Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "D57 - Input-Output Tables and Analysis"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 192.


Alkan, Ayla and Oğuş-Binatlı, Ayla (2021): Is Production or Consumption the Determiner? Sources of Turkey’s CO2 Emissions between 1990-2015 and Policy Implications. Published in: Hacettepe University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences , Vol. 39, No. 3 (21 April 2021): pp. 359-378.

Araújo, Maria da Piedade and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2005): Transport infrastructure and regional development in Brazil.

Arce, Rafael de and Mahia, Ramón (2000): A Euro-Mediterranean Agricultural Trade Agreement: Benefits for the South and Costs for the EU.

Aroche-Reyes, Fidel and García Muñiz, Ana Salomé (2012): Modelling economic structures from a Qualitative Input-Output Perspective: Greece in 2005 and 2010.

Avelino, André Fernandes Tomon and Hewings, Geoffrey J.D. and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2010): The economic, environmental and public health impacts of new power plants: a sequential interindustry model integrated with GIS data.

Azzoni, Carlos Roberto and Guilhoto, J. J. M. and Haddad, E. A and Hewings, G. J. D. and Laes, M. A. and Moreira, G. (2011): Neither here nor there: regionally targeted social policy or socially targeted regional policy? the first four years of Lula’s administration.

Azzoni, Carlos Roberto and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2009): Social policies, personal and regional income inequality in Brazil: an I-O analysis.

Azzoni, Carlos Roberto and Guilhoto, Joaquim José mantins and Haddad, Eduardo and Menezes, Tatiane and Silveira, Fernando and Hasegawa, Marcos (2011): Commodity price changes and their impacts on poverty in developing countries: the Brazilian case.

BOYER, Philippe (2014): « The food Euro ». Distribution of value added in the food chain from 1995 to 2010 and prospects for 2013. Published in: The Letter of the OBSERVATORY on formation of prices and margins of food products No. #5 (May 2014)

BOYER, Philippe (2021): The food euro : method and new results to analyze distribution of value in the French food chain.

Barros, Gustavo and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2011): The regional economic structure of Brazil in 1959: an overview based on an inter-State input-output system.

Bentour, El Mostafa (2015): On the removal of energy products subsidies in an importing oil country: impacts on prices in Morocco. Forthcoming in:

Bliska, Flávia Maria de Mello and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2000): The meat sectors and the Brazilian macro regions economies: an interregional input-output approach.

Bliska, Flávia Maria de Mello and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2001): The world meat market and Brazilian economy: an econometric input-out analysis. Published in:

Camargo, Fernanda Sartori de and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2006): Employment, productive structure, and income distribution in the Brazilian economy, 1996 and 2002 compared.

Camargo, Fernanda Sartori de and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2006): Structural analysis of the formal and informal jobs in the Brazilian economy.

Casimiro Filho, Francisco and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2004): The importance of tourism for the Brazilian economy: an input-output analysis.

Chatzarakis, Nikolaos and Tsaliki, Persefoni and Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2022): Does the Labour Theory of Value Explain Economic Growth? A Modern Classical View.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1986): A general equilibrium theory of North-South trade. Published in: Equilibrium Analysis, essays in honor of Kennith J. Arrow , Vol. II, (1986): pp. 3-56.

Chisari, Omar Osvaldo and Mastronardi, Leonardo Javier and Romero, Carlos Adrián (2012): Building an input-output Model for Buenos Aires City.

Coleman, Charles (2016): A SAS Macro for Implementing the Generalized RAS Algorithm for Constraining Matrices of Mixed Sign.

Coleman, Charles (2015): SAS® Macros for Constraining Arrays of Numbers. Published in: Southeast SAS Users Group 2015 Proceedings

Costa, Cinthia Cabral da and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2011): Expected growth of sugarcane industry and impact on the Brazilian economy: 2015 and 2020.

De Koning, Kees (2020): U.S. Households' Balance Sheet and the link to economic policies.

Di Filippo, Gabriele (2018): What Place does Luxembourg hold in Global Value Chains? Published in: Banque centrale du Luxembourg Working Paper No. 120 (April 2018): pp. 1-94.

Dutta, Sourish (2022): Supply-Use and Input-Output Tables.

Eder, Andreas and Koller, Wolfgang and Mahlberg, Bernhard (2021): Economy 4.0: Employment effects by occupation, industry, and gender.

Eder, Andreas and Koller, Wolfgang and Mahlberg, Bernhard (2019): Price Competitiveness in the European Monetary Union: A Decomposition of Inflation Differentials based on the Leontief Input-Output Price Model for the Period 2000 to 2014.

Escaith, Hubert (2019): Extraction-cum-substitution: A KISS approach to mapping the impacts of bilateral trade conflicts.

Escaith, Hubert (2021): Withering globalization? The Global Value Chain effects of trade decoupling.

Escaith, Hubert and Gaudin, Hadrien (2014): Clustering Value-Added Trade: Structural and Policy Dimensions.

Escaith, Hubert and Lindenberg, Nannette and Miroudot, Sébastien (2010): International Supply Chains and Trade Elasticity in Times of Global Crisis.

Ezzahid, Elhadj and Chatri, Abdellatif (2015): Imports contents, value added generation and structural change in morocco: input output analysis.

Flaschel, Peter and Fröhlich, Nils and Veneziani, Roberto (2011): The sources of profitability.

Fofana, Ismael and Parra, Juan Carlos and Wodon, Quentin (2009): Exports and labor income by gender: a social accounting matrix analysis for Senegal. Published in: Gender aspects of the trade and poverty nexus, World Bank, Washington DC (edited by Maurizio Bussolo and Rafael de Hoyos) (2009): pp. 81-110.

Furtuoso, Maria Cristina Ortiz and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2003): Estimating and measuring the agribusiness GDP: an application to the Brazilian economy, 1994 to 2000. Published in: Revista Brasileira de Economia e Sociologia Rural , Vol. 41, No. 4 (2003): pp. 803-827.

Furtuoso, Maria Cristina Ortiz and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2000): Using input-output to measure the GDP and to estimate monthly growth rates of productive complexes: the case of the Brazilian agribusiness.

Giammetti, Raffaele and Papi, Luca and Teobaldelli, Desiree and Ticchi, Davide (2021): The network effect of deglobalisation on European regions.

Guilhoto, Joaquim J.M. and Hewings, Geoffrey J.D. and Sonis, Michael and Jiemin, Guo (2001): Research Note: Economic Structural Change Over Time: Brazil and the United States Compared.

Guilhoto, Joaquim J.M. and Ichihara, Silvio Massaru and Postali, Fernando Antonio Slaibe (2007): The oil and gas sector in the brazilian economy.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2004): Agribusiness in the Americas, Europe and Brazilian states.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2006): Michael Sonis and Geoffrey Hewings theories and theirs multiplier effect on the Brazilian economy.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (1995): PAPA: An economy-wide general purpose computable general equilibrium model for the Brazilian economy.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2004): Regional importance of the agribusiness in the Brazilian economy.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (1986): A model for economic planning and analysis for the brazilian economy. Published in: University of Illinois

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Camargo, Fernanda Sartori de (2008): Employment and familiar agriculture agribusiness in the Brazilian economy: an interregional Leontief-Miyazawa model approach.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Camargo, Fernanda Sartori de (2008): Employment and familiar agriculture agribusiness in the Brazilian economy: an interregional Leontief-Miyazawa model approach.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Hewings, Geoffrey J.D. and Sonis, Michael (1999): Synergetic interactions between 2 Brazilian regions: an application of input-output linkages.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Hewings, Geoffrey J.D. and Takashiba, Eliza H. and Silva, Lana M.S da (2003): Combining geographical information systems and input-output models: concept and initial ideas.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Ichihara, Silvio Massaru and Silveira, Fernando Gaiger and Diniz, Bernando P. Campolina and Azzoni, Carlos Roberto and Moreira, Guilherme R. C. (2007): How important is agriculture and familiar agriculture agribusiness for Brazil and its states: an interregional input-output approach.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Lopes, Ricardo Luis and Motta, Ronaldo Seroa da (2002): Economic growth x environment: forecasts for the Brazilian economy and its 5 macro regions, 2002 to 2012.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and M. A. Tupich Hilgemberg, Cleise and M. Hilgemberg, Emerson (2002): The globalization process and the productive structure of the Brazilian economy in the 1990s: an input-output approach.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and M. A. Tupich Hilgemberg, Cleise and M. Hilgemberg, Emerson (2002): The productive structure of the Brazilian economy and the impact of Globalization, 1990 to 1999.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Polenske, Karen Rosel and Liu, Hongtao (2010): China and Brazil Productive Structure and Economic Growth Compared: 1980’s to 2000’s.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Sonis, Michael and Hewings, Geoffrey J.D. (1999): Multiplier product matrix analysis for interregional input-output systems: an application to the Brazilian economy.

Guncavdi, Oner and Kucukcifci, Suat (2008): Openness to Trade and Structural Changes in the Sources of Economic Growth and Labour Demand in Turkey.

Gurgul, Henryk and Lach, Łukasz (2016): Comparative advantage of the EU in global value chains: How important and efficient are new EU members in transition? Published in: Managerial Economics , Vol. 17, No. 1 (1 July 2016): pp. 21-58.

Gurgul, Henryk and Lach, Łukasz (2015): Key sectors after a decade of transformation: Evidence from Poland. Published in: Managerial Economics , Vol. 16, No. 1 (1 June 2015): pp. 39-76.

Haddad, Eduardo A. and Garcia Samaniego, Juan Manuel and Porsse, Alexandre A. and Ochoa Jimenez, Diego Alejandro and Ochoa Moreno, Wilman Santiago and Souza, Luiz Gustavo Antonio (2011): Interregional input-ouptut system for Ecuador, 2007: methodology and results.

Hewings, Geoffrey J.D. and Azzoni, Carlos Roberto and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Haddad, Eduardo A. and Laes, M. A. and Moreira, Guilherme Renato Caldo (2007): Social policies, personal and regional income inequality in Brazil: an I-O analysis of the "Bolsa Família" program.

Hewings, Geoffrey J.D. and Dridi, Chokri and Guilhoto, Joaquim J.M. (2005): Impacts of reallocation of resource constraints on the northeast economy of Brazil.

Hewings, Geoffrey J.D. and Fonseca, Miguel A. and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Sonis, Michael (1989): Key sectors and structural change in the Brazilian economy: a comparsion of alternative approaches and their policy implications. Published in: Journal of Policy Modelling , Vol. 11, No. 1 : pp. 67-90.

Iliadi, Fotoula and Mariolis, Theodore and Soklis, George and Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2012): Bienenfeld’s approximation of production prices and eigenvalue distribution: some more evidence from five European economies.

Imori, Denise and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and David, Leticia Scretas and Gutierre, Leopoldo Millan and Waisman, Caio (2011): The development of the brazilian amazon region and greenhouse gases emission: a dilemma to be faced!

Kaur, Gunjeet and Bordoloi, Sanjib and Rajesh, Raj (2009): An empirical investigation on the inter-sectoral linkages in India. Published in: RBI Occassional Papers , Vol. 30, No. 1 (2009): pp. 29-72.

Klinge Jacobsen, Henrik (2007): Energy intensities and the impact of high energy prices on producing and consuming sectors in Malaysia. Published in: Environment, Development and Sustainability , Vol. 11, No. DOI 10.1007/s10668-007-9101-8 (2009): pp. 137-160.

LIU, H. and POLENSKE, K. R. and GUILHOTO, J. J. M. and XI, Y. (2011): Direct and indirect energy consumption in China and the United States. Published in:

Londero, Elio (2000): By-Products. Published in: Economic Systems Research , Vol. 13, No. 1 (2001): pp. 35-45.

Londero, Elio (1999): Effective Protection in the Presence of Joint Production. Published in: Journal of Economic Studies , Vol. 28, No. 1 (2001): pp. 34-42.

Londero, Elio (1994): Estimating the Accounting Price of Foreign Exchange: An Input-Output Approach. Published in: Economic Systems Research , Vol. 6, No. 4 (1994): pp. 415-434.

Londero, Elio (1989): On the Treatment of Secondary Products and By-products in the Preparation of Input-Output Tables. Published in: Economic Systems Research , Vol. 2, No. 3 (1990): pp. 321-322.

Londero, Elio (1998): Secondary Products, By-products and the Commodity Technology Assumption. Published in: Economic Systems Research , Vol. 11, No. 2 (1999): pp. 195-203.

Mariolis, Theodore (2003): Controllability, Observability, Regularity, and the so-called Problem of Transforming Values into Prices of Production. Published in: Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics , Vol. 3, No. 2 (December 2003): pp. 113-127.

Mariolis, Theodore (2006): A Critical Note on Marx’s Theory of Profits. Published in: Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics , Vol. 6, No. 1 (October 2006): pp. 1-11.

Mariolis, Theodore (2006): A Critique of the ‘New Approach’ to the Transformation Problem and a Proposal. Published in: Indian Development Review: An International Journal of Development Economics , Vol. 4, No. 1 (June 2006): pp. 23-37.

Mariolis, Theodore (2013): Currency Devaluation, External Finance and Economic Growth: A Note on the Greek Case.

Mariolis, Theodore (2007): Distribution and Growth in an Economy with Heterogeneous Capital and Excess Capacity. Published in: Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics , Vol. 7, No. 1-2 (January 2007): pp. 365-375.

Mariolis, Theodore (2015): Testing Bienenfeld’s Second-Order Approximation for the Wage-Profit Curve.

Mariolis, Theodore (2019): The location of the value theories in the complex plane and the degree of regularity-controllability of actual economies.

Mariolis, Theodore (2010): A neo-Ricardian critique of the traditional static theory of trade, customs unions and common markets.

Mariolis, Theodore and Katsinos, Apostolis (2011): Return to devalued drachma, cost-push inflation and international competitiveness.

Mariolis, Theodore and Leriou, Eirini and Soklis, George (2018): Dissecting the Input-Output Structure of the Greek Economy.

Mariolis, Theodore and Rodousakis, Nikolaos and Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2006): The rate of profit in the Greek economy 1988-1997. an input-output analysis. Published in: Archives of Economic History , Vol. 18, No. 2 (December 2006): pp. 177-190.

Mariolis, Theodore and Soklis, George (2014): The Sraffian Multiplier for the Greek Economy: Evidence from the Supply and Use Table for the Year 2010.

Mariolis, Theodore and Soklis, George and Groza, Heleni (2010): An Input-Output Approach to the Estimation of the Maximum Attainable Economic Dependency Ratio in four European Economies.

Mariolis, Theodore and Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2015): Capital Theory ‘Paradoxes’ and Paradoxical Results: Resolved or Continued?

Mariolis, Theodore and Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2016): Capital theory: Less is more.

Mariolis, Theodore and Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2010): Eigenvalue distribution and the production price-profit rate relationship in linear single-product systems: theory and empirical evidence.

Mariolis, Theodore and Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2018): Less is More: Capital Theory and Almost Irregular-Uncontrollable Actual Economies.

Mariolis, Theodore and Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2010): Measures of production price-labour value deviation and income distribution in actual economies: theory and empirical evidence.

Mariolis, Theodore and Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2012): On Bródy’s conjecture: facts and figures from the US economy.

Miroudot, Sébastien and Ye, Ming (2019): Investigating double counting terms in the value-added decomposition of gross exports.

Mituko Vlad, Ionela and Tudor, Valentina and Stoian, Elena and Micu, Marius Mihai (2015): Farms regional economic developments identified in the FADN PANEL. Published in: Agricultural Economics and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania , Vol. 6, No. ISSN 2285–6803 ISSN-L 2285–6803 (20 November 2015): pp. 128-133.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2023): Various Problems Arise in Industrial Economics If Wage Rate Increases: A Study for Nonlinear Budget Constraint. Published in: Law and Economy , Vol. 6, No. 2 (7 June 2023): pp. 1-19.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2010): The economic and environmental factors of water in arid regions: Study of the rural water use in Northern Darfur Region, Sudan.

Mongin, Philippe and Pivato, Marcus (2012): Ranking Multidimensional Alternatives and Uncertain Prospects.

Moretto, Antonio Carlos and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (1999): Synergetic interactions among four regions in the state of Paraná, Brazil: an interregional input-output analysis.

Nganou, Jean-Pascal and Parra, Juan Carlos and Wodon, Quentin (2009): Oil price shocks, poverty, and gender: a social accouting matrix analysis for Kenya. Published in: Gender aspects of the trade and poverty nexus, World Bank, Washington DC (edited by Maurizio Bussolo and Rafael de Hoyos) (2009): pp. 53-79.

Obregon, Carlos (2020): New Economics. Published in:

Pansini, Rosaria Vega (2008): Multiplier Decomposition, Poverty and Inequality in Income Distribution in a SAM Framework: the Vietnamese Case.

Parra, Juan Carlos and Wodon, Quentin (2010): How Does Growth Affect Labor Income by Gender? A Structural Path Analysis for Tanzania. Published in: Gender Disparities in Africa’s Labor Markets, World Bank, Washington, DC (edited by J. S. Arbache, A. Kolev, and E. Filipiak) (August 2010): pp. 273-296.

Parra Osorio, Juan Carlos and Wodon, Quentin (2010): Gender, Time Use, and Labor Income in Guinea: Micro and Macro Analyses. Published in: Gender Disparities in Africa’s Labor Markets, World Bank, Washington, DC (edited by J. S. Arbache, A. Kolev, and E. Filipiak) (August 2010): pp. 231-271.

Parrinello, Sergio (2003): Exhaustible natural resources, normal prices and intertemporal equilibrium. Published in: Working Paper Dipartimento di Economia Pubblica , Vol. 57, (June 2003): pp. 1-25.

Parrinello, Sergio (2003): The myth of the service economy. Published in: Working Paper Dipartimento di Economia Pubblica , Vol. 55, (June 2003): pp. 1-32.

Penson, Enrique (2017): An Analytic Estimation of the Multiplier Effect of Public Consumption in the Dominican Republic: 2007-2012.

Rocha, Marcelo Theoto and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Lima, Patrícia Verônica Pinheiro Sales and Casimiro Filho, Francisco and Miranda, Silvia Helena G. de (2000): Exchange rate versus tariff policies in Brazil: results from MIBRA-USP, an interrregional applied general equilibrium model of the Brazilian economy.

Rodousakis, Nikolaos (2010): Testing Goodwin’s Growth Cycle Disaggregated Models: Evidence from the Input-Output Table of the Greek Economy for the Year 1988.

Sadao, Nishimura (2010): Towards Analysis of Vertical Structure of Industries: a method and its application to U.S. industries.

Samantas, Ioannis (2013): Income-specific estimates of competition in European banking.

Santos, Susana (2017): An approach to the structural features of the socio-economic activity of a country based on a Social Accounting Matrix. Evidences and multiplier effects on distribution of income.

Santos, Susana (2010): A quantitative approach to the effects of social policy measures. An application to Portugal, using Social Accounting Matrices.

Schilirò, Daniele (2012): Structural change and models of structural analysis: theories, principles and methods.

Schilirò, Daniele (2007): Theories and models of structural dynamics: an ‘ideal’ general framework ?

Soklis, George (2009): The Conversion of the Supply and Use Tables to Symmetric Input-Output Tables: A Critical Review. Published in: Bulletin of Political Economy , Vol. 3, No. 1 (2009): pp. 51-70.

Soklis, George (2011): Wage-profit curves of the Finnish economy: evidence from the supply and use tables.

Sonis, Michael and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Hewings, Geoffrey J.D. (1995): The Asian economy: trade structure interpreted by feedback loop analysis.

Soza-Amigo, Sergio and Aroca, Patricio (2015): Identifying a Country As ¨Developed¨ Based On Their Structural Similarities.

Stamegna, Marco and Bonaiuti, Chiara and Maranzano, Paolo and Pianta, Mario (2024): The economic impact of arms spending in Germany, Italy, and Spain.

TOUNSI, Said and EZZAHIDI, Elhadj and El Alaoui, Aicha and NIHOO, Abdelazziz (2011): Key sectors in the Moroccan economy: an application of input-output analysis. Published in: Economics e-journal , Vol. 59, No. | http://www.economics-ejournal.org/economics/discussionpapers/2012-59 (26 November 2012): pp. 1-18.

Tandon, Anjali (2019): Assessing Factor Proportions in Tradable Sectors of the Indian Economy. Published in: ISID Working Paper (October 2019)

Tandon, Anjali (2022): Assessing structural coherence with factor proportions of tradable sectors in Indian economy. Published in: The Journal of Income and Wealth , Vol. 42, No. 1&2 (2022)

Tandon, Anjali (2022): Employment implications of India’s international trade – A macro view based on Input-Output analysis. Published in: Indian Economic Journal , Vol. 1, No. Special Issue (January 2022)

Tandon, Anjali (2020): Linkages and changing factor use in Indian economy: Implications of emerging trade pattern.

Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2022): Effective Rank and Dimensionality Reduction: From Complex Disaggregation Back to a Simple World.

Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2018): Ricardo’s Theory of Value is Still Alive and Well in Contemporary Capitalism.

Van, Germinal (2021): Equilibrium in the Production Process of a Two-Sector Model of the New Economy.

Yagi, Michiyuki and Kagawa, Shigemi and Managi, Shunsuke and Fujii, Hidemichi and Guan, Dabo (2020): Supply Constraint from Earthquakes in Japan in Input-Output Analysis. Forthcoming in: Risk Analysis


Arce, Rafael de and Mahia, Ramón (2003): Un Modèle d’Equilibre pour la Determination des Effets Nationaux de la Creation d’une Zone de Libre Echange Agricole Euro-Mediterraneenne. Published in: Femise Reports No. 2003 (December 2003)


Mariolis, Theodore (2018): Μεσότητα και «Τρίτος Άνθρωπος» στην Αριστοτελίζουσα Θεωρία των Ανταλλακτικών Αξιών. Published in: Statistical Review. Journal of the Greek Statistical Association , Vol. 11-12, No. Special Issue in honor of Professor Ioannis Vavouras (April 2018): pp. 142-160.

Mariolis, Theodore (2010): Κριτική Έκθεση του "Νόμου της Πτωτικής Τάσης του Ποσοστού Κέρδους" του K. Marx: Κατανομή Εισοδήματος, Επισώρευση Κεφαλαίου και Τεχνολογική Μεταβολή στη Μακρά Περίοδο.

Mariolis, Theodore and Ntemiroglou, Nikolaos and Soklis, George (2018): Η Σραφφαϊανή Καμπύλη Αυτόνομης Ζήτησης-Μεταβιβαστικών Πληρωμών της Ελληνικής Οικονομίας για το έτος 2010. Published in: Statistical Review. Journal of the Greek Statistical Association , Vol. 11-12, No. Special Issue in honor of Professor Ioannis Vavouras (April 2018): pp. 24-37.

Mariolis, Theodore and Veltsistas, Panagiotis (2020): Γιορτάζοντας τα 60 χρόνια των Θεωριών του Rudolf E. Kálmán και του Piero Sraffa: Τα Συστήματα Τιμών του Πραγματικού Κόσμου είναι Σχεδόν Μη-Ελέγξιμα.


Schilirò, Daniele (2004): Complessità e metodi di decomposizione nelle teorie della dinamica economica strutturale.


Manzoor, Davood and Haqiqi, Iman and Aghababaei, Mohammad (2012): Decomposing Electricity Demand Elasticity in Iran: Computable General Equilibrium Approach. Published in: Biquarterly Journal of Economic Policy , Vol. 4, No. 8 (2012): pp. 91-112.


Anefalos, Lilian Cristina and Guilhoto, Joaquim J. M. (2003): Estrutura do mercado brasileiro de flores e plantas ornamentais. Published in: Agricultura em São Paulo , Vol. 50, No. 2 (2003): pp. 41-63.

Araújo, Maria da Piedade and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2008): Infra-estrutura de transpporte: uma análise através de modelos aplicados de equilíbrio geral inter-regional.


Bliska, Flávia Maria de Mello and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2000): Impactos de alterações nas exportações brasileiras de carnes sobre a economia brasileira.

Cabral da Costa, Cinthia and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2010): Impacto da diferenciação do ICMS entre etanol hidratado e gasolina C para a economia do Estado de Minas Gerais.

Camargo, Fernanda S. and Takasago, Milene and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Farias, Aquiles Rocha de and Imori, Denise and Mollo, Maria de Lourdes Rollemberg and Andrade, Joaquim Pinto de (2008): O turismo e a economia brasileira: uma discussão da matriz de insumo-produto. Published in: 14th APDR Congress , Vol. 14, No. 14 (2008): pp. 1-16.

Camargo, Fernanda Sartori de and Guilhoto, Joaquim J. M. (2002): O impacto da globalização na indústria têxtil, 1990 a 1999.

Cardoso, Carlos Estevão Leite and Guilhoto, Joaquim J. M. (2003): Impactos da substituição de importações de produtos agrícolas e agroindustriais na economia brasileira.

Casimiro Filho, Francisco and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2003): Matriz de insumo-produto para a economia turística brasileira: construção e análise das relações intersetoriais.

Casimiro Filho, Francisco and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Lima, Patrícia Verônica Pinheiro Sales (2004): Análise dos impactos dos investimentos no turismo sobre a geração de emprego e renda.

Costa, Cinthia Cabral da and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2011): Impactos sociais, econômicos e ambientais da melhoria no saneamento básico rural no Brasil.

Costa, Cinthia Cabral da Costa and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Imori, Denise (2012): Indicadores econômicos e sociais da produção agrícola para a economia brasileira.

Crocomo, Francisco C. and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (1998): Análise das relações inter-regionais e intersetoriais na economia brasileira em 1985: uma aplicação de insumo produto.

Curzel, Rosana and Silber, Simão Davi and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2007): Argentina, Brasil e Uruguai: um estudo dos impactos regionais da ALCA.

Figueiredo, Margarida Garcia de and Barros, Alexandre Lahós Mendonça de and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2004): Agricultura e estrutura produtiva do estado do Mato Grosso: uma análise insumo-produto.

Figueiredo, Margarida Garcia de and Barros, Alexandre Lahós Mendonça de and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2005): Relação econômica dos setores agrícolas do Estado do Mato Grosso com os demais setores pertencentes tanto ao Estado quanto ao restante do Brasil. Published in: Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural , Vol. 43, No. 3 (2005): pp. 557-575.

Forlin, Amanda and David, Leticia Scretas and Imori, Denise and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2008): O setor de alimentos no mundo: uma análise comparativa de insumo-produto. Published in: VI Encontro Nacional da Associação Brasileira de Estudos Regionais e Urbanos, 2008, Aracajú. Encontro Nacional da Associação Brasileira de Estudos Regionais e Urbanos , Vol. 6, No. 6 (2008): pp. 1-23.

Furtuoso, Maria Cristina Ortiz and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2000): A Estrutura Produtiva da Economia Brasileira e o Agronegócio: 1980 a 1995.

Guilhoto, J. J. M. and Ichihara, S. M. and Silveira, F. G. and Azzoni, Carlos Roberto (2006): Comparação Entre O Agronegócio Familiar Do Rio Grande Do Sul E Do Brasil.

Guilhoto, J. J. M. and Sesso Filho, U. A. (2005): Estimação da Matriz Insumo-Produto a Partir De Dados Preliminares das Contas Nacionais.

Guilhoto, J. J. M. and Silveira, F. G. and Azzoni, Carlos Roberto and Ichihara, S. M. (2005): O Pib do Agronegócio Familiar no Rio Grande do Sul.

Guilhoto, J. J. M. and Sonis, M. and Hewings, G. J. D. (2005): Linkages and Multipliers in a Multiregional Framework: Integration of Alternative Approaches.

Guilhoto, Joaquim J. M. and Silveira, Fernando and Ichihara, Silvio M. and Azzoni, Carlos Roberto (2006): A Importância Do Agronegócio Familiar No Brasil.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2011): Análise de Insumo-Produto: Teoria e Fundamentos.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (1993): Estrutura produtiva da economia brasileira, 1960-1985.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2001): Leontief e insumo-produto: antecedentes, princípios e evolução.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Azzoni, Carlos Roberto and Ichihara, Silvio Massaru (2014): Contribuição da agricultura e do agronegócio familiar para o PIB do Nordeste. Published in: Revista Econômica do Nordeste , Vol. 45, (2014): pp. 136-152.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Camargo, Fernanda Satori de and Moreira, Guilherme Renato Caldo (2007): Agropecuária, emprego e distribuição de renda na economia brasileira: uma aplicação do modelo Leontief-Miyazawa.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Conceição, Pedro H.Z. da and Crocomo, Francisco C. (1996): Estruturas de produção, consumo, e distribuição de renda na economia brasileira: 1975 e 1980 comparados. Published in: Economia & Empresa , Vol. 3, No. 3 (1996): pp. 1-126.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Filho, Umberto Antonio Sesso (2005): Análise da estrutura produtiva da Amazônia brasileira.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Furtuoso, Maria Cristina Ortiz (2000): A distribuição setorial do PIB do agronegócio brasileiro.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Hasegawa, Marcos and Lopes, Ricardo Luis (2002): A estrutura teórica do modelo inter-regional para a economia brasileira - MIBRA. Published in: Anais do II Encontro de Estudos Regionais e Urbanos (2002)

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Módolo, Débora Belluci and Assumpção, Marina and Imori, Denise (2007): O agronegócio da Bahia e de suas mesorregiões.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Sesso Filho, Umberto Antonio (2010): Estimação da matriz insumo-produto utilizando dados preliminares das contas nacionais: aplicação e análise de indicadores econômicos para o Brasil em 2005.

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Sesso Filho, Umberto Antonio and Lopes, Ricardo Luis and M. A. Tupich Hilgemberg, Cleise and M. Hilgemberg, Emerson (2002): Nota metodológica: a construção da matriz insumo-produto utilizando dados preliminares das contas nacionais. Published in: Economia Aplicada , Vol. 9, No. 1 (2005)

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Sonis, Michael and Hewings, Geoffrey J.D. and Martins, Eduardo B. (1994): Índices de ligações e setores chave na economia brasileira: 1959-1980. Published in: Pesquisa e Planejamento Econômico , Vol. 24, No. 2 (August 1994): pp. 287-314.

Gutierre, Leopoldo M. and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Nogueira, Tatiana A. (2012): Estrutura produtiva, de consumo e de formação de renda brasileira: uma análise de insumo-produto para o ano de 2008.

Hasegawa, Marcos and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2006): Investimento e produtividade dos fatores primários: uma análise de equilíbrio geral aplicado.

Hilgemberg, E. M. and Guilhoto, J. J. M. (2006): Uso De Combustíveis E Emissões De Co2 No Brasil: Um Modelo Interregional De Insumo-Produto.

Ichihara, Silvio Massaru and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Imori, Denise (2008): Geoprocessing and estimation of interregional input-output systems an application to the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil. Published in: 48th Congress of the European Regional Science Association Liverpool, UK , Vol. 48, No. 48 (27 August 2008): pp. 1-45.

Lima, Patrícia Verônica Pinheiro Sales and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2002): Relações econômicas do Ceará e os principais setores geradores de emprego e renda na economia. Published in: Revista Econômica do Nordeste , Vol. 35, No. 1 (2004): pp. 111-126.

M. A. Tupich Hilgemberg, Cleise and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2004): Abertura econômica e seus efeitos no mercado de trabalho brasileiro na década de 1990. Published in: Economia Aplicada , Vol. 8, No. 4 (2004): pp. 659-691.

Marjotta-Maistro, Maria Cristina and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2000): A importância do setor sucroalcooleiro e suas relações com a estrutura produtiva da economia.

Martins, Paulo do Carmo and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2001): Leite e derivados e a geração de emprego, renda e ICMS no contexto da economia brasileira.

Montoya, Marco Antônio and Parré, José Luiz and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (1996): Uma análise do impacto do Mercosul sobre o comércio de grãos e seus reflexos no setor agroindustrial e na economia brasileira.

Parré, José Luiz and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2001): O agronegócio nas regiões norte e nordeste do Brasil. Published in: Revista Econômica do Nordeste , Vol. 32, No. 1 (2001): pp. 68-94.

Parré, José Luiz and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2001): A desconcentração regional do agronegócio brasileiro.

Parré, José Luiz and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2001): A importância econômica do agronegócio na região sul. Published in: Análise Econômica , Vol. 19, No. 35 (2001)

Rodrigues, R. L. and Guilhoto, J. J. M. (2004): Estrutura Produtiva, Relações Intersetoriais e Cooperativas Agropecuárias no Paraná em 1980 E 1985.

Rodrigues, Rossana Lott and Moretto, Antonio Carlos and Crocomo, Francisco C. and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2005): Transações inter-regionais e intersetoriais entre as macro-regiões brasileiras. Published in: Revista Brasileira de Economia

Sakon, Fernando M. and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Bliska, Flavia M. M. and Imori, Denise and Camargo, Fernanda S. (2008): A produção e industrialização do café dos principais produtores brasileiros e a economia nacional: simulações sob um modelo inter-regional de insumo-produto. Published in: Sociedade Brasileira de Economia, Administração e Sociologia Rural , Vol. 46, No. 46 (20 July 2008): pp. 1-19.

Sakon, Fernando Malateux and Imori, Denise and Cunha, Fernanda Sartori Camargo da and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Bliska, Flávia Maria de Mello (2012): A produção e industrialização do café no Brasil e a economia nacional: simulações sob um modelo inter-regional de insumo-produto.


Arce, Rafael de and Mahia, Ramón (2004): Estimación Analítica de los efectos de la creación de un área de libre comercio agrícola entre la UE y Marruecos. Published in: Información Comercial Española ICE , Vol. 819, (December 2004): pp. 191-210.

Coremberg, Ariel and Mastronardi, Leonardo and Romero, Carlos and Vila Martinez, Juan Pablo (2016): Matriz de Contabilidad Social para Argentina construida con resultados de PBI alternativos proveniente del ARKLEMS-LAND UBA.

Mastronardi, Leonardo Javier and Romero, Carlos Adrián (2012): Estimación de matrices de insumo producto regionales mediante métodos indirectos. Una aplicación para la ciudad de Buenos Aires.

Michelena, Gabriel Nicolas (2023): Construcción de una Matriz Insumo Producto partir de los COU 2019.

Romero, Carlos Adrian and Mastronardi, Leonardo Javier and Faye, Magalí Julieta (2012): Análisis de coeficientes de localización. El caso de la provincia de Córdoba.


Ugurlu, Erginbay (2009): Sosyal Hesaplar Matrisi (SHM) Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Published in: www.makalem.com (2010): pp. 1-25.

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