Dynamic nonpoint-source pollution control policy: ambient transfers and uncertainty. Published in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control , Vol. 1, No. 34 (2010): pp. 2494-2509.


Balanquit, Romeo (2010): Equilibrium restoration in a class of tolerant strategies.

Barlo, Mehmet and Ozdogan, Ayca (2011): Optimality of linearity with collusion and renegotiation.

Barlo, Mehmet and Urgun, Can (2011): Stochastic discounting in repeated games: Awaiting the almost inevitable.

Basuchoudhary, Atin and Allen, Sam and Siemers, Troy (2008): Civilization and the evolution of short sighted agents.

Beard, Rodney and Mallawaarachchi, Thilak and Salerno, Gillian (2007): Environmental lobbying with imperfect monitoring of environmental quality.

Berardi, Michele (2012): Strategic interactions, incomplete information and learning.

Berman, Ron and Heller, Yuval (2021): Naive Analytics Equilibrium.

Billette de Villemeur, Etienne and Ruble, Richard and Versaevel, Bruno (2013): Investment Timing and Vertical Relationships. Published in: International Journal of Industrial Organization , Vol. 33, (March 2014): pp. 110-123.

Bisceglia, Michele and Cellini, Roberto and Grilli, Luca (2019): On the optimality of the yardstick regulation in the presence of dynamic interaction.

Bisceglia, Michele and Cellini, Roberto and Grilli, Luca (2017): Quality competition in healthcare services with regional regulators: A differential game approach.

Bonaventura, Luigi and Caserta, Maurizio (2004): An adaptive evolutionary behaviour for the demand-led growth adjustment.

Boncinelli, Leonardo and Pin, Paolo (2014): Efficiency and Stability in a Process of Teams Formation.

Boudreau, James W. and Sanders, Shane and Shunda, Nicholas (2017): The Role of Noise in Alliance Formation and Collusion in Conflicts.

Boudreau, James W. and Shunda, Nicholas (2010): On the evolution of prize perceptions in contests.

Boudreau, James W. and Shunda, Nicholas (2015): Tacit Collusion in Repeated Contests with Noise.

Boyer, Tristan and Jonard, Nicolas (2010): Imitation and Efficient Contagion.

Breitmoser, Yves (2013): Cooperation, but no reciprocity: Individual strategies in the repeated Prisoner's Dilemma.

Brinca, Pedro (2005): Are Kant's categorical imperative and instrumental rationality incompatible? The case for the prisoner's dilemma.

Bruni, Luigino and Smerilli, Alessandra (2010): Cooperation and diversity. An evolutionary approach.

Brusset, Xavier (2009): Choosing a transport contract over multiple periods. Published in: International Journal Logistics Systems and Management , Vol. 5, No. 2-3 (February 2009): pp. 273-322.

Brusset, Xavier (2009): Properties of distributions with increasing failure rate.

Bøg, Martin (2007): Is Segregation Robust?


Cabo, Francisco and Martín-Román, Ángel L. (2017): Dynamic collective bargaining. Frictional effects under open-shop industrial relations.

Carfì, David (2009): Reactivity in decision-form games.

Carfì, David and Ricciardello, Angela (2011): Mixed extensions of decision-form games.

Carfì, David and Ricciardello, Angela and Agreste, Santa (2011): An Algorithm for payoff space in C1 parametric games.

Celen, Bogachan and Hyndman, Kyle (2006): Endogenous Network Formation In the Laboratory.

Cellini, Roberto and Lisi, Domenico (2019): Readmission treatment price and product quality in the hospital sector: A note.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2020): Hopf Bifurcation from new-Keynesian Taylor rule to Ramsey Optimal Policy. Published in: Macroeconomic Dyanmics (18 January 2020): pp. 1-33.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2020): How Macroeconomists Lost Control of Stabilization Policy: Towards Dark Ages. Forthcoming in: The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought , Vol. 6, No. 27 (2020)

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2019): A Simple Algorithm for Solving Ramsey Optimal Policy with Exogenous Forcing Variables. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 4, No. 39 (25 October 2019): pp. 2429-2440.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2017): A Simple Algorithm for Solving Ramsey Optimal Policy with Exogenous Forcing Variables.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2020): The Welfare of Ramsey Optimal Policy Facing Auto-Regressive Shocks. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 2, No. 40 (24 June 2020): pp. 1797-1803.

Chen, Yenming and Sheu, Jiuh-Biing (2007): Environmental-Regulation Pricing Strategies for Green Supply Chain Management. Published in: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review , Vol. 45, No. 5 (September 2009): pp. 667-677.

Cheung, Man-Wah and WU, JIABIN (2016): On The Transmission of Continuous Cultural Traits.

Chiappinelli, Olga (2014): An elimination contest with non-sunk bids.

Choo, Lawrence C.Y and Kaplan, Todd R. (2014): Are Behaviours in the "11-20" Game Well Explained by the level-k Model?

Ciuiu, Daniel (2009): Linear Programming by Solving Systems of Differential Equations Using Game Theory. Published in: Proceedings of the 9-th Balkan Conference on Operational Research, September 02-06 2009, Constanta, Romania (August 2009): pp. 72-78.

Ciuiu, Daniel (2008): Solving nonlinear systems of equations and nonlinear systems of differential equations by the Monte Carlo method using queueing networks and games theory. Published in: Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, Seria Informatica. No. 1, 2008 (2010): pp. 111-125.

Corchon, Luis (1990): On natural selection in oligopolistic markets.

Corchon, Luis and Marini, Marco A. (2017): Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Volume II: Applications. An Introduction. Forthcoming in: Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Volume II: Applications. No. Edward Elgar (1 January 2018)

Correani, Luca and Garofalo, Giuseppe (2008): Chaos in the tourism industry.


Dai, Darong (2010): The Evolution of Cooperation in a Generalized Moran Process.

Dai, Darong (2012): Learning Nash Equilibria.

Dai, Darong (2010): 一般化Moran过程中的合作演化.

Dai, Shuanping (2012): The Emergence of Efficient Institutions and Social Interactions.

De Luca, Giacomo and Sekeris, Petros and Spengler, Dominic (2015): Can Violence Harm Cooperation? Experimental Evidence.

De Marco, Giuseppe and Romaniello, Maria (2008): Evolution of Coalition Structures under Uncertainty.

Deb, Rahul (2008): Optimal Contracting Of New Experience Goods.

Dennis, Richard and Kirsanova, Tatiana (2010): Expectations Traps and Coordination Failures: Selecting among Multiple Discretionary Equilibria.

Dittrich, Dennis Alexis Valin and Büchner, Susanne and Kulesz, Micaela Maria (2014): Dynamic Repeated Random Dictatorship and Gender Discrimination.

Dmitry, Ilinskiy and Sergey, Izmalkov and Alexey, Savvateev (2022): Последовательные труэли: равновесие с выживанием сильнейшего.

Donna, Javier and Schenone, Pablo and Veramendi, Gregory (2015): Frictions in Internet Auctions with Many Traders: a Counterexample.

Drichoutis, Andreas C. and Grimm, Veronika and Karakostas, Alexandros (2020): Bribing to Queue-Jump: An experiment on cultural differences in bribing attitudes among Greeks and Germans.

Du, Chuang (2012): Solving payoff sets of perfect public equilibria: an example.

Dubovik, Andrei and Parakhonyak, Alexei (2018): Escalating games: how intermediate levels of conflict affect stability of cooperation.

Duersch, Peter and Oechssler, Joerg and Schipper, Burkhard C (2010): Pure Saddle Points and Symmetric Relative Payoff Games.

Duersch, Peter and Oechssler, Joerg and Schipper, Burkhard C (2010): Unbeatable Imitation.

Dziubinski, Marcin and Roy, Jaideep (2007): Endogenous selection of aspiring and rational rules in coordination games.


Ekmekci, Mehmet and Maestri, Lucas (2019): Reputation and screening in a noisy environment with irreversible actions.

Elsner, Wolfram and Schwardt, Henning (2012): Trust and Arena Size. Expectations, Trust, and Institutions Co-Evolving, and Their Critical Population and Group Sizes.



Fanelli, Domenico (2010): The Role of Socially Concerned Consumers in the Coexistence of Ethical and Standard Firms.

Feng, Dai and Yuan-Zheng, Zhong (2006): The Stochastic Advance-Retreat Course: An Approach to Analyse Social-Economic Evolution.

Fent, Thomas (1999): Using Genetics Based Machine Learning to find Strategies for Product Placement in a dynamic Market.

Fent, Thomas (2000): Wissen gewinnen und gewinnen durch Wissen.

Frenkel, Sivan and Heller, Yuval and Teper, Roee (2017): The Endowment Effect as blessing. Forthcoming in: International Economic Review No. forthcoming

Friedman, Daniel and Singh, Nirvikar (2007): Equilibrium Vengeance.


Gallice, Andrea (2008): Preempting versus Postponing: the Stealing Game.

Gallo, Edoardo and Riyanto, Yohanes E. and Roy, Nilanjan and Teh, Tat-How (2019): Cooperation in an Uncertain and Dynamic World.

Garcia-Martinez, Jose A. (2012): An Unexpected Role of Local Selectivity in Social Promotion.

Giebe, Thomas and Lee, Miyu (2019): Competitors In Merger Control: Shall They Be Merely Heard Or Also Listened To?

Gill, David and Prowse, Victoria (2012): Cognitive ability and learning to play equilibrium: A level-k analysis.

Guha, Brishti (2016): Moral Hazard, Bertrand Competition, and Natural Monopoly.

Gürerk, Özgür and Rockenbach, Bettina and Wolff, Irenaeus (2010): The effects of punishment in dynamic public-good games.


Halkos, George (2009): A Differential game approach in the case of a polluting oligopoly.

Halpern, Joe and Heller, Yuval and Winter, Eyal (2022): The Benefits of Coarse Preferences.

Hamanaka, Shingo (2008): Inequality and Authoritarianism in the Developing Countries. Published in: International Political Economy , Vol. 22, (31 November 2008): pp. 57-74.

Hanappi, Hardy (2022): Russia. The Background of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine.

Hanauske, Matthias and Kunz, Jennifer and Bernius, Steffen and König, Wolfgang (2009): Doves and hawks in economics revisited [An evolutionary quantum game theory-based analysis of financial crises].

Hashimoto, Tadashi (2007): A Corrigendum to "Games with Imperfectly Observable Actions in Continuous Time".

Hattori, Keisuke (2021): Profit-Sharing vs Price-Fixing Collusion with Heterogeneous Firms.

He, Wei and Sun, Yeneng (2015): Dynamic Games with Almost Perfect Information.

He, Wei and Sun, Yeneng (2013): Stationary Markov Perfect Equilibria in Discounted Stochastic Games.

Heller, Yuval (2017): Instability of Belief-Free Equilibria. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Theory No. forthcoming

Heller, Yuval (2013): Language, Meaning, and Games: A Model of Communication, Coordination, and Evolution: Comment. Forthcoming in: American Economic Review No. forthcoming

Heller, Yuval (2013): Overconfidence and diversification. Forthcoming in: American Economic Journal: Microeconomics No. Forthcoming

Heller, Yuval (2010): Overconfidence and diversification.

Heller, Yuval (2009): Perfect correlated equilibria in stopping games.

Heller, Yuval (2009): Sequential correlated equilibrium in stopping games. Forthcoming in: Operations Research No. Forthcoming

Heller, Yuval (2013): Stability and trembles in extensive-form games. Forthcoming in: Games and Economic Behaivor No. forthcoming

Heller, Yuval (2012): Three steps ahead.

Heller, Yuval (2012): Three steps ahead.

Heller, Yuval (2015): Three steps ahead. Published in: Theoretical Economics , Vol. 10, No. 1 (1 January 2015)

Heller, Yuval and Kuzmics, Christoph (2020): Communication, Renegotiation and Coordination with Private Values (Extended Version).

Heller, Yuval and Mohlin, Erik (2015): Coevolution of Deception and Preferences: Darwin and Nash Meet Machiavelli.

Heller, Yuval and Mohlin, Erik (2017): Observations on Cooperation. Forthcoming in: Review of Economic Studies No. forthcoming

Heller, Yuval and Mohlin, Erik (2017): Social Learning and the Shadow of the Past. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Theory No. forthcoming

Heller, Yuval and Mohlin, Erik (2015): Unique Stationary Behavior.

Heller, Yuval and Sturrock, David (2017): Promises and Endogenous Reneging Costs.

Heller, Yuval and Winter, Eyal (2017): Biased-Belief Equilibrium. Forthcoming in: American Economic journal: Microeconomics No. forthcoming

Heller, Yuval and Winter, Eyal (2018): Biased-Belief Equilibrium. Forthcoming in: American Economic journal: Microeconomics

Heller, Yuval and Winter, Eyal (2011): Biased-Belief Equilibrium.

Hellman, Ziv (2008): Bargaining Set Solution Concepts in Dynamic Cooperative Games.

Hernández, José and Guerrero-Luchtenberg, César (2016): Social capital, perceptions and economic performance. Published in: Theoretical Economic Letters , Vol. 6, No. 2 (16 April 2016): pp. 214-227.

Hino, Yoshifumi (2018): A folk theorem in infinitely repeated prisoner's dilemma with small observation cost.

Hino, Yoshifumi (2018): A folk theorem in infinitely repeated prisoner's dilemma with small observation cost.

Hori, Katsuhiko and Shibata, Akihisa (2009): Dynamic game model of endogenous growth with consumption externalities. Published in: Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications , Vol. 145, No. 1 (April 2010): pp. 93-107.

Howell, William and Shepsle, Kenneth and Wolton, Stephane (2020): Executive Absolutism: A Model.

Huang, Bing and Cao, Jiling and Chung, Hyuck (2013): Strategic real options with stochastic volatility in a duopoly model.


Ille, Sebastian (2021): The Evolution of Sectarianism. Published in: Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation , Vol. 97, (21 January 2021): pp. 1-14.

Irfanoglu, Zeynep and Mago, Shakun and Sheremeta, Roman (2015): New Hampshire Effect: Behavior in Sequential and Simultaneous Election Contests.

Isaac, Alan G (2006): Social Consequences of Commitment.

Istrate, Gabriel and Marathe, Madhav V. and Ravi, S.S. (2008): Adversarial scheduling analysis of Game-Theoretic Models of Norm Diffusion. Forthcoming in: Proceedings of the Fourth Computability in Europe (CIE'2008) Conference No. Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 5028 (to appear) (2008): pp. 1-15.

Izquierdo, Luis R. (2008): Advancing Learning and Evolutionary Game Theory with an Application to Social Dilemmas.


Jo, Seung-gyu and den Butter, Frank A. G. (2009): Pros and Cons of Backing Winners in Innovation Policy.


Kaizoji, Taisei (kaizoji@icu.ac.jp) (2010): A behavioral model of bubbles and crashes.

Kamei, Kenju (2019): Cooperation and Endogenous Repetition in an Infinitely Repeated Social Dilemma: Experimental Evidence.

Kamei, Kenju (2015): Endogenous Reputation Formation: Cooperation and Identity under the Shadow of the Future.

Kamei, Kenju (2016): Information Disclosure and Cooperation in a Finitely-repeated Dilemma: Experimental Evidence.

Kamei, Kenju (2020): The Perverse Costly Signaling Effect on Cooperation under the Shadow of the Future.

Kamei, Kenju and Nesterov, Artem (2020): Endogenous Monitoring through Gossiping in an Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma Game: Experimental Evidence.

Karpov, Alexander (2016): Evolutionary Justification of Plagiarism.

Karpowicz, Anna and Szajowski, Krzysztof (2010): Anglers’ Fishing Problem. Published in: Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games , Vol. 12, No. Advances in Dynamic Games (August 2012): pp. 327-349.

Khan, Abhimanyu (2021): Evolutionary Stability of Behavioural Rules.

Khan, Abhimanyu (2021): Evolutionary Stability of Behavioural Rules.

Khan, Abhimanyu (2018): Evolutionary stability of behavioural rules in bargaining.

Khan, Abhimanyu (2018): Expected Utility Preferences versus Prospect Theory Preferences in Bargaining.

Khan, Abhimanyu (2018): Games between responsive behavioural rules.

Kinateder, Markus (2009): Delayed Perfect Monitoring in Repeated Games.

Koulovatianos, Christos (2010): A Paradox of Environmental Awareness Campaigns.

Kukushkin, Nikolai S. (2008): Best response adaptation under dominance solvability.


Laib, Fodil and Radjef, MS (2010): Automatizing Price Negotiation in Commodities Markets.

Laib, Fodil and Radjef, MS (2008): Optimal Strategies for Automated Traders in a Producer-Consumer Futures Market.

Larrosa, Juan MC (2007): Optimal growth with intermediate goods interdependence: A difference game approach.

Larson, Nathan (2011): Network security.

Lehmann, Jee-Yeon and Smith, Jeremy (2011): Attorney empowerment in Voir Dire and the racial composition of juries.

Lensberg, Terje and Schenk-Hoppé, Klaus R. (2021): Cold play: Learning across bimatrix games.

Leonidas, Spiliopoulos (2009): Learning backward induction: a neural network agent approach. Published in: Agent-Based Approaches in Economic and Social Complex Systems VI, edn. 2011, Springer, Japan (2011)

Lindgren, Kristian and Verendel, Vilhelm (2013): Evolutionary Exploration of the Finitely Repeated Prisoners' Dilemma--The Effect of Out-of-Equilibrium Play. Published in: Games , Vol. 4, No. 1 : pp. 1-20.

Lipatov, Vilen (2003): Evolution of Tax Evasion.


Mago, Shakun and Sheremeta, Roman (2018): New Hampshire Effect: Behavior in Sequential and Simultaneous Multi-Battle Contests. Forthcoming in: Experimental Economics

Margaria, Chiara and Smolin, Alex (2017): Dynamic Communication with Biased Senders. Forthcoming in: Games and Economic Behavior

Martorana, Marco Ferdinando (2011): Voting Behaviour in a dynamic perspective: a survey.

Mason, Patrick L. (2007): Driving while black: do police pass the test? Published in: Driving while black: do police pass the test? , Vol. 14, (2007): pp. 79-113.

Mathevet, Laurent (2012): A simple axiomatics of dynamic play in repeated games.

Mehlum, Halvor and Moene, Kalle (2008): King of the Hill Positional Dynamics in Contests.

Mekvabishvili, Rati and Mekvabishvili, Elguja and Natsvaladze, Marine and Sirbiladze, Rusudan and Mzhavanadze, Giorgi and Deisadze, Salome (2023): Prosocial Behavior and the Individual Normative Standard of Fairness within a Dynamic Context: Experimental Evidence. Published in: Open Journal of Social Sciences , Vol. 3, No. 11 (20 March 2023): pp. 204-221.

Mengel, Friederike (2007): Conformism and Cooperation in a Local Interaction Model.

Mengel, Friederike and Fosco, Constanza (2007): Cooperation through Imitation and Exclusion in Networks.

Miglo, Anton (2006): Debt-equity choice as a signal of profit profile over time.

Miglo, Anton and Zenkevich, Nikolay (2005): Non-hierarchical signalling: two-stage financing game. Forthcoming in: Game Theory and Applications, Nova Science Publishers Inc., NY , Vol. Volume,

Mino, Kazuo (2001): On Time Consistency in Stackelberg Differential Games.

Mohammadi, Mohammad Ali (2021): Estimating Possible Subsidy Effects in Broadband Services and Deployment.

Molzon, Robert and Puzzello, Daniela (2008): Random Matching and Aggregate Uncertainty.

Moreira, Helmar Nunes and Araujo, Ricardo Azevedo (2011): On the existence and the number of limit cycles in evolutionary games.

Moyouwou, Issofa and Pongou, Roland and Tchantcho, Bertrand (2015): Fraudulent Democracy: A Dynamic Ordinal Game Approach.

Mulaj, Isa (2012): The geopolitics in the spheres of influence, domination, and overrule: towards a new world order or disorder?

Mundaca, Gabriela (2011): Short-run vs. long-run cooperation among the G-20 countries.


Nakajima, Tetsuya (2014): Giving a Second Chance to a Disadvantaged Player Resolves the Prisoner’s Dilemma.

Nakao, Keisuke (2019): Moving Forward vs. Inflicting Costs in a Random-Walk Model of War.

Nannen, Volker and van den Bergh, Jeroen C. J. M. (2010): Policy Instruments for Evolution of Bounded Rationality: Application to Climate-Energy Problems. Published in: Technological Forecasting & Social Change , Vol. 77, (January 2010): pp. 76-93.

Naqvi, Nadeem (2010): A theory of dynamic tariff and quota retaliation.

Neog, Rupok and Borkotokey, Surajit (2011): Dynamic resource allocation in fuzzy coalitions : a game theoretic model.

Ngoie, Ruffin-Benoît M. and Ulungu, Berthold E.-L. (2014): Mean-median compromise method as an innovating voting rule in social choice theory. Published in: International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research , Vol. 4, No. 1 (27 January 2015): pp. 177-182.

Nowak, Andrzej S. and Szajowski, Krzysztof (1998): Nonzero-sum Stochastic Games. Published in: Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games , Vol. 4, (1999): pp. 297-342.


Ohlendorf, Susanne and Schmitz, Patrick W. (2011): Repeated moral hazard and contracts with memory: The case of risk-neutrality.

Osawa, Minoru and Akamatsu, Takashi (2019): Equilibrium refinement for a model of non-monocentric internal structures of cities: A potential game approach.

Osório-Costa, António M. (2009): Efficiency Gains in Repeated Games at Random Moments in Time.

Osório-Costa, António M. (2009): Frequent Monitoring in Repeated Games under Brownian Uncertainty.

Oyama, Daisuke and Takahashi, Satoru and Hofbauer, Josef (2003): Monotone Methods for Equilibrium Selection under Perfect Foresight Dynamics.

Oyama, Daisuke and Tercieux, Olivier (2004): Iterated Potential and Robustness of Equilibria.


Pachankis, Yang (2022): Jeopardies in human security and politicization of COVID-19. Forthcoming in: Ethics, Medicine and Public Health

Pachankis, Yang (2022): Shift Balance of Centralized Banking System — Saving Democracy from Populism. Published in: Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce , Vol. 28, No. 1 (3 March 2023)

Pedro, de Mendonça (2009): Self-Enforcing Climate Change Treaties: A Generalized Differential Game Approach with Applications.

Penta, Antonio (2004): Perfect Sequential Reciprocity and Dynamic Consistency.

Persichina, Marco (2019): Cascading Defections from Cooperation Triggered by Present-Biased Behaviors in the Commons.

Podczeck, Konrad and Puzzello, Daniela (2009): Independent Random Matching. Forthcoming in: Economic Theory

Pongou, Roland and Serrano, Roberto (2013): Fidelity Networks and Long-Run Trends in HIV/AIDS Gender Gaps. Published in: American Economic Review , Vol. 3, No. 103 (1 May 2013): pp. 298-302.

Pradiptyo, Rimawan and Sasmitasiwi, Banoon and Sahadewo, Gumilang Aryo (2011): Evidence of homo economicus? Findings from experiment on evolutionary prisoners' dilemma game.

Protopapas, M.K. and Kosmatopoulos, E.B. and Battaglia, F. (2009): Coevolutionary Genetic Algorithms for Establishing Nash Equilibrium in Symmetric Cournot Games. Published in: Advances in Decision Sciences , Vol. 2010, No. 2010 (May 2010)


Quinteros, María José and Villena, Marcelo J. and Villena, Mauricio G. (2019): Whistleblowing Behavior in Organizations.


Radax, Wolfgang and Rengs, Bernhard (2009): Replication of the Demographic Prisoner’s Dilemma.

Raduna, Daniela Viviana and Roman, Mihai Daniel (2011): Risk aversion influence on insurance market. Published in: Economics and Finance Review , Vol. 1(12), (28 February 2012): pp. 19-29.

Ramsey, David M. and Szajowski, Krzysztof (2000): Bilateral Approach to the Secretary Problem. Published in: Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games , Vol. 7, (2005): pp. 271-284.

Reichenvater, Arno (2007): Business Cycles, Political Incentives and the Macroeconomy: Comparison of Models. Published in: Electronic Publications of the University of Joensuu (May 2007)

Rodríguez Arosemena, Nicolás (2018): The Dominium Mundi Game and the Case for Artificial Intelligence in Economics and the Law.

Roman, Mihai Daniel (2008): Entreprises behavior in cooperative and punishment‘s repeated negotiations. Published in: Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods No. 1/2009 (30 January 2009): pp. 1-16.

Roman, Mihai Daniel (2010): A game theoretic approach of war with financial influences. Published in: Proceedings of International conference NEW CHALLENGES IN THE FIELD OF MILITARY SCIENCES 2010 (28 September 2010): pp. 104-110.

Romanyuk, Gleb and Smolin, Alexey (2018): Cream Skimming and Information Design in Matching Markets.

Rosa, Benjamin (2020): Affirmative Action Subcontracting Regulations in Dynamic Procurement Auctions.

Rotta, Tomas (2020): Effective Demand and Prices of Production: An Evolutionary Approach.

Rtischev, Dimitry (2012): Evolution of mindsight, transparency and rule-rationality.

Rtischev, Dimitry (2010): Evolution of vulnerability to pain in interpersonal relations as a strategic trait aiding cooperation. Forthcoming in: Journal of Evolutionary Economics

Ruijgrok, Matthijs and Ruijgrok, Theo (2013): An effective replicator equation for games with a continuous strategy set.

Rungcharoenkitkul, Phurichai (2005): Coordination failure cycle.

Rungcharoenkitkul, Phurichai (2006): Learning and Hysteresis in a Dynamic Coordination Game.

Rutstrom, E. Elizabet and Wilcox, Nathaniel (2008): Stated versus inferred beliefs: A methodological inquiry and experimental test.


Said, Maher (2010): Auctions with Dynamic Populations: Efficiency and Revenue Maximization.

Said, Maher (2008): Information Revelation in Sequential Ascending Auctions.

Said, Maher (2009): Sequential Auctions with Randomly Arriving Buyers.

Saito, Tetsuya (2005): Managerial Strategies of the Cotton South.

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