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Items where Subject is "D82 - Asymmetric and Private Information ; Mechanism Design"

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Number of items at this level: 684.


Abdelhamid, El Bouhadi and Omar, Essardi (2007): Micro-microcrédit et asymétries d’information : cas du Maroc.

Abraham, Arpad and Koehne, Sebastian and Pavoni, Nicola (2012): Optimal income taxation with asset accumulation.

Achuthankutty, Gopakumar and Roy, Souvik (2017): Dictatorship on Top-circular Domains.

Achuthankutty, Gopakumar and Roy, Souvik (2017): On Single-peaked Domains and Min-max Rules.

Achuthankutty, Gopakumar and Roy, Souvik (2017): Strategy-proof Rules on Partially Single-peaked Domains.

Achuthankutty, Gopakumar and Roy, Souvik (2017): Strategy-proof Rules on Top-connected Single-peaked and Partially Single-peaked Domains.

Adriani, Fabrizio and Deidda, Luca (2008): Competition and the signaling role of prices.

Adriani, Fabrizio and Deidda, Luca and Sonderegger, Silvia (2009): The Role of Financial Intermediaries in Securities Issues: A Theoretical Analysis.

Adriani, Fabrizio and Sonderegger, Silvia (2009): Trust, Introspection, and Market Participation: an Evolutionary Approach.

Adriani, Fabrizio and Sonderegger, Silvia (2009): Why do parents socialize their children to behave pro-socially? An information-based theory.

Agyekum, Francis and Locke, Stuart and Hewa-Wellalage, Nirosha (2016): A search for Theory of Financial Market Failure in Lower Income Countries (LICs) and implication for Financial Exclusion.

Ahmed, Rafayal (2018): Dynamic Screening with Differentially Informed Principals.

Al-Ubaydli, Omar and Boettke, Peter (2010): Markets as economizers of information: Field experimental examination of the “Hayek Hypothesis”.

Alfarano, Simone and Banal-Estanol, Albert and Camacho-Cuena, Eva and Iori, Giulia and Kapar, Burcu (2020): Centralized vs decentralized markets in the laboratory: The role of connectivity.

Alvarez-Parra, Fernando A. and Sanchez, Juan M. (2006): Unemployment Insurance in an Economy with a Hidden Labor Market.

Anginer, Deniz and Mansi, Sattar and Warburton, A. Joseph and Yildizhan, Celim (2011): Firm Reputation and Cost of Debt Capital.

Anginer, Deniz and Yildizhan, Celim and Han, Xue Snow (2017): Do Individual Investors Ignore Transaction Costs?

Angyridis, Constantine and Sen, Debapriya (2010): Relative and Absolute Preference for Quality.

Antelo, Manel and Antonio, Sampayo (2017): Licensing contracts and the number of licenses under screening.

Armstrong, Mark (1995): Delegation and discretion.

Armstrong, Mark (1996): Nonlinear pricing with imperfectly informed consumers.

Armstrong, Mark (2012): A more general theory of commodity bundling.

Armstrong, Mark and Vickers, John (2016): Multiproduct Pricing Made Simple.

Armstrong, Mark and Zhou, Jidong (2014): Search Deterrence.

Arroyo, Martín R. (2007): Banking Concentration, Information Asymmetries and Credit Rationing or the Argentinean Case.

Asano, Koji (2023): Liquidity Policies with Opacity.

Asano, Koji (2021): Ignorant Experts and Financial Fragility.

Asano, Koji (2021): Managing Financial Expertise.

Asine, Janice and Baibarac-Duignan, Corelia and Broglio, Elisabetta and Castańeda, Alexandra and Feord, Helen and Freyburg, Linda and Leppée, Marcel and Matheus, Andreas and Camara Oliveira, Marta and Pavlakis, Christoforos and Peira, Jaume and Soacha, Karen and Thuermer, Gefion and Vohland, Katrin and Wagenknecht, Katherin and Woods, Tim and Zourou, Katerina and Caruso, Federico and Duerinckx, Annelies and Klimczuk, Andrzej and Sterken, Mieke and Berti Suman, Anna (2020): Workshop report: Creating a citizens' information pack on ethical and legal issues around ICTs: what should be included? Published in:

Astaiza-Gómez, José Gabriel (2021): Information Choice in Financial Markets.

Astaiza-Gómez, José Gabriel (2022): The Effects of Investors' Information Acquisition On Sell-Side Analysts' Forecast Bias.

Athias, Laure and Nunez, Antonio (2008): The more the merrier? Number of bidders, information dispersion, renegotiation and winner’s curse in toll road concessions.

Athias, Laure and Saussier, Stéphane (2007): Contractual flexibility or rigidity for public private partnerships? Theory and evidence from infrastructure concession contracts.

Azrieli, Yaron (2007): Categorization and correlation in a random-matching game.

albanese, marina and navarra, cecilia and Tortia, Ermanno (2013): Employer’s moral hazard and wage rigidity. Published in: DEM Discussion Papers (February 2013)


Bacha, Obiyathulla I. (1997): Adapting Mudarabah Financing to Contemporary Realities: A Proposed Financing Structure. Published in: The Journal of Accounting, Commerce & Finance; Islamic Perspective , Vol. 1, No. 1 (June 1997): pp. 26-54.

Bagchi, A. K. and Das, Pranab Kumar and Moitra, B. (2002): Are listed Indian firms finance constrained: Evidence for 1991-92 to 1997-98. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. 37, No. 8 (23 February 2002): pp. 727-736.

Banerjee, Shraman (2021): Treating Symmetric Buyers Asymmetrically.

Banerjee, Sreoshi and De, Parikshit and Mitra, Manipushpak (2020): A welfarist approach to sequencing problems with incentives.

Barbos, Andrei (2012): Imperfect Evaluation in Project Screening.

Barbos, Andrei (2012): Project Screening with Tiered Evaluation.

Bargagliotti, Anna E. and Li, Lingfang (Ivy) (2009): Decision Making Using Rating Systems: When Scale Meets Binary.

Barinov, Alexander and Park, Shawn Saeyeul and Yildizhan, Celim (2016): FIRM COMPLEXITY AND POST-EARNINGS-ANNOUNCEMENT DRIFT. Forthcoming in: Review of Accounting Studies (15 September 2022)

Barinov, Alexander and Park, Shawn Saeyeul and Yildizhan, Celim (2016): Firm Complexity and Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift.

Barinov, Alexander and Park, Shawn Saeyeul and Yildizhan, Celim (2016): Firm Complexity and Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift.

Barlo, Mehmet and Ayca, Ozdogan (2012): Team beats collusion.

Barlo, Mehmet and Ozdogan, Ayca (2011): Optimality of linearity with collusion and renegotiation.


Basuchoudhary, Atin and Conlon, John R. (2013): Silence is golden: communication, silence, and cartel stability.

Basuchoudhary, Atin and Meredith, Rich (2009): War with Iran: Will brinkmanship deter Iran from building the bomb?

Batiz-Lazo, Bernardo and Billings, Mark (2009): Accounting Regulation and Management Discretion in a British Building Society, Circa 1960.

Baumann, Stuart (2017): Comparative Advertising: The role of prices.

Bavly, Gilad and Heller, Yuval and Schreiber, Amnon (2020): Social Welfare in Search Games with Asymmetric Information.

Bell, Peter N (2012): Corporate investment decisions under asymmetric information and uncertainty.

Bell, William Paul (2008): Adaptive interactive profit expectations using small world networks and runtime weighted model averaging. Published in: Biomedical Applications of Micro- and Nanoengineering IV and Complex Systems (Proceedings Volume) , Vol. 7270, (30 December 2008)

Bell-Aldeghi, Rosalind (2019): Interactions between Social and Topping Up Insurance under ex-post Moral Hazard.

Bellon, Aymeric and Harpedanne de Belleville, Louis-Marie and Pinardon-Touati, Noémie (2021): Mediating Financial Intermediation.

Ben Youssef, Slim (2008): Adoption of a Cleaner Technology by a Monopoly Under Incomplete Information.

Benhima, Kenza and Bolliger, Elio (2022): Do Local Forecasters Have Better Information?

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan (2008): Overconfidence?

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan (2007): Overconfidence?

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan (2008): Overconfidence?

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan (2018): When do populations polarize? An explanation.

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan (2006): The problem of prevention.

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan and Moore, Don (2009): Does the Better-Than-Average Effect Show That People Are Overconfident?: An Experiment.

Benoît, Jean-Pierre and Dubra, Juan and Moore, Don (2008): A proper test of overconfidence.

Berdugo, Binyamin (2008): What It Takes to Be a Leader: Leadership and Charisma in a Citizen-Candidate Model.

Berdugo, Binyamin and Hadad, Sharon (2008): How Do Firing Costs Affect Innovation and Growth when Workers' Ability is Unknown? – Employment Protection as a Burden on a Firm's Screening Process.

Berliant, Marcus and Boyer, Pierre (2024): Politics and income taxes: progress and progressivity.

Berliant, Marcus and Boyer, Pierre (2023): Politics and income taxes: progress and progressivity.

Berliant, Marcus and Gouveia, Miguel (2025): On the political economy of nonlinear income taxation.

Berliant, Marcus and Gouveia, Miguel (2024): On the political economy of nonlinear income taxation.

Berliant, Marcus and Boyer, Pierre (2022): Politics and income taxes: progress and progressivity.

Berliant, Marcus and Chia-Ming, Yu (2014): Locational signaling and agglomeration.

Berliant, Marcus and Gouveia, Miguel (2018): On the Political Economy of Income Taxation.

Berliant, Marcus and Gouveia, Miguel (2022): On the Political Economy of Nonlinear Income Taxation.

Berliant, Marcus and Gouveia, Miguel (2018): On the political economy of income taxation.

Berliant, Marcus and Gouveia, Miguel (2019): On the political economy of income taxation.

Berliant, Marcus and Gouveia, Miguel (2020): On the political economy of income taxation.

Berliant, Marcus and Gouveia, Miguel (2021): On the political economy of income taxation.

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2006): Can Information Asymmetry Cause Agglomeration?

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2006): Can Information Asymmetry Cause Agglomeration?

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2008): Can Information Asymmetry Cause Agglomeration?

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2010): Can Information Asymmetry Cause Stratification?

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2009): Can information asymmetry cause agglomeration?

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2009): Can information asymmetry cause agglomeration?

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2006): Can information asymmetry cause agglomeration?

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2008): Can information asymmetry cause agglomeration?

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2008): Can information asymmetry cause agglomeration?

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2008): Can information asymmetry cause agglomeration?

Berliant, Marcus and Ledyard, John (2011): Optimal Dynamic Nonlinear Income Taxes with No Commitment.

Berliant, Marcus and Tabuchi, Takatoshi (2011): Local Politics and Economic Geography.

Berliant, Marcus and Tabuchi, Takatoshi (2011): Local politics and economic geography.

Berliant, Marcus and Tabuchi, Takatoshi (2011): Local politics and economic geography.

Berliant, Marcus and Tabuchi, Takatoshi (2012): Local politics and economic geography.

Berliant, Marcus and Tabuchi, Takatoshi (2012): Local politics and economic geography.

Berliant, Marcus and Tabuchi, Takatoshi (2013): Local politics and economic geography.

Berliant, Marcus and Yu, Chia-Ming (2012): Locational signaling and agglomeration.

Berliant, Marcus and Yu, Chia-Ming (2009): Locational signaling and agglomeration.

Berliant, Marcus and Yu, Chia-Ming (2010): Locational signaling and agglomeration.

Berliant, Marcus and Yu, Chia-Ming (2009): Locational signaling and agglomeration.

Berliant, Marcus and Yu, Chia-Ming (2010): Rational Expectations in Urban Economics.

Berliant, Marcus and Yu, Chia-Ming (2012): Rational Expectations in Urban Economics.

Berliant, Marcus and Yu, Chia-Ming (2011): Rational expectations in urban economics.

Berliant, Marcus and Yu, Chia-Ming (2012): Rational expectations in urban economics.

Berliant, Marcus and Yu, Chia-Ming (2009): Rational expectations in urban economics.

Berliant, Marcus and Yu, Chia-Ming (2009): Rational expectations in urban economics.

Bertoletti, Paolo (2006): A note on the Exclusion Principle.

Bhirombhakdi, Kornpob and Potipiti, Tanapong (2012): Cost of action, perceived intention, positive reciprocity, and signalling model.

Bhowmik, Anuj (2022): On the core of an economy with arbitrary consumption sets and asymmetric information.

Bhowmik, Anuj (2014): Coalitional Fairness: The Case of Exact Feasibility with Asymmetric Information.

Bhowmik, Anuj (2014): Core and Coalitional Fairness: The Case of Information Sharing Rule.

Bhowmik, Anuj (2013): Edgeworth equilibria: separable and non-separable commodity spaces.

Bhowmik, Anuj and Cao, Jiling (2011): Infinite dimensional mixed economies with asymmetric information.

Bhowmik, Anuj and Cao, Jiling (2011): On the core and Walrasian expectations equilibrium in infinite dimensional commodity spaces.

Bhowmik, Anuj and Cao, Jiling (2015): Rational Expectations Equilibria: Existence and Representation.

Bhowmik, Anuj and Centrone, Francesca and Martellotti, Anna (2016): Coalitional Extreme Desirability in Finitely Additive Economies with Asymmetric Information.

Bimonte, Giovanna (2013): A General Coalition Structure: Some Equivalence Results.

Blake, David and Biffs, Enrico (2012): Keeping Some Skin in the Game: How to Start a Capital Market in Longevity Risk Transfers.

Bobkova, Nina (2017): Asymmetric Budget Constraints in a First Price Auction.

Bojańczyk, Mirosław (2010): Communication of companies with their surroundings - the manipulation of information and information asymmetry.

Bomze, Immanuel and Schachinger, Werner and Weibull, Jorgen (2018): Does moral play equilibrate?

Bonga, Wellington Garikai (2019): Stock Market Volatility Analysis using GARCH Family Models: Evidence from Zimbabwe Stock Exchange.

Bos, Olivier (2011): Wars of attrition and all-pay auctions with stochastic competition.

Bos, Olivier and Ranger, Martin (2016): Risk and Unraveling in Labor Markets.

Bos, Olivier and Truyts, Tom (2017): Auctions with Signaling Concerns.

Botteon Costa, Raone and Ferman, Bruno and Monte, Daniel (2020): Baggage fees in airlines: Is this a good idea?

Bouoiyour, Jamal and Jellal, Mohamed and Wollf, François-Charles (2003): Effective Cost of Brain Drain. Published in: Brazilian Journal of Business Economics , Vol. Vol 3,, No. n° 1

Bourjade, Sylvain (2002): Diversification of Investor's Expertise in IPOs.

Bourjade, Sylvain and Germain, Laurent (2011): Collusion in board of directors.

Bourjade, Sylvain and Jullien, Bruno (2004): Expertise and Bias in Decision Making.

Bourjade, Sylvain and Jullien, Bruno (2011): The roles of reputation and transparency on the behavior of biased experts. Published in: The Rand Journal of Economics

Bourjade, Sylvain and Schindele, Ibolya (2011): Group lending with endogenous group size.

Bourjade, Sylvain and Schindele, Ibolya (2011): The role of agency costs in financial conglomeration.

Brett, Craig (2008): The effects of population aging on optimal redistributive taxes in an overlapping generations model.

Brusset, Xavier and Cattan-Jallet, Roxane (2009): Estimating the buyer's willingness to pay using Bayesian belief distribution with IFR.

Burkart, Mike (2009): Analyse de l'impact des coûts de participation sur la stratégie des enchérisseurs dans les Prises de contrôle.

Buyukboyaci, Muruvvet and Kucuksenel, Serkan (2016): Coordination and Cheap Talk: Indirect versus Direct Messages.

Böhme, Enrico (2012): Second-Degree Price Discrimination on Two-Sided Markets.


Cakir, Murat (2005): Firma Başarısızlığının Dinamiklerinin Belirlenmesinde Makina Öğrenmesi Teknikleri: Ampirik Uygulamalar ve Karşılaştırmalı Analiz.

Calagua, Braulio (2018): Reducing incentive constraints in bidimensional screening.

Calcagnini, Giorgio and Farabullini, Fabio and Giombini, Germana (2012): The impact of the recent financial crisis on bank loan interest rates and guarantees.

Cao, Xiaoyong and Hsueh, Shao-Chieh and Tian, Guoqiang (2009): On Ratifiability of Efficient Cartel Mechanisms in First-Price Auctions with Participation Costs and Information Leakage.

Cao, Xiaoyong and Tian, Guoqiang (2007): Second Price Auctions with Valuations and Participation Costs Both Privately Informed.

Cao, Xiaoyong and Tian, Guoqiang (2012): Second-Price Auctions with Different Participation Costs. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy

Caratelli, Massimo (2010): Transparency in consumer credit. the usage of the APR.

Caratelli, Massimo and Ornella, Ricci (2011): Impact of financial education and transparency on borrowing decisions. the case of consumer credit.

Caruso, Raul (2006): Conflict and Conflict Management with Interdependent Instruments and Asymmetric Stakes,(The Good-Cop and the Bad-Cop Game).

Caruso, Raul (2007): Conflict and Conflict Managment with Asymmetric Stakes (The Bad-Cop and the Good Cop part II).

Caruso, Raul (2007): Reciprocity in the shadow of Threat.

Caruso, Raul (2007): Recirpcity in the shadow of Threat.

Cave, Martin (2006): Spectrum Management and Broadcasting: Current Issues. Published in: International Journal of Digital Economics No. 62 (June 2006): pp. 19-34.

Celikay, Ferdi and Gumus, Erdal (2009): Türkiye'de Sağlık Hizmetleri ve Finansmanı. Published in: Eskişehir Osmangazi University Journal of Social Sciences , Vol. 11, No. 1 (2010): pp. 177-216.

Cerezo Sánchez, David (2017): An Optimal ICO Mechanism.

Cerezo Sánchez, David (2018): The Valuation of Secrecy and the Privacy Multiplier.

Cesaroni, Giovanni (2010): Contestability and collateral in credit markets with adverse selection.

Chakravarty, Surajeet and Kaplan, Todd R. (2006): Optimal Allocation without Transfer Payments.

Chang, Wei-Shiun and Salmon, Timothy C. and Saral, Krista Jabs (2013): Procurement Auctions with Renegotiation and Wealth Constraints.

Chapkovski, Philipp and Zakharov, Alexei (2023): Does voluntary disclosure of polarizing information make polarization deeper? An online experiment on Russo-Ukrainian War.

Chatterjee, Rittwik and Kabiraj, Tarun (2023): Cooperative vs. Non-cooperative R&D under Uncertain Probability of Success.

Chatterjee, Rittwik and Chattopadhyay, Srobonti and Kabiraj, Tarun (2020): R&D incentives with uncertain probability of success.

Chatterjee, Rittwik and Chattopadhyay, Srobonti and Kabiraj, Tarun (2017): Spillover and R&D Incentives under Incomplete Information in a Duopoly Industry.

Chatterjee, Rittwik and Chattopadhyay, Srobonti and Kabiraj, Tarun (2018): Spillovers and R&D Incentive under Incomplete Information.

Chen, Josie I and Kamei, Kenju (2014): Expressing Emotion and Fairness Crowding-out in an Ultimatum Game with Incomplete Information.

Chen, Ning and Li, Mengling (2013): Ties matter: improving efficiency in course allocation by introducing ties.

Chen, Yongmin and Gu, Dingwei and Yao, Zhiyong (2013): Rating Inflation versus Deflation: On Procyclical Credit Ratings.

Chen, Yongmin and Li, Jianpei and Zhang, Jin (2018): Efficient Liability in Expert Markets.

Chen, Yongmin and Li, Jianpei and Zhang, Jin (2017): Efficient Liability in Expert Markets.

Chen, Yongmin and Li, Jianpei and Zhang, Jin (2018): Efficient Liability in Expert Markets.

Chen, Yongmin and Li, Jianpei and Zhang, Jin (2018): Efficient Liability in Expert Markets.

Chen, Yongmin and Li, Jianpei and Zhang, Jin (2017): Liability in Markets for Credence Goods.

Chen, Zhijun (2006): Fighting Collusion in Tournaments.

Chen, Zhijun (2006): Private Enforcement against Collusion in Mechanism Design.

Chi, Chang Koo and Choi, Kyoung Jin (2016): The Impact of Firm Size on Dynamic Incentives and Investment. Published in: Rand Journal of Economics , Vol. 48, No. 1 (7 February 2017): pp. 147-177.

Chi, Chang Koo and Murto, Pauli and Valimaki, Juuso (2017): All-Pay Auctions with Affiliated Values.

Chiappinelli, Olga (2016): Political corruption in the execution of public contracts.

Choe, Chongwoo and In-Uck, Park (2010): Information, Authority, and Corporate Hierarchies.

Choe, Chongwoo and Tian, Gloria and Yin, Xiangkang (2009): Managerial Power, Stock-Based Compensation, and Firm Performance: Theory and Evidence.

Choe, Chongwoo and Yin, Xiangkang (2006): Should executive stock options be abandoned? Published in: Australian Journal of Management , Vol. 31, No. 2 : pp. 163-179.

Chopard, Bertrand and Cortade, Thomas and Langlais, Eric (2008): Trial and settlement negotiations between asymmetrically skilled parties.

Choudhary, M. Ali and Jain, Anil (2014): How public information affects asymmetrically informed lenders: evidence from credit registry reform.

Choudhury, Saswati (2004): Transaction Cost and Asymmetry of Information -The Twin Odds of Indian Commercial Banks in Rural Credit Market: Theoretical Fragility. Published in: SOCIAL CHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT , Vol. VOL. 2, No. NO.1 (March 2004): pp. 157-174.

Christmann, Robin (2021): Plea Bargaining and Investigation Effort: Inquisitorial Criminal Procedure as a Three-Player Game.

Ciccia, Diego and Distefano, Rosaria and Reito, Francesco (2022): The mismatch between potential and actual shirking in a model of bureaucracy.

Citci, Haluk and Inci, Eren (2012): The Masquerade Ball of the CEOs and the Mask of Excessive Risk.

Claar, Victor V (1997): An Incentive-Compatibility Approach to the Problem of Monitoring a Bureau. Published in: Public Finance Review , Vol. 26, No. 6 (November 1998): pp. 599-610.

Columba, Francesco and Gambacorta, Leonardo and Mistrulli, Paolo Emilio (2009): The effects of mutual guarantee consortia on the quality of bank lending. Published in: Revue Bancaire et Financiere , Vol. 4, (2009): pp. 226-232.

Columba, Francesco and Leonardo, Gambacorta and Paolo Emilio, Mistrulli (2008): Firms as monitor of other firms: mutual guarantee institutions and SME finance.

Conti, Chiara and Marini, Marco A. (2017): Are You the Right Partner ? R&D Agreement as a Screening Device.

Cotton, Christopher (2015): Competing for Attention.


D'Elia, Enrico (2005): Actual and perceived inflation. Published in: Economia, società e istituzioni No. 3 (2005): pp. 335-350.

Daher, Wassim and Karam, Fida and Ahmed, Naveed (2023): Insider Trading with Semi-Informed Traders and Information Sharing: The Stackelberg Game.

Daher, Wassim and Saleeby, Elias G. (2023): Existence of Linear Equilibria in The Kyle Model with Partial Correlation and Two Risk Neutral Traders. Published in: Heliyon , Vol. e17574, No. 9 (27 June 2023)

Daher, Wassim and Aydilek, Harun and Saleeby, Elias G. (2020): Insider Trading With Different Risk Attitudes.

Dai, Darong (2011): Modeling the minimum time needed to economic maturity.

Dai, Darong (2011): Modeling the minimum time needed to economic maturity.

Dai, Darong (2011): Time as an Endogenous Random Variable Smoothly Embedded into Preference Manifold.

Damianov, Damian (2008): Seller Competition by Mechanism Design.

Darmouni, Olivier and Sutherland, Andrew (2018): Learning about Competitors: Evidence from SME Lending.

Das, Pranab Kumar (2008): Fundamentals, financial factors and firm investment in India: A Panel VAR approach. Published in: The Indian Economic Journal

De, Parikshit (2013): Incentive and normative analysis on sequencing problem.

De, Parikshit (2014): Rawlsian allocation in queueing and sequencing problem.

De Borger, Bruno and Fosgerau, Mogens (2012): Information provision by regulated public transport companies. Published in: Transportation Research Part B , Vol. 46, (2012): pp. 492-510.

Deb, Rahul (2008): Optimal Contracting Of New Experience Goods.

Dell'Era, Michele (2019): Talking to Influence and the Consulting Paradox.

Di Gaetano, Luigi (2011): A model of descending auction with hidden starting price and endogenous price decrease.

Di Gaetano, Luigi and Mazza, Isidoro (2012): “Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow?” On the implications of deaccess policies on donations to museums.

Di Maggio, Marco (2009): Accountability and Cheap Talk.

Di Maggio, Marco (2009): Sweet Talk: A Theory of Persuasion.

Dickhaut, John and Kaplan, Todd R and Mukherji, Arijit (1992): Strategic information transmission: a mathematica tool for analysis.

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2014): Probabilistic Opinion Pooling. Forthcoming in: Oxford Handbook in Probability and Philosophy, Oxford University Press (Christopher Hitchcock & Alan Hajek eds.)

Dietrich, Franz and Spiekermann, Kai (2016): Jury Theorems.

Ding, Yucheng (2014): Why Branded Firm may Benefit from Counterfeit Competition.

Distefano, Rosaria (2022): Better to be in the same boat: Positional envy in the workplace.

Distefano, Rosaria (2022): The social cost of playing by the rules in the credit market.

Djimoudjiel, Djekonbe and T. Rostand, Dany Dombu and MBATINA NODJI, NDILENGAR (2024): What lessons does the COVID-19 pandemic teach us about banking liquidity and information share in the CEMAC zone?

Doligalski, Pawel and Ndiaye, Abdoulaye and Werquin, Nicolas (2020): Redistribution with Performance Pay.

Du, Chuang (2012): Solving payoff sets of perfect public equilibria: an example.

Dubra, Juan (2006): Asymmetric English Auctions Revisited.

Duffy, Sean and Hartwig, Tyson and Smith, John (2010): Costly and discrete communication: An experimental investigation.

Duffy, Sean and Hartwig, Tyson and Smith, John (2011): Costly and discrete communication: An experimental investigation.

de Haas, Ralph and van Horen, Neeltje (2009): The crisis as a wake-up call. Do banks increase screening and monitoring during a financial crisis?

de Haas, Ralph and van Horen, Neeltje (2009): The crisis as a wake-up call. Do banks tighten screening and monitoring standards during a financial crisis?

de Meza, David and Reito, Francesco and Reyniers, Diane (2021): Too much trade: A problem of adverse selection.

de Rus, Gines and Socorro, M. Pilar (2006): La financiacion del transporte urbano y metropolitano desde los presupuestos generales del Estado.


ELKEMALI, Taoufik and BEN REJEB, Aymen and MATOUSSI, Hamadi (2013): R&D Intensity and Financing Decisions: Evidence from European Firms.

Ekmekci, Mehmet and Maestri, Lucas (2019): Reputation and screening in a noisy environment with irreversible actions.

El Bouhadi, Abdelhamid (2006): Contrat de travail et précarisation : une modélisation de l’information asymétrique d’une situation atypique, cas des pays pauvres et en développement. Published in: ERF 13th Annual Conference: Oil and its Impact on the Global Economy (16 December 2006)

Escobari, Diego and Jindapon, Paan (2014): Price Discrimination through Refund Contracts in Airlines. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Industrial Organization

Escobari, Diego and Serrano, Alejandro (2015): Reducing Asymmetric Information in Venture Capital Backed IPOs. Forthcoming in: Managerial Finance

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Argumentación y guerras civiles.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Asymmetric information in the civil wars, the Colombian case.

Estrada, Fernando (2013): Bribery and Threat.

Estrada, Fernando (2012): Brief note about the dilemmas of public election.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Fragments on the black swan: money, credit and finance in The Arcades Project of Walter Benjamin.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Game theory on strategic communication: an approach from Thomas S. Schelling. Published in: Revista Sociedad y Economía (2013): pp. 1-16.

Estrada, Fernando (2011): Heuristic Schelling: economy of organized crime.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Información y persuasión en los mercados financieros.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): La información y el rumor en zonas de conflicto.

Estrada, Fernando (2004): Lenguaje como estrategia de poder en las guerras civiles.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Money, credit and finance in The Arcades Project. Published in: Social Science Research Network (2013)

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Networks information in the civil wars.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): The Protection Agencies in Colombia.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Thomas S. Schelling: game theory and indirect communication.

Estrada, Fernando (2012): Transaction costs, externalities and innovation.

Estrada, Fernando (2012): The logic of violence in the civil war: the economics perspective. Published in: Perfil de Coyuntura Económica , Vol. 17, No. 8 (2012)

Estrada, Fernando and Diaz, Natalia (2012): Costos de transaccion, externalidades e innovación.

Estrada, Fernando and Diaz, Natalia (2011): Costos de transacción en biotecnología.

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