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Items where Subject is "I12 - Health Behavior"

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ATAKE, Esso - Hanam (2014): Financement Public des dépenses de santé et survie infantile au Togo.

ATAKE, Esso - Hanam (2014): Financement Public des dépenses de santé et survie infantile au Togo.

Afroze, Farhana (2024): The Invisible Burden Gender Disparities and Their Cascading Impact on NCD Risks in Bangladeshi Women.

Ahamad, Mazbahul Golam and Tasnima, Kaniz and Khaled, Nafisa and Bairagi, Subir Kanti and Deb, Uttam Kumar (2010): Infant Mortality Situation in Bangladesh in 2007: A District Level Analysis.

Ahmed, Salma and Ray, Ranjan (2012): Health Consequences of Child Labour in Bangladesh. Published in: Demographic Research No. 30 (January 2014): pp. 111-150.

Ahn, Thomas and Yelowitz, Aaron (2014): The Short-Run Impacts of Connecticut’s Paid Sick Leave Legislation.

Akbulut-Yuksel, Mevlude and Kugler, Adriana D. (2016): Intergenerational Persistence of Health in the U.S.: Do Immigrants Get Healthier as they Assimilate? Published in:

Aksan, Anna-Maria and Chakraborty, Shankha (2014): Mortality versus Morbidity in the Demographic Transition. Forthcoming in: European Economic Review

Alberto, Gabriele and Schettino, Francesco (2006): Child Mortality In China And Vietnam In A Comparative Perspective.

Ali, Ijaz and Waheed, Muhammad Shahid (2022): Exposure to Information, and Women's Attitudes and Practices towards Family Planning in Pakistan.

Ali, Ijaz and Waheed, Muhammad Shahid (2022): Exposure to Information, and Women's Attitudes and Practices towards Family Planning in Pakistan.

Ali, Ijaz and Waheed, Muhammad Shahid (2022): Exposure to Information, and Women's Attitudes and Practices towards Family Planning in Pakistan.

Ali, Muhammad (2008): Connecting People With Disabilities: ICT Opportunities for All.

Alibrandi, Angela and Gitto, Lara and Limosani, Michele and Mustica, Paolo (2020): Improving health performances: To what extent patient satisfaction may influence quality?

Alipio, Mark and Lantajo, Grace Meroflor (2021): Do Socio-Economic Indicators Associate with Covid-2019 Cases? Findings from a Philippine Study. Published in: IMCC Journal of Science , Vol. 1, No. 2 (14 December 2021): pp. 102-107.

Altinanahtar, Alper and Halicioglu, Ferda (2009): A Dynamic Econometric Study of Suicides in Turkey.

Aluculesei, Bogdan Cătălin (2017): Antibiotic resistance in Romania: An economic and medical challenge. Published in: Junior Scientific Researcher , Vol. 3, No. 1 (May 2017): pp. 1-8.

Amialchuk, Aliaksandr and Ajilore, Gbenga and Egan, Kevin (2019): The Influence of Misperceptions about Social Norms on Substance Use among School-age Adolescents. Published in: Health Economics , Vol. 28, (24 April 2019): pp. 736-747.

Ang, Joshua Ping and Guanlin, Gao and Sparks, Andrew (2022): A dichotomy between democracy and personal freedom on the spread of COVID-19. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Social Economics

Ankita, Ankita Shukla and Kaushal, Kaushalendra Kumar and Abhishek, Abhishek Singh (2013): Association between obesity and selected morbidities: A study of BRICS.

Annim, Samuel Kobina and Dasmani, Isaac (2010): The joint effect of human capital and income inequalities on HIV/AIDS prevalence: An exploratory investigation.

Anyikwa, Izunna and Hamman, Nicolene and Phiri, Andrew (2018): Persistence of suicides in G20 countries: SPSM approach to three generations of unit root tests.

Arokiasamy, Perianayagam and Uttamacharya, Uttamacharya and Kowal, Paul (2013): Socioeconomic and age gradients of health of Indian adults: an assessment of self-reported and performance-based measures of health.

Arteaga, Julio Cesar and Flores, Daniel and Luna, Edgar (2017): The effect of a soft-drink tax in Mexico: a time series approach.

Asali, Muhammad (2015): Recessions are Not Good for Your Health: the Counter-Cyclical Health Outcomes Revisited. Published in: European Economics Letters , Vol. 4, No. 1 (June 2015): pp. 11-14.

Asghar, Midhat (2023): Cafe Politics: How Food Service Operators Influence University Students’ Satisfaction and Dining Frequency. Published in: Politica , Vol. 1, No. 1 (17 March 2023): pp. 42-55.

Athias, Laure and Macina, Moudo (2021): Demand for Vaccination in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Vertical Legacy of the Slave Trade.

Awan, Masood Sarwar and Waqas, Muhammad and Aslam, Muhammad Amir and Sarwar, Muhammad (2011): Measurement of SF-6D utility among patients with active tuberculosis. Published in: Global Journal of Health Science , Vol. 3, No. 1 (2011): pp. 203-208.

Azad, Kalam (2020): Better Health Impacts on Education.

Azmat, Hayat (2012): Culture, economics and drugs addiction.

Azmat, Hayat and Saeed, Akhtar (2012): Is Bible and Quran the true word of God, "The Economist case against addictive substance".

aris, Aris Munandar (2019): Pandangan muslim terhadap serbuan obat dari tiongkok. Published in:


Bacci, Silvia and Bartolucci, Francesco and Pieroni, Luca (2012): A causal analysis of mother’s education on birth inequalities.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2015): March 2011 earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima nuclear accident impacts on Japanese agri-food sector.

Bakshi, Sanjeev (2010): Determinants of self-reported health status: evidence from countrywide surveys of older adults in India. Published in: IER Journal of Health and Demography , Vol. 6, No. 2 (January 2021): pp. 1-14.

Bakshi, Sanjeev and Pathak, Prasanta (2010): Social context and the health status among the older adults in India. Published in: Caring for the Elderly: Social Gerontology in the Indian Context; SAGE (2015): pp. 99-119.

Banik, Nilanjan (2020): To Test or Not to Test: The Case of COVID-19 in India.

Barahona, Nano and Otero, Cristobal and Otero, Sebastian (2022): Equilibrium Effects of Food Labeling Policies.

Barbieri, Paolo Nicola (2015): Body Weight, Dieting and Obesity Traps.

Barbieri, Paolo Nicola (2015): Social Distortion in Weight Perception: A Decomposition of the Obesity Epidemic.

Barbieri, Paolo Nicola (2016): Weight loss, obesity traps and policy policies.

Barik, Debasis (2012): Living arrangements and treatment seeking behavior of the elderly from different economic segments in India. Published in: Middle East Journal of Age and Ageing , Vol. 9, No. 2 (April 2012): pp. 13-16.

Barik, Debasis and Arokiasamy, Perianayagam (2016): Rising Health Expenditure Due to Non-Communicable Diseases in India: An Outlook. Published in: Frontiers in Public Health: Health Economics , Vol. 4, No. 268 (29 November 2016): pp. 1-8.

Barone, Adriana and Barra, Cristian (2019): Weight status and mental health in Italy: Evidence from EHIS2 microdata.

Barone, Adriana and Nese, Annamaria (2015): Body Weight and Gender: Academic Choice and Performance.

Basseti, Thomas and Benos, Nikos and Karagiannis, Stelios (2010): How policy can influence human capital accumulation and environment quality.

Bassetti, Thomas and Rebba, Vincenzo (2015): Getting to the Roots of Long-Term Care Needs: A Regression Tree Analysis.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet (2021): Can Not Wanting to Wear a Mask be Rational?

Batabyal, Amitrajeet (2022): On Mask Wearing in Environments With and Without a Mask Mandate.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Higano, Yoshiro and Nijkamp, Peter (2018): Introduction to Disease, Human Health, and Regional Growth and Development in Asia.

Batabyal, Sanjana and Batabyal, Amitrajeet (2018): Medical Decision-Making by Patients and Providers under Uncertainty and in the Presence of Antibiotic Resistance.

Batana, Yélé Maweki (2010): Evolution of social inequalities in health in Quebec?

Bearbaki, Nicolas (2016): A Comment on "Family Ruptures, Stress, and the Mental Health of the Next Generation".

Bellanca, Nicolo' (2021): Strategie di governo e strutture egemoniche in tempo di pandemia. Forthcoming in:

Bellemare, Marc F. and King, Robert P. and Nguyen, Ngoc (Jenny) (2015): Farmers markets and Food-Borne illness.

Bhattacharya, Joydeep and Chakraborty, Shankha (2014): Contraception and the Fertility Transition.

Bhattacharyya, Bhaskar and Mandal, Biswajit and Sengupta, Sarbajit (2022): Correlates of Distress Financing In Case of Institutional Delivery In India: Evidence From The National Family Health Survey.

Binder, Martin and Broekel, Tom (2008): Conversion Efficiency as a Complementing Measure of Welfare in Capability Space.

Biorn, Erik and Hagen, Terje P. and Iversen, Tor and Magnussen, Jon (2006): Heterogeneity in Hospitals' Responses to a Financial Reform: A Random Coefficient Analysis of The Impact of Activity-Based Financing on Efficiency. Published in: HERO Working Paper No. 2006:9 (2006): pp. 1-34.

Birenbaum-Carmeli, Daphna and Montebruno, Piero (2019): Incidence of surrogacy in the USA and Israel and implications on women’s health: a quantitative comparison. Published in: Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics , Vol. 36, No. 12 (30 October 2019): pp. 2459-2469.

Bishop, James (2015): Interacting effects of state cigarette taxes on smoking participation.

Blanco, Magdalena and Cabrera, José María and Cid, Alejandro and Carozzi, Felipe (2017): Effects of Motorcycle Helmet Laws on Fatalities’ Prevention: An Impact Evaluation.

Boje-Kovacs, Bence and Greve, Jane and Weatherall, Cecilie Dohlmann (2018): Can a shift of neighborhoods affect mental health? Evidence from a quasi-random allocation of applicants in the public social housing system.

Bondzie, Eric Amoo (2016): Effect of smoking and other economic variables on wages in the Euro Area.

Borooah, Vani (2004): Gender Bias Among Children in India in their Diet and Immunisation Against Disease. Published in: Social Science & Medicine , Vol. 58, (2004): pp. 1719-1731.

Borooah, Vani (2018): The Health of Elderly Persons in India. Published in: Health and Well-Being in India No. Palgrave Macmillan (May 2018): pp. 143-182.

Borooah, Vani (2010): Inequality in health outcomes in India: the role of caste and religion. Published in: Blocked by Caste: Economic Discrimination in Modern India (2010): pp. 179-207.

Borooah, Vani and Mangan, John (2009): Home is Where the Hurt is: An Econometric Analysis of Injuries Caused By Spousal Assault. Published in: Applied Economics , Vol. 41, No. 21 (2009): pp. 2779-2787.

Bostan, Ionel and Bostan, Patricia (2023): Book Review: Provision of medical services. Regulation and case law [Furnizarea de servicii medicale. Reglementare și jurisprudență] (by: Laura-Valeria Malinetescu, Bucharest: C.H. Beck Publishing, 2023).

Braakmann, Nils (2013): Crime, health and wellbeing – Longitudinal evidence from Mexico.

Brachet, Tanguy (2008): Maternal Smoking, Misclassification, and Infant Health.

Brañas-Garza, Pablo and Espín, Antonio M. and Lenkei, Balint (2015): BMI is not related to altruism, fairness, trust or reciprocity: Experimental evidence from the field and the lab.

Böckerman, Petri (2010): Top income shares and mortality: Evidence from advanced countries.

Böckerman, Petri and Johansson, Edvard and Kauhanen, Antti (2009): Innovative Work Practices and Sickness Absence: What Does a Nationally Representative Employee Survey Tell?


CHACKO, ANOOJA (2015): Disability, Employment and Livelihood: An Empirical Study of Malappuram district, Kerala.

Caleiro, António (2020): About some evidences of health literacy.

Calvo, Esteban (2006): Does Working Longer Make People Healthier and Happier?

Canning, David and Mabeu, Marie Christelle and Pongou, Roland (2020): Colonial origins and fertility: can the market overcome history?

Cantarero-Prieto, David and Pascual-Sáez, Marta and Lanza-León, Paloma (2022): Are childhood immunisation rates associated with per capita income? Empirical evidence from 95 countries.

Carlson, Kyle (2014): Fear itself: The effects of distressing economic news on birth outcomes.

Caro, Juan Carlos (2020): Child development and obesity prevention: evidence from the Chilean School Meals Program.

Caro, Juan Carlos (2020): Parental investments, socioemotional development and nutritional health in Chile.

Castelnovo, Paolo (2014): Short and Long-run Effects of Obesity on Cognitive Skills: Evidence from an English Cohort.

Cebula, Richard (1973): The Quality of Life and Migration of the Elderly. Published in: The Review of Regional Studies , Vol. 4, No. 1 (27 April 1974): pp. 62-68.

Cebula, Richard and Vedder, Richard (1972): A Note on Migration, Economic Opportunity, and the Quality of Life. Published in: Journal of Regional Science , Vol. 13, No. 2 (27 August 1973): pp. 205-211.

Celidoni, Martina and Pieroni, Luca and Salmasi, Luca (2014): Side-effects of anti-smoking policies on health behaviors. Evidence from the US.

Chakraborty, Adrij (2017): Colonial Origins and Comparative Development: Institutions Matter.

Chatterjee, Tonmoy and Gupta, Kausik (2013): Mobility of Capital and Health Sector:A Trade Theoretic Analysis.

Chaudhuri, Sarbajit and Mukhopadhyay, Ujjaini (2012): Is Direct FDI in Healthcare Desirable in a Developing Economy?

Chellai, Fatih (2023): Epidemiology Analysis of Caesarean Section in Central, Eastern and Southeastern European Countries.

Chen, Ping-Yu and Chang, Chia-Lin and Chen, Chi-Chung (2010): Estimating the Impacts of Climate Change on Mortality in OECD Countries.

Chen, Ping-Yu and Chen, Chi-Chung and Chang, Chia-Lin (2011): Multiple Threshold Effects for Temperature and Mortality.

Chomali, Laura (2024): Consumo de Aliños procesados en Europa: Evidencia con datos alimentarios de EFSA.

Chong, Alberto and Cohen, Isabelle and Field, Erica and Nakasone, Eduardo and Torero, Maximo (2014): Are There Nutrient-based Poverty Traps? Evidence on Iron Deficiency and Schooling Attainment in Peru.

Ciccarelli, Carlo and Giamboni, Luigi and Waldmann, Robert (2007): Cigarette smoking, pregnancy, forward looking behavior and dynamic inconsistency.

Cid, Alejandro (2017): Interventions Using Regular Activities to Engage High-Risk School-Age Youth: a Review of After-School Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean. Published in: Prevention Science , Vol. 18, No. 7 (October 2017): pp. 879-886.

Cordero Ferrera, Jose Manuel and Alonso Morán, Edurne and Nuño Solís, Roberto and Orueta, Juan F. and Souto Arce, Regina (2013): Efficiency assessment of primary care providers: A conditional nonparametric approach.

Costa, Cinthia Cabral da and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2012): Importância de uma política de saneamento rural no Brasil.

Cozzi, Guido and Galli, Silvia and Mantovan, Noemi (2017): Will a Shrink Make you Richer? Gender Differences in the Effects of Psychotherapy on Labour Efficiency.

Cristini, Annalisa and Trivin, Pedro (2020): Close encounters on the verge of a pandemic: the role of social contacts on the spread and mortality of COVID-19.

Crudu, Federico and Neri, Laura and Tiezzi, Silvia (2018): Family Ties and Children Obesity in Italy.

cuong, nguyen (2010): Smoking behavior in Vietnam: demographic and socioeconomic determinants.


D'Hombres, Beatrice and Rocco, Lorenzo and Suhrcke, Marc and Haerpfer, Christian and McKee, Martin (2011): The influence of social capital on health in Eight Former Soviet Countries: why does it differ? Published in: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health No. 65 (2011): pp. 44-50.

Damiano, Fiorillo and Fabio, Sabatini (2011): Quality and quantity: the role of social interactions in individual health.

Dang, Thang (2017): Does the More Educated Utilize More Health Care Services? Evidence from Vietnam Using a Regression Discontinuity Design.

Dang, Thang (2017): The Multiple Effects of Child Health Insurance in Vietnam.

Daniel, Mont and Nguyen, Cuong (2013): Spatial Variation in the Disability-Poverty Correlation: Evidence from Vietnam.

Daouli, Joan and Davillas, Apostolos and Demoussis, Michael and Giannakopoulos, Nicholas (2013): The determinants of body mass in Greece: Evidence from the National Health Survey.

Das, Debasmita (2019): SNAP Work Requirement and Food Insecurity.

Dasgupta, Souvik and Kundu, Amit (2022): Distress Healthcare Financing among Informal-sector Workers: A Study in Purulia District, West Bengal, India. Published in: Vidyasagar University Journal of Economics , Vol. XXVI, No. 1 (19 August 2022): pp. 1-24.

Datta Gupta, Nabanita and Larsen, Mona (2007): Health Shocks and Retirement: The Role of Welfare State Institutions. Published in: European Journal of Ageing , Vol. 4, : pp. 183-190.

Davenport, Steven (2018): Falling Rates of Marijuana Dependence Among Heavy Users. Published in: Drug and Alcohol Dependence , Vol. 191, (1 October 2018): pp. 52-55.

De Nicola, Arianna and Mancuso, Paolo and Valdmanis, Vivian (2013): Quality and health care performance in the Italian regions.

Defago, Daniel and Geng, José F. and Molina, Oswaldo and Santa María, Diego (2017): Digestible information: The impact of Multiple Traffic Light nutritional labeling in a developing country.

Desai, Sonalde and Kiersten, Johnson (2005): Women's decision making and child health: Familal and social hierachies. Published in:

Dhas, Albert Christopher (2012): Rural Poverty and Agricultural Development in Tamil Nadu.

Dias, Mateus and Fontes, Luiz Felipe (2020): The Effects of a Large-Scale Mental-Health Reform: Evidence from Brazil.

Dias, Mateus and Fontes, Luiz Felipe (2020): The Effects of a Large-Scale Mental-Health Reform: Evidence from Brazil.

Digialleonardo, Luca and Mare, Mauro and Motroni, Antonello and Porcelli, Francesco (2021): Family Ties and the Pandemic: Some Evidence from Sars-CoV-2.

Diop, Samba and Asongu, Simplice (2020): The Covid-19 Pandemic and the New Poor in Africa: the Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back. Forthcoming in: Forum for Social Economics

Djemaï, Elodie (2008): Is the risk taking of HIV-infection influenced by income uncertainty? : Empirical Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa.

Djemaï, Elodie (2008): Risk Taking of HIV-Infection and Income Uncertainty: Empirical Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa.

Dong, Yingying (2010): Semiparametric Binary Random Effects Models: Estimating Two Types of Drinking Behavior.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. and Economou, Athina and Nikolaou, Angelike and Theodossiou, Ioannis (2006): The Case of Greece. Published in: Are the Healthier Wealthier or the Wealthier Healthier? The European Experience”, A. Skalli, E. Johansson. I. Theodossiou (eds) Helsinki: ETLA (June 2006): pp. 85-119.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. and Lakioti, E and Theodossiou, Ioannis (2008): The Effect of Childhood Economic Deprivation on Physical and Psychological health Status.

d'Hombres, Beatrice and Rocco, Lorenzo and Suhrcke, Marc and McKee, Martin (2006): Does social capital determine health? Evidence from eight transition countries.


Ekow Asmah, Emmanuel and Orkoh, Emmanuel (2015): The Effects of Loan Amounts on Health Care Utilization in Ghana.

Enami, Ali (2016): The effect of In Utero Exposure to Asian Flu (1957-58) on future earnings.

Eozenou, Patrick and Fishburn, Burke (2001): Price Elasticity Estimates of Cigarette Demand in Vietnam.

Escobal, Javier and Saavedra, Jaime and Suárez, Pablo (2005): The Interaction of Public Assets, Private Assets and Community Characteristics and its Effect on Early Childhood Height-for-Age in Peru. Published in: Young Lives Working Paper Series No. 14 (January 2005)

Ezeaku, Hillary and Asongu, Simplice (2020): Covid-19 and Cacophony of coughing: Did International commodity Prices catch influenza?

Ezeaku, Hillary and Asongu, Simplice and Nnanna, Joseph (2020): Volatility of International Commodity Prices in Times of Covid-19: Effects of Oil Supply and Global Demand Shocks. Published in: The Extractive Industries and Society , Vol. 8, No. 1 (March 2021): pp. 257-270.


Faheem, Samra (2017): Patients Compliance and Follow-Up Rate after Tooth Extraction. Published in: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) , Vol. 16, No. 5 (23 May 2017): pp. 115-120.

Fe, Eduardo and Hollingsworth, Bruce (2015): Short and long run estimates of the local effects of retirement on health.

Fernandez, Jose and Stohr, Lisa (2009): The Effect of Traffic Safety Laws and Obesity Rates on Living Organ Donations.

Ferretti, Fabrizio (2015): Unhealthy Behaviours: An International Comparison. Published in: PLoS ONE , Vol. e01418, No. 10(10) (5 October 2015): pp. 1-14.

Finocchiaro Castro, Massimo and Ferrara, Paolo Lorenzo and Guccio, Calogero and Lisi, Domenico (2021): Optimal mixed payment system and medical liability. A laboratory study.

Fiorillo, Damiano (2013): Friends and health of the workers in Italy.

Fiorillo, Damiano (2017): Reasons for unmet needs for health care: the role of social capital and social support in some Western EU countries.

Fiorillo, Damiano (2014): Workers' health and social relations in Italy.

Fiorillo, Damiano and Sabatini, Fabio (2011): Structural social capital and health in Italy.

Fiorillo, Damiano and Sabatini, Fabio (2011): Structural social capital and health in Italy.

Fiorillo, Damiano and Sabatini, Fabio (2010): An exploratory analysis of the relationship between social interactions, income and health in Italy.

Firl, Daniel J. (2011): Modeling healthcare quality: life expectancy SURS in the G7 countries and Korea.

Franckx, Laurent and Van Hyfte, Annick and Bogaert, Sarah and Vermoote, Stijn and Hunt, Alistair (2009): Environment related health costs in Flanders.

Freeman, Alan (2005): Inclusion in a Polarised World.

Fumarco, Luca (2015): Disability Discrimination in the Rental Housing Market – A Field Experiment on Blind Tenants.


Gabe, Todd (2012): Medical Costs of Childhood Obesity in Maine.

Gabe, Todd and Crawley, Andrew (2020): Early Impacts of COVID-19 on Maine’s Hospitality Sector in 2020.

Gabe, Todd and Crawley, Andrew (2020): A Note on the Reduction in Hospitality Sales Prior to a State’s COVID-related Stay-at-Home Order: Evidence from Maine, USA.

Galor, Oded and Özak, Ömer (2016): The Agricultural Origins of Time Preference.

Garin, Julio and Pohl, R. Vincent and Smith, Rhet A. (2018): The Effect of Medical Cannabis Dispensaries on Opioid and Heroin Overdose Mortality.

Gazilas, Emmanouil Taxiarchis (2024): Economic Factors Influencing Homicide Rates: A European Perspective. Published in: Journal of Applied Economic Reasearch , Vol. 23, No. 2 (25 June 2024): pp. 258-278.

Gibson, John and Johnson, David and Alexi, Thompson (2020): Close Encounters of a Heterogeneous Kind: Understanding the Differential Impact of Social Distancing on COVID-19 Infections and Deaths.

Goerlich, Francisco José and Pinilla, Rafael (2005): Esperanza de Vida y Potencial de Vida a lo largo del siglo XX en España. Published in: Revista de Demografía Histórica , Vol. XXIII, No. II (2005): pp. 79-109.

Goldman, Dana and Leibowitz, Arleen and Robalino, David (2004): Employee Responses to Health Insurance Premium Increases. Published in: American Journal of Managed Care , Vol. 10, No. 10 (2004): pp. 41-47.

Golmohammadpoor Azar, Kamran and Sarmadi, Hamid (2012): اقتصاد زیرزمینی در شهرهای مرزی. Published in: National Congress on Border Cities and Security; Challenges and Strategies – CBCS 2012 : pp. 2042-2048.

Goryakin, Yevgeniy and Rocco, Lorenzo and Suhrcke, Marc and McKee, Martin and Roberts, Bayard (2015): Fruit and vegetable consumption in the former Soviet Union: the role of individual- and community-level factors. Published in: Public Health Nutrition , Vol. 18, No. 15 (2015): pp. 2825-2835.

Gowri, B and Vasantha Devi, K.P. and Sivakumar, Marimuthu (2010): A Study about the Impact of Nutrition Education and Awareness of Food Safety among Women SHG Members.

Guccio, Calogero and Lisi, Domenico and Pignataro, Giacomo (2014): Readmission and Hospital Quality under Prospective Payment System.

Guerrero Serdan, Gabriela (2009): The Effects of the War in Iraq on Nutrition and Health: An Analysis Using Anthropometric Outcomes of Children.

Gumber, Anil and Bulsari, Smruti (2020): COVID-19 Impact on Indian Economy and Health: The Emergence of Corona-Economics.

Gwokorok, Lado (2019): Expectations of Social Capital and Willingness to Pay for Social Health Insurance among the Bari Speakers of Central Equatoria State, South Sudan.


Habermann, Judita (2021): Self-control and social media addiction (Facebook):a quantitative analysis.

Haider, Adnan and Zaidi, Masroor (2017): Food Consumption Patterns and Nutrition Disparity in Pakistan. Forthcoming in: Pakistan Development Review

Halicioglu, Ferda (2010): Modelling life expectancy in Turkey.

Hamadou Daouda, Youssoufou (2011): Déterminants de la mortalité infantile et infanto-juvénile et la pauvreté au Niger. Published in: Revue d’Economie Théorique et Appliquée , Vol. 2, No. 1 (2012): pp. 23-47.

Harpedanne de Belleville, Louis-Marie (2020): Act Now or Forever Hold Your Peace: Slowing Contagion with Unknown Spreaders, Constrained Cleaning Capacities and Costless Measures.

Harris, Matthew and Cronin, Christopher (2014): The effects of prospective mate quality on investments in healthy body weight among single women.

Harris, Matthew and Kessler, Lawrence and Murray, Matthew and Glenn, Beth (2017): Prescription Opioids and Labor Market Pains: The Effect of Schedule II Opioids on Labor Force Participation and Unemployment.

Hasanzadeh, Samira and Alishahi, Modjgan (2020): COVID-19 Pounds: Quarantine and Weight Gain.

Hasanzadeh, Samira and Alishahi, Modjgan (2020): COVID-19 Pounds: Quarantine and Weight Gain.

Hassan, Gazi and Cooray, Arusha (2012): The effect of female and male health on economic growth: cross-country evidence within a production function framework.

Hidayat, Budi and Thabrany, Hasbullah (2010): Cigarette smoking in Indonesia: examination of a myopic model of addictive behaviour. Published in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , Vol. 7, No. 6 (4 June 2010): pp. 2473-2485.

Hlavac, Marek (2011): Comment on David Cutler and Adriana Lleras-Muney (2008): “Education and Health: Evaluating Theories and Evidence”.

Hoddinott, John and Karachiwalla, Naureen and Ledlie, Natasha and Roy, Shalini (2015): Adolescent girls’ infant and young child nutrition knowledge sources differ among urban and rural samples in Bangladesh.

Hu, Zihan and Li, Teng (2016): Too hot to hold: the effects of high temperatures during pregnancy on birth weight and adult welfare outcomes.

Hu, Zihan and Li, Teng (2016): Too hot to hold: the effects of high temperatures during pregnancy on endowment and adult welfare outcomes.


Imdad, Kashif and Sahana, Mehebub and Rana, Md Juel and Haque, Ismail and Patel, Priyank Pravin and Pramanik, Malay (2020): The COVID-19 pandemic's footprint in India: An assessment on the district-level susceptibility and vulnerability.

Irfan, Muhammad and Akram, Waqar and James Hooper, Vincent (2020): What factors can help COVID-19 patients to recover quickly in Pakistan.

Islam, Tanweer and Hyder, Asma (2016): A Reflection on Child and Infant Mortality in Selected South Asian Countries.

Ismail, Mubarak and Gumber, Anil and Collins, Karen (2015): Assessing, Developing and Piloting Information Support Tools to Increase Knowledge of, Satisfaction with and Awareness of Cancer and Cancer Screening and Treatment among the Muslim Communities.

Ismaïl, Safa (2022): Caesarean section delivery in private and public facilities in Tunisia.


Jamal, Haroon (2018): Mother‘s Empowerment and Child Malnutrition: Evidence from Pakistan.

Jin, Liyin and Li, Lingfang (Ivy) and Zhou, Yi and Zhou, Yifang (2022): How to Remind People to Work Out via Feedback: Evidence from a Field Experiment.

Johansen, Elias (2021): Enhancing health information infrastructures in Asia: an economic impact study. Published in: Journal of Health Technology, Management and Research , Vol. 2, No. 3 (15 June 2021): pp. 6-12.

John, Peabody and Tauiwalo, Mario and Robalino, David and Frenk, Julio (2004): Improving the Quality of Care in Developing Countries. Published in: DCP70 (2004): pp. 1292-1307.

Johnson, Paa-Nii T. and Yawson, Robert M. (2000): Enhancing the food security of the peri-urban and urban poor through improvements to the quality, safety and economics of street-vended foods. Published in: Natural Resources Institute, Chatham Maritime, UK: : pp. 1-63.


K M, Dr.Siby and K J, Teena Rose (2023): A Temporal Analysis of Prevalence, Pattern and Perception of Substance Abuse among Higher Secondary and Higher Education Students in Ernakulam District, Kerala. Published in: EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) , Vol. 9, No. 8 (31 August 2023): pp. 429-440.

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