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Items where Subject is "O31 - Innovation and Invention: Processes and Incentives"

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Number of items at this level: 800.


ACCLASSATO HOUENSOU, Denis and SENOU, Melain Modeste (2019): Incentive scheme and productivity in microfinance institutions in Benin.

Abramuszkinova Pavlikova, Eva (2010): Virtual Erasmus - A new chance not only for Europe.

Acosta, Manuel and Coronado, Daniel and Ferrándiz, Esther and Marín, M. Rosario and Moreno, Pedro J. (2020): Civil-Military Patents and Technological Knowledge Flows into the Leading Defense Firms. Published in: Armed Forces & Society , Vol. 3, No. 46 (2020): pp. 454-474.

Acosta, Manuel and Coronado, Daniel and Ferrándiz, Esther and Marín, M. Rosario and Moreno, Pedro J. (2018): Patents and Dual-use Technology: An Empirical Study of the World's Largest Defence Companies. Published in: Defence and Peace Economics , Vol. 7, No. 29 (2018): pp. 821-839.

Acosta, Manuel and Coronado, Daniel and León, M. Dolores and Moreno, Pedro J. (2020): The Production of Academic Technological Knowledge. An Exploration at the Research Group Level. Published in: Journal of the Knowledge Economy , Vol. 11, (2020): pp. 1003-1025.

Acosta, Manuel and Coronado, Daniel and Martínez, M. Angeles (2018): Does technological diversification spur university patenting? Published in: Journal of Technology Transfer , Vol. 43, (2018): pp. 96-119.

Acosta, Manuel and Coronado, Daniel and Medina, Jennifer (2024): Effects of co-patenting across national boundaries on patent quality. An exploration in pharmaceuticals. Published in: Economics of Innovation and New Technology , Vol. 33, No. 2 (2024): pp. 248-281.

Adam, Antonis and Garas, Antonios and Katsaiti, Marina-Selini and Lapatinas, Athanasios (2021): Economic complexity and jobs: an empirical analysis. Published in: Economics of Innovation and New Technology (January 2021)

Adnan, Zaki Md. and Priyo, Asad Karim Khan (2019): A Comprehensive Exploration of the Digital Startup Ecosystem of Bangladesh. Published in: North South Business Review , Vol. 9, No. 2 (June 2019): pp. 66-102.

Afandi, Elvin and Kermani, Majid (2013): What Determines Firms’ Innovation in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Agiakloglou, Christos and Drivas, Kyriakos and Karamanis, Dimitris (2014): Individual Inventors and Market Potentials: Evidence from US Patents.

Aiello, Francesco and Albanese, Giuseppe and Piselli, Paolo (2017): Public R&D support in Italy. Evidence from a new firm-level patent data set.

Aithal, Architha and Aithal, Sreeramana (2018): How and Why Wharton Business School became World Topper – A Case Study on Organizational Quest for Excellence of First US Business School. Published in: International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) , Vol. 7, No. 1 (10 February 2018): pp. 15-42.

Aithal, Sreeramana (2016): Creating Innovators through setting up organizational Vision, Mission, and Core Values : a Strategic Model in Higher Education. Published in: International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering (IJMIE) , Vol. 6, No. 1 (January 2016): pp. 310-324.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Aithal, Shubhrajyotsna (2020): Conceptual Analysis on Higher Education Strategies for various Tech-Generations. Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) ISSN : 2581-6012 , Vol. 5, No. 1 (20 June 2020): pp. 335-351.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Kumar, Anil and M, Madhushree and R, Revathi (2018): Investigation of Business Strategies in Higher Education Service Model of Selected Private Universities in India. Published in: International Journal of Computational Research and Development (IJCRD) , Vol. 3, No. 1 (28 March 2018): pp. 77-100.

Al-Ansari, Khalid Ahmed and Aysan, Ahmet Faruk (2022): Central Bank Digital Currencies, Internet of Things, and Islamic Finance: Blockchain Prospects and Challenges.

Alasrag, Hussien (2010): Enhance the competitiveness of the Arab SMEs in the knowledge economy.

Aldieri, Luigi and Aprile, Maria Carmela and Vinci, Concetto Paolo (2015): R&D Spillovers Effects on strategic behaviour of Large International Firms.

Aldieri, Luigi and Vinci, Concetto Paolo (2017): Innovation Effects on Employment in High-Tech and Low-Tech industries: Evidence from Large International Firms within the Triad.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2011): The effectiveness of virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: experiences of Malaysian SMEs. Published in: Industrial Engineering and Management Systems , Vol. 10, No. 2 (June 2011): pp. 109-114.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Taha, Zahari (2010): Effective virtual teams for new product development. Published in: Scientific Research and Essay , Vol. 7, No. 21 (7 June 2012): pp. 1971-1985.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Taha, Zahari (2010): Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs. Published in: Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies (MIMT 2011), Singapore. , Vol. 2, (27 February 2011): V2-114.

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): Virtuality, Innovation and R&D Activities. Published in: 14th International Conference on Thinking (ICOT 2009). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (24 June 2009): pp. 515-529.

Alessandro, Narduzzo and Luca, Zan (2006): The Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence: excellence in spite of mediocrity.

Alexandrov, Alexei and Pittman, Russell and Ukhaneva, Olga (2017): Royalty stacking in the U.S. freight railroads: Cournot vs. Coase.

Alexeev, Anton (2014): Инвестиции в развитие российского смартфона YotaPhone.

Alpanda, Sami and Peralta-Alva, Adrian (2007): Oil Crisis, Energy-Saving Technological Change and the Stock Market Crash of 1973-74.

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2007): Innovations spread more like wildfires than like infections.

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2008): The inhibited (exhibited) spread of innovations.

Amroush, Fadi (2022): Tokenizing Startups, from Utility Tokens into Security Tokens. Published in: 5th Conference on Entrepreneurship & Economic Development (CEED) (17 May 2022)

Andrea, Canidio (2010): Absorptive capacity, the allocation of scientists, and firms' research productivity.

Andrea, Canidio (2010): The production of science.

Anja, Breitwieser and Neil, Foster (2012): Intellectual property rights, innovation and technology transfer: a survey.

Anton-Tejon, Marcos and Barge-Gil, Andrés and Albahari, Alberto (2024): Medium-term regional effect of Science and Technology Parks: a staggered difference-in-difference approach.

Antonelli, Maria Alessandra (2005): I contributi dello Stato all'attività di ricerca e sviluppo delle imprese.

Antonescu, Daniela (2022): The relation between digitalization and regional development in Romania. Published in: Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development , Vol. 4, No. 2 (27 December 2022): pp. 64-77.

Apaydın, Şükrü (2018): The Relations Between Unemployment and Entrepreneurship in Turkey: Schumpeter or Refugee Effect? Published in: Fiscaoeconomia , Vol. 2, No. 2 (May 2018): pp. 1-14.

Armand, Alex and Mendi, Pedro (2017): Demand Fluctuations and Innovation Investments: Evidence from the Great Recession in Spain.

Arora, Ashish and Gambardella, Alfonso and Pammolli, Fabio and Riccaboni, Massimo (2000): The Nature and the Extent of the Market for Technology in Biopharmaceuticals. Published in: R&D, Innovation and Competitiveness in the European Chemical Industry, Springer (2004): pp. 175-202.

Arslan, Aykut (2011): Innovative management practices and their impact on local e-government performance: The Turkish provincial municipalities. Published in: African Journal of Business Management , Vol. 5, No. 24 (14 October 2011): pp. 10190-10197.

Aslamazishvili, Nana (2013): How innovative is Georgian economy? Forthcoming in: ERENET Profile : pp. 21-23.

Asuamah Yeboah, Samuel (2023): "Unlocking Sustainable Futures: How FDI-Driven Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Power the SDGs".

Asuamah Yeboah, Samuel (2024): Winning Strategies for Launching a Successful Business in Developing Markets.

Atallah, Gamal (2007): Conditional R&D Subsidies.

Attar, Mustafa A. (2008): Science in the Third Dimension of R&D.

Attila Havas, Attila (1995): Hungarian car parts industry at a cross-roads: Fordism versus lean production. Published in: Emergo , Vol. 2, No. 3 (1995): pp. 33-55.

Avenyo, Elvis Korku (2021): Learning and Product Innovation Performance in Informal Enterprises: Evidence from Urban Ghana.

Ayoki, Milton and Tumwebaze, Henry and Bbaale, Edward (2018): Innovation and employment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Uganda Microdata.

Aysan, Ahmet Faruk and Bergigui, Fouad (2021): Sustainability, Trust and Blockchain Applications: Best Practices and Fintech Prospects.

Aysan, Ahmet Faruk and Polat, Ali Yavuz and Tekin, Hasan and Tunali, Ahmet Semih (2021): Bitcoin-specific fear sentiment and bitcoin returns in the COVID-19 outbreak.

Azuma, Yoshiaki (2010): How career changes affect technological breakthrough - Reconsidering the prolonged slump of the Japanese economy -. Published in: The International Journal of Economic Policy Studies , Vol. 4, (2010): pp. 17-36.


BADEA, Gabriela Elena and MAIOR, Ioana and COJOCARU, Anca and CORBU, Ion (2007): The cathodic evolution of hydrogen on nickel in artificial seawater. Published in: Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2007, 52(12), 1123–1130 (13 May 2023)

BEN YOUSSEF, Adel and Boubaker, Sabri and Omri, Anis (2017): Entrepreneurship and Sustainability: The Need for Innovative and Institutional Solutions. Forthcoming in: Technological Forecasting and Social Change (1 December 2017)

Babayev, Bahruz (2019): ABŞ, İsrail və Cənubi Koreya Respublikası modelləri: Azərbaycanda bilik tutumlu məhsullarının istehsal və ixrac ekosisteminin qurulması nə tələb edir? Published in: “Azərbaycanın iqtisadi inkişaf strategiyası” mövzusunda Respublika elmi konfrans (24 December 2019): pp. 252-255.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2020): Organisation, financing and productivity of agricultural research in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Mihailova, Mihaela (2019): Анализ на състоянието на системата за споделяне на знания и иновации в селското стопанство в България.

Badea, Gabriela Elena and Caraban, Alina and Cret, Petre and Corbu, Ion (2010): Hydrogen generation by electrolysis of seawater. Published in: http://imt.uoradea.ro/auo.fmte/files-2007/MECANICA_files/badea_gabriela_1.pdf (13 May 2023)

Badulescu, Daniel and Cadar, Otilia (2016): Romania: Many Entrepreneurs but Few Innovators. Published in: The Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Sciences , Vol. 1, No. XXV (1 June 2016): pp. 465-475.

Bagchi, Aniruddha and Roy, Abhra (2011): Endogenous R&D and Intellectual Property Laws in Developed and Emerging Economies. Forthcoming in: Southern Economic Journal

Bakari, Sayef (2022): The Impact of Digitalization and Patent on Economic Growth in Romania.

Bakari, Sayef (2022): The Impact of Digitalization and Patent on Economic Growth in Romania.

Bakari, Sayef (2022): The Impact of Natural resources, CO2 Emission, Energy use, Domestic Investment, Innovation, Trade and Digitalization on Economic growth: Evidence from 52 African Countries.

Bakari, Sayef (2019): Innovation and Economic Growth: Does Internet Matter?

Bakari, Sayef (2021): The nexus between domestic investment and economic growth in G7 countries; Does internet matter?

Bakari, Sayef and Tiba, Sofien and Mabrouki, Mohamed (2020): An Exploratory Study of the Causality between Internet Use, Innovation, and Economic Growth in Tunisia: An indispensable Case Analysis.

Bakhshi, Hasan and Freeman, Alan and Desai, Radhika (2010): Not Rocket Science: A Roadmap for Arts and Cultural R&D. Published in: Mission Money Models Web publication (1 January 2010)

Baldini, Nicola (2006): The patenting universities: Problems and perils. Forthcoming in: Academic patents: Emerging Issues and Challenges (Ed. Sri Krishna) (25 March 2008): pp. 48-59.

Barge-Gil, Andres and D'Este, Pablo and Herrera, Liliana (2018): Corporate scientists as the triggers of transitions towards firms' exploration research strategies.

Barge-Gil, Andrés and López, Alberto and Núñez-Sánchez, Ramón (2017): Estimation of Foreign MNEs spillovers in Spain.

Barra, Cristian and Zotti, Roberto (2015): Regional innovation system (in)efficiency and its determinants: an empirical evidence from Italian regions.

Barrena Martinez, Jesus and Criceli, Livio and Ferrándiz, Esther and Greco, Marco and Grimaldi, Michele (2020): Joint forces: Towards an integration of intellectual capital theory and the open innovation paradigm. Published in: Journal of Business Research No. 112 (2020)

Barreto Nieto, Carlos Alberto (2010): Modelo de Unión Público-Privado: una aproximación desde la Teoría de Contratos.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet (2018): Creative Class Competition and Innovation in the Absence of Patent Protection.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Nijkamp, Peter (2014): Some properties of the technology gap between leading and lagging regions. Published in: Theoretical Economics Letters , Vol. 4, (23 February 2014): pp. 1-6.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Yoo, Seung Jick (2017): A Note on Schumpeterian Competition in the Creative Class and Innovation Policy.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Yoo, Seung Jick (2017): Schumpeterian Creative Class Competition, Innovation Policy, and Regional Economic Growth.

Batiz-Lazo, Bernardo and Reid, Robert J. K. (2008): Evidence from the Patent Record on the Development of Cash Dispensing Technology.

Batorski, Jarema (2014): Antinomies of Crisis Management and Organizational Learning. Published in: Формирование российской идентичности как фактор национальной безопасности. Отв. ред. Р.Д. Хунагов, Изд-во АГУ, Москва - Майкоп - Ростов-на-Дону (ISBN 978-5-85108-279-5) : pp. 52-56.

Bazdresch, Santiago (2011): Product differentiation and systematic risk: theory and empirical evidence.

Bell, William Paul and Wild, Phillip and Foster, John (2013): The transformative effect of unscheduled generation by solar PV and wind generation on net electricity demand.

Belloc, Filippo (2010): Corporate governance and innovation: an organizational perspective.

Belloc, Filippo (2013): Innovation in State-owned Enterprises: Reconsidering the Conventional Wisdom.

Ben Yedder, Nadia and El Weriemmi, Malek and Bakari, Sayef (2023): The nexus between domestic investment and economic growth in MENA countries; Do Patents matter?

Benos, Nikos and Tsiachtsiras, Georgios (2019): Innovation and Income Inequality: World Evidence.

Benos, Nikos and Tsiachtsiras, Georgios (2018): Innovation and Inequality: World Evidence.

Bental, Benjamin and Li, Defu and Tang, Xuemei (2022): Comment on “Labor- and Capital-augmenting technical change”: Does the stability of balanced growth path depend on the elasticity of factor substitution?

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2011): Culture and diversity in knowledge creation.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2011): Culture and diversity in knowledge creation.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2012): Culture and diversity in knowledge creation.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2010): The Dynamics of Knowledge Diversity and Economic Growth.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2008): The Dynamics of Knowledge Diversity and Economic Growth.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2007): Dynamics of knowledge creation and transfer: The two person case.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2007): Knowledge creation as a square dance on the Hilbert cube.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2007): Knowledge creation as a square dance on the Hilbert cube.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2008): The dynamics of knowledge diversity and economic growth.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2009): The dynamics of knowledge diversity and economic growth.

Berliant, Marcus and Mori, Tomoya (2016): Beyond urban form: How Masahisa Fujita shapes us.

Berliant, Marcus and Mori, Tomoya (2016): Beyond urban form: How Masahisa Fujita shapes us.

Berulava, George and Gogokhia, Teimuraz (2021): The Impact of Business Environment Reforms on Firms’ Performance in Transition Economies.

Berulava, George and Gogokhia, Teimuraz (2016): Studying Complementarities between Modes of Innovation Strategies in Transition Economies.

Bessan Ayédoun, Eudoxie and Ayédoun, Christian (2020): Développement des Infrastructures de Télécommunication et Croissance Economique dans les Pays de l’UEMOA: une Analyse de la Causalité sur Données de Panel à partir d’un VECM.

Bianco, Dominique (2007): Competition and Growth in an Endogenous Growth Model with Expanding Product Variety without Scale Effects. Published in: Brussels Economic Review/Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles , Vol. 49 (3), No. Autumn (2006): pp. 191-202.

Bianco, Dominique (2009): Competition and Growth in an Endogenous Growth Model with Expanding product Variety without Scale Effects Revisited.

Bianco, Dominique (2007): An Endogenous Growth Model with Embodied Technical Change without Scale Effects.

Bianco, Dominique (2017): Environmental Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model with Expanding Variety.

Bianco, Dominique (2008): Growth and Competition in a Model of Human Capital Accumulation and Research.

Bianco, Dominique (2007): R&D, Competition and Growth with Human Capital Accumulation : A Comment.

Bianco, Dominique (2007): An inverted-U relationship between product market competition and Growth in an extended romerian model : A comment. Published in: Rivista di Politica Economica No. September-October (2007): pp. 177-190.

Bianco, Dominique and Niang, Abdou-Aziz (2012): On International Spillovers. Forthcoming in: Economics Letters , Vol. 117, No. 1 (October 2012): pp. 280-282.

Bianco, Dominique and Salies, Evens (2009): Productivité et R&D au Luxembourg.

Bianco, Dominique and Salies, Evens (2016): The strong Porter hypothesis in an endogenous growth model with satisficing managers.

Billette de Villemeur, Etienne and Scannell, Jack and Versaevel, Bruno (2021): Biopharmaceutical R&D outsourcing: Short-term gain for long-term pain?

Billette de Villemeur, Etienne and Versaevel, Bruno (2019): One Lab, Two Firms, Many Possibilities: on R&D outsourcing in the biopharmaceutical industry.

Bista, Raghu (2019): Push and Pull Factors of Urbanization in Nepal: Its impacts on Household Perspectives. Published in: Jounal of Advanced Research in Construction and Urban Achitecture , Vol. 4, No. 3 (8 July 2019): pp. 27-37.

Blanco, Iván and Wehrheim, David (2016): The Bright Side of Financial Derivatives: Options Trading and Firm Innovation.

Blecker, Thorsten and Abdelkafi, Nizar and Raasch, Christina (2008): Enabling and Sustaining Collaborative Innovation. Published in: Working Paper, Institute for Technology and Innovation Management , Vol. No. 52, (2008)

Bolivar, Osmar (2023): Evolución de la pobreza en las comunidades de Bolivia entre 2012 y 2022: Un enfoque de machine learning y teledetección.

Bondarev, Anton A. (2012): Heterogeneous product and process innovations for a multi-product monopolist under finite life-cycles of production technologies.

Bondarev, Anton A. (2011): Endogenous specialization of heterogeneous innovative activities of firms under technological spillovers.

Bondarev, Anton A. (2012): Optimal control over a continuous range of homogeneous and heterogeneous innovations with finite life-cycles.

Bondarev, Anton A. (2012): The long run dynamics of heterogeneous product and process innovations for a multi product monopolist. Published in: Journal of Economics of Innovation and Technology , Vol. 21, No. 8 (December 2012): pp. 775-799.

Bosi, Stefano and Laurent, Thierry (2011): Health, growth and welfare: a theoritical appraisal of the long run impact of medical R&D. Forthcoming in:

Bouguezzi, Fehmi (2010): Transfert de technologie dans une ville carrée à deux dimensions avec cout de transport quadratique.

Bouguezzi, Fehmi (2010): Transfert de technologie sur une ville circulaire.

Bouguezzi, Fehmi and EL ELJ, Moez (2009): Vertical Integration and Patent Licensing in Upstream and Downstream Markets.

Brancati, Emanuele (2013): Innovation activity and financing constraints: evidence from Italy during the crises.

Brancati, Emanuele (2013): Innovation activity, financial constraints and relationship lending: evidence from Italy during the recent crises.

Brancati, Emanuele (2014): Innovation, financial constraints and relationship lending: evidence from Italy during the recent crises.

Brata, Aloysius Gunadi (2009): Innovation and Social Capital in the Small-Medium Enterprises: a case of bamboo handicraft in Indonesia.

Bratanova, Alexandra (2023): Analysis of Australian business and research specialisation in antimicrobial resistance technology.

Bratanova, Alexandra and Pham, Hien and Mason, Claire and Hajkowicz, Stefan and Naughtin, Claire and Schleiger, Emma and Sanderson, Conrad and Chen, Caron and Karimi, Sarvnaz (2022): Differentiating artificial intelligence capability clusters in Australia.

Bratti, Massimiliano and Felice, Giulia (2009): Exporting and Product Innovation at the Firm Level.

Bukvić, Rajko and Petrović, Dragan (2021): Manufacturing and Information Society in Serbia: Current Status and Prospects. Forthcoming in: 11th International Conference "Economics and Management-Based on New Technologies", EMoNT-2021, 20-23 June 2021, Vrnjačka Banja (Serbia) (2021): pp. 1-10.


Cadar, Otilia and Badulescu, Daniel (2017): Innovation and performance. An analysis on European and Romanian companies. Published in: The Annals of the University of Oradea. Economic Sciences , Vol. 1, No. XXVI (1 July 2017): pp. 59-72.

Cai, Jie and Li, Nan (2012): Growth through Inter-sectoral Knowledge Linkages. Published in: Review of Economic Studies , Vol. 86, No. 5 (1 October 2019): pp. 1827-1866.

Canidio, Andrea (2018): Financial incentives for the development of blockchain-based platforms.

Canário, Teresa and Cerveira, Fátima and Moniz, António (1993): Organização do trabalho e controlo de qualidade numa estação de soldadura robotizada. Published in: Proceedings das Jornadas de PPP/AC, Ordem dos Engenheiros , Vol. 4, (November 1993): pp. 1-8.

Carvalho, Pedro G. and Sonis, Michael (2007): A Life experiment of development Mountain tourism in Portugal observed from the point of view of theories of Complexity, Complication and Self-organization.

Cassi, Lorenzo and Plunket, Anne (2013): Proximity, network formation and inventive performance: in search of the proximity paradox.

Cassi, Lorenzo and Plunket, Anne (2012): Research collaboration in co-­inventor networks: combining closure,bridging and proximities.

Cassi, Lorenzo and Plunket, Anne (2010): The determinants of co-inventor tie formation: proximity and network dynamics.

Cassimon, Danny and Engelen, Peter-Jan and Yordanov, Vilimir (2011): Compound Real Option Valuation with Phase-Specific Volatility: a Multi-phase Mobile Payments Case Study. Published in: Technovation No. 31 (2011): pp. 240-255.

Catini, Roberto and Karamshuk, Dmytro and Penner, Orion and Riccaboni, Massimo (2015): Identifying Geographic Clusters: A Network Analytic Approach. Forthcoming in: Research Policy

Cellini, Roberto and Lambertini, Luca and Sterlacchini, Alessandro (2009): Managerial incentive and the firms’ propensity to invest in product and process innovation.

Cerqueti, Roy and Tramontana, Fabio and Ventura, Marco (2012): On the dynamics of innovators and imitators.

Chatterjee, Rittwik and Kabiraj, Tarun (2023): Cooperative vs. Non-cooperative R&D under Uncertain Probability of Success.

Chatterjee, Rittwik and Chattopadhyay, Srobonti (2015): Collaborative Research and Rate of Interests.

Chatterjee, Rittwik and Chattopadhyay, Srobonti and Kabiraj, Tarun (2020): R&D incentives with uncertain probability of success.

Chatterjee, Rittwik and Chattopadhyay, Srobonti and Kabiraj, Tarun (2017): Spillover and R&D Incentives under Incomplete Information in a Duopoly Industry.

Chatterjee, Rittwik and Chattopadhyay, Srobonti and Kabiraj, Tarun (2018): Spillovers and R&D Incentive under Incomplete Information.

Chatterjee, Rittwik and Chattopadhyay, Srobonti and Kabiraj, Tarun (2018): When Spillovers Enhance R&D Incentives.

Chatterjee, Sidharta (2010): Organizational Learning Strategies of Start-up Firms; Creating the Office Of Strategic Thinking (OST).

Chatterjee, Sidharta and Samanta, Mousumi (2022): Knowledge Management: A Tool and Technology for Organizational Success.

Chattopadhyay, Srobonti and Kabiraj, Tarun (2014): Incomplete information and R&D organization.

Chen, Hung-Ju (2019): Innovation and FDI: Does the Target of Intellectual Property Rights Matter?

Chen, Hung-Ju (2015): Innovation and imitation in a product-cycle model with FDI and cash-in-advance constraints.

Chen, Hung-Ju (2015): Innovation and imitation: effects of intellectual property rights in a product-cycle model of skills accumulation.

Chen, Hung-Ju (2013): Intellectual Property Rights and Skills Accumulation: A North-South Model of FDI and Outsourcing.

Chen, Jin and Chen, Yufen and Vanhaverbeke, Wim (2008): The influence of scope, depth, and orientation of external technology sources on the innovative performance of Chinese firms.

Chen, Kaihua (2014): Measuring and decomposing the overall efficiency of multi-period and -division systems associated with DEA.

Chen, Kaihua (2014): Weighted Additive DEA Models Associated with Dataset Standardization Techniques.

Chen, Ping-ho and Chu, Angus C. and Chu, Hsun and Lai, Ching-Chong (2019): Optimal Capital Taxation in an Economy with Innovation-Driven Growth. Forthcoming in: Macroeconomic Dynamics

Chen, Ping-ho and Chu, Angus C. and Chu, Hsun and Lai, Ching-Chong (2019): Optimal Capital Taxation in an Economy with Innovation-Driven Growth.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1998): Sustainable development and North-South trade. Published in: Protection of Global Biodiversity (0198): pp. 101-117.

Chobanova, Rossitsa (2003): Innovation policy in seven candidate countries: the challenges. Final Report Volume 2.1 Innovation Policy Profile: Bulgaria. Published in: : pp. 1-78.

Chu, Angus (2021): Macroeconomic Effects of Intellectual Property Rights: An Updated Survey.

Chu, Angus C. (2007): Economic Growth and Patent Policy: Quantifying the Effects of Patent Length on R&D and Consumption.

Chu, Angus C. (2008): Effects of Blocking Patents on R&D: A Quantitative DGE Analysis.

Chu, Angus C. (2009): Effects of Patent Length on R&D: A Quantitative DGE Analysis.

Chu, Angus C. (2007): A Generalized Quality-Ladder Growth Model with Patent Breadth: Quantifying the Effects of Blocking Patents on R&D.

Chu, Angus C. (2009): Global Poverty Reduction and Pareto-Improving Redistribution.

Chu, Angus C. (2009): Macroeconomic Effects of Intellectual Property Rights: A Survey. Forthcoming in: Academia Economic Papers

Chu, Angus C. (2007): Optimal Patent Breadth: Quantifying the Effects of Increasing Patent Breadth.

Chu, Angus C. (2007): Special Interest Politics and Intellectual Property Rights: An Economic Analysis of Strengthening Patent Protection in the Pharmaceutical Industry.

Chu, Angus C. (2009): The welfare cost of one-size-fits-all patent protection.

Chu, Angus C. and Cozzi, Guido (2011): Cultural preference on fertility and the growth and welfare effects of intellectual property rights.

Chu, Angus C. and Cozzi, Guido and Fan, Haichao and Pan, Shiyuan and Zhang, Mengbo (2016): Do Stronger Patents Stimulate or Stifle Innovation? The Crucial Role of Financial Development. Forthcoming in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking

Chu, Angus C. and Cozzi, Guido and Galli, Silvia (2010): Does intellectual monopoly stimulate or stifle innovation?

Chu, Angus C. and Cozzi, Guido and Galli, Silvia (2010): Does intellectual monopoly stimulate or stifle innovation? Forthcoming in: European Economic Review

Chu, Angus C. and Cozzi, Guido and Galli, Silvia (2011): Stage-Dependent Intellectual Property Rights.

Chu, Angus C. and Fan, Haichao and Furukawa, Yuichi and Kou, Zonglai and Liu, Xueyue (2019): Minimum Wages, Import Status, and Firms' Innovation: Theory and Evidence from China.

Chu, Angus C. and Furukawa, Yuichi (2010): On the optimal mix of patent instruments.

Chu, Angus C. and Furukawa, Yuichi (2011): Patentability and knowledge spillovers of basic R&D.

Chu, Angus C. and Kou, Zonglai and Wang, Xilin (2019): Effects of Patents on the Transition from Stagnation to Growth. Forthcoming in: Journal of Population Economics

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