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Items where Subject is "C43 - Index Numbers and Aggregation"

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Number of items at this level: 220.


Aknouche, Abdelhakim and Gouveia, Sonia and Scotto, Manuel (2023): Random multiplication versus random sum: auto-regressive-like models with integer-valued random inputs.

Albu, Lucian-Liviu and Ciuiu, Daniel (2009): A method to evaluate composite performance indices based on variance-covariance matrix.

Albulescu, Claudiu Tiberiu (2008): Assessing Romanian financial sector stability: the importance of the international economic climate.

Albulescu, Claudiu Tiberiu (2008): La dynamique de la stabilité du système financier roumain : une analyse en terme d’indice agrégé de stabilité.

Ali, Amjad (2016): Issue of Income Inequality under the perceptive of Macroeconomic Instability: An Empirical Analysis of Pakistan.

Aoki, Shuhei and Kitahara, Minoru (2008): Measuring the Dynamic Cost of Living Index from Consumption Data.

Aparicio, Juan and Santín, Daniel (2022): A New Malmquist Index Based on a Standard Technology for Measuring Total Factor Productivity Changes.


Baldan, Cinzia and Geretto, Enrico and Zen, Francesco (2014): Managing Banking Risk with the Risk Appetite Framework: a Quantitative Model for the Italian Banking System.

Barnett, William and Chauvet, Marcelle and Leiva-Leon, Danilo and Su, Liting (2016): Nowcasting nominal gdp with the credit-card augmented Divisia monetary aggregates.

Barnett, William and Chauvet, Marcelle and Leiva-Leon, Danilo and Su, Liting (2016): The credit-card-services augmented Divisia monetary aggregates.

Barnett, William and Gaekwad, Neepa (2017): The Demand for Money for EMU: A Flexible Functional Form Approach.

Barnett, William and Gaekwad, Neepa (2021): Multilateral Divisia monetary aggregates for the Euro Area.

Barnett, William and Liu, Jinan (2017): User Cost of Credit Card Services under Risk with Intertemporal Nonseparability.

Barnett, William and Su, Liting (2016): Risk adjustment of the credit-card augmented Divisia monetary aggregates.

Barnett, William A. (2006): Divisia Monetary Index.

Barnett, William A. (2006): Supply of Money.

Barnett, William A. and Chauvet, Marcelle (2008): The End of the Great Moderation?

Barnett, William A. and Chauvet, Marcelle (2010): How better monetary statistics could have signaled the financial crisis.

Barnett, William A. and Chauvet, Marcelle (2008): International Financial Aggregation and Index Number Theory: A Chronological Half-Century Empirical Overview.

Barnett, William A. and Diewert, W. Erwin and Zellner, Arnold (2009): Introduction to Measurement with Theory.

Barnett, William A. and Seck, Ousmane (2006): Rotterdam vs Almost Ideal Models: Will the Best Demand Specification Please Stand Up?

Barnett, William A. and Su, Liting (2015): The Use of Divisia Monetary Aggregates in Nominal GDP Targeting.

Barnett, William A. and Su, Liting (2014): The joint services of money and credit.

Barnett, William A. and Tang, Biyan (2015): Chinese Divisia monetary index and GDP nowcasting.

Barnett, William A. and de Peretti, Philippe (2008): Admissible clustering of aggregator components: a necessary and sufficient stochastic semi-nonparametric test for weak separability.

Beja, Edsel (2014): Measuring economic ill-being: Evidence for the ‘Philippine Misery Index’.

Beja, Edsel Jr. (2021): Human Development Index and Multidimensional Poverty Index: Evidence on their Reliability and Validity.

Beja, Edsel Jr. (2012): Yet, two more revisions to the Human Development Index.

Bell, Peter Newton (2014): Design of Financial Derivatives: Statistical Power does not Ensure Risk Management Power.

Breuer, Claus C. and von der Lippe, Peter (2011): Problems of operationalizing the concept of a cost-of-living index.

Buda, Rodolphe (2001): Les algorithmes de la modélisation : une analyse critique pour la modélisation économique.

Böhringer, Christoph and Jochem, Patrick (2007): Measuring the Immeasurable: A Survey of Sustainability Indices. Published in: Ecological economics , Vol. 63, No. 1 (2007): pp. 1-8.

Bürgi, Roland and Dacorogna, Michel M and Iles, Roger (2008): Risk aggregation, dependence structure and diversification benefit. Forthcoming in:


Campbell, Douglas L and Pyun, Ju Hyun (2014): Through the Looking Glass: A WARPed View of Real Exchange Rate History.

Chalabi, Yohan and Wuertz, Diethelm (2012): Portfolio optimization based on divergence measures.

Chameni Nembua, Célestin (2009): Inequality factor decompotition under uniform additions property with applications to Cameroonian rural data.

Chameni Nembua, Célestin (2008): Measuring and explaining economic inequality: An extension of the Gini coefficient.

Chameni Nembua, Célestin and Miamo Wendji, Clovis (2012): Fuzzy sets theory and the Millennium Development Goals progress measurement in Cameroon.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1985): Von Neuman- Morgenstern utilities and cardinal preferences. Published in: Mathematical Operations Research , Vol. 10, (November 1985): pp. 288-296.

Chin-Hong, Puah and Lee-Chea, Hiew (2010): Financial Liberalization, Weighted Monetary Aggregates and Money Demand in Indonesia. Published in: Labuan Bulletin of International Business & Finance , Vol. 8, (December 2010): pp. 76-93.

Choudhary, Ali and Hanif, Nadim and Iqbal, Javed (2013): On smoothing macroeconomic time series using HP and modified HP filter.

Corradini, Riccardo (2018): A set of state space models at an high disaggregation level to forecast Italian Industrial Production.

Crespo, Nuno and Simoes, Nadia (2019): Publication Performance and Number of Authors – Evidence for World Top Economists.


D'Elia, Enrico (2008): Hedonic Regressions, Matched Models and Economic Theory.

D'Elia, Enrico (2001): Measuring inflation when prices change slowly. Published in: Eurostat News No. Theme 1 - General Statistics (2002): pp. 53-59.

Da Silva Filho, Tito Nícias Teixeira and Figueiredo, Francisco Marcos Rodrigues (2009): Has core inflation been doing a good job in Brazil?

Damjanović, Milan and Lenarčič, Črt (2023): Constructing a house price misalignment indicator: revisited and revamped.

Dhaoui, Iyad (2018): Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in MENA countries: an Analytical and Econometric Approach. Published in: (October 2018)

Dobrescu, Emilian (2013): Modelling the sectoral structure of the final output.

Doerner, William and Leventis, Andrew (2014): Distressed Sales and the FHFA House Price Index. Forthcoming in: Journal of Housing Research

Drago, Carlo (2020): The Analysis and the Measurement of Poverty: An Interval Based Composite Indicator Approach.

Drago, Carlo (2021): The Analysis and the Measurement of Poverty: An Interval-Based Composite Indicator Approach.

Drago, Carlo (2021): Interval-Based Composite Indicators with a Triplex Representation: A Measure of the Potential Demand for the "Ristori" Decree in Italy. Forthcoming in: No. 50th Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, University of Pisa, June 21, 2021 - June 25, 2021, Book of short papers - SIS 2021

de Gioia, Giacomo (2021): A Decomposition of the Herfindahl Index of Concentration.


Eder, Andreas and Koller, Wolfgang and Mahlberg, Bernhard (2024): Industrial robots and employment change in manufacturing: A combination of index and production-theoretical decomposition analysis.

Erlat, Güzin and Arslaner, Ferhat (1997): Measuring Annual Real Exchange Rate Series for Turkey. Published in: Yapi Kredi Economic Review , Vol. 8, No. 2 (December 1997): pp. 35-61.

Erlat, Güzin and Arslaner, Ferhat (1997): Measuring Annual Real Exchange Rates: Series for Turkey. Published in: Yapi Kredi Economic Review , Vol. 8, No. 2 (1 December 1997): pp. 35-61.

Erlat, Güzin and Arslaner, Ferhat (1997): Measuring the Real Exchange Rate: Annual Series for Turkey. Published in: METU ERC Working Papers in Economics , Vol. 97, No. 10 (September 1997): pp. 1-99.

Escaith, Hubert (2023): Trade, (de)globalization and the distance puzzle.

Escañuela Romana, Ignacio (2009): The Harvard Barometers: Did they allow for the Prediction of the Great Depression of 1929?

Evangelista, Rui and Santos, Daniel (2012): The treatment of housing co-operatives in a house price index.

Evers, Hans-Dieter and Yusoff, Anis and Shamsul, A.BB. (2010): Ethno-diversity and bio-diversity: Methods and measurement.


Filali, Radhouane (2008): Variabilité spatiale des prix hédoniques des caractéristiques du logement: une nouvelle méthode de calcul des indices de prix spatiaux.

Finicelli, Andrea and Liccardi, Alessandra and Sbracia, Massimo (2005): A New Indicator of Competitiveness for Italy and the Main Industrial and Emerging Countries.

Freeman, Alan (1998): The indeterminacy of price-value correlations: a comment on papers by Simo Mohun and Anwar Shaikh. Published in: Bellofiore, R (ed) Marxian Economics: a Reappraisal, Volume 2, pp139-162. Basingstoke: McMillan. ISBN 0 333 64411 5 (1998): pp. 139-162.


GAMMADIGBE, Vigninou (2015): Indice de cohérence du policy-mix : une proposition.

GAMMADIGBE, Vigninou (2015): Policy Mix Coherence Index (PMCI) : A Proposal.

Galy, Michel (1982): Bilateral and multilateral exchange rate and purchasing power parity indexes: the aggregation problem.

Gammadigbé, Vigninou (2012): Les cycles économiques des pays de l'UEMOA: synchrones ou déconnectés?

Gammadigbé, Vigninou (2012): Les cycles économiques des pays de l'UEMOA: synchrones ou déconnectés?

Gluschenko, Konstantin (2016): The Path-Dependence Bias in Approximating Local Price Levels by CPIs.

Gogodze, Joseph (2013): Composite indicator ECAICI and positioning of Georgia’s innovative capacities in Europe-Central Asia Region. Published in: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH , Vol. 2, No. 9 (September 2013): pp. 111-119.

Gogodze, Joseph (2013): Composite indicator ECAICI and positioning of Georgia’s innovative capacities in Europe-Central Asia Region.

Gogodze, Joseph (2013): Measuring Innovative Capacities of the Georgia Regions. Published in: Journal of Technology Management & Innovation , Vol. 8, No. 3 (2013): pp. 116-126.

Gorbunov, Vladimir (2022): Проблема потребительского рыночного спроса в экономической теории и её разрешение: методология, теория, верификация.

Gorbunov, Vladimir (2021): Market demand: a holistic theory and its verification.

Gorbunov, Vladimir (2022): The positive resolution of the microeconomic problem of market demand: issues of methodology and verification.

Graefe, Andreas and Armstrong, J. Scott (2012): Forecasting elections from voters’ perceptions of candidates’ ability to handle issues. Forthcoming in: Journal of Behavioral Decision Making

Greco, Salvatore and Ishizaka, Alessio and Matarazzo, Benedetto and Torrisi, Gianpiero (2015): Stochastic Multiattribute Acceptability Analysis: an application to the ranking of Italian regions.

Greco, Salvatore and Ishizaka, Alessio and Tasiou, Menelaos and Torrisi, Gianpiero (2019): The Ordinal Input for Cardinal Output Approach of Non-compensatory Composite Indicators: The PROMETHEE Scoring Method.

Greco, Salvatore and Ishizaka, Alessio and Tasiou, Menelaos and Torrisi, Gianpiero (2018): sigma-mu efficiency analysis: A new methodology for evaluating units through composite indices.

Gupta, Abhay (2009): Looking beyond the methods: Productivity Estimates and Growth Trends in Indian Manufacturing.

Gupta, Abhay (2009): Pre-reform Conditions, Intermediate Inputs and Distortions: Solving the Indian Growth Puzzle.

Guzman, Giselle (2007): Using sentiment surveys to predict GDP growth and stock returns. Published in: The Making of National Economic Forecasts No. Edward Elgar Publishing LTD (2009): pp. 319-351.


Hellerstein, Daniel (1995): Welfare Estimation Using Aggregate and Individual-Observations Models: A Comparison Using Monte Carlo Techniques. Published in: American Journal of Agricultural Economics , Vol. 3, No. 77 (August 1995): pp. 620-630.

Herimalala, Rahobisoa and Gaussens, Olivier (2012): X-Efficiency of Innovation Processes: Concept and Evaluation based on Data Envelopment Analysis.

Herimalala, Rahobisoa and Gaussens, Olivier (2012): X-Efficiency of Innovation Processes: Concept and Evaluation based on Data Envelopment Analysis.

Hiew, Lee-Chea and Puah, Chin-Hong and Habibullah, Muzafar Shah (2013): The Role of Advertising Expenditure in Measuring Indonesia’s Money Demand Function. Forthcoming in: The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge

Holz, Carsten A (2013): Monthly industrial output in China since 1983.


Idrovo Aguirre, Byron (2007): SEIA: Una mirada alternativa de la inversión. Published in: Documentos de Trabajo , Vol. 46, No. 46 (15 February 2008): pp. 1-19.

Idrovo Aguirre, Byron and Lennon S., Joaquín (2011): Indice de Precios de Viviendas Nuevas para el Gran Santiago. Published in:

Iqbal, Javed and Hanif, Muhammad Nadim (2010): Estimating standard error of inflation in Pakistan: A stochastic approach.


Jalil, Muaz (2009): Measuring Switzerland's Productivity Performance (1960-2008).

Jiménez Polanco, Miguel Alejandro and Ramírez de Leon, Francisco Alberto (2017): Inflación Subyacente en la República Dominicana: Medición y Evaluación.

Joshi, Shruti and Nath, Siddhartha and Ranjan, Abhishek (2023): Green Total Factor Productivity for India: Some Recent Estimates and Policy Directions.


Kacaribu, Febrio (2002): Measuring Core Inflation in Indonesia: An Asymmetric Trimmed-Mean Approach.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (1999): Методологические основы системного анализа социально-экономических процессов. Published in: Проблемы развития Омского Прииртышья в переходный период. – Омск: Омский ф-л ВЗФЭИ (1999): pp. 225-239.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2007): Новый подход к разработке методик анализа региональных экономических процессов. Published in: Вестник филиала ВЗФЭИ в г. Омске. , Vol. 8, No. Конкурентоспособность региональной экономики: опыт, проблемы, перспективы: Материалы междунар. научно-практич. конференции (2007): pp. 57-59.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (1999): Методология системного анализа в экономике. Published in: Стратегические направления регионального развития Российской Федерации: Материалы Всероссийской. научно-практической конференции (1999): pp. 94-96.

Kelbore, Zerihun Getachew (2014): Multidimensional structural transformation index: a new measure of development.

Kelly, Logan (2007): Measuring the Economic Stock of Money.

Kelly, Logan and Barnett, William A. and Keating, John (2007): Toward a Bias Corrected Currency Equivalent Index.

Kelly, Logan J (2008): The Currency Equivalent Index and the Current Stock of Money.

Kelly, Logan J (2008): The Stock of Money and Why You Should Care.

Khan, Abdul Jalil and Ahmad, Hafiz Rizwan (2017): An Evaluation of Effective Prosperity Measure: A Case of Wellbeing Index. Published in: Annual General Meeting, Pakistan Society for Develpoment Economist No. 33 (15 December 2017): pp. 1-23.

Kibritçioğlu, Aykut (2007): Türkiye’deki Hükümetlerin Makroekonomik Performanslarının Bir Karşılaştırması, 1987-2007.

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis (2012): Africa's statistical tragedy: best statistics, best government effectiveness. Published in: International Journal of Development Issues , Vol. 2, No. 13 : pp. 171-178.

Kundu, Amit (2010): Joint versus Individual Liability in Microfinance – A Comparative Impact Evaluation Through Natural Experiment. Published in: Asia -Pasific Social Science Review , Vol. 11, No. June, 2011 (10 August 2011): pp. 1-20.


Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2013): Some thoughts on accurate characterization of stock market indexes trends in conditions of nonlinear capital flows during electronic trading at stock exchanges in global capital markets.

Lenarčič, Črt and Damjanović, Milan (2015): Slovene Residential Property Prices Misalignment with Fundamentals.

Leon, Jorge and Segura, Carlos and Vasquez, Jose Pablo (2011): Inflación Internacional Relevante para Costa Rica.

Leong, Choi-Meng and Puah, Chin-Hong and Abu Mansor, Shazali and Evan, Lau (2008): Testing the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in Malaysia Using Alternative Monetary Aggregation.


Mahmood, Asif and Ali, Ringchan (2024): A Measure of Financial Conditions for Pakistan.

Majumder, Rajarshi (2003): Infrastructural Facilities in India: District Level Availability Index. Published in: Indian Journal of Regional Science , Vol. Vol. 3, No. No. 2 (December 2003)

Malikov, Emir and Kumbhakar, Subal C. and Tsionas, Efthymios G. (2015): Bayesian Approach to Disentangling Technical and Environmental Productivity. Forthcoming in: Econometrics

Mansur, Alfan and Nizar, Muhammad Afdi (2019): Mengukur Perkembangan Sektor Keuangan di Indonesia dan Faktor – Faktor yang Mempengaruhi.

Marini, Giovanni (2010): An Application of Constant Market Share Analysis for the Study of Firm Profitability.

Maxim, Kotsemir (2012): Publication Activity of Russian Researches in Leading International Scientific Journals. Published in: Acta Naturae , Vol. 4, No. 2(13) (June 2012): pp. 14-34.

Melser, Daniel and Syed, Iqbal (2007): Life Cycle Pricing and the Measurement of Inflation.

Michailova, Julija (2010): Development of the overconfidence measurement instrument for the economic experiment.

Michailova, Julija (2010): Development of the overconfidence measurement instrument for the economic experiment.

Michailova, Julija (2010): Development of the overconfidence measurement instrument for the economic experiment.

Mino, Kazuo (2004): On the Generalized Weitzman's Rule.

Mishra, SK (2017): Almost equi-marginal principle based composite index of globalization: China, India and Pakistan.

Mishra, SK (2007): Analysis of Gender Disparity in Meghalaya by Various Types of Composite Indices.

Mishra, SK (2007): A Comparative Study of Various Inclusive Indices and the Index Constructed by the Principal Components Analysis.

Mishra, SK (2012): Construction of Pena’s DP2-based ordinal synthetic indicator when partial indicators are rank scores.

Mishra, SK (2007): Construction of an Index by Maximization of the Sum of its Absolute Correlation Coefficients with the Constituent Variables.

Mishra, SK (2007): Construction of an Index by Maximization of the Sum of its Absolute Correlation Coefficients with the Constituent Variables.

Mishra, SK (2008): Construction of composite indices in presence of outliers.

Mishra, SK (2007): Construction of maximin and non-elitist composite indices - alternatives to elitist indices obtained by the principal components analysis.

Mishra, SK (2017): Globalization under Hysteresis: A Study of Eastern Bloc Countries, China and India.

Mishra, SK (2017): Measuring Degree of Globalization of African Countries on Almost Equimarginal Contribution Principle.

Mishra, SK (2007): A Note on Human Development Indices with Income Equalities.

Mishra, SK (2007): A Note on Human Development Indices with Income Equalities.

Mishra, SK (2008): On construction of robust composite indices by linear aggregation.

Mishra, SK (2008): On the optimality of academic rankings of regions with RePEc data.

Mishra, SK (2009): Representation-Constrained Canonical Correlation Analysis: A Hybridization of Canonical Correlation and Principal Component Analyses.

Mishra, SK (2007): Socio-economic Exclusion of Different Religious Communities in Meghalaya.

Mishra, SK (2007): Socio-economic Exclusion of Different Religious Communities in Meghalaya.

Mishra, SK (1984): Taxonomical analysis of regional development by outranking relations on multiple principal components. Published in: Hill Geographer , Vol. 3, No. 1 (June 1984): pp. 20-28.

Mishra, SK (2017): Trends in Globalization of Select Asian Countries.

Mishra, SK (2012): A comparative study of trends in globalization using different synthetic indicators.

Mishra, SK (2012): A maximum entropy perspective of Pena’s synthetic indicators.

Mishra, SK (2009): The most representative composite rank ordering of multi-attribute objects by the particle swarm optimization.

Mishra, SK (2016): A note on construction of a composite index by optimization of Shapley value shares of the constituent variables.

Mishra, SK (2012): A note on construction of heuristically optimal Pena’s synthetic indicators by the particle swarm method of global optimization.

Mishra, SK (2012): A note on the indeterminacy and arbitrariness of pena’s method of construction of synthetic indicators.

Mishra, SK (2009): A note on the ordinal canonical correlation analysis of two sets of ranking scores.

Mishra, SK (2008): A note on the sub-optimality of rank ordering of objects on the basis of the leading principal component factor scores.

Mishra, SK and Kumar, Binod (2012): Disparities in Globalization of the World Economies.

Mishra, Sudhanshu K (2014): What happens if in the principal component analysis the Pearsonian is replaced by the Brownian coefficient of correlation?

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2023): Broca Index: A Simple Tool to Measure Ideal Body Weight. Published in: Innovation in Science and Technology , Vol. 2, No. 2 (29 March 2023): pp. 21-24.

Montalvo, Carlos and Moghayer, Saeed (2011): State of an innovation system: theoretical and empirical advance towards an innovation efficiency index.

Montero, José María and Larraz, Beatriz and Chasco, Coro (2008): Building an Environmental Quality Index for a big city: a spatial interpolation approach with DP2.

Moore, Winston and Lewis-Bynoe, Denny and Howard, Stacia (2009): Climate Change and Tourism Features in the Caribbean.

Mukherjee, Atri and D., Suganthi and Kumar, Rishabh and Bajaj, Priyanka (2023): Effective Aggregate Support to Indian Agriculture.

Mukherjee, Sacchidananda and Chakraborty, Debashis (2009): Is there any relationship between Environmental Quality Index, Human Development Index and Economic Growth? Evidences from Indian States.

Mustata, Razvan V. and Matis, Dumitru (2007): MEASUREMENT OF NEED FOR HARMONIZATION BETWEEN NATIONAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS AND INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS. Published in: Journal of International Business and Economics , Vol. VII, No. 3 (15 October 2007): pp. 23-46.


Nayak, Purusottam and Mishra, SK (2014): A state level analysis of the status of social sector in India.

Nizar, Muhammad Afdi (2015): Pola Diversifikasi Ekspor Produk Industri Manufaktur Indonesia. Published in: Bunga Rampai Ekonomi Keuangan (February 2015): pp. 195-212.


Okpara, Godwin Chigozie (2013): Developing an Index of Financial Inclusion: An Average Ratio Approach.

Oliveira, Juliana Melo and Lages, André Maia Gomes and Dantas, Niedja Figueiredo (2009): Indicadores de Desenvolvimento: Uma Resenha em Construção. Published in: Revista de Economia Mackenzie , Vol. 08, No. 01 : pp. 76-101.


Paredes - Araya, Dusan (2009): A Methodology to Compute Regional Housing Index Price using Matching Estimator Methods.

Parkhomenko, Alexander and Redkina, Anastasia (2006): Эконометрические оценки гедонических индексов цен на персональные компьютеры в России: пример рынка г. Екатеринбурга.

Parkhomenko, Alexander and Redkina, Anastasia and Maslivets, Olga (2007): Estimating Hedonic Price Indexes for Personal Computers in Russia.

Parkhomenko, Alexander and Redkina, Anastasia and Maslivets, Olga (2007): Estimating hedonic price indexes for personal computers in russia: Case of Yekaterinburg.

Patra, Nilanjan (2008): State-wise pattern of gender bias in child health in India.

Pedauga, Luis Enrique (2009): Alternativas metodológicas para el empalme estadístico de serie temporales: caso Venezuela 1950 – 2005. Published in: Temas de Coyuntura No. 59 (29 October 2009): pp. 7-38.

Pillai N, Vijayamohanan (2008): CES Function, Generalized Mean and Human Poverty Index: Exploring Some Links.

Polatkan, Tugba and Arslaner, Ferhat (2009): Bileşik Endeksle Tarım Sektörünün Gelişim Düzeyinin AB Ülkeleri Karşılaştırmalı Ölçümü. Published in: Proceedings of 18th Statistical Research Symposium , Vol. 18, No. 3366 (February 2009): pp. 1-14.

Puah, Chin-Hong and Habibullah, Muzafar Shah and Lau, Evan and Abu Mansor, Shazali (2006): Testing long-run monetary neutrality in Malaysia: Revisiting divisia money. Published in: Journal of International Business and Economics , Vol. VI, No. 1 (October 2006): pp. 110-115.


Quesada, Antonio (2009): Axiomatics for the Hirsch research output index.


Rahmanov, Ramiz and Adigozalov, Shaig and Huseynov, Salman (2013): Azərbaycan Mərkəzi Bankının inflyasiya hədəfi: Baza yoxsa manşet inflyasiya?

Ricotta, Fernanda and Mannarino, Lidia and Pupo, Valeria and Succurro, Marianna (2008): Export quality in the machinery sector: Some evidence from main competitors.

Rijpma, Auke and Moatsos, Michail and Badir, Martijn and Stegeman, Hans (2017): Netherlands beyond GDP: A Wellbeing Index.


Salchev, Petko and Hristov, Nikolai (2010): Stress test of hospitals in Bulgaria - proposed methodology.

Salnykov, Mykhaylo and Zelenyuk, Valentin (2005): On the Commensurability of Directional Distance Functions. Published in: Techinical Report of Statistical Institute of UCL (2005)

Santeramo, Fabio Gaetano (2014): On the composite indicators for food security: Decisions matter! Forthcoming in: Food Reviews International (2015)

Siddiqui, Danish Ahmed and Ahmed, Qazi Masood (2009): Does Institutions effect growth in Pakistan? An Empirical investigation.

Siddiqui, Danish Ahmed and Ahmed, Qazi Masood (2009): Institutionalized Social Technologies Index: A Global Perspective.

Simplice A, Asongu and Oasis, Kodila-Tedika (2013): State fragility, rent seeking and lobbying: evidence from African data.

Sun, Lixin and Huang, Yuqin (2013): Measuring the Instability of China’s Financial System: Indices Construction and an Early Warning System.

Sun, Yeneng and Zhang, Yongchao (2008): Individual Risk and Lebesgue Extension without Aggregate Uncertainty.


Tamini, Lota D. and Larue, Bruno (2009): Technical and Environmental efficiencies and Best Management Practices in Agriculture.

Tang, Maggie May-Jean and Puah, Chin-Hong and Awang Marikan, Dayang-Affizzah (2013): Empirical Evidence on the Long-Run Neutrality Hypothesis Using Divisia Money. Forthcoming in: Journal of Academy of Business and Economics (2013)

Tatomir, Cristina F. and Alexe, Ileana (2011): Laggards or performers? CEE vs. PIIGS countries’ catch-up with the Euro area in the last ten years. Forthcoming in: Theoretical and Applied Economics

Tausch, Arno (2016): Global Catholicism in the age of mass migration and the rise of populism: comparative analyses, based on recent World Values Survey and European Social Survey data.

Tausch, Arno (2018): Africa on the maps of global values. Comparative analyses, based on recent World Values Survey data.

Tausch, Arno (2007): Correctly finger-pointing the Lisbon-process-villains. Published in: Centro Argentino de Estudios Internacionales. European Program Working Papers , Vol. 13, No. 13 (1 January 2007): pp. 1-21.

Tausch, Arno (2011): Costa Rica, superstar? some reflections on the global drivers and bottlenecks of the happy planet index.

Tausch, Arno (2008): The Efficiency of Social Expenditures in the Fight Against Extreme Poverty in Europe [Die Effizienz Der Sozialausgaben Im Kampf Gegen Extreme Armut in Europa].

Tausch, Arno (2016): Occidentalism, terrorism, and the Shari’a state: new multivariate perspectives on Islamism based on international survey data.

Tausch, Arno (2016): ‘Smart development’. An essay on a new political economy of the environment.

Tausch, Arno (2015): Towards new maps of global human values, based on World Values Survey (6) data.

Tausch, Arno (2015): Wo Frau Kanzlerin Angela Merkel irrt: Der Sozialschutz in der Welt, der Anteil Europas und die Beurteilung seiner Effizienz.

Tausch, Arno (2011): The efficiency and effectiveness of social spending in the EU-27 and the OECD – a 2011 reanalysis.

Tausch, Arno (2018): The return of religious Antisemitism? The evidence from World Values Survey data.

Tausch, Arno and Ghymers, Christian (2011): Los católicos globales. El primer sondeo global del catolicismo mundial según el “World Values Survey” y el “European Social Survey”.

Tchamyou, Vanessa and Diop, Samba and Asongu, Simplice (2021): African Women Vulnerability Index (AWVI): Focus on Rural Women.

Tierney, Heather L. R. and Pan, Bing (2009): A Poisson Regression Examination of the Relationship between Website Traffic and Search Engine Queries.

Tierney, Heather L. R. and Pan, Bing (2009): A Poisson Regression Examination of the Relationship between Website Traffic and Search Engine Queries.

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Trunin, Pavel and Knyazev, Dmitriy and Satdarov, Aleksander (2010): Анализ независимости центральных банков РФ, стран СНГ и Восточной Европы. Published in: ИЭПП

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