Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "M3 - Marketing and Advertising"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 159.


Amroush, Fadi (2009): استخدام تقنيات الذكاء الصنعي لاختيار أمثل نظام إداة علاقات مع الزبائن ملائم لاحتياجات شركة ما. Published in: Master thesis - Faculity of electrical Engineering - No. Computer enfineering DPT

Lahny, Moh Abduttawwab (2019): (التسويق الشبكي عند فتوى دار الإفتاء المصرية و فتوى مجلس العلماء الإندونيسي (دراسة مقارنة.

Metali, Dr (2016): اتجاهات المستهلكين الجزائريين نحو التسوق عبر الانترنت: دراسة ميدانية. Published in: Journal of Economic and Financial Studies , Vol. Vol 6, No. 2352 - 9822 (December 2016): pp. 81-104.


Tang, Linyao (2010): 放任与管制的或此或彼:俄罗斯市场转型录. Published in: China Modern Economic Publishing House , Vol. CIP(20, No. ISBN987511903051 (July 2010): pp. 1-250.


Abdelmaged, Mohamed Adel Mahmoud (2021): Implementation of Virtual Reality in Healthcare, Entertainment, Tourism, Education, and Retail Sectors.

Adesina, Toheeb (2025): AI Agents in the Advertising Industry. Published in: Journal of Marketing

Ahmad, Nadia (2023): Reasons for the Decline of Bicycle Industry in Pakistan.

Ahmed, Muhammad Bilal and Wasey, Ejaz and Jhanndir, Saif Ullah (2012): Impact Of Employee Motivation On Customer Satisfaction: Study Of Airline Industry In Pakistan. Published in: Interdisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research In Business , Vol. VOL 4,, No. NO 6 (1 October 2012): pp. 532-539.

Alam Kazmi, Syed Hasnain (2015): Brand the Pricing: Critical Critique. Published in: International Journal of Marketing Studies , Vol. 7, No. 3 (1 June 2015): pp. 125-128.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Fattahi, Hamaid Ali and Golnam, Arash (2008): Virtual marketing in virtual enterprises. Published in: In: 2nd International Marketing Management conference, Tehran, Iran. pp. 1-12. (22 January 2008): pp. 1-12.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Salehi, Hadi and Embi, Mohamed Amin and Habibi Tanha, Farid and Gholizadeh, Hossein and Motahar, Seyed Mohammad and Ordi, Ali (2013): Effective Strategies for Increasing Citation Frequency. Published in: International Education Studies , Vol. 6, No. 11 (23 October 2013): pp. 93-99.

Ali, Emmad (2022): Negative Influence of Electronic Advertising - Specifically Televison in Shaping the Behavior and Preferences of Children in Ages (10-14).

Ali, Hassan and Azhar, Maham and Zain, Marium and Shekhani, Hira and Muhammad Iqbal, Fahad (2022): How E-Learning Is Reshaping the Education Industry of Developing Economy? An Evidence from PLS-SEM Approach.

Alvi, Mohsin and Ikram, Midra and Mirza, Mohammad Haris and Khan, M. Mubashir Q. (2016): The Perception of People Regarding Selection of Petrol Pump in Karachi. Published in: Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) , Vol. 2, No. 7 (9 June 2016): pp. 380-382.

Alvi, Mohsin and Siddiqui, Bilal (2013): An Empirical Analysis of New Product by Using Models of Market Research (2013).

Amankwah-Amoah, Joseph (2014): Coming of age, seeking legitimacy: The historical trajectory of African management research. Forthcoming in: Critical Perspectives on International Business

Amankwah-Amoah, Joseph (2017): Human Capital Flows in Failing Organizations: An Integrated Conceptual Framework. Forthcoming in: Journal of Intellectual Capital

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2007): Innovations spread more like wildfires than like infections.

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2008): The inhibited (exhibited) spread of innovations.

Anandya, Dudi (2010): The Direct and Indirect Effect of Exchange to Build Customer Loyalty in Social Network Sites. Published in: Proceeding of first JIIC , Vol. 1, No. 1 (16 April 2010)

Armstrong, J. Scott (1991): Prediction of Consumer Behavior by Experts and Novices. Published in: Journal of Consumer Research No. 18 (1991): pp. 251-256.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Morwitz, Vicki G. and Kumar, V. (2000): Sales Forecasts for Existing Consumer Products and Services: Do Purchase Intentions Contribute to Accuracy? Published in: International Journal of Forecasting No. 16 (2000): pp. 383-397.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Overton, Terry (1971): Brief vs. comprehensive descriptions in measuring intentions to purchase. Published in: Journal of Marketing Research No. 8 (1971): pp. 114-117.

Armstrong, Mark (2014): Search and Ripoff Externalities.

Armstrong, Mark and Chen, Yongmin (2012): Discount pricing.

Aykut, Arslan (2008): Boosting Total Relationship Marketing. Published in: Electronic Journal of Social Sciences , Vol. 7, No. 25 (July 2008): pp. 139-156.

Azam, Rehan and Muhammad, Danish and Syed Akbar, Suleman (2012): Consumption style among young adults toward their shopping behavior:an empirical study in Pakistan.

Azevedo, Susana and Pereira, Madalena and Ferreira, João and Pedroso, Vilma (2008): Consumer Buying behaviour in Fashion Retailing: Empirical Evidencies.

Baig, Mirza Wahid (2022): The Impact of Brand Personality on Brand Equity and the Marketing Strategies to Dealing with such Issues.

Batiz-Lazo, Bernardo and Martínez-Rodríguez, Susana (2022): Gender and the financialization of Spanish retail banking, 1949-1970.

Bharath, Josiam and Sadiq, Sohail and Prema, Monteiro (2007): CURRY CUISINE: PERCEPTIONS OF INDIAN RESTAURANTS IN MALAYSIA. Published in: TOURISMOS: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism , Vol. 2, No. 2 (November 2007): pp. 25-37.

Botteon Costa, Raone and Ferman, Bruno and Monte, Daniel (2020): Baggage fees in airlines: Is this a good idea?

Bucoy, Abigail Irene and Moreno, Frede (2024): Evaluating the Efficacy of Community-Based Tourism as a Strategic Public Administration Initiative for Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Zamboanga City, Philippines.

Castillo-Sam, Eva Marie and Tormis, Jeaneth and Murcia, John Vianne (2016): A Model of Business Innovation in the Context of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Davao Del Sur.

Chen, Yongmin and Zhang, Tianle (2014): Interpersonal Bundling.

Chi, Feng and Yang, Nathan (2010): Twitter Adoption in Congress.

Cova, Bernard and Dalli, Daniele (2009): Working Consumers: The Next Step in Marketing Theory? Published in: Marketing Theory , Vol. 9, No. 3 (2009): pp. 315-339.

Dang, Son-Hoang and Nguyen, Luan-Thanh (2023): What drives customer loyalty in social commerce sector? PLS-SEM approach. Forthcoming in: The 5th International Conference on Business (ICB) 2023 (January 2024)

Dridi, Dhouha and Ben Youssef, Slim (2015): A Game Theoretic Framework for Competing/Cooperating Retailers under price and advertising dependent demand.

Dridi, Dhouha and Ben Youssef, Slim (2015): Local advertising externalities and cooperation in one manufacturer-two retailers channel.

Dridi, Dhouha and Ben Youssef, Slim (2015): Local advertising externalities and cooperation in one manufacturer-two retailers channel with exogenous marginal profits.

Erdem, Tulin and Broniarczyk, Susan and Charavarti, Dipankar and Kapferer, Jean-Noel and Keane, Michael and Roberts, John and Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict and Swait, Joffre and Zettelmeyer, Florian (1999): Brand Equity, Consumer Learning and Choice. Published in: Marketing Letters , Vol. 10:3, (1999): pp. 301-318.

Erdem, Tulin and Imai, Susumu and Keane, Michael (2003): Brand and Quantity Choice Dynamics Under Price Uncertainty. Published in: Quantitative Marketing and Economics , Vol. 1:1, (2003): pp. 5-64.

Estrada, Fernando (2012): Asymmetric information and financial markets.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Theory of argumentation in financial markets.

Farhadi, Hadi and Salehi, Hadi and Md Yunus, Melor and Arezoo, Aghaei Chadegani and Farhadi, Maryam and Fooladi, Masood and Ale Ebrahim, Nader (2012): Does it Matter Which Citation Tool is Used to Compare the H-Index of a Group of Highly Cited Researchers? Published in: Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences , Vol. 7, No. 4 (27 March 2013): pp. 198-202.

Ghaznavi, Saeeda Naz and Ali, Syed Yousuf and Mahmood Khan, Neha and Fatima, Mahrukh and Shakoor, Iqra (2022): Factors That Motivates Fake News Sharing Among Social Media Users: A Case of an Emerging Economy.

Ghori, Muhammad Ashhad and Imran, Syed Monis and Pervaiz, Javeria and Aiman, Umm e Aiman (2022): How Motivational Factors Affect the Online Shopping Behavior: An Insight of Developing Economy Consumers.

González, Pablo Rodríguez and Molina, Oscar (2009): Spanish Tourist Behaviour: A Specific Objective-base Segmantation. Published in: TOURISMOS: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism , Vol. 4, No. 3 (15 November 2009): pp. 185-203.

Goslar, Alex (2018): Marketing Chapter 3. Published in: BrandAge Magazine; Brand Clinic, Thaicoon BrandAge Holding, Bangkok, Thailand , Vol. 04/18, No. April 2018 (30 April 2018): pp. 101-103.

Goslar, Alex (2016): Marketing Communication. Published in: BrandAge Magazine; Brand Clinic, Thaicoon BrandAge Holding, Bangkok, Thailand , Vol. 10/16, No. October 2016 (31 October 2016): pp. 75-77.

Goslar, Alex (2016): Marketing Inspired Branding. Published in: BrandAge Magazine; Brand Clinic, Thaicoon BrandAge Holding, Bangkok, Thailand , Vol. 01/16, No. January 2016 (30 January 2016): pp. 103-107.

Greiff, Matthias and Egbert, Henrik and Xhangolli, Kreshnik (2013): Pay What You Want – But Pay Enough! Information Asymmetries and PWYW Pricing.

H., Sujaya and S., Meghana and Aithal, Sreeramana (2019): Challenges Associated with Running A Green Business in India and Other Developing Countries. Published in: International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT, and Education (IJCSBE) ISSN: 2581-6942. , Vol. 3, No. 1 (May 2019): pp. 35-47.

H. R., Ganesha and Aithal, Sreeramana (2020): Rational Organizational Structure: For Brick-and-Mortar Lifestyle Retailers in India to Overcome Diseconomies of Scale and Protect Firm’s Sustainability (ROLS-b). Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) , Vol. 5, No. 2 (18 August 2020): pp. 42-61.

H. R., Ganesha and Aithal, Sreeramana (2020): Theory of Brick-and-Mortar Retailing in India (ToR-b). Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) , Vol. 5, No. 2 (30 August 2020): pp. 116-132.

H. R., Ganesha and Aithal, Sreeramana and P., Kirubadevi (2020): Changes in Consumer Perspective towards Discount at Brick-and-Mortar Stores owing to Emergence of Online Store Format in India. Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) ISSN : 2581-6012 , Vol. 5, No. 1 (20 April 2020): pp. 43-83.

H. R., Ganesha and Aithal, Sreeramana and P., Kirubadevi (2020): Experimental Investigation of Cannibalisation by Introducing a Global Brand Abreast Existing Indian Store Brand. Published in: International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML) ISSN: 2581-7000 , Vol. 4, No. 1 (27 April 2020): pp. 10-19.

Hameed, Irfan and Jamal Siddiqui, Siraj and Husain, Javed (2016): Conceptualizing Humor in Advertising: The Moderating Role of Self-Monitoring. Published in: Pakistan Business Review , Vol. 18, No. 3 (2016): pp. 692-709.

Hameed, Irfan and Zainab, Bibi and Shamim, Syed Jazib (2018): Arousal Safety Leading to Purchase Intention; The Role of Moderating and Mediating Variables in Structural Model. Published in: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities , Vol. 57, No. 2 (2018): pp. 77-96.

Hartogh, Matthew (2007): The real thing: a profile of the coca cola company.

Hasan, Aleshba (2023): A Study on the Consumers' Perception and Their Consumption Pattern for Processed Dairy Dairy Products in Karachi.

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz (2011): Effects of Deceptive Advertising on Consumer Loyalty in Telecommunication Industry of Pakistan. Forthcoming in: Information Management and Business Review

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Effect of Trust Factors on Consumer’s Acceptance of Word of Mouth Recommendation. Forthcoming in: European Journal of Social Sciences

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Factors Influencing men’s choice for Eastern Wear. Forthcoming in: European Journal of Scientific Research

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Gifts and sponsored trips for doctors matter more for sales of MNCs?(an application of censored regression). Published in: American Journal of Scientific Research (AJSR) No. 51 (2012): pp. 94-99.

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): A battle between branded and me too brands (unbranded) products. Forthcoming in: American Journal of Scientific Research

Hermans, Olaf and Mutsaerts, Hugo and Olyslager, Luc (2009): Guest Relationship Management Principles as a Reference Point for building a Brand: The Case a Hospitality Group's Brand-building Process. Published in: TOURISMOS: An International Multidisciplinary Refereed Journal of Tourism , Vol. 4, No. 3 (15 November 2009): pp. 15-34.

Hermosilla, Manuel and Gutierrez-Navratil, Fernanda and Prieto-Rodriguez, Juan (2017): Can Emerging Markets Tilt Global Product Design? Impacts of Chinese Colorism on Hollywood Castings.

Horrigan, David (2009): Branded Content: A new Model for driving Tourism via Film and Branding Strategies. Published in: TOURISMOS: An International Multidisciplinary Refereed Journal of Tourism , Vol. 4, No. 3 (15 November 2009): pp. 51-65.

Huberman, Bernardo and Wu, Fang (2006): Comparative Advante and Efficient Advertising in the Attention Economy.

Hussain, Safdar and Ahmed, Wasim and Rabnawaz, Ambar and Jafar, Rana Muhammad Sohail and Saqib, Zulkaif Ahmed and Ullah, Sana and JianZhou, Yang (2016): Client Intentions and Buying Behavior with Regard of Dairy Products-Review. Published in: Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development , Vol. 7, No. 3 (February 2016): pp. 88-95.

Ibrahim Abdullahi, Shafiu (2018): Nigerian economy: business, governance and investment in period of crisis. Forthcoming in:

Isacsson, Annica and Alakoski, Leena and Bäck, Asta (2009): Using Multiple Senses in Tourism Marketing: The Helsinki Expert, Eckero Line and Linnanmaki Amusement Park Cases. Published in: TOURISMOS: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism , Vol. 4, No. 3 (15 November 2009): pp. 167-184.

Jalees, Tariq and Tariq, Huma and Zaman, Syed Imran and Alam Kazmi, Syed Hasnain (2015): Social Media in Virtual Marketing. Published in: Market Forces , Vol. 1, No. 10 (1 June 2015): pp. 15-32.

Jamali, Nisar Ahmed (2006): Upcoming Challenges and Opportunities of Retailing in Pakistan (Supermarket).

Jawaid, Muhammad Hassan and Karim, Emadul (2021): Factors Affecting Consumer Buying Behavior in E-Commerce Business during Outbreak of Covid-19: A Case Study on Top E-Commerce Websites.

Johnson, Catherine and McLaughlin, James (2020): Tourism branding and promotion: A critical approach. Published in: International Journal of Tourism Studies , Vol. 21, No. 2 (7 May 2020): pp. 116-128.

Kamali, Abrar Ahmed Khan (2023): The Customer Relationship Management Practices in Banking Industry.

Kamenidou, Irene and Mamalis, Spyridon and Priporas, Contantinos-Vasilios (2009): Measuring Destination Image and Consumer Choice Criteria: The Case of Mykonos Island. Published in: TOURISMOS: An International Multidisciplinary Refereed Journal of Tourism , Vol. 4, No. 3 (15 November 2009): pp. 67-79.

Koukopoulos, Anastasios and Farmakis, Timoleon and Katiaj, Pavlina and Fraidaki, Katerina and Kavatha, Marina (2024): Apple Vision Pro: A Reddit-Based Sentiment Analysis. Published in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2024)

Koukopoulos, Anastasios and Lounis, Stavros and Farmakis, Timoleon and Vrechopoulos, Adam and Doukidis, Georgios (2023): D&C for EU Funded Projects: Towards an Integrated Omnichannel Dissemination and Communication Framework. Published in:

Koukopoulos, Anastasios and Vrechopoulos, Adam (2020): Integrated Marketing Communications: Pushing the Boundaries through Digital Technologies. Published in: 8th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues

Landon, Stuart and Smith, Constance (1998): Quality expectations, reputation, and price. Published in: Southern Economic Journal , Vol. 64, No. 3 (1998): pp. 628-647.

Landon, Stuart and Smith, Constance (1997): The Use of Quality and Reputation Indicators by Consumers: The Case of Bordeaux Wine. Published in: Journal of Consumer Policy , Vol. 20, (1997): pp. 289-323.

Malhotra, Deepika (2015): Social paradigms of the digital marketing- an Indian perspective of Social Media Marketing. Published in: Munich University Library (2 September 2015)

Manik, Ester and Sidharta, Iwan (2017): The impact of academic service quality on student satisfaction. Published in: International Conference on Accounting, Management, Economics and Social Sciences (May 2017): pp. 1-6.

Martins, Marco (2016): Gastronomic tourism and the creative economy. Published in: Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing , Vol. 2, No. 2 (12 December 2016): pp. 33-37.

Mavragani, Eleni and Nikolaidou, Paraskevi and Theodoraki, Efi (2019): Traveler segmentation through Social Media for intercultural marketing purposes: The case of Halkidiki. Published in: Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing , Vol. 5, No. 1 (15 April 2019): pp. 15-23.

Minten, Bart and Reardon, Thomas and Singh, K.M. and Sutradhar, Rajib (2010): The benefit of cold storages: Evidence from Bihar.

Minten, Bart and Reardon, Thomas and Singh, K.M. and Sutradhar, Rajib (2011): The potato value chain in Bihar: An assessment and policy implications.

Minten, Bart and Singh, K.M. and Sutradhar, Rajib (2011): Branding in food retail of high value crops in Asia: Case of Makhana from Bihar (India).

Minten, Bart and Singh, K.M. and Sutradhar, Rajib (2010): The makhana value chain and the fast emergence of branding in food retail: Evidence from Bihar (India).

Minten, Bart and Singh, K.M. and Sutradhar, Rajib (2011): The rapid emergence of branding in food retail in Asia: Insights from Bihar (India).

Morozan, Cristian and Enache, Elena and Vechiu, Camelia (2009): Evolution of digital marketing.

Murthi, Srinivash and Zhang, Wen and Shaturaev, Jakhongir (2023): Role of Tourism in Ensuring Gender Equity: An Asian Perspective. Forthcoming in: Journal of Tourism Research , Vol. 21, No. 2 (2023): pp. 73-93.

NYONI, THABANI (2017): An empirical investigation of factors affecting the performance of women entrepreneurs in Harare: a case of food vendors.

Neamtu, Liviu (2007): Approaching european market and capital allocation on different external markets. Published in: „Annals of the Oradea University”, fascicle of Economical Science , Vol. vol I-, No. tom XVI (2007): pp. 1060-1062.

Neamtu, Liviu and Neamtu, Adina Claudia (2007): Companies’ market penetration and activity patterns in european market. Published in: Annals of the Oradea University, fascicle of Economical Science , Vol. vol I-, No. tom XVI, (2007): pp. 1063-1067.

Negedu, Godwin and Isik, Abdurrahman (2020): Importance of WhatsApp And Facebook Advertisement on small Business startups in Nigeria: A Case Study of Abuja Municipal Area Council.

Nguyen, Binh Hai Thi and Nguyen, Luan Thanh (2022): Factors affecting consumers' intention to shop online on TikTok social network in Ho Chi Minh City. Published in: Conference on Business Management, Finance, Accounting and Commerce – BFAC 2022 (30 April 2022): pp. 575-588.

Nguyen, Luan-Thanh (2024): Factors Affecting Service Quality and Satisfaction Customers Use of Mobile Commerce in Ho Chi Minh. Forthcoming in: Conference on Economics and Business in the Digital Era – CEBD 2024 (10 February 2024)

Nguyen, Luan-Thanh (2021): Investigating Mobile Payment Adoption During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic in Vietnam: An Imperative Analysis. Forthcoming in: HUFLIT-University's Conference-2021 (9 February 2022): pp. 70-82.

Niros, Meletios and Giannakis, Damian and Niros, Angelica (2022): Digital marketing effects on customer repurchase intentions following the pandemic. A strategic marketing analysis of customer equity dimensions. Published in: Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy, 51st, (107224) (27 May 2022)

Niros, Meletios and Niros, Angelica (2022): Effective digital loyalty strategies in services during COVID-19 pandemic: does digital adoption matter? Published in: 10TH International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (8 July 2022): pp. 339-344.

Niros, Meletios and Niros, Angelica and Omri, Spyridon (2022): Do store atmosphere and playfulness matter during the ongoing pandemic crisis? Published in: 10TH International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (8 July 2022): pp. 333-338.

Ologunebi, John (2023): An analysis of customer retention strategies in e-commerce fashion business in the UK: A case study of Primark.

Ologunebi, John (2023): The marketing strategy to increase Gen Z and Millennials' usability of Asda's website: A case study of ASDA Uk.

Ologunebi, John and Taiwo, Ebenezer (2023): The Importance of SEO and SEM in improving brand visibility in E-commerce industry; A study of Decathlon, Amazon and ASOS. Forthcoming in:

Omar, Emi Normalina and Jaafar, Harlina Suzana and Osman, Muhamad Rahimi and Nasruddin, Faisol (2013): Halalan Toyyiban Supply Chain The New Insights in Sustainable Supply Chain Management. Published in: The 5th International Conference on Logistics and Transport 2013 (ICLT2013) (5 November 2013): p. 137.

Ozili, Peterson K (2025): Digital markets: formative components, regulation, challenges and insights from the European Union Digital Markets Act. Forthcoming in:

Pepe, Cosetta and Musso, Fabio and Risso, Mario (2010): The social responsibility of retailers and small and medium suppliers in international supply chains. Published in: Finanza, Marketing e Produzione No. n. 3 (2010): pp. 32-61.

Perumal, Koshy (2010): Diversity and multiculturalism as a strategy for strengthening Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the global market.

Rashid, Muhammad (2021): A brief perspective on globalization.

Raza, Ali and Karim, Emadul and abbas, omair and Sultan, Prof. Dr. Shair and Hasan, Syed Waqarul (2013): Effect of Branded Components on Consumer Perception of Quality and Brand Preference.

Reddy, Kotapati Srinivasa (2016): Corporate Restructuring in the Asian electronics market: Insights from Philips and Panasonic.

Reddy, Kotapati Srinivasa (2010): Makeup behind the Mirror; Going beyond Delisting? – A Case of NIRMA.

Rhodes, Andrew (2011): Multiproduct pricing and the Diamond Paradox.

S, venkatesh and N, senthilkumar (2015): Effectiveness of humor advertising on advertising success. Published in: International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review , Vol. 1, No. 9 (March 2015): pp. 171-179.

S, venkatesh and N, senthilkumar (2015): Humor in advertising: a review on use of television radio and print advertising media. Published in: International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review , Vol. 2, No. 9 (March 2015): pp. 198-206.

S, venkatesh and N, senthilkumar (2015): Impact of Humor Advertising in Radio and Print Advertising - A Review. Published in: International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology , Vol. 4, No. 2 (March 2015): pp. 276-280.

Sajid, Zoya and Iftikhar, Naba and Ghouri, Ushna and Siddiqui, Humbal and Uddin, Kaleem (2021): Examining the role of consumer satisfaction within mobile eco-systems: Evidence from mobile banking services.

Satria, Rd. Okky and Suzanto, Boy and Sidharta, Iwan (2015): Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty through Student Perception on Mobile Broadband Usage Based On Consumer Satisfaction Index Model. Published in: International Journal of Business Quantitative Economics and Applied Management Research , Vol. 2, No. 5 (15 October 2015): pp. 56-71.

Serrano-Arcos, Mª Mar and Sánchez-Fernández, Raquel and Pérez-Mesa, Juan Carlos and Riefler, Petra (2022): A Review of Consumer Affinity Research: Recent Advances and Future Directions. Published in: International Marketing Review , Vol. 39, No. 5

Shin, Donghee and Shin, Hyeun-Dae (2020): Demystifying university rankings and their impact on reputation among consumers of higher education. Published in: Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing , Vol. 6, No. 3 (30 October 2020): pp. 35-45.

Simbanegavi, Witness (2008): Loss leader or low margin leader? Advertising and the degree of product differentiation.

Soomro, Yasir Ali (2019): Antecedents of brand loyalty in the fashion industry of Pakistan: Moderating effect of Individual-level collectivist values. Published in: Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation , Vol. 6, No. 1 (1 June 2019): pp. 33-46.

Soproni, Luminita and Stoica, Alina and Drinda, Roxana (2009): Placing Romania in the European and International Market: The Role of Image in building a Nation Identity. Published in: Luminita Soproni, Ioan Horga (eds.), Media and European Diversity/ Médias et Diversité Européenne, Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2012 , Vol. 8, No. Collection Voisinages Europeens (May 2012): pp. 239-254.

Sorizo, Reena Beth and Densing, Filjhon and Tura, Regine and Balacy, Garnette Mae (2016): Characterizing Life Insurance Marketing: Clients' Perspectives.

Spyridou, Anastasia (2017): Perceived Service Quality and Customer Revisiting Intention: The Case of “all you can eat” Asian Restaurants in Southern Taiwan. Published in: Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing , Vol. 3, No. 2 (31 December 2017): pp. 30-38.

Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Hasan, Syed Akif and Osman, Ms. Amber (2012): Do consumers buy bread and diamond with the same attachment? Published in: Science Series Data Report , Vol. 4, No. 2 (2012): pp. 42-49.

Syahputra, S (2018): Impact Of Sales Management Control Strategy On Sales Perfomance In Life Insurance Sector.

Tanveer, Muhammad and Kaur, Harsandaldeep and Paruthi, Mandakini and Thomas, George and Mahmood, Haider (2021): Mobile Phone Buying Decisions Among Young Adults: An Empirical Study of Influencing Factors.

Tausch, Arno (2008): On the world market trajectory of 21 major book publishing companies in globalization and European studies in 100+ countries. From “Amsterdam University Press” via “Palgrave” and “Nova Science Publishers” to Transaction Publishers” by international, 19 indicator comparison.

Vespignani, Joaquin L. (2012): Modelling asymmetric consumer demand response: Evidence from scanner data.

Yang, Bill Huajian (2022): Modeling Path-Dependent State Transition by a Recurrent Neural Network. Forthcoming in: Big Data and Information Analytics

Yousuf, Sukaina (2021): Evolving Trend of Manufacturer-Retailer Outlets in the Textile Sector of Pakistan.

Zaman, Yaser (2025): Investigating the Relationship of eWOM with Consumers’ Purchase Intentions: Moderating Role of Website Characteristics.

Zenetti, German (2010): A Note on 'Bayesian analysis of the random coefficient model using aggregate data', an alternative approach.

Zia, Syeda Hamna and Muneer, Naima and Siddiqui, Amna and Huda, Rozmeen (2022): The Impact of Perceived Social Media Activities On Consumer-Based Brand Equity: A Perspective from Emerging Economy.

Zimmermann, Thomas A. (2002): Doing Business in Mexico. Published in:

Zouni, Georgia and Digkas, Dimitrios (2019): Marketing suggestions for multi-religious tourism development: The case of Thessaloniki. Published in: Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing , Vol. 5, No. 2 (30 November 2019): pp. 36-42.


Ahsina, Khalifa and Ettahir, Noura (2019): La marque ville comme déterminant de l’attractivité des territoires au Maroc : Proposition d’un modèle conceptuel.

Cova, Bernard and Paranque, Bernard (2009): Maketing: le défi à relever.

Roulet, Thomas (2015): Qu’il est bon d’être méchant! Paradoxe de l’illégitimité organisationnelle dans le contexte des banques d’investissement. Forthcoming in: Revue Francaise de Gestion (1 June 2015)


Tausch, Arno (2015): Die Buchpublikationen der Nobelpreis-Ökonomen und die führenden Buchverlage der Disziplin. Eine bibliometrische Analyse.


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Tampubolo, Bantu and Purba, Martin (2015): Pengaruh Citra Merek Dan Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Melalui Minat Beli (Studi Kasus Pada KASKUS). Published in: Jurnal Konsep Bisnis dan Manajemen , Vol. Vol. 2, No. No. 1 (1 November 2015): pp. 21-35.


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Natali, Starovoytova and Victor, Stukach (2017): Продовольственное обеспечение нуждающихся: концепция социально ориентированного сельского хозяйства, институциональная среда продовольственной помощи населению, потенциал органического земледелия, пилотные проекты. Forthcoming in: Омский ГАУ , Vol. 150, No. Внутренняя продовольственная помощь нуждающимся слоям населения (2017): p. 216.

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