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Items where Subject is "G34 - Mergers ; Acquisitions ; Restructuring ; Corporate Governance"

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Number of items at this level: 367.


Abbas, Qamar and Hunjra, Ahmed Imran and Azam, Rauf I and Ijaz, Muhammad Shahzad and Zahid, Maliha (2014): Financial performance of banks in Pakistan after Merger and Acquisition. Published in: Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research , Vol. 4, No. 1 : pp. 1-15.

Abdelhamid, El Bouhadi and Salma, Dasser and Amale, Lahlou and Abdelkader, Elkhider (2009): Contrôle et régulation du marché boursier : un problème de risque moral.

Abramova, Inna and Core, John and Sutherland, Andrew (2019): Institutional Investor Attention and Firm Disclosure.

Agoraki, Maria-Eleni and Delis, Manthos D and Staikouras, Panagiotis (2009): The effect of board size and composition on bank efficiency.

Agrawal, Ashwini K. (2009): The Impact of Investor Protection Law on Corporate Policy: Evidence from the Blue Sky Laws.

Agyemang, Otuo Serebour and Aboagye, Emmanuel and Ahali, Aaron Yao Ofoe (2013): Prospects and Challenges of Corporate Governance in Ghana. Published in: International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication , Vol. 3, No. 5 (6 May 2013): pp. 1-9.

Alves, Paulo and Silva, Paulo (2017): Abnormal Retained Earnings Around The World.

Ang, James and Knill, April and Mauck, Nathan (2014): Investment Opportunity Sets of Real Assets: An International Empirical Study Based on Ownership Types.

Apostolov, Mico (2011): Attributes to corporate governance and enterprise restructuring in the Macedonian economy.

Apostolov, Mico (2011): Attributes to corporate governance and enterprise restructuring in the Macedonian economy. Published in:

Arnone, Massimo and Drago, Carlo and Costantiello, Alberto and Leogrande, Angelo (2025): Political Trust in Italy: How Environmental, Social, and Governance Factors Shape Confidence in Parties.

Arteaga, R. and Menéndez-Requejo, S. (2017): Family Constitution and Business Performance: Moderating Factors. Published in: Family Business Review , Vol. 4, No. 30 (November 2017): pp. 320-338.

Asano, Koji (2023): Reputation and the Wall Street Walk.

Asimakopoulos, Ioannis and Athanasoglou, Panayiotis and Georgiou, Evangelia (2005): The effect of M&A announcement on Greek bank stock returns. Published in: RePEc No. Economic Bulletin 24 (January 2005): pp. 22-44.

Asimakopoulos, Ioannis and Athanasoglou, Panayiotis P. (2009): Revisiting the merger and acquisition performance of European banks. Published in: RePEc No. Working Paper 100 (August 2009)

Athanasoglou, Panayiotis and Brissimis, Sophocles (2004): The effect of M&A on bank efficiency in Greece. Published in: RePEc No. Economic Bulletin 22 (January 2004): pp. 7-31.

Athar, Iqbal and Khan, Muhammad Irfan and Ali, Saffar (2012): CEO Compensation and Bank Performance. Published in: American Journal of Scientific Research , Vol. 9, No. 78 (15 October 2012): pp. 93-100.

Avadanei, Andreea (2010): Analiza efectelor Zonei Unice de Plati in Euro in contextul crizei financiare internationale. Forthcoming in:

Awdeh, Ali and EL-Moussawi, Chawki (2011): Analysing the Motives and the Outcomes of Bank Mergers. Published in: Middle Eastern Finance and Economics No. 15 (2011): pp. 6-20.


Bae, Kee-Hong and Kim, Seung-Bo and Kim, Woochan (2012): Family control and expropriation at not-for-profit organizations: evidence from korean private universities. Published in: Corporate Governance: An International Review , Vol. 4, No. 20 (2012): pp. 388-404.

Bardong, Florian and Bartram, Söhnke M. and Yadav, Pradeep K. (2006): The Effect of Corporate Break-ups on Information Asymmetry: A Market Microstructure Analysis.

Beckmann, Rainer and Eppendorfer, Carsten and Neimke, Markus (2002): Financial integration within the European Union: Towards a single market for insurance. Published in: IEW Diskussionsbeiträge No. 40 (2002)

Beckmann, Rainer and Eppendorfer, Carsten and Neimke, Markus (2002): Market Access Strategies in the EU Banking Sector - Obstacles and Benefits towards an integrated European Retail Market. Published in: IEW Diskussionsbeiträge No. 41 (2002)

Bednarek, Ziemowit and Moszoro, Marian (2014): The Arrow-Lind Theorem Revisited: Ownership Concentration and Valuation. Published in: Applied Financial Economics [merged into Applied Economics] , Vol. 24, No. 5 : pp. 357-375.

Beena, S (2006): Mergers and Acquisitions in the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry: Nature, Structure and Performance.

Bekirova, Olga and Zubarev, Andrey (2022): Эконометрический анализ факторов банкротств российских компаний в обрабатывающем секторе.

Beltratti, Andrea and Paladino, Giovanna (2011): Is M&A different during a crisis? Evidence from the European banking sector.

Ben Rejeb, Wajdi (2014): Good Board Governance and Perceived Business Continuity in Tunisian Corporate Groups. Published in: Journal of Asian Developement Studies , Vol. 3, No. 4 (20 December 2014): pp. 21-34.

Ben Slimane, FATEN (2007): L'Evolution des Marchés Boursiers Européens: Enjeux et limites.

Ben Slimane, Faten (2006): Le partenariat euro méditerranéen et son impact sur le développement des marchés boursiers méditerranéens.

Berkman, Henk and Cole, Rebel and Fu, Lawrence (2001): Improving corporate governance where the State is the controlling block holder: Evidence from China.

Berkman, Henk and Cole, Rebel and Fu, Lawrence (2010): Political connections and minority-shareholder protection: Evidence from securities-market regulation in China. Published in: Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis , Vol. 6, No. 45 (1 December 2010): pp. 1391-1417.

Bhattarai, Keshab and Prasuna, Asha and Kumar, SNV Siva (2024): Structural Risk Modelling- Indian Mergers & Acquisitions.

Bischoff, Oliver and Buchwald, Achim (2015): Horizontal and Vertical Firm Networks, Corporate Performance and Product Market Competition.

Biswas, Shreya (2015): Small World of Inter-firm Network an Firm's Acquisition Behaviour - An Evidence from India.

Black, Bernard and De Carvalho, Antonio Gledson and Khanna, Vikramaditya and Kim, Woochan and Yurtoglu, Burcin (2014): Methods for Multicountry Studies of Coporate Governance: Evidence from the BRIKT Countries.

Black, Bernard and Kim, Woochan (2011): The effect of board structure on firm value: a multiple identification strategies approach using Korean data. Published in: Journal of Financial Economics , Vol. 104, (April 2012): pp. 203-226.

Blind, Georg and Lottanti von Mandach, Stefania (2017): When Vultures Bring Blessings: Employment Growth in Japanese businesses under Private Equity Ownership.

Bloch, Francis and Hege, Ulrich (2003): Multiple Shareholders and Control Contests.

Bobirca, Ana and Miclaus, Paul-Gabriel (2007): Corporate Governance: a South-Eastern European perspective.

Bohdana, Stepanenko (2009): ІНТЕРНАЦІОНАЛІЗАЦІЯ БАНКІВСЬКОГО СЕКТОРУ УКРАЇНИ: ЦІНА Й МЕТОДИ ЗЛИТТЯ ТА ПОГЛИНАНЬ. Published in: Економіст , Vol. 1, (January 2010): pp. 12-16.

Bokov, Vassily and Vernikov, Andrei (2008): Quality of governance and bank valuation in Russia: An empirical study. Published in: EJournal of Corporate Finance , Vol. 3, No. 7 (October 2008): pp. 5-16.

Bolt, Wilko and Peeters, Marga (1998): Corporate governance in the Netherlands. Published in: Corporate governance, financial markets and global convergence - Balling et al (eds) (1998): pp. 89-110.

Bongini, Paola and Di Battista, Maria Luisa and Zavarrone, Emma (2006): David and Goliath: small banks in an era of consolidation. Evidence from Italy.

Boubaker, Sabri and Nguyen, Pascal and Rouatbi, Wael (2012): Large shareholders and firm risk-taking behavior.

Bourjade, Sylvain and Germain, Laurent (2011): Collusion in board of directors.

Boylan, Robert and Cebula, Richard and Foley, Maggie and Liu, Xiaowei (2013): An Analysis of Omitted Shareholder Proposals. Published in: Journal of Finance and Accountancy , Vol. 17, No. 1 (13 June 2014): pp. 1-16.

Broere, Mark and Christmann, Robin (2019): Takeovers, Shareholder Litigation, and the Free-riding Problem.

Brugger Jakob, Samuel Immanuel (2007): ¿Puede el gobierno corporativo aprender del gobierno público?

Bubbico, Rossana and Giorgino, Marco and Monda, Barbara (2012): The Impact of Corporate Governance on the Market Value of Financial Institutions - Empirical Evidences from Italy.

Bukvić, Rajko and Rajnović, Ljiljana (2019): Управление предприятием и интерес акционеров: концепция максимизации рыночной стоимости. Published in: Большая Евразия: Развитие, безопасность, сотрудничество. Ежегодник. Выпуск 3. Часть 1. РАН. ИНИОН, сотрудничества; Отв. ред. В.И. Герасимов. Москва, 2020. (2020): pp. 283-290.

Bukvić, Rajko and Rajnović, Ljilјana (2018): Треба ли компанијама управљати у интересу акционара? Published in: Korporativno upravljanje u Srbiji, Ekonomski fakultet u Beogradu, Beograd (2018): pp. 93-105.

Bundaleska, Elena and Dimitrova, Makedonka and Nikolovska, Zdenka (2011): Corporate governance and small & medium businesses. Published in: Зборник на трудови од 4та меѓународна конференција “Business Development 2011" (November 2011)

Burkart, Mike (2009): Analyse de l'impact des coûts de participation sur la stratégie des enchérisseurs dans les Prises de contrôle.

Butzbach, Olivier and Di Carlo, Ferdinando (2008): The effects of stock options accounting regulation on corporate governance: A comparative European study.


Cantillo, Miguel (2016): Villains or Heroes? Private Banks and Railroads after the Sherman Act.

Carney, Richard W. and Liu, Wai-Man (Raymond) and Ngo, Phong T. H. (2012): Responding to Financial Crisis: The Rise of State Ownership and Implications for Firm Performance.

Carretta, Alessandro and Farina, Vincenzo and Gon, Abhishek and Parisi, Antonio (2011): Politicians “on board”! Do political connections affect banking activities in Italy?

Carretta, Alessandro and Farina, Vincenzo and Graziano, Elvira Anna and Reale, Marco (2011): Does investor attention influence stock market activity? The case of spin-off deals.

Carretta, Alessandro and Farina, Vincenzo and Schwizer, Paola (2006): Evaluating the board of directors of financial intermediaries: competencies, effectiveness and performance.

Carretta, Alessandro and Farina, Vincenzo and Schwizer, Paola (2007): M&A and post merger integration in banking industry: the missing link of corporate culture.

Chaw, Chun Ho (2019): Corporate Governance and Liquidity Risk of Coolpad Group Limited.

Cheema, Khaliq Ur Rehman and Din, Muhammad Sadat (2013): Impact of Corporate Governance on Performance of Firms: A Case Study of Cement Industry in Pakistan. Published in: Journal of Business and Management Sciences , Vol. 4, No. 1 (2013): pp. 44-46.

Chen, Kaiji and Song, Zheng (2007): Financial Friction, Capital Reallocation and Expectation-Driven Business Cycles.

Chen, Kaiji and Song, Zheng (2009): Financial Frictions on Capital Allocation: A Transmission Mechanism of TFP Fluctuations.

Cheong, Juyoung and Kim, Woochan (2014): Revisiting Executive Pay in Family-Controlled Firms: Family Premium in Large Business Groups.

Chilosi, Alberto (2010): Stakeholder Protection, Varieties of Capitalism, and Long-Term Unemployment. Forthcoming in: European Journal of Comparative Economics

Chilosi, Alberto (2010): Stakeholder protection in corporate governance and in the legal system, the founders’ perspective, and the varieties of capitalism.

Chilosi, Alberto (2010): Stakeholder protection in corporate governance and in the legal system, the varieties of capitalism, and long term unemployment.

Chongwoo, Choe and Shekhar, Chander (2009): Compulsory or Voluntary Pre-merger Notification? Theory and Some Evidence.

Chu, Yongqiang (2016): Debt renegotiation and debt overhang: Evidence from lender mergers.

Cizkowicz, Piotr and Rzonca, Andrzej (2011): Interest rates close to zero, post-crisis restructuring and natural interest rate.

Clifton, Judith and Díaz-Fuentes, Daniel (2010): Is the European Union ready for foreign direct investment from emerging markets? Published in: FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT FROM EMERGING MARKETS: CHALLENGES AHEAD (2010)

Cole, Rebel and Turk, Rima (2007): Legal origin, creditor protection and bank lending around the world.

Cole, Rebel and Turk, Rima (2007): Legal origin, creditor protection and bank lending: Evidence from emerging markets.

Cole, Rebel and Vu, Joseph (2006): Do mergers create or destroy value? Evidence from unsuccessful mergers.

Cole, Rebel and Walraven, Nick (1998): Banking consolidation and the availability of credit to small businesses.

Coles, Jeffrey and Lemmon, Michael and Meschke, Felix (2007): Structural Models and Endogeneity in Corporate Finance: the Link Between Managerial Ownership and Corporate Performance.

Cosh, Andy and Hughes, Alan and Lee, Kevin and Singh, Ajit (1996): Takeovers, institutional investment and the persistence of profits. Published in: Centre for Business Research Working Paper Series No. WP030 (March 1996)

Cuñat, Vicente and Gine, Mireia and Guadalupe, Maria (2013): Say Pays! Shareholder Voice and Firm Performance.


Dai, Lili and Ngo, Phong T. H. (2013): Political Uncertainty and Accounting Conservatism: Evidence from the U.S. Presidential Election Cycle.

Dai, Lili and Ngo, Phong T. H. (2013): Political Uncertainty and Accounting Conservatism: Evidence from the U.S. Presidential Election Cycle.

Damiani, Mirella and Pompei, Fabrizio (2008): Mergers, acquisitions and technological regimes: the European experience over the period 2002- 2005.

Damiani, Mirella and Pompei, Fabrizio and Ricci, Andrea (2018): Family firms and labour productivity: the role of enterprise-level bargaining in the Italian economy. Published in: Journal of Small Business Management , Vol. 56, No. 4 (October 2018): pp. 573-600.

Darmadi, Salim (2010): Board diversity and firm performance: the Indonesian evidence. Published in: Corporate Ownership and Control , Vol. 1, No. 9 (2011): pp. 524-539.

Darmadi, Salim (2010): Do Women in Top Management Affect Firm Performance? Evidence from Indonesia. Forthcoming in: Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society

De Paoli, Rosa Grazia (2008): Historical centres as resources of development opportunity. Problems and improvements concearning the south of Italy. Published in: conference proceedings Responsabilities and Opportunities in architectural conservation , Vol. volume, (2008): pp. 259-270.

Deaconu, Adela and Nistor, Cristina Silvia and Filip, Crina (2009): Legitimacy to develop fair value measurement standards: The Case of the IVSC Discussion Paper – Determination of fair value of intangible assets for IFRS reporting purposes. Forthcoming in: Research Business Review , Vol. 3, No. 9 (2009)

Deakin, Simon and Sarkar, Prabirjit and Singh, Ajit (2011): An end to consensus? the selective impact of corporate law reform on financial development. Published in: Centre for Business Research Working Paper Series No. WP423 (June 2011)

Delis, Manthos and Kim, Suk-Joong and Politsidis, Panagiotis and Wu, Eliza (2020): Regulators vs. markets: Are lending terms influenced by different perceptions of bank risk?

Dey, Tania and Banerjee, Rajabrata (2011): Can Corporate Diversification Promote Firm Value? A Survey.

Di Giannatale, Paolo and Passarelli, Francesco (2014): Integration Contracts and Asset Complementarity: Theory and Evidence from US Data.

Dimitrov, Mitko and Tchipev, Plamen D and Keremidchiev, Spartak and Bakardjieva, Radostina (2014): Съвременното състояние на корпоративното управление в България. Published in: Journal of BAS No. 6 (2014): pp. 27-35.

Doojav, Gan-Ochir and Losol, Bayarmaa (2015): CEO share compensation, incentives, and business cycle: Some evidence from BHP Billiton.

Drago, Carlo and Millo, Francesco and Ricciuti, Roberto and Santella, Paolo (2014): Corporate Governance Reforms, Interlocking Directorship and Company Performance in Italy. Forthcoming in: International Review of Law and Economics

Dutta, Sourish (2014): Laws of Concentration and Centralization of Capital: A Modern Review.

Dzhagityan, Eduard (2012): The effect of ex post risks on post-M&A performance efficiency.

Díaz Díaz, Belén and Sanfilippo Azofra, Sergio and López Gutiérrez, Carlos (2013): Synergies or overpayment in European corporate M&A. Published in: Journal of contemporary issues in business research , Vol. 2, No. 5 (2013): pp. 135-153.


EL BOUHADI, Abdelhamid (2010): The corporate managers and stockholders relationship: the moral hazard issue, case of Moroccan listed companies.

Edwards, Jeremy S S and Weichenrieder, Alfons J (2009): Control Rights, Pyramids, and the Measurement of Ownership Concentration.

Eisenberg, Paul (2016): Case Study Analysis of Corporate Governance and Management Control at Kendallville Bank. Published in: International Journal of Applied Economic Studies , Vol. 4, No. 3 (28 June 2016): pp. 14-20.

Elasrag, Hussein (2020): بناء وإدارة السمعة المؤسسية للأوقاف.

Elasrag, Hussein (2014): Corporate governance in Islamic Finance: Basic concepts and issues.

Elasrag, Hussein (2014): Corporate governance in Islamic Finance: Basic concepts and issues.

Elasrag, Hussein (2014): Corporate governance in Islamic financial institutions.

Etzo, Ivan and Takaoka, Sumiko (2016): The impact of migrants on the cross-border M&A: Some evidence for Japan.


Farina, Vincenzo (2008): Banks’ centrality in corporate interlock networks: evidences in Italy.

Fidanoski, Filip and Mateska, Vesna and Simeonovski, Kiril (2013): Corporate Governance and Bank Performance: Evidence from Macedonia. Published in: Proceedings [CD- ROM] of 16th International Students’ Conference, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Ege University, Izmir. (April 2013)

Fiona, Tregenna (2006): An empirical investigation of the effects of concentration on profitability among US banks.

Foley, Maggie and Cebula, Richard and Houmes, Robert (2014): Contesting Corporate Control in the U.S.: The Role of Ownership Structure and the Anti-takeover Measure.

Forcillo, Donato (2017): Codetermination: the Necessary Presence of Workers on the Board. A Mathematical Model.

Forcillo, Donato (2017): Codetermination: the Presence of Workers on the Board. A Depth Analysis.

Fung, Ka Wai Terence and Wan, Wilson (2013): The Impact of Merger and Acquisition on Value at Risk (VaR): A Case Study of China Eastern Airline. Published in: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics No. 110 (2013)


García-García, Jesús and Alonso de Magdaleno, María Isabel (2010): Fair value on commons-based intellectual property assets: Lessons of an estimation over Linux kernel.

García-García, Jesús and Alonso de Magdaleno, María Isabel (2011): Modelos open source y responsabilidad social.

Giebe, Thomas and Lee, Miyu (2019): Competitors In Merger Control: Shall They Be Merely Heard Or Also Listened To?

Giurca Vasilescu, Laura (2008): Corporate governance in developing and emerging countries. The case of Romania.

Giurca Vasilescu, Laura (2008): Corporate governance in developing and emerging countries. The case of Romania.

Glaser, Markus and Lopez-de-Silanes, Florencio and Sautner, Zacharias (2010): Opening the Black Box: Internal Capital Markets and Managerial Power.

Godspower-Akpomiemie, Euphemia and Ojah, Kalu (2018): Money laundering, Tax havens, Transparency and Board of Directors of Banks. Forthcoming in: Board effectiveness of Corporate Governance in Emerging & Developing Economies

Gomez-Martinez, Francisco (2016): Partial Cartels and Mergers with Heterogeneous Firms: Experimental Evidence.

Gopalan, Sasidaran and Rajan, Ramkishen. S (2009): Financial sector de-regulation in Emerging Asia: Focus on foreign bank entry.

Gorecki, Paul (2023): Merger control in Ireland after the Uniphar/NaviCorp transaction: state of play meetings and market testing remedies.

Gorecki, Paul (2021): Reforming Non-Notifiable Mergers in Ireland: the Kantar Media/Newsaccess Transaction.

Gorga, Carmine (2017): Why Countries Shouldn't Sell Their Natural Resources To Foreigners. Published in: TalkMarkets , Vol. NA, No. Internet newsletter (21 April 2017): NA.

Gray, W (2005): Two Essays on Self-Tender Offers.

Grigol, Modebadze (2011): Foreign Investment Effects on the Banking Sector in Georgia.


Harkin, Sean M. and Mare, Davide S. and Crook, Jonathan N. (2017): Average Pay in Banks: Do Agency Problems and Bank Performance Matter?

Hege, Ulrich and Lovo, Stefano and Slovin, Myron B. and Sushka, Marie E. (2009): Asset sales and the role of buyers: strategic buyers versus private equity.

Henk, Berkman and Rebel, Cole and Fu, Lawrence (2005): Agency Conflicts, Expropriation and Firm Value: Evidence from Securities-Market Regulation in China.

Huang, Chenchen and Luo, Di and Mukherjee, Soumyatanu and Mishra, Tapas (2022): To Acquire or to Ally? Managing Partners’ Environmental Risk in International Expansion.

Huang, Chenchen and Luo, Di and Mukherjee, Soumyatanu and Mishra, Tapas (2022): To Acquire or to Ally? Managing Partners’ Environmental Risk in International Expansion.

Huang, Qiubin and Xiong, Mengyuan and Xiao, Ming (2020): Managerial ability, financial performance and goodwill impairment: A moderated mediation analysis.

Huang, Yin-Siang and Lu, You-Xun (2022): Corporate environmental responsibility, financial performance, and international bank loans: Evidence from China.

Hwang, Sunwoo and Kim, Woochan (2011): Managerial entrenchment of anti-takeover devices: quasi-experimental evidence from Korea. Published in: Pacific-Basin Finance Journal No. 22 (2013): pp. 14-36.

Hwang, Sunwoo and Kim, Woochan (2014): When Heirs Become Major Shareholders: Evidence on Tunneling and Succession through Related-Party Transactions.


Igan, Deniz and de Paula, Aureo and Pinheiro, Marcelo (2006): Liquidity and Dividend Policy.

Iqbal, Zamir and Mirakhor, Abbas (2004): Stakeholders Model of Governance in Islamic Economic System. Published in: Islamic Economic Studies , Vol. 11, No. 2 (March 2004): pp. 43-63.


Javed, Attiya Y. and Iqbal, Robina (2007): Relationship between Corporate Governance Indicators and Firm Value: A Case Study of Karachi Stock Exchange. Published in:

Ji, Jiao and Talavera, Oleksandr and Yin, Shuxing (2016): CEO Dismissal, Compensation and Topics of Board Meetings: The Case of China.

Jo, Tae-Hee and Henry, John F. (2013): Take the Money and Run: The Business Enterprise in the Age of Money Manager Capitalism.

Jones, Kevin (2009): Mergers & Acquisitions: A snapshot of a SPECIAL pre and post M&A process.

Jono, Siti Junaidah (2017): The Relationship of Financial Risks Towards the Performance of Vivocom Intl Holdings Berhad.


K, S Chalapati Rao and Dhar, Biswajit (2010): Operation of FDI caps in India and corporate control mechanisms.

Kadish, Peter (2010): Are Large Multinational Companies Undervalued? Emerging Markets Perspective.

Kang, Lili and Peng, Fei (2014): Acquisition Premiums of Executive Compensation in China: a Matching View.

Katsafados, Apostolos G. and Androutsopoulos, Ion and Chalkidis, Ilias and Fergadiotis, Emmanouel and Leledakis, George N. and Pyrgiotakis, Emmanouil G. (2019): Using textual analysis to identify merger participants: Evidence from the U.S. banking industry.

Katsafados, Apostolos G. and Leledakis, George N. and Pyrgiotakis, Emmanouil G. and Androutsopoulos, Ion and Fergadiotis, Manos (2021): Machine Learning in U.S. Bank Merger Prediction: A Text-Based Approach.

Kawabata, Chiaki and Takahara, Tsuyoshi (2024): Evaluating Policy Interventions for Audit Quality Improvement: Market Competition versus Audit Firm Separation.

Kelong, Richard William Ngwa (2009): Executive Remuneration as an Aspect of Corporate Governance under OHADA's Corporate System.

Khalid, Ahmed M. and Hanif, Muhammad N. (2005): Corporate Governance for Banks in Pakistan: Recent Developments and Regional Comparisons. Published in: CMER Working Paper (2005)

Khan, Zazy (2015): Activist Hedge Funds: Evidence from the Recent Financial Crisis.

Khattak, Sharafatullah and Hussain, Anwar Hussain (2009): An Analysis of the Utilization of Asian Development Bank’s Loans for Books Procurement: A Case Study of Loan Provided to Technical Education Project, NWFP (1996-2004). Published in: Sarhad Journal of Agriculture , Vol. 25, No. 2 (2009): pp. 355-367.

Khoo, Shi Shean (2019): Tobin's Q of Honda Motor Company, Limited and its Determinants from 2013 to 2017.

Kibritçioğlu, Aykut (2006): The Labour Market Implications of Large-Scale Restructuring in the Banking Sector in Turkey.

Kim, Sehoon (2020): Disappearing Discounts: Hedge Fund Activism in Conglomerates.

Kim, Woochan and Kim, Woojin and Kim, Hyung-Seok (2012): Death Spiral Issues in Emerging Market: A Control Related Perspective. Forthcoming in: Pacific-Basin Finance Journal

Kim, Woochan and Sung, Taeyoon and Wei, Shang-Jin (2014): The Diffusion of Corporate Governance to Emerging Markets: Evaluating Two Dimensions of Investor Heterogeneity.

Kintzinger, Paulina and Horky, Florian (2022): Dynamics and Developments of Chinese M&A Transactions in the wake of the BRI: A comparison of Germany and CEEC. Forthcoming in: European Perspectives on the New Silk Roads – A Transcultural Approach (2022)

Klimczuk, Andrzej (2012): Supporting the Development of Gerontechnology as Part of Silver Economy Building. Published in: Ad Alta: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research , Vol. 2, No. 2 (2012): pp. 52-56.

Klimczuk, Andrzej and Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena (2011): Outplacement - odpowiedzialne zwolnienia pracownicze w kontekście rozwoju regionalnego. Published in: Odpowiedzialność - przestrzeń lokalnego społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, biznesu i polityki (2011): pp. 111-135.

Klimczuk, Andrzej and Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena (2014): Outplacement jako sposób ochrony kompetencji pracowników organizacji w warunkach zmiennego otoczenia. Published in: Współczesne problemy zarządzania - dylematy i propozycje rozwiązań (2014): pp. 157-174.

Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena and Klimczuk, Andrzej (2013): Outplacement - Barriers and Challenges of Implementation by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Poland. Published in:

Kolesnik, Georgiy (2011): Перекрестные права собственности и их влияние на эффективность вертикальной интеграции предприятий. Published in: Audit and financial analysis No. 3 (2012): pp. 130-139.

Koska, Onur A. and Staehler, Frank (2014): Optimal Acquisition Strategies in Unknown Territories. Published in: Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , Vol. 170, No. 3 (September 2014): pp. 406-426.

Kuznetsov, Pavel and Muravyev, Alexander (2001): Ownership Structure and Firm Performance in Russia: The Case of Blue Chips of the Stock Market.


Lakicevic, Milan and Shachmurove, Yochanan and Vulanovic, Milos (2013): Institutional changes of SPACs.

Lazarides, Themistokles and Drmmpetas, Evaggelos (2009): Fallacies, Collapses, Crises. Now What?

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2015): Information theory of firm.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2014): Mergers and acquisitions transactions strategies in diffusion - type financial systems in highly volatile global capital markets with nonlinearities.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2014): On the fundamentals of winning virtuous strategies creation toward leveraged buyout transactions implementation during private equity investment in conditions of resonant absorption of discrete information in diffusion - type financial system with induced nonlinearities.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2014): On the fundamentals of winning virtuous strategies creation toward leveraged buyout transactions implementation during private equity investment in conditions of resonant absorption of discrete information in diffusion - type financial system with induced nonlinearities.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2014): On the fundamentals of winning virtuous strategies creation toward leveraged buyout transactions implementation during private equity investment in conditions of resonant absorption of discrete information in diffusion - type financial system with induced nonlinearities.

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