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Items where Subject is "C12 - Hypothesis Testing: General"

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Abdurrahman, Korkmaz (2012): The transmission process of financial crises across the emerging markets: an alternative consideration.

Adeniji, Sesan (2013): Investigating the Relationship between Currency Substitution, Exchange Rate and Inflation in Nigeria: An Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Approach.

Afzal, Sarwat (2009): To Estimate An Equation Explaining The Determinants Of Dowry. Published in: IUB Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities , Vol. Volume, (2007): pp. 33-47.

Ageli, Mohammed Moosa and Zaidan, Shatha Mousa (2012): Consequential Effects of Defence Expenditure on Economic Growth of Saudi Arabia: 1970-2012. Published in: International Journal of Economics and Finance , Vol. 5, No. 2 (10 January 2013): pp. 155-163.

Ahmad, Ali and Francq, Christian (2014): Poisson qmle of count time series models.

Ahmed, Muhammad Ashfaq and Nawaz, Nasreen (2023): A Sufficient Statistical Test for Dynamic Stability.

Ahmed, Walid M.A. (2011): Comovements and Causality of Sector Price Indices: Evidence from the Egyptian Stock Exchange.

Ahmed Imran, Hunjra and Muhammad Irfan, Chani and Sher, Aslam and Muhammad, Azam and Kashif-Ur, Rehman (2010): Factors Affecting job satisfaction of employees in Pakistani banking sector. Published in: African Journal of Business Management , Vol. 4, No. 10 (18 August 2010): pp. 2157-2163.

Alcouffe, Simon and Galy, Nadine and Gaté, Loïc (2016): Une méta-analyse qualitative de la littérature sur les déterminants de l'adoption de l'activity-based costing.

Alfaro, Rodrigo (2009): Inferencia Estadística.

Alimi, R. Santos and Olorunfemi, Sola (2018): Does Inflation Uncertainty Matter for Validity of Romer’s Hypothesis? Evidence from Nigeria.

Allen, David (2022): Asset Pricing Tests, Endogeneity issues and Fama-French factors.

Alsayyed, Nidal (2010): Sukukization: Islamic Economic Risk Factors in Shari’ah View.

Alsayyed, Nidal and Farhan, Malik (2010): Sukukization: Islamic Economic Risk Factors in Shari’ah View.

Ando, Tomohiro and Bai, Jushan (2014): A simple new test for slope homogeneity in panel data models with interactive effects.

Antonio, Paradiso and Kumar, Saten and Rao, B Bhaskara (2011): A New Keynesian IS Curve for Australia: Is it Forward Looking or Backward Looking?

Ardia, David and Dufays, Arnaud and Ordás Criado, Carlos (2023): Linking Frequentist and Bayesian Change-Point Methods.

Asghar, Saima and Oino, Isaiah (2017): Leadership Styles and Job Satisfaction. Published in: Market Forces , Vol. XIII, No. 1 (1 June 2018): pp. 1-13.

Atukeren, Erdal and Cevik, Emrah Ismail and Korkmaz, Turhan (2015): Downside Business Confidence Spillovers in Europe: Evidence from Causality-in-Risk Tests. Published in: Journal of Economic Policy Reform , Vol. 18, No. 4 (2015): pp. 341-357.

Aydin, Mucahit (2019): A New Nonlinear Wavelet-Based Unit Root Test with Structural Breaks.

Azevedo, Susana and Cudney, Elizabeth A. and Grilo, António and Carvalho, Helena and Cruz-Machado, V. (2012): The influence of eco-innovation supply chain practices on business eco-efficiency.

Azimi, Mohammad Naim (2015): Is CPI generated from stationary process? An investigation on unit root hypothesis of India’s CPI. Published in: International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations , Vol. 3, No. 2 (1 February 2016): pp. 329-335.


BEKHALED, Aicha and DADENE, Abdelghani and CHIKHI, Mohamed (2014): اختبار القدرة على التنبؤ بعوائد مؤشر سوق الدار البيضاء المالي من 2007 إلى 2011. Published in: El-Bahith Review No. 14 (2014): pp. 260-274.

BENSALMA, Ahmed (2021): Fractional Dickey-Fuller test with or without prehistorical influence.

Bager, Ali and Roman, Monica and Algedih, Meshal and Mohammed, Bahr (2017): Addressing multicollinearity in regression models: a ridge regression application.

Baharumshah, Ahmad Zubaidi and Aggarwal, Raj and Chan, Tze-Haw (2005): East Asian Real Exchange Rates and PPP: New Evidence from panel-data tests. Forthcoming in: Global Economic Review

Baharumshah, Ahmad Zubaidi and Chan, Tze-Haw and Aggarwal, Raj (2006): The Changing Dynamics of the East Asian Real Exchange Rates after the Financial Crisis: Further Evidence on Mean Reversion.

Bai, Jushan and Carrion-i-Silvestre, Josep Lluis (2009): Testing Panel Cointegration with Unobservable Dynamic Common Factors.

Balli, Hatice Ozer and Sorensen, Bent E. (2012): Interaction effects in econometrics. Forthcoming in: Empirical Economics

Ballinger, Clint (2011): Why inferential statistics are inappropriate for development studies and how the same data can be better used.

Barassi, Marco and Horvath, Lajos and Zhao, Yuqian (2018): Change Point Detection in the Conditional Correlation Structure of Multivariate Volatility Models. Forthcoming in: Journal of Business and Economic Statistics

Barnett, William A. and Usui, Ikuyasu (2006): The Theoretical Regularity Properties of the Normalized Quadratic Consumer Demand Model.

Barnett, William A. and de Peretti, Philippe (2008): Admissible clustering of aggregator components: a necessary and sufficient stochastic semi-nonparametric test for weak separability.

Barra, Cristian and Zotti, Roberto (2016): Investigating the impact of national income on environmental pollution. International evidence.

Bartolucci, Francesco and Bacci, Silvia and Pigini, Claudia (2015): A misspecification test for finite-mixture logistic models for clustered binary and ordered responses.

Bartolucci, Francesco and Nigro, Valentina and Pigini, Claudia (2013): Testing for state dependence in binary panel data with individual covariates.

Bartolucci, Francesco and Pigini, Claudia (2017): Granger causality in dynamic binary short panel data models.

Bartolucci, Francesco and Pigini, Claudia (2019): Partial effects estimation for fixed-effects logit panel data models.

Bartolucci, Francesco and Pigini, Claudia and Valentini, Francesco (2021): Conditional inference and bias reduction for partial effects estimation of fixed-effects logit models.

Bartolucci, Francesco and Pigini, Claudia and Valentini, Francesco (2022): Testing for state dependence in the fixed-effects ordered logit model.

Barumshah, Ahmad Zubaidi and Chan, Tze-Haw and Fountas, Stilianos (2004): Re-examining Purchasing Power Parity for East-Asian Currencies: 1976-2002. Forthcoming in: Applied Financial Economics

Barışık, Salih and Cevik, Emrah Ismail (2009): Hysteresis in unemployment: evidence from sector-specific unemployment in Turkey. Published in: The Empirical Economics Letters , Vol. 9, No. 3 (2009): pp. 255-260.

Bataa, Erdenebat and Wohar, Mark and Vivian, Andrew (2015): Changes in the relationship between short-term interest rate, inflation and growth: Evidence from the UK, 1820-2014.

Batuo Enowbi, Michael and Guidi, Francesco and Mlambo, Kupukile (2009): Testing the weak-form market efficiency and the day of the week effects of some African countries.

Bekker, Paul A. and Crudu, Federico (2012): Symmetric Jackknife Instrumental Variable Estimation.

Bensalma, Ahmed (2021): An Eviews program to perform the fractional Dickey-Fuller test.

Bensalma, Ahmed (2013): Simple Fractional Dickey Fuller test. Published in: Procceding of 29th European Meeting of Statisticians : pp. 46-47.

Berulava, George and Gogokhia, Teimuraz (2016): Studying Complementarities between Modes of Innovation Strategies in Transition Economies.

Bhattacharjee, Arnab (2004): A Simple Test for the Absence of Covariate Dependence in Hazard Regression Models.

Bianchi, Sergio (2004): A new distribution-based test of self-similarity. Published in: Fractals , Vol. 12, No. 3 (2004): pp. 331-346.

Bilgili, Faik (1999): Yeni Klasik kurama göre bütçe politikalarının değerlendirilmesi. Published in: The Papers of IVth National Conference on Econometrics and Statistics held by Marmara University, Belek (1999) 551-571. , Vol. 1, No. 1 (1999): pp. 551-571.

Bilgili, Faik (2011): City price convergence in Turkey with structural breaks.

Bilgili, Faik (1998): Stationarity and cointegration tests: Comparison of Engle - Granger and Johansen methodologies. Published in: Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Erciyes University No. 13 (1998): pp. 131-141.

Bilgili, Faik (1997): Testing the Ricardian equivalence theorem in the framework of the permanent income hypothesis.

Bilgili, Faik (1999): Türkiye'de bütçe açıklarının makro ekonomik sonuçları. Published in: Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Erciyes University No. 15 (1999): pp. 153-169.

Bilgili, Faik and Bilgili, Emine (1998): Bütçe açığının cari işlemler üzerindeki etkileri: Teori ve uygulama. Published in: İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 146. sayının eki , Vol. 13, No. 146 (May 1998): pp. 4-16.

Bodnar, Taras and Dette, Holger and Parolya, Nestor (2019): Testing for independence of large dimensional vectors. Published in: The Annals of Statistics , Vol. 47, No. 5 (3 August 2019): pp. 2977-3008.

Boldea, Otilia and Hall, Alastair R. (2010): Estimation and inference in unstable nonlinear least squares models.

Boubacar Mainassara, Yacouba and Carbon, Michel and Francq, Christian (2010): Computing and estimating information matrices of weak arma models.

Bouoiyour, Jamal and Marimoutou, Velayoudoum and Rey, Serge (2003): Trends non linéaires et co-trending dans le taux de change réel effectif du dinar tunisien.

Briz, Teresa and Drichoutis, Andreas C. and Nayga, Rodolfo M. (2014): Randomization to treatment failure in experimental auctions: The value of data from training rounds.

Byrne, Joseph and Sakemoto, Ryuta (2021): The Conditional Volatility Premium on Currency Portfolios.

Bystrov, Victor and Mackewicz, Michał (2016): Recurrent explosive behaviour of debt-to-GDP ratio.

beare, brendan and shi, xiaoxia (2015): An improved bootstrap test of density ratio ordering.


CHIKHI, Mohamed (2011): Analyse du choc informationnel et de l’hétéroscédasticité conditionnelle dans les flux de trésorerie. Published in: Recherches Economiques et Managériales , Vol. 9, (June 2011): pp. 1-15.

CHRISTIAN L., NGUENA (2012): The Role of Foreign Trade in Economic Growth and Individual Heterogeneity Problem in Panel Data: The Case of African Countries.

Cabrera-Castellanos, Luis F. and Lozano-Cortés, René (2005): Convergencia Regional en México: Una Prueba de Cointegración en Precios. Published in: Revista Portal , Vol. Vol. I, No. No.1 (2005): pp. 59-68.

Cai, Yifei (2016): 货币增速剪刀差与股票市场收益率的时变格兰杰因果关系研究.

Cai, Yifei (2016): 货币供给数量、结构与经济增长—来自ADL门限协整检验与时变格兰杰因果关系检验的证据.

Caiado, Jorge and Crato, Nuno and Peña, Daniel (2007): Comparison of time series with unequal length.

Caner, Mehmet and Sandler Morrill, Melinda (2009): A New Paradigm: A Joint Test of Structural and Correlation Parameters in Instrumental Variables Regression When Perfect Exogeneity is Violated.

Caporin, Massimiliano and Kolokolov, Aleksey and Renò, Roberto (2014): Multi-jumps.

Carbon, Michel and Francq, Christian (2010): Portmanteau goodness-of-fit test for asymmetric power GARCH models.

Caspi, Itamar (2013): Rtadf: Testing for Bubbles with EViews.

Caspi, Itamar and Graham, Meital (2017): Testing for Bubbles in Stock Markets with Irregular Dividend Distribution.

Cassim, Lucius (2020): A Residual-based Test For Multicointegration In Models With Structural Breaks And Threshold Adjustment To Steady State.

Cavalcante, Mileno (2008): Preços do petróleo e bolhas especulativas: algumas evidências para o mercado de WTI. Published in: Rio Oil & Gas 2008 Conference Proceedings , Vol. 1, (September 2008)

Cetinkaya, Ali Sukru and Rashid, Muhammad (2018): The Effect of Social Media on Employees’ Job Performance: The mediating Role of Organizational Structure. Published in: Journal of Organizational Psychology , Vol. 18, No. 4 (23 November 2018): pp. 94-116.

Chalabi, Yohan and Wuertz, Diethelm (2012): Portfolio optimization based on divergence measures.

Chan, Tze-Haw and Chong, Lee Lee and Khong, Wye Leong Roy (2008): Real Exchange Rate Behavior: New Evidence with Linear and Non-linear Endogenous Break(s).

Charles, Sébastien and Marie, Jonathan (2017): L’hyperinflation Bulgare de 1997 : Transition, Fragilité Bancaire et Change.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard (2010): Can statistics do without artefacts? Published in: Prisme No. 19 (December 2010): pp. 1-39.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2012): Spurious Regressions and Near-Multicollinearity, with an Application to Aid, Policies and Growth.

Chattopadhyay, Sadhan Kumar (2011): Financial Inclusion in India: A case-study of West Bengal. Published in: Reserve Bank of India Working Paper , Vol. July 2, No. WPS(DEPR): 8/2011

Chen, Liang (2012): Identifying observed factors in approximate factor models: estimation and hypothesis testing.

Chen, Liang and Dolado, Juan Jose and Gonzalo, Jesus (2011): Detecting big structural breaks in large factor models.

Chen, Min and Zhu, Ke (2013): Sign-based portmanteau test for ARCH-type models with heavy-tailed innovations.

Chen, Min and Zhu, Ke (2014): Sign-based specification tests for martingale difference with conditional heteroscedasity.

Chen, Song Xi and Li, Jun and Zhong, Pingshou (2014): Two-Sample Tests for High Dimensional Means with Thresholding and Data Transformation.

Chen, Song Xi and Qin, Yingli (2010): A Two Sample Test for High Dimensional Data with Applications to Gene-set Testing. Published in: The Annals of Statistics , Vol. 38, (2010): pp. 808-835.

Chen, Yanhua and Li, Youwei and Pantelous, Athanasios and Stanley, Eugene (2020): Short-run disequilibrium adjustment and long-run equilibrium in the international stock markets: A network-based approach.

Chikhi, Mohamed and Terraza, Michel (2002): Un essai de prévision non paramétrique de l'action France Télécom. Published in: Working paper LAMETA No. 07 (December 2003): pp. 1-22.

Chletsos, Michael and Giotis, Georgios P. (2015): The employment effect of minimum wage using 77 international studies since 1992: A meta-analysis.

Chong, Lucy Lee-Yun and Puah, Chin-Hong and Md Isa, Abu Hassan (2012): Theory of rational expectations hypothesis: banks and other financial institutions in Malaysia.

Chong, Terence Tai Leung and Chen, Haiqiang and Wong, Tsz Nga and Yan, Isabel K. (2015): Estimation and Inference of Threshold Regression Models with Measurement Errors.

Chong, Terence Tai Leung and Lin, Shiyu (2015): Predictive Models for Disaggregate Stock Market Volatility.

Chong, Terence Tai Leung and Yan, Isabel K. (2014): Estimating and Testing Threshold Regression Models with Multiple Threshold Variables.

Chow, Sheung Chi and Vieito, João Paulo and Wong, Wing-Keung (2018): Do both demand-following and supply-leading theories hold true in developing countries? Forthcoming in: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Chtioui, Naouel and Ayadi, Mohamed (2017): Multidimensional Rank Based Poverty Measures A Case Study: Tunisia.

Chun, So Yeon and Alexander, Shapiro (2009): Normal versus Noncentral Chi-square Asymptotics of Misspecified Models. Forthcoming in: multivariate behavioral research

Ciuiu, Daniel (2011): Bayes multivariate signification tests and Granger causality. Published in: Proceedings of the Conference “Predictability in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: the Economic Crises”, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Politechnical University, Bucharest, October 5, 2011, (5 October 2011): pp. 48-56.

Ciuiu, Daniel (2007): Bayes, Neyman and Neyman-Bayes Inference for Queueing Systems. Published in: Buletinul Stiintific al UTCB (TUCEB Scientific Buletin) No. 4 (December 2007): pp. 46-57.

Ciuiu, Daniel (2004): Une modalité d'éviter les tables des centiles dans la cas des régions de confiance et des tests statistiques. Published in: Analele Universitatii din Craiova. Seria Matematica si informatica. , Vol. 32, (2005): pp. 98-105.

Coleman, Stephen (2005): Testing Theories with Qualitative and Quantitative Predictions.

Coskun, Yener and Akinsomi, Omokolade and Gil-Alana, Luis A. and Yaya, OlaOIuwa S. (2021): Stock Market Responses to COVID-19: Mean Reversion, Dependence and Persistence Behaviours.

Cubadda, Gianluca and Hecq, Alain and Telg, Sean (2017): Detecting Co-Movements in Noncausal Time Series.

Czinkota, Thomas (2012): Zeitpunktsignale zum aktiven Portfoliomanagement.


DO ANGO, Simplicio and AMBA OYON, Claude Marius (2016): A PANIC Attack on Inflation and Unemployment in Africa: Analysis of Persistence and Convergence. Published in: The Empirical Economics Letters , Vol. 15, (2016)

Dasgupta, Shouro and Bhattacharya, Debapriya and Neethi, Dwitiya Jawher (2013): Does Democracy Impact Economic Growth? Exploring the Case of Bangladesh – A Cointegrated VAR Approach. Published in: CPD-CMI Working Paper Series

Deb, Kaveri and Sengupta, Bodhisattva (2016): On Empirical Distribution of RCA Indices.

Debgupta, Sanchari (2015): Empirical Analysis of the effect of Human Capital Generation on Economic Growth in India - a Panel Data approach.

Deckers, Thomas and Hanck, Christoph (2009): Multiple Testing Techniques in Growth Econometrics.

Degiannakis, Stavros and Filis, George and Siourounis, Grigorios and Trapani, Lorenzo (2019): Superkurtosis.

Degiannakis, Stavros and Filis, George and Siourounis, Grigorios and Trapani, Lorenzo (2021): Superkurtosis.

Degiannakis, Stavros and Xekalaki, Evdokia (2008): SPEC Model Selection Algorithm for ARCH Models: an Options Pricing Evaluation Framework. Published in: Applied Financial Economics Letters , Vol. 6, No. 4 (2008): pp. 419-423.

Delavari, Majid and Gandali Alikhani, Nadiya and Naderi, Esmaeil (2013): Does long memory matter in forecasting oil price volatility?

Di Iorio, Francesca and Fachin, Stefano (2010): A Panel Cointegration study of the long-run relationship between Savings and Investments in the OECD economies, 1970-2007.

Di Iorio, Francesca and Fachin, Stefano (2007): Testing for cointegration in dependent panels via residual-based bootstrap methods.

Di Iorio, Francesca and Triacca, Umberto (2011): Testing for non-causality by using the Autoregressive Metric.

Diagne, Youssoupha S and Sène, Serigne Moustapha (2009): La profitabilité des secteurs de l’économie sénégalaise. Published in: website www.dpee.sn

Diakité, Zakary (2023): Estimating Demand for Lamb, Beef, Pork, and Poultry in Canada. Published in: Theoretical Economics Letters , Vol. 14, No. 1 (8 February 2024): pp. 67-93.

Dietrich, Franz and Spiekermann, Kai (2016): Jury Theorems.

Dogru, Bülent (2015): Is Per Capıta Real GDP Stationary in High Income OECD Countrıes? Evidence from Panel Unıt Root Test With Multiple Structural Breaks.

Doko Tchatoka, Firmin Sabro (2012): Specification Tests with Weak and Invalid Instruments.

Doko Tchatoka, Firmin Sabro and Dufour, Jean-Marie (2008): Instrument endogeneity and identification-robust tests: some analytical results. Published in: Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference , Vol. 138, (12 March 2008): pp. 2649-2661.

Doko Tchatoka, Firmin and Wang, Wenjie (2023): Size-Corrected Wild Bootstrap Tests after Pretesting for Exogeneity with Heteroskedastic or Clustered Data.

Doko Tchatoka, Firmin (2013): On bootstrap validity for specification tests with weak instruments.

Doko Tchatoka, Firmin (2012): On the Validity of Durbin-Wu-Hausman Tests for Assessing Partial Exogeneity Hypotheses with Possibly Weak Instruments.

Doko Tchatoka, Firmin (2010): Subset hypotheses testing and instrument exclusion in the linear IV regression.

Doko Tchatoka, Firmin (2011): Testing for partial exogeneity with weak identification.

Doko Tchatoka, Firmin and Dufour, Jean-Marie (2012): Identification-robust inference for endogeneity parameters in linear structural models.

Doko Tchatoka, Firmin and Wang, Wenjie (2020): Uniform Inference after Pretesting for Exogeneity.

Doko Tchatoka, Firmin and Wang, Wenjie (2021): Uniform Inference after Pretesting for Exogeneity with Heteroskedastic Data.

Drichoutis, Andreas (2011): Interpreting interaction terms in linear and non-linear models: A cautionary tale.

Duasa, Jarita (2008): Income convergence of divergence? Study on selected Muslim countries.

Duasa, Jarita and Kassim, Salina (2008): Herd behaviour in Malaysian capital market: An empirical analysis.

Duasa, Jarita and Kassim, Salina (2008): Hot money and economic performance: An empirical analysis.

Duchesne, Pierre and Francq, Christian (2010): On testing for the mean vector of a multivariate distribution with generalized and {2}-inverses.

Dutta, Jayasri and Zaman, Asad (1989): What Do Heteroskedasticity Tests Detect?

del Barrio Castro, Tomás and Rachinger, Heiko (2020): Aggregation of Seasonal Long-Memory Processes. Forthcoming in: Econometrics and Statistics


El-Khatib, Youssef and Hatemi-J, Abdulnasser (2013): On the pricing and hedging of options for highly volatile periods.

Emura, Takeshi and Chen, Yi-Hau (2014): Gene selection for survival data under dependent censoring: a copula-based approach. Published in: Statistical Methods in Medical Research

Emura, Takeshi and Katsuyama, Hitomi and Wang, Jinfang (2010): Assessing the Treatment Effect on the Causal Models via Parametric Approaches with Applications to the Study of English Educational Effect in Japan.

Emura, Takeshi and Wang, Weijing (2009): Testing Quasi-independence for Truncation Data. Published in: Journal of Multivariate Analysis , Vol. 101, (January 2010): pp. 223-239.

Eriksson, Per-Erik and Pesämaa, Ossi (2007): Modelling procurement effects on cooperation. Published in: Construction Management and Economics , Vol. 25, No. 8 : pp. 893-901.

Erlingsson, Einar Jón and Alfarano, Simone and Raberto, Marco and Stefánsson, Hlynur (2012): On the distributional properties of size, pro fit and growth of Icelandic firms.

Ermişoğlu, Ergun and Akçelik, Yasin and Oduncu, Arif and Taşkın, Temel (2013): The Effects of Additional Monetary Tightening on Exchange Rates.

Espinosa Méndez, Christian (2007): EFECTO FIN DE SEMANA Y FIN DE MES EN EL MERCADO BURSATIL CHILENO. Published in: Panorama Socioeconomico , Vol. 25, No. 034 (December 2007): pp. 8-17.

Espinosa Méndez, Christian (2005): Evidencia De Comportamiento Caótico En Indices Bursátiles Americanos. Forthcoming in: Trimestre Económico , Vol. 296, (31 September 2007)

esposito, francesco paolo and cummins, mark (2015): Multiple hypothesis testing of market risk forecasting models. Forthcoming in: Journal of Forecasting


Faheem, Samra (2017): Patients Compliance and Follow-Up Rate after Tooth Extraction. Published in: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) , Vol. 16, No. 5 (23 May 2017): pp. 115-120.

Faizan, Riffat and Haque, Adnan ul (2016): The Relationship between Societal attributes, Feminine Leadership & Management Style: Responses from Pakistan's Urban Region Female-Owned Businesses. Published in: European Journal of Business and Management , Vol. 8, No. 23 (31 August 2016): pp. 171-191.

Faizan, Riffat and Zehra, Nasreen (2016): Quality Work-Life as predictor to Organisational Commitment under contrasting Leadership Styles: I.T Responses from Pakistan's private software houses. Published in: Global Journal of Management and Administration , Vol. 16, No. 6 (28 August 2016): pp. 9-23.

Fan, Yanqin and Park, Sang Soo (2010): Confidence sets for some partially identified parameters. Published in: Economics, Management, and Financial Market , Vol. 5, (2010): pp. 37-87.

Fan, Yanqin and Park, Sang Soo (2009): Partial identification of the distribution of treatment effects and its confidence sets. Published in: Advances in Econometrics: Nonparametric Econometric Methods , Vol. 24, (2009): pp. 3-70.

Fedotenkov, Igor (2015): A note on the bootstrap method for testing the existence of finite moments. Forthcoming in: Statistica

Fedotenkov, Igor (2015): A simple nonparametric test for the existence of finite moments.

Ferman, Bruno (2019): Inference in Differences-in-Differences: How Much Should We Trust in Independent Clusters?

Ferman, Bruno (2017): Matching Estimators with Few Treated and Many Control Observations.

Ferman, Bruno and Pinto, Cristine (2015): Inference in Differences-in-Differences with Few Treated Groups and Heteroskedasticity.

Ferman, Bruno and Pinto, Cristine (2017): Placebo Tests for Synthetic Controls.

Ferman, Bruno and Pinto, Cristine and Possebom, Vitor (2018): Cherry Picking with Synthetic Controls.

Francq, Christian and Zakoian, Jean-Michel (2024): Finite moments testing in a general class of nonlinear time series models.

Francq, Christian and Horvath, Lajos and Zakoian, Jean-Michel (2008): Sup-tests for linearity in a general nonlinear AR(1) model when the supremum is taken over the full parameter space.

Francq, Christian and Jiménez Gamero, Maria Dolores and Meintanis, Simos (2015): Tests for sphericity in multivariate garch models.

Francq, Christian and Thieu, Le Quyen (2015): Qml inference for volatility models with covariates.

Francq, Christian and Zakoian, Jean-Michel (2009): Bartlett's formula for a general class of non linear processes.

Francq, Christian and Zakoian, Jean-Michel (2013): Inference in non stationary asymmetric garch models.

Francq, Christian and Zakoian, Jean-Michel (2010): Strict stationarity testing and estimation of explosive ARCH models.

Francq, Christian and Zakoian, Jean-Michel (2021): Testing the existence of moments and estimating the tail index of augmented garch processes.

Francq, Christian and Zakoian, Jean-Michel (2019): Testing the existence of moments for GARCH processes. Forthcoming in: Journal of Econometrics

Francq, Christian and Zakoian, Jean-Michel (2008): Testing the nullity of GARCH coefficients : correction of the standard tests and relative efficiency comparisons.

Frimpong, Joseph Magnus and Oteng-Abayie, Eric Fosu (2007): Market Returns and Weak-Form Efficiency: the case of the Ghana Stock Exchange.

Fu, Hui (2012): On a Class of Estimation and Test for Long Memory.


G., Germinal and Taleb Da Costa, Marcella (2021): An Econometric Study of the Impact of Education on the Economic Development of Low-Income Countries.

Gao, Jiti and Pan, Guangming and Yang, Yanrong (2012): Testing Independence for a Large Number of High–Dimensional Random Vectors.

Ghassan, Hassan B. and Alhajhoj, Hassan R. (2008): اختبار أثر مزاحمة الإنفاق الحكومي للإستثمار الخاص في الاقتصاد السعودي عبر المعاينة المعادة. Published in: Arab Economic and Business Journal , Vol. 4, (2009): pp. 34-41.

Ghassan, Hassan B. and Guendouz, Abdelkarim (2018): Panel Modeling of Z-score: Evidence from Islamic and Conventional Saudi Banks. Published in: International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management , Vol. 12, No. 3 (8 July 2019): pp. 448-468.

Ghassan, Hassan B. and Guendouz, Abdelkarim (2018): Panel Modeling of Z-score: Evidence from Islamic and Conventional Saudi Banks. Published in: International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management No. https://doi.org/10.1108/IMEFM-04-2018-0122 (8 July 2019)

Ghassan, Hassan B. and Taher, Farid B. (2015): Financial Stability of Islamic and Conventional Banks in Saudi Arabia: Evidence using Pooled and Panel Models. Published in: Book: Islamic Finance: Risk, Stability and Growth , Vol. 2, No. Chapter 3 at http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt1df4hmj (January 2015): pp. 81-114.

Gifuni, Luigi (2017): The Financial and Macroeconomic Effects of SMP, LTRO and OMT Announcements.

Gil-Alana, Luis A. and Yaya, OlaOluwa S (2018): Testing Fractional Unit Roots with Non-linear Smooth Break Approximations using Fourier functions.

Gitto, Lara and Moraci, Francesco (2022): Verso un’economia della conoscenza. L’istruzione può diminuire le diseguaglianze e aumentare il benessere sociale?

Gluschenko, Konstantin (2004): Nonlinearly testing for a unit root in the presence of a break in the mean.

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