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Items where Subject is "D03 - Behavioral Microeconomics: Underlying Principles"

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Number of items at this level: 340.


AKIN, ZAFER (2018): Dishonesty, Social Information, and Sorting.

Aadland, David and Shaffer, Sherrill (2010): Time Compression.

Abraham, Vinoj (2011): The deteriorating labour market conditions and crime: An analysis of Indian states during 2001-2008.

Acevedo Rueda, Rafael Alexis (2013): El proceso de toma de decisiones: un modelo de economía conductual.

Albers, Scott and Albers, Andrew L. (2013): Does “Okun’s Law” state a Pi:1 ratio? Toward a harmonic interpretation of why Okun’s Law works.

Alfarano, Simone and Camacho-Cuena, Eva and Colasante, Annarita and Ruiz-Buforn, Alba (2022): The effect of time-varying fundamentals in Learning-to-Forecast Experiments.

Alvi, Mohsin and Mirza, Mohammad Haris and Ikram, Midra and Khoso, Ameer Bux and Mukhtar, Amber (2017): Is joy an emotional function of age and gender? Published in: RA Journal of Applied Research , Vol. 3, No. 10 (1 October 2017): pp. 1091-1099.

Alyamutty, siti Nasirah (2017): Firm Risk and Performance: The Role of Corporate Governance in Dutch Lady Malaysia.

Amdur, David and Schmick, Ethan (2012): Does the direct-response method induce guilt aversion in a trust game?

Angle, John (2011): The particle system model of income and wealth more likely to imply an analogue of thermodynamics in social science.

Antoci, Angelo and Sabatini, Fabio and Sodini, Mauro (2011): See you on Facebook! A framework for analyzing the role of computer-mediated interaction in the evolution of social capital.

Apffelstaedt, Arno and Mechtenberg, Lydia (2016): Competition for Context-Sensitive Consumers.

Armstrong, Mark (2014): Search and Ripoff Externalities.

Aronsson, Thomas and Johansson-Stenman, Olof and Wendner, Ronald (2019): Charity as Income Redistribution: A Model with Optimal Taxation, Status, and Social Stigma.

Aronsson, Thomas and Johansson-Stenman, Olof and Wendner, Ronald (2021): Charity, Status, and Optimal Taxation: Welfarist and Non-Welfarist Approaches.

Aronsson, Thomas and Johansson-Stenman, Olof and Wendner, Ronald (2019): Charity, Status, and Optimal Taxation: Welfarist and Paternalist Approaches.

Aronsson, Thomas and Johansson-Stenman, Olof and Wendner, Ronald (2016): Redistribution through Charity and Optimal Taxation when People are Concerned with Social Status.

Attema, Arthur and Krol, Marieke and van Exel, Job and Brouwer, Werner (2014): New findings from the TTO for income approach to elicit willingness to pay for a QALY.

Axelrod, David (2017): Optimizing Discount Rates: Expressing Preferences for Sustainable Outcomes in Present Value Calculations. Published in: Journal of Applied Business and Economics , Vol. 19, No. 1 (2017): pp. 9-19.

Azar, Ofer H. (2009): Do consumers make too much effort to save on cheap items and too little to save on expensive items? experimental results and implications for business strategy. Forthcoming in: American Behavioral Scientist

Azar, Ofer H. (2009): Tipping motivations and behavior in the US and Israel. Forthcoming in: Journal of Applied Social Psychology (2010)


Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Agro-Ecosystem Services – Governance Needs and Efficiency.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Needs, Modes and Efficiency of Economic Organizations and Public Interventions in Agriculture.

Bales, Adam and Cohen, Daniel and Handfield, Toby (2013): Decision theory for agents with incomplete preferences. Forthcoming in: Australasian Journal of Philosophy

Banerjee, Priyodorshi and Das, Tanmoy (2015): Are Contingent Choices Consistent?

Barron, Kai and Gravert, Christina (2018): Beliefs and actions: How a shift in confidence affects choices.

Basu, Karna (2008): Hyperbolic discounting and the sustainability of rotational savings arrangements.

Basu, Karna (2009): A behavioral model of simultaneous borrowing and saving.

Basu, Kaushik (2011): Why, for a Class of Bribes, the Act of Giving a Bribe should be Treated as Legal. Published in: Ministry of Finance Government of India Working Paper No. 1/2011-DEA (March 2011)

Battisti, Michele (2015): Present-biased preferences and optimal compensation schedules: a note.

Bayrak, Oben (2016): Another Solution for Allais Paradox: Preference Imprecision, Dispersion and Pessimism.

Bayrak, Oben and Hey, John (2015): Preference Cloud Theory: Imprecise Preferences and Preference Reversals.

Beja, Edsel Jr. (2013): Focusing on the Focusing Illusion...

Bell, William Paul (2009): Adaptive interactive expectations: dynamically modelling profit expectations.

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan and Romagnoli, Giorgia (2019): Belief elicitation when more than money matters.

Bensch, Gunther and Peters, Jörg (2019): One-off subsidies and long-run adoption – Experimental evidence on improved cooking stoves in Senegal. Forthcoming in: American Journal of Agricultural Economics

Berg, Nathan (2010): Behavioral Economics. Published in: 21st Century Economics: A Reference Handbook , Vol. 2, (2010): pp. 861-872.

Berg, Nathan (2006): Behavioral Labor Economics. Published in: In Altman, M., ed., Handbook of Contemporary Behavioral Economics, M.E. Sharpe, New York (2006): pp. 457-478.

Berg, Nathan (2002): Behavioral cost-benefit economics: Toward a new normative approach to policy. Published in: In Kantarelis, D. (ed.), Global Business & Economics Review-Anthology (2002): pp. 132-141.

Berg, Nathan (2009): Experiments to generate new data about school choice. Published in: Journal of School Choice , Vol. 3, No. 4 (2009): pp. 397-413.

Berg, Nathan (2009): Illusive competition in school reform: Comment on Merrifield's "Imagined evidence and false imperatives". Published in: Journal of School Choice , Vol. 3, No. 3 (2009): pp. 290-306.

Berg, Nathan (2008): Imitation in location choice.

Berg, Nathan (2007): Introduction: Behavioral economics, business decision making and applied policy analysis. Published in: Global Business and Economics Review , Vol. 9, No. 2/3 (2007): pp. 123-125.

Berg, Nathan (2005): Non-response bias. Published in: In Kempf-Leonard, K. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Measure , Vol. 2, (2005): pp. 865-873.

Berg, Nathan (2010): Success from Satisficing and Imitation: Entrepreneurs’ Location Choice and Implications of Heuristics for Local Economic Development.

Berg, Nathan and Biele, Guido and Gigerenzer, Gerd (2010): Does Consistency Predict Accuracy of Beliefs?: Economists Surveyed About PSA.

Berg, Nathan and Biele, Guido and Gigerenzer, Gerd (2010): Does consistency predict accuracy of beliefs?: Economists surveyed about PSA.

Berg, Nathan and Eckel, Catherine and Johnson, Cathleen (2010): Inconsistency Pays?: Time-inconsistent subjects and EU violators earn more.

Berg, Nathan and Gabel, Todd (2010): New Reform Strategies and Welfare Participation in Canada.

Berg, Nathan and Gigerenzer, Gerd (2010): As-if behavioral economics: Neoclassical economics in disguise? Published in: History of Economic Ideas , Vol. 18, No. 1 (2010): pp. 133-166.

Berg, Nathan and Gigerenzer, Gerd (2006): Peacemaking among inconsistent rationalities? Published in: In Englel, C. and Daston, L. (eds,), Is There Value in Inconsistency (2006): pp. 421-433.

Berg, Nathan and Gu, Anthony Y. and Lien, Donald (2007): Dynamic correlation: A tool hedging house-price risk? Published in: Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management , Vol. 13, No. 1 (2007): pp. 17-28.

Berg, Nathan and Hoffrage, Ulrich (2010): Compressed environments: Unbounded optimizers should sometimes ignore information. Published in: Minds and Machine , Vol. 20, No. 2 : pp. 259-275.

Berg, Nathan and Kim, Jeong-Yoo (2010): Demand for Self Control: A model of Consumer Response to Programs and Products that Moderate Consumption.

Berg, Nathan and Murdoch, James (2008): Access to grocery stores in Dallas. Published in: International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2008): pp. 22-37.

Bernabe, Angelique and Hossain, Tanjim and Yu, Haomiao (2021): Truth, Honesty, and Strategic Interactions.

Besedes, Tibor and Deck, Cary and Sarangi, Sudipta and Shor, Mikhael (2012): Reducing Choice Overload without Reducing Choice.

Bikhchandani, Sushil and Hirshleifer, David and Tamuz, Omer and Welch, Ivo (2021): Information Cascades and Social Learning.

Blasch, Julia and Farsi, Mehdi (2012): Retail demand for voluntary carbon offsets – a choice experiment among Swiss consumers.

Blind, Georg (2015): Behavioural rules: Veblen, Nelson-Winter, Oström and beyond.

Blind, Georg and Stefania, Lottanti von Mandach (2017): Modeling the „Visitors to Rome“ effect: Reputation Building in Anglo-Saxon Buyout Funds in Japan.

Bonga, Wellington Garikai (2019): Measuring Macroeconomic Uncertainty in Zimbabwe.

Breiding, Torsten (2006): Die Arbeitslosenversicherung in Deutschland – Beitrag zur Bekämpfung oder Ursache von Arbeitslosigkeit.

Breitmoser, Yves (2016): Stochastic choice, systematic mistakes and preference estimation.

Breitmoser, Yves (2016): The axiomatic foundation of logit.

Brook, Rebecca and Servátka, Maroš (2015): The Anticipatory Effect of Nonverbal Communication on Generosity.

Bruno, Bruna (2012): Reconciling economics and psychology on intrinsic motivation.


Cadogan, Godfrey (2010): Asymptotic Theory Of Stochastic Choice Functionals For Prospects With Embedded Comotonic Probability Measures.

Cadogan, Godfrey (2010): Commutative Prospect Theory and Stopped Behavioral Processes for Fair Gambles.

Cadogan, Godfrey (2010): Commutative Prospect Theory and Stopped Behavioral Processes for Fair Gambles.

Cadogan, Godfrey (2009): On behavioral Arrow Pratt risk process with applications to risk pricing, stochastic cash flows, and risk control.

Cai, Jing and Song, Changcheng (2013): Do Hypothetical Experiences Affect Real Financial Decisions? Evidence from Insurance Take-up.

Calford, Evan (2016): Mixed Strategies in Games with Ambiguity Averse Agents.

Campos-Vazquez, Raymundo M. and Cuilty, Emilio (2013): The Role of Emotions on Risk Aversion: A prospect theory experiment.

Chakravarty, Surajeet and Fonseca, Miguel A. (2010): Social identity, group composition and public good provision: an experimental study.

Chandra, Abhijeet and Kumar, Ravinder (2011): Determinants of Individual Investor Behaviour: An Orthogonal Linear Transformation Approach.

Chatterjee, Swarn and Finke, Michael and Harness, Nathaniel (2008): Self-esteem and Individual Wealth.

Chatterjee, Swarn and Palmer, Lance and Goetz, Joseph (2010): Individual wealth accumulation: Why does dining together as a family matter? Forthcoming in: Applied Economics Research Bulletin : pp. 1-22.

Chen, Josie I and Kamei, Kenju (2014): Expressing Emotion and Fairness Crowding-out in an Ultimatum Game with Incomplete Information.

Chen, Zhuoqiong and Ong, David and Sheremeta, Roman (2015): Competition Between and Within Universities: Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Group Identity and the Desire to Win.

Chioveanu, Ioana (2017): Prominence, Complexity, and Pricing.

Christmann, Robin (2018): Prosecution and Conviction under Hindsight Bias in Adversary Legal Systems.

Clifton, Judith and Díaz-Fuentes, Daniel and Fernández Gutiérrez, Marcos and Revuelta, Julio (2011): Is Market-Oriented Reform Producing a “Two-Track” Europe? Evidence from Electricity and Telecommunications.

Clingingsmith, David and Sheremeta, Roman (2015): Status and the Demand for Visible Goods: Experimental Evidence on Conspicuous Consumption.

Cocioc, Paul (2016): Non-economic approaches to competition: Lessons from psychoanalysis. Published in: Review of Economic Studies and Research Virgil Madgearu , Vol. 9, No. 2 (2016): pp. 37-48.

Colasante, Annarita and Alfarano, Simone and Camacho Cuena, Eva and Gallegati, Mauro (2017): Long-run expectations in a Learning-to-Forecast-Experiment: a simulation approach.

Colasante, Annarita and Alfarano, Simone and Camacho-Cuena, Eva (2019): Heuristic Switching Model and Exploration-Explotation Algorithm to describe long-run expectations in LtFEs: a comparison.

Coltman, Tim and Devinney, Timothy M. and Keating, Byron W. (2010): Best-worst scaling approach to predict customer choice for 3PL services. Published in: Journal of Business Logistics , Vol. 32, No. 2 (2011): pp. 139-152.

Constantinescu, Radu (2012): Repere ale raţionalităţii limitate în ştiinţa economică.

Coutts, Alexander (2015): Testing Models of Belief Bias: An Experiment.


D'Acci, Luca (2013): A Modern Postmodern Urbanism The Systemic Retroactive game (SyR) between Bottom-up and Top-down.

D'Agostino, Elena and Lisciandra, Maurizio (2014): Binding and Non-Binding Contracts: A Theoretical Appraisal.

Da Silva, Evelin and Da Silva, Sergio (2015): Anchoring Heuristic Messes with Inflation Targeting. Published in: Open Access Library Journal , Vol. 2, (2015): e1450.

Da Silva, Sergio (2014): Risk Seekers May Be Antisocial After All. Published in: Clinical and Experimental Medical Sciences , Vol. 2, No. 3 (30 October 2014): pp. 87-95.

Da Silva, Sergio and Da Costa Jr, Newton and Matsushita, Raul and Vieira, Cristiana and Correa, Ana and De Faveri, Dinorá (2017): Debt of high-income consumers may reflect leverage rather than poor cognitive reflection. Forthcoming in: Review of Behavioral Finance

Da Silva, Sergio and De Faveri, Dinorá and Correa, Ana and Matsushita, Raul (2017): High-income consumers may be less hyperbolic when discounting the future.

Da Silva, Sergio and De Faveri, Dinorá and Correa, Ana and Matsushita, Raul (2017): Social preferences, financial literacy and intertemporal choice.

Da Silva, Sergio and De Novais, Joao Felipe (2017): Automatic evaluation of faces predict mayor election outcomes in Brazil. Published in: Open Access Library Journal , Vol. 4, No. 1 (2017): pp. 1-7.

Da Silva, Sergio and Matsushita, Raul and De Carvalho, Mateus (2015): Prosocial People Take Better Care of Their Own Future Well-Being. Published in: Open Access Library Journal , Vol. 2, (2015): e2181.

Da Silva, Sergio and Moreira, Bruno and Da Costa Jr, Newton (2014): Preschoolers and the Endowment Effect. Published in: PLoS One , Vol. 9, No. 10 (9 October 2014): e109520.

Dang, Duc Anh (2012): On the sources of risk preferences in rural Vietnam.

Dang, Duc Anh (2012): On the sources of risk preferences in rural Vietnam.

Dasgupta, Utteeyo and Gangadharan, Lata and Maitra, Pushkar and Mani, Subha (2014): De Gustibus Non Est Disputandum: An Experimental Investigation.

Dey, Oindrila and Das, Abhishek and Gupta, Gautam and Banerjee, Swapnendu (2017): Favouritism Or Fairness?: A Framed Laboratory Experiment.

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2012): Mentalism versus behaviourism in economics: a philosophy-of-science perspective.

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2013): Reason-Based Rationalization.

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2015): Reason-based choice and context-dependence: An explanatory framework.

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2012): Reasons for (prior) belief in bayesian epistemology.

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2010): Where do preferences come from? Forthcoming in: International Journal of Game Theory

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2009): A reason-based theory of rational choice. Forthcoming in: Noûs

Dimant, Eugen (2015): On Peer Effects: Behavioral Contagion of (Un)Ethical Behavior and the Role of Social Identity.

Distefano, Rosaria (2022): Better to be in the same boat: Positional envy in the workplace.

Donze, Jocelyn and Gunnes, Trude (2013): Becoming "We" Instead of "I", Identity Management and Incentives in the Workplace.

Donze, Jocelyn and Gunnes, Trude (2011): Should Economists Listen to Educational Psychologists? : Some Economics of Student Motivation.

Drichoutis, Andreas C. and Nayga, Rodolfo (2017): Economic rationality under cognitive load.

Duffy, Sean and Smith, John (2024): The random thickness of indifference.

Duffy, Sean and Smith, John (2020): An economist and a psychologist form a line: What can imperfect perception of length tell us about stochastic choice?

Díez-Alonso, Daniel (2020): Taxpayer Bias in Perceived Income Distributions.


Eisenhuth, Roland and Ewers, Mara (2010): Auctions with Loss Averse Bidders.

Eliaz, Kfir and Spiegler, Ran (2006): Consideration Sets and Competitive Marketing.

Emara, Noha and Owens, David and Smith, John and Wilmer, Lisa (2014): Minimax on the gridiron: Serial correlation and its effects on outcomes in the National Football League.

Emara, Noha and Owens, David and Smith, John and Wilmer, Lisa (2014): Serial correlation in National Football League play calling and its effects on outcomes.

Engelmann, Jan B. and Damaraju, Eswar and Padmala, Srikanth and Pessoa, Luiz (2009): Combined effects of attention and motivation on visual task performance: transient and sustained motivational effects. Published in: Frontiers in human neuroscience , Vol. 4, No. 3 (1009)

Espinosa, Alexandra M. (2006): Los Derechos Económico, Sociales y Culturales desde la perspectiva de la Economía Liberal.

Espinosa, Alexandra M. and Acuna, Javier (2006): Los Derechos Económico, Sociales y Culturales desde la perspectiva de la Economía Liberal.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Fragments on the black swan: money, credit and finance in The Arcades Project of Walter Benjamin.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Información y persuasión en los mercados financieros.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Los mercados de opinión pública.

Estrada, Fernando (2012): Transaction costs, externalities and innovation.

Estrada, Fernando and Diaz, Natalia (2012): Costos de transaccion, externalidades e innovación.

Estrada, Fernando and Diaz, Natalia (2011): Costos de transacción en biotecnología.

Estrada, Fernando and Diaz, Natalia (2011): The transaction costs in biotechnology.


Fajardo, José and Corcuera, José Manuel and Menouken Pamen, Olivier (2016): On the optimal investment.

Feess, Eberhard and Schramm, Markus and Wohlschlegel, Ansgar (2014): The Impact of Fine Size and Uncertainty on Punishment and Deterrence: Evidence from the Laboratory.

Fosgerau, Mogens and Melo, Emerson and Andre, De Palma and Shum, Matt (2017): Discrete Choice and Rational Inattention: a General Equivalence Result.

Friesenbichler, Klaus S. and Selenko, Eva and Clarke, George R.G. (2015): How much of a nuisance is greasing the palms? A study on job dedication and attitudes towards corruption reports under answer bias control.

Fujikawa, Takemi and Kobayashi, Yohei (2010): The effects of background music and sound in economic decision making: Evidence from a laboratory experiment.

Füllbrunn, Sascha and Rau, Holger and Weitzel, Utz (2013): Do ambiguity effects survive in experimental asset markets?


Gallus, Jana and Reiff, Joseph and Kamenica, Emir and Fiske, Alan Page (2021): Relational Incentives Theory. Forthcoming in: Psychological Review

Gasiorowska, Agata (2008): Różnice indywidualne jako determinanty postaw wobec pieniędzy.

Gerasimou, Georgios (2015): Indecisiveness, Undesirability and Overload Revealed Through Rational Choice Deferral.

Gerasimou, Georgios (2012): Asymmetric Dominance, Deferral and Status Quo Bias in a Theory of Choice with Incomplete Preferences.

Gerasimou, Georgios (2015): A Characterization of Risk-Neutral and Ambiguity-Averse Behavior.

Gerasimou, Georgios (2009): Consumer theory with bounded rational preferences.

Gerasimou, Georgios (2010): Rational indecisive choice.

Gerasimou, Georgios and Papi, Mauro (2015): Oligopolistic Competition with Choice-Overloaded Consumers.

Gerhardt, Holger and Schildberg-Hörisch, Hannah and Willrodt, Jana (2017): Does self-control depletion affect risk attitudes? Forthcoming in: European Economic Review (19 September 2017)

Ghossoub, Mario (2011): Towards a Purely Behavioral Definition of Loss Aversion.

Gibson, John and Johnson, David (2018): The Economic Relevancy of Risk Preferences Elicited Online and With Low Stakes.

Graziano, Mario and Schilirò, Daniele (2012): Rationality and choices in economics: behavioral and evolutionary approaches.

Griffiths, Barry (2010): Identification of Altruism among Team Members: Empirical Evidence from the Classroom and Laboratory.

Gunnes, Trude and Donze, Jocelyn (2016): Teaching Practices and the Management of Student Motivation, Effort and Achievement.

Guzman, Giselle (2007): Using sentiment surveys to predict GDP growth and stock returns. Published in: The Making of National Economic Forecasts No. Edward Elgar Publishing LTD (2009): pp. 319-351.

Guzman, Giselle C. (2007): Using sentiment to predict GDP growth and stock returns. Published in: The Making of National Economic Forecasts No. Edward Elgar Publishing LTD (2009): pp. 319-351.

Guzman, Giselle C. (2010): The case for higher frequency inflation expectations.

Guzman, Giselle C. (2009): An inflation expectations horserace.

Gürerk, Özgür and Selten, Reinhard (2010): The effect of payoff tables on experimental oligopoly behavior.


HASAN, HAMID and EJAZ, NAUMAN (2013): Testing for Differences across Genders: A Replication of Ultimatum Game at International Islamic University, Islamabad.

Haan, Marco and Hauck, Dominic (2014): Games With Possibly Naive Hyperbolic Discounters.

Hackinger, Julian (2016): Not All Income is the Same to Everyone: Cognitive Ability and the House Money Effect in Public Goods Games.

Haeussler, Carolin (2010): Information-Sharing in Academia and the Industry: A Comparative Study. Forthcoming in: Research Policy

Handfield, Toby (2013): Rational choice and the transitivity of betterness. Forthcoming in: Philosophy and Phenomenological Research

Harris, Timothy and Yelowitz, Aaron (2015): Nudging Life Insurance Holdings in the Workplace.

Hasan, Syed Akif and Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz (2011): Effects of Business Embedded & Traditional Training Models on Motivation. Published in: Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies , Vol. 5, No. 2 (2011): pp. 236-244.

Hasan, Zubair (2016): Nature and significance of Islamic economics.

Heller, Yuval (2012): Three steps ahead.

Heller, Yuval (2012): Three steps ahead.

Heller, Yuval (2015): Three steps ahead. Published in: Theoretical Economics , Vol. 10, No. 1 (1 January 2015)

Heller, Yuval and Sturrock, David (2017): Promises and Endogenous Reneging Costs.

Himmler, Oliver and Jaeckle, Robert and Weinschenk, Philipp (2017): Soft Commitments, Reminders and Academic Performance.

Hirshleifer, David and Daniel, Kent (2015): Overconfident investors, predictable returns, and excessive trading. Published in: Journal of Economic Perspectives , Vol. 29, No. 4 (2015): pp. 61-88.

Huck, Steffen and Zhou, Jidong (2011): Consumer behavioural biases in competition: A survey.


Igan, Deniz and Pinheiro, Marcelo and Smith, John (2012): Racial biases and market outcomes: "White men can't jump," but would you bet on it?

Igan, Deniz and Pinheiro, Marcelo and Smith, John (2011): "White men can't jump," but would you bet on it?


Janoska, Wilfried (2012): The other side of the coin: The privatization phenomenon and realization of public welfare in a Single European Health Care System? A sketch from the perspective of the economic theory of law. Published in: Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Conference Proceedings, Szeged, University of Szeged , Vol. ISBN 9, (2012): pp. 391-411.

Jellal, Mohamed (2014): Diaspora transferts et signal de richesse.

Jha, Chandan Kumar and Sarangi, Sudipta (2020): Arable Land in Antiquity Explains Modern Gender Inequality.

Jin, Liyin and Li, Lingfang (Ivy) and Zhou, Yi and Zhou, Yifang (2022): How to Remind People to Work Out via Feedback: Evidence from a Field Experiment.

Johnson, Noel (2015): Taxes, National Identity, and Nation Building: Evidence from France.


Kaivanto, Kim and Zhang, Peng (2016): A resolution of emissions-estimate confusion for informing flight choice.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2014): Economics for Economists.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2011): The propensity function as formal passkey to economic action.

Kameda, Tatsuya and Tsukasaki, Takafumi and Hastie, Reid and Berg, Nathan (2010): Democracy under uncertainty: The ‘wisdom of crowds’ and the free-rider problem in group decision making. Forthcoming in: Psychological Review

Karbowski, Adam (2011): O kilku modelach samolubnego karania w ekonomii behawioralnej. Published in: Zeszyty Naukowe Kolegium Gospodarki Światowej , Vol. 29, (2011): pp. 236-249.

Kesavayuth, Dusanee and Zikos, Vasileios (2016): Does well-being help you with unemployment?

Keshari, Pradeep Kumar (1995): Determinants of the propensity to export: the case of small firms in the diesel engine and chemicals industries in Gujarat. Published in: The Journal of Entrepreneurship , Vol. 4, No. 1 (1 March 1995): pp. 35-48.

Kirchler, Benjamin and Kirchler, Erich (2024): Social Reference Points Shape Decisions under Uncertainty.

Kiss, Hubert Janos and Rodriguez-Lara, Ismael and Rosa-García, Alfonso (2014): Do Women Panic More Than Men? An Experimental Study on Financial Decision.

Knowles, Stephen and Servátka, Maroš and Sullivan, Trudy and Genç, Murat (2021): The Non-Monotonic Effect of Deadlines on Task Completion.

Knowles, Stephen and Servátka, Maroš and Sullivan, Trudy and Genç, Murat (2021): Procrastination and the Non-Monotonic Effect of Deadlines on Task Completion.

Kobayashi, Yohei and Fujikawa, Takemi (2010): An incomplete ignorance state in repeated-play decision making: A note on Bayesian decision-theoretical framework.

Kohler, Stefan (2012): Envy can promote more equal division in alternating-offer bargaining. Published in: Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics , Vol. 1, No. 6 (2013): pp. 31-41.

Kohler, Stefan (2012): Guilt causes equal or unequal division in alternating-offer bargaining.

Kohler, Stefan (2012): More fair play in an ultimatum game after resettlement in Zimbabwe: A field experiment and a structural model. Published in: PLoS ONE , Vol. 5, No. 8 (2013): e64791.

Kohnert, Dirk (2016): L'agence sociale compte! - Des entrepreneurs migrants africains et chinois comme acteurs de changement. Published in: Politique Africaine No. 147 (19 November 2017): pp. 175-176.

Kombarov, Sayan (2021): Action in Economics: Mathematical Derivation of Laws of Economics from the Principle of Least Action in Physics. Published in: Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies (24 August 2021): pp. 123-129.

Kono, Tatsuhito and Okuno, Masaya and Yamaura, Kazuho (2020): Regional Differences in Cognitive Dissonance in Evacuation Behavior at the time of the 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.

Kontek, Krzysztof (2009): Absolute vs. Relative Notion of Wealth Changes.

Kontek, Krzysztof (2009): Are People Really Risk Seeking for Losses?

Kontek, Krzysztof (2010): Classifying Behaviors in Risky Choices.

Kontek, Krzysztof (2010): Decision Utility Theory: Back to von Neumann, Morgenstern, and Markowitz.

Kontek, Krzysztof (2010): Density Based Regression for Inhomogeneous Data: Application to Lottery Experiments.

Kontek, Krzysztof (2010): Estimation of Peaked Densities Over the Interval [0,1] Using Two-Sided Power Distribution: Application to Lottery Experiments.

Kontek, Krzysztof (2009): The Illusion of Irrationality.

Kontek, Krzysztof (2010): Linking Decision and Time Utilities.

Kontek, Krzysztof (2010): Mean, Median or Mode? A Striking Conclusion From Lottery Experiments.

Kontek, Krzysztof (2010): Multi-Outcome Lotteries: Prospect Theory vs. Relative Utility.

Kontek, Krzysztof (2009): On Mental Transformations.

Kontek, Krzysztof (2009): On mental transformations.

Kontek, Krzysztof (2010): Two Kinds of Adaptation, Two Kinds of Relativity.

Kontek, Krzysztof (2011): What is the actual shape of perception utility?

Koutsobinas, Theodore (2011): Animal spirits, liquidity-preference and Keynesian behavioural macroeconomics: An intertemporal framework.

Koutsobinas, Theodore (2003): The design of new policies in the global economy and society: The case of star markets and cultural change. Published in: International Journal of the Humanities , Vol. Volume, : pp. 1567-1579.

Kuriakose, Francis and Kylasam Iyer, Deepa (2017): The Curious Case of Choice Architect: Examining the Philosophical Inconsistencies of Libertarian Paternalism.

König, Markus and Pfarr, Christian and Zweifel, Peter (2013): Mutual Altruism: Evidence from Alzheimer Patients and Their Spouse Caregivers.


Lahno, Amrei Marie and Lahno, Bernd (2014): Team Reasoning as a Guide to Coordination.

Lanier, Joshua and Miao, Bin and Quah, John and Zhong, Songfa (2018): Intertemporal Consumption with Risk: A Revealed Preference Analysis.

Lanier, Joshua and Miao, Bin and Quah, John and Zhong, Songfa (2018): Intertemporal Consumption with Risk: A Revealed Preference Analysis.

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