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Items where Subject is "G28 - Government Policy and Regulation"

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AGAÏ, Oniankitan Gregoire (2012): Assessing the Viability of a Rural Microfinance Network : The Case of FONGS FINRURAL.

Abdala Rioja, Yamile E (2011): All things considered: the interaction of the reasons for the financial crisis.

Abdelhamid, El Bouhadi and Omar, Essardi (2007): Micro-microcrédit et asymétries d’information : cas du Maroc.

Abdul Aziz, Ahmad Faizal (2012): Shariah Governance: Challenges Ahead.

Abdul Wahab, Hishamuddin and Rosly, Saiful Azhar and Masih, Abul Mansur M. (2014): Risk Taking Behavior and Capital Adequacy in a Mixed Banking System: New Evidence from Malaysia using Dynamic OLS and Two-step Dynamic System GMM Estimators.

Abozaid, Abdulazeem (2008): مدى شرعية تطبيقات المصارف الإسلامية الماليزية لبيوع الدين. Published in: Journal of Islam in Asia , Vol. 5, No. 2 (2008)

Abu-Bader, Suleiman and Abu-Qarn, Aamer (2006): Financial Developent and Economic Growth Nexus: Time Series Evidence from Middle Eastern and North African Countries. Published in: Review of Development Economics , Vol. 12, No. 4 (2008): pp. 803-817.

Abu-Bader, Suleiman and Abu-Qarn, Aamer (2005): Financial Development and Economic Growth: Time Series Evidence from Egypt. Published in: Journal of Policy Modeling , Vol. 30, No. 5 (2008): pp. 887-898.

Abuselidze, George (2019): Influence of Central Bank Regulations on Interbank Competition in Association with EU. Published in: E3S Web of Conferences , Vol. 135, : 04037.

Acharya, Viral and Anginer, Deniz and Warburton, Joe (2016): The End of Market Discipline? Investor Expectations of Implicit Government Guarantees.

Adegboro, Opeyemi Oluwole and Orekoya, Samuel and Adekunle, Wasiu (2019): An Assessment of the Stability and Diversity of the Nigerian Financial Service Sector.

Agafonova, Maria (2015): Формирование эффективной долговой политики в области государственного внутреннего долга.

Ager, Philipp and Spargoli, Fabrizio (2013): Bank Deregulation, Competition and Economic Growth: The US Free Banking Experience.

Aginta, Harry and Soraya, Debby A and Santoso, Wahyu B (2018): Financial Development and Income Inequality in Indonesia: A Sub-national Level Analysis. Published in: Economics and Finance in Indonesia , Vol. 64, No. 2 (December 2018): pp. 111-130.

Agyekum, Francis and Locke, Stuart and Hewa-Wellalage, Nirosha (2016): A search for Theory of Financial Market Failure in Lower Income Countries (LICs) and implication for Financial Exclusion.

Ahmad, Nor Hayati Bt and Noor, Mohamad Akbar Noor Mohamad and Sufian, Fadzlan (2010): Measuring Islamic banks efficiency: the case of world Islamic banking sectors. Published in: Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance , Vol. 27, No. 4 (December 2010)

Ahrend, Rudiger and Arnold, Jens and Murtin, Fabrice (2009): Have more strictly regulated banking systems fared better during the recent financial crisis?

Ahsan, Syed M and Mahmud, Minhaj (2011): Microinsurance: The Choice among Delivery and Regulatory Mechanisms.

Aiello, Francesco and Bonanno, Graziella (2014): On the Sources of Heterogeneity in Banking Efficiency Literature.

Aikman, David and Galesic, Mirta and Gigerenzer, Gerd and Kapadia, Sujit and Katsikopolous, Konstantinos and Kothiyal, Amit and Murphy, Emma and Neumann, Tobias (2014): Taking Uncertainty Seriously: Simplicity versus Complexity in Financial Regulation. Published in: Financial Stability Paper No. 28 (2 May 2014)

Alasrag, Hussien (2008): دور بورصة النيل فى تنمية المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة فى مصر.

Alasrag, Hussien (2009): تأثير الأزمة المالية العالمية على الاقتصاد المصرى.

Albrecher, Hansjörg and Dacorogna, Michel M (2024): Allocating Capital to Time: Introducing Credit Migration for Measuring Time-Related Risks.

Albulescu, Claudiu Tiberiu (2008): Central Bank or Single Financial Supervision Authority: The Romanian Case.

Alexandre, Michel and Antônio Silva Brito, Giovani and Cotrim Martins, Theo (2017): Default contagion among credit modalities: evidence from Brazilian data.

Ali, Hassnian and Aysan, Ahmet Faruk and Yousef, Tariq M (2023): From Tech Hub to Banking Failure: Exploring the Implications of CBDCs on the Destiny of Silicon Valley Bank.

Ali Zaidi, Syed Najaf and Ali, Syed Babar (2006): Risk and Scope of Debit Check Card in Competitive Market of Pakistan.

Alipio, Mark (2020): Revenue Administration in the Philippines: Significant Collection Reforms, TRAIN Law, Fiscal Incentives, Excise Tax, and Rice Tariffication Law.

Aliyu, Shehu Usman Rano (2012): Islamic banking and finance in Nigeria: issues, challenges and opportunities.

Amoako, Frimpong and Asuamah Yeboah, Samuel (2023): "Community Voices and Financial Choices: Unravelling the Impact of Representation on Rural Cooperative Banks".

Anastasiou, Dimitrios (2016): Management and Resolution methods of Non-performing loans: A Review of the Literature.

Andriansyah, Yuli (2009): Kinerja Keuangan Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia dan Kontribusinya bagi Pembangunan Nasional. Published in: La_Riba: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam , Vol. 3, No. 2 (31 December 2009): pp. 181-196.

Ang, James (2009): Financial Liberalization and Income Inequality.

Apergis, Nicholas and Payne, James E. and Tsoumas, Chris (2011): Credit rating changes’ impact on banks: evidence from the US banking industry.

Arayssi, Mahmoud (2015): Captive Funds and Banks' Capital. Forthcoming in: No. forthcoming 2015 (2015)

Arce, Fernando (2021): Private Overborrowing under Sovereign Risk.

Arnone, Massimo and Costantiello, Alberto and Leogrande, Angelo (2025): Analyzing Risk Exposure Determinants in European Banking: A Regulatory Perspective.

Arnone, Massimo and Costantiello, Alberto and Leogrande, Angelo (2024): Banking Credit and Innovation Technology: a Global Perspective.

Arnone, Massimo and Laureti, Lucio and Costantiello, Alberto and Anobile, Fabio and Leogrande, Angelo (2024): The Access to Credit in the Context of the ESG Framework at Global Level.

Arnone, Massimo and Laureti, Lucio and Costantiello, Alberto and Anobile, Fabio and Leogrande, Angelo (2024): Banking Stability in the Context of the ESG Model at World Level.

Arnone, Massimo and Leogrande, Angelo (2024): Modelli Creditizi nel Contesto ESG: La Domanda dei Mutui delle Famiglie Consumatrici nelle Regioni Italiane.

Aslamazishvili, Nana (2013): How innovative is Georgian economy? Forthcoming in: ERENET Profile : pp. 21-23.

Asongu, Simplice and Nchofoung, Tii (2021): The terrorism-finance nexus contingent on globalisation and governance dynamics in Africa.

Asongu, Simplice and Nting, Rexon and Nnanna, Joseph (2019): Market Power and Cost Efficiency in the African Banking Industry. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Studies

Asongu, Simplice and Nwachukwu, Jacinta C. (2016): Political Regimes and Stock Market Performance in Africa. Forthcoming in: Political Studies Review

Asongu, Simplice and Odhiambo, Nicholas (2018): Size, Efficiency, Market Power, and Economies of Scale in the African Banking Sector. Published in: Financial Innovation , Vol. 5, No. 1 (January 2019): pp. 1-22.

Athanasoglou, Panayiotis and Ioannis, Daniilidis and Manthos, Delis (2013): Bank procyclicality and output: Issues and policies.

Atsin, Jessica A.L. and Ocran, Matthew K. (2017): Financial liberalization and the development of stock markets in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Audi, Marc and Al-Masri, Razan (2024): Examining the Impacts of Regulatory Framework on Risk in Commercial Banks in Emerging Economies.

Avgouleas, Emilios and Degiannakis, Stavros (2009): Trade transparency and trading volume: the possible impact of the financial instruments markets directive on the trading volume of EU equity markets. Published in: International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2009): pp. 96-123.

Ayoki, Milton (2014): Inclusive Financial System Reforms in Uganda: Unveiling Ambiguity. Published in:

Aysan, Ahmet Faruk and Lerzan, Yildiz (2006): The Regulation of the Credit Card Market in Turkey.


BOSTAN, Ionel (2024): The European Union Budget: Financing Options for Member States.

BOUKEF JLASSI, NABILA and Hamdi, Helmi (2015): The relationship between Financial liberalization, Financial Stability and Capital Control: Evidence from a multivariate framework for developing countries. Forthcoming in:

Badruddoza, S. (2013): Rules of Microcredit Regulatory Authority in Bangladesh: A Synopsis.

Banai, Ádám and Király, Júlia and Nagy, Márton (2012): „Home high above and home deep down below?” Lending in Hungary. Published in: Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Conference Proceedings, Szeged, University of Szeged , Vol. ISBN 9, (2012): pp. 36-62.

Barnes, Paul (2021): The use of contracts for difference (‘CFD’) spread bets and binary options (‘forbin’) to trade foreign exchange (‘forex’) commodities, and stocks and shares in volatile financial markets.

Barnett, William A. (2008): What broke the bubble?

Barra, Cristian and Zotti, Roberto (2017): On the relationship between bank market concentration and stability of financial institutions: Evidence from the Italian banking sector.

Barroso, Ricardo Vieira and Lima, Joaquim Ignacio Alves Vasconcellos and Lucchetti, Alexandre Henrique and Cajueiro, Daniel Oliveira (2016): Interbank network and regulation policies: an analysis through agent-based simulations with adaptive learning.

Basak, Deepal and Murray, Alexander and Zhao, Yunhui (2017): Does Financial Tranquility Call for More Stringent Regulation?

Bateman, Hazel and Ebling, Christine and Geweke, John and Jordan, Louviere and Stephen, Satchell and Susan, Thorp (2011): Economic Rationality, Risk Presentation, and Retirement Portfolio Choice.

Baydalinova, Aynur and Sandybayeva, Balzhan and Stukach, Victor (2018): Financial security of Kazakhstan: gross domestic product, public debt, budget deficit. Published in: N E W S OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN , Vol. 5., No. SERIES OF SOCIAL AND HUMAN SCIENCES, №5 (May 2018): pp. 119-126.

Bekirova, Olga and Zubarev, Andrey (2022): Факторы риска, прибыльности и вероятности дефолта в российском банковском секторе.

Bellon, Aymeric and Harpedanne de Belleville, Louis-Marie and Pinardon-Touati, Noémie (2021): Mediating Financial Intermediation.

Beniak, Patrycja (2019): Central bank digital currency and monetary policy: a literature review.

Berg, Nathan and Kim, Jeong-Yoo (2010): Demand for Self Control: A model of Consumer Response to Programs and Products that Moderate Consumption.

Bespalova, Olga (2020): Towards A More Resilient Financial Sector. Published in: Panama: Selected Issues (IMF Staff Country Reports) , Vol. 2020, No. 125 (21 April 2020): pp. 27-45.

Bessler, Wolfgang and Blake, David and Lückoff, Peter and Tonks, Ian (2010): Why does mutual fund performance not persist? The impact and interaction of fund flows and manager changes.

Bezemer, Dirk J (2009): This is not a credit crisis. Forthcoming in: Economic Affairs No. September

Bhattacherjee, Sanjay and Sarkar, Palash (2018): Voting in the Goods and Services Tax Council of India.

Bhide, M G and Prasad, A and Ghosh, Saibal (2001): Emerging Challenges in Indian Banking.

Bijapur, Mohan and Croci, Manuela and Zaidi, Rida (2012): Do Asset Regulations Impede Portfolio Diversification? Evidence from European Life Insurance Funds.

Blake, David and Boardman, Tom and Cairns, Andrew (2010): Sharing longevity risk: Why governments should issue longevity bonds.

Block, Walter and Snow, Nicholas and Stringham, Edward (2008): Banks, insurance companies, and discrimination. Published in: Business and Society Review , Vol. 35, No. 7 (September 2008): pp. 403-419.

Bonga, Wellington Garikai (2019): Measuring Macroeconomic Uncertainty in Zimbabwe.

Borges da Silva, Eduardo and Moreno Cordeiro de Sousa, Alexandre (2022): Avaliação econômico-financeira de fintechs no mercado brasileiro: o caso INTER.

Boudriga, Abdelkader and Boulila, Neila and Jellouli, Sana (2009): Does bank supervision impact nonperforming loans : cross-country determinants using agregate data ?

Brack, Estelle (2009): États-Unis,“soupe primitive” de la crise financière. Published in: Banque Stratégie No. 269 (April 2009): pp. 23-32.

Bradley, Christine and Jones, Kenneth D. (2007): Loss Sharing Rules for Bank Holding Companies: An Assessment of the Federal Reserve's Source-of-Strength Policy and the FDIC's Cross Guarantee Authority. Published in: Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments , Vol. 17, No. 4 (2008): pp. 249-286.

Bratanova, Alexandra (2012): Развитие методологии предварительного финансового контроля государственных программ регионов России. Published in: Financial analytics: problems and solutions No. 42 (1 November 2012): pp. 23-30.

Breiding, Torsten (2006): Die Arbeitslosenversicherung in Deutschland – Beitrag zur Bekämpfung oder Ursache von Arbeitslosigkeit.

Brugger Jakob, Samuel Immanuel (2007): ¿Puede el gobierno corporativo aprender del gobierno público?

Buiter, Willem (2014): Central Banks: Powerful, Political and Unaccountable? Forthcoming in: Journal of the British Academy (2014)

Bukvić, Rajko (2004): Politika otvorenog tržišta Narodne banke Srbije. Published in: Ekonomika preduzetništva (Economics of Entrepreneurship) , Vol. 40, No. 2 (439) (2004): pp. 83-91.

Buncic, Daniel and Martin, Melecky (2011): Macroprudential stress testing of credit risk: A practical approach for policy makers.

Bunea-Bontaş, Cristina Aurora and Lăzărică, Marinela and Petre, Mihaela Cosmina (2009): Capital adequacy and risk management - premises for strengthening financial system stability. Published in: Globalization and Higher Education in Economics and Business Administration, Conference Volume , Vol. 2, (December 2009): pp. 122-134.


Cadet, Raulin Lincifort (2008): Cost and profit efficiency of banks in Haiti: do domestic banks perform better than foreign banks?

Cakir, Murat (2016): A Conceptual Design of “What and How Should a Proper Macro-Prudential Policy Framework Be?” A Globalistic Approach to Systemic Risk and Procuring the Data Needed.

Cakir, Murat (2017): What You See Is Not What You Get, Always! A Distorted but True View of Company Financials when Distressed.

Camacho-Gutiérrez, Pablo and González-Cantú, Vanessa M. (2007): Moral hazard in a voluntary deposit insurance system: Revisited.

Camilleri, Silvio John (2006): Strategic Priorities for Stock Exchanges in New EU Member States. Published in: The FEMA Research Bulletin , Vol. 2, No. 1 (2006): pp. 7-19.

Caratelli, Massimo (2008): Information needs and efficiency in banking services. A 'demand-side' approach.

Caratelli, Massimo (2005): Transparency between banks and their customers. information needs and public intervention.

Caratelli, Massimo (2010): Transparency in consumer credit. the usage of the APR.

Caratelli, Massimo and Ornella, Ricci (2011): Impact of financial education and transparency on borrowing decisions. the case of consumer credit.

Caratelli, Massimo and Ricci, Ornella (2011): The relationship between everyday practices and financial literacy. an empirical analysis.

Carfì, David and Fici, Caterina (2012): The government-taxpayer game.

Casu, Barbara and Clare, Andrew and Saleh, Nashwa (2011): Towards a new model for early warning signals for systemic financial fragility and near crises: an application to OECD countries.

Catalan, Mario and Demekas, Dimitri (2015): Challenges for Systemic Risk Assessment in Low-Income Countries. Published in: Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions , Vol. 8 (2), (March 2015): pp. 118-129.

Cebula, Richard (1999): Determinants of the Rate of Return on Commercial Bank Assets, 1933-1998. Published in: Global Business & Economics Review--Anthology 2000 , Vol. 2, No. 1 (14 December 2000): pp. 36-39.

Cebula, Richard (1992): The Impact of Federal Deposit Insurance on Savings and Loan Failures. Published in: Southern Economic Journal , Vol. 59, No. 4 (30 April 1993): pp. 620-628.

Cebula, Richard (1992): The Reform of Federal Deposit Insurance. Published in: Southern Economic Journal , Vol. 59, No. 4 (26 April 1993): pp. 833-835.

Cebula, Richard (1993): The Regional Distribution of Bank Closings in the United States: An Extension of the Amos Analysis. Published in: Southern Economic Journal , Vol. 61, No. 1 (17 July 1994): pp. 202-208.

Cebula, Richard and Barth, James and Belton, Willie (1994): A Tobit Analysis of Determinants of Geographic Differentials in the Commercial Bank Closing Rate in the United States. Published in: Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali , Vol. 42, No. 10-11 (25 November 1995): pp. 863-869.

Cebula, Richard and McGrath, Richard and Perry, William (2002): Empirical Analysis of Determinants of Geographic Differentials in the Bank Failure Rate in the U.S.: A Heteroskedastic-Tobit Estimation. Published in: The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge , Vol. 3, No. 1-2 (30 September 2003): pp. 119-122.

Chakraborty, Lekha S (2021): Reserve Bank of India’s Pandemic Responses.

Chang, Jin-Wook and Chuan, Grace (2021): Contagion in debt and collateral markets.

Chawla, Aditi and Manjhi, Ganesh and Bhattacharya, Gaurav (2021): Implications of Banking Regulations on Online Payment Failures.

Chen, Xin and Qin, Yaohua and Xiao, He and Zhang, Yifei (2019): Microfinancing and Home-purchase Restrictions: Evidence from China’s Online Peer-to-Peer Lending.

Cheng, Dong and Hu, Zhongzhong and Tan, Yong (2019): Heterogeneous Impacts of Finance on Firm Exports: Evidence from Export Deregulation in A Large Developing Country.

Cheng, Dong and Hu, Zhongzhong and Tan, Yong (2017): Time-Varying Impacts of Financial Credits on Firm Exports: Evidence from Trade Deregulation in China.

Cheng, Gong and Mevis, Dirk (2015): What happened to profitability? Shocks, challenges and perspectives for euro area banks.

Chernykh, Lucy and Rebel, Cole (2009): Does Deposit Insurance Improve Financial Intermediation? Evidence from the Russian Experiment. Published in: Journal of Banking and Finance , Vol. 2, No. 35 (February 2011): pp. 388-402.

Chong, Terence Tai Leung (2024): Economic Prospects of the Development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: The Competitive Advantages and Importance of the Service Sector.

Chopard, Bertrand and Langlais, Eric (2009): Défaut de paiement stratégique et loi sur les défaillances d'entreprises.

Chowdhury, Emon Kalyan (2024): Dual Disruptions: An Evaluation of the Economic Fallout from the COVID-19 Pandemic and Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Bangladesh's Economy and Stock Market. Forthcoming in: Portfolio , Vol. 1, No. 24 (30 April 2024): pp. 1-15.

Cocozza, R and Di Lorenzo, E and Sibillo, M (2004): Methodological problems in solvency assessment of an insurance company. Published in: Investment Management and Financial Innovations , Vol. 1, No. 2 (2004): pp. 95-102.

Cocozza, Rosa and Di Lorenzo, Emilia (2007): A Dynamic Solvency Approach for Life Insurance.

Cole, Rebel (1999): Availability of credit to small and minority-owned businesses: Evidence from the 1993 National Survey of Small Business Finances.

Cole, Rebel A. and Fenn, George W. (1996): The role of commercial real estate investments in the banking crisis of 1985-92.

Cole, Rebel A. and Gunther, Jeffery W. (1995): A CAMEL rating's shelf life.

Cole, Rebel A. and White, Lawrence J. (2010): Déjà vu all over again: The causes of U.S. commercial bank failures this time around.

Cole, Rebel A. and Wu, Qiongbing (2009): Is hazard or probit more accurate in predicting financial distress? Evidence from U.S. bank failures.

Collins, Sean and Gallagher, Emily (2014): Assessing Credit Risk in Money Market Fund Portfolios.

Cordier, Jean and Santeramo, Fabio Gaetano (2018): Mutual Funds and the Income Stabilization Tool in the EU: retrospect and prospects. Forthcoming in: EuroChoices

Coskun, Yener (2010): Küresel Kriz Dersleri Işığında Aracı Kurumlarda Finansal Dayanıklılığı Artıran Düzenlemelerin Gözden Geçirilmesi. Published in: EKONOMİ BİLİMLERİ DERGİSİ , Vol. Sayı 2, No. Cilt 2 (15 November 2010): pp. 157-165.

Coskun, Yener (2010): Küresel Kriz Dersleri Işığında Aracı Kurumlarda Finansal Dayanıklılığı Artıran Düzenlemelerin Gözden Geçirilmesi. Published in: EKONOMİ BİLİMLERİ DERGİSİ , Vol. Sayı 2, No. Cilt 2 (15 November 2010): pp. 157-165.

Cousin, Violaine (2012): Basel I, II, III – we want it all at once. Published in: World Financial Review

Cousin, Violaine (2012): Changes at the top in Chinese Banking. Published in: World Financial Review No. January (25 January 2012)

Cousin, Violaine (2011): 中监为体、西监为用 or the specifics of Chinese bank regulation.

Craigwell, Roland C and Elliott, Wayne A (2011): Loan loss provisioning in the commercial banking system of Barbados: practices and determinants. Published in: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics No. 65 (2011): pp. 98-111.

Csizmazia, Roland Attila (2014): The Development of the Hungarian Banking Sector Prior to Basel II. Published in: International Journal of Knowledge and Innovation in Business , Vol. 1, No. 1 (15 February 2014): pp. 53-70.


DAS, PIYALI and Ghate, Chetan (2020): Public Debt in India: A Security Level Analysis.

Da Silva, Sergio (2014): Why Not Use Robots to Stabilize Stock Markets? Published in: Journal of Stock & Forex Trading , Vol. 3, No. 2 (30 January 2014): p. 1000120.

Daher, Hassan and Masih, A.Mansur M. and Ibrahim, Mansor H. (2014): Islamic Banks’ Capital Buffers: Unique Risk Exposures and the Disciplining Effects of Charter Values.

Dai, Meixing and SARFATI, Samuel (2012): Union bancaire européenne permet-elle de sauver l’euro ?

Damane, Moeti (2024): Quantile Regression Analysis of the Economic Impact of Business and Household Credit in Lesotho.

Damane, Moeti and Ho, Sin-Yu (2024): Effects of Financial Inclusion of Small and medium Sized Enterprises on Financial Stability: Evidence from SSA countries.

Damane, Moeti and Ho, Sin-Yu (2024): Effects of financial inclusion on financial stability: evidence from ssa countries.

Damane, Moeti and Ho, Sin-Yu (2024): The impact of financial inclusion on financial stability: review of theories and international evidence.

De Koning, Kees (2016): Are countries prepared for the next recession?

De Koning, Kees (2015): The evil force of borrowing and the weakness of Quantitative Easing.

Delfiner, Miguel and Balzarotti, Verónica and del Canto, Angel (2001): Backtesting: Performance of capital requirements for market risk in the BCRA. Published in:

Delfiner, Miguel and Pailhé, Cristina (2006): Instrumentos híbridos de capitalizacion bancaria. Published in: Central Bank Working Papers (December 2006)

Delis, Manthos and Iosifidi, Maria and Papadopoulos, Panagiotis (2020): Blessing or curse? Government funding of deposit insurance and corporate lending.

Delis, Manthos D and Staikouras, Panagiotis and Tsoumas, Chris (2013): Enforcement actions and bank behavior.

Desogus, Marco and Venturi, Beatrice (2023): Stability and Bifurcations in Banks and Small Enterprises—A Three-Dimensional Continuous-Time Dynamical System. Published in: Journal of Risk and Financial Management , Vol. 16, No. 3: 171 (3 March 2023)

Di Cesare, Antonio (2009): Securitization and Bank Stability.

Dietrich, Diemo and Hauck, Achim (2010): Government interventions in banking crises: Assessing alternative schemes in a banking model of debt overhang.

Dionne, Georges and Harchaoui, Tarek (2007): Bank Capital, Securitization and Credit Risk: an Empirical Evidence. Published in: Insurance and Risk Management, , Vol. 75, No. 4 (2008): pp. 459-485.

Duduiala-Popescu, Lorena (2009): The structural funds management in third-Central and Eastern European.

Dwyer, Gerald P (2016): Blockchain: A Primer.

Dzhagityan, Eduard (2012): The effect of ex post risks on post-M&A performance efficiency.

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de-Ramon, Sebastián and Iscenko, Zanna and Osborne, Matthew and Straughan, Michael and Andrews, Peter (2012): Measuring the impact of prudential policy on the macroeconomy: A practical application to Basel III and other responses to the financial crisis. Published in: FSA Occasional Paper series No. 42 (May 2012)


Eichengreen, Barry and Gupta, Poonam (2012): The global financial crisis and indian banks: survival of the fittest?

Ekinci, Mehmet Fatih (2020): Macroprudential Policies and Current Account Balance.

Elasrag, Hussein (2014): دور رأس المال الفكري في تنمية المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في الدول العربية.

Elwert, Georg and Kohnert, Dirk (1983): Hypothesen über sozio-strukturelle Auswirkungen der Entwicklungshilfe im ländlichen Raum Westafrikas. Published in: Working Paper Series, Sociology of Development Centre, Univ. of Bielefeld No. 35 (15 September 1983): pp. 1-34.

Ely, Regis Augusto and Tabak, Benjamin Miranda and Teixeira, Anderson Mutter (2019): Heterogeneous effects of the implementation of macroprudential policies on bank risk.

Erber, Georg (2010): The Problem of Money Illusion in Economics.

Eromenko, Igor (2002): Reserve Requirements as Implicit Taxation of Commercial Banks. Published in: “Fostering Sustainable Growth in Ukraine” Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel; Iryna Akimova (Eds.). No. Hidelberg, Physica-Verlaf (2002): pp. 201-212.

Espinosa, Miguel and Forero, German and Villaneda, Felipe (2011): The practice of the auction theory: The Colombian case.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Financial crisis in The Arcades Project of Walter Benjamin.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Rescate y costos del riesgo financiero.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Rescue costs and financial risk.

Estrada, Fernando (2011): Theory of financial risk.

Evans, Olaniyi (2013): International Financial Integration and The Nigerian Economic Performance: a Var Modeling Approach.

el Alaoui, AbdelKader and Diwandaru, Ginanjar and Rosly, Saiful Azhar and Masih, Mansur (2014): What Drives Profitability of Banks: Do Interest rate, and Fee and Commissions impact the profitability of Banks? Evidence from the European Countries.


FENDRI ZOUARI, Nawel and NEIFAR, MALIKA (2020): Loan loss provisions under regulatory pressure: public versus private banks in Tunisia.

FOUNANOU, Mathurin/M and RATSIMALAHELO, Zaka/Z (2012): Regulation and supervision of microfinance institutions: an example of cooperative credit society. Published in: in Onafowokan O. Oluyombo (eds.) "Cooperative Finance in Developing Economies" (May 2012): pp. 64-80.

Feess, Eberhard and Wohlschlegel, Ansgar (2014): Bank Capital Requirements and Mandatory Deferral of Compensation.

Feige, Edgar L. (2001): Starting Over: The Automated Payment Transaction Tax. Published in: The Milken Institute Review , Vol. 3, No. 1 : pp. 42-53.

Ferrari, Stijn and Pirovano, Mara and Rovira Kaltwasser, Pablo (2017): The impact of sectoral macroprudential capital requirements on mortgage lending: evidence from the Belgian risk weight add-on.

Fiordelisi, Franco and Mare, Davide Salvatore and Molyneux, Philip (2015): State-Aid, Stability and Competition in European Banking.

Forte, Antonio (2022): Evidenze dell’uso di moratorie e prestiti garantiti dallo Stato nei Paesi europei.

Founanou, Mathurin and Ratsimalahelo, Zaka (2012): Incentives, Supervision and Regulation of Microfinance Institutions in the developing countries.

Fulbert, Tchana Tchana and Georges, Tsafack (2013): The Implications of VaR and Short-Selling Restrictions on the Portfolio Manager Performance.

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