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Items where Subject is "D83 - Search ; Learning ; Information and Knowledge ; Communication ; Belief ; Unawareness"

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Number of items at this level: 621.


ASUAMAH Yeboah, Samuel (2023): Navigating the Waves of Change: Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Consumer Behaviour in Developing Countries.

Agurto Adrianzen, Marcos (2009): The role of social capital in the adoption of firewood efficient stoves in the Northern Peruvian Andes.

Aktas, Erkan and BALKAN, BETÜL and KARAPINAR, KAYANUR (2008): Biga’da Bilisim Teknolojileri Kullanımının Öğrencilerin Basarı ve Harcama Düzeylerine Olası Etkileri. Published in: Kocaeli Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi , Vol. Sayı:, No. Yıl: 5 (1 June 2009): pp. 39-48.

Alecu, Ioan Niculae and Ciocan, Felix-Dimitrie and Nicolae, Horia and Ciocan, Mihut Miki (2015): Med-arb and arb-med procedures in conflicts among professionals in agriculture. Published in: Agricultural Economics and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania , Vol. 6, No. ISSN 2285–6803 ISSN-L 2285–6803 (20 November 2015): pp. 95-103.

Alecu, Ioan Niculae and Stroe, Ana-Maria Georgiana (2015): The interprofessional organizations - from the need of establishment to the need of development and affirmation. Published in: Agricultural Economics and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania , Vol. 6, No. ISSN 2285–6803 ISSN-L 2285–6803 (20 November 2015): pp. 113-117.

Amador, Manuel and Weill, Pierre-Olivier (2006): Learning from Private and Public Observation of Other's Actions.

Amanatidis, Dimitrios and Mylona, Ifigeneia and Mamalis, Spyridon and Kamenidou, Irene (Eirini) (2020): Social media for cultural communication: A critical investigation of museums’ Instagram practices. Published in: Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing , Vol. 6, No. 1 (30 May 2020): pp. 38-44.

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2011): The Full Value of the Nobel Prize - Part 1: Mining “Data Without Theory”.

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2014): Human Knowledge and a Commonsensical Measure of Human Capital: A Proposal.

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2007): The effects of technology-as-knowledge on the economic performance of developing countries: An econometric analysis using annual publications data for Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa, 1976-2004.

Amberger, Korie (2013): The Role of Capital on Noise Shocks.

Ang, Joshua Ping (2014): Barter, Money and Direct Search Equilibrium.

Antoci, Angelo and Sabatini, Fabio and Sodini, Mauro (2011): Bowling alone but tweeting together: the evolution of human interaction in the social networking era.

Antoniou, Fabio and Tsakiris, Nikos (2011): Information and disclosure in strategic trade policy: Revisited.

Anttiroiko, Ari-Veikko (2014): Good governance in context: Learning from anti-corruption policies of Finland and Singapore.

Armstrong, Mark (2011): Economic models of consumer protection policies.

Armstrong, Mark (2014): Opening Access to Research.

Armstrong, Mark (2016): Ordered Consumer Search.

Armstrong, Mark (2015): Search and ripoff externalities.

Armstrong, Mark and Chen, Yongmin (2017): Discount Pricing.

Armstrong, Mark and Chen, Yongmin (2012): Discount pricing.

Armstrong, Mark and Vickers, John (2018): Patterns of Competition with Captive Customers.

Armstrong, Mark and Vickers, John (2019): Patterns of Competitive Interaction.

Armstrong, Mark and Vickers, John (2021): Patterns of Competitive Interaction.

Armstrong, Mark and Vickers, John (2020): Patterns of Price Competition and the Structure of Consumer Choice.

Armstrong, Mark and Vickers, John (2009): A model of delegated project choice.

Armstrong, Mark and Vickers, John and Zhou, Jidong (2008): Consumer protection and the incentive to become informed.

Armstrong, Mark and Zhou, Jidong (2010): Conditioning prices on search behaviour.

Armstrong, Mark and Zhou, Jidong (2019): Consumer information and the limits to competition.

Armstrong, Mark and Zhou, Jidong (2010): Exploding offers and buy-now discounts.

Armstrong, Mark and Zhou, Jidong (2011): Exploding offers and buy-now discounts.

Armstrong, Mark and Zhou, Jidong (2011): Paying for prominence.

Armstrong, Mark and Zhou, Jidong (2014): Search Deterrence.

Armstrong, Mark and Zhou, Jidong (2013): Search Deterrence.

Arnold, Rob (2023): Uniform Confidence/Certainty Estimation.

Asine, Janice and Baibarac-Duignan, Corelia and Broglio, Elisabetta and Castańeda, Alexandra and Feord, Helen and Freyburg, Linda and Leppée, Marcel and Matheus, Andreas and Camara Oliveira, Marta and Pavlakis, Christoforos and Peira, Jaume and Soacha, Karen and Thuermer, Gefion and Vohland, Katrin and Wagenknecht, Katherin and Woods, Tim and Zourou, Katerina and Caruso, Federico and Duerinckx, Annelies and Klimczuk, Andrzej and Sterken, Mieke and Berti Suman, Anna (2020): Workshop report: Creating a citizens' information pack on ethical and legal issues around ICTs: what should be included? Published in:

Asongu, Simplice and Nwachukwu, Jacinta and Orim, Stella-Maris and Pyke, Chris (2019): Crime and Social Media. Forthcoming in: Information Technology & People

Asongu, Simplice and Odhiambo, Nicholas (2020): Social Media and Inclusive Human Development in Africa. Forthcoming in: Information Development

Asongu, Simplice and Odhiambo, Nicholas (2018): Tourism and Social Media in the World: An Empirical Investigation. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Studies

Asongu, Simplice and Orim, Stella-Maris and Nting, Rexon (2019): Terrorism and social media: global evidence. Published in: Journal of Global Information Technology Management , Vol. 22, No. 3 (December 2019): pp. 208-228.

Asongu, Simplice and Uduji, Joseph and Okolo-Obasi, Elda (2019): Homicide and Social Media: Global Empirical Evidence. Forthcoming in: Technology in Society , Vol. 59, No. November 2019 (November 2019): p. 101188.

Astaiza-Gómez, José Gabriel (2021): Information Choice in Financial Markets.

Astaiza-Gómez, José Gabriel (2022): The Effects of Investors' Information Acquisition On Sell-Side Analysts' Forecast Bias.

Atakan, Alp Enver and Ekmekci, Mehmet (2016): Market Selection and the Information Content of Prices.

Athias, Laure (2024): Common Good Institutions, Identity in the Workplace, and Value Dynamics.

Avdimiotis, Spyros (2019): Emotional intelligence and tacit knowledge management in hospitality. Published in: Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing , Vol. 5, No. 2 (30 November 2019): pp. 3-10.

armstrong, Mark and Vickers, John (2020): Patterns of competitive interaction.


BUDA, Rodolphe (1997): L'avenir de l'information économique. Published in: Communication et langages , Vol. 114, No. 4è Trim. (1997): pp. 118-120.

Bakari, Sayef (2024): The Role of Digitalization, Natural Resources, and Trade Openness in Driving Economic Growth: Fresh Insights from East Asia-Pacific Countries.

Balakrishnan, VN and Mohamad Khan, Jamal Khan (2018): Influential Factors of Competitive Advantage Progression on SME Third-Party Logistics in Selangor Malaysia.

Banasiewicz, George (2022): New media technologies, fake news, and disinformation: challenges for the society. Published in: International Journal of Business and Technology Studies and Research , Vol. 4, No. 2 (16 August 2022): pp. 13-21.

Barbosa, António (2019): Optimal Learning, Overvaluation and Overinvestment.

Barbuta Misu, Nicoleta (2008): The enterprise’ performance in the knowledge based society. Published in: The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle I – 2008. Economics and Applied Informatics , Vol. XIV, No. Years XIV (2008): pp. 95-102.

Barja Daza, Gover (2020): An experiment in knowledge co-creation on the subsistence entrepreneurial ecosystem of metropolitan La Paz, Bolivia. Published in: Journal of Accountancy & Bedrijfskunde, https://tijdschriftaccountancyenbedrijfskunde.be/home#/ , Vol. 2020, No. 9 [Social Entrepreneurship Summit] (26 August 2020): pp. 81-90.

Barkowski, Scott (2021): Physician Response to Prices of Other Physicians: Evidence from a Field Experiment.

Barron, Kai (2018): Belief updating: Does the 'good-news, bad-news' asymmetry extend to purely financial domains?

Basuchoudhary, Atin and Allen, Sam and Siemers, Troy (2008): Civilization and the evolution of short sighted agents.

Basuchoudhary, Atin and Meredith, Rich (2009): War with Iran: Will brinkmanship deter Iran from building the bomb?

Batorski, Jarema (2014): Antinomies of Crisis Management and Organizational Learning. Published in: Формирование российской идентичности как фактор национальной безопасности. Отв. ред. Р.Д. Хунагов, Изд-во АГУ, Москва - Майкоп - Ростов-на-Дону (ISBN 978-5-85108-279-5) : pp. 52-56.

Batorski, Jarema (2001): Corporate Learning Ability. Published in: Human Resource Management No. 1A (ISSN 1641-0882) : pp. 51-64.

Baulch, Emma and Pramiyanti, Alila (2018): Hijabers on Instagram: Using Visual Social Media to Construct the Ideal Muslim Woman. Published in: Social Media and Society (October 2018): pp. 1-15.

Baumann, Stuart (2017): Comparative Advertising: The role of prices.

Bavly, Gilad and Heller, Yuval and Schreiber, Amnon (2020): Social Welfare in Search Games with Asymmetric Information.

Bayindir, Esra E. and Gurdal, Mehmet Y. and Ozdogan, Ayca and Saglam, Ismail (2019): Cheap Talk Games with Two-Senders and Different Modes of Communication.

Bayrak, Oben (2016): Another Solution for Allais Paradox: Preference Imprecision, Dispersion and Pessimism.

Beck, Jonathan (2009): Diderot's rule.

Bell, Peter N (2015): Mineral exploration as a game of chance.

Bellon, Bertrand and Ben Youssef, Adel and M’henni, Hatem (2005): Le maillon manquant entre adoption et usage des TIC dans les économies du sud de la méditerranée. Published in: Revue Française de Gestion , Vol. 32, (September 2006): pp. 173-190.

Benhima, Kenza and Bolliger, Elio (2022): Do Local Forecasters Have Better Information?

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan (2008): Overconfidence?

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan (2007): Overconfidence?

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan (2007): Overconfidence?

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan (2008): Overconfidence?

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan (2018): When do populations polarize? An explanation.

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan (2006): The problem of prevention.

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan and Moore, Don (2009): Does the Better-Than-Average Effect Show That People Are Overconfident?: An Experiment.

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan and Moore, Don (2008): A proper test of overconfidence.

Berardi, Michele (2021): Beliefs asymmetry and price stability in a cobweb model.

Berardi, Michele (2020): Learning from prices: information aggregation and accumulation in an asset market.

Berardi, Michele (2012): Strategic interactions, incomplete information and learning.

Berardi, Michele (2020): Uncertainty and sentiments in asset prices.

Berardi, Michele (2021): Uncertainty, sentiments and time-varying risk premia.

Berardi, Michele (2019): A probabilistic interpretation of the constant gain algorithm.

Berger, Ulrich (2009): The convergence of fictitious play in games with strategic complementarities: A Comment.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2023): Knowledge Creation through Multimodal Communication.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2023): Knowledge creation through multimodal communication.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2024): Knowledge creation through multimodal communication.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2024): Knowledge creation through multimodal communication.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2025): Knowledge creation through multimodal communication.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2011): Culture and diversity in knowledge creation.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2011): Culture and diversity in knowledge creation.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2012): Culture and diversity in knowledge creation.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2010): The Dynamics of Knowledge Diversity and Economic Growth.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2008): The Dynamics of Knowledge Diversity and Economic Growth.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2007): Dynamics of knowledge creation and transfer: The two person case.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2007): Knowledge creation as a square dance on the Hilbert cube.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2007): Knowledge creation as a square dance on the Hilbert cube.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2008): The dynamics of knowledge diversity and economic growth.

Berliant, Marcus and Fujita, Masahisa (2009): The dynamics of knowledge diversity and economic growth.

Berliant, Marcus and Mori, Tomoya (2016): Beyond urban form: How Masahisa Fujita shapes us.

Berliant, Marcus and Mori, Tomoya (2016): Beyond urban form: How Masahisa Fujita shapes us.

Berman, Ron and Katona, Zsolt (2010): The Role of Search Engine Optimization in Search Rankings.

Biorn, Erik and Godager, Geir (2008): Does quality influence choice of general practitioner? An analysis of matched doctor-patient panel data. Published in: , Vol. 2008-3, No. HERO Working Paper (May 2008)

Bocharnikov, Victor and Sveshnikov, Sergey and Voznyak, Stepan and Yuzefovich, Vladimir (2009): Model for revelation of unfriendly information impacts in mass-media which are directed on change of public opinion.

Boettke, Peter (2010): From neuro-Hayekians to subjectivist Hayekians: a reply to Horwitz and Koppl. Published in: Advances in Austrian Economics , Vol. 13, (2010): pp. 399-410.

Boleslavsky, Raphael and Cotton, Christopher (2012): Grade Inflation and Education Quality.

Bond, Timothy N. and Bulman, George and Li, Xiaoxiao and Smith, Jonathan (2016): Updated Expectations and College Application Portfolios.

Bond, Timothy N. and Bulman, George and Li, Xiaoxiao and Smith, Jonathan (2016): Updating Human Capital Decisions: Evidence from SAT Score Shocks and College Applications.

Bos, Olivier and Ranger, Martin (2016): Risk and Unraveling in Labor Markets.

Botteon Costa, Raone and Ferman, Bruno and Monte, Daniel (2020): Baggage fees in airlines: Is this a good idea?

Brade, Raphael (2022): Social Information and Educational Investment - Nudging Remedial Math Course Participation.

Bram, Avraham and Seyhan, Eda (2011): Match of the Day: The search for a suitable spouse.

Bramsen, Jens-Martin (2008): Learning to bid, but not to quit – Experience and Internet auctions.

Branea, Silvia and Marinescu, Valentina (2005): Jurnalistii si factorul politic in anul 2004. Published in: Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication No. Summer 2005 (2005): pp. 49-56.

Brosig-Koch, Jeannette and Heinrich, Timo and Sterner, Martin (2023): Bilateral communication in procurement auctions.

Bruns, Christian and Himmler, Oliver (2014): A Theory of Political Accountability and Journalism.

Bruttel, Lisa and Stolley, Florian and Utikal, Verena (2018): Getting a Yes. An Experiment on the Power of Asking.

Buda, Rodolphe (2009): Learning-Testing Process in Classroom: An Empirical Simulation Model. Published in: Computers & Education , Vol. 52, No. 1 (January 2009): pp. 177-187.

Buisson, Florent (2021): Equilibrium of a Search Model with Non-unit Demand.

Bøg, Martin (2006): Whom to Observe?


CHAGAS LOPES, MARGARIDA (2011): Education, development and knowledge: new forms of unequal change under globalization. The case of SSA countries.

Cai, Jing and de Janvry, Alain and Sadoulet, Elisabeth (2013): Social Networks and the Decision to Insure.

Carthy, Philip and Lunn, Pete and Lyons, Sean (2018): Demographic variation in active consumer behaviour: Who searches most for retail broadband services?

Chagas Lopes, Margarida and PINTO, AQUILES (2001): "O Ensino Superior e a Formação e Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida". Published in: Ensino Superior e Competitividade , Vol. volume, : pp. 186-290.

Chai, Andreas and Bradley, Graham and Lo, Alex Y. and Reser, Joseph (2014): What time to adapt? The role of discretionary time in sustaining the climate change value-action gap.

Chang, Dongkyu and Vong, Allen (2021): Perverse Ethical Concerns: Online Platforms and Offline Conflicts.

Chapkovski, Philipp and Zakharov, Alexei (2023): Does voluntary disclosure of polarizing information make polarization deeper? An online experiment on Russo-Ukrainian War.

Chappell, Henry and Guimaraes, Paulo and Ozturk, Orgul (2006): Confessions of an Internet Monopolist: Demand Estimation for a Versioned Information Good.

Chatterjee, Sidharta (2010): Behavioral Aspects of Organizational Learning and Adaptation.

Chen, Heng and Luo, Yulei and Pei, Guangyu (2015): Attention Misallocation, Social Welfare and Policy Implications.

Chen, Yongmin and Zhang, Tianle (2009): Equilibrium price dispersion with heterogeneous searchers.

Chi, Feng and Yang, Nathan (2010): Twitter Adoption in Congress.

Ching, Andrew (2008): Consumer Learning and Heterogeneity: Dynamics of Demand for Prescription Drugs after Patent Expiration.

Ching, Andrew and Ishihara, Masakazu (2007): The Effects of Detailing on Prescribing Decisions under Quality Uncertainty.

Choi, Syngjoo and Lee, Jihong (2009): Communication, Coordination and Networks.

Chouliaras, Andreas (2015): High Frequency Newswire Textual Sentiment: Evidence from international stock markets during the European Financial Crisis.

Chouliaras, Andreas and Grammatikos, Theoharry (2013): News Flow, Web Attention and Extreme Returns in the European Financial Crisis.

Christmann, Robin (2018): Prosecution and Conviction under Hindsight Bias in Adversary Legal Systems.

Chung, Anna (2008): The Choice of For-Profit College.

Cocchi, Andrea (2011): Business models as systemic instruments for the evolution of traditional districts?

Coletta, Attilio and Giampietri, Elisa and Santeramo, Fabio Gaetano and Severini, Simone and Trestini, Samuele (2018): A preliminary test on risk and ambiguity attitudes, and time preferences in decisions under uncertainty: towards a better explanation of participation in crop insurance schemes. Forthcoming in: Bio-Based and Applied Economics No. 3

Colo, Philippe (2021): Cassandra's Curse: A Second Tragedy of the Commons.

Colo, Philippe (2021): Expert-based Knowledge: Communicating on Scientific Models.

Colo, Philippe (2021): Expert-based Knowledge: Communicating over Scientific Models.

Consoli, Davide (2008): Co-evolution of capabilities and preferences in the adoption of new technologies. Forthcoming in: Technology Analysis and Strategic Management

Consoli, Davide and Ramlogan, Ronnie (2009): Scope, Strategy and Structure: The Dynamics of Knowledge Networks in Medicine.

Cotton, Christopher (2007): Multiple-bidding in auctions as bidders become confident of their private valuations.

Coutts, Alexander (2015): Testing Models of Belief Bias: An Experiment.

Creane, Anthony (2019): A Note on Socially Insufficient Advertising in Tirole’s Duopoly Model.

Creane, Anthony (2020): On the existence of the competitive equilibrium in Grossman and Shapiro (1984).

Creane, Anthony and Manduchi, Agostino (2019): Informative Advertising in Monopolistically Competitive Markets.

Crosetto, Paolo and Gaudeul, Alexia (2012): Do consumers prefer offers that are easy to compare? An experimental investigation.

Cunha, Douglas and Monte, Daniel (2023): Diversity Fosters Learning in Environments with Experimentation and Social Learning.


Dandi, Roberto (2002): E-mail and Direct Participation in Decision Making: A Literature Review.

Darmouni, Olivier and Sutherland, Andrew (2018): Learning about Competitors: Evidence from SME Lending.

Daskalopoulou, Irene and Petrou, Anastasia (2010): Entrepreneurial growth expectations and information flows in networks. Forthcoming in: Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development

De Marco, Giuseppe and Romaniello, Maria (2008): Evolution of Coalition Structures under Uncertainty.

De Spiegelaere, Stan and Van Gyes, Guy and Van Hootegem, Geert (2012): Mainstreaming Innovation in Europe. Findings on Employee Innovation and Workplace Learning from Belgium. Published in: Lifelong Learning in Europe , Vol. 4, No. 17 (December 2012)

Deb, Rahul (2008): Optimal Contracting Of New Experience Goods.

Decreuse, Bruno (2003): Choosy search and the mismatch of talents.

Decreuse, Bruno and Kazbakova, Elvira (2008): On the spike in hazard rates at unemployment benefit expiration: The signalling hypothesis revisited.

Decreuse, Bruno and Zylberberg, André (2006): Job search with ubiquity and the wage distribution.

Decreuse, Bruno and Zylberberg, André (2006): Job search with ubiquity and the wage distribution.

Dell'Era, Michele (2019): Talking to Influence and the Consulting Paradox.

Della Giusta, Marina and Vukadinovic-Greetham, Danica and Jaworska, Sylvia (2018): Tweeting Economists: Antisocial in the socials?

Denter, Philipp and Dumav, Martin and Ginzburg, Boris (2019): Social Connectivity, Media Bias, and Correlation Neglect.

Denter, Philipp and Ginzburg, Boris (2021): Troll Farms and Voter Disinformation.

Di Maggio, Marco (2009): Accountability and Cheap Talk.

Di Maggio, Marco (2009): Sweet Talk: A Theory of Persuasion.

Dietrich, Franz (2016): Savage's Theorem Under Changing Awareness. Published in: Journal of Economic Theory No. 176 (2018): pp. 1-54.

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian and Bradley, Richard (2014): Belief revision generalized: A joint characterization of Bayes's and Jeffrey's rules. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Theory

Dietrich, Franz and Spiekermann, Kai (2016): Jury Theorems.

Dima, Bogdan and Cuzman, Ioan and Dima (Cristea), Stefana Maria and Şărămăt, Otilia (2010): Effects of financial and non-financial information disclosure on prices’ mechanisms for emergent markets: The case of Romanian Bucharest Stock Exchange.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2004): Environmental Kuznets Curve: An Envelope of Technological Progress.

Donna, Javier D. and Pereira, Pedro and Pires, Tiago and Trindade, Andre (2021): Measuring the Welfare of Intermediaries. Published in: Management Science , Vol. 11, No. 68 (2022): pp. 2083-8115.

Donna, Javier D. and Pereira, Pedro and Pires, Tiago and Trindade, Andre (2019): Measuring the Welfare of Intermediaries in Vertical Markets.

Doshchyn, Artur and Giommetti, Nicola (2013): Learning, Expectations, and Endogenous Business Cycles.

Díez-Amigo, Sandro (2014): Improving the Access to Higher Education for the Poor: Lessons from a Special Admission Program in Chile.


Eckardt, Martina and Räthke-Döppner, Solvig (2008): The Quality of Insurance Intermediary Services – Empirical Evidence for Germany.

Ekizceleroglu, Caner (2011): Türkiye’de Bilgi Ekonomisi ve Bilgi Yoğun Malların Dış Ticareti (1969-2009). Published in: Marmara University Journal of Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences , Vol. XXX, No. I (1 June 2011): pp. 209-228.

Elfaki, Muawia and Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2011): Economics of Seeding Rate in Crop Yield.

Elsner, Wolfram and Schwardt, Henning (2012): Trust and Arena Size. Expectations, Trust, and Institutions Co-Evolving, and Their Critical Population and Group Sizes.

Emanuele, Canegrati (2007): The Single-mindedness theory: empirical evidence from the U.K.

Escañuela Romana, Ignacio (2018): Instability in the basic New Keynesian model under limited information.

Escobari, Diego (2011): Dynamic Pricing, Advance Sales, and Aggregate Demand Learning in Airlines. Forthcoming in: Journal of Industrial Economics

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Asymmetric information in the civil wars, the Colombian case.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Theory of argumentation in financial markets.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): The rhetoric of economics.

Evers, Hans-Dieter (2011): Knowledge cluster formation as a science policy: lessons learned.


FRATOSTITEANU, COSMIN (2008): Implications of the Information and Communication Technology Development on Firms’ Performance.

Fanelli, Luca (2007): Evaluating the New Keynesian Phillips Curve under VAR-based learning.

Fent, Thomas (1999): Using Genetics Based Machine Learning to find Strategies for Product Placement in a dynamic Market.

Ferrante, Francesco and Ruiu, Gabiele (2014): Entrepreneurship. How important are institutions and culturally-based prior beliefs?

Ferrer, Julian and Ríos, Manriquez (2006): Administración del conocimiento en instituciones de educación superior. Un análisis conceptual.

Fershtman, Chaim and Fishman, Arthur and Zhou, Jidong (2013): Search and Categorization.

Filoso, Valerio (2007): Divorce and the Option Value of Marital Search.

Fischer, Christian (2020): Optimal payment contracts in trade relationships.

Fischer, Justina A.V. (2013): Globalization, female employment, and regional differences in OECD countries.

Fischer, Justina A.V. (2014): Globalized markets, globalized information, and female employment: accounting for regional differences in 30 OECD countries.

Fischer, Justina A.V. and Pastore, Francesco (2015): Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis: religion and female employment over time.

Fischer, Justina AV and Aydıner-Avşar, Nursel (2015): Are women in the MENA region really that different from women in Europe? Globalization, conservative values and female labor market participation.

Fischer-Thöne, Christian (2022): Optimal payment contracts in trade relationships.

Fujikawa, Takemi (2009): The hot stove effect in repeated-play decision making under ambiguity.


Gagnon-Bartsch, Tristan and Rosato, Antonio (2022): Quality is in the eye of the beholder: taste projection in markets with observational learning.

Garcia, Daniel (2014): Branding and Collusion in Vertically Differentiated Industries.

Garrod, Luke and Li, Ruochen and Russo, Antonio and Wilson, Chris M (2024): Understanding Cost Pass-Through when Prices are Dispersed.

Garrod, Luke and Li, Ruochen and Wilson, Christopher (2023): Automated switching services.

Garrod, Luke and Li, Ruochen and Wilson, Christopher (2023): Automated switching services.

Garrod, Luke and Olczak, Matthew and Wilson, Chris M (2020): Price Advertising, Double Marginalisation and Vertical Restraints.

Garz, Marcel (2014): Consumption, labor income uncertainty, and economic news coverage.

Garzarelli, Giampaolo (2006): The Organizational Approach of Capability Theory: A Review Essay.

Gaudeul, Alexia (2008): Software Marketing on the Internet: the Use of Samples and Repositories.

Gaudeul, Alexia and Sugden, Robert (2007): Spurious Complexity and Common Standards in Markets for Consumer Goods.

Gavazza, Alessandro (2010): The role of trading frictions in real asset markets.

Gay, Victor and Albertus, Michael (2017): Unlikely Democrats: Economic Elite Uncertainty Under Dictatorship and Support for Democratization. Forthcoming in: American Journal of Political Science (2017)

George, Michael (2007): Predicting the Profit Potential of a Microeconomic Process: An Information Theoretic/Thermodynamic Approach.

George, Michael (2007): Predicting the Profit Potential of a Microeconomic Process: An Information Theoretic/Thermodynamic Approach.

Gergaud, Olivier and Smeets, Valérie and Warzynski, Frédéric (2010): Stars War in French Gastronomy: Prestige of Restaurants and Chefs’ Careers.

Ghassan, Hassan Belkacem (2015): Fairness and Ethics in Spending. Published in: Journal of Reviews on Global Economics , Vol. 5, (18 August 2016): pp. 281-287.

Ghate, Chetan and Mazumder, Debojyoti (2018): Employment Targeting in a Frictional Labor Market.

Ghencea, Adrian and Simion, Dana-Florenta (2010): Challenges and possible solutions for modernization of romanian companies under the knowledge revolution. Published in: Megabyte Journal , Vol. 9, (10 December 2010): pp. 192-194.

Gibson, John and Tucker, Steven and Boe-Gibson, Geua (2019): Testing an Information Intervention: Experimental Evidence on the Effect of Jamie Oliver on Fizzy Drinks Demand.

Gill, David and Prowse, Victoria (2012): Cognitive ability and learning to play equilibrium: A level-k analysis.

Ginzburg, Boris (2022): Collective Learning and Distributive Uncertainty.

Ginzburg, Boris (2019): Optimal Information Censorship. Published in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization , Vol. 163, (July 2019): pp. 377-385.

Ginzburg, Boris (2019): A Simple Model of Competitive Testing.

Ginzburg, Boris (2019): A Simple Model of Competitive Testing.

Ginzburg, Boris (2019): Slacktivism. Forthcoming in: Journal of Theoretical Politics

Giovannini, Enrico and Malgarini, Marco (2012): What do Italian consumers know about Economic Data? An analysis based on the ISTAT Consumers Survey.

Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro and Julien, Benoit and Chengsi, Wang (2012): Informative Advertising in Directed Search.

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