Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "A14 - Sociology of Economics"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 343.


Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2010): Banks' Reserves' Restrictions and Economic Performance in Sudan (2007-2009).

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2010): Economics and Hegemony; Globalization and International Trade Agreements.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2010): Impacts of Tribal and Economic Factors on Civil Conflict between North and South Sudan.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2010): Implications of the Economic Interactions between Northern and Southern Tribes of Sudan.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2010): Islamic Banks Financing and Poverty Alleviation in Sudan.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2010): Tyrannical Greed and National Disintegration of the Sudanese Nation.


Akhabbar, Amanar and Antille, Gabrielle and Fontela, Emilio and Pulido, Antonio (2011): Input-Output in Europe: Trends in Research and Application. Published in: OEconomia , Vol. 1, No. 1

Alam, Mahim and Kabir, Janesar and Rajia, Sultana and Sen, Topon (2024): Resilience and Renewal: Tracing Bangladesh's Path from Adversity to Economic Emergence.

Albers, Scott (2019): An attitude of complexity: thirteen essays on the nature and construction of reality under the challenge of Zeno's Paradox.

Ali, Shabbir and Nadeem, Ahmed (2021): The Impact of Socio-emotional competencies, Socio-economic factors, and the Employability process on Employment Status.

Aliu, Armando (2012): Decentralisation and the world`s multidimensional expansion: the rise of singularity and hybridity.

Aliu, Armando (2012): International migration and the european union relations in the context of a comparison of Western Balkans and North African countries: controlling migration and hybrid model.

Alphin Jr., Henry C. (2008): Two Concepts of Liberty: An Analysis of Berlin's Seminal Essay.

Alvi, Mohsin and Mirza, Mohammad Haris and Ikram, Midra and Khoso, Ameer Bux and Mukhtar, Amber (2017): Is joy an emotional function of age and gender? Published in: RA Journal of Applied Research , Vol. 3, No. 10 (1 October 2017): pp. 1091-1099.

Anttiroiko, Ari-Veikko (2015): Networks in Manuel Castells’ theory of the network society.

Argentiero, Amedeo and Cerqueti, Roy and Sabatini, Fabio (2018): Does social capital explain the Solow residual? A DSGE approach.

Ashraf, Iram and Ali, Amjad (2018): Socio-Economic Well-Being and Women Status in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis. Forthcoming in:

Awan, Masood Sarwar and Waqas, Muhammad and Aslam, Muhammad Amir and Abbas, Faisal (2011): Health related quality of life assessment in patients with hepatitis: a case of Pakistan. Published in: Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business , Vol. 3, No. 1 (2011): pp. 1259-1268.

Azar, Ofer H. (2005): Citing reprinted material. Forthcoming in: American Economist

Azar, Ofer H. (2002): Evolution of social norms with heterogeneous preferences: A general model and an application to the academic review process. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

Azar, Ofer H. (2002): The slowdown in first-response times of economics journals: Can it be beneficial? Published in: Economic Inquiry , Vol. 1, No. 45 (2007): pp. 179-187.

Balli, Faruk and Guven, Cahit and Balli, Hatice O. and Gounder, Rukmani (2010): The Role of Institutions, Culture, and Wellbeing in Explaining Bilateral Remittance Flows: Evidence Both Cross-Country and Individual-Level Analysis.

Bantilan, MCS and Ravula, P and Parthasarathy, D and Gandhi, BVJ (2006): Gender and Social Capital Mediated Technology Adoption. Published in: ICRISAT Impact Series no 12

Bayari, Celal (2012): The Origin of Minimum Wage Determination in Australia: The Political and Legal Institutions. Published in: Journal of Global Politics , Vol. 5, No. 1 (1 December 2012): pp. 163-198.

Bechly, Paul (2018): An Examination of Demographic Differences in Obtaining Investment and Financial Planning Information. Published in: SSRN (13 May 2019)

Belohlavek, Peter (2013): Cultural Adaptiveness as a Complex Adaptive System.

Berceanu, Ionut Bogdan and Mititelu, Cristina (2016): The Impact of Economic Crisis on the Emerging Administrations from Southeastern Europe. Case Study: Romania. Published in: Dogaru T. , Cărăușan M. V., Peculea - Dumitrescu A., Berceanu I.B. (eds.). Re(forming) Public Administration Paradigms in Global Governance Context, Economica Publishing House, Bucharest , Vol. 1, No. ISBN 978-973-709-805-4 (2016): pp. 145-162.

Berkley, Matt (2003): Economists' fatal flaws. Published in: Taipei Times (7 June 2003): p. 8.

Bierschenk, Thomas and Elwert, Georg and Kohnert, Dirk (1991): The long-term effects of development aid - Empirical studies in rural West Africa. Published in: Economics, Biannual Journal of the Institute for Scientific Co-operation, Tübingen , Vol. 47, No. 1 (1993): pp. 83-111.

Birolo, Adriano and Rosselli, Annalisa (2009): Research standards for the Italian young academics: what has changed over the last thirty years?

Boermans, Martijn Adriaan and Moore, Basil J (2008): Locked-in and Sticky Textbooks: Mainstream Teaching of the Money Supply Process.

Borkotokey, Surajit and Sarangi, Sudipta (2011): Allocation rules for fixed and flexible networks: the role of players and their links.

Bornmann, Lutz and Butz, Alexander and Wohlrabe, Klaus (2017): What are the Top Five Journals in Economics? A New Meta–ranking.

Bowbrick, Peter (2022): Database of economic refutation - a proposal.

Braha, Dan and Stacey, Blake and Bar-Yam, Yaneer (2011): Corporate competition: A self-organized network. Forthcoming in: Social Networks , Vol. doi:10, No. doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2011.05.004 (2011)

Burns, Tom and DeVille, Philippe and Gauci, Bernard and Baumgartner, Tom (2003): The three faces of the coin : a socio-economic approach to the institution of money. Published in: European Journal of Econimic and Social Systems , Vol. 16, No. 2 (2003): pp. 149-195.

Bögenhold, Dieter (2014): Schumpeter's Idea of a Universal Science. Published in: The Atlantic Economic Journal , Vol. 42, No. 2 (June 2014): pp. 205-215.

Bögenhold, Dieter (2013): Social Network Analysis and the Sociology of Economics: Filling a Blind Spot with the Idea of Social Embeddedness. Published in: American Journal of Economics and Sociology , Vol. 72, No. 2 (April 2013): pp. 293-318.

Bögenhold, Dieter and Heinonen, Jarna and Akola, Elisa (2013): Entrepreneurship and Independent Professionals: Why do Professionals not meet with Stereotypes of Entrepreneurship?

Bögenhold, Dieter and Klinglmair, Andrea (2016): Organizations, Occupations and Decentral Work: On Hybridity and Ambiguity of Own-Account Workers. Published in: IfS Discussion Papers No. 03/2016 (2016): pp. 1-27.

Cardao-Pito, Tiago (2004): Intangible Flow Theory. Forthcoming in: American Journal of Economics and Sociology

Cardoso Machado, Nuno Miguel (2011): Karl Polanyi and the New Economic Sociology: Notes on the Concept of (Dis)embeddedness. Published in: RCCS Annual Review No. 3 (2011): pp. 119-140.

Celen, Bogachan and Hyndman, Kyle (2006): Endogenous Network Formation In the Laboratory.

Challoumis, Constantinos (2024): Decoding Economic Cycles - The Influence Of AI On Job Creation And Sustainability.

Cheung, Man-Wah and WU, JIABIN (2016): On The Transmission of Continuous Cultural Traits.

Chi, Feng and Yang, Nathan (2010): Wealth and status: Analyzing the perceived attractiveness of 2010 FIFA world cup players.

Costanza, Robert and Howarth, Richard B. and Kubiszewski, Ida and Liu, Shuang and Ma, Chunbo and Plumecocq, Gaël and Stern, David I. (2015): Influential Publications in Ecological Economics Revisited.

Crespo, Nuno and Simoes, Nadia (2019): Publication Performance and Number of Authors – Evidence for World Top Economists.

D'Acci, Luca (2013): Macro and Micro Spatial Equilibrium.

Dell'Era, Mario and Sodini, Mauro (2009): Closed form solution for dynamic of sustainable tourism.

Dhas, Albert Christopher and Helen, Mary Jacqueline (2008): SOCIAL SECURITY FOR UNORGANISED WORKERS IN INDIA.

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2012): Mentalism versus behaviourism in economics: a philosophy-of-science perspective.

Dill, Alexander and Gebhart, Nicolas (2016): Redundancy, Unilateralism and Bias beyond GDP – results of a Global Index Benchmark.

Dominique, C-Rene (2006): Explaining the logic of pure preference in a neurodynamic structure.

Dominique, C-Rene (2008): Walrasian Solutions Without Utility Functions.

Dorobantu, Maria Roxana and Nistoreanu, Puiu (2012): Rural Tourism and Ecotourism – the Main Priorities in Sustainable Development Orientations of Rural Local Communities in Romania. Published in: Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition , Vol. XV, No. 2067 - 5046 (2012): pp. 259-266.

Elbittar, Alexander and Gomberg, Andrei and Sour, Laura (2011): Group Decision-Making and Voting in Ultimatum Bargaining: An Experimental Study. Published in: The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy , Vol. 11, No. 1 (2011)

Estrada, Fernando (2011): The logic of the violence in the civil war: the armed conflict in Colombia.

Estrada, Fernando (2011): The paths of coffee: A brief economic history of coffee in Colombia. Published in: Credencial Historia, Banco de la Republica , Vol. 261, No. IV (September 2011): pp. 1-16.

Evers, Hans-Dieter (2011): Knowledge cluster formation as a science policy: lessons learned.

Evers, Hans-Dieter (2011): Penang as a knowledge hub. Published in: Penang Economic Monthly , Vol. 6, No. 11 (1 June 2011): pp. 36-38.

Evers, Hans-Dieter and Benedikter, Simon (2009): Strategic Group Formation in the Mekong Delta - The Development of a Modern Hydraulic Society. Published in: ZEF Working Papers Series (10 February 2009): pp. 1-27.

Evers, Hans-Dieter and Yusoff, Anis and Shamsul, A.BB. (2010): Ethno-diversity and bio-diversity: Methods and measurement.

Ferraro, Aniello and Agovino, Massimilano and Garofalo, Antonio and Cerciello, Massimilano (2020): A Regional Perspective on Social Exclusion in European Regions: Context, Trends and Policy Implications.

Fiedeler, Ulrich and Krings, Bettina (2006): Naturalness and Neuronal Implants – Changes in the perception of human beings.

Fischer, Justina AV (2008): The Welfare Effects of Social Mobility.

Fischer, Justina AV (2009): The Welfare Effects of Social Mobility: An Analysis for OECD countries.

Fragkandreas, Thanos and Larsen, Karin (2009): Social Capital and Economic Performance: some lessons from Farm Partnerships in Sweden.

Freeman, Alan (2007): Catechism versus pluralism: the heterodox response to the national undergraduate curriculum proposed by the UK Quality Assurance Authority.

Freeman, Alan (2008): Submission from the Association for Heterodox Economics to the International Benchmarking Review on Research Assessment. Published in: On the Horizon , Vol. 16,4, No. Special issue on Publishing, Refereeing, Rankings, and the Future of Heterodox Economics (December 2008)

Fusari, Angelo (2010): Economic theory and social change: problems and revisions.

Gerke, Solvay and Evers, Hans-Dieter (2011): Looking East, looking West: Penang as a knowledge hub.

Geurdes, Han / J. F. (2011): On the mathematical form of CVA in Basel III.

Ghori, Muhammad Ashhad and Imran, Syed Monis and Pervaiz, Javeria and Aiman, Umm e Aiman (2022): How Motivational Factors Affect the Online Shopping Behavior: An Insight of Developing Economy Consumers.

Gilbert, Nigel and Schuster, Stephan and den Besten, Matthijs and Yang, Lu (2005): Environment design for emerging artificial societies. Published in: Proceedings of the Socially Inspired Computing Joint Symposium AISB 2005 (2005): pp. 57-64.

Gumus, Erdal (2003): Crime in Urban Areas: An Empirical Investigation. Published in: Akdeniz Ä°.Ä°.B.F. Dergisi , Vol. 4, No. 7 (2004): pp. 98-109.

Gupta, Shivansh (2024): Project NeoWave: A Comparative Analysis of Conservatism and Gender Dynamics Impacting Women and Families in the USA and India Since 2010, with Policy Recommendations.

Guzmán, Ricardo Andrés (2007): Many hands make hard work, or why agriculture is not a puzzle.

Halicioglu, Ferda (2012): Temporal Causality and the Dynamics of Crime in Turkey.

Halicioglu, Ferda and Andrés, Antonio R. (2010): Determinants of Suicides in Denmark: Evidence from Time Series Data.

Halkos, George and Gkargkavouzi, Anastasia and Matsiori, Steriani (2018): A multi-dimensional measure of environmental behavior: Exploring the predictive power of connectedness to nature, ecological worldview and environmental concern.

Heise, Arne (2016): Why has economics turned out this way?’ A socio-economic note on the explanation of monism in economics. Published in: The Journal of Philosophical Economics , Vol. X, No. 1 (2016): pp. 81-101.

Heise, Arne and Thieme, Sebastian (2016): The Short Rise and Long Fall of heterodox Economics in germany After the 1970s: Explorations in a Scientific Field of Power and Struggle. Published in: Journal of Economic Issues , Vol. L, No. 4 (2016): pp. 1105-1130.

Herrman, C. S. (2008): Common Denominators in White Collar Crime: I'm Special, You're Special, Let's Fleece them in Style.

Herrmann, Peter (2006): Precarity – Logical Consequence of Societies that Lost the Social.

Herrmann, Peter (2008): Workfare – The Reinvention of the Social.

Hrotko, Timur (2008): Wash Corporate Heads! Business Practice can be Changed via the Dispositions of Executives: Re-socialization towards Implicit Eco-sustainability.

Huynh Truong, Huy (2011): The economic transition and migration of Vietnam and the Mekong Delta region. Published in: CAS Discussion Paper No. 78 (December 2011): pp. 1-22.

Hynes, Brian (2011): Economics: The logic & scientific distortion.

Ioannidis, Yiorgos (2013): Creating Markets out of Nothing:The Case of the Continuing Education System in Greece.

Issaoui, Fakhri and El Montasser, Ghassen (2013): Rethinking a New Conceptual Relation Between Economic Justice, Democracy, and liberal system: An economic point of view.

Jacquinet, Marc (2006): The economic doctrines in the wine trade and wine production sectors: the case of Bastiat and the Port wine sector: 1850-1908.

Janoušková, Jana (2006): Threshold of the Bottom Labour Price.

Javdani, Moshen and Chang, Ha-Joon (2019): Who Said or What Said? Estimating Ideological Bias in Views Among Economists.

Ji, Chun-Yi and Yang, Hong-Qiang and Nie, Ying (2011): Impacts of China's log Import on the Ecological Sustainability of Forests in Source Countries. Published in: Sensor Letters , Vol. 10, No. 1 (February 2012): pp. 1-4.

Jimenez Martínez, Antonio and Melguizo Lopez, Isabel (2022): Making friends: the role of assortative interests and capacity constraints. Published in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization , Vol. 203, (1 November 2022): pp. 431-465.

Kafri, Oded (2008): Sociological and Economic Inequality and the Second Law.

Kamdar, Sangita (2013): Socioeconomic Impact of Employment Generation Program on Poor Urban Women. Published in: MERC Global's International Journal of Management , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2013): pp. 15-35.

Khan, Muhammad (2009): Adverse health effects, risk perception and pesticide use behavior.

Khomitov, Komiljon and Nasimov, Dilmurod (2022): Econometric analysis of labor productivity in industrial enterprises. Published in: International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE) , Vol. 14, No. 05 (2022)

Kim, Steven (2016): Complex Factors Behind Misguided Policies in Socioeconomics: From Mass Migration and Persistent Alienation to Rampant Crime and Economic Malaise. Published in: Journal of Economic and Social Thought , Vol. 3, No. 3 (September 2016): pp. 376-399.

Klein, Torsten L. (2014): Communicating quantitative information: tables vs graphs.

Kohnert, Dirk (2021): BTI -2022 Togo Country Report : political and socio-economic development, 2019-2020 [enhanced author's version]. Forthcoming in: BTI 2022 – Togo Country Report No. 2022 (1 October 2022): pp. 1-70.

Kohnert, Dirk (2020): BTI 2021 -Togo Country Report [author's version]. Forthcoming in: Bertelsmann Foundation’s Transformation Index (BTI) 2022 No. 2022 (2022): pp. 1-62.

Kohnert, Dirk (2009): New Nationalism and Development in Africa: review article. Published in: Africa Spectrum , Vol. 44, No. 1 (15 May 2009): pp. 111-123.

Kohnert, Dirk (2019): No change in sight - Togo’s Political and Socio-Economic Development (2017 – 2019).

Kohnert, Dirk (2019): No change in sight - Togo’s Political and Socio-Economic Development (2017 – 2019). Forthcoming in: BTI 2020 - Togo-Country Report , Vol. 2020, No. 2020 (2 October 2020): pp. 1-57.

Kohnert, Dirk (1988): Socialism without liberation: Land Reclamation Projects in Guinea-Bissau. Published in: Sociologia Ruralis , Vol. 28, No. 2/3 (August 1988): pp. 161-175.

Kohnert, Dirk (2019): Togo - 2018: Domestic politics, foreign affairs, socio-economic development. Forthcoming in: Africa Yearbook , Vol. 15, (October 2019)

Kohnert, Dirk (2015): Togo: recent political and economic development.

Kotroyannos, Dimitrios and Tzagarakis, Stelios and Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil and Kamekis, Apostolos (2017): Utopian Left-Wing Expectations and the Social Consequences of the 3rd Memorandum in Greece. Published in: European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities - EQPAM , Vol. 2017, No. Volume 6, No.2, (1 April 2017): pp. 55-66.

Kovács, Ilona and Moniz, António (2002): The Sociology of Work and the work of sociologists in Portugal.

Krings, Bettina (2005): Hen or Egg? The relationship between IC-technologies and social exclusion. Published in: ITAS-Jahrbuch No. 2003/2004 (June 2005): pp. 249-265.

Krings, Bettina (2006): The sociological perspective on the knowledge-based society: assumptions, facts and visions. Published in: Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies No. 2 (November 2006): pp. 9-20.


Lee, Frederic (2011): History of the economics department at University of Missouri-Kansas City.

Lee, Frederic and Pham, Xuan and Gu, Gyun (2012): The UK research assessment exercise and the narrowing of UK economics.

Lehmann, Robert and Wohlrabe, Klaus (2017): Who is the 'Journal Grand Master'? A new ranking based on the Elo rating system.

Lenz, Rainer (2008): Culture as an individual process: Deficits of national cultural theories in management of cultural diversity. Forthcoming in:

Lenz, Rainer and Steinhaus, Carol (2010): Internationalization of Universities as Internationalization of Bildung. Forthcoming in:

Levy, Daniel and Snir, Avichai (2017): Potterian Economics.

Levy, Daniel and Young, Andrew (2019): Promise, Trust and Betrayal: Costs of Breaching an Implicit Contract.

Liu, Kaiola (2023): Inter-city Academic Consortium: Structural Analysis.

Lutmar, Carmela and Reingewertz, Yaniv (2020): Academic in-group bias in economics.

MIRUCKI, Jean (1999): Economics Research in France: Tentative Conclusions Based on EconLit Database. Published in: Higher Education Management , Vol. 12, No. 1 (March 2000): pp. 85-103.

Malini, Nair (2005): Bhopal Gas Tragedy – A Social, Economic, Legal and Environmental Analysis.

Mamoon, Dawood (2017): Common Dreams, Different Circumstances: Lessons from Contemporary Development Economics.

Mamoon, Dawood (2017): Society Case Study: Why Formal Education is the Common Goal of Human Progress.

Mamoon, Dawood and Akhtar, Sajjad and Hissam, Saadia (2011): Daily and monthly costs of terrorism on Pakistani exports.

Martin, Daniel and Wiley, Donna and Legree, Peter (2006): Ethnocentrism and Internal Compensation Structuring: An Experimental Examination of Point Factor Job Evaluation. Published in: Western Journal of Human Resource Management , Vol. Spring, No. 2007

Mason, Patrick L. (2008): Excavating for economics in africana studies. Published in: Journal of Black Studies , Vol. 38, No. 5 (2008): pp. 731-757.

Matei, Ani and Popa, Florin (2009): Impact of Decentralization on the Corruption Phenomenon.

Matei, Ani and Savulescu, Carmen (2010): Socio-indicators related to social perception of reforms in the public health system.The romanian case. Published in: 9-th International Congress of the International Association on Public and Nonprofit Marketing"Regulation and Best Practices in Public and Nonprofit Marketing" (11 June 2010)

Matei, Lucica and Matei, Ani (2010): The Economic and Social Impact of Public Administration Europeanization. Published in: 32nd EGPA Conference"Temporalities, Public Administration and Public Policies" Proceedings, 7-10 sept.2010, Toulouse, France (10 September 2010)

Maulana, Ardian and Situngkir, Hokky (2010): Some Inquiries to Spontaneous Opinions: A case with Twitter in Indonesia. Published in: BFI Working Paper Series No. WP-10-2010 (2 November 2010)

Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil and Tzagarakis, Stelios (2017): The impact of “anti-political” parties after the restoration of democracy in Greece and the challenge of confronting the crisi.

Mc Quaid, Ronald and Bergmann, Ariel (2008): Employer recruitment preferences and discrimination: a stated preference experiment.

Medel-Ramírez, Carlos and Medel-López, Hilario (2020): Vision of sustainability and justice in the town of Totonacapan: The philosophy of lightning children.

Menkhoff, Thomas and Evers, Hans-Dieter (2011): The governance of Singapore’s knowledge clusters: off shore marine business and waterhub.

Mirucki, Jean (2009): Assessing trends in editorial preferences towards 'Industrial Organization' articles: 1991-2000.

Mirucki, Jean (2009): Assessing trends in editorial preferences towards industrial organization article.

Mirucki, Jean (1987): A Comparative Analysis of Book Demand in Canada by Linguistic Group: Some Results From an Official Survey. Published in: Artists and Consumers of Arts and Cultural Economics (1987): pp. 216-226.

Mirucki, Jean (2000): Editorial Preferences Towards "Industrial Organization" in Selected Journals. Published in: Rivista di Scienza Ekonomiche e Comerciali , Vol. 17, No. 1 (2000): pp. 167-175.

Mirucki, Jean (2007): Searching for a Scholarly Visibility: The Case of Ukraine. Published in: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics , Vol. 2007, No. 11 (2007): pp. 66-79.

Mirucki, Jean (1996): A Visibility Analysis of the Scientific Production of Ukrainian Economists. Published in: Journal of Socio-Economics , Vol. 28, No. 2 (April 1999): pp. 185-196.

Mirucki, Jean (1994): "The productivity of economics departments in the U.S.: publications in the core journals": A comment.

Mirucki, Jean and Nicot, Bernadette and Poshyvak, Maria (2007): What Can EconLit Reveal Us About Ukraine's Scholarly Production? Published in: East-West Journal of Economics and Business , Vol. 10, No. 2 (July 2007): pp. 49-60.

Mirucki, Jean and Nicot, Bernadette and Poshyvak, Maria (2007): What Can EconLit Reveal Us About Ukraine's Scholarly Production? Published in: East-West Journal of Economics and Business , Vol. 10, No. 2 (July 2007): pp. 49-60.

Mirucki, Jean and Poshyvak, Maria (2006): "Ukraine" in scholarly publications: An analysis based on EconLit.

Mirucki, Jean and Poshyvak, Maria (2006): "Ukraine" in scholarly publications: An analysis based on econLit. Published in: Collection of materials in Honor of Professor Stepan Zlupko (2006): pp. 657-678.

Mirucki, Jean and Poshyvak, Maria (2006): "Ukraine" in scholarly publications: An analysis based on econLit. Published in: Collection of materials in Honor of Professor Stepan Zlupko (1996): pp. 657-678.

Mishra, SK (2008): On the optimality of academic rankings of regions with RePEc data.

Mizobuchi, Hideyuki (2010): New indices of labour productivity growth: Baumol’s disease revisited.

Mohajan, Devajit (2023): Binge-Eating: A Life-Threatening Eating Disorder. Published in: Innovation in Science and Technology , Vol. 2, No. 4 (15 July 2023): 62--67.

Mohajan, Devajit (2023): Historical View of Diabetics Mellitus: From Ancient Egyptian Polyuria to Discovery of Insulin. Published in: Studies in Social Science & Humanities , Vol. 2, No. 7 (12 August 2023): pp. 26-34.

Mohajan, Devajit (2023): Ponderal Index: An Important Anthropometric Indicator for Physical Growth. Published in: Journal of Innovations in Medical Research , Vol. 2, No. 6 (14 June 2023): pp. 15-19.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2023): Abdominal Elephantiasis: An Obstructive Disease Due to Extreme Obesity. Published in: Journal of Innovations in Medical Research , Vol. 2, No. 7 (4 July 2023): pp. 13-15.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2023): Bulimia Nervosa: A Psychiatric Problem of Disorder. Published in: Innovation in Science and Technolog , Vol. 2, No. 3 (9 May 2023): pp. 26-32.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2022): Classic Grounded Theory: A Qualitative Research on Human Behavior. Published in: Studies in Social Science & Humanities , Vol. 3, No. 1 (26 December 2022): pp. 1-7.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2022): Development of Grounded Theory in Social Sciences: A Qualitative Approach. Published in: Studies in Social Science & Humanities , Vol. 5, No. 1 (6 December 2022): pp. 13-24.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2023): Families of Grounded Theory: A Theoretical Structure for Novel Researchers. Published in: Studies in Social Science & Humanities , Vol. 2, No. 3 (18 March 2023): pp. 56-65.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2022): Feminism and feminist grounded theory: a comprehensive research analysis. Published in: Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People , Vol. 11, No. 3 (9 October 2022): pp. 45-61.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2023): Glaserian Grounded Theory and Straussian Grounded Theory: Two Standard Qualitative Research Approaches in Social Science. Published in: Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People , Vol. 12, No. 1 (31 March 2023): pp. 72-81.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2022): Memo Writing Procedures in Grounded Theory Research Methodology. Published in: Studies in Social Science & Humanities , Vol. 1, No. 4 (2 November 2022): pp. 10-18.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2022): Straussian Grounded Theory: An Evolved Variant in Qualitative Research. Published in: Studies in Social Science & Humanities , Vol. 2, No. 2 (1 February 2023): pp. 33-40.

Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): Economic Development of Bangladesh. Published in: Journal of Business Management and Administration , Vol. 1, No. 4 (31 October 2013): pp. 41-48.

Mohajan, Haradhan (2013): Human Rights in Bangladesh: Stresses on the Period of 2009 to 2012. Published in: KASBIT Business Journal No. Special Issue, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Global Sustainable development (1st ICGSD-2013), held on 27-28, February, 2013 (28 February 2013)

Mohajan, Haradhan (2017): Roles of Communities of Practice for the Development of the Society. Published in: Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People , Vol. 6, No. 3 (30 September 2017): pp. 27-46.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2011): Challenges of formal social security systems in Sudan.

Moniz, António and Gomes, Cláudia and Machado, Tiago and Urze, Paula (2001): Information Society, Work and the Generation of New Forms of Social Exclusion (SOWING): National Report (Portugal). Published in: SOWING Reports No. PT case studies (January 2001): pp. 1-69.

Moniz, António and Grunwald, Armin (2009): Recent Experiences and Emerging Cooperation Schemes on TA and Education: An Insight into Cases in Portugal and Germany. Published in: TATuP Technikfolgenabschätzung – Theorie und Praxis , Vol. 18, No. 3 (December 2009): pp. 17-24.

Moniz, António and Paulos, Margarida Ramires (2008): Futures of automobile industry and challenges on sustainable development and mobility. Forthcoming in: Proceeding of GERPISA International Colloquium No. 16 (June 2008): pp. 1-13.

Moniz, António and Paulos, Margarida Ramires (2008): The globalisation in the clothing sector and its implications for work organisation: a view from the Portuguese case.

Motkuri, Venkatanarayana (2018): Some Notes on the Concept of Social Capital: A Review of Perspectives, Definitions and Measurement.

Murray, Cameron K. (2012): Markets in political influence: rent-seeking, networks and groups.

Murray, Michael/ M J (2011): The Making of a Good Society: Economic Freedom, Instrumentalism, and Government Control.

Murray, Michael/ M J (2011): The Making of a Good Society: Lowe’s Instrumental Method and the Pursuit of Full Employment.

NWAOBI, GODWIN (2013): African Development,Partnership and Rationality Challenge:An Exposition.

Nistor, Cristian (2013): A conceptual model for the use of social media in companies.

Nwaobi, Godwin (2012): Global e-commerce and african participation:a critical assessment.

Obregon, Carlos (2023): Institutionalism and Liberalism. Published in:

Obregon, Carlos (2021): Keynes Today. Published in:

Obregon, Carlos (2020): New Economics. Published in:

Obregon, Carlos (2022): The Resolution of Economic Conflicts: Beyond the Economic System. Published in:

Obregon, Carlos (2022): Supply Side Keynesianism. Published in:

Obregon, Carlos (2022): Technology vs Nationalism: The Global Clash. Published in:

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Olaizola, Norma and Valenciano, Federico (2021): Efficiency and stability in the connections model with heterogeneous node.

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Filippova, Irina (2012): Трудовий потенціал в контексті відчуження функцій. Published in: Вісник СНУ ім. В. Даля , Vol. 1, No. 16 (187) (2012): pp. 266-272.

Filippova, Irina and Sumcov, Victor (2012): ДЕОНТОЛОГІЯ СОЦІАЛЬНОЇ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНОСТІ І МЕХАНІЗМ СОЦІАЛЬНОГО КОНТРОЛЮ. Published in: Формування ринкової економіки: зб.наук.праць , Vol. 2, No. спец.вип. Праця в XXI столітті: новітні тенденції, соціальний вимір, інноваційний розвиток : pp. 524-533.

Sumcov, Victor and Filippova, Irina (2012): Соціальна відповідальність держави в контексті ринкових відносин. Published in: KNEU scientific papers 'Formation of a market economy', Kyiv , Vol. 2, No. Labor in the XIX Century (2012): pp. 452-459.

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