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Items where Subject is "E44 - Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy"

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Number of items at this level: 1107.


ALJARHI, Mabid (2018): The Islamic macroeconomic model: How to Apply it. Forthcoming in: Islamic Monetary Economics, Edited by Taha Eğri and Zeyneb Hafsa Orhan No. Published by Routledge, 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN (December 2021): pp. 28-55.

ASUAMAH YEBOAH, SAMUEL (2017): Are interest rates unit root in Ghana? An Empirical Assessment.

Abbas, Aadil and Masih, Mansur (2017): Which investment (private or public) does contribute to economic growth more? a case study of South Africa.

Abbas, Amir and Masih, Mansur (2017): Islamic stock index, conventional stock index and macroeconomic variables.

Abdala Rioja, Yamile E (2011): All things considered: the interaction of the reasons for the financial crisis.

Abdi, Aisha Aden and Masih, Mansur (2017): Do macroeconomic variables affect stock–sukuk correlation in the regional markets? evidence from the GCC countries based on DOLS and FM-OLS.

Abdul Karim, Zulkefly and Abdul Karim, Bakri (2008): Stock market integration: Malaysia and its major trading partners.

Abdul Majid, Muhamed Zulkhibri (2010): Bank-characteristics, lending channel and monetary policy in Malaysia: evidence from bank-level data.

Abdul Majid, Muhamed Zulkhibri (2010): Measuring Monetary Conditions in A Small Open Economy: The Case of Malaysia.

Abdul Majid, Muhamed Zulkhibri (2010): Measuring Monetary Conditions in A Small Open Economy: The Case of Malaysia.

Abdullah, Ahmad Monir and Saiti, Buerhan and Masih, Abul Mansur M. (2014): Causality between Stock Market Index and Macroeconomic Variables: A Case Study for Malaysia.

Abdullah, Iskandar and Masih, Mansur (2017): The lead-lag relationship and the determinants of Islamic banks’ profit rates: Malaysian evidence.

Abidin, Tengku and Masih, Mansur (2016): The relationship between the prices of gold and oil and macroeconomic variables: Malaysian evidence.

Abo-Zaid, Salem (2012): Optimal labor-income tax volatility with credit frictions.

Abo-Zaid, Salem (2012): Optimal labor-income tax volatility with credit frictions.

Abu Bakar, Norhidayah and Masih, Mansur (2016): Is islamic stock related to interest rate ? Malaysian evidence.

Abubakar, Fahrurrazi and Masih, Mansur (2018): Palm oil export : is it price led or exchange rate led? evidence from Malaysia.

Acedański, Jan and Dąbrowski, Marek A. (2024): Looking behind the facade of the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle.

Ackon, Kwabena Meneabe (2020): Fiscal Policy Innovations In Advanced Economies. Forthcoming in:

Ackon, Kwabena Meneabe (2015): US Domestic Money, Output, Inflation and Unemployment. Forthcoming in:

Adam, Anokye M. and Tweneboah, George (2008): Macroeconomic Factors and Stock Market Movement: Evidence from Ghana.

Adamcik, Santiago (2008): Efectos de la Globalizacion sobre la Inflacion y la politica Monetaria Domestica.

Adekunle, Salami Saheed and Masih, Mansur (2017): Assessing the viability of Sukuk for portfolio diversification using MS-DCC-GARCH.

Adeleye, Ngozi and Osabuohien, Evans and Bowale, Ebenezer and Matthew, Oluwatoyin and Oduntan, Emmanuel (2017): Financial reforms and credit growth in Nigeria: Empirical insights from ARDL and ECM techniques. Published in: International Review of Applied Economics No. DOI: 10.1080/02692171.2017.1375466 (October 2017): pp. 1-14.

Adesanya, Babatunde Moses and Adediji, Adebisi Moses and Okenna, Nwabueze Prince (2020): Stock exchange market activities and Economic Development: Evidence from the Nigerian economy. Published in: Bingham Journal of Economics and Allied Studies (BJEAS) , Vol. 4, No. 2 (2 December 2020): pp. 231-245.

Adesoye, A. Bolaji and Atanda, Akinwande Abdulmaliq (2012): Development Finance Institutions in Nigeria: Structure, Roles and Assessment.

Affendi, Diyana Najwa and Masih, Mansur (2018): Is inflation targeting compatible with economic growth ? Korean experience based on ARDL and NARDL.

Afifah, Irfan and Masih, Mansur (2017): Do macroeconomic variables have any impact on stock market? an Indonesian case study based on ARDL approach.

Ageli, Mohammed Moosa and Zaidan, Shatha Mousa (2013): Saudi Financial Structure and Economic Growth: A Macroeconometric Approach. Published in: International Journal of Economics and Finance , Vol. 5, No. 3 (22 February 2013): pp. 30-35.

Agyekum, Francis and Locke, Stuart and Hewa-Wellalage, Nirosha (2016): A search for Theory of Financial Market Failure in Lower Income Countries (LICs) and implication for Financial Exclusion.

Ahiadorme, Johnson Worlanyo and Sonyo, Emmanuel and Ahiase, Godwin (2019): Time series analysis of interest rates volatility and stock returns in Ghana.

Ahmed, Rashad (2019): Commodity Currencies and Causality: Some High-Frequency Evidence.

Ahmed, Azleen Rosemy and Masih, Mansur (2017): What is the link between financial development and income inequality? evidence from Malaysia.

Ahmed, Rashad (2019): Commodity Currencies and Causality: Some High-Frequency Evidence.

Ahmed, Rashad (2020): Global Flights-to-Safety and Macroeconomic Adjustment in Emerging Markets.

Ahmed, Tayyab and Masih, Mansur (2017): Is islamic stock index related with conventional stock index ? evidence from the UK.

Ahmed Imran, Hunjra and Muhammad Irfan, Chani and Sher, Aslam and Muhammad, Azam and Kashif-Ur, Rehman (2010): Factors Affecting job satisfaction of employees in Pakistani banking sector. Published in: African Journal of Business Management , Vol. 4, No. 10 (18 August 2010): pp. 2157-2163.

Aiman, Muhammad and Masih, Mansur (2018): Impact of macroeconomic factors on shariah and conventional stocks: Malaysian evidence.

Aini, Sarah and Masih, Mansur (2018): Investigating the major determinants of islamic bank savings: Malaysian evidence.

Ajello, Andrea (2010): Financial intermediation, investment dynamics and business cycle fluctuations.

Akcay, Belgin and Yucel, Eray (2014): Does the Speed of Change over the House Price Cycles Matter?

Akcelik, Yasin and Aysan, Ahmet Faruk and Oduncu, Arif (2013): Central Banking in Making during the Post-crisis World and the Policy-Mix of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey.

Akosah, Nana and Loloh, Francis and Lawson, Natalia and Kumah, Claudia (2018): Measuring Financial Stability in Ghana: A New Index-Based Approach.

Akyazi, Haydar and Artan, Seyfettin (2006): Reflections of the New Economy on the monetary policy and central banking.

Al-Dailami, Mohammed Abdullah and Masih, Mansur (2017): Is interest rate still the right tool for stimulating economic growth ? evidence from Japan.

Al-Jarhi, Mabid (2017): Islamic Finance at Crossroads. Published in:

Alaaabed, Alaa and Masih, Mansur (2014): Finance-growth nexus: insights from an application of threshold regression model to Malaysia’s dual financial system.

Alberto, Botta (2011): Fiscal policy, eurobonds and economic recovery: some heterodox policy recipes against financial instability and sovereign debt crisis.

Albu, Lucian-Liviu and Pelinescu, Elena (2000): Sustainability of public debt: a theoretical and empirical investigation. Published in: Revue Roumaine des Sciences Economiques , Vol. 45, No. 1 : pp. 101-127.

Alchaar, Osama and Masih, Mansur (2018): Do islamic or conventional mutual funds lead economic growth? evidence from Malaysia.

Alfarano, Simone and Blanco-Arroyo, Omar (2022): Banking Sector Concentration, Credit Supply Shocks and Aggregate Fluctuations.

Ali, Ariffhidayat and Masih, Mansur (2017): Relationship between oil price and gross fixed capital formation: Malaysian case.

Ali, Hakim and Masih, Mansur (2017): Granger-causality between islamic finance and growth: evidence from Malaysia.

Ali, Mohsin and Masih, Mansur (2014): Does Indian Stock Market Provide Diversification Benefits Against Oil Price Shocks? A Sectoral Analysis.

Ali, Shah and Masih, Mansur (2018): The determinants of economic growth: the Malaysian case.

Ali Zaidi, Syed Najaf and Ali, Syed Babar (2006): Risk and Scope of Debit Check Card in Competitive Market of Pakistan.

Aliaga, Augusto (2020): Reglas de política monetaria para una economía abierta con fricciones financieras: Un enfoque Bayesiano.

Aliyu, Shehu Usman Rano (2011): Reactions of stock market to monetary policy shocks during the global financial crisis: the Nigerian case.

Alnaa, Samuel Erasmus and Matey, Juabin (2024): Financial Deepening in Ghana; Does Macroeconomics Matter. Published in: International Journal of Scientific Research in Multidisciplinary Studies , Vol. 10, No. 04 (30 April 2024): pp. 39-46.

Alonso-Ortiz, Jorge and Colla, Esteban and Da-Rocha, Jose-Maria (2015): Bounding the productivity default shock : Evidence from the The European Sovereign Debt Crisis.

Alzuabi, Raslan and Caglayan, Mustafa and Mouratidis, Kostas (2020): The Risk-Taking Channel in the US: A GVAR Approach.

Amador-Torres, Juan and Gómez González, Jose and Ojeda-Joya, Jair and Jaulin-Mendez, Oscar and Tenjo-Galarza, Fernando (2015): Mind the Gap: Computing Finance-Neutral Output Gaps in Latin-American Economies.

Amanbayev, Yerkebulan and Masih, Mansur (2017): What factors affect the export competitiveness? Malaysian evidence.

Amaral, Pedro (2022): The demographic transition and the asset supply channel.

Ameer, Rashid (2007): What moves the primary stock and bond markets? Influence of macroeconomic factors on bond and equity issues in Malaysia and Korea. Published in: ASIAN ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE , Vol. 1, No. 3 (22 December 2007): pp. 93-116.


Anastasios, Pappas (2010): Capital mobility and macroeconomic volatility: evidence from Greece. Published in: Journal of Economic Asymmetries , Vol. 7, No. 1 (June 2010): pp. 101-121.

Anastasiou, Dimitrios and Kapopoulos, Panayotis (2021): Dynamic linkages among financial stability, house prices and residential investment in Greece.

Andriansyah, Andriansyah (2003): Model Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Hubungan Dinamis Antara Harga Saham dan Nilai Tukar Rupiah: Penerapan pada IHSG dan Indeks Sektoral di Bursa Efek Jakarta Tahun 1990-2001. Published in: Jurnal Keuangan dan Moneter , Vol. 1, No. 6 (2003): pp. 69-84.

Andriansyah, Andriansyah and Messinis, George (2014): Equity markets and economic development: Does the primary market matter? Published in: The Economic Record , Vol. June, No. 90 (2014): pp. 127-141.

Ang, James (2009): Do Financial Sector Policies Promote Innovative Activity in Developing Countries? Evidence from India.

Ang, James (2009): Financial Liberalization Or Repression?

Ang, James (2009): Financial Reforms, Patent Protection and Knowledge Accumulation in India.

Ang, James (2009): Growth Volatility and Financial Repression: Time Series Evidence from India.

Angelini, Giovanni and Fanelli, Luca (2018): Exogenous uncertainty and the identification of Structural Vector Autoregressions with external instruments.

Anton, Roman (2015): Monetary Development and Transmission in the Eurosystem. Forthcoming in: Open Science No. Free Access (December 2015): pp. 1-216.

Antunes, João Marques and Fuinhas, José Alberto and Marques, António Cardoso (2014): Modelização VAR da volatilidade dos preços do ouro e dos índices dos mercados financeiros.

Anuar, Khairul and Masih, Mansur (2018): What drives shariah (islamic) stock index? a case study of Malaysia.

Aqsha, Nur Suhairah and Masih, Mansur (2018): Is residential property the ultimate hedge against inflation ? new evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL and nonlinear ARDL.

Arce, Fernando (2021): Private Overborrowing under Sovereign Risk.

Arellano, Cristina (2008): Default risk and income fluctuations in emerging economies. Published in: American Economic Review No. forthcoming (2008)

Arend, Mario (2010): Financial Shocks, Financial Frictions and Financial Intermediaries in DSGE Models: Comments on the Recent Literature.

Arend, Mario (2009): A Small Open Economy with Heterogenous Agents Facing Interest Rate Ceilings on Loans.

Ariffian, Suffian and Masih, Mansur (2018): Which islamic equity market is the leading one in Southeast Asia ? evidence from some select equity markets.

Ariffin, Kartina and Masih, Mansur (2018): Determinants of islamic banking investment account rates: Malaysia’s evidence.

Arizmendi, Luis-Felipe (2013): An extended model of currency options applicable as policy tool for central banks with inflation targeting and dollarized economies. Published in: Theoretical Economics Letters , Vol. 3, No. June (7 June 2013): pp. 164-167.

Aron, Janine and Muellbauer, John and Murphy, Anthony (2006): Housing wealth, credit conditions and consumption.

Asad, Mohammad and Masih, Mansur (2018): Islamic equity market and macroeconomic variables: evidence from the UK.

Asano, Koji (2021): Ignorant Experts and Financial Fragility.

Assenza, Tiziana (2007): Borrowing Constraints, Multiple Equilibria and Monetary Policy.

Athirah, Wan and Masih, Mansur (2018): Is the relationship between lending interest rate and non-performing loans nonlinear asymmetric ? Malaysian evidence.

Audi, Marc and Ali, Amjad (2017): Exploring the Linkage between Corruption and Economic Development in Case of Selected Developing and Developed Nations.

Audi, Marc and Ali, Amjad (2016): Exploring the Linkage between Corruption and Economic Development in Case of Selected Developing and Developed Nations.

Audi, Marc and Ali, Amjad (2018): Exploring the Linkage between Corruption and Economic Development in Case of Selected Developing and Developed Nations.

Augustyniak, Hanna and Leszczyński, Robert and Łaszek, Jacek and Olszewski, Krzysztof and Waszczuk, Joanna (2014): On the dynamics of the primary housing market and the forecasting of house prices.

Augustyniak, Hanna and Łaszek, Jacek and Olszewski, Krzysztof and Waszczuk, Joanna (2012): Cykle na rynku nieruchomości mieszkaniowych i komercyjnych, ryzyko dla inwestora oraz potrzeba adekwatnej i ostrożnej wyceny. Forthcoming in: Biuletyn wydany z okazji Sympozjum Wyceny Nieruchomości i Przedsiębiorstw, 20-22 września 2012 r. (www.swnip.pl) (September 2012)

Augustyniak, Hanna and Łaszek, Jacek and Olszewski, Krzysztof and Waszczuk, Joanna (2014): Housing market cycles – a disequilibrium model and its application to the primary housing market in Warsaw. Published in: Ekonomia No. 35 (2014): pp. 5-23.

Avadanei, Anamaria (2010): Noi provocări pentru stabilitatea financiară în contextul crizei internaționale. Forthcoming in:

Avadanei, Anamaria (2010): Surse ale instabilitatii financiare in contextul crizei internationale. A Literature Review.

Avadanei, Anamaria and Ghiba, Nicolae (2010): Implication of Single Euro Payments Area for financial services market. The case of Romania. Published in: MIBES 2010 Proceedings , Vol. ISBN 9, (6 June 2010): pp. 630-643.

Avadanei, Andreea (2011): Integrarea pietei bursiere europene in contextul UEM. Forthcoming in:

Avadanei, Andreea (2011): O abodare de ansamblu privind provocările adoptării euro: cazul României.

Avci, S. Burcu and Yucel, Eray (2016): Effectiveness of Monetary Policy: Evidence from Turkey.

Awijen, Haithem and Ben Zaied, Younes and Nguyen, Duc Khuong and Sensoy, Ahmet (2020): Endogenous Financial Uncertainty and Macroeconomic Volatility: Evidence from the United States.

Ayele, Gashaw Tsegaye (2011): Challenges to Monetary Policy Transmission to Consumer Prices in Ethiopia.

Aysan, Ahmet Faruk and Ceyhan, Sanli Pinar (2007): What Determines the Banking Sector Performance in Globalized Financial Markets: The Case of Turkey?

Ayub, Aishahton and Masih, Mansur (2013): Interest Rate, Exchange Rate, and Stock Prices of Islamic Banks: A Panel Data Analysis.

Ayub, Aishaton and Masih, Mansur (2013): The Relationship between Exchange Rates and Islamic Indices in Malaysia FTSE Market: A Wavelet Based Approach.

Azad, Rohit and Bose, Prasenjit and Dasgupta, Zico (2016): Financial Globalisation and India: Internal and External Dimensions.

Aziz, Abdul and Masih, Mansur (2018): Lead-lag relationship between macroeconomic variables and stock market: evidence from Korea.

Aziz, Ghazala (2010): Global Financial Crises and Its Effect on India. Published in: ssrn

Aziz, Nur Aziah and Masih, Mansur (2018): The determinants of islamic mudharabah interbank investment rate: Malaysia as a case study.

Azmi, Muhammad Saifullah and Masih, Mansur (2018): Does education expenditure lead or lag GDP ? Malaysian evidence.

Azwan, Nurul Iman and Masih, Mansur (2019): Is the relationship between housing price and banking debt symmetric or non-symmetric? evidence from Malaysia based on NARDL.


B M, Lithin and chakraborty, Suman and iyer, Vishwanathan and M N, Nikhil and ledwani, Sanket (2022): Modeling asymmetric sovereign bond yield volatility with univariate GARCH models: Evidence from India. Published in: Cogent Economics and Finance , Vol. 11, No. 1 (15 March 2023): p. 2189589.

BLINOV, Sergey (2014): The role of the Central Bank in the Economic Slow-down in Russia.

Bacha, Obiyathulla I. (2008): The Islamic Inter bank Money Market and a Dual Banking System : The Malaysian Experience. Published in: International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management , Vol. 1, No. 3 (2008): pp. 210-226.

Bacha, Obiyathulla I. (2004): Lessons from East Asia's Crisis and Recovery. Published in: Asia - Pacific Development Journal , Vol. 11, No. 2 (December 2004): pp. 81-102.

Bagus, Philipp and Howden, David (2013): Some Ethical Dilemmas with Modern Banking. Published in: Business Ethics: A European Review , Vol. 3, No. 22 (2013): pp. 235-245.

Bahaman, Abrar and Masih, Mansur (2017): Identifying the lead-lag relationship between the shariah (islamic) equity index and macroeconomic variables: Malaysia as a case study.

Bahl, Ojasvita and Ghate, Chetan and Mallick, Debdulal (2020): Redistributive Policy Shocks and Monetary Policy with Heterogeneous Agents.

Bahruddin, Wan Athirah and Masih, Mansur (2018): Is the relation between lending interest rate and non-performing loans symmetric or asymmetric ? evidence from ARDL and NARDL.

Bakkali, Saad and Masih, Mansur (2017): Is the GCC islamic index independent of the conventional interest rates ?

Baldursson, Fridrik M. and Hall, Axel (2008): Out of reach? Convergence to an inflation target in the Central Bank of Iceland's macroeconomic model. Published in: Timarit um vidskipti og efnahagsmal No. Special issue 2008 : pp. 83-106.

Balli, Faruk and Louis, Rosmy J. and Osman, Muhammed (2009): The Patterns of cross-border portfolio investments in the GCC region: do institutional quality and the number of expatriates play a role?

Balli, Faruk and Osman, Mohammad and Louis, Rosmy J. (2008): International Portfolio Inflows to GCC Markets. Are There any General Patterns?

Barbi, Fernando C. (2014): Determinants of Credit Expansion in Brazil.

Barnett, William and Liu, Jinan (2017): User Cost of Credit Card Services under Risk with Intertemporal Nonseparability.

Barnett, William A. (2008): What broke the bubble?

Basher, Syed Abul and Haug, Alfred A. and Sadorsky, Perry (2017): The impact of oil-market shocks on stock returns in major oil-exporting countries: A Markov-switching approach.

Bayari, Celal (2020): South Korean Economy and the Free Trade Agreement with China. Published in: The Journal of East Asian Affairs , Vol. 33, No. 1 (30 July 2020): pp. 89-122.

Bazán, Walter and Ortiz, Marco and Terrones, Marco and Winkelried, Diego (2023): CIP deviations: The role of U.S. banks’ liquidity and regulations.

Beckers, Benjamin and Bernoth, Kerstin (2023): Monetary Policy and Mispricing in Stock Markets. Published in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (July 2023): pp. 1-18.

Bednarik, Radek (2007): Loan Dollarization in V4 Countries. Published in: International Conference on Increasing Competitiveness or Regional, National and International Markets (4 September 2007)

Bejan, Camelia and Bidian, Florin (2010): Limited enforcement, bubbles and trading in incomplete markets.

Bekmuratov, Mukhsinbek and Masih, Mansur (2017): Granger-causality between oil price and macrovariables: ARDL approach.

Bell, Peter N (2015): Effects of Long Cycles in Cash Flows on Present Value.

Bell, Peter Newton (2014): Book Review – Rethinking Housing Bubbles.

Belton, Willie and Cebula, Richard (1994): International Capital Flows, Federal Budget Deficits, and Interest Rates, 1971-1984. Published in: Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics , Vol. 34, No. 1 (28 February 1995): pp. 3-13.

Ben Fredj, Imene and Schalck, Christophe (2004): Tunisian Financial System: a Growth Factor.

Beniak, Patrycja (2019): The emerging market reaction to Fed tightening.

Bennouna, Hicham and Chmielewski, Tomasz and Doukali, Mohamed (2019): Monetary policy transmission in Morocco: Evidence from borrowers-level data.

Berg, Tim Oliver (2010): Cross-country evidence on the relation between stock prices and the current account.

Berg, Tim Oliver (2010): Do monetary and technology shocks move euro area stock prices?

Berg, Tim Oliver (2010): Exploring the international transmission of U.S. stock price movements.

Beuran, Monica and Brack, Estelle (2009): Les banques étrangères dans les pays d’Europe Centrale et Orientale : source de vulnérabilité ou facteur de stabilisation. Published in: Revue Banque No. 717 (October 2009)

Bezemer, Dirk and Grydaki, Maria (2013): Debt and the U.S. Great Moderation.

Bezemer, Dirk J (2009): Banks As Social Accountants: Credit and Crisis Through an Accounting Lens.

Bezemer, Dirk J (2009): Explaining the Great Moderation: Credit in the Macroeconomy Revisited.

Bezemer, Dirk J (2009): “No One Saw This Coming”: Understanding Financial Crisis Through Accounting Models.

Bezemer, Dirk J (2009): This is not a credit crisis. Forthcoming in: Economic Affairs No. September

Bezemer, Dirk J and Grydaki, Maria (2012): Mortgage Lending and the Great moderation: a multivariate GARCH Approach.

Bezemer, Dirk J and Werner, RA (2009): Disaggregated Credit Flows and Growth in Central Europe.

Bezemer, Dirk J and Werner, Richard A (2009): Disaggregated Credit Flows and Growth in Central Europe.

Bianco, Antonio (2015): Relationship Banking, Shadow Banking, and the Economics of Depression.

Binici, Mahir and Köksal, Bülent (2012): Türkiye'de Aşırı Kredi Genişlemeleri ve Belirleyicileri.

Bojańczyk, Mirosław (2010): Communication of companies with their surroundings - the manipulation of information and information asymmetry.

Bojańczyk, Mirosław (2010): The impact of institutional investors and increasingly sophisticated financial instruments on risk and leverage.

Bojańczyk, Mirosław (2010): The ineffectiveness of state as a controller and owner.

Bonga, Wellington Garikai (2019): Measuring Macroeconomic Uncertainty in Zimbabwe.

Bonga, Wellington Garikai (2019): Stock Market Volatility Analysis using GARCH Family Models: Evidence from Zimbabwe Stock Exchange.

Borenstein, Eliezer and Elkayam, David (2013): The equity premium in a small open economy, and an application to Israel.

Bortz, Pablo Gabriel and Toftum, Nicole (2020): Climate Change and Green Finance in Emerging Market Economies: The Open Economy Dimension.

Borys, Paweł and Ciżkowicz, Piotr and Rzońca, Andrzej (2011): Panel data evidence on non-Keynesian efects of fiscal policy in the EU New Member.

Boshoff, Willem H. (2006): The transmission of foreign financial crises to South Africa: a firm-level study. Published in: Studies in Economics and Econometrics , Vol. 30, No. 2 (2006): pp. 61-85.

Bosi, Stefano and Ha-Huy, Thai and Le Van, Cuong and Pham, Cao-Tung and Pham, Ngoc-Sang (2018): Financial bubbles and capital accumulation in altruistic economies.

Bosi, Stefano and Ha-Huy, Thai and Pham, Cao-Tung and Pham, Ngoc-Sang (2021): Ascendant altruism and asset price bubbles.

Bouoiyour, Jamal and Selmi, Refk (2014): What Does Crypto-currency Look Like? Gaining Insight into Bitcoin Phenomenon.

Bouoiyour, Jamal and Selmi, Refk (2014): What Does Crypto-currency Look Like? Gaining Insight into Bitcoin Phenomenon.

Bouoiyour, Jamal and Selmi, Refk and Tiwari, Aviral (2014): Is Bitcoin business income or speculative bubble? Unconditional vs. conditional frequency domain analysis.

Brinca, Pedro and Costa-Filho, João (2022): Financial frictions and the economic the depression in Brazil.

Brissimis, Sophocles and Delis, Mannthos and Iosifidi, Maria (2012): Bank market power and monetary policy transmission.

Brissimis, Sophocles N. and Bechlioulis, Alexandros P. (2017): The link between consumption and leisure under Cobb-Douglas preferences:Some new evidence.

Brissimis, Sophocles N. and Papafilis, Michalis and Vlassopoulos, Thomas (2018): Some Thoughts on the External Finance Premium and the Cost of Internal Finance.

Broni, Mohammed Yaw and Masih, Mansur (2017): Does a country’s external debt level affect its Islamic banking sector development? evidence from Malaysia based on quantile regression and markov regime switching.

Brzoza-Brzezina, Michal and Chmielewski, Tomasz and Niedźwiedzińska, Joanna (2007): Substitution between domestic and foreign currency loans in Central Europe. Do central banks matter?

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Buiter, Willem and Sibert, Anne (2008): Asymmetric-shocks-on-its-head and lender-of-last-resort theories of optimal currency areas. Published in: Common Currency and Its Future: Lessons for the New Member States : pp. 48-61.

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Bulla, Jan and Mergner, Sascha and Bulla, Ingo and Sesboüé, André and Chesneau, Christophe (2010): Markov-switching Asset Allocation: Do Profitable Strategies Exist?

Busato, Francesco and Albanese, Marina and Varlese, Monica (2022): Inflation-based fiscal consolidation: a DSGE approach.

Busato, Francesco and Ferrara, Maria and Varlese, Monica (2022): Disinflation Costs and Macroprudential Policies: Real and Welfare Effects.

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Byrne, Joseph P and Ibrahim, Boulis Maher and Sakemoto, Ryuta (2017): The Time-Varying Risk Price of Currency Carry Trades.

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Carfì, David and Musolino, Francesco (2012): A coopetitive approach to financial markets stabilization and risk management.

Carnicelli, Lauro (2018): Financial shocks and endogenous labor market participation.

Carrasco Gutierrez, Carlos Enrique and Issler, João Victor (2015): Evaluating the effectiveness of Common-Factor Portfolios.

Carrera, Jorge Eduardo and Cusolito, Ana Paula and Féliz, Mariano and Panigo, Demian (2001): An econometric approach to macroeconomic risk. A cross country study.

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Caruntu, Genu Alexandru and Romanescu, Marcel Laurentiu (2008): The vulnerability of enterprise and the operating financial balance.

Carvallo, Oscar and Pagliacci, Carolina (2013): Macroeconomic Shocks, Housing Market and Banks’ Performance in Venezuela.

Cavalieri, Duccio (1999): Il circuito della moneta e il finanziamento dell'economia. Un'analisi teorica. Published in: Studi e note di economia , Vol. 1999, No. 3 (1999): pp. 45-84.

Cavalieri, Duccio (2015): Structural Interdependence in Monetary Economics: Theoretical Assessment and Policy Implications.

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Cawley, Cormac and Finnegan, Marie (2019): Transmission channels of central bank asset purchases in the Irish economy. Published in: Economies , Vol. 7, No. 4 (23 September 2019): pp. 1-25.

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