Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "G3 - Corporate Finance and Governance"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 546.


Govori, Fadil (2011): Analiza e pasqyrave financiare: Përdoruesit e treguesve financiarë.

Govori, Fadil (2011): Ndikimi i informacionit asimetrik në tregjet financiare.


Abozaid, Abdulazeem (2010): نحو صكوك إسلامية حقيقية. Published in: Journal of Islamization of Knowledge, The International Institute of Islamic Thought , Vol. 16, No. 62 (2010)

Elasrag, Hussein (2012): حوكمة الوقف الاسلامى.

Elasrag, Hussein (2014): دور أدوات الحوكمة في تنظيم الرقابة الشرعية و تطويرها.

Elasrag, Hussein (2020): بناء وإدارة السمعة المؤسسية للأوقاف.


Dimitrov, Mitko and Tchipev, Plamen D and Keremidchiev, Spartak and Bakardjieva, Radostina (2014): Съвременното състояние на корпоративното управление в България. Published in: Journal of BAS No. 6 (2014): pp. 27-35.

Miller, Jeffrey and Petranov, Stefan (1998): Изграждане на капиталов пазар в условията на преход: примерът на България. Published in:

Nedelchev, Miroslav (2014): Corporate governance of banking group: international recommendations, european policies and national practices. Published in: Avangard Print, Sofia (2014)


Xu, Jing (2015): 媒体关注能影响上市公司现金股利支付吗?.

Zhong, Ma (2014): 认知的桎梏:从稳定型财务业绩到企业过度投资 ——基于中国上市公司的证据.


Matić, Branko and Papac, Nikola (2010): Osobine sustava korporativnog upravljanja u bankama u Bosni i Hercegovini. Published in: Ekonomski vjesnik (2010): pp. 80-93.

Matić, Branko and Serdarušić, Hrvoje (2007): Modeli financiranja regionalnog razvitka Istočne Hrvatske. Published in: Financiranje razvoja i restrukturiranja gospodarstva (2007): pp. 45-71.


AGAÏ, Oniankitan Gregoire (2012): Assessing the Viability of a Rural Microfinance Network : The Case of FONGS FINRURAL.

AZMI, NURUL NAJWANIE FATIEHAH (2023): A Study on KPJ Healthcare Sdn Bhd in Malaysia Performance and Its Determinants.

Abbas, Qamar and Hunjra, Ahmed Imran and Azam, Rauf I and Ijaz, Muhammad Shahzad and Zahid, Maliha (2014): Financial performance of banks in Pakistan after Merger and Acquisition. Published in: Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research , Vol. 4, No. 1 : pp. 1-15.

Abdul Latif, Nurul Atikah (2019): The Impact of Liquidity Risk on Internal and External Factors. Published in:

Abdullah, Fara Izzatie (2019): Analysis of internal factor (Operating Margin) affect the Coty Incorporated Performance.

Abdullah, Hariem and Tursoy, Turgut (2021): Capital structure and firm performance: a panel causality test.

Abdullah, Nur Shahila (2018): Corporate Governance and Performance of Hotel Industry (Ihi).

Adeabah, David and Andoh, Charles and Asongu, Simplice and Gemegah, Albert (2021): Reputational risks in banks: A review of research themes, frameworks, methods, and future research directions.

Afanasyeva, Olga and Lapina, Yulia and Scherbina, Tetiana (2013): Risk Management, Corporate Governance and Investment Banking: The Role of Chief Risk Officer. Published in: Corporate Ownership and Control , Vol. 10, No. 3 (2013): pp. 313-330.

Afrifa, Godfred and Tingbani, Ishmael (2017): Working Capital Management, Cash Flow and SMEs’ Performance. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Banking Accounting and Finance

Agyemang, Otuo Serebour and Aboagye, Emmanuel and Ahali, Aaron Yao Ofoe (2013): Prospects and Challenges of Corporate Governance in Ghana. Published in: International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication , Vol. 3, No. 5 (6 May 2013): pp. 1-9.

Ahmad, Baseer and Ali, Syed Babar (2012): Do Individual Investors in Pakistan Prefer Dividends?


Ahmad Zaini, Afzan and Adnan, Hamimah and Che Haron, Roziha (2010): Contractors’ Approaches to Risk Management at the Construction Phase in Malaysia. Published in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Construction Project Management (ICCPM) Chengdu, China, (1 December 2010): pp. 330-334.

Ahmad Zaini, Afzan and Endut, Intan Rohani and Takim, Roshana (2011): Contractors’ Strategic Approaches to Risk Assessment Techniques at Project Planning Stage. Published in: 2011 IEEE Symposium on Business Engineering & Industrial Application, Langkawi Malaysia (1 October 2011): pp. 318-323.

Ahmed, Khalil (2011): Sukuk: Definition, Structure and Accounting Issues.

Ahmed, Ovais and Mashkoor, Aasim (2016): Corruption & Public Finance Project Selection; Its Impact On the Economy: A Case Study of Pakistan.

Ahmed, Sabeel and Hanif, Muhammad (2012): Determinants of Capital Structure in Textile Sector of Pakistan.

Al-Anshari, Thalhah (2017): Firm Risk And Performance: Spritzer Berhad.

Ali, Amjad and Alim, Wajid and Ahmed, Jawad and Nisar, Sabahat (2022): Yoke of Corporate Governance and Firm Performance: A Study of Listed Firms in Pakistan.

Ali, Amjad and Alim, Wajid and Ahmed, Jawad and Nisar, Sabahat (2021): Impact of Corporate Governance on Performance: A Study of Listed Firms in Pakistan.

Ali, Madiha and Ali, Syed Babar (2014): The Impact of Working Capital Management on Firm Profitability and Fixed Investment in Pakistan.

Ali, Mazhar (2015): Impact of Operating Cash Flows on Capital Spending and Dividends.

Ali, Muhammad and Raza, Syed Ali and Chin-Hong, Puah (2015): Islamic home financing in Pakistan: A SEM based approach using modified TPB model.

Ali, Syed Babar (2012): Corporate Governance and Accounting Practices in Pakistan. Published in: International Journal of Advanced Research No. 5 (May 2015): pp. 192-211.

Alves, Paulo and Couto, Eduardo and Francisco, Paulo (2014): Board of directors’ composition and financing choices.

Alves, Paulo and Ferreira, Miguel (2008): Who Owns the Largest Firms Around the World? Published in: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics No. 21 (2008): pp. 93-110.

Alvi, Mohsin and Ikram, Midra (2015): Impact of Total Assets and Net Income on Return on Equity of Small Medium Enterprises of Pakistan. Published in: International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics & Management , Vol. 5, No. 5 (1 May 2015): pp. 50-51.

Amjad, Rashid (1973): Growth, profitability and savings of quoted public limited companies 1964-70. Published in: Pakistan Economic and Social Review, Vol. 11, No. 4 , Vol. Vol. 1,

Ammari, Aymen and Bouteska, Ahmed and Regaieg, Boutheina (2016): CEO Entrenchment and Performance: New Evidence Using Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis.

Andrey, Rudkov (2011): Economical preconditions of functioning of independent boards of directors in view of neoclassical economical theory.

Annathurai, Anusha (2019): Corporate Governance Analysis on Risk Exposure and Performance of AIA Bhd.

Ansay, Thomas (2009): Firm valuation: tax shields & discount rates.

Aretz, Kevin and Bartram, Söhnke M. (2009): Corporate Hedging and Shareholder Value.

Arshad, Nur Shahwani (2017): Genting plantation berhad performance and risk.

Asimakopoulos, Ioannis and Athanasoglou, Panayiotis P. (2009): Revisiting the merger and acquisition performance of European banks. Published in: RePEc No. Working Paper 100 (August 2009)

Athanasoglou, Panayiotis and Ioannis, Daniilidis and Manthos, Delis (2013): Bank procyclicality and output: Issues and policies.

Aw, Yi Ying (2019): Corporate Governance, impact of company’s performance and risk of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.

Awin, Ejin (2018): "Liquidity Risk And Its Determinants': A Study On Oil And Gas Industry In Tatneft".

Azmi, Siti Nor Aisyah (2023): Corporate Governance and Its Determinants: A Study of Pharmaniaga Sdn Bhd.

BARNES, PAUL (2018): Recent developments in investment fraud and scams: Contracts for Difference (‘CFD’) spread betting and binary options and foreign exchange (‘Forex’) sometimes collectively known as ‘forbin’ – the UK experience.

Barakat, Mounther-Hussein and Rao, Ramesh-P (2003): The role of taxes in capital structure: evidence from taxed and non-taxed Arab economies.

Barran, Fernando and Peeters, Marga (1998): Internal finance and corporate investment: Belgian evidence with panel data. Published in: Economic Modelling No. 15 : pp. 67-89.

Bartram, Söhnke M. (2007): Corporate Cash Flow and Stock Price Exposures to Foreign Exchange Rate Risk.

Bartram, Söhnke M. (2004): The Use of Options in Corporate Risk Management.

Bartram, Söhnke M. (2007): What Lies Beneath: Foreign Exchange Rate Exposure, Hedging and Cash Flows.

Bartram, Söhnke M. and Bodnar, Gordon (2005): The Exchange Rate Exposure Puzzle.

Bartram, Söhnke M. and Bodnar, Gordon M. (2009): No Place To Hide: The Global Crisis in Equity Markets in 2008/09.

Bartram, Söhnke M. and Brown, Gregory W. and Conrad, Jennifer (2006): The Effects of Derivatives on Firm Risk and Value.

Bartram, Söhnke M. and Brown, Gregory W. and Minton, Bernadette (2009): Resolving the Exposure Puzzle: The Many Facets of Exchange Rate Exposure.

Bartram, Söhnke M. and Brown, Philip and How, Janice C.Y. and Verhoeven, Peter (2007): Agency Conflicts and Corporate Payout Policies: A Global Study.

Bartram, Söhnke M. and Burns, Natasha and Helwege, Jean (2007): Foreign Currency Exposure and Hedging: Evidence from Foreign Acquisitions.

Bashir, Taqadus and Khalid, Shujaat and Iqbal Khan, Kanwal and Javed, Saman (2019): Interest Rate Risk Management by Financial Engineering in Pakistani Non-Financial Firms. Published in: Journal of Managerial sciences , Vol. 13, No. 3

Baskran, Sumirrta (2019): The Effects of Internal and External Factors on Corporate Governance and the Performance of American International Group (AIG).

Baydalinova, Aynur and Sandybayeva, Balzhan and Stukach, Victor (2018): Financial security of Kazakhstan: gross domestic product, public debt, budget deficit. Published in: N E W S OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN , Vol. 5., No. SERIES OF SOCIAL AND HUMAN SCIENCES, №5 (May 2018): pp. 119-126.

Bell, Peter N (2010): New methodology for event studies in Bonds.

Bellavite Pellegrini, Carlo (2013): An empirical analysis of “Corporate Italy”: legal entities, financial and ownership structure and corporate governance 2004-2012. Published in: Journal of Corporate Ownership & Control , Vol. 10, No. 4 (2013): pp. 117-129.

Bellavite Pellegrini, Carlo and Pellegrini, Laura (2013): Financial Corporations’ performances and corruption indices around Europe 1996-2008. Published in: International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance , Vol. 6, No. 2/3 (2013): pp. 101-115.

Bellavite Pellegrini, Carlo and Pellegrini, Laura and Sergi, Bruno (2018): Governance and banking system morphology in China: the evolution over the last two decades (1995-2015). Published in: World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development , Vol. 14, No. 5 (2018): pp. 549-580.

Bellavite Pellegrini, Carlo and Pellegrini, Laura and Sironi, Emiliano (2010): Alternative vs Traditional Corporate Governance Systems in Italy: An Empirical Analysis. Published in: Problems and Perspectives in Management , Vol. 8, No. 3 (2010): pp. 4-15.

Bellavite Pellegrini, Carlo and Romelli, Davide and Sironi, Emiliano (2011): The impact of governance and productivity on stock returns in European industrial companies. Published in: Investment Management and Financial Innovations , Vol. 8, No. 4 (2011): pp. 22-30.

Bellavite Pellegrini, Carlo and Sergi, Bruno and Sironi, Emiliano (2015): The Effect of the Adoption of an Alternative Corporate Governance System on Firms’ Performances. The Case of Italian Unlisted SMEs. Published in: Journal of Management Development , Vol. 35, No. 4 (17 February 2016): pp. 517-529.

Bellavite Pellegrini, Carlo and Sergi, Bruno and Sironi, Emiliano (2015): Stock Returns, Productivity, and Corruption in Eight European Fast-Emerging Markets. Published in: Thunderbird International Business Review (2015): pp. 1-8.

Ben Rejeb, Wajdi (2014): Good Board Governance and Perceived Business Continuity in Tunisian Corporate Groups. Published in: Journal of Asian Developement Studies , Vol. 3, No. 4 (20 December 2014): pp. 21-34.

Bitros, George C. (2017): Greece: Still in the woods.

Blind, Georg and Lottanti von Mandach, Stefania (2015): Not a Coincidence: Sons-in-Law as Successors in Successful Japanese Family Firms.

Boahen, Eric and Mamatzakis, Emmanuel (2016): Do Religion, Corporate Governance and BIG 4 Audit Interactions Affect Misclassification?

Boeva, Bistra (2015): Corporate Governance and Global Supply Chains: How Self -regulation Replaces the Lack of Regulatory Initiatives or Do Regulatory Initiatives Add Value to Corporate Governance. Published in: Economic Alternatives No. 4 (2015): pp. 5-19.

Bondoc, Maria-Daniela and Radu, Florea (2008): Considerations concerning the analysis of the wage costs efficiency. Published in: Analele Universităţii din Craiova, Secţiunea Ştiinţe Economice No. 36 (2008)

Brahmana, Rayenda Khresna and Setiawan, Doddy and Hooy, Chee Wooi (2014): Diversification strategy, Ownership Structure, and Firm Value: a study of public‐listed firms in Indonesia.

Bremer, Diedrich and Lüdtke, Jan-Philipp and Richter, Ansgar and Schäfer, Utz (2009): Who disciples the CFO? An assessment of stakeholder power in corporate governance.

Bundala, Ntogwa (2012): Do Economic Growth, Human Development and Political Stability favour sovereign Creditworthiness of a Country? A Cross Country Survey on Developed and Developing Countries. Published in: International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics , Vol. Vol. 1, No. Issue No.1 (February 2013): pp. 32-46.

Buriak, Anna (2014): Performance in banking: theory and practice peculiarities. Published in: Central European journal for science and research No. 1(3) (2014): pp. 61-76.

Buscemi, Antonino and Yallwe, Alem Hagos (2011): Money laundry and financial development.

Buscemi, Antonino and Yallwe, Alem Hagos (2011): Money laundry and financial development. Published in: Antiriciclaggio & 231 del 2001 , Vol. nr. 0, No. ISSN 2239-0308 (July 2011): pp. 233-264.

Cadoret, Jeremy (2016): Empirical study on the effect of the return on investment on budgetary slacks in investment expenditures.

Cardow, Andrew and Wilson, Willam (2014): In Lombard we trust: The value of independent celebrity directors.

Carlo Alberto, Magni (2008): Splitting Up Value: A Critical Review of Residual Income Theories. Forthcoming in: European Journal of Operational Research , Vol. 3, No. 192 (March 2009)

Carlo Alberto, Magni (2008): Splitting Up Value: A Critical Review of Residual Income Theories. Forthcoming in: European Journal of Operational Research

Caruntu, Genu Alexandru and Romanescu, Marcel Laurentiu (2008): Treasury cash flows in the enterprise.

Cassimon, Danny and Engelen, Peter-Jan and Reyntjens, Filip (2013): Rwanda’s involvement in Eastern DRC: A criminal real options approach. Published in: Crime, Law, and Social Change No. 59 (2013): pp. 39-62.


Chaney, Paul and Faccio, Mara and Parsley, David (2007): The Quality of Accounting Information in Politically Connected Firms.

Chaney, Paul and Faccio, Mara and Parsley, David (2009): The Quality of Accounting Information in Politically Connected Firms.

Chang, Kuo-Ping (2020): On Option Greeks and Corporate Finance.

Charles, Lee and David, Ng (2002): Corruption and International Valuation: Does Virtue Pay?

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten and Bruno, Amable (2010): Patents as Collateral. Published in: Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control , Vol. 34, (2010): pp. 1092-1104.

Chaw, Chun Ho (2019): Corporate Governance and Liquidity Risk of Coolpad Group Limited.

Che, Yeon-Koo and Spier, Kathryn (2006): Strategic Judgment Proofing.

Chew, Hui Yen (2019): The impact of Return on Assets (ROA) in relation with internal factors and external factors towards Casio Computer Co.,Ltd.'s performance.

Chhapra, Imran Umer and Asim, Muhammad (2012): Determinants of capital structuring: an empirical study of growth and financing behavior of firms of textile sector in Pakistan. Published in: Journal of Management and Social Sciences , Vol. 8 (2), No. Fall 2012 (2012): 01-10.

Chileshe, Patrick Mumbi (2017): Banking structure and the bank lending channel of monetary policy transmission: evidence from panel data methods.

Chilosi, Alberto and Damiani, Mirella (2007): Stakeholders vs. shareholders in corporate governance.

Chong, Sze Chin (2019): An Analysis of the External and Internal Factors Affecting Honda Motor Company’s Performance.

Chong, Terence Tai Leung and Ding, Yue and Li, Yong (2015): Executive Stock Option Pricing in China under Stochastic Volatility. Forthcoming in:

Chong, Terence Tai Leung and Law, Daniel Tak Yan and Yao, Feng (2016): The Debt-Equity Choice of Japanese Firms. Published in: International Journal of Business and Society , Vol. 17, (2016): pp. 167-182.

Ciliberto, Federico and Schenone, Carola (2012): Are the Bankrupt Skies the Friendliest?

Ciliberto, Federico and Schenone, Carola (2010): Bankruptcy and Product-Market Competition: Evidence from the Airline Industry.

Ciliberto, Federico and Schenone, Carola (2012): Bankruptcy and product-market competition: evidence from the airline industry.

Cipriano, Nur Alisha Arfiffy and Zulkeflee, Nur Nabila and Amran, Fasihah and Shahudin, Haziah Aishah (2018): Operational risk and its determinants among five companies in manufacturing industry in Germany.

Cosh, Andy and Hughes, Alan and Lee, Kevin and Singh, Ajit (1996): Takeovers, institutional investment and the persistence of profits. Published in: Centre for Business Research Working Paper Series No. WP030 (March 1996)

D'Agosto, Elena (2007): Investor Protection and Corporate Performance: Comparing Auditing Issues across countries.

DAYORO, DONATIEN (2024): Optimization of the Credit Portfolio and Methodology for Evaluating a Public Support Policy: The Case of the Support Fund for Large Ivorian Enterprises (FSGE). Published in: Optimization of the Credit Portfolio and Methodology for Evaluating a Public Support Policy: The Case of the Support Fund for Large Ivorian Enterprises (FSGE) , Vol. 39, : pp. 2-38.

Dai, Shangze and Fan, Fei and Zhang, Keke (2022): Creative Destruction and Stock Price Informativeness in Emerging Economies.

Dalton, Christina Marsh and Holland, Sara B. (2015): Why Do Firms Use Insurance to Fund Worker Health Benefits? The Role of Corporate Finance.

Damiani, Mirella and Pompei, Fabrizio and Ricci, Andrea (2014): Enterprise-level bargaining and labour productivity of Italian family firms: a quantile regression analysis.

Dewandaru, Ginanjar and Masih, Rumi and Bacha, Obiyathulla I. and Masih, A. Mansur M. (2014): The Role of Islamic Asset Classes in the Diversified Portfolios: Mean Variance Spanning Test.

DiGabriele, Jim and Ojo, Marianne (2017): Chameleons in the midst of hawks: The real meaning to be attributed to the definition of fraud. Forthcoming in: Amazon Publications

DiGabriele, Jim and Ojo, Marianne (2017): The Efficiency Wage Hypothesis and monetary policy channels of transmission: developments and progress of Basel III leverage ratios. Forthcoming in: American Journal of Economics No. Special Issue Preserving Global Trade Relations: Impacts of Recent Global Developments (2018)

DiGabriele, Jim and Ojo, Marianne (2017): The efficiency wage hypothesis and the role of corporate governance in firm performance. Forthcoming in: IGI Global

DiGabriele, Jim and Ojo, Marianne (2017): The efficiency wage hypothesis and the role of corporate governance in firm performance. Forthcoming in: IGI Global

Dominique, C-Rene (2013): Estimating investors' behavior and errors in probabilistic forecasts by the Kolmogorov entropy and noise colors of non-hyperbolic attractors.

Dong, Ming and Hirshleifer, David and Teoh, Siew Hong (2007): Stock market misvaluation and corporate investment.

Edurkar, Ashok and Chougule, Dr.Dattatrya G. (2016): Perspectives of Foreign Trade subjected to financing by Foreign Financial Institutions (FFIs) using business practices models as derived by factor and cluster analysis Post RBI Road Map 2005.

Erizal, Nurulhidayu (2017): Corporate Governance and its Impact on Firm Performance and Risk in Food and Beverages Industry: Empirical Analysis on Dutch Lady Berhad.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Economics and Rationality of organizations: an approach to the work of Herbert A. Simon.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Fragments on the black swan: money, credit and finance in The Arcades Project of Walter Benjamin.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Theory of argumentation in financial markets. Published in: Journal of Advanced Studies in Finance , Vol. Volume, No. Issue I (1) (16 July 2010): pp. 18-23.

Estrada, Fernando (2011): Theory of financial risk.

FERROUHI, El Mehdi and EZZAHID, Elhadj (2013): Trading mechanisms, return’s volatility and efficiency in the Casablanca Stock Exchange. Published in: Indonesian Capital Market Review , Vol. 5, No. 2 (July 2013): pp. 65-73.

Faccio, Mara and Parsley, Davie (2007): Sudden Deaths: Taking Stock of Geographic Ties. Forthcoming in: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

Fafaliou, Irene and Giaka, Maria and Konstantios, Dimitrios and Polemis, Michael (2020): Firms’ Sustainability Performance and Market Longevity.

Firano, Zakaria and Filali adib, Fatine (2022): Optimal Capital structure and financial stability.

Fotis, Panagiotis and Polemis, Michael and Eleftheriou, Konstantinos (2015): Upward Pricing Pressure Formulations with Logit Demand and Endogenous Partial Acquisitions.

Fung, Ka Wai Terence and Wan, Wilson (2013): The Impact of Merger and Acquisition on Value at Risk (VaR): A Case Study of China Eastern Airline. Published in: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics No. 110 (2013)

Gasanov, Oscar and Chirskaya, Marina (2021): Manufacturing Industry Financial Condition of the City of Rostov-On-Don: Examine by the Altman Models. Published in: International Scientific and Practical Conference Operations and Project management: strategies and trends DITEM 2021: Strategies and Trends in Organizational and Project Management , Vol. 380, (2 February 2022): pp. 488-499.

Ghouse, Ghulam and Khan, Saud Ahmed and Habeeb, Kashif (2019): Information Transmission Among Equity Markets: A Comparison Between ARDL and GARCH Model.

Glen, Jack and Lee, Kevin and Singh, Ajit (2000): Competition, corporate governance and financing of corporate growth in emerging markets. Published in: Department of Applied Economics, Cambridge Discussion Papers in Accounting and Finance No. AF46 (1 July 2000): pp. 1-47.

Glen, Jack and Singh, Ajit and Mathias, Rudolph (1998): How competitive are the emerging markets? an analysis of corporate rates of return from nine emerging markets. Published in: IMF Working Paper No 99/32 (1 March 1999): pp. 1-44.

Govori, Arbiana (2013): Analysis of external factors affecting the development of SMEs in Kosovo.

Govori, Arbiana (2012): Measuring and managing the impact of risk on organizations: The Case of Kosovo.

Govori, Fadil (2013): The performance of commercial banks and the determinants of profitability: Evidence from Kosovo.

Greco, Giulio (2012): Governance codes and types of issuer. An empirical research on a global sample.

Greco, Giulio (2012): Ownership structures, corporate governance and earnings management in the European Oil Industry.

Gursoy, Guner (2009): A strategic shift of automobile manufacturing firms in Turkey. Published in: Int. J. Business and Emerging Markets , Vol. 1, No. 3 (2009): pp. 211-231.

Halkos, George and Tzirivis, Apostolos (2018): Effective energy commodities’ risk management: Econometric modeling of price volatility.

Hanifa, Mohamed Hisham and Masih, Mansur and Bacha, Obiyathulla (2014): Testing Sukuk And Conventional Bond Offers Based On Corporate Financing Theories Using Partial Adjustment Models: Evidence From Malaysian Listed Firms.

Hansen, Zeynep and Higgins, Matthew (2007): The Effect of Contractual Complexity on Technology Sourcing Agreements.

Har, Sin Min (2019): An Analysis of Corporate Governance in Internal and External factors of Fiat Chrysler Automobile.

Harabi, Najib (2007): State of Corporate Governance in Arab Countries: An Overview.

Harun, Nur Ilyani (2017): Corporate Governance and Performance of United Malacca Berhad.

Hasan, Iftekhar and Politsidis, Panagiotis and Sharma, Zenu (2020): Bank lending during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hasan, Iftekhar and Politsidis, Panagiotis N. and Sharma, Zenu (2021): Global syndicated lending during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hasan, Zubair (2014): Risk sharing versus risk transfer in Islamic finance: revised.

Hashem, Nawar and Ugur, Mehmet (2012): Market Concentration, Corporate Governance and Innovation: Partial and Combined Effects in US-Listed Firms. Published in: Journal of Governance and Regulation , Vol. Volume, No. Issue 3 (2012): pp. 199-215.

Hashem, Nawar and Ugur, Mehmet (2011): Product-market competition, corporate governance and innovation: evidence on US-listed firms.

Hashim, Nur Athira (2017): Performance And Risk: Empirical Evidence From Rhb Bank.

Herpfer, Christoph and Maturana, Gonzalo (2020): Credit Rating Inflation: Is It Still Relevant and Who Prices It?

Hirshleifer, David (2014): Behavioral Finance.

Hirshleifer, David and Teoh, Siew Hong (2001): Herd Behavior and Cascading in Capital Markets: A Review and Synthesis. Published in: European Financial Management , Vol. 9, No. 1 (March 2003): pp. 25-66.

Iqbal, Athar and Hameed, Irfan and Qadeer, Majid (2012): Impact of Diversification on Firms’ Performance. Published in: American Journal of Scientific Research No. 80 (1 December 2012): pp. 42-53.

Iqbal Hussain, Hafezali and Mohd Farid, Shamsudin and Noor H, Jabarullah and Milad Abdelnabi, Salem and Fekri Ali, Shawtari (2016): Speed of Adjustment and Financial Constraints: Evidence from the UK. Published in: Indian Journal of Science and Technology , Vol. 9, No. 38 (October 2016): pp. 1-6.

Iquiapaza, Robert and Lamounier, Wagner and Amaral, Hudson (2006): Assimetria de Informações e Pagamento de Dividendos na Bovespa. Published in: Advances in Scientific and Applied Accounting , Vol. 1, No. 1 (15 June 2008): pp. 1001-1014.

Ismiyanti, Fitri and Mahadwartha, Putu Anom (2007): Does Debt Affect Firm Financial Performance? The Role of Debt on Corporate Governance: Evidence from Indonesia. Published in: Jurnal Riset Akuntansi Indonesia , Vol. 11, No. 2 (30 November 2008): pp. 1-25.

Jackwerth, Jens Carsten and Hodder, James E. (2008): Managerial Responses to Incentives: Control of Firm Risk, Derivative Pricing Implications, and Outside Wealth Management.

Jafree, Anis Nashuha (2017): Risk and performance of ltkm berhad.

Jamalludin Helmi, Faten Fatihah (2019): Volkswagen Company’s Corporate Governance and Liquidity Risk.

Jamian, Nur Hayati (2017): Firm Risk and Performance in A & M Realty Berhad.

Jariani, Farzaneh (2021): The Crowding Out and Crowding In Effects of the Government Fiscal Policy on the Real Estate Investment and Public Prosperity in Iran.

Joern, Block and Peter, Jaskiewicz and Danny, Miller (2010): Ownership versus Management Effects on Performance in Family and Founder Companies: A Bayesian Analysis.


Jones, Kevin (2009): Mergers & Acquisitions: A snapshot of a SPECIAL pre and post M&A process.

Jusoh, Hashim and Bacha, Obiyathulla and Masih, Abul Mansur M. (2014): Multi-scale Lead-Lag Relationship between the Stock and Futures Markets: Malaysia as a Case Study.


Kah Kah, Chow (2019): An Analysis of Internal and External Factors Affecting Jerasia Capital Berhad's Profitability Performance.

Kam Yan Hui, Jane Sarah (2019): Market Risk and Operational Risk Towards Company’s Profitability.

Kamarulzaman, Fadzilah (2017): The Role Of Corporate Governance And Its Impact On Risk And Firm Performance Of Real Estate Industry: Pavilion Reit.

Kannan, Srinivasan (2008): Social Correlates of Health choices: A study in Rural Tamil Nadu.

Karpouzis, Efstathios and Bouras, Chris and Kanas, Angelos (2019): Hedge fund activism, voice, and value creation.

Katsafados, Apostolos G. and Leledakis, George N. and Pyrgiotakis, Emmanouil G. and Androutsopoulos, Ion and Fergadiotis, Manos (2021): Machine Learning in U.S. Bank Merger Prediction: A Text-Based Approach.

Kayis-Kumar, Ann (2015): Thin capitalisation rules: A second-best solution to the cross-border debt bias? Published in: Australian Tax Forum: a journal of taxation policy, law and reform , Vol. 2, No. 30 (2015): pp. 299-355.

Kerton, Robert / R (2003): Can consumers bank on mergers? Published in: Policy Options / Options Politiques No. March (March 2003): pp. 16-18.

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Khan, Muhammad Irfan Khan and Meher, Muhammad Ayub Khan Mehar and Syed, Syed Muhammad Kashif (2013): Impact of Inflation on Dividend Policy: Synchronization of Capital Gain and Interest Rate. Published in: Pensee Journal , Vol. 75, No. 11 (20 November 2013): pp. 384-393.

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