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Items where Subject is "M10 - General"

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ALFAZEMA, ANTONIO (2021): Small and medium enterprises in access to Bank credit in Mozambique.

Abuselidze, George (2020): Analysis and Control of Bankruptcy and Reorganization Processes: Case Studies Using Accounting Data. Published in: E3S Web of Conferences , Vol. 164,

Acevedo Rueda, Rafael Alexis (2008): Implicaciones filosóficas de la eficiencia gerencial. Published in: Visión Gerencial , Vol. 2, No. 8 (December 2009): pp. 217-226.

Acqueel, Farheen (2005): Training and Employee Development at Pakistan State Oil.

Adnan ul, Haque and John, Aston (2016): A Relationship Between Occupational Stress and Organisational Commitment of I.T Sector's Employees in Contrasting economies. Published in: Polish Journal of Management Studies , Vol. 14, No. 1 (29 December 2016): pp. 95-105.

Afrizal, Afrizal and suhardi, suhardi (2018): PENGARUH KUALITAS PELAYANAN, CITRA RUMAH SAKIT DANKEPERCAYAAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PASIEN DAN IMPLIKASINYA PADA LOYALITAS PASIEN. Published in: JEM Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen , Vol. 4, No. 1 (July 2018): pp. 70-86.

Ahmed, Mohiuddin and Hussein, Ramlah and Minakhatun, Rashidah and Islam, Rafikul (2006): Building consumers’ confidence in adopting e-commerce: A Malaysian case. Published in: International Journal of Business System and Research , Vol. 1, No. 2 (2007): pp. 236-255.

Ahmed, Mohiuddin and Islam, Rafikul and Alwahaibi, Salim Khloof (2006): Developing quality heathcare software using quality function deployment: A case study based on Sultan Qaboos University Hospital. Published in: International Journal of Business Information Systems , Vol. 1, No. 4 (2006): pp. 408-425.

Aithal, Architha and Aithal, Sreeramana (2020): Development and Validation of Survey Questionnaire & Experimental Data – A Systematical Review-based Statistical Approach. Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) , Vol. 5, No. 2 (31 October 2020): pp. 233-251.

Aithal, Sreeramana (2015): Study on ABCD Analysis Technique for Business Models, Business Strategies, Operating Concepts & Business Systems. Published in: International Journal in Management and Social Science , Vol. 4, No. 1 (January 2016): pp. 98-115.

Aithal, Sreeramana (2016): The concept of Ideal Strategy and its realization using White Ocean Mixed Strategy. Published in: International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research (IJMSBR) , Vol. 5, No. 4 (April 2016): pp. 171-179.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Acharya, Radhakrishna (2016): Strategic Management Models & Indian Epics. Published in: Strategic Management Models & Indian Epics , Vol. 5, No. 4 (April 2016): pp. 180-188.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Aithal, Shubhrajyotsna (2016): Business Strategy for Nanotechnology based Products and Services. Published in: International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research (IJMSBR) , Vol. 5, No. 4 (April 2016): pp. 139-149.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Aithal, Shubhrajyotsna (2016): Nanotechnology Innovations and Commercialization – Opportunities, Challenges & Reasons for Delay. Published in: International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing (IJEM) , Vol. 6, No. 6 (15 August 2016): pp. 15-25.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Aithal, Shubhrajyotsna (2019): A New Attitude-Behaviour (AB) Theory for Organizational Leadership. Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) ISSN : 2581-6012. , Vol. 4, No. 1 (June 2019): pp. 83-97.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Aithal, Shubhrajyotsna (2019): Transforming Society by Creating Innovators through Skill & Research Focussed Education – A Case Study of Srinivas University. Published in: International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML)ISSN - 2581-7000. , Vol. 3, No. 1 (April 2019): pp. 17-37.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Jeevan, Preethi (2016): How Service Industries can Transform themselves into Green Business Industries. Published in: International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research (IJMSBR) , Vol. 5, No. 4 (April 2016): pp. 150-158.

Aithal, Sreeramana and V.T., Shailashree and Kumar, Suresh (2016): Application of ABCD Analysis Framework on Private University System in India. Published in: International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research (IJMSBR) , Vol. 5, No. 4 (April 2016): pp. 159-170.

Ali, Syed Raza and Ali, Syed Hassan and Yasir, Muhammad and Khan, Muhammed Hamza (2022): Investigating The Effect of Brand’s Social Media Pages On Developing Economy Consumers Purchase Intention.

Andrade, Alequexandre Galvez de and Martimiano, Daniela Alessandra Landi and Rodrigues, Rodrigo Favoreto (2020): What are the contributions of the Euthanasia Debate to Management: a discussion of the ethical dilemma. Published in: Revista Inovaçao Social , Vol. 2, No. 4 (2020): pp. 66-76.

Angelopoulos, Michail and Pollalis, Yannis (2019): Use of open data as a tool for successful lean management in public services: evidence from Greece.

Anton, Roman (2015): An Integrated Strategy Framework (ISF) for Combining Porter's 5-Forces, Diamond, PESTEL, and SWOT Analysis. Forthcoming in: Open Science , Vol. 4, No. 1 (2016): pp. 21-26.

Anton, Roman (2014): Sustainable Intrapreneurship - The GSI Concept and Strategy - Unfolding Competitive Advantage via Fair Entrepreneurship. Forthcoming in: Open Science , Vol. 2, No. 1 (1 March 2016): pp. 1-46.

Antonescu, Daniela (2020): Sectorul Întreprinderilor Mici și Mijlocii în timpul crizei COVID-19. Cazul României.

Arteaga, R. and Menéndez-Requejo, S. (2017): Family Constitution and Business Performance: Moderating Factors. Published in: Family Business Review , Vol. 4, No. 30 (November 2017): pp. 320-338.

Asuaga, Carolina (2007): Gestión de radios universitarias: Definiendo la Estrategia. Published in: Revista Re-Pesentaciones , Vol. 2, No. 3 (December 2007): pp. 185-196.

Asuaga, Carolina (2013): Indicadores y Cuadros de Mando. Published in: Costos y Gestión. Una mirada panorámica en Latinoamérica y España (2013)

Asuaga, Carolina (2008): La Gestión Museística, una perspeciva histórica. Published in: Portal Ineroamericano de Gestión Cultural No. 5

Asuaga, Carolina and Esmoris, Manuel (2006): Indicadores de Gestión en organizaciones públicas: El caso de las orquestas sinfónicas. Published in: Anales del VII Congreso de Costos del Mercosur (2006)

Asuaga, Carolina and Peombo, Carina (2010): Los Museos y el Cuadro de Mando Integral: Una adaptación de la perspectiva del cliente. Published in: V Congreso de Costos del Mercosur

Azar, Ofer H. (2009): Do consumers make too much effort to save on cheap items and too little to save on expensive items? experimental results and implications for business strategy. Forthcoming in: American Behavioral Scientist



Badia, Francesco (2011): Contents and Aims of Management Plans for World Heritage Sites: Managerial Analysis with a Special Focus on the Italian Scenario. Published in: Journal of Cultural Policy and Management , Vol. 1, No. 1 : pp. 40-49.


Besana, Angela (2008): Priorities for the Italian Cultural Firms.

Blecker, Thorsten and Abdelkafi, Nizar and Kreutler, Gerold and Friedrich, Gerhard (2004): Product Configuration Systems: State of the Art, Conceptualization and Extensions. Published in: Génie logiciel & Intelligence artificielle. Eight Maghrebian Conference on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (MCSEAI 2004) (2004): pp. 25-36.

Bob, Constantin and Grigorescu, Adriana (2006): Tourism companies performances and managerial skills. Published in: volume printed by Fintrade & Tours d.o.o. Rijeka, Croaţia, No. ISSN 1846-288X (2006)



Cambalikova, Andrea and Misun, Juraj (2017): The importance of control in managerial work. Published in: International Conference Socio-Economic Perspectives In The Age Of XXI Century Globalization (2017): pp. 218-229.

Castagnola, Lauren and Yawson, Robert M. (2021): Corporate – Nonprofits Partnerships to Improve Social Innovation and Corporate Social Responsibility. Published in: Harnessing Analytics for Enhancing Healthcare & Business. Proceedings of the 50th Northeast Decision Sciences Institute (NEDSI) Annual Meeting. (27 March 2021)

Chang, Chia-Yu and Dinh, Tran Ngoc Huy and Benjamin, Pekaric (2010): Should SA Tour, A Singapore Travel company, Use External financing to Expand the MICE business in the China and Singapore markets?

Chatterjee, Sidharta (2014): Managing Constraints and Removing Obstacles to Knowledge Management. Forthcoming in: The IUP journal of knowledge management : IJKM ; (2014)

Chatterjee, Sidharta and Samanta, Mousumi and Dey, Sujoy (2020): Work Efficiency, Communication and Learning in Organizations: Fighting Tight Corners.

Chatzigeorgiou, Chryssoula and Christou, Evangelos and Simeli, Ioanna (2017): Delegate satisfaction from conference service quality and its impact on future behavioural intentions. Published in: 5th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues ICCMI, June 21-23, 2017 Thessaloniki, Greece (21 July 2017): pp. 532-544.

Cheema, Khaliq Ur Rehman and Jamal, Muhammad Farooq and Din, Muhammad Saadat (2013): Impact of Learning Facilitators on Transforming a Learning Organization: An Empirical Study of Education Sector in Faisalabad, Pakistan. Published in: International Journal of Management & Organizational Studies , Vol. 2, No. 1 (15 March 2013): pp. 35-41.

Chen, Chien-Hsun (2023): The Emergence of China’s Mergers and Acquisitions Market.

Chen, Yan and Zhang, Bin (2013): 基于所有权视角的企业创新理论框架与体系.

Coll Serrano, Vicente and Cuñat Giménez, Rubén (2006): Análisis de los factores que influyen en el proceso de creación de una cooperativa de trabajo asociado. Published in: REVESCO , Vol. 88, (2006): pp. 128-161.


Dam, Duy Duc and Huynh, Cong Minh (2022): Factors Influencing Consumers’ Purchase Intention toward Accommodation via Lodging Websites: Evidence from Binh Duong Province of Vietnam.

De-Leon, Marcelo and Fernandez, Flavia M and López, Fabián (2019): Presupuesto: su aplicación en las principales empresas uruguayas exportadoras del sector lácteo. Published in: Tesis de Maestría. Universidad de la Republica.

DeLancey, Rebecca Mbuh (2015): Human Resource Management Issues at a Rising Entrepreneurial Company in Cameroon: Employees' Perspective. Published in: International Journal of Knowledge and Innovation in Business , Vol. 2, No. 2 (1 June 2015): pp. 1-13.

Deaconu, Adela and Popa, Irimie and Buiga, Anuta and Fulop, Melinda (2009): Aspecte conceptuale si tehnice privind viitoare reglementari contabile pentru IMM-uri in Europa. Published in: Theoretical and Applied Economics , Vol. 1, No. 530 (January 2009): pp. 13-20.

Debebe, Regan (2021): The Effect of Small and Medium Enterprises in Employment Creation and Income Generation in Somali Regional State: A Case of Kebridahar Town.

Dinh, Huy Tran Ngoc and Kei, Nishino and Maulana, Achmad Rizzqi and Koh, Gek Pin and Liu, Yang (2010): “Corporate restructuring issues under the holding company structure – The NTT Case in Japan”.

Dinh, Tran Ngoc Huy (2010): A Set of Limited Asian Pacific Corporate Governance Standards After Financial Crisis, Corporate Scandals and Manipulation.

Dura, Codruta and Isac, Claudia (2007): Optimizing the Managerial Decision in Energetic Industry.

de Vaujany, François-Xavier (2006): Between eternity and actualization: the co-evolution of the fields of communication in the Vatican. Published in: CAIS , Vol. 18, (2006): pp. 355-391.


Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros and Kyriazis, Nicholas (2019): The emergence of the joint-stock companies in the Dutch Republic and their democratic elements in business.

Efrat, Alon (2022): Reviews of literature regarding interpersonal skills and the workplace over the years 2011-2021. Published in: Network Intelligence studies , Vol. X, No. 19 (2022)

Efrat, Alon (2021): The interrelationship amid characteristics of flexibility and bargaining style with the perceived value gained amongst negotiators in the Hi-Tech business sector. Published in: Review of Economic and Business Studies , Vol. XIV, No. Issue no. 1 (June 2021)

Eisenberg, Paul (2016): The Balanced Scorecard and Beyond – Applying Theories of Performance Measurement, Employment and Rewards in Management Accounting Education. Published in: International Research Journal of Management Sciences , Vol. 4, No. 7 (28 September 2016): pp. 483-491.

Eisenberg, Paul (2016): Performance Measurement and Management Promotion through Non-Financial Measures: A Management Accounting Perspective. Forthcoming in: Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business Research , Vol. 5, No. 3 : pp. 50-64.

Elshaer, Ibrahim (2012): What is the Meaning of Quality?

Esho, Ebes and Verhoef, Grietjie (2018): The Funding Gap and the Financing of Small and Medium Businesses: An Integrated Literature Review and an Agenda.


Faizan, Riffat and Sreekumaran Nair, Sree Lekshmi and Haque, Adnan ul (2018): The effectiveness of Feminine and Masculine Leadership styles in relation to contrasting gender's performances. Published in: Polish Journal of Management Studies , Vol. 17, No. 1 (3 July 2018): pp. 78-92.

Faizan, Riffat and Zehra, Nasreen (2016): Quality Work-Life as predictor to Organisational Commitment under contrasting Leadership Styles: I.T Responses from Pakistan's private software houses. Published in: Global Journal of Management and Administration , Vol. 16, No. 6 (28 August 2016): pp. 9-23.

Farina, Vincenzo (2008): Network embeddedness, specialization choices and performance in investment banking industry.

Farooque, Umer (2018): Impact of firms capabilities on outsourcing success : Evidences from Pakistan.

Fernandes, Cristina and Ferreira, João and Marques, Carla (2011): KIBS Innovation Management Capability in Rural Portuguese Regions: Empirical Evidence. Forthcoming in: Service Business

Fernandes, Cristina and Ferreira, João and Raposo, Mario (2013): Drivers to firm innovation and their effects on performance: An international comparison. Published in: International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal No. online first

Fernandez, Flavia M (2021): Evolución y perspectivas del Presupuesto como herramienta de gestión y contralor. Su abordaje en la enseñanza de grado. Published in: Documentos de Trabajo. UA Costos y Control de Gestión. UdelaR (January 2021)

Ferreira, João and Leitão, João and Garrido Azevedo, Susana (2007): Configuration of Logistics Activities across Life-Cycle of the Firms and Performance: Proposal of a Conceptual Model.

Filippova, Irina and Sumcov, Victor (2012): ФУНКЦІЯ УПРАВЛІННЯ ЧАСОМ КЕРІВНИКА В РОЗПОДІЛЕНІЙ СИСТЕМІ ПРИЙНЯТТЯ РІШЕНЬ. Published in: Вісник СНУ ім. В. Даля No. 10 (181) (2012): pp. 252-260.

Filippova, Irina and Sumcov, Victor (2012): ОЦІНКА ПОТЕНЦІАЛУ СИСТЕМ З АКТИВНИМИ ЕЛЕМЕНТАМИ: УПРАВЛІНСЬКИЙ АСПЕКТ. Published in: Часопис економічних реформ No. 2 (6) (2012): pp. 96-102.

Filippova, Irina and Sumcov, Victor (2012): Місце контроллінгу в системі наукового знання. Published in: Вісник СНУ ім. В. Даля , Vol. 1, No. 15 (186) (2012): pp. 215-220.

Fornasari, Tommaso (2020): Il ruolo dei comitati di responsabilità sociale nella corporate governance.


Ghosal, Vivek and Nair-Reichert, Usha (2007): Investments in Modernization, Innovation and Gains in Productivity: Evidence from Firms in the Global Paper Industry.

Golonka, Monika (2011): UWARUNKOWANIA KULTUROWE A POWIĄZANIA MIĘDZYFIRMOWE W SEKTORACH GLOBALNYCH. PERSPEKTYWA EMPIRYCZNA. Published in: Wydawnictwa Naukowe WSB w Gdańsku , Vol. Vol 12, No. Działanie współczesnych przedsiębiorstw, determinanty kulturowe, zasobowe i samorządowe. (3 November 2011): pp. 4-23.

Grasso, Filippo and Schilirò, Daniele (2024): Marketing di prodotto e strategie di branding nel turismo.

Grigorescu, Adriana (2008): Models of public – private partnership projects in tourism industry. Published in: Tourism & Hospitality Industry 2008, New trends in Tourism and Hospitality Management , Vol. ISBN 9, No. Fintrade & Tours d.o.o. Rijeka, Croaţia (2008): pp. 487-497.

Grigorescu, Adriana (2009): Renewal marketing management in public and business organizations. Published in: Review Of Management And Economical Engineering , Vol. VOL.9,, No. ISSN 1583-624X (2010)

Grigorescu, Adriana (2008): Strategic Japanese business visions – possible transposes in public services. Published in: Anals of University fron Oradea – Series Economic Science,Tom XVII , Vol. ISSN-1, No. volume IV (2008): pp. 878-885.

Grigorescu, Adriana and Balalia, Alina Elena (2009): Public marketing in supporting the tourist destinations. Published in: HOTEL LINK, Journal for the Theory and Practice of Hotel Industry , Vol. volume, No. no.13-14, 2009/2010 (2010): pp. 376-382.


Halkos, George and Aslanidis, Panagiotis-Stavros (2024): Reviewing environmental aspects under the scope of ESG.

Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos (2008): National culture and multinational performance.

Hao Tong, Kiet and Nguyen, Quyen Le Hoang Thuy To and Thi Mong Nguyen, Tuyen and Nguyen, Phong Thanh and Bich Vu, Ngoc (2020): Applying the Fuzzy Decision-Making Method for Program Evaluation and Management Policy of Vietnamese Higher Education. Published in: Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business , Vol. 07, No. 09 (10 August 2020): pp. 719-726.

Haque, Adnan ul and Aston, John and Kozlovski, Eugene (2016): Do causes and consequences of stress affect genders differently at operational level? Comparison of the IT sectors in the UK and Pakistan. Published in: International Journal of Applied Business and Management Studies , Vol. 1, No. 1 (17 December 2016): pp. 1-7.

Haradinova, Anelia and Ivanova, Daniela and Vasileva, Elka (2015): Системите за управление на околната среда и еко-иновациите – опитът на бизнеса в България. Forthcoming in: Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference, New Bulgarian University, 2015, 4 June, Sofia, Bulgaria

Harapiak, Clayton (2013): IKEA's International Expansion. Published in: International Journal of Business Knowledge and Innovation in Practice , Vol. 1, No. 1 (1 December 2013): pp. 21-42.

Harashima, Taiji (2017): The Mechanism behind Product Differentiation: An Economic Model.

Huynh, Cong Minh and Vo, Long Kiet (2023): The Effects of Dynamic Capabilities on Operational Performance: An Empirical Study from Manufacturing Enterprises in Vietnam. Published in:


Isac, Claudia (2005): Analiza diagnostic a subsitemelor sistemului de management Diagnosis Analysis of the Sub-Sistems of Management System.

Islam, Rafikul and Abdullah, Nur Anisah (2005): Management decision making by the analytic hierarchy process: A proposed modification for large-scale problems. Published in: Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship Development , Vol. 3, No. 1/2 (2006): pp. 18-40.

Islam, Rafikul and Ahmed, Mohiuddin and Alias, Masliza (2007): Application of quality function deployment in redesigning website: A case study on TV3. Published in: International Journal of business Information Systems , Vol. 2, No. 2 (2007): pp. 195-216.

Ivanova, Nevena and Vasileva, Elka (2023): Стандарти за устойчиви системи за управление: картографиране на водещи ISO стандарти в подкрепа на по-доброто им прилагане в българския контекст. Published in: Сборник доклади от ХIV-та Научна конференция с международна участие на тема: Стокознание – традиции и перспективи, 20 октомври 2023 г., Икономически университет - Варна , Vol. 1, No. Издателство „Наука и икономика“, Икономически университет – Варна (20 October 2023): 123 -129.

Ivanova, Nevena and Vasileva, Elka (2021): Неизбежно бъдеще, нови възможности за пазарно развитие или идеализъм? Анализ на успешни модели на устойчиво управление на организациите. Published in: Сборник доклади на CD от ХХXII Национална научно-практическа конференция “Качеството – за по-добър живот”; Proceedings CD of XXXII National scientific and practical conference "Quality - for a better life" , Vol. 1, No. Издателски комплекс на УНСС, София; Publishing complex - UNWE, Sofia (2022): pp. 72-83.

Ivanova, Nevena and Vasileva, Elka (2021): Модели за устойчиво корпоративно управление - изследване на казуси. Published in: Сборник доклади от Седма научна конференция "Икономически предизвикателства: криза, възстановяване, устойчивост", УНСС; Proceedings of Seventh Scientific Conference "Economic Challenges: Crisis, Recovery, Sustainability", UNWE , Vol. 1, No. Издателски комплекс на УНСС, София; Publishing complex - UNWE, Sofia (2022): pp. 252-259.


Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (1999): Методологические основы системного анализа социально-экономических процессов. Published in: Проблемы развития Омского Прииртышья в переходный период. – Омск: Омский ф-л ВЗФЭИ (1999): pp. 225-239.

Karpov, Valery (2010): Конкурентные преимущества предпринимательских структур в рыночных условиях. Published in: Инновационный бизнес региона: актуальные проблемы развития: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции в рамках Международного экономического форума «Человеческий капитал – ключевой ресурс модернизации российской экономики» (2010): pp. 270-273.

Kashefi, Mohammad Ali and Sanjaghi, Mohammad Ebrahim (2013): A New Framework for Learning Approaches toward Social Evolution of Organizations. Published in: Advances in Management and Applied Economics , Vol. 3, No. 3 (2013): pp. 210-214.

Keeling, Drew (2013): Oceanic Travel Conditions and American Immigration, 1890-1914.

Khalfallah, Fatma and Necib, Adel (2020): Bank credit risk and performance: the case of Tunisian banks during the period 2005 – 2015.

Koushafard, Shirin (2013): Strategy in Crisis Management.

Kozhaya, Rodrique (2020): A systematic review of contract farming and it's impacts on broiler producers in Lebanon.

Kucerova, Renata and Zufan, Pavel (2008): Mapping the Czech wine market. Published in: Firma a konkurenční prostředí 2008 (March 2008): pp. 65-68.

Kuriakose, Francis (2021): Measuring Corporate Social Responsibility in India: A Composite Indicator Model.

Kuzmin, Evgeny A. (2015): Fundamentals in Systematics of Uncertainty Management Theory. Published in: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences , Vol. 6, No. 5 S2 (4 September 2015): pp. 380-389.


Lam, Alice and Lundvall, Bengt-Aake (2007): The Learning Organisation and National Systems of Competence Building and Innovation. Published in: (2007)

Le Quang, Canh and Kim, Kwang Soo and Yi, Yu (2014): Effects of Corporate Governance on the Performance of Private Economic Groups in Vietnam. Published in: Journal of International Trade & Commerce , Vol. 6, No. 10 (2014): pp. 39-56.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2015): Information theory of firm.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2016): Quantum strategy synthesis by Alphabet Inc.

Levy, Daniel (2007): Discussion of "Inflation and Relative Price Asymmetry" by Ratfai, A.

Levy, Daniel (2007): Discussion of "Lumpy Price Adjustments: A Microeconometric Analysis" by Dhyne, et al. (2007).

Levy, Daniel (2004): Discussion of "The Pricing Behavior of Firms in the Euro Area: New Survey Evidence," by Fabiani, S., et al. (2004).

Levy, Daniel and Young, Andrew (2004): The Real Thing: Nominal Price Rigidity of the Nickel Coke, 1886–1959. Published in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking , Vol. Volume, No. Issue No. 4 (August 2004): pp. 765-799.

Lluka, Valon (2010): Business Ethics: Some Theoretical Issues.

Lumineau, Fabrice and Malhotra, Deepak (2011): Shadow of the contract: how contract structure shapes inter-firm dispute resolution. Published in: Strategic Management Journal , Vol. 5, No. 32 (2011)


Madsen, Dag Øivind and Stenheim, Tonny (2014): Balansert målstyring: En kort oversikt over forskningslitteraturen. Published in: Magma , Vol. 17, No. 4 (August 2014): pp. 22-33.

Malhotra, Deepak and Lumineau, Fabrice (2011): Trust and collaboration in the aftermath of conflict: the effects of contract structure. Published in: Academy of Management Journal , Vol. 5, No. 54 (2011)

Manuel, Eduardo (2007): Corporate Governance. Case Studies. Forthcoming in:

Marques, Maria da Conceição da Costa (2013): Strategic Management, Leadership and Governance of the University in Portugal.

Martínez-Salgueiro, Andrea and Tarrazón-Rodón, María-Antonia (2020): Is diversification effective in reducing the systemic risk implied by a market for weather index-based insurance in Spain? Published in: Intenational Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction , Vol. 62, (August 2021): p. 102345.

Mask, Rickey and Works, Richard (2018): How Social Capital, Supply Chain Integration, and Customer Loyalty Affect Performance. Published in: International Journal of Business and Economics , Vol. 6, No. 1&2 (26 December 2018): pp. 20-33.

Meira, Liliana and Peixoto, Joao Paulo (2017): Qual a importância da Auditoria Operacional nas PME Portuguesas? Published in: Qual a importância da Auditoria Operacional nas PME Portuguesas? (7 July 2017)

Metaxas, Theodore and Tsavdaridou, Maria (2012): Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Metallurgy Sector in Greece.

Metaxas, Theodore and Tsavdaridou, Maria (2012): Corporate social responsibility in Greece during the crisis period.

Metaxas, Theodore and Tsavdaridou, Maria (2014): Environmental policy and CSR: How climate change is interpreted in CSR reports of Greek companies.

Metaxas, Theodore and Tsavdaridou, Maria (2011): A comparative content analysis of CSR strategies oriented to environmental issues between Greek and European CSR practices.

Mihaescu, Liviu and Mihaescu, Diana (2008): The Crises Management faced with new Challenges. Published in: Revista de Management General , Vol. 8, No. 2 (2008): pp. 47-63.

Mihhailova, Gerda (2005): E-learning as internationalization strategy in higher education: Lecturer’s and student’s perspective. Published in: Baltic Journal of Management , Vol. Vol.1, No. No.1 (2006): pp. 270-284.

Mihhailova, Gerda (2007): Virtual teams – just a theoretical concept or a widely used practice? Published in: The Business Review Cambridge , Vol. 7, No. 1 : pp. 186-192.

Mishra, Anjay Kumar and Bahadur K. C., Megh and Aithal, Sreeramana (2020): Association of Number of Bidders and Minimum Bid Ratio (AEr) with Effect of E-bidding of Different Project. Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) , Vol. 5, No. 2 (15 October 2020): pp. 201-215.

Misun, Juraj (2017): Changes in management function of control. Published in: International Conference Socio-Economic Perspectives in the Age of XXI Century Globalization (December 2017): pp. 204-217.

Misun, Juraj (2018): Control(-ling): Known/Unknown. Published in: Business And Innovation In Business Activities , Vol. XIII, (April 2018): pp. 36-72.

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