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Items where Subject is "I24 - Education and Inequality"

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Abdel-Rahman, Alaa and Fuller, David (2014): Education and employment in Egypt: the policies, discrepancies and possible solutions.

Abou, Pokou Edouard (2015): Incidence du travail domestique, des caractéristiques de l’école et du ménage sur les résultats scolaires des filles en Côte d’Ivoire.

Abu-Rumman, Raed and Shahateet, Mohammed and Shahin, Azmi (2002): Child Labour and Education in Jordan: A Rapid Assessment.

Acosta Reveles, Irma Lorena (2019): Brecha de género en la universidad, productivismo y tecnologías de la información. Published in: Encuentros multidisciplinares , Vol. 21, No. 62 (August 2019): pp. 1-16.

Acosta Reveles, Irma Lorena (2021): Científicas a la sombra, también en el espacio virtual. Published in: Asparkía Investigació Feminista , Vol. 38, (22 June 2021): pp. 59-82.

Ahsan, Md Nazmul and Emran, M. Shahe and Shilpi, Forhad (2024): On the Rank-Rank Model of Intergenerational Mobility: Pitfalls for Policy Evaluation.

Ahsan, Md Nazmul and Shilpi, Forhad and Emran, Shahe (2023): Public Primary School Expansion, Gender-based Crowding Out, and Intergenerational Educational Mobility.

Alali, Walid Y. (2011): Inequality in Education and Income Across Countries.

Alfano, Vincenzo and Gaeta, Giuseppe Lucio and Pinto, Mauro and Rotondo, Francesca and Vecchione, Gaetano (2021): La dinamica dell’offerta di formazione dottorale dopo la riforma Gelmini.

Amarasekara, Chandranath and Venuganan, Poongothai (2021): Comparative Review of the Human Capital Development Journeys of Vietnam and Sri Lanka. Published in: Vietnam Journal for Indian and Asian Studies , Vol. 9, No. 106 (September 2021): pp. 14-27.

Anepska, Veronika and Krotova, Sofiia and Mamchur, Polina and Tyshchenko, Sofiia (2024): Examining Predictors of Gender Parity in Education.

Aso, Hiroki (2020): Differential Fertility, Intergenerational Mobility and the Process of Economic Development.

Aso, Hiroki (2020): Differential Fertility, Intergenerational Mobility and the Process of Economic Development.

Aso, Hiroki (2021): Endogenous lifetime, intergenerational mobility and economic development.

Asongu, Simplice and Orim, Stella-Maris and Nting, Rexon (2019): Inequality, Information Technology and Inclusive Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Published in: Technological Forecasting and Social Change , Vol. 146, No. September (September 2019): 380 -389.

Atuhurra, Julius and Alinda, Violet (2017): Basic Education curriculum effectiveness analysis in East Africa: Using the ‘Surveys of Enacted Curriculum’ framework to describe primary mathematics and English content in Uganda.

Atuhurra, Julius and Alinda, Violet (2018): Basic Education curriculum effectiveness in East Africa: A descriptive analysis of primary mathematics in Uganda using the ‘Surveys of Enacted Curriculum’.


Badunenko, Oleg and Myeki, Lindikaya W (2023): Multidimensional Analysis of Attainment of Higher Education Goals in South Africa’s Public Universities: Access, Quality, Diversity, Success and Efficiency.

Badunenko, Oleg and Myeki, Lindikaya W (2023): Multidimensional Analysis of Attainment of Higher Education Goals in South Africa’s Public Universities: Access, Quality, Diversity, Success and Efficiency.

Bakour, Chafik and Abahamid, Mohamed Yassine (2019): Regional disparities in development in Morocco: Statistical analyses using dispersion indicators and multidimensional techniques.

Balsa, Ana and Cid, Alejandro (2014): Advancing academic opportunities for disadvantaged youth: third year impact evaluation of a privately-managed school in a poor neighborhood in Montevideo. Forthcoming in: Páginas de Educación - Revista de la Universidad Católica del Uruguay

Barrientos Oradini, Nicolas and Castillo Ramos, Sebastián (2015): Evaluación de la propuesta de Gratuidad para el 60% de alumnos vulnerables en la Educación Superior.

Basu, Suajta (2014): Intergenerational mobility, composition of human capital and distance to frontier.

Basu, Sujata (2014): R & D sector outsourcing, human capital formation and growth in the context of developed versus developing economies.

Bayer, Amanda and Grossman, Jean and DuBois, David (2013): School-Based Mentoring Programs: Using Volunteers to Improve the Academic Outcomes of Underserved Students. Published in: MDRC Working Paper

Bayer, Amanda and Grossman, Jean and DuBois, David (2015): Using Volunteer Mentors to Improve the Academic Outcomes of Underserved Students: The Role of Relationships. Published in: Journal of Community Psychology , Vol. 4, No. 43 (April 2015): pp. 408-429.

Beri, Parfait and Cochrane, Logan and Syed Fazlullah, Sarah (2024): Public spending and primary school enrolment: An Autoregressive distributed lag approach.

Biswas, Anindya and Chaudhuri, Sarbajit (2014): Skill formation, public expenditure on education and wage inequality: theory and evidence.

Bol, Thijs and Witschge, Jacqueline and Van de Werfhorst, Herman and Dronkers, Jaap (2013): Curricula tracking and central examinations: counterbalancing the Impact of social background on student achievement in 36 countries.

Bonev, Pavlin (2013): Government Intervention in Postsecondary Education in Bulgaria. Forthcoming in:

Borooah, Vani (2016): Measuring Inequality of Access to Higher Education in India. Published in: Journal of Quantitative Economis No. DOI 10.1007/s40953-016-0053-4 (2016): pp. 1-23.

Borooah, Vani and Knox, Colin (2013): Access and Performance Inequalities: post-primary education in Northern Ireland. Published in: Journal of Poverty and Social Justice , Vol. 22, No. 2 (2014): pp. 111-135.

Borooah, Vani and Knox, Colin (2012): The Contribution of "Shared Education" to Catholic-Protestant Reconciliation in Northern Ireland: A Third Way? Published in: British Educational Research Journal , Vol. 39, No. 5 (2013): pp. 925-946.

Borooah, Vani and Knox, Colin (2015): Inequality and Segregation in Northern Ireland Schools. Published in: The Economics of Schooling in a Divided Society No. Palgrave Macmillan (2015): pp. 84-113.

Borooah, Vani and Knox, Colin (2015): Inequality, segregation and poor performance: the education system in Northern Ireland. Published in: Educational Review No. 10.1080/00131911.2016.1213225 (15 August 2016): pp. 1-19.

Borooah, Vani and Knox, Colin (2015): Introduction to Divided Societies. Published in: The Economics of Schooling in a Divided Society No. Palgrave Macmillan (2015): pp. 1-15.

Borooah, Vani and Sabharwal, Nidhi (2021): English as a Medium of Instruction in Indian Education: Inequality of Access to Educational Opportunities. Published in: Reclaiming Development Studies: Essays for Ashwani Saith No. Anthem Press (2021): pp. 197-226.

Braakmann, Nils and McDonald, Stephen (2018): Student exposure to socio-economic diversity and students’ university outcomes – Evidence from English administrative data.

Bronfman, Javier (2007): School Performance Evaluation under the Voucher System: the Case of Chile. Published in: The Wagner Review , Vol. XIV, No. 1 (2007): pp. 77-86.

Burger, Kaspar (2016): Intergenerational transmission of education in Europe: Do more comprehensive education systems reduce social gradients in student achievement? Published in: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility No. 44 (2016): pp. 54-67.

Burger, Kaspar (2019): The socio-spatial dimension of educational inequality: A comparative European analysis. Published in: Studies in Educational Evaluation No. 62 (2019): pp. 171-186.


Cabrera-Hernandez, Francisco and Orraca-Romano, Pedro (2021): Inequality in the household: neonatal health effects on education outcomes and parents’ compensations among siblings.

Caleiro, António (2020): About some evidences of health literacy.

Canaan, Serena and Mouganie, Pierre (2019): Female science advisors and the STEM gender gap.

Canals, Catalina and Meneses, Francisco and Serra, Camila (2015): Aspectos geográficos de los cambios de estudiantes entre establecimientos escolares. Published in: Estudios de Politica Educativa , Vol. 1, No. 1 (January 2015): pp. 183-206.

Caragea, Nicoleta (2012): Regional Analysis of Out-of-School Children in Romania.

Carvalho, Jean-Paul and Koyama, Mark (2013): Resisting Education.

Cascavilla, Alessandro and Caferra, Rocco and Morone, Andrea (2021): The green and the dark side of distance learning: from environmental quality to economic inequality.

Castellano, Rosalia and Punzo, Gennaro and Rocca, Antonella (2012): The Generational Perspective of Gender Gap and Discrimination in Southern Europe.

Chakraborty, Lekha S and Chowdhury, Samik (2005): Fiscal Marksmanship of Education Expenditure in India: Analyzing Forecast Errors through a Gender lens.

Chatterjee, Sidharta (2020): Capital Resource Inequality.

Chaudhuri, Sarbajit (2014): Does Public Assistance for Skills Formation Necessarily Improve Wage Inequality in the Future?

Chaudhuri, Sarbajit (2014): Public Subsidy on Education, Welfare, and Wage Inequality in a Small Open Developed Economy: A Two-period Analysis.

Chaudhuri, Sarbajit and Biswas, Anindya (2015): Public Subsidy on Education and Welfare in Small OECD Countries: A Theoretical and Empirical Reconciliation.

Choudhary, Akanksha and Singh, Ashish (2016): Socio-economic differentials in intergenerational educational mobility among women in India.

Cid, Alejandro and Balsa, Ana I. (2015): Advancing Academic Opportunities for Disadvantaged Youth: Third Year Impact Evaluation of a Privately-Managed School in a Poor Neighborhood in Montevideo. Published in: Páginas de Educación , Vol. 7, No. 1 (16 November 2015): pp. 15-35.

Cid, Alejandro and Balsa, Ana I. and Antonaccio, Valentina (2017): Positive Parenting: Babies and Toddlers Group-Based Parental Interventions.

Cid, Alejandro and Bernatzky, Marianne (2014): Brecha de género en la educación secundaria. Forthcoming in: Páginas de Educación - Revista de la Universidad Católica del Uruguay

Cid, Alejandro and Bernatzky, Marianne (2017): Parents’ aspirations and commitment with education. Lessons from a randomized control trial in a shantytown. Published in: Studies in Educational Evaluation , Vol. 56, No. 1 (2017): pp. 85-93.

Ciftci, Muhsin (2021): Uneven Consequences of Coronavirus Pandemic: Evidence from a Real Time Survey.

Claver Sanz, Raúl (2022): ¿Cómo evoluciona el nivel educativo entre generaciones en Asia (Pacífico y Oriente Medio)?

Claver Sanz, Raúl (2022): La transmisión intergeneracional de educación: evidencia en América Latina (1870 – 2010).

Claver Sanz, Raúl (2022): Movilidad entre generaciones en países africanos: evidencia para la educación.

Colombo, Daniel Gama e (2019): Access to Graduate Education in Brazil: predictors of choice and enrollment in master’s degree programs.

Comim, Flavio and Borsi, Mihály Tamás and Valerio Mendoza, Octasiano (2020): The Multi-dimensions of Aporophobia.

Coșciug, Anatolie (2013): The Impact of International Student Mobility in Romania. Published in: Europolis , Vol. 7, No. 1 (2013): pp. 93-109.

Curtis Jr, James E (2017): Differences in Wealth, Education, and History.


Dai, Tianran and Zhao, Yaohui (2024): When the Young Meet the Old: Evidence on Education Upgrading in China.

Dao, Ngoc Tien and Doan, Quang Hung and Nguyen, Son Tung (2016): The relation between university GPA and family background: Evidence from a university in Vietnam. Published in:

Daway-Ducanes, Sarah Lynne and Pernia, Elena and Ramos, Vincent Jerald (2018): On Income Advantage in University Admissions and College Major Choices: Evidence from the University of the Philippines.

Del Gobbo, Giovanna and Galeotti, Glenda and Esposito, Gilda (2017): Intergenerational Education for Social Inclusion and Solidarity: The Case Study of the EU Funded Project “Connecting Generations”. Published in: Czech-Polish-Slovak Studies in Andragogy and Social Gerontology , Vol. 7, (November 2017): pp. 149-187.

Dev, Pritha and Mberu, Blessing and Pongou, Roland (2015): Ethnic Inequality: Theory and Evidence from Formal Education in Nigeria. Forthcoming in: Economic Development and Cultural Change

Dinçer, N. Nergiz and Tekin-Koru, Ayça (2013): Adult Education in Turkey: Stylized Facts, Determinants and Further Issues.


Elitas, Zeynep and Ercan, Hakan and Tumen, Semih (2014): Reassessing the Trends in the Relative Supply of College-Equivalent Workers in the U.S.: A Selection-Correction Approach.

Emran, M. Shahe and Jiang, Hanchen and Shilpi, Forhad (2021): Is Gender Destiny? Gender Bias and Intergenerational Educational Mobility in India.

Emran, M. Shahe and Sun, Yan (2014): Are the Children of Uneducated Farmers Doubly Doomed? Farm, Nonfarm and Intergenerational Educational Mobility in Rural China.

Engbom, Niklas and Moser, Christian (2017): Returns to Education Through Access to Higher-Paying Firms: Evidence from US Matched Employer-Employee Data. Published in: American Economic Review , Vol. 107, No. 5 (May 2017): pp. 374-378.


Fatoke Dato, Mafaizath A. (2015): Impact of income shock on children’s schooling and labor in a West African country.

Ferman, Bruno and Fontes, Luiz Felipe (2020): Discriminating Behavior: Evidence from teachers’ grading bias.

Ferrante, Francesco (2014): Assessing quality in Higher Education: some caveats.

Ferreira Lima, Luis Cristovao (2013): The Persistent Inequality in the Great Brazilian Cities: The Case of Brasília.

Ferreira Lima, Luis Cristovao (2013): A Persistente Desigualdade nas Grandes Cidades Brasileiras: o Caso de Brasília.


G.K., Chetan Kumar and K.B., Rangappa (2021): Analyzing Usage and Effectiveness Of E-Learning Applications among Rural and Urban Students: An Empirical Study. Published in: Towards Excellence , Vol. 13, No. September 2021 (18 October 2021): pp. 451-467.

Ganguly, Dibyasree and Misra, Sheuli and Goli, Srinivas (2020): India’s COVID-19 Episode: Resilience, Response, Impact and Lessons.

Garces-Voisenat, Juan-Pedro (2015): Equality of Opportunity in Education: A Case Study of Chile and Norway.

Ghosh, sudeshna (2017): Education Attainment Forecasting and Economic Inequality United States.

Gu, Ran (2021): Human Capital and the Business Cycle Effects on the Postgraduate Wage Premium.

Gu, Ran (2019): Specific Capital, Firm Insurance, and the Dynamics of the Postgraduate Wage Premium.

Gunnes, Trude and Donze, Jocelyn (2016): Teaching Practices and the Management of Student Motivation, Effort and Achievement.


Hameed, Abdul and Padda, Ihtsham ul Haq and Dahar, Muhammad Arshad (2017): Micro-Supply Capacity Assessment and Quality of Education for the Public Sector Schools in Punjab (Pakistan). Forthcoming in:

Haqiqi, Iman and Bahalou, Marziyeh and Hamidi, Razieh (2014): Measurement and Evaluation of Equality of Opportunity: A Numerical Look at Education, Health, and Income Inequality.

Harashima, Taiji (2016): Live and Let Live: Sustainable Heterogeneity Will Generally Prevail.

Hari, Naveen (2021): Caste and Education: A Brief Review of Literature.

Hasan, Mohammad Monirul and Sakib, S M Nazmus and Khan, Trisa (2023): Factors affecting the violence against women: evidence from rural Bangladesh.

Hati, Koushik Kumar (2010): Socio-religious Disparity in Educational Achievements: A District Level study in West Bengal. Published in: Prankrishna Pal, Alok K. Bhaumik, Kausik Gupta (eds), Emerging Issues in The Indian Economy, Regal Publications, New Delhi (January 2011)

Hati, Koushik Kumar and Majumder, Rajarshi (2012): Proximate Determinants of School Dropout: A study on Rural West Bengal.

Hati, Koushik Kumar and Majumder, Rajarshi (2012): Proximate Determinants of School Dropout: A study on Rural West Bengal.

Hazans, Mihails and Holmen, Rasmus Bøgh and Upenieks, Jānis and Žabko, Oksana (2024): Regional inequalities in access to STEM-oriented secondary education in Latvia.

Horn, Dániel and Kiss, Hubert Janos and Lénárd, Tünde (2020): Economic preferences in the classroom - research documentation.

Huang, Kaixing and Liao, Yuxi and Luo, Renfu (2024): Does Parent-Teacher Communication Truly Boost Students' School Performance?

Hyytinen, Ari and Ilmakunnas, Pekka and Johansson, Edvard and Toivanen, Otto (2013): Heritability of Lifetime Income.


Jackson, Emerson Abraham (2020): Global Perspectives on Gender Sensitivity and Economic Benefits. Published in: Springer Nature Publisher, Cham. No. Encyclopedia Chapter (27 May 2020): pp. 1-17.

Jacob, Arun (2016): Gender Bias in Educational Attainment in India : The Role of Dowry Payments.

James Edward, Curtis Jr (2017): Differences in Wealth, Education, and History.

Jang, Youngsoo and Yum, Minchul (2020): Aggregate and Intergenerational Implications of School Closures: A Quantitative Assessment.

Jariani, Farzaneh (2021): The Impact of Governance on Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education (SDG4) in Iran.

Jellal, Mohamed (2014): A theory of family education incentives and inequality.

Jun, Bogang and Hwang, Won-Sik (2012): Financial Hurdles for Human Capital Accumulation: Revisiting the Galor-Zeira Model.


Kamińska, Krystyna (2017): (Un)Obvious Education, or Complexities of the Polish Education Aimed at Older People. Published in: Czech-Polish-Slovak Studies in Andragogy and Social Gerontology , Vol. 7, (November 2017): pp. 121-147.

Kanev, Dimitar (2016): Неравенство и образование. Роля на ограничената рационалност и дефектите на самоконтрола. Published in: INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT (2016): pp. 157-165.

Kanwal, Ayesha and Munir, Kashif (2015): The Impact of Educational and Gender Inequality on Income Inequality in South Asia.

Karachiwalla, Naureen (2013): A teacher unlike me: Social distance, learning, and intergenerational mobility in developing countries.

Kharisma, Bayu (2017): Idiosyncratic Shocks, Child Labor and School Attendance in Indonesia. Published in: International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) , Vol. 6, No. No.2, June 2017 (10 June 2017)

Kim, Young-Chul and Kim, Young-Joon and Loury, Glenn (2013): Widening Gap in College Admission and Improving Equal Opportunity in South Korea. Forthcoming in: Global Economic Review

Kohnert, Dirk (2022): African migrants plight in China: Afrophobia impedes China's race for Africa's resources and markets.

Kohnert, Dirk (2022): Are Africans happy? 'Return to laughter' in times of war, famine and misery.

Kohnert, Dirk (2022): Le sort des migrants africains en Chine : L'afrophobie entrave la course de la Chine pour les ressources et les marchés de l'Afrique.

Kohnert, Dirk (2021): Le sort des migrants africains en Inde : L'Afrophobie entrave la course de l'Inde aux ressources et aux marchés de l'Afrique.

Kohnert, Dirk (2022): Les Africains, sont-ils heureux ? « Retour au rire » en temps de guerre, de famine et de misère.

Kohnert, Dirk (2022): Éthique des machines et identités africaines: Perspectives de l'intelligence artificielle en Afrique.

Kumar, Chetan and K.B., Rangappa (2022): Analysis of socio-economic factors affecting deprivation of school attendance across Indian districts and its implication on public expenditure.

Kumara, Ajantha Sisira (2015): Wage Differentials in Sri Lanka: The case of a post-conflict country with a free education policy.


LEBIHAN, Laetitia and MAO TAKONGMO, Charles Olivier (2018): Mathematics Trajectories and Risk Factors During Childhood.

Lambert, Thomas (2019): Rationality and Capitalist Schooling.

Larraín, Clemente and Valdés, Natalia (2015): Análisis y Propuestas en torno al Acceso a la Educación Superior chilena en el contexto de una reforma Educacional (Agosto 2015).

Lasierra-Asun, Diana (2023): La clase social como elemento limitador de la movilidad, la inmovilidad persistente.

Leiva, Vicente and Valenzuela, Pia and Cuevas, Abrahan (2024): Impacto de las Cuarentenas por COVID-19 en Pruebas De Ingreso Universitario: Análisis de Brechas Sociales y Educativas durante la pandemia en Chile.

Liouaeddine, Mariem (2016): Démocratisation de l’éducation et inégalités scolaires au Maroc.

Liouaeddine, Mariem (2016): Démocratisation de l’éducation et inégalités scolaires au Maroc.

Liouaeddine, Mariem and Bijou, Mohammed and Naji, Faïrouz (2017): The Main Determinants of Moroccan Students' Outcomes. Published in: American Journal of Educational Research , Vol. 5, No. 4 (13 April 2017): pp. 367-383.


M S, Navaneeth and Siddiqui, Ismail (2022): How Inclusive Is Online Education in India: Lessons From the Pandemic. Forthcoming in:

Majumder, Rajarshi and Mukherjee, Dipa and Ray, Jhilam (2017): Education and labour market: estimating future skill gap in India.

Majumder, Rajarshi and Ray, Jhilam (2016): Development and Exclusion: Intergenerational Stickiness in India.

Majumder, Rajarshi and Ray, Jhilam and Sen, Anindita (2013): Social Sector Development in South West Bengal.

Mamoon, Dawood (2017): Progressing Pakistan should ensure Quality Education for All.

Marchionni, Mariana and Pinto, Florencia and Vazquez, Emmanuel (2013): Determinantes de la desigualdad en el desempeño educativo en la Argentina. Published in: Anales de la Asociación Argentina de Economía Política. No. XLVIII Reunión Anual (November 2013)

Marchionni, Mariana and Vazquez, Emmanuel and Pinto, Florencia (2012): Desigualdad educativa en la Argentina. Análisis en base a los datos PISA 2009. Published in: Documentos de trabajo. UNICEF Argentina. (May 2012)

Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil and Tzagkarakis, Stylianos Ioannis (2018): Der Wohlfahrtstaat als Grundbestandteil des modernen demokratischen Staatsgefüges.

Mbazia, Nadia (2017): Inequality and Growth in Tunisia: Empirical evidence on the role of macroeconomic factors.

Miyake, Yusuke and Yasuoka, Masaya (2018): Intergenerational Mobility and Policy in an Aging Population.

Mlacha, Cornel J. and Ndanshau, Michael O.A (2018): Education and Labour Earnings Inequality in Tanzania: Evidence from Quantile Regression Analysis.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2022): Development of Grounded Theory in Social Sciences: A Qualitative Approach. Published in: Studies in Social Science & Humanities , Vol. 5, No. 1 (6 December 2022): pp. 13-24.

Monroy-Gómez-Franco, Luis and Vélez-Grajales, Roberto and Lopez-Calva, Luis Felipe (2021): The potential effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on learning.

Mookerjee, Sulagna and Slichter, David (2018): Test Scores, Schools, and the Geography of Economic Opportunity.

Motkuri, Venkatanarayana (2013): When Will India Achieve Universal Adult Literacy: Status and Prospects.

Motkuri, Venkatanarayana (2003): Child Deprivation: An Extended Approach to Child Labour.

Motkuri, Venkatanarayana (2006): Child Work and Schooling in a Backward Region of Andhra Pradesh, India: Observations from the Field.

Motkuri, Venkatanarayana (2013): Education and Literacy in Andhra Pradesh (Pre-School, School, Higher and Technical Education and Adult Literacy and Skills).

Motkuri, Venkatanarayana (2005): Educational Development Index Based on DISE data for Districts of Uttar Pradesh.

Motkuri, Venkatanarayana (2009): Privatization of School Education in Andhra Pradesh : Regional Implications.

Murali, Rashmi and Brahmachari, Deborshi and Govindan, Mini (2019): Influence of Electricity Access on Gender: Evidences from Nepal.


Namasaka, Martin (2015): The Consequences of the Demographic Transition for Women’s Status in Society.

Naven, Matthew (2020): Within-School Heterogeneity in Quality: Do Schools Provide Equal Value Added to All Students?


Ogundari, Kolawole (2023): The effect of socioeconomic status on the student achievement gap in the United States: Race/ethnic disparities.

Ong, David and Xie, Man and Zhang, Junsen (2020): The College Admissions Contribution to the Labor Market Beauty Premium.

Owen, Ann and Phillips, Anne (2013): Education, income, and the distribution of happiness.


Paredes-Torres, Tatiana (2017): The impact of exposure to cash transfers on education and labor market outcomes.

Paxman, Andrew (2021): Protestant Education among Indigenous Mexicans: The Social Impact of the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL), 1935-1970.

Pelenc, Jérôme (2014): Combining the capability approach and Max-Neef’s needs approach for a better assessment of multidimensional well-being and inequalities: a case study perspective with vulnerable teenagers of the region of Paris (France).

Polemis, Michael (2018): Personality traits as an engine of knowledge: A quantile regression approach.

Popov, Vladimir and Konchakov, Roman and Didenko, Dmitry (2023): Factors of social tension in the provinces of the Russian Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Popov, Vladimir and Konchakov, Roman and Didenko, Dmitry (2024): Growth of human capital in the regions of the Russian Empire in 1897-1913: the role of local self-government bodies (zemstva) financing.

Priyo, Asad Karim Khan and Hazra, Ummaha (2020): Understanding digital divide in online class experiences during Covid-19 lockdown in Bangladesh. Published in: North South Business Review , Vol. 11, No. 2 (2 June 2021): pp. 17-31.


Raihan, Selim and Ahmed, Mansur (2016): Spatial divergence of primary education development in Bangladesh through the lens of Education Development Index (EDI).

Ray, Jhilam and Sengupta, Atanu (2012): Poverty in Tribal Dominated Economy: Dimensions and Proximate Determinants.

Ray, Rita (2015): STEM Education and Economic Performance in the American States.

Ray, Rita (2015): STEM Education and Economic Performance in the American States.

Renas, Stephen and Cebula, Richard (1971): Investment in Human Capital and the Appropriate Discount Rate. Published in: Social and Economic Studies , Vol. 21, No. 1 (29 March 1972): pp. 61-71.

Richey, Jeremiah and Rosburg, Alicia (2014): Human capital and trends in the transmission of economic status across generations in the U.S.

Roy, Pronoy and Husain, Zakir (2019): Education as a way to reducing inequality: Evidence from India.


SANDERS, ZAGABE (2023): A discussion on the research methodology for building a gender-responsive and inclusive education system in a fragile and conflict affected setting: A case of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Samarakoon, Sujani and Parinduri, Rasyad (2014): Does Education Empower Women? Evidence from Indonesia.

Sequeira, Tiago and Santos, Marcelo and Ferreira-Lopes, Alexandra (2014): Income Inequality, TFP, and Human Capital.

Shaked, Avner and Cristobal Campoamor, Adolfo (2014): Job competition, employability and incentives for human capital formation.

Shumakova, Oksana and Stukach, Victor (2022): Востребованность научных разработок аграрного вуза в условиях социально - политической турбулентности, оценка актуальности исследований. Published in: Управление образованием: теория и практика. , Vol. 14, No. т.12. No.5 (April 2022): pp. 101-114.

Stukach, Victor and Sichevskay, Larisa and Zinich, Alla (2013): Молодежный рынок аграрного труда: потенциал региона, институты адаптации, партнерства. Published in: Издательство "Прогресс" Омск. 2013 год.120 стр , Vol. 158, No. Проблемы молодежного труда на аграрном рынке. Материал доработан (March 2017): pp. 1-158.

Subramaniam, Viswanatha (2021): Poverty - A Simple Approach to Eradicate IT.

Sumarto, Sudarno and de Silva, Indunil (2013): Education Transfers, expenditures and child labour supply in Indonesia: An evaluationof impacts and flypaper effects.


Tamilina, Larysa (2021): Educational Inequality in Luxembourg.

Tamilina, Larysa (2021): Educational policy and reforms in Luxembourg.

Tan, Sui Chin and Ho, Chong Mun and Pang, Vincent (2015): Education inequality: become better or worse?

Tan Kuan Lu, Clifford (2014): University Rankings Game and its relation to GDP per capita and GDP growth.

Tang, Rongsheng and Wang, Gaowang (2021): Educational mismatch and earnings inequality. Forthcoming in: Economic Modelling

Tansel, Aysit (2015): Inequality of Opportunities of Educational Achievement in Turkey Over Time.

Tansel, Aysit (2011): Intergenerational educational mobility in Turkey.

Tansel, Aysit (2013): Private Tutoring and the Question of Equitable Opportunities in Turkey.

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