Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "C61 - Optimization Techniques ; Programming Models ; Dynamic Analysis"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 695.


Onour, Ibrahim (2011): قياس الكفاءة الفنية لبنوك دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي.


Ji, Junping and Wei, Fangling and Ma, Xiaoming (2011): 深圳水库流域污水处理方案多准则决策研究.

Tang, Liwei and Hu, Zongyi and Zhang, Yongjun (2014): 基于非径向BML-DEA模型的中国地区工业环境绩效测度.

hu, zongyi and tang, liwei and su, jin (2013): 区域环境绩效测度及收敛性分析.


Tomić, Bojan and Sesar, Andrijana and Džaja, Tomislav (2014): Komparativna analiza europskog tržišta kapitala i Dow Jones Industrial Average indeksa. Published in: Accounting and Management No. 15th International Scientific and Professional Conference (June 2014): pp. 265-283.


Mazurek, Jiří (2014): Modelování optimální výše zápisného na české veřejné vysoké školy.


Bos, Frits and Zwaneveld, Peter (2014): Reële opties en de waarde van flexibiliteit bij natte infrastructuur.


Agarwal, Samiksha and Chakraborty, Lekha (2019): Helicopter Money: A Preliminary Appraisal.

Agaton, Casper (2017): Coal, Renewable, or Nuclear? A Real Options Approach to Energy Investments in the Philippines. Published in: International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research , Vol. 6, No. 2 (18 December 2017): pp. 50-62.

Agaton, Casper (2017): Real Options Analysis of Renewable Energy Investment Scenarios in the Philippines. Published in: Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development , Vol. 3, No. 3 (30 December 2017): pp. 284-292.

Agovino, Massimiliano (2013): Do “good neighbors” enhance regional performances in including disabled people in the labour market? A spatial Markov chain approach.

Aguirregabiria, Victor and Magesan, Arvind (2013): Euler Equations for the Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Choice Structural.

Ahec Šonje, Amina and Deskar-Škrbić, Milan and Šonje, Velimir (2018): Efficiency of public expenditure on education: comparing Croatia with other NMS. Published in: INTED2018 Conference Proceedings (7 March 2018): pp. 2317-2326.

Ajevskis, Viktors (2014): Global Solutions to DSGE Models as a Perturbation of a Deterministic Path.

Akamatsu, Takashi and Wada, Kentaro and Iryo, Takamasa and Hayashi, Shunsuke (2020): A new look at departure time choice equilibrium models with heterogeneous users.

Akhabbar, Amanar and Antille, Gabrielle and Fontela, Emilio and Pulido, Antonio (2011): Input-Output in Europe: Trends in Research and Application. Published in: OEconomia , Vol. 1, No. 1

Albici, Mihaela and Teselios, Delia and Prundeanu, Raluca and Popa, Ionela (2010): Duality in linear programming.

Albici, Mihaela and Teselios, Delia and Tenovici, Cristina (2010): Reoptimizations in linear programming.

Albu, Lucian-Liviu (2020): How much will the Coronavirus pandemic expand?

Albu, Lucian-Liviu (2003): Underground economy modelling: simple models with complicated dynamics. Published in: Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting , Vol. Vol. 1, No. 1 (2003): pp. 79-85.

Albu, Lucian-Liviu (2005): A dynamic model to estimate the “pure” productivity. Published in: Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting , Vol. 1, (March 2005): pp. 30-34.

Albu, Lucian-Liviu and Camasoiu, Ion and Georgescu, George (1985): A quantifying method of microinvestment optimum. Published in: Revue Roumaine des Sciences Economiques , Vol. 29, No. 1 : pp. 45-54.

Aldanondo, Ana M. and Casasnovas, Valero L. (2015): More is better than one: the impact of different numbers of input aggregators in technical efficiency estimation.

Aldanondo, Ana M. and Casasnovas, Valero L. (2016): A note on the impact of multiple input aggregators in technical efficiency estimation.

Aldanondo, Ana M. and Casasnovas, Valero L. and Almansa, M. Carmen (2016): Cost-constrained measures of environmental efficiency: a material balance approach.

Alexopoulos, Aristotelis and Fournarakis, Nikolaos and Sambracos, Evangelos (2002): Using System Dynamics to Improve the Marine Manpower of the Passenger Industry in Management Decisions. Published in: Conference Proceedings (15ο Hellenic Conference on Operation Research, Tripoli Greece) No. CD-ROM (31 November 2002)

Alfarano, Simone and Lux, Thomas and Wagner, Friedrich (2010): Excess Volatility and Herding in an Artificial Financial Market: Analytical Approach and Estimation.

Anderson, Soren and Laxminarayan, Ramanan and Salant, Stephen W. (2010): Diversify or focus: spending to combat infectious diseases when budgets are tight.

Andreas, Eder and Bernhard, Mahlberg and Bernhard, Stürmer (2017): Measuring and explaining productivity growth of renewable energy producers: An empirical study of Austrian biogas plants.

Andreou, Andreas S. and Parsopoulos, Konstantine and Vrachatis, Michael and Zombanakis, George A. (2003): Optimal Versus Required Defence Expenditure Revisited. Published in: Intelligent Information Systems Applied to Complicated Defence Problems (14 July 2003): pp. 105-122.

Andrianesis, Panagiotis and Liberopoulos, George and Sakellaris, Kostis and Vlachos, Andreas (2008): Impact of Reserve and Fixed Costs on the Day-Ahead Scheduling Problem in Greece’s Electricity Market.

Ansari, Dawud (2017): OPEC, Saudi Arabia, and the Shale Revolution: Insights from Equilibrium Modelling and Oil Politics. Published in: Energy Policy No. 111 (5 September 2017): pp. 166-178.

Antoci, Angelo and Borghesi, Simone and Russu, Paolo (2004): Biodiversity and economic growth: stabilization versus preservation of the ecological dynamics.

Antoci, Angelo and Delfino, Alexia and Paglieri, Fabio and Panebianco, Fabrizio and Sabatini, Fabio (2016): Civility vs. Incivility in Online Social Interactions: An Evolutionary Approach.

Antoci, Angelo and Delfino, Alexia and Paglieri, Fabio and Sabatini, Fabio (2016): The ecology of social interactions in online and offline environments.

Antoci, Angelo and Galeotti, Marcello and Russu, Paolo (2012): Global analysis and indeterminacy in a two-sector growth model with human capital.

Antoci, Angelo and Naimzada, Ahmad and Sodini, Mauro (2009): Strategic interactions and heterogeneity in a overlapping generations model with negative environmental externalities.

Aoki, Takaaki (2013): Some Mathematical Properties of the Dynamically Inconsistent Bellman Equation: A Note on the Two-sided Altruism Dynamics.

Aparicio, Juan and Cordero, Jose M. and Pastor, Jesús (2016): The determination of the least distance to the strongly efficient frontier in Data Envelopment Analysis oriented models: modelling and computational aspects.

Aparicio, Juan and Santín, Daniel (2017): A note on measuring group performance over time with pseudo-panels.

Ardia, David and Boudt, Kris and Carl, Peter and Mullen, Katharine M. and Peterson, Brian (2010): Differential Evolution (DEoptim) for Non-Convex Portfolio Optimization.

Ardia, David and Ospina, Juan and Giraldo, Giraldo (2010): Jump-Diffusion Calibration using Differential Evolution.

Ardliansyah, Rifqi (2012): Stock Market Integration and International Portfolio Diversification between U.S. and ASEAN Equity Markets.

Arend, Mario (2007): An Analytical Solution for the Interest Rate Reaction Function in a Neo- Keynesian Economy Using the Undetermined Coefficients Method.

Arif, Shawky (2010): A Simple Model of Capital Imports.

Aristovnik, Aleksander (2014): Efficiency of the R&D Sector in the EU-27 at the Regional Level: An Application of DEA. Published in: Lex Localis , Vol. 12, No. 3 (July 2014): pp. 519-531.

Aristovnik, Aleksander and Obadić, Alka (2014): Measuring relative efficiency of secondary education in selected EU and OECD countries: the case of Slovenia and Croatia. Published in: Technological and economic development of economy , Vol. 20, No. 3 (2014): pp. 419-433.

Arjomandi, Amir and Valadkhani, Abbas and Harvie, Charles (2011): Analysing Productivity Changes Using the Bootstrapped Malmquist Approach: The Case of the Iranian Banking Industry. Published in: Australasian Accounting Business and Finance Journal , Vol. 5, No. 3 (2011): pp. 35-55.

Athanassoglou, Stergios (2013): Multidimensional welfare rankings.

Athanassoglou, Stergios (2010): Ordinal efficiency under the lens of duality theory.

Augier, Laurent and Soedarmono, Wahyoe (2010): Threshold Effect and Financial Intermediation in Economic Development.

Augier, Laurent and Soedarmono, Wahyoe (2010): Threshold Effect and Financial Intermediation in Economic Development.

Ayub, Mehar and Ahsanuddin, Muhammad (2000): A computational model for inventory management and planning. Published in: Conference Proceedings, Cambridge University , Vol. 1, No. 2 (2006): pp. 1-13.

Azar, Ofer H. and Tobol, Yossi (2006): Tipping as a strategic investment in service quality: An optimal-control analysis of repeated interactions in the service industry.

Azar, Ofer H. and Tobol, Yossi (2006): Tipping as a strategic investment in service quality: An optimal-control analysis of repeated interactions in the service industry.

Balder, Erik (2008): Exact and Useful Optimization Methods for Microeconomics. Published in: Springer Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems , Vol. 655, No. New Insights into the Theory of Giffen Goods (12 October 2011): pp. 21-38.

Banerjee, Sanjibani and Barnett, William A. and Duzhak, Evgeniya A. and Gopalan, Ramu (2011): Bifurcation Analysis of Zellner's Marshallain Macroeconomic Model.

Banica, Logica and Rosca, Doina and Stefan, Cristian (2009): A software for project management process. Published in: Proceedings of the Romanian Academy , Vol. 10, No. 2 (4 May 2009): pp. 1-9.

Barbanel, Julius B. and Brams, Steven J. (2011): Two-person cake-cutting: the optimal number of cuts.

Barlo, Mehmet and Ozdogan, Ayca (2011): Optimality of linearity with collusion and renegotiation.

Barnett, William and Bella, Giobanni and Ghosh, Taniya and Mattana, Paolo and Venturi, Beatrice (2020): Shilnikov Chaos, Low Interest Rates, and New Keynesian Macroeconomics.

Barnett, William and Bella, Giovanni and Ghosh, Taniya and Mattana, Paolo and Venturi, Beatrice (2021): Chaos in the UK New Keynesian Macroeconomy.

Barnett, William A. and Bella, Giovanni and Ghosh, Taniya and Mattana, Paolo and Venturi, Beatrice (2022): Controlling Chaos in New Keynesian Macroeconomics.

Barnett, William A. and Eryilmaz, Unal (2012): Hopf bifurcation in the Clarida, Gali, and Gertler model.

Barnett, William A. and Eryilmaz, Unal (2022): Monetary Policy and Determinacy: An Inquiry in Open Economy New Keynesian Framework.

Barnett, William A. and Eryilmaz, Unal (2012): An analytical and numerical search for bifurcations in open economy New Keynesian models.

Barnett, William A. and Serletis, Apostolos and Serletis, Demitre (2012): Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics in Economics.

Barthel, Jens (2007): Environmental policy in dynamic models with pollution by consumers: The greening and blackening of preferences.

Barthel, Jens (2007): Environmental policy in dynamic models with pollution by consumers: The impact of exogenous shocks and dozy politicians.

Barthel, Jens (2005): Environmental policy in dynamic models: The impact of the elasticity of substitution if consumers pollute.


Batchuluun, Altantsetseg and Luo, Yulei and Young, Eric (2014): Portfolio Choice with Information-Processing Limits.

Bazdresch, Santiago and Kahn, R. Jay and Whited, Toni (2011): Empirical policy functions as benchmarks for evaluation of dynamic models.

Beard, Rodney (2008): End-Point versus Point of Sale Levying of Plant Breeding Royalties: An Economic Analysis using Optimal Control Theory.

Beard, Rodney (2008): A dynamic model of renewable resource harvesting with Bertrand competition.

Bechlioulis, Alexandros and Brissimis, Sophocles (2014): Consumer default and optimal consumption decisions.

Beg, Ismat and Rashid, Tabasam (2012): Multi-criteria trapezoidal valued intuitionistic fuzzy decision making with Choquet integral based TOPSIS. Published in: OPSEARCH , Vol. 51, No. 1 (10 March 2014): pp. 98-129.

Beg, Ismat and Syed, Ayesha (2016): An interactive fuzzy judgment aggregation model for consensus with partially undecided judges. Published in: Journal Fuzzy Mathematics , Vol. 26, No. 4 (18 December 2018): pp. 809-815.

Belegri-Roboli, Athena and Markaki, Maria and Michaelides, Panayotis G. and Milios, John G. and Papakyriakopoulos, Thymios and Tsolas, Ioannis (2006): Design and Implementation of a Database for the Estimation of Environmental Indicators in an Input - Output Framework with the Use of NAMEA Tables. Published in: WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 98, © 2006 WIT Press , Vol. Vol 98, : pp. 329-336.

Bell, William Paul (2009): Adaptive interactive expectations: dynamically modelling profit expectations.

Bell, William Paul (2008): Adaptive interactive profit expectations using small world networks and runtime weighted model averaging. Published in: Biomedical Applications of Micro- and Nanoengineering IV and Complex Systems (Proceedings Volume) , Vol. 7270, (30 December 2008)

Bell, William Paul (2009): Network Averaging: a technique for determining a proxy for the dynamics of networks.

Ben Youssef, Slim and Breton, Michèle and Zaccour, Georges (2011): Cooperating firms in inventive and absorptive research.

Bensoussan, Alain and Chutani, Anshuman and Sethi, Suresh (2009): Optimal Cash Management Under Uncertainty. Published in: Operations Research Letters , Vol. 37, No. 6 (November 2009): pp. 425-429.

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2009): Bifurcations in Regional Migration Dynamics.

Bhatt Hakhu, Antra (2010): Productive Public Expenditure and Debt Dynamics: a Theoretical Framework based on Intertemporal Optimization.

Bhattacharyya, Surajit and Chatri, Ankit (2012): Efficiency of Indian Commercial Banks: The Post-Reform Experience from Mergers & Acquisitions.

Bilgili, Faik and Mugaloglu, Erhan and Koçak, Emrah (2018): The impact of oil prices on CO2 emissions in China: A Wavelet coherence approach.

Bisio, Laura and Moauro, Filippo (2017): Temporal disaggregation by dynamic regressions: recent developments in Italian quarterly national accounts. Forthcoming in: Statistica Neerlandica

Bista, Raghu (2019): Accounting Total Factor Productivity of FDI Firm in Nepal. Published in: Journal of Advanced Research in Business Law and Technology Management , Vol. 2, No. 1 (13 July 2019): pp. 1-6.

Blake, Andrew P. and Kirsanova, Tatiana (2006): Discretionary Policy and Multiple Equilibria in LQ RE Models.

Bondzie, Eric Amoo and Fosu, Gabriel Obed and Obu-Cann, Ernest (2013): Technological shocks mechanism on Macroeconomic Variables: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) approach. Published in: Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science , Vol. 2, No. 2 (February 2014): pp. 10-20.

Bongers, Anelí and Molinari, Benedetto and Torres, José L. (2022): Computers, Programming and Dynamic General Equilibrium Macroeconomic Modeling.

Boyarchenko, Svetlana and Levendorskii, Sergei (2010): Optimal stopping in Levy models, for non-monotone discontinuous payoffs.

Brams, Steven and Ismail, Mehmet S. and Kilgour, Marc (2023): Fairer Shootouts in Soccer: The m-n Rule.

Brams, Steven and Landweber, Peter (2018): 3 Persons, 2 Cuts: A Maximin Envy-Free and a Maximally Equitable Cake-Cutting Algorithm.

Brams, Steven and Potthoff, Richard (2015): The Paradox of Grading Systems.

Brams, Steven J. and Camilo, Gustavo and Franz, Alexandra D. (2011): Coalition formation in the U.S. Supreme Court: 1969-2009.

Brams, Steven J. and Ismail, Mehmet S. (2016): Making the Rules of Sports Fairer.

Brams, Steven J. and Jones, Michael A. and Klamler, Christian (2011): N-Person cake-cutting: there may be no perfect division.

Brams, Steven J. and Kilgour, D. Marc (2011): When does approval voting make the "right choices"?

Brams, Steven J. and Kilgour, D. Marc and Klamler, Christian (2021): Two-Person Fair Division of Indivisible Items when Envy-Freeness Is Impossible.

Breitenbach, Marthinus C and Ngobeni, Victor and Aye, Goodness (2020): Efficiency of Healthcare Systems in the first wave of COVID-19 - a technical efficiency analysis.

Brissimis, Sophocles and Zervopoulos, Panagiotis (2011): Developing a step-by-step effectiveness assessment model for customer-oriented service organizations.

Brissimis, Sophocles N. and Bechlioulis, Alexandros P. (2017): The link between consumption and leisure under Cobb-Douglas preferences:Some new evidence.

Brito, Paulo and Marini, Giancarlo and Piergallini, Alessandro (2016): House Prices and Monetary Policy.

Brock, William and Xepapadeas, Anastasios (2008): General Pattern Formation in Recursive Dynamical Systems Models in Economics.

Brock, William and Xepapadeas, Anastasios (2008): Pattern Formation, Spatial Externalities and Regulation in Coupled Economic-Ecological Systems.

Brown, Adam and Badurdeen, Fazleena (2014): Supply Chain Disruption Management: Review of Issues and Research Directions. Published in: Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (3 June 2014)

Buer, Tobias and Kopfer, Herbert (2012): A Pareto-metaheuristic for a bi-objective winner determination problem in a combinatorial reverse auction.

Cabo, Francisco and Martín-Román, Ángel L. (2017): Dynamic collective bargaining. Frictional effects under open-shop industrial relations.

Cajas Guijarro, John (2023): A Classical Marxian Two-Sector Endogenous Cycle Model: Integrating Marx, Dutt, and Goodwin.

Cajas Guijarro, John (2023): An Extended Goodwin Model with Endogenous Technical Change: Theory and Simulation for the US Economy (1960-2019).

Cajas Guijarro, John (2024): Two Dynamic Models of Distributive and Financial Endogenous Cycles.

Carbajal De Nova, Carolina (2014): Synthetic data: an endogeneity simulation.

Casasnovas, Valero L. and Aldanondo, Ana M. (2014): Input aggregation bias in technical efficiency with multiple criteria analysis.

Casella, Bruno and Roberts, Gareth O. and Stramer, Osnat (2011): Stability of Partially Implicit Langevin Schemes and Their MCMC Variants. Published in: Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability , Vol. 13, No. 4 (1 December 2011): pp. 835-854.

Ceddia, M Graziano (2010): Managing infectious diseases over connected populations: a non-convex optimal control.

Ceparano, Maria Carmela and Quartieri, Federico (2015): Nash equilibrium uniqueness in nice games with isotone best replies.

Ceparano, Maria Carmela and Quartieri, Federico (2015): Nash equilibrium uniqueness in nice games with isotone best replies.

Ceparano, Maria Carmela and Quartieri, Federico (2015): Nash equilibrium uniqueness in nice games with isotone best replies.

Cerqueti, Roy and Falbo, Paolo and Pelizzari, Cristian (2010): Relevant States and Memory in Markov Chain Bootstrapping and Simulation.

Cerulli, Giovanni (2020): A Super-Learning Machine for Predicting Economic Outcomes.

Chalabi, Yohan and Wuertz, Diethelm (2012): Portfolio optimization based on divergence measures.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2017): Can we Identify the Fed's Preferences?

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2020): Hopf Bifurcation from new-Keynesian Taylor rule to Ramsey Optimal Policy. Published in: Macroeconomic Dyanmics (18 January 2020): pp. 1-33.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2020): How Macroeconomists Lost Control of Stabilization Policy: Towards Dark Ages. Forthcoming in: The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought , Vol. 6, No. 27 (2020)

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2021): Imperfect Credibility versus No Credibility of Optimal Monetary Policy. Published in: Revue Economique , Vol. 1, No. 72 (2021): pp. 43-63.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2020): Policy Maker's Credibility with Predetermined Instruments for Forward-Looking Targets. Published in: Revue d'Economie Politique , Vol. 5, No. 130 (31 October 2020): pp. 823-846.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2020): Ramsey Optimal Policy in the New-Keynesian Model with Public Debt. Forthcoming in: Macroeconomic Dynamics

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2017): A Simple Algorithm for Solving Ramsey Optimal Policy with Exogenous Forcing Variables.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2019): A Simple Algorithm for Solving Ramsey Optimal Policy with Exogenous Forcing Variables. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 4, No. 39 (25 October 2019): pp. 2429-2440.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2014): Stability and Identification with Optimal Macroprudential Policy Rules.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten (2020): The Welfare of Ramsey Optimal Policy Facing Auto-Regressive Shocks. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 2, No. 40 (24 June 2020): pp. 1797-1803.

Chatterjee, Sidharta (2011): The Neuroeconomics of Learning and Information Processing; Applying Markov Decision Process.

Chattopadhyay, Siddhartha and Agrawal, Manasi (2015): An Algorithm for Solving Simple Sticky Information New Keynesian DSGE Model. Published in: Trade and Development Review , Vol. 8, No. 2 (1 December 2015): pp. 120-137.

Chatzarakis, Nikolaos and Tsaliki, Persefoni and Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2022): Does the Labour Theory of Value Explain Economic Growth? A Modern Classical View.

Chen, Kaihua (2014): Weighted Additive DEA Models Associated with Dataset Standardization Techniques.

Cheng, Gang and Qian, Zhenhua and Zervopoulos, Panagiotis (2011): Overcoming the infeasibility of super-efficiency DEA model: a model with generalized orientation.

Cheng, Gang and Zervopoulos, Panagiotis (2012): A generalized directional distance function in data envelopment analysis and its application to a cross-country measurement of health efficiency.

Cheng, Gang and Zervopoulos, Panagiotis (2012): A proxy approach to dealing with the infeasibility problem in super-efficiency data envelopment analysis.

Cheng, Gang and Zervopoulos, Panagiotis and Qian, Zhenhua (2011): A variant of radial measure capable of dealing with negative inputs and outputs in data envelopment analysis.

Chergui, M. E-A and Moulai, M. (2007): An exact method for a discrete multiobjective linear fractional optimization. Published in: Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences (17 March 2008)

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1976): Economic Development and Efficiency Criteria in the Satisfaction of Basic Needs. Published in: Applied Mathematical Modelling , Vol. 1, No. no. 6 (September 1977): pp. 290-297.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1993): Topoloy and economics: the contributions of S. Smale. Published in: Topology to Computation, Proceedings of the Smalefest (1993): pp. 147-161.

Chichilnisky, Graciela and Kalman, P.J. (1979): Comparative statics and dynamics of optimal choice models in Hilbert spaces. Published in: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications , Vol. 70, No. No. 2 (August 1979): pp. 490-504.

Chichilnisky, Graciela and Kalman, P.J. (1977): Properties of critical points and operators in economics. Published in: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications , Vol. 57, No. no. 2 (February 1977): pp. 340-349.

Chodak, Grzegorz (2009): Genetic algorithms in forecasting of Internet shops demand. Published in: Information systems architecture and technology : system analysis in decision aided problems (2009): pp. 59-68.

Chodak, Grzegorz and Kwaśnicki, Witold (2000): Genetic algorithms in seasonal demand forecasting. Published in: Information Systems Architecture and Technology '2000 (2000): pp. 91-99.

Chun, So Yeon and Kleywegt, Anton and Shapiro, Alexander (2013): Resource Exchange Seller Alliances.

Chun, So Yeon and Kleywegt, Anton J and Shapiro, Alexander (2011): Revenue management in resource exchange seller alliances.

Ciuiu, Daniel (2009): Linear Programming by Solving Systems of Differential Equations Using Game Theory. Published in: Proceedings of the 9-th Balkan Conference on Operational Research, September 02-06 2009, Constanta, Romania (August 2009): pp. 72-78.

Commendatore, Pasquale and Panico, Carlo and Pinto, Antonio (2007): Composition of public expenditure, effective demand, distribution and growth.

Corbin, Charles (2014): Assessing Impact of Large-Scale Distributed Residential HVAC Control Optimization on Electricity Grid Operation and Renewable Energy Integration. Published in: (14 May 2014)

Costa Junior, Celso Jose (2012): Institutional Barrier and the World Income Distribution. Published in: Procedia Economics and Finance 1 , Vol. 1, (2012): pp. 71-80.

Creti, Anna and Villeneuve, Bertrand (2008): Equilibrium Storage in a Markov Economy.

DAS GUPTA, SUPRATIM (2018): Using real options to study the impact of capacity additions and investment expenditures in renewable energies in India.

Da-Rocha, Jose-Maria and García-Cutrin, Javier and Gutierrez, Maria Jose (2016): Harvesting Control Rules that deal with Scientific Uncertainty.

Dai, Darong (2011): Modeling the minimum time needed to economic maturity.

Dai, Darong (2011): Modeling the minimum time needed to economic maturity.

Dai, Darong (2011): Stochastic Versions of Turnpike Theorems in the Sense of Uniform Topology. Forthcoming in: Annals of Economics and Finance

Dai, Darong (2011): Time as an Endogenous Random Variable Smoothly Embedded into Preference Manifold.

Dai, Darong (2011): Wealth Martingale and Neighborhood Turnpike Property in Dynamically Complete Market with Heterogeneous Investors. Forthcoming in: Economic Research Guardian

Daianu, Daniel and Albu, Lucian-Liviu (1996): Strain and the inflation - unemployment relationship: a conceptual and empirical investigation. Published in: Ace Project Memoranda, Department of Economics, University of Leicester , Vol. 96, No. 15 : pp. 1-39.

Desai, Meghnad and Veneziani, Roberto (2005): Rosa Luxemburg’s critique of Marx’s schemes of reproduction: a re-evaluation and a possible generalisation.

Desiderio, Saul and Chen, Siyan (2012): Long-run consequences of debt in a stock-flow consistent network economy.

Desogus, Marco and Casu, Elisa (2022): Chaos, granularity, and instability in economic systems of countries with emerging market economies: relationships between GDP growth rate and increasing internal inequality. Published in: Journal of International Business and Economics , Vol. 22, No. 4 (December 2022): pp. 5-25.

Desogus, Marco and Casu, Elisa (2021): Economic System Entanglement on Intra-Firm Trade Portfolios: The Impact of Counterparty Credit Ratings on Business-to-Business Credit Dynamics. Published in: International Mathematical Forum , Vol. 16, No. 3 (2021): pp. 107-124.

Desogus, Marco and Casu, Elisa (2020): What Are the Impacts of Credit Crunch on the Bank-Enterprise System? An Analysis Through Dynamic Modeling and an Italian Dataset. Published in: Applied Mathematical Sciences , Vol. 14, No. 14 (2020): pp. 679-703.

Desogus, Marco and Casu, Elisa (2021): A survey on macroeconomic data and trends in the Eurozone and a control dashboard model based on the KAM and Nekhoroshev theorems and the Hénon attractor. Published in: Journal of Academy of Business and Economics , Vol. 21, No. 3 (2021): pp. 67-85.

Di Bartolomeo, Giovanni and Bondzie, Eric Amoo and Fosu, Gabriel Obed (2014): Oil Price fluctuations and it impact on Economic Growth: A DSGE approach. Published in: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences , Vol. 4, No. 2 (February 2014): pp. 217-242.

Diallo, Ibrahima Amadou (2018): How Internal Violence Lowers Economic Growth: A Theoretical and Empirical Study.

Diallo, Ibrahima Amadou (2015): On the link between real exchange rate misalignment and growth: theory and empirical evidence.

Diallo, Ibrahima Amadou (2014): The environmental Kuznets curve in a public spending model of economic growth.

Diallo, Ibrahima Amadou (2017): The role of human assets in economic growth: theory and empirics.

Didenko, Alexander and Demicheva, Svetlana (2013): Application of Ensemble Learning for Views Generation in Meucci Portfolio Optimization Framework. Published in: Review of Business and Economics Studies , Vol. 1, No. 1 (September 2013): pp. 100-110.

Dominique, C-Rene (2016): Analyzing Market Economies From the Perspective of Information Production, Policy, and Self-organized Equilibrium. Published in: Expert Journal of Economics , Vol. 4, No. (1) (4 April 2016): pp. 14-23.

Dominique, C-Rene (2018): Assessing the Entropies of the Feigenbaum Strange Attractor and the S&P-500 Index as Factors Driving the Production of Information in Market Economies.

Dominique, C-Rene (2015): How Market Economies Come to Live and Grow on the Edge of Chaos.

Dominique, C-Rene (2014): On Market Economies: How Controllable Constructs Become Complex.

Du, Zaichuan (2024): Solving Heterogeneous agent models in Continuous Time with Adaptive Sparse Grids.

Dubrocard, Anne and Prombo, Michel (2012): International comparison of Environmental performance.

Dura, Codruta and Isac, Claudia (2007): Optimizing the Managerial Decision in Energetic Industry.

Dvoskin, Ariel and Fratini, Saverio M. (2015): On the Samuelson-Etula Master Function and Marginal Productivity: some old and new critical remarks.

Dziewulski, Pawel (2014): Revealed time-preference.

Eder, Andreas (2017): Cost efficiency and economies of diversification of biogas-fuelled cogeneration plants in Austria: a nonparametric approach.

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