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Items where Subject is "D11 - Consumer Economics: Theory"

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ANDREI, Dalina-Maria (2018): Some Today Approach of the Household in the Economic Literature. Published in: Research in Economics and Management , Vol. Vol. 4, No. 1 (16 January 2019): pp. 32-43.

Abenia, Aitor (2022): Oferta de trabajo en Italia: Un test empírico del modelo colectivo.

Alcantud, José Carlos R. and Bosi, Gianni and Zuanon, Magalì (2009): A selection of maximal elements under non-transitive indifferences.

Alcantud, José Carlos R. and Matos, Daniel L. and Palmero, Carlos R. (2009): Goodness of fit in optimizing consumer's model.

Alimi, R. Santos (2015): Estimating Consumption function under Permanent Income Hypothesis: A comparison between Nigeria and South Africa.

Alva González, Miguel Ángel (2008): Environmentally Unfriendly Consumption Behaviour: Theoretical and Empirical Evidence from Private Motorists in Mexico City.

Alviar Ramírez, Mauricio and Restrepo Patiño, Medardo and Gallón Gómez, Santiago (2002): Un modelo RSDAIDS para las importaciones de madera de Estados Unidos y sus implicaciones para Colombia. Published in: Borradores del CIE No. 2 (November 2002): pp. 1-21.

Andrikopoulos, Athanasios and Zacharias, Eleftherios (2008): General solutions for choice sets: The Generalized Optimal-Choice Axiom set.

Anjos, Fernando and Anchorena, Jose (2008): Social ties and economic development.

Apffelstaedt, Arno and Mechtenberg, Lydia (2016): Competition for Context-Sensitive Consumers.

Arango, Efraín (2014): Curvas de Oferta-Precio No lineales para el caso de preferencias de consumo Cuasi-lineales.

Arango Sánchez, Efraín (2015): Efectos Sustitución y Renta en el caso de preferencias específicas.

Arjmandi, Nabi (2023): Optimal Portfolio Rebalancing with Sweep Under Transaction Cost.

Armstrong, Mark (2015): Search and ripoff externalities.

Armstrong, Mark and Vickers, John (2015): Which demand systems can be generated by discrete choice?

Axelsen, Dan and Snarr, Hal W. and Friesner, Dan (2009): Teaching consumer theory to business students: an integrative approach. Published in: Perspectives on Economic Education Research , Vol. 6, No. 1 (2010): pp. 15-47.

Azam, Rehan and Muhammad, Danish and Syed Akbar, Suleman (2012): Consumption style among young adults toward their shopping behavior:an empirical study in Pakistan.

Azar, Ofer H. (2006): Tipping, firm strategy, and industrial organization.

Azar, Ofer H. and Tobol, Yossi (2006): Tipping as a strategic investment in service quality: An optimal-control analysis of repeated interactions in the service industry.

Azar, Ofer H. and Tobol, Yossi (2006): Tipping as a strategic investment in service quality: An optimal-control analysis of repeated interactions in the service industry.

Aziz, Babar and Shahnawaz, Malik (2005): Demand for Meat; Seprability and Structural changes (A Nonparametric Analysis). Published in: Journal of Research , Vol. 25, No. 1 (2005): pp. 111-120.


B. Fitch, James and Soliman, Ibrahim (1983): Livestock and Small Farmer Labor Supply. Published in: in "Migration, mechanization, and Agricultural Labor Markets in Egypt, Alan Richards and Philip Martin, (Editors) PP. 45 -77, West-view Press, Boulder, Colorado, USA (20 October 1983): pp. 45-78.

Bachev, Hrabrin (1999): Икономика на аграрните институции. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство No. 3 (2000): pp. 16-21.

Bandyopadhyay, Saurabh and Singh, Tejinder (2014): Factors Affecting Choice of Cable Services in Small Towns of India.

Bayrak, Oben (2016): Another Solution for Allais Paradox: Preference Imprecision, Dispersion and Pessimism.

Bazhanov, Andrei and Hartwick, John (2006): Dispersed Interactions of Urban Residents.

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan (2008): Overconfidence?

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan (2007): Overconfidence?

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan (2007): Overconfidence?

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan (2008): Overconfidence?

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan (2018): When do populations polarize? An explanation.

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan and Moore, Don (2009): Does the Better-Than-Average Effect Show That People Are Overconfident?: An Experiment.

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan and Moore, Don (2008): A proper test of overconfidence.

Berentsen, Aleksander and Markheim, Marina (2020): Peer-to-Peer Lending and Financial Inclusion with Altruistic Investors.

Berg, Nathan and Kim, Jeong-Yoo (2010): Demand for Self Control: A model of Consumer Response to Programs and Products that Moderate Consumption.

Berliant, Marcus and Weiss, Adam (2013): Measuring Economic Growth from Outer Space: A Comment.

Berliant, Marcus and Weiss, Adam (2013): Measuring Economic Growth from Outer Space: A Comment.

Berliant, Marcus and Weiss, Adam (2017): Measuring Economic Growth from Outer Space: A Comment.

Bertoletti, Paolo (2005): Uniform pricing and social welfare.

Bhowmik, Anuj and Cao, Jiling (2011): On the core and Walrasian expectations equilibrium in infinite dimensional commodity spaces.

Bilgili, Faik (1999): Yeni Klasik kurama göre bütçe politikalarının değerlendirilmesi. Published in: The Papers of IVth National Conference on Econometrics and Statistics held by Marmara University, Belek (1999) 551-571. , Vol. 1, No. 1 (1999): pp. 551-571.

Bilgili, Faik (1997): Testing the Ricardian equivalence theorem in the framework of the permanent income hypothesis.

Bilgili, Faik and Bilgili, Emine (1998): Bütçe açığının cari işlemler üzerindeki etkileri: Teori ve uygulama. Published in: İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 146. sayının eki , Vol. 13, No. 146 (May 1998): pp. 4-16.

Bimonte, Giovanna (2013): A General Coalition Structure: Some Equivalence Results.

Bolh, Nathalie and Wendner, Ronald (2021): Conspicuous leisure, time allocation, and obesity Kuznets curves.

Bosi, Gianni and Zuanon, Magalì (2010): A generalization of Rader's utility representation theorem.

Brida, Juan Gabriel and Scuderi, Raffaele (2012): Determinants of tourist expenditure: a review of microeconometric models.

Bruno, B. (2010): Rewarding my Self. The role of Self Esteem and Self Determination in Motivation Crowding Theory.

Bruno, Bruna (2011): Rewarding my Self. Self Esteem, Self Determination and Motivations.


Calero, Analía Verónica (2006): La influencia de las instituciones en la racionalidad del individuo a partir de Adam Smith. Published in:

Campaña, Juan Carlos (2017): ¿Pueden llegar a ser adictivos los comportamientos juveniles sedentarios en el hogar? Un programa de investigación con respuestas conceptuales y evidencia empírica.

Canegrati, Emanuele (2007): A Contribution to the Positive Theory of Indirect Taxation.

Canegrati, Emanuele (2007): The Decision to Retire: Some Microeconomic Hints.

Cebula, Richard (1979): Market Interdependence and Third-Degree Price Discrimination: Comment. Published in: The Quaterly Review of Economics and Business , Vol. 20, No. 2 (31 August 1980): pp. 106-109.

Cebula, Richard and Foley, Maggie (2010): Personal Income Tax Evasion Determinants Revisited: An Exploratory Study Using Newly Available Data. Published in: Academy of Economics and Finance Journal , Vol. 2, No. 1 (30 November 2011): pp. 17-24.

Cebula, Richard and Gatons, Paul (1973): Potential Theft as an Indirect Tax. Published in: Public Choice , Vol. 20, No. 1 (1 March 1974): pp. 109-111.

Cebula, Richard and Tullock, Gordon (2005): An Extension of the Rational Voter Model. Published in: The Elgar Companion to Public Economics: Empirical Public Economics (28 May 2006): pp. 263-273.

Chang, Kuo-Ping (2019): Behavioral Economics versus Traditional Economics: Are They Very Different?

Cherif, Olfa and Ayadi, Mohamed (2010): Latent separability and price variation in the estimation of demand System.

Claar, Victor V and Diestl, Christine M and Poll, Ross D (2009): Spreading Academic Pay over Nine or Twelve Months: Economists Are Supposed to Know Better, but Do They Act Better?

Claar, Victor V and Diestl, Christine M and Poll, Ross D (2009): Spreading Academic Pay over Nine or Twelve Months: Economists Are Supposed to Know Better, but Do They Act Better?

Cocioc, Paul (2017): On the attitude to risk and the decision-making behavior. Published in: Review of Economic Studies and Research Virgil Madgearu , Vol. 10, No. 1 (2017): pp. 27-46.

Colby, Scott and Tim, Graciano and Jeffrey, LaFrance and Rulon, Pope (2011): Money illusion, Gorman and Lau.

Cunningham, Thomas (2013): Biases and Implicit Knowledge.

Curtis Jr, James (2017): A Study of Consumption Decisions and Wealth, Individual Data, Political Economy and Theory.

canegrati, emanuele (2007): The single-mindedness of labor unions when transfers are not Lump-Sum.


Dahlan, Rolan Mauludy and Situngkir, Hokky (2010): Evolution of Consumers’ Preferences due to Innovation. Forthcoming in: WP-6-2010 No. BFI Working Paper Series (29 July 2010)

De Koning, Kees (2021): How can household wealth be used to stimulate economic growth. The Italian example.

De Koning, Kees (2021): Quantitative Easing Home Equity An Alternative Economic Management Tool.

De Koning, Kees (2020): Rebuilding the European Union Economies after the corona virus pandemic: a new Country by Country Home Equity Release Method: (E.U.HERM).

De Koning, Kees (2020): Tessa: A new economic tool; A Temporary Equity Spend and Save Again system.

De Koning, Kees (2020): The unique benefits of a Tessa system: the U.S. case.

Deb, Joyee and Zhou, Jidong (2018): Reference Dependence and Choice Overload.

Deb, Rahul (2008): Interdependent Preferences, Potential Games and Household Consumption.

Diagne, Youssoupha S and Diop, Mouhamadou M (2007): Quelles solutions à la hausse continue de la facture publique pétrolière : maintien des appuis à la consommation ou libre fixation des prix par le marché ? Published in: website www.dpee.sn

Diakité, Zakary (2023): Estimating Demand for Lamb, Beef, Pork, and Poultry in Canada. Published in: Theoretical Economics Letters , Vol. 14, No. 1 (8 February 2024): pp. 67-93.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2009): A Simple Complementary Development Mechanics for African Countries.

Dioikitopoulos, Evangelos and Turnovsky, Stephen and Wendner, Ronald (2017): Dynamic Status Effects, Savings, and Income Inequality.

Dion, David Pascal (2006): Does Consumer Confidence Forecast Household Spending?

Dion, David Pascal (2006): Does Consumer Confidence Forecast Household Spending? The Euro Area Case.

Dion, David Pascal (2006): Does Consumer Confidence Forecast Household Spending? The Euro Area Case (Appendix to the main text).

Dominique, C-Rene (2017): On The “Scientificity” Of Microeconomics: Individual Demand, And Exchange-value Determination. Published in: Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Field , Vol. VIII, No. Winter 2017 (7 December 2017): pp. 105-110.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. (2010): The history of the mainstream rejection of interdependent preferences.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. (2010): The history of the mainstream rejection of interdependent preferences.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. and Karayiannis, Anastassios (1999): Mainstream Consumer Theory: Delay, Acceptance and History Texts. Published in: History of Economics Review , Vol. 30, No. Summer (1999): pp. 68-71.

Drichoutis, Andreas C. and Nayga, Rodolfo (2017): Economic rationality under cognitive load.

Dwibedi, Jayanta Kumar and Marjit, Sugata (2015): Relative Affluence and Child Labor - Explaining a Paradox.

Dziewulski, Pawel (2014): Revealed time-preference.

d'Albis, Hippolyte and Etner, Johanna (2016): Illiquid Life Annuities. Forthcoming in:


Effah Nyamekye, Gabriel and Adusei Poku, Eugene (2017): What is the effect of inflation on consumer spending behaviour in Ghana?

Emanuele, Canegrati (2007): A Single-Mindedness model with n generations.

Engelson, Leonid and Fosgerau, Mogens (2011): Additive measures of travel time variability. Published in: Transportation Research Part B , Vol. 45, (2011): pp. 1560-1571.

Escobari, Diego and Damianov, Damian and Bello, Andres (2012): A time series test to identify housing bubbles.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Información y persuasión en los mercados financieros.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Los mercados de opinión pública.


Fajardo, José and Corcuera, José Manuel and Menouken Pamen, Olivier (2016): On the optimal investment.

Fernandez, Jose and Nahata, Babu (2009): Pay What You Like.

Ferrando, Sandra (2017): Risky consumption among adolescents: A survey for Spain.

Ferrando-Latorre, Sandra (2017): Risky consumption and intergenerational mobility: a research program in a family context.

Forges, Françoise and Iehlé, Vincent (2012): Essential Data, Budget Sets and Rationalization.

Fosgerau, Mogens (2009): The value of headway for a scheduled service. Published in: Transportation Research Part B , Vol. 43, (2009): pp. 813-820.

Fosgerau, Mogens and Engelson, Leonid (2010): The value of travel time variance. Published in: Transportation Research Part B , Vol. 45, (February 2010): pp. 1-8.

Fosgerau, Mogens and Ranjan, Abhishek (2017): A note on identification in discrete choice models with partial observability. Forthcoming in: Theory and decision

Fosgerau, Mogens and de Palma, André (2012): Congestion in a city with a central bottleneck. Published in: Journal of Urban Economics , Vol. 71, (2012): pp. 269-277.


GC, Arun (2023): Utility of sacrifices: Reorientation of the utility theory. Published in: Review of Business and Economics Studies , Vol. 2, No. 11 (July 2023): pp. 67-72.

Galvis Ciro, Juan Camilo and Henao Atehortúa, Edison Fred (2018): La teoría del consumidor: fundamentales y aplicaciones.

Gayle, Philip and Lin, Ying (2022): Using Demand Transfer Ratios to Infer Market Impacts of New Goods. Forthcoming in: Economics Letters

Gerasimou, Georgios (2015): Indecisiveness, Undesirability and Overload Revealed Through Rational Choice Deferral.

Gerasimou, Georgios (2012): Asymmetric Dominance, Deferral and Status Quo Bias in a Theory of Choice with Incomplete Preferences.

Gerasimou, Georgios (2015): A Characterization of Risk-Neutral and Ambiguity-Averse Behavior.

Gerasimou, Georgios (2009): Consumer theory with bounded rational preferences.

Gerasimou, Georgios (2010): Rational indecisive choice.

Gerasimou, Georgios and Papi, Mauro (2015): Oligopolistic Competition with Choice-Overloaded Consumers.

Ghassan, Hassan Belkacem (2015): Fairness and Ethics in Spending. Published in: Journal of Reviews on Global Economics , Vol. 5, (18 August 2016): pp. 281-287.

Ghassan, Hassan B. (2015): Islamic Consumer Model, Fairness Behavior and Asymptotic Utility.

Ghassan, Hassan B. and Al-Jefri, Essam H. (2015): Islamic Theoretical Intertemporal Model of the Current Account. Published in: Arab Economic and Business Journal , Vol. 11, No. 1 (June 2016): pp. 86-92.

Giamboni, Luigi and Millemaci, Emanuele and Waldmann, Robert (2007): Evaluating how predictable errors in expected income affect consumption.

Gimenez-Nadal, Jose Ignacio and Molina, Jose Alberto (2017): The Substitution Effect and the Profit Function in Consumption: expressions from the Marshallian, Hicksian, and Frischian demand functions.

Gorbunov, Vladimir (2022): Проблема потребительского рыночного спроса в экономической теории и её разрешение: методология, теория, верификация.

Gorbunov, Vladimir (2021): Market demand: a holistic theory and its verification.

Gorbunov, Vladimir (2022): The positive resolution of the microeconomic problem of market demand: issues of methodology and verification.

Greiff, Matthias and Egbert, Henrik (2016): The Pay-What-You-Want Game and Laboratory Experiments.

Grigoryev, Leonid and Pavlyushina, Victoria and Muzychenko, Evgeniya (2020): Падение в мировую рецессию 2020…. Published in: Voprosy Ekonomiki No. 5 (May 2020): pp. 5-24.

Gunarso, Gatot Hadi (2019): Persamaan Dan Perbedaan Perilaku Konsumen Dalam Ekonomi Konvensional Dan Hukum Ekonomi Islam.

Gutierrez-Hita, Carlos and Martinez-Sanchez, Francisco (2013): Environmental Policy to Foster a Green Differentiated Energy Market.

Guzman, Giselle C. (2007): Using sentiment to predict GDP growth and stock returns. Published in: The Making of National Economic Forecasts No. Edward Elgar Publishing LTD (2009): pp. 319-351.

garcia, juan manuel and alvarado enciso, alfredo (2018): Estimación de elasticidades de demanda de bienes y servicios en Perú mediante los métodos AIDS y QUAIDS.


H, Gopi (2021): Issues and Prospects of Women Street Merchants’: A Study in Davanagere District of Karnataka. Published in: The Indian Economic Journal , Vol. 01, No. Special Issue, January 2022 (10 January 2022): pp. 208-215.

H, Gopi and K B, Rangappa (2021): Utilization Pattern of PM-KISAN Benefits. Published in: The Journal of Indian Art History Congress , Vol. 27, No. 01 (2021): pp. 76-79.

Ha-Huy, Thai and Nguyen, Thi Tuyet Mai (2019): Saving and dissaving under Ramsey - Rawls criterion.

Ha-Huy, Thai and Nguyen, Thi Tuyet Mai (2019): Saving and dissaving under Ramsey - Rawls criterion.

Ha-Huy, Thai (2019): A tale of two Rawlsian criteria.

Hanudin, Amin (2012): Explaining intention to use the Islamic credit card: an extension of the TRA model.

Harashima, Taiji (2023): Economic Rents Extracted in the Process of Consumption.

Harashima, Taiji (2019): The Correlation between Time Preference and Incomes Is Spurious: They Are Bridged by Fluid Intelligence.

Harashima, Taiji (2016): Ranking Value and Preference: A Model of Superstardom.

Harashima, Taiji (2019): Why Is Executive Compensation So High? A Model of Executive Compensation.

Harriger, Jessica and Khanna, Neha and Pape, Andreas (2010): Conspicuous Consumption and Inequality.

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Consumer Criteria for the Selection of an Islamic Bank: Evidence from Pakistan. Published in: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics (IRJFE) , Vol. 94, (2012)

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Consumers’ versatile buying behavior irrespective to high and low involvement products. Published in: Science Series Data Report , Vol. 4, No. 2 (2012): pp. 64-69.

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber and Mehar, Ayub (2012): Pricing behavior of firms when consumers have an Imperfect Recall. Forthcoming in: American Journal of Scientific Research

Hasan, Zubair (1997): Fulfilmen of Basic Needs: Concept, Measurement and Muslim Countries’ Performance. Published in: IIUM Journal of Economics and Management , Vol. 5, No. 2 (1997): pp. 1-38.

Hasan, Zubair (1985): Macro Consumption Function in an Islamic Framework by Fahim Khan: Comments. Published in: JKAU: Islamic Economics, Jeddah , Vol. 2, No. 2 (1985): pp. 79-81.

Hasan, Zubair (2002): Maximisation postulates and their efficacy for Islamic economics. Published in: American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences , Vol. 19, No. 1 (2002): pp. 95-118.

Hasan, Zubair (2005): Treatment of Consumption in Islamic Economics: An Appraisal. Published in: JKAU: Islamic Economics, Jeddah , Vol. 2, No. 18 (2005): pp. 29-46.

He, Junnan (2011): A Generalization of Sen’s Unification Theorem: Avoiding the Necessity of Pairs and Triplets.

Henningsen, Geraldine and Wiese, Catharina (2019): Do Household Characteristics Really Matter? A Meta-Analysis on the Determinants of Households’ Energy-Efficiency Investments.

Herrera Saavedra, Juan Pablo (2013): Elasticidad precio de la demanda y su relevancia en materia de bienestar en un mercado monopolista.

Herrera Saavedra, Juan Pablo and Lis-Gutiérrez, Jenny-Paola (2012): Una aproximación a indicadores diseñados para la medición de impacto en el bienestar del consumidor.

Hervés-Beloso, Carlos and Monteiro, Paulo Klinger (2009): Existence, continuity and utility representation of strictly monotonic preferences on continuum of goods commodity spaces.

Hervés-Estévez, Javier and Moreno-García, Emma (2014): On bargaining sets for finite economies.

Hervés-Estévez, Javier and Moreno-García, Emma (2012): Some remarks on restricted bargaining sets.

Hervés-Estévez, Javier and Moreno-García, Emma (2015): A bargaining-Walras approach for finite economies.

Hervés-Estévez, Javier and Moreno-García, Emma (2015): A convergence result for a bargaining set.

Husain, Fazal (2001): Exploring the Two Commodity World.


Jehle, Geoffrey (1984): Individual Welfare and the Demand for Financial Instruments. Published in: Southern Economic Journal , Vol. 51, No. No. 1 (July 1984): pp. 116-134.

Jellal, Mohamed (2014): Diaspora transferts et signal de richesse.



Kaldasch, Joachim (2011): Dynamic Model of Markets of Homogenous Non-Durables. Published in: British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade , Vol. 9, (21 July 2015): pp. 1-12.

Kaldasch, Joachim (2012): Evolutionary Model of the Personal Income Distribution.

Kaldasch, Joachim (2011): The experience curve and the market size of competitive consumer durable markets.

Kaldasch, Joachim (2011): The product life cycle of durable goods. Published in: British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade , Vol. 2, No. 10 (11 September 2015): pp. 1-17.

Keita, Moussa (2024): Une nouvelle réflexion sur la valeur économique du temps : les notions d’effort et de pénibilité.

Khaleque, Abdul (2010): Diversion of loan use: who diverts and why?

Kim, Minseong (2016): A simple theory of exploding household debts.

Kohnert, Dirk (2022): Are Africans happy? 'Return to laughter' in times of war, famine and misery.

Kohnert, Dirk (2022): Les Africains, sont-ils heureux ? « Retour au rire » en temps de guerre, de famine et de misère.

Kowal, Paweł (2006): On nesting nonhomothetic preferences.

Kukushkin, Nikolai S. (2023): Maximizing a preference relation on complete chains and lattices.

Kukushkin, Nikolai S. (2010): On the existence of most-preferred alternatives in complete lattices.


Le Van, Cuong and Pham, Ngoc-Sang (2019): Demand and equilibrium with inferior and Giffen behaviors.

Le Van, Cuong and Pham, Ngoc-Sang (2021): Equilibrium with non-convex preferences: some examples.

Levy, Daniel and Chen, Haipeng (Allan) and Ray, Sourav and Bergen, Mark (2006): Asymmetric Price Adjustment in the Small.

Liberda, Barbara and Peczkowski, Marek (2011): Does a change of occupation lead to higher earnings? Published in: Statistics in Transition-new series , Vol. 12, No. 1 August 2011 (2011): pp. 193-206.

Lippert, Steffen and Schumacher, Christoph (2009): Hopping on the Methadone Bus.

Lu, Siting (2020): Status Signalling with Luxury and Cultural Goods.

Lugilde, Alba and Bande, Roberto and Riveiro, Dolores (2017): Precautionary Saving: a review of the theory and the evidence.


MILLER, ANNE (2023): Demand Theory for Poverty and Affluence: A Contribution to Utility Theory.

Malakhov, Sergey (2020): Invisible hand at consumption-leisure production possibility frontier: the allocation of time between goods and services under wage and price dispersions. Published in: 68th AFCE Congress No. Lille (8 June 2021)

Malakhov, Sergey (2013): Эффект Веблена, предельная полезность денег и денежная иллюзия. Forthcoming in: Journal of Institutional Studies , Vol. 5, No. 3

Malakhov, Sergey (2012): К вопросу о возможности синтеза концепции удовлетворяющего поиска и неоклассической доктрины. Published in: Economics , Vol. 2, No. 1 (2013): pp. 86-105.

Malakhov, Sergey (2021): Allocation of time in ideal family: golden ratio as a means of survival in preindustrial societies and its applications in modern family.

Malakhov, Sergey (2014): Consumer search behavior and willingness to pay for insurance under price dispersion.

Malakhov, Sergey (2019): Consumption-leisure complementarity versus income elasticity of demand under equilibrium price dispersion.

Malakhov, Sergey (2020): Deriving utility: consumers’ diligence under externalities and technical progress.

Malakhov, Sergey (2021): Golden ratio of invisible hand: does the gravitation matter?

Malakhov, Sergey (2021): Invisible hand equilibrium in family: the gravitation between men and women in marriage markets.

Malakhov, Sergey (2020): Law of nature or invisible hand: when the satisficing purchase becomes optimal.

Malakhov, Sergey (2015): Law of one price and optimal consumption-leisure choice under price dispersion. Published in: Expert Journal of Economics , Vol. 4, No. 1 (2016): pp. 1-8.

Malakhov, Sergey (2018): Limits to the «theorem of lemons»: demand for good cars under equilibrium price dispersion.

Malakhov, Sergey (2013): Money flexibility and optimal consumption-leisure choice under price dispersion. Forthcoming in: Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Fields , Vol. IV, No. 1(7) (2013)

Malakhov, Sergey (2014): Money flexibility, price elasticity, and elasticity of marginal utility of consumption.

Malakhov, Sergey (2017): Moral hazard, optimal healthcare-seeking behavior, and competitive equilibrium. Published in: Expert Journal of Economics , Vol. 5, No. 2 (28 October 2017): pp. 71-79.

Malakhov, Sergey (2021): Original divine proportions of general competitive equilibrium.

Malakhov, Sergey (2020): Proof of the invisible hand: the optimal consumer allocation of time under price dispersion.

Malakhov, Sergey (2018): Propensity to search and income elasticity of demand: does the equilibrium really exist? Published in: Expert Journal of Economics , Vol. 6, No. 1 (17 June 2018): pp. 15-25.

Malakhov, Sergey (2015): Propensity to search: common, leisure, and labor models of consumer behavior. Forthcoming in: Expert Journal of Economics , Vol. 3, No. 2013

Malakhov, Sergey (2012): Satisficing decision procedure and optimal consumption-leisure choice. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Social Science Research , Vol. 2, No. 2 (2014)

Malakhov, Sergey (2014): Slutsky equation and negative elasticity of labor supply: behavioral bias or optimal consumption-leisure choice? Forthcoming in: Expert Journal of Economics , Vol. 2, No. 2 (2014)

Malakhov, Sergey (2014): Sunk costs of consumer search: economic rationality of satisficing decision. Published in: Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Fields , Vol. 5, No. 1(9) Summer (2014): pp. 56-62.

Malakhov, Sergey (2012): Veblen effect, search for status goods, and negative utility of conspicuous leisure.

Malakhov, Sergey (2014): Willingness to overpay for insurance and for consumer credit: search and risk behavior under price dispersion. Published in: Expert Journal of Economics , Vol. 2, No. 3 (2014): pp. 109-119.

Malakhov, Sergey (2019): Willingness to take care of good cars: from the theorem of lemons to the Coase theorem. Published in: Association Française des Sciences Économiques No. 68th Congress (2019): pp. 1-16.

Malakhov, Sergey (2021): Work of invisible hand: the gravitation between sellers and buyers on the consumption-leisure production possibility frontier.

Malakhov, Sergey (2012): A paradox of little pre-purchase search for durables: the trade-off between prices, product lifecycle, and savings on purchases. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Social Science Research , Vol. 2, No. 2 (2014)

Mandal, Biswajit (2015): Demand for Maternal health inputs in West Bengal-Inference from NFHS 3.

Mandal, Biswajit and Bhattacharjee, Prasun and Banerjee, Souvik (2016): A Simple Model on Mothers’ Autonomy, Health Inputs, and Child Health.

Marcelo, Fukushima (2008): Non-Homothetic Preferences and Labor Heterogeneity: The Effects of Income Inequality on Trade Patterns.

Marcucci, Edoardo and Marini, Marco (2005): Road pricing as a citizen-candidate game. Published in: European Transports No. 31 (2005): pp. 28-45.

Marjit, Sugata and Mandal, Biswajit (2011): Conspicuous Consumption, Social Status and Measures of Poverty – An Example.

Marjit, Sugata and Roy, Ranjan (2010): Conflicting Measures of Poverty and Inadequate Saving by the Poor – The Role of Status Driven Utility Function.

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