Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "I23 - Higher Education ; Research Institutions"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 405.


DEHANE, Mohammed (2017): الجامعة الجزائرية وتحديات تكوين الكفاءات في عصر اقتصاد المعرفة. Published in: Revue des sciences humaines, université de Biskra, algérie , Vol. 3, No. 46 (March 2017): pp. 633-644.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2011): Assessment of the Foreign Non-Government Organizations' Role in Sudan.


Andreeva, Andriyana and Dimitrova, Darina (2018): Съдебен контрол върху административните актове по процедури за хабилитация. Published in: Административно право – съвременни тенденции в правораздаването и доктрината (2018): pp. 80-98.

Andreeva, Andriyana and Dimitrova, Darina (2018): Административен контрол върху процедурите за придобиване на научни степени и за заемане на академични длъжности. Published in: Юридически сборник , Vol. 25, (2018): pp. 86-97.

Andreeva, Andriyana and Dimitrova, Darina (2018): Акредитацията на висшите училища като гаранция за качество на висшето образование в контекста на академичната автономия. Published in: Стратегии на образователната и научната политика / Strategies for Policy in Science and Education , Vol. 26, No. 6 (2018): pp. 613-626.

Andreeva, Andriyana and Dimitrova, Darina (2019): Академичното самоуправление в България -традиции и предизвикателства. Published in: Стратегии на образователната и научната политика / Strategies for Policy in Science and Education , Vol. 27, No. 2 (2019): pp. 141-153.

Andreeva, Andriyana and Dimitrova, Darina (2021): Договорът за управление с ректорите на държавните висши училища. Published in: Норма No. 8 (2021): pp. 76-103.

Andreeva, Andriyana and Dimitrova, Diana and Savova, Lilyana and Ivanova, Veneta (2021): Медиацията във висшето образование – кратък наръчник. Published in: Наука и икономика (2021): pp. 1-45.

Andreeva, Andriyana and Ignatova, Iva (2018): Необходимост от усъвършенстване на нормативната уредба свързана с академичния състав в Република България. Published in: Научни трудове на Съюза на учените в България–Пловдив, серия Б. Естествени и хуманитарни науки , Vol. ХVIII, (2018): pp. 316-319.

Andreeva, Andriyana and Serafimova, Desislava (2022): Производство по медиация и пред етична комисия във висшето образование. Published in: Медиацията в различните обществени сфери : pp. 34-47.

Andreeva, Andriyana and Veneta, Ivanowa (2022): Изкуственият интелект във висшето образование – за границите и етичните норми. Published in: Образование, наука и дигитални иновации – синергия за професионален път (2022): pp. 62-71.

Andreeva, Andriyana and Yolova, Galina and Dimitrova, Darina (2017): Прaвeн рeжим нa рeктoрa кaтo oргaн зa упрaвлeниe нa висшeтo училищe. Published in: Известия , Vol. 61, No. 4 (2017): pp. 275-290.

Atanasov, Atanas and Marinova, Rumyana (2014): Използването на информационните технологии в обучението по счетоводство. Published in: Сборник с доклади от научна конференция, 12 - 13 Септ. 2014, Варна, Наука и икономика (2014): pp. 274-294.

Dimitrova, Darina (2017): Правомощия и актове на общото събрание на висшето училище в условията на академична автономия (административноправни аспекти). Published in: Известия на съюза на учените - Варна. Серия "Хуманитарни науки" No. 1 (2017): pp. 25-30.

Dimitrova, Darina (2017): Правилникът за дейността на висшето училище като основен вътрешноустройствен акт (административноправни аспекти). Published in: Известия на Съюза на учените – Варна. Серия „Хуманитарни науки“ No. 1 (2017): pp. 31-36.

Dimitrova, Darina (2018): Актуални правни аспекти на защитата от дискриминация при упражняване правото на висше образование. Published in: Защита срещу дискриминацията: правна уредба, проблеми и тенденции (2018): pp. 318-326.

Dimitrova, Darina (2016): Исторически традиции и тенденции за развитие на академичната автономия. Published in: Известия на Съюза на учените – Варна. Серия „Хуманитарни науки“ No. 1 (2016): pp. 63-69.

Dimitrova, Darina (2017): Правни аспекти на стопанската дейност на държавните висши училища. Published in: Ролята на правото в съвременната икономика (2017): pp. 127-137.

Dimitrova, Darina (2019): Предизвикателства пред висшите училища, свързани с академичното развитие. Published in: Правото и бизнесът в съвременното общество: Актуални правни предизвикателства в икономиката (2019): pp. 349-357.

Dimitrova, Darina (2018): Актуални правни аспекти на реферирането и индексирането на научни публикации в България.

Dimitrova, Darina (2018): Административноправни аспекти на правната уредба на ректора като орган за управление на висшето училище. Published in: Научни трудове на Съюза на учените в България–Пловдив ( Scientific researches of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria-Plovdiv) , Vol. 18, (2018): pp. 310-315.

Dimitrova, Darina (2020): Интердисциплинарните научни изследвания и публикации в контекста на академичното развитие. Published in: Икономическа наука, образование и реална икономика: развитие и взаимодействия в дигиталната епоха (2020): pp. 210-218.

Dimitrova, Darina (2021): Съветът на настоятелите като специфичен орган на държавно висше училище. Published in: Общество и право No. 2 (2021): pp. 52-64.

Dimitrova, Darina (2022): „Научно-популярна публикация” като наукометричен показател за заемане на академични длъжности в контекста на реформата за повишаване качеството на висшето образование. Published in: Норма No. 5 (2022): pp. 5-22.

Dimitrova, Darina (2021): Актове на органите за управление на висшите училища. Published in: Варна: Наука и икономика (2021): pp. 1-170.

Dimitrova, Diana (2021): Медиацията като учебна дисциплина във висшите училища. Published in: Медиацията в различните обществени сфери (2021): pp. 185-195.

Georgieva, Daniela (2017): Емпиричен анализ на стиловете на учене на студенти от счетоводните специалности в Международно висше бизнес училище. Published in: Развитие на висшите училища в контекста на европейските изисквания за качество на образователните услуги, изд. МВБУ , Vol. 14, No. ISBN 978-954-9432-75-1(CD) (June 2017): pp. 521-529.

Kuyumdzhiev, Ivan and Andreeva, Andriyana (2023): Дигитална трансформация на процеса по обслужване на главните книги в университетите: проблеми и възможни решения. Published in: Правото и бизнесът в съвременното общество , Vol. 5, (2023): pp. 340-350.

Стайков, Ивайло (2024): Въпроси относно учебната дисциплина „Правен режим на защита от дискриминация“. Published in: News Lex.bg. Електронно издание. Научни и практически публикации. ISSN 2682-9606 (online) - https://news.lex.bg/Въпроси-относно-учебната-дисциплина-Правен-режим-на-защита-от-дискриминация/ (22 May 2024)

Стайков, Ивайло (2011): Относно заемането на академичната длъжност „асистент“ по действащото законодателство. Published in: Световната криза и България – правни аспекти. Сборник с доклади от Национална научна конференция, гр. София, 6 декември 2010 г. С.: УИ „Стопанство”. ISBN 978-954-644-239-0 (2011): pp. 70-80.

Стайков, Ивайло (2011): Трудовоправни аспекти на Закона за развитието на академичния състав в Република България. Published in: Съвременното право – проблеми и тенденции. Сборник с доклади от Националната научно-практическа конференция по случай 20-годишнината на сп. „Съвременно право”, гр. София, 19 октомври 2010 г. София: Сиби. ISBN 978-954-730-662-2 (2011): pp. 347-367.

Стайков, Ивайло (2013): Правни аспекти на институционализираната система за етичен анализ и морална оценка на научните медицински изследвания върху хора. Published in: Годишник на Департамент „Право” на Нов български университет 2012 година. (Yearbook of the Law Department of New Bulgarian University 2012). София: Издателство на НБУ. ISSN 1314–8087 (print); ISSN 2682–969X (online) , Vol. кн. 1, No. Година първа (2013): pp. 103-113.

Стайков, Ивайло (2015): Международноправна уредба на етичните комисии в областта на научните медицински изследвания върху хора. Published in: Сборник доклади от Годишна университетска научна конференция на Национален военен университет „Васил Левски”, 16-17 юли 2015 г. Том 6 – Научно направление „Социални, стопански и правни науки”. Велико Търново: ИК на НВУ „В. Левски”. ISSN 1314-1937 (2015): pp. 61-72.

Стайков, Ивайло (2020): Етичните комисии при научните медицински изследвания върху хора – международноправни аспекти. Published in: Електронно списание IUS ROMANUM, на интернет адрес http://iusromanum.info/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/IUS-ROMANUM_2_2-2020_-26_07_2021.pdf, No. 2 (2020): pp. 767-783.

Стайков, Ивайло (2013): Някои етични проблеми при прилагането на Закона за развитието на академичния състав в Република България. Published in: интернет електронно списание „Юридическо образование” на интернет адрес www.legaleducation.eu (2013)

Стайков, Ивайло (2010): Приложима ли е разпоредбата на § 11 от Преходните и заключителните разпоредби на Закона за висшето образование по отношение на едноличните органи за управление във висшето училище? Published in: Научни трудове на Русенския университет – 2010. Том 49, серия 7 – Правни науки. Сборник с доклади от научна конференция РУ & СУ ’10, 29-30 октомври 2010 г. Русе: Издателство на РУ „Ангел Кънчев”. ISSN 1311-3321, (2010): pp. 61-64.

Стайков, Ивайло (2010): Прекратяване на трудовия договор на хабилитиран преподавател във висше училище по чл. 328, ал. 1, т. 10 от Кодекса на труда и прилагането на § 11 от Преходните и заключителните разпоредби на Закона за висшето образование. Published in: Юридическо списание на НБУ (Law Journal of NBU), съвместно издание на Департамент „Право” и Библиотеката на НБУ. ISSN (online) 1314-5797 , Vol. V, No. 1 (2010)

Стайков, Ивайло (2022): Regulation in the international legal acts of the ethical committees in the scientific medical research of human. Published in: 4th International Congress on Multidisciplinary Studies in Medical Sciences, February 18-20, 2022, Antalya, Turkey. Proceedings Book. Edited by Asst. Prof. Dr. Hacı Mehmet Kayılı. IKSAD GLOBAL Publishing House, 2022. ISBN 978-625-8405-39-2 (28 February 2022): pp. 134-144.


Abdel-Rahman, Alaa and Fuller, David (2014): Education and employment in Egypt: the policies, discrepancies and possible solutions.

Abugamea, Gaber (2019): Determinants of demand for higher education in palestine, the case of gaza strip 1994-2017. Published in: the proceeding of International conference of economics, Beskent university, Turkey No. 05-07 September (6 September 2019): pp. 1-26.

Aghaei Chadegani, Arezoo and Salehi, Hadi and Md Yunus, Melor and Farhadi, Hadi and Fooladi, Masood and Farhadi, Maryam and Ale Ebrahim, Nader (2013): A Comparison between Two Main Academic Literature Collections: Web of Science and Scopus Databases. Published in: Asian Social Science , Vol. 9, No. 5 (27 April 2013): pp. 18-26.

Aithal, Architha and Aithal, Sreeramana (2018): How and Why Wharton Business School became World Topper – A Case Study on Organizational Quest for Excellence of First US Business School. Published in: International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) , Vol. 7, No. 1 (10 February 2018): pp. 15-42.

Aithal, Sreeramana (2015): How an effective leadership and governance supports to achieve institutional vision, mission and objectives. Published in: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development , Vol. 2, No. 5 (May 2015): pp. 154-161.

Aithal, Sreeramana (2016): How to Increase Research Productivity in Higher Educational Institutions –SIMS Model. Published in: International Journal of Scientific Research and Modern Education (IJSRME) ISSN (Online): 2455 – 5630 , Vol. 01, No. 01 (3 June 2016): pp. 447-458.

Aithal, Sreeramana (2016): Innovations in Student Centric Learning – A Study of Top Business Schools in India. Published in: International Journal of Engineering Research and Modern Education (IJERME) ISSN (Online): 2455 - 4200 , Vol. 1, No. 1 (4 June 2016): pp. 298-306.

Aithal, Sreeramana (2015): Internal Quality Assurance Cell and its Contribution to Quality Improvement in Higher Education Institutions : A Case of SIMS. Published in: GE- International Journal of Management Research , Vol. 3, No. 5 (May 2015): pp. 70-83.

Aithal, Sreeramana (2018): Strategic Management Research in India : Contribution of Top Business Schools during last 5 Years – A Critical Study. Published in: International Journal of Advanced Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJATET) , Vol. 3, No. 1 (30 April 2018): pp. 133-145.

Aithal, Sreeramana (2016): Study of Annual Research Productivity in Indian Top Business Schools. Published in: International Journal of Scientific Research and Modern Education (IJSRME) ISSN (Online): 2455 – 5630 , Vol. 01, No. 01 (4 June 2016): pp. 402-414.

Aithal, Sreeramana (2016): Study on Research Productivity in World Top Business Schools. Published in: International Journal of Scientific Research and Modern Education (IJSRME) ISSN: 2455 – 5630 , Vol. 1, No. 1 (24 June 2016): pp. 402-414.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Aithal, Shubhrajyotsna (2020): Analysis of the Indian National Education Policy 2020 towards Achieving its Objectives. Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) , Vol. 5, No. 2 (15 August 2020): pp. 19-41.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Aithal, Shubhrajyotsna (2019): Building World-Class Universities : Some Insights & Predictions. Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) , Vol. 4, No. 2 (26 August 2019): pp. 13-35.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Aithal, Shubhrajyotsna (2020): Conceptual Analysis on Higher Education Strategies for various Tech-Generations. Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) ISSN : 2581-6012 , Vol. 5, No. 1 (20 June 2020): pp. 335-351.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Aithal, Shubhrajyotsna (2020): Implementation Strategies of Higher Education Part of National Education Policy 2020 of India towards Achieving its Objectives. Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) , Vol. 5, No. 2 (2 December 2020): pp. 283-325.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Kumar, Anil and M, Madhushree and R, Revathi (2018): Investigation of Business Strategies in Higher Education Service Model of Selected Private Universities in India. Published in: International Journal of Computational Research and Development (IJCRD) , Vol. 3, No. 1 (28 March 2018): pp. 77-100.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Kumar, Suresh (2016): ABC Model of Research Productivity and Higher Educational Institutional Ranking.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Kumar, Suresh (2016): Academic Support through Information System : Srinivas Integrated Model. Published in: International Journal of Scientific Research and Modern Education (IJSRME) ISSN (Online): 2455 – 5630 , Vol. 01, No. 01 (4 June 2016): pp. 376-384.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Kumar, Suresh (2016): Analysis of Choice Based Credit System in Higher Education. Published in: International Journal of Engineering Research and Modern Education (IJERME) ISSN (Online): 2455 - 4200 , Vol. 1, No. 1 (3 June 2016): pp. 278-284.

Aithal, Sreeramana and V.T., Shailashree and Kumar, Suresh (2015): ABCD analysis of Stage Model in Higher Education. Published in: International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering (IJMIE) , Vol. 6, No. 1 (January 2016): pp. 11-24.

Alali, Walid Y. (2012): Influence The Education Levels on Income Worldwide: Empirical Evidence.

Albers, Sönke (2008): Three Failed Attempts of Joint Rankings of Research in Economics and Business.

Alipio, Mark (2020): A Structural Model of Organizational Commitment among Higher Education Economics Educators.

Allgood, Sam and Bayer, Amanda (2016): Measuring College Learning in Economics. Published in: Improving Quality in American Higher Education: Learning Outcomes and Assessments for the 21st Century

Alphin Jr., Henry C. (2010): Economic Analysis of Carnegie Mellon University.

Andreeva, Andriyana and Dimitrova, Diana (2019): Educational systems and the need to review traditions in order to respond to labour market demands.

Anton, Roman (2016): On the Future Advances in Engineering and In-Vitro Culture of Human Embryos. Forthcoming in: Open Science , Vol. 3, No. 1 (18 May 2016): pp. 1-13.

Antoni, Manfred and Gerner, Hans-Dieter and Jäckle, Robert and Schwarz, Stefan (2024): When Women Learn That They Earn Less: The Gender Pay Gap in University Student Internships.

Aras, Osman Nuri and Öztürk, Mustafa (2017): The Relationship Between Human Capital and MBA Education: The Case of Turkey. Published in: Journal of Management, Economics, and Industrial Organization , Vol. 1, No. 2 (1 September 2017): pp. 45-62.

Arif, Zaib and Ali, Maryam and Mughal, Rahat and Shahid, Waqas and Ubedullah, Ubedullah (2022): Factors Affecting Post Acceptance of E-Learning Platform in times of COVID-19: An Evidence from an Emerging Economy.

Armstrong, Mark (2014): Opening Access to Research.

Armstrong, Mark (2021): Plan S: An Economist's Perspective.

Asuamah Yeboah, Samuel and Antwi Boasiako, Ama (2024): Beyond the Classroom: Quality Assurance in Developing Nations.

Awoleye, Michael and Siyanbola, William and Egbetokun, Abiodun A. and Yesufu, Thomas and Adewoyin, Joan (2008): Pattern of Computer and Internet Use among Teachers in Higher Institutions in Nigeria. Published in: International Journal of Learning , Vol. 15, No. 5 (2008): pp. 245-254.

Azam, Rehan and Muhammad, Danish and Syed Akbar, Suleman (2012): Consumption style among young adults toward their shopping behavior:an empirical study in Pakistan.

Azar, Ofer H. (2002): Evolution of social norms with heterogeneous preferences: A general model and an application to the academic review process. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

Azar, Ofer H. (2002): The slowdown in first-response times of economics journals: Can it be beneficial? Published in: Economic Inquiry , Vol. 1, No. 45 (2007): pp. 179-187.

Badulescu, Daniel (2015): Entrepreneurial Career Perception of Master Students: Realistic or Rather Enthusiastic? Published in: The Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Sciences , Vol. 2, No. XXIV (30 December 2015): pp. 284-292.

Badunenko, Oleg and Myeki, Lindikaya W (2023): Multidimensional Analysis of Attainment of Higher Education Goals in South Africa’s Public Universities: Access, Quality, Diversity, Success and Efficiency.

Badunenko, Oleg and Myeki, Lindikaya W (2023): Multidimensional Analysis of Attainment of Higher Education Goals in South Africa’s Public Universities: Access, Quality, Diversity, Success and Efficiency.

Baghestanian, Sascha and Popov, Sergey (2014): On Publication, Refereeing and Working Hard.

Bai, Chong-en and Chi, Wei and Xiaoye, Qian (2013): Do College Entrance Examination Scores Predict Undergraduate GPAs? A Tale of Two Universities.

Bakari, Sayef (2021): Do researchers affect economic growth?

Barra, Cristian and Lagravinese, Raffaele and Zotti, Roberto (2015): Explaining (in)efficiency in higher education: a comparison of parametric and non-parametric analyses to rank universities.

Barra, Cristian and Zotti, Roberto (2014): Handling negative data using Data Envelopment Analysis: a directional distance approach applied to higher education.

Bartolucci, Francesco and Pennoni, Fulvia and Vittadini, Giorgio (2015): Causal latent Markov model for the comparison of multiple treatments in observational longitudinal studies.

Behlen, Lars and Himmler, Oliver and Jaeckle, Robert (2022): Can defaults change behavior when post-intervention effort is required?

Benjamin, Loh and Ai-Chee, Tang and Thomas, Menkhoff and Hans-Dieter, Evers and Yue Wah, Chay (2003): Applying knowledge management in university research.

Berberoglu, Giray and Tansel, Aysit (2014): Does private tutoring increase students’ academic performance? Evidence from Turkey.

Bernardino, Pedro and Marques, Rui (2009): Academic rankings: an approach to a Portuguese ranking.

Bingab, Bernard B.B. and Forson, Joseph Ato and Mmbali, Oscar S. and Baah-Ennumh, Theresa Yabaa (2015): The evolution of university governance in Ghana: implications for education policy and practice. Published in: Asian Social Science , Vol. 12, No. 5 (19 April 2016): pp. 147-160.

Bonev, Pavlin (2013): Government Intervention in Postsecondary Education in Bulgaria. Forthcoming in:

Bornmann, Lutz and Wohlrabe, Klaus (2017): Calculating the excellence shift: How efficiently do institutions produce highly cited papers?

Borooah, Vani (2016): Measuring Inequality of Access to Higher Education in India. Published in: Journal of Quantitative Economis No. DOI 10.1007/s40953-016-0053-4 (2016): pp. 1-23.

Braakmann, Nils and McDonald, Stephen (2018): Student exposure to socio-economic diversity and students’ university outcomes – Evidence from English administrative data.

Brade, Raphael (2022): Social Information and Educational Investment - Nudging Remedial Math Course Participation.

Brade, Raphael and Himmler, Oliver and Jäckle, Robert (2022): Relative Performance Feedback and the Effects of Being Above Average - Field Experiment and Replication.

Bradley, Elizabeth S. (2012): The Effect of the Business Cycle on Freshman Major Choice.

Brady, Ryan and Insler, Michael and Rahman, Ahmed (2015): Bad Company: Reconciling Negative Peer Effects in College Achievement.

Brezis, Elise S. (2008): Is Privatization Necessary to achieve Quality of Universities?

Buda, Mariana (2013): European Studies – Different Developments at the Region Borders. Published in: The Frontier Worker- new Perspective on the labour market in the border regions (2013)

Buda, Mariana (2011): The introduction of European Studies in the Universities from Romania. Published in: Anals of University of Oradea No. 3 (2011): pp. 69-80.

Buda, Mariana and Khvedelidze, Maka (2010): EU Studies in the South Caucasus. Published in: Annals of the University of Oradea, International Relations and European Studies Series , Vol. 2, (2010)

Böckerman, Petri and Hämäläinen, Ulla and Uusitalo, Roope (2007): Labour Market Effects of Polytechnic Education Reform: The Finnish Experience.

CHAGAS LOPES, MARGARIDA and LEAO FERNANDES, GRAÇA (2011): Interruptions and failure in higher education: evidence from ISEG-UTL. Published in: European Education Research Journal , Vol. 10, No. 3 (17 October 2011): pp. 445-460.

Caleiro, António (2018): On how can higher education institutions contribute, or not, to the success, or not, of public policies of social cohesion.

Canaan, Serena and Mouganie, Pierre (2014): Returns to Education Quality for Low-Skilled Students: Evidence from a Discontinuity.

Cantner, Uwe and Grashof, Nils and Grebel, Thomas and Zhang, Xijie (2023): When Excellence is not Excellent: The Impact of the Excellence Initiative on the Relative Productivity of German Universities.

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