Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "O3 - Innovation ; Research and Development ; Technological Change ; Intellectual Property Rights"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 690.


Abozaid, Abdulazeem (2018): هل تعترف الشرعية بثمنية العملات الرقمية المشفرة. Published in: ISRA International journal of Islamic Finance (IJIF) , Vol. 9, No. 2 (December 2018)

Attia, Sayed (2016): التصنيع قاطرة التنمية الشاملة في مصر.

Chiad, Faycal (2019): التمويل الجماعي الإسلامي: فرص بديلة للتمويل في العالم العربي. Published in: مجلة الإدارة والتنمية للبحوث والدراسات , Vol. 8, No. 1 (June 2019)

Nabi, Mahmoud Sami (2021): لتشع تونس من جديد. Published in:


Abbasov, Ali and Ibrahimov, Oktay (2019): Dünya sosial-iqtisadi həyatın rəqəmsallaşması: qlobal trendlər, nailiyyətlər və çağırışlar kontekstində Azərbaycanın milli maraqları və inkişaf perspektivləri.

Ibrahimov, Oktay (2022): Qlobal İnternet İqtisadiyyatı: müasir çağırışlar, imkanlar və Azərbaycan üçün açılan perspektivlər.


Bachev, Hrabrin (2019): Дигитализация на селското стопанство и райони в България.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Mihailova, Mihaela (2019): Анализ на състоянието на системата за споделяне на знания и иновации в селското стопанство в България.

Georgieva, Daniela and Mitkova, Milena and Georgieva, Teodora (2022): Глобалните вериги на стойността в селското стопанство по примера на Българските земеделски производители. Published in: KNOWLEDGE – International Journal , Vol. 1, No. 55 (December 2022): pp. 51-56.

Todorova, Tamara (2000): Транснационални корпорации и транзакционни разходи. Published in: The Yearbook of the Varna University of Economics , Vol. 72, (2000): pp. 340-387.

Todorova, Tamara (2000): Транзакционен модел на транснационалната корпорация: тестване в условията на българския пазар.


Agbemabiese, Lawrence and Nyangon, Joseph and Lee, Jae-Seung and Byrne, John (2018): Enhancing Climate Finance Readiness: A Review of Selected Investment Frameworks as Tools of Multilevel Governance. Published in: SSRN Electronic Journal (1 January 2018): pp. 1-44.

Ahmad, Munir and Muhammad, Rafiq and Ali, Asgar (1999): An analysis of technical efficiency of rice farmers in pakistani Punjab. Published in: Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics , Vol. XXII, No. 2 (1999): pp. 79-86.

Aithal, Architha and Aithal, Sreeramana (2018): How and Why Wharton Business School became World Topper – A Case Study on Organizational Quest for Excellence of First US Business School. Published in: International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) , Vol. 7, No. 1 (10 February 2018): pp. 15-42.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Aithal, Shubhrajyotsna (2020): Conceptual Analysis on Higher Education Strategies for various Tech-Generations. Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) ISSN : 2581-6012 , Vol. 5, No. 1 (20 June 2020): pp. 335-351.

Aithal, Sreeramana and L. M., Madhushree (2019): Information Communication & Computation Technology (ICCT) as a Strategic Tool for Industry Sectors. Published in: International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML) , Vol. 3, No. 2 (15 November 2019): pp. 65-80.

Aithal, Sreeramana and V. T., Shailashree and P. M., Suresh Kumar (2016): Analysis of ABC Model of Annual Research Productivity using ABCD Framework. Published in: International Journal of Current Research and Modern Education (IJCRME) , Vol. 1, No. 1 (9 September 2016): pp. 846-858.

Akhabbar, Amanar (2011): Anne P. Carter: a Biographical Presentation. Forthcoming in:

Akimkina, Dariya and Khrustalev, Evgenij (2023): Accelerating the process of forced import substitution using the introduction of the triple spiral model. Published in: Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship No. 9 (20 October 2023): pp. 130-135.

Akinsete, Ebun and Koundouri, Phoebe and Landis, Conrad Felix Michel (2022): Modelling the WEF Nexus to support Sustainable Development: An African Case. Published in:

Akkaya, Cenk (2007): Techonology Based Strategic Alliances: A Turkish Perspective.

Albahari, Alberto and Pérez-Canto, Salvador and Barge-Gil, Andrés and Modrego, Aurelia (2013): Technology Parks versus Science Parks: does the university make the difference?

Aldieri, Luigi (2011): Knowledge spillovers and productivity in Italian manufacturing firms.

Aldubaikhi, Ammar (2015): Portal Environment in Today’s Business.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Taha, Zahari (2010): The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs. Published in: In: The 11th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2010), Melaka, Malaysia. (9 December 2010): pp. 1-6.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Taha, Zahari (2010): Virtual R&D Teams: A potential growth of education-industry collaboration. Published in: In: 2010 2nd International Congress on Engineering Education (ICEED 2010), 8th - 9th December Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (8 December 2010): pp. 7-9.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Salwa Hanim, Salwa Hanim and Taha, Zahari (2011): Technology Use in the Virtual R&D Teams. Published in: American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences , Vol. 5, No. 1 (31 January 2012): pp. 9-14.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): Concurrent Collaboration in Research and Development. Published in: proceeding of National Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering (DECON) 2008, Melaka, Malaysia. (28 October 2008): pp. 1-4.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2010): Critical factors for new product developments in SMEs virtual team. Published in: African Journal of Business Management , Vol. 4, No. 11 (4 September 2010): pp. 2247-2257.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): Dealing with Virtual R&D Teams in New Product Development. Published in: The 9th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference, Nusa Dua, Bali - Indonesia (December 2008): pp. 795-806.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009): Envisages of New Product Developments in Small and Medium Enterprises through Virtual Team. Published in: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Dhaka, Bangladesh (9 January 2010): pp. 1-10.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009): Innovation and R&D Activities in Virtual Team. Published in: European Journal of Scientific Research , Vol. 34, No. 3 (2009): pp. 297-307.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): Literature, Principle and the basics of Network Value Creation in R&D: The relationship with economy. Published in: In: Seventh conference of Industries and Mines R&D Centers- R&D and Network Value Creation, Tehran, Iran. (29 June 2008): pp. 1-8.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009): Modified stage-gate: A conceptual model of virtual product development process. Published in: African Journal of Marketing Management , Vol. 1, No. 9 (2009): pp. 211-219.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): New Product Development in Virtual Environment. Published in: International Conference on Technology Management and Innovation in China: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century, CAMOT 2008, UIBE, Beijing, China, (22 October 2008): pp. 203-218.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): R&D Network and value Creation in SMEs. Published in: In: Seventh conference of Industries and Mines R&D Centers- R&D and Network Value Creation, Tehran, Iran. (30 June 2008): pp. 1-6.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2010): SMEs; Virtual research and development (R&D) teams and new product development: A literature review. Published in: International Journal of the Physical Sciences , Vol. 5, No. 7 (July 2010): pp. 916-930.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009): Virtual R & D teams in small and medium enterprises: A literature review. Published in: Scientific Research and Essays , Vol. 4, No. 13 (December 2009): pp. 1575-1590.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2010): Virtual R&D teams and SMEs growth: A comparative study between Iranian and Malaysian SMEs. Published in: African Journal of Business Management , Vol. 4, No. 11 (4 September 2010): pp. 2368-2379.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009): Virtual Teams for New Product Development – An Innovative Experience for R&D Engineers. Published in: European Journal of Educational Studies , Vol. 1, No. 3 (October 2009): pp. 109-123.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): Virtual teams: A literature review. Published in: Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences , Vol. 3, No. 3 (2009): pp. 2653-2669.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): Virtuality, Innovation and R&D Activities. Published in: 14th International Conference on Thinking (ICOT 2009). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (24 June 2009): pp. 515-529.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009): A conceptual model of virtual product development process. Published in: In: 2nd Seminar on Engineering and Information Technology, (SEIT 2009), Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. (8 July 2009): pp. 191-196.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ghazizadeh, Ali and Golnam, Arash and Tahbaz Tavakoli, Hamid (2007): R&D Management in Iran, Opportunities and Threats. Published in: 16th International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT 2007), "Management of Technology for the Service Economy", Miami Beach Resort & Spa, Miami Beach, Florida, USA. (15 May 2007): pp. 1-7.

Ali, Amjad and Audi, Marc and Nisar, Sabahat and Senturk, Ismail (2021): Determinants of Public Procurement Efficiency: A Comprehensive Study of Public Procurement Rules of Punjab, Pakistan.

Ali, Hoda Abd El Hamid (2011): Universities, Industrial Clusters, and Economic Development in Egypt. Published in: Proceedings of the Conference on Innovation Systems and the New role of Universities (COSINUS) 5 – 6 September 2011 (2012): pp. 63-106.

Alvi, Mohsin and Surani, Mehreen (2014): Conversant for the Prisoners of Earth. Forthcoming in:

Amankwah-Amoah, Joseph (2015): Solar energy in sub-Saharan Africa: The challenges and opportunities of technological leapfrogging. Published in: Thunderbird International Business Review

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2014): Knowledge = Technology + Human Capital and the Lucas and Romer Production Functions.

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2015): Productivity and technical change according to Salter – A note.

Angela, Cipollone and Paolo E., Giordani (2016): When Entrepreneurs Meet Financiers: Evidence from the Business Angel Market.

Angus C., Chu and Guido, Cozzi (2016): Growth Accounting and Endogenous Technical Change.

Angus C., Chu and Lei, Ning and Dongming, Zhu (2016): Human Capital and Innovation in a Monetary Schumpeterian Growth Model.

Antoci, Angelo and Delfino, Alexia and Paglieri, Fabio and Panebianco, Fabrizio and Sabatini, Fabio (2016): Civility vs. Incivility in Online Social Interactions: An Evolutionary Approach.

Antoci, Angelo and Delfino, Alexia and Paglieri, Fabio and Sabatini, Fabio (2016): The ecology of social interactions in online and offline environments.

Antonescu, Daniela (2015): Theoretical and Practical Approaches of Innovation at Regional Level.

Antonescu, Daniela (2022): The relation between digitalization and regional development in Romania. Published in: Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development , Vol. 4, No. 2 (27 December 2022): pp. 64-77.

Antonescu, Daniela (2022): The relation between digitalization and regional development in Romania. Published in: Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development , Vol. 4, No. 2 (28 December 2022): pp. 64-77.

Anttiroiko, Ari-Veikko (2015): Networks in Manuel Castells’ theory of the network society.

Arapoglou, Vassilis and Palaskas, Theodosios and Tsampra, Maria (2005): Regional innovation systems in the global information technology industry: the non-internationalisation of greek smes.

Arapoglou, Vassilis and Palaskas, Theodosios and Tsampra, Maria (2001): The impact of socio-economic inputs on rtd, innovativeness, and competitiveness of european and east asian smes: comparative analysis and policy suggestions for regional convergence.

Araujo, Ricardo (2013): Assessing the Dynamics of Terms of Trade in a Model of Cumulative Causation and Structural Change.

Araujo, Ricardo and Trigg, Andrew (2013): A Neo-Kaldorian Approach to Structural Economic Dynamics.

Archibugi, Daniele and Filippetti, Andrea (2010): The globalisation of intellectual property rights: four learned lessons and four theses. Published in: Global Policy , Vol. 1, No. 2 (May 2010): pp. 137-149.

Aria, Dr (2021): Technological Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship: A Study. Published in: European Journal of Management Issues , Vol. 5, No. 2 (3 March 2021): pp. 21-27.

Arias-Vazquez, Javier and Gamberoni, Elisa and Nguyen, Cuong (2013): A Short-Term Effect of a Better Work Programme on Firms’ Performance: Evidence from Vietnam.

Ariff, Syamimi and Hans-Dieter, Evers and Anthony Banyouko, Ngah and Farah, Purwaningrum (2014): Governing Knowledge for Development: Knowledge Clusters in Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia. Published in: ZEF Working Paper Series No. 125 (2014): pp. 1-24.

Aristovnik, Aleksander (2014): Efficiency of the R&D Sector in the EU-27 at the Regional Level: An Application of DEA. Published in: Lex Localis , Vol. 12, No. 3 (July 2014): pp. 519-531.

Aristovnik, Aleksander (2012): The impact of ICT on educational performance and its efficiency in selected EU and OECD countries: a non-parametric analysis. Published in: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology , Vol. 3, No. 11 (1 July 2012): pp. 144-152.

Aruga, Osamu (2009): The Allocation of Investment across Vintages of Technology.

Aruga, Osamu (2009): The Allocation of Investment across Vintages of Technology.

Arvanitis, Rigas and M'henni, Hatem (2008): Monitoring Research and Innovation Policies in the Mediterranean Region. Published in: Science, Technology and Society , Vol. 15, No. 2 (2010)

Ascione, Grazia Sveva (2023): Technological diversity to address complex challenges: the contribution of American universities to sdgs.

Ashiq, Saima and Ali, Amjad and Siddique, Hafiz Muhammad Abubakar and Sumaira, Sumaira (2023): Impact of Innovation on CO2 Emissions in South Asian Countries.

Attia, Sayed Moawad (2008): Economic Development, Technological Change and Growth.

Aykut, Arslan (2009): A Strategic Orientation Model for the Turkish Local e-Governments. Published in: 1st International Conference on eGovernment and eGovernance Proceedings , Vol. 2, No. 1 (March 2009): pp. 219-234.

Aysan, Ahmet Faruk and Bergigui, Fouad (2021): Sustainability, Trust and Blockchain Applications: Best Practices and Fintech Prospects.

Azam, Sardor (2017): A cross-country empirical test of cognitive abilities and innovation nexus. Published in: International Journal of Educational Development No. 53 (20 January 2017): pp. 128-136.

Babayev, Bahruz (2019): Building an Innovation Ecosystem as an Alternative of Oil Sector Exports in Azerbaijan (on the basis of the study of Israeli practice). Published in: “Sənayenin müasir vəziyyəti və inkişaf problemləri: texnoparkların və sənaye məhəllələrinin ölkənin iqtisadi inkişafına təsiri” mövzusunda respublika elmi-praktiki konfrans (30 April 2019): pp. 140-143.

Baccar, Sourour (1995): Reliability of the Translog Cost Function : Some Theory & an Application to the Demand of Energy in French Manufacturing.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2019): Evolution of agrarian research and development in Bulgaria during country’s EU Membership.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2020): Organisation, financing and productivity of agricultural research in Bulgaria.

Baggio, Rodolfo and Moretti, Vincenzo (2015): Beauty as a factor of economic and social development.

Bakari, Sayef and Tiba, Sofien (2019): The Impact of Internet on Economic Growth: Evidence from North Africa.

Banerjee, Rajabrata (2011): Population growth and endogenous technological change: Australian economic growth in the long run.

Barajas, A and Huergo, E and Moreno, L (2009): Measuring the impact of international R&D cooperation: the case of Spanish firms participating in the EU Framework Programme.

Barajas, A. and Huergo, E. and Moreno, L. (2012): SMEs Performance and Public Support for International RJVs.

Barajas, Ascensión and Huergo, Elena and Moreno, Lourdes (2017): Public Support to Business R&D and the Economic Crisis: Spanish Evidence.

Baraldi, Anna Laura and Cantabene, Claudia and Perani, Giulio (2013): Reverse causality in the R&D – patents relationship: an interpretation of the innovation persistence.

Barge-Gil, Andrés (2011): Open strategies and innovation performance.

Barge-Gil, Andrés and López, Alberto (2011): R versus D: Estimating the differentiated effect of research and development on innovation results.

Barge-Gil, Andrés and López, Alberto (2012): R&D Determinants: accounting for the differences between research and development.

Barrena Martinez, Jesus and Criceli, Livio and Ferrándiz, Esther and Greco, Marco and Grimaldi, Michele (2020): Joint forces: Towards an integration of intellectual capital theory and the open innovation paradigm. Published in: Journal of Business Research No. 112 (2020)

Barrios, Salvador and Mas, Matilde and Navajas, Elena and Quesada, Javier (2008): Mapping the ICT in EU Regions: Location, Employment, Factors of Attractiveness and Economic Impact. Published in: JRC Scientific and Technical Reports No. EU 23067 (31 January 2008): pp. 1-113.

Basu, Sujata (2014): R & D sector outsourcing, human capital formation and growth in the context of developed versus developing economies.

Basu, Sujata and Mehra, Meeta K (2011): Endogenous human capital formation, distance to frontier and growth.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Nijkamp, Peter (2014): Some properties of the technology gap between leading and lagging regions. Published in: Theoretical Economics Letters , Vol. 4, (23 February 2014): pp. 1-6.

Batiz-Lazo, Bernardo and Maixe-Altes, J Carles and Peon, David (2023): Behavioral drivers of cashless payments in Africa.

Bağış, Bilal and Yurtseven, Çağlar (2017): Turkey and the OIC: Greater Economic Cooperation, Opportunities and Challenges. Published in: SAM Papers , Vol. 13, No. 13 (May 2017): pp. 1-92.

Bednar, W.L. and Pretnar, Nick (2023): Structural Change with Time to Consume.

Bednar, William and Pretnar, Nick (2020): Home Production with Time to Consume.

Belegri-Roboli, Athena and Michaelides, Panayotis G. (2007): Technology and Sector Clustering in the Greek Economy.

Bell, William Paul and Wild, Phillip and Foster, John (2014): Collinsville solar thermal project: Energy economics and dispatch forecasting - Final report.

Bell, William Paul and Wild, Phillip and Foster, John (2014): Collinsville solar thermal project: Yield forecasting – Final report.

Bell, William Paul and Wild, Phillip and Foster, John (2013): The transformative effect of unscheduled generation by solar PV and wind generation on net electricity demand.

Ben Aoun - Peltier, Leila and Vicente Cuervo, Maria Rosalia (2012): E-commerce diffusion: exploring the determinants of the adoption and extent of usage at firm-level.

Benjamin, Loh and Ai-Chee, Tang and Thomas, Menkhoff and Hans-Dieter, Evers and Yue Wah, Chay (2003): Applying knowledge management in university research.

Bhatti, S. A. and Hameed, N. and C., Inayatullah (1992): A Computer-based System for the Management of Field Crop Pests. Published in: Modelling, Measurement & Control, C, France, AMSE Press , Vol. 35, No. 1 (1993): pp. 1-20.

Bista, Raghu (2019): Industrial Waste and Urban Bio-diversity in Developing country: Mapping Aquatic Biodiversity in Nepal. Published in: Journal of Advanced Research in Business Law and Technology Management , Vol. 2, No. 2 (29 December 2019): pp. 11-17.

Blecker, Thorsten and Abdelkafi, Nizar and Raasch, Christina (2008): Enabling and Sustaining Collaborative Innovation. Published in: Working Paper, Institute for Technology and Innovation Management , Vol. No. 52, (2008)

Block, Joern and Sandner, Philipp and De Vries, Geertjan (2010): Venture capital and the financial crisis: an empirical study across industries and countries.

Block, Joern and Spiegel, Frank (2011): Family Firms and Regional Innovation Activity: Evidence from the German Mittelstand.

Blogg, Jonathan (2020): The Myths and Facts of Patent Troll and Excessive Payment: Have Non-Practicing Entities (NPEs) Been Overcompensated? - A Commentary.

Blom, Martin and Castellacci, Fulvio and Fevolden, Arne (2012): Defence firms facing liberalization: innovation and export in an agent-based model of the defence industry.

Blom, Martin and Castellacci, Fulvio and Fevolden, Arne (2014): The Trade-off between Innovation and Defence Industrial Policy: A Simulation Model Analysis of the Norwegian Defence Industry. Published in:

Bolhuis, Marijn (2019): Catch-Up Growth and Inter-Industry Productivity Spillovers.

Bonga-Bonga, Lumengo and Phume, Maphelane (2017): Assessing the relationship between total factor productivity and foreign direct investment in an economy with a skills shortage: the case of South Africa.

Bos, Frits and Hollanders, Hugo and Keuning, Steven (1992): A Research and Development Module supplementing the national accounts. Published in: National accounts occasional papers , Vol. 51,

Bournakis, Ioannis and Christopoulos, Dimitris and Mallick, Sushanta (2015): Knowledge Spillovers and Output per Worker: An Industry-level Analysis for OECD Countries. Published in: Economic Inquiry

Bournakis, Ioannis and Christopoulos, Dimitris and Mallick, Sushanta (2015): Knowledge Spillovers, Absorptive Capacity and Growth: An Industry-level Analysis for OECD Countries.

Burhan, Nik Ahmad Sufian and Che Razak, Razli and Rosli, Muhamad Ridhwan and Selamat, Muhamad Rosli (2017): The Bell Curve of Intelligence, Economic Growth and Technological Achievement: How Robust is the Cross-Country Evidence?

Byrnes, Liam and Brown, Colin (2015): Australia’s renewable energy policy: the case for intervention.

Cantafio, Giuseppe Umberto (2017): Green Economy as a driver for Urban Regeneration: insights from Greentown Labs, USA. Published in: 13th International Postgraduate Research Conference 2017 - Conference Proceedings, University of Salford, Manchester, pp. 1054-1064 (9781912337057). (2017)

Carfì, David and Bagileri, Daniela and Dagnino, Gianbattista (2012): Asymmetric R&D alliances and coopetitive games.

Caruntu, Genu Alexandru and Romanescu, Marcel Laurentiu (2008): Financial Risk Part of Efficiency Rate Variation Related to Equity.

Caruntu, Genu Alexandru and Romanescu, Marcel Laurentiu (2008): Treasury cash flows in the enterprise.

Castellacci, Fulvio (2009): How does competition affect the relationship between innovation and productivity? Estimation of a CDM model for Norway.

Castellacci, Fulvio (2010): The internationalization of firms in the service industries: channels, determinants and sectoral patterns. Published in: Technological Forecasting and Social Change , Vol. 77, No. 3 (2010): pp. 500-513.

Castellacci, Fulvio and Fevolden, Arne (2012): Capable companies or changing markets? Explaining the export performance of firms in the defence industry.

Castellacci, Fulvio and Natera, Jose Miguel (2011): A new panel dataset for cross-country analyses of national systems, growth and development (CANA). Forthcoming in:

Castillo, Victoria and Figal-Garone, Lucas and Maffioli, Alessandro and Rojo, Sofia and Stucchi, Rodolfo (2016): The Effects of Knowledge Spillovers through Labor Mobility.

Chagas Lopes, MARGARIDA (2012): Education, Development and Knowledge: New Forms of Unequal Change Under Globalization. The Case of SSA Countries. Published in: IUP Journal of Knowledge Management , Vol. X, No. 2 (8 April 2012): pp. 45-60.

Chagas Lopes, Margarida (2014): The Development of Knowledge in Portugal: A Slow and Unsustainable Progress. Published in: The IUP Journal of Knowledge Management , Vol. XII 3, No. nº 3 (15 July 2014): pp. 42-61.

Cham, Dawda (2022): Exploring the efficacy of e-government models through information systems management-case of The Gambia. Published in:

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten and Bruno, Amable (2010): Patents as Collateral. Published in: Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control , Vol. 34, (2010): pp. 1092-1104.

Chatterjee, Sidharta (2023): Tacit Knowledge Space and Organizational Efficiency.

Chatterjee, Sidharta (2016): Theory of Gen Inertia.

Chatzistamoulou, Nikos and Koundouri, Phoebe (2022): Resource Productivity and Eco-Innovation Convergence in the Service of Sustainability. Evidence from the EU-28. Published in:

Chen, Maozhi and Sinha, Avik and Hu, Kexiang and Shah, Muhammad Ibrahim (2020): Impact of Technological Innovation on Energy Efficiency in Industry 4.0 Era: Moderation of Shadow Economy in Sustainable Development. Published in: Technological Forecasting and Social Change , Vol. 164, (2021): p. 120521.

Chen, Ping-ho and Chu, Angus C. and Chu, Hsun and Lai, Ching-Chong (2016): Short-run and Long-run Effects of Capital Taxation on Innovation and Economic Growth.

Chen, Ping-ho and Chu, Hsun and Lai, Ching-Chong (2015): Do R&D subsidies necessarily stimulate economic growth?

Chen, Yongmin (2020): Improving Market Performance in the Digital Economy. Forthcoming in: China Economic Review

Chen, Yongmin (2011): Refusal to Deal, Intellectual Property Rights, and Antitrust.

Chen, Yongmin and Jiang, Haiwei and Liang, Yousha and Pan, Shiyuan (2021): The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Innovation: Evidence from Patent Filings and Citations in China.

Chen, Yongmin and Jiang, Haiwei and Liang, Yousha and Pan, Shiyuan (2021): The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Innovation: Evidence from Patent Fillings and Citations in China.

Chen, Yongmin and Pan, Shiyuan and Zhang, Tianle (2016): Patentability, R&D direction, and cumulative innovation.

Chen, Yongmin and Pan, Shiyuan and Zhang, Tianle (2012): (When) Do Stronger Patents Increase Continual Innovation?

Chen, Yongmin and Sappington, david (2016): An Optimal Rule for Patent Damages Under Sequential Innovation.

Chhorn, Theara (2017): Spatial Linkage of Technological Progress, ICT base and Economic Output in CLMV Region.

Chi, Wei and Qian, Xiaoye (2009): The role of education in regional innovation activities and economic growth: spatial evidence from China.

Chichilnisky, Graciela and Gruenwald, Paul F. (1994): Existence of an optimal growth path with endogenous technical change. Published in: Economic Letters , Vol. 48, (1995): pp. 433-439.

Chirodea, Florentina (2013): The role of universities from the north–western Romania in the development of regional knowledge–based economies. Forthcoming in: Transylvania Review , Vol. XXIII, No. supplement, no.2 (December 2014)

Chiwenga, Emson F (2010): The role of IPR on maize output in Zimbabwe.

Chobanova, Rossitsa (2006): Challenges to the Indicators on Science, Technology and Innovation Development. Published in:

Chobanova, Rossitsa (2014): ERAWATCH Country Reports 2013: Bulgaria. Published in: No. ISBN 978-92-79-39478-2 : pp. 1-71.

Chobanova, Rossitsa (2003): Information Society Development in Bulgaria. Published in:

Chu, Angus and Cozzi, Guido and Fan, Haichao and Hu, Dongmin (2025): Natural selection and innovation-driven growth. Forthcoming in: Macroeconomic Dynamics

Chu, Angus and Kou, Zonglai and Wang, Xilin (2021): Class Struggle in a Schumpeterian Economy. Forthcoming in: China Economic Review

Chu, Angus and Liao, Chih-Hsing (2023): Optimal Patent Policy and Wealth Inequality in a Schumpeterian Economy.

Chu, Angus C. and Furukawa, Yuichi and Peretto, Pietro and Xu, Rongxin (2024): Agricultural trade and industrial development.

Chu, Angus C. and Liao, Chih-Hsing and Peretto, Pietro (2024): Dynamic effects of taxation in an unequal Schumpeterian economy.

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